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Management & E-Learning Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice
1. According to him, e-learning is the use of Internet technologies to deliver
a broad array of solutions that enhance knowledge and performance.
A. Marc RosenBerg
B. Bernard Luskin
C. Dereck Stockley
2. According to Bernard Luskin E- for e-learning stands for?
A. Exciting, energetic, enthusiastic, emotional, extended and
B. Experience, exciting, exploring, emotional and education
C. Exploring, experience, evidence, extended and education
3. This is the process of more effectively collecting, sharing, maintaining or
managing and deploying organizational knowledge.
A. Internet Technologies
B. Synchronous / asynchronous learning
C. Knowledge Management
4. A student centered approach where students observe, investigate and draw
inferences from data
A. Direct instruction
B. Indirect instruction
C. Knowledge Management
5. The continuous assimilation of knowledge and skills by adults stimulated by
synchronous and asynchronous learning events and sometimes knowledge
management outputs which are authored, delivered, engaged with, supported
and administered using internet technologist.
A. E-learning
B. Technologist
C. Internet
6. A psychologist and memory researcher who discovered that human beings
forget 90% of what they learn within just hours of learning it.
A. Kasper Spiro
B. Hermann Ebbinghaus
7. He is an e-learning blogger and an author also a speaker at various e-learning
conferences around the world.
A. Kasper Spiro
B. Hermann Ebbinghaus
8. It is the key to retaining knowledge and to beat the forgetting curve.
A. Resolution
B. Revision
C. Repetition
9. Why do we have to provide a "test" for the learner?
A. To make sure that the students have taken the course material
B. To makes activity for students
C. To ensure that the students know the material covered
10. Who said that “Management is the coordination of all resources through the
process of Planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling in order to attain
stated objectives”?
A. C.S. George
C. H. Koontz
B. F.W. Taylor
D. M.P. Follet
11. What do you call the process of evaluating performance to see whether
objectives are being met and application of corrective actions if they are not?
A. Controlling
C. Organizing
B. Leading
D. Planning
12. Which of the following levels of management is responsible for the quality as
well as quantity of production?
A. Lower Level
C. Higher Level
B. Middle Level
D. Top Level
13. Who is being described by someone who works with and through other
people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish
organizational goals?
A. Employee
C. Manager
B. Employer
D. Superior
14. Who said that “To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organize, to
command, to co-ordinate and to control”?
A. C.S. George
C. H. Koontz
B. H. Fayol
D. M.P. Follet
15. Strategy that a managers or supervisors need to do is they should be trained
to be effective listeners and communicators/interviewers in order to understand
and address the personal and social problems of workers. What challenge is
A. lack of communication
B. Need to bridge the skills gap
C. poor teamwork
D. transition from coworker to manager
16. According to his principle “The right man in the right place.”
A. F Taylor
B. Fayol
C. Elton Mayo
D. Max Weber
17. Based on four principles of Scientific Management of F Taylor, rather than
simply assign workers to just do any job, match workers to their jobs based on
capability and motivation, and train them to work at maximum efficiency.
A. lack of communication
B. Need to bridge the skills gap
C. poor teamwork
D. transition from co worker to manager
18. Strategy in considering your team members into partners so they have a
chance to work with someone for a specific project. This will help to solve the
challenge in _______________.
A. lack of communication
B. Need to bridge the skills gap
C. poor teamwork
D. transition from co worker to manager
19. People are at their most productive when they’re refreshed, happy and
healthy. This strategy will solve the challenge against _______________.
A. fight against burnout
B. lack of communication
C. need to bridge the skill gap
D. transition from co worker to manager
20. Its function of management includes decision making, supervising, and
a. Communication
b. Controlling
c. Staffing
d. Directing
21. It is the ability to work out a complex problem or situation into components.
a. Administrative Skills
b. Computer Skills
c. Analytical Skills
d. Conceptual Skills
22. It provides the vital link in an organization.
a. Controlling
c. communication
b. Directing
23. It says that “Management is to forecast and to plan, organize, to coordinate
and to control.”
a. Frederick Taylor
b. Henry Fayol
c. Lawrence Appley
d. Max Webber
24. Management is an art because ____________________.
a. It is creative.
b. It is a systematic body of knowledge.
c. It is need for honesty
d. It is physical science.
