Ulcers By SHO: BARAKA MANDRO(2020-01-00293), MUSAFIRI SIMBA(2020-01-00629), MUMBERE MUSONGYA(2020-01-00448) on supervision of Mr OKEDI XAVIER Leaning objectives and plan Definition Etiology Classification Pathophysiology Clinical presentation Work up Treatment Complication Reference Figure Vasculitis – multiple, punched out ulcers on the leg of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. 1. DEFINITION A break in the continuity of the covering epithelium of the skin or mucous membrane, it may either follow molecular death of the surface epithelium or its traumatic removal 2. ETIOLOGY Traumatic causes (Mechanical, Physical - electrical, radiation, chemical) Vascular insufficiency (Arterial, Venous) Neoplastic conditions (Malignant melanoma etc) Metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus) Malnutrition (Beriberi) Tropical ulcer (Burili ulcer) Inflammatory processes (cellulitis, Infective processes, TB, Syphilis, Fungal infections) Neurogenic causes (Bed sores, Perforating ulcers, Cord Lesions, Peripher al Neuropathies Other causes (Bazin ulcer, Martorell’s (hypertensive ulcer) 3. CLASSIFICATION OF ULCER 1. Etiologic classification. Traumatic ulcer. Vascular ulcer. Neoplasic ulcer. Metabolic Ulcer due to malnutrition, Inflammatory Infective ulcer Miscellaneaous ulcer 2. Clinical classification Spreading ulcer Healing ulcer Calleaous ulcer 3. Pathological classification Non specific ulcer Specific ulcer Malignant ulcer Figure Mycosis fungoides – ulcerated and plaques tumors on the back Figure Sickle cell anemia – lower leg ulcer in a black patient. 4. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY. The natural history of an ulcer consist of three phases: 1. Extension phase: The floor is covered with exudates and sloughs The base is indurated The discharge is purulent or even blood stained 2. Transitional phase Prepares for healing The floor becomes cleaner and the slough separates The induration of the base diminishes The discharge become more serous Small reddish are of granulation tissue appear on the floor 3. Repair phase Transformation of granulation to fibrous tissus The epithelium gradualy extend from the new shelving edge to cover the floor The healing edge consists of three zone: outer zone, Mildle zone and inner zone. 5. CLINICAL PRESENTATION Composed of History and Physical examination 1. History Note the following: Duration (i.e. how long is the ulcer present?) Acute: present for short time Chronic: present for long time Mode of onset (i.e. how has the ulcer developed?) Following trauma Spontaneously e.g. following- swelling Marjolin's ulcers are the malignant transformation of chronic wounds Pain (i.e. is the ulcer painful?) Painful: ulcers associated with inflammation Slight painful: tuberculous ulcer Painless eg syphilitic, neurogenic, malignant ulcers Discharge (i.e. does the ulcer discharge or not?) If YES: note the nature of discharge- pus, bloody, serous Associated diseases which may lead to ulcer formation e.g. Tuberculosis, syphilis, diabetes mellitus, nervous diseases 5.2. Physical examination It’s has three part: General examination, Local examination and Systemic amination, we will focus on local examination. 1.Local examination: Inspection, palpation, examination of lymph node, examination of vascular insufficiency Inspection Site: gives clue to the diagnosis Varicose ulcer- lower limb on the medial malleolus Rodent ulcer-face Tuberculus ulcer-cervical Trophic ulcer – heal Malignant ulcer- anywhere Shape: Tuberculus ulcer- oval in shape Syphilitic ulcer– circular in shape Varicose ulcer – vertically oval in shape Malignant – irregular in shape Size: May determine the time of healing E.g. the smaller the ulcer the shorter the time it will take to heal Surrounding skin. E.g. red and edematous- acute inflammation ex Floor/surface i.e. exposed part of the ulcer may give clue to the diagnosis, Eg red granulation – healing ulcer, Black floor- malignant melanoma Number Tuberculous ulcer Gummatous ulcer Varicose ulcer Note : the number of ulcers may be more than one Edge: five types: Sloping edge e.g. healing ulcer Punched out edge e.g. Gummatous ulcer, deep trophic ulcer Undermined edge e.g. tuberculous ulcer-destroy subcutaneous faster the skin Raised edge e.g. Rodent ulcer Rolled out (everted)- e.g. Squamous Cell Carcinoma Discharge: the character of the discharge should be noted e.g. -Healing ulcer- scant serous discharge - Spreading ulcer- purulent discharge - Tuberculus ulcer- serosanguinous - Malignant ulcer- bloody discharge Whole limb: should be examined e.g. varicose veins Palpation Tenderness: Tender- acutely inflamed ulcer Slightly tender- tuberculous ulcer, syphilitic ulcer Non-tender- malignant ulcer, chronic ulcer, neurogenic ulcer Edge and surrounding skin Hard induration- malignant ulcer Firm induration- chronic ulcer, syphilitic ulcer Base (i.e. on which the ulcer rest) Slightly induration (syphilitic ulcer) and marked induration- malignant ulcer Depth: eg trophic ulcer may be deep to reach the bones Bleeding: easy bleed on touch is a feature of malignant Fixity to the deep structures. Eg malignant ulcers are usually fixed to deep structures Examination of lymph node: depends on the site of an ulcer Examination of vascular insufficiency: depends on the site of an ulcer 6. WORK UP: Laboratory, Imaging, Histopathology 1. Laboratory investigations: - Haematological: FBP & ESR, Haemoglobin levels, - Microbiological: Gram staining, Culture and sensitivity - Biochemical, Serum glucose 2.Imaging investigations: Plain X-rays: CXR,X-ray of the affected limb, Doppler US, CT Scan, MRI 3. Histopathology: To confirm diagnosis 7.TREATMENT: Depends on the cause Generally → treat the cause 1. Conservative treatment - Dressing - Treat infections: Bacteria, fungal, syphilis, TB etc - Steroids - Trace elements - Topical antimicrobial agents - Nutritional support - Limb elevation - Control blood glucose - Compression bandage 7.2. Surgical treatment - Surgical debridement - Sloughectomy - Skin grafting - Flaps - Limb amputation 8.COMPLICATIONS: not treated in time ulcer will cause: limb amputation, chronic osteomyelitis, malignant change, septicemia, septic emboli, death 9. REFERENCE 1.Hutchison’s Clinical Methods,An integrated approach to clinical practice, Michael Glynn MA MD FRCP FHEA, Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist,, Barts and the London NHS Trust;,and other, North East Thames Foundation School,London, UK, 2012 2.Brown DL, Borschel GH. Michigan manual of plastic surgery. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2004. 3. Georgiade GS, Riefkokl R, Levin LS. Georgiade plastic, maxillofacial and reconstructive surgery, 3rd edn. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins,1997. 4. McGregor AD, McGregor, IA. Fundamental techniques of plastic surgery, 10th edn. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 2000. Richards AM, MacLeod T, Dafydd H. Key notes on plastic surgery. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. 5. Thomas S. An introduction to the use of vacuum assisted closure. World Wide Wounds 2005; available from: www.worldwide-wounds.com. Westaby S. Wound care. London: William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd, 1985.