25. This theory focuses on using quantitative tools for decision-making. The
quantitative tools involve mathematical and statistics to solve the management
a. Management Science Theory
b. Contingency Theory
c. System Theory
d. Two Factor Theory
26. He introduced the Two Factor Theory in motivation
a. Henri Fayol
b. Max Weber
c. Frederick Herzberg
d. Douglas McGregor
27. There are the concepts, principles, and general rules that give ideas and
strategies and guide the managers for the effective management of the
a. Management Theories
b. Business Management
c. Administrative Theories
d. Administrative Management
28. Elton Mayo introduced this theory in management practice.
a. Human Relationship Approach
b. Human Relation Approach
c. Human Approach Theory
d. Human Relation Theory
29. These are the prominent in Behavioral Theories of Management except:
a. F.W. Taylor
b. Abraham Maslow
c. Douglas McGregor
d. Frederick Herzberg
30. Who among the following theorists promoted the idea of “a fair day's pay for
a fair day's work."
a. Henri Fayol
b. Frederick Taylor
c. Luther Gulick
d. William Newman
31. Which of the following does not belong to Fayol’s 14 Principles of
a. Authorization
b. Discipline
c. Rule of Thumb
d. Order
32. Who is the father of the administrative theory of management?
a. Henri Fayol
b. Frederick Taylor
c. Luther Gulick
d. William Newman
33. Who is the father of the scientific theory of management?
a. Henri Fayol
b. Frederick Taylor
c. Luther Gulick
d. William Newman
34. What does “a fair day's pay for a fair day's work" mean?
a. If a worker didn't achieve enough in a day, he didn't deserve to be
paid as much as another worker who was highly productive.
b. If a worker didn't achieve enough in a day, he deserves to be paid as
much as another worker who was highly productive.
c. If a worker achieved enough in a day, he didn't deserve to be paid as
much as another worker who was highly productive.
d. If a worker didn't achieve enough in a day, he didn't deserve to be
paid as much as another worker who was lowly productive.
35. It is the act of influencing people to follow the achievement of a common
a. leadership
b. management
c. organizing
36. __________ is a distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, directing
and controlling.
a. processes
b. management
c. objective
37. It bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to go which make it
possible for things to occur which would not otherwise happen.
a. planning
b. organizing
c. directing
38. It is the process of identifying and grouping of the works to be performed,
defining and delegating responsibility and authority and establishing
relationships for the purpose of enabling people to work efficiently.
a. staffing
b. controlling
c. organizing
39. _________ is the act of guiding and leading the people in an organization.
a. directing
b. organizing
c. planning
40. Renowned management consultant and educator Peter Drucker, hailed by
BusinessWeek as “the man who invested in management,” referred to Frederick
Taylor’s impact as “the most powerful as well as the most lasting contribution
America has made to Western thought since the Federalist Papers.” The
fundamental change Taylor introduces to address issues associated with
industrial production was:
A. task specialization and training
B. “a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work”
C. the task and bonus plan
41. A large software development company requires analysis to understand
what is required, many programmers to coordinate their work, and testing to
confirm that outcomes match the plan and what is needed. To coordinate and
sequence the tasks, managers use the modern equivalent of
A. Gantt charts
B. spreadsheets
C. large paper schedules
42. The Gilbreths used film to study work processes. For example, consider a
bricklayer building a wall. A worker would naturally unload the bricks onto the
ground and pick up each brick when it was time to add it to the wall. After
watching videos of the process, the Gilbreths might say that the bricklayer
A. is the best judge of how to work efficiently.
B. could use less effort if the brick storage could be adjusted upward as the work
C. is a skilled craftsman and will not listen to managers.
43. Scientific management puts the focus on efficiency and productivity. Jobs
are specialized and new employees can be trained quickly. This approach is still
in use today. For example, strategy and stiff competition require this approach
A. Barcelona Wine Bars, a high-end wine and tapas restaurant.
B. Clyde’s Restaurants, a chain “born from a sincere belief that great dining
begins with fresh
ingredients, friendly people, and an unforgettable atmosphere.”
C. McDonald’s, famous for low prices and fast food delivery.
44. Who published the book "The Principles of Scientific Management"?
A. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
B. Henry Gantt
C. Frederick W. Taylor
45. 1.A set of inter related but separate parts working towards a common
a. situation
46. Material, money, energy and information are classified as the _______ of the
b.Transformational Process
47. Is a management theory that suggests the most appropriate style of
management is dependent on the context of the situation and that adopting a
single, rigid style is inefficient in the long term.
a.Contingency Approach
c.Theory X and Y
b.System Approach
d.Theory Z
48. The model which states that there is no one best style of leadership, instead
a leader's effectiveness is based on the situation .
a. Theory of Model
c. Fiedler Contingency Model
b. Skinner's Theory
d. Sociocultural Theory
49. What is the first step when applying the Fiedler Contingency Model?
a. Identify your situation
b. Identify your leadership style
c. Determine the most effective leadership style
d. Determine the three distinct factors
50. This theory produces strict and controlling supervision.
a. Theory Y
c. Theory X
b. Theory Z
d. Organizational Theory
51. Who is an American Professor and author in the field of business
management. He came to prominence for his studies of the differences
between Japanese and American companies and management styles.
a. McGregor Douglas
c. Aristotle
b. William Ouchi
d. Alexander Grahambell
52. This theory is associated and participative supervision
a. Theory Y
c. Theory X
b. Theory Z
d. Organizational Theory
53. This theory makes the managers more supportive and trusting of their
employees, in order to receive the benefit of increased participation in the
decisions of the company.
a. Theory Y
c. Theory X
b. Theory Z
d. Organizational Theory
54. An American social psychologist, proposed his famous X-Y theory in his 1960
book ¨ The Human Side of Enterprise¨.
a. McGregor Douglas
c. Aristotle
b. William Ouchi
d. Alexander Grahambell
55. This theory focuses on understanding the organization as an open system
that transforms inputs into outputs.
a. Decision Theory
c. Theory X
b. Role Theory
d. Systems Theory
56. Who is the biologist who believed that a general systems model could be
used to unite Science.
a. Ludwig von Bertalanffy
c. Aristotle
b. Albert Einstein
d. Alexander Grahambell
57. These are characteristics/features of the systems theory, except one.
a. Boundaries
c. Cosmetics
b. Goal Directedness
d. Communication
58. It involves decision making as an integral part of management planning,
organizing, controlling and motivation processes.
a. Theory Y
c. Decision Theory
b. Theory X
d. Role Theory
59. These are objectives which the decision maker wants to achieve by his
a. Goals to be achieved
c. Courses of action
b. Decision Maker
d. States of Nature
60. According to his principle “values are likely to be universal because they
help humans cope with one or more of the following universal requirements of
a. Shalom H. Schwartz
c. Robert Merton
b. Emile Durkheim
d. Herbert Spencer
61. The theory suggests that the ability to lead is inherent – that the best leaders
are born, not made.
a. Behavioral Theory
c. Great Man Theory
b. Situational Theory
d. Trait Theory
62. This theory is used to predict effective leadership and founded on the
characteristics of different leaders – both the successful and unsuccessful ones.
a. Contingency Theory
c. Behavioral Theory
b. Situational Theory
d. Trait Theory
63. This theory suggests that great leadership is a combination of many key
a. Contingency Theory
c. Great Man Theory
b. Situational Theory
d. Trait Theory
64. The theory suggests that effective leadership is the result of many learned
a. Contingency Theory
c. Behavioral Theory
b. Great Man Theory
d. Trait Theory
65. What is the legal basis of shared governance in basic education?
a. RA 9155
c. RA 7844
b. RA 7160
d. RA 9942
66. Which OF THE following is the act of governing. more specifically the
institutions and actors who are responsible for this education system?
a. Authority
c. Management
b. Governance
d. Supervisor
67. What are the major sources of educational funding?
a. Property tax
c. Value Added Tax
b. Local Government
d. PTA fund
68. A certificate of debt issued by a government guaranteeing payment of the
original investment plus interest by a specified future date. Bonds are used by
local communities to raise the funds they need to build or repair schools.?
a. Bond
c. Debt
b. Connection
d. Guarantee
69. What is a trend of dividing large school districts into smaller and, it is hoped,
more responsive units.
a. Block Grants
c. Educational Partnership
b. Centralization
d. Decentralization
70. What is the meaning of the Ancient Greek word “ethikos”.
a. Moral
b. Character
c. Relating to one’s character
d. Behavior
71. It is a type of ethics that examines standards for the rightness and wrongness
of action.
a. Meta-ethics
b. Normative ethics
c. Applied ethics
d. Descriptive ethics
72. A type of management ethics that recognizes the ethical issue involved and
chooses to do the wrong thing.
a. Immoral
b. Moral
c. Amoral
73. It is ‘the discipline that deals with what is good and evil, or right and wrong,
or moral responsibility and duty.’
a. Ethics program
b. Applied ethics
c. Descriptive ethics
d. Ethics in Management
74. It is a type of ethics concerning what a person is obligated or permitted to
do in a specific situation or a particular domain of action.
a. Meta-ethics
b. Normative ethics
c. Applied ethics
d. Descriptive ethics
75. Aesthetics is from Ancient Greek word “aisthetikos” means _________.
a. Sense of perception
b. beauty
c. understanding
d. knowledge
76. It is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and appreciation of
art, beauty and good taste.
a. Realism
b. Aesthetics
c. Behaviorism
d. Epistemology
77. The term Epistemology is derived from the Greek word epistēmē
(“knowledge”) and logos means ________.
a. knowledge
b. understanding
c. mind
d. reason
78. Epistemology is associated with the theory of __________.
a. beauty
b. origin
c. knowledge
d. nature
79. It is one of the branches of Philosophy that deals with the study of nature,
origin, and limits of human knowledge.
a. Ethics
b. Realism
c. Epistemology
d. Behaviorism
80. It refers to the things that exist whether or not the human mind perceives
a. Aesthetics
b. Behaviorism
c. Ethics
d. Realism
81. He believed that people should be much involved in studying and
understanding the reality of all things.
a. Aristotle
b. John Locke
c. John Milton
d. St. Thomas Aquinas
82. He is the author of Summa Theologica.
a. Aristotle
b. John Locke
c. St. Thomas Aquinas
d. BF. Skinner
83. Its aim to train a “gentleman” for active participation in social life and social
judgment and to prepare the practical man of the world
a. Humanistic Realism
b. Sense Realism
c. Scholastic Realism
d. Social Realism
84. It is the theory that human or animal psychology can be objectively studied
through observable actions, rather than thoughts and feelings that cannot be
a. Aesthetics
b. Behaviorism
c. Ethics
d. Realism
85. He is a person in the organization who directs the activities of others.
a. Supervisor
c. Organizer
b. Manager
d. Director
86. He conducted research during the early 1970’s and found that managers
need three essential skills or competencies; technical, human and conceptual.
a. Robert L. Katz
c. Laissez Faire
b. Henry Fayol
d. Douglas McGregor
87. It is an autocratic system with decisions made by one person. The manager
follows a formally prescribed procedure which is work oriented rather than
people oriented.
a. Consultative Type Management
b. Contributory Type Management
c. Decisive Type Management
d. Sharing Type Management
88. He conducted the famous psychology experiment called Little Albert or
Albert B.
a. Ivan Pavlov
c. Edward Thorndike
b. B.F Skinner
d. John B. Watson
89. It is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for
a. Observational Learning
c. Operant conditioning
b. Classic Learning
d. Classical Conditioning
90. Is it the collection of people working together in a coordinated and
structured fashion to achieve one or more goals?
a. Society
b. Organization
c. Value System
d. Management
91. Internal environment are the conditions and forces within an organization
that is ________?
a. Controllable
b. Uncertain
c. Uncontrollable
d. Applicable
92. It determines the “feel” of the organization.
a. Employees
b. Board of directors
c. Organizational Culture
d. Whistling Blowing
93. Educational Administration ensures adequate utilization of all resources.
a. Nature of Educational Administration
b. Objective of Educational Administration
94. Educational Administration is primarily a social enterprise concerned more
with human resources than material resources.
a. Nature of Educational Administration
b. Objective of Educational Administration
95. Educational Administration prepares students for taking the places in various
vocations and avenues of life.
a. Nature of Educational Administration
b. Objective of Educational Administration
96. Educational Administration mobilizes the community.
a. Nature of Educational Administration
b. Objective of Educational Administration
97. Educational Administration is more an art than science.
a. Nature of Educational Administration
b. Objective of Educational Administration
98. It means directing and controlling a group of people or an organization to
reach a goal.
a. Management
c. Planning
b. Controlling
d. Organizing
99. It is also a management process, concerned with defining goals for a
company's future direction and determining the missions and resources to
achieve those targets.
a. Management
c. Planning
b. Controlling
d. Organizing
100. It is a process of monitoring performance and taking action to ensure desired
a. Management
c. Planning
b. Controlling
d. Organizing
101. It involves assigning tasks, grouping tasks into departments, delegating
authority, and allocating resources across the organization.
a. Management
c. Planning
b. Controlling
d. Organizing
102. It consists of motivating employees and influencing their behavior to achieve
organizational objectives.
a. Leading
c. Planning
b. Controlling
d. Organizing
103. It provides a primary source of managerial values. Such values may be
based on the Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Jewish or another religion
a. religion
b. human beings
c. organizations
104. This kind of cultural values established when interactions are carried out in
the name of friendship, are sought after, or offered voluntarily as in times of crisis.
a. Bahala na
b. Utang na Loob
c. Mañana Habit
105. Which of the following sources of management values pertains to the
values that we acquired from our own experiences?
a. cultural setting
b. human beings & organizations
c. religion
106. He is a management writer who provided the Six Basic Assumptions of
American Management in the twenty-first century.
a. Dr. Ariston Estrada
b. William H. Newman
c. Douglas McGregor
107. According to the salient ideas embodied in the paper of Dr. Ariston Estrada,
there are certain absolute human values which do not change. These values
relate to man as a physical and _______________ being.
a. irrational
b. natural
c. rational
108. It is a systematic approach to dealing with the transition or transformation of
an organization's goals, processes or technologies.
a. change manager
b. Educational Management
c. change management
d. Outdoor Education
109. This is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the
activities of an institution by utilising human and material resources so as to
effectively and efficiently accomplish functions of teaching, extension work and
a. change manager
b. Educational Management
c. change management
d. Outdoor Education
110. It refers to education about the total environment, including population
growth, pollution, resource use and misuse, urban and rural planning, and
modern technology with its demands on natural resources.
a. Environment Education
b. Resident outdoor school
c. Conservation Education
d. Outdoor recreation
111. This is the process of taking children to camp during school time for a period
of usually three to five days to extend the curriculum through learning outdoors.
a. Environment Education
b. Resident outdoor school
c. Conservation Education
d. Outdoor recreation
112. It is the study of the wise use of natural resources.
a. Environment Education
b. Resident outdoor school
c. Conservation Education
d. Outdoor recreation
113. DEMING POINT 1 - CONSTANCY OF PURPOSE states that, Educational
programs like business and industry must have a purpose and that "reason for
existence" must be ____________ in a mission statement.
A. spelled out
B. included
C. added
D. featured
114. DEMING POINT 4 - Minimize total cost states that price
has no meaning without a measure of the ____________ being purchased.
A. Quality
B. Quantity
C. products
D. services
115. Deming's ________ Points Philosophy is a system of quality improvement
which is helpful to anyone who turns out a product or is engaged in service, or in
research and wishes to improve the output of the organization.
A. 14
B. 12
C. 6
D. 8
116. Who created Prosci ADKAR Change Management Model?
a. Jeff Hiatt
b. Henry Fayol
c. Luther Gulick
d. John P. Kotter
117. What kind of change management model that makes the employees
aware of change?
a. Desire
b. Ability
c. Awareness
d. Reinforcement
118. This is a kind of change management model that instills a desire to change.
a. Knowledge
b. Desire
c. Awareness
d. Ability
119. This group has a unique and well-developed relationship with the
employees being impacted by the change.
a. Project team
b. Senior leaders
c. Managers and supervisor
d. Employees
120. This group provides much of the specific information about the change to
the other gear.
a. Senior leaders
b. Employees
c. Project team
d. Managers and supervisor
121. It is a structured approach to implementing change in an organization. It
recognizes that change can be a painful process which can have a farreaching impact on the organization and the people who work for it.
a. Management Principles
c. Management
b. Change Management
d. Management Approach
122. Who introduced the eight steps model for a successful change?
a. John Kotter
c. John Paul Kotter
b. Paul Kotter
d. JP Kotter
123. It seeks to support managers to lead change and to understand how
people accept, engage with and maintain successful organizational change.
a. eight steps model for a successful change
b. principles of change management
c. five steps for a successful change
d. steps for a successful change
124. A _____________ initiative is likely to be very complicated and can often be
hard to understand, in particular for employees at the lower end of the
a. management
c. principles
b. successful
d. change
125. How many steps did John Paul Kotter make for a successful change?
a. eight
c. six
b. five
d. four
126. Who were the two American behavioral economists that presented the
Nudge Theory through a book?
A. Robert Thaler and Cass Sunstein
B. Richard Thaler and Zack Sunstein
C. Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein
D. Robert Thaler and Zack Sunstein
127. How many steps are needed to be accomplished when applying the The
Nudge Theory Change Management Model?
A. 6
B. 7
128. What is nudge?
A. a gentle reminder
B. a slight force
C. 8
D. 9
C. a slight tap
D. a gentle push
129. The concept of Nudge is based firmly on the concept of “_____________”.
A. Choice
C. Chance
B. Change
D. Transition
130. What is the step of the Nudge Theory Change Management Model?
A. Present the change as a choice
B. Listen to feedback
C. Keep momentum up with short-term wins
D. Limit obstacles
131. It is the significant and disruptive overhaul of a troubled business intended
to restore its profitability.
A. Job Design
B. Job Description
C. Job Reorganization
D. Task Analysis
132. It can be applied to a variety of techniques for identifying and
understanding the structure, the flow, and the attributes of tasks.
A. Job Design
B. Job Reconstruction
C. Job Reorganization
D. Task Analysis
133. It is another term for job reorganization.
A. Job Design
B. Job Description
C. Job Reconstruction
D. Task Analysis
134. It is focused on decomposing a high-level task subtask.
A. Cognitive Task Analysis
B. Hierarchical Task Analysis
C. Job Reorganization
D. Task Analysis
135. It is focused on understanding tasks that require decision-making, problemsolving, memory, attention, and judgement.
A. Cognitive Task Analysis
B. Hierarchical Task Analysis
C. Job Reorganization
D. Task Analysis
136. ___________ is an approach to help employees develop a career path.
a. Technology Transfer
b. Work Transfer
c. Job Transfer
d. Machine Transfer
137. Purpose of job transfer that ensures that more people can pursue these
opportunities and that technology improves the way we all work.
a. Change is coming
b. Adaptability
c. Update the Skills
d. Productivity
138. Purpose of job transfer that enables us to navigate the unstable labor
market and seize the plentiful opportunities offered by new technologies to
more quickly adapt.
a. Change is coming
b. Adaptability
c. Update the Skills
d. Productivity
139. It is said that technological advancement can be a substitute for human
labor if ______________.
a. it has the ability to produce more than the worker for the same cost
b. a worker’s tasks are routine but not codifiable
c. it allow workers to be more productive, but cannot fully replace the
d. it is harder for people to do their jobs and concentrate on what humans
excel in
140. It is said that technological advancement can be a complement for
human labor if ______________.
a. it has the ability to produce more than the worker for the same cost
b. a worker’s tasks are routine but not codifiable
c. it allow workers to be more productive, but cannot fully replace the
d. it is harder for people to do their jobs and concentrate on what humans
excel in
141. The ___________ phase of the management cycle is the phase in which
management determines what the organization's key objectives are and then
develops plans or strategies on how to achieve them.
a. Directing
b. Planning
c. Controlling
142. _________ is the day-to-day process by which management ensures the
effective and efficient operations of the business.
a. Directing
b. Planning
c. Controlling
143. The __________ process helps the company make continuous improvements
throughout the organization in relation to its production processes, services
rendered and its employee's abilities.
a. Plan
b. Control
c. Improve
144. The "__________" phase is the point at which management reviews the results
along with the various alternative courses of action that employees and
management have developed and choose the best future course of action
based on those presented.
a. Decide
b. Plan
c. Direct
145. Management uses __________ processes to discover areas of the company
that are not performing according to its plans and related objectives.
a. Improve
b. Control
c. Direct
146. It is the transfer of power and authority from central institutions to lower or
local levels of a government system.
A. decentralization
C. institution
B. democracy
D. organization
147. The transfer of power and authority from the national governments to local
government units ( LGUs ) political and territorial.
A. deconcentration
B. devolution
C. decentralization
D. change
148. What is the largest unit in the political structure of the Philippines?
A. region
C. province
B. city
D. barangay
149. It is a subsidiary of the province which consist of a number of barangays
A. region
C. province
B. city
D. municipality
150. What is the smallest political unit?
A. region
B. city
C. province
D. barangay
151. What is the meaning of democracy?
A. Rule of the people
B. Rule of the leader
C. Rule of the president
D. Rule of the organization
152. The following are the characteristics of democratic education, which is
A. It is holistic
B. It is proscriptive
C. It is inclusive
D. Listen to one another
153. According to this Philosopher democracy is more than a form of government,
it is primarily a mode of associated living,of conjoint communicated experience
A. John Dewey
B. Aristotle
C. Henry Fayol
D. Karl Marx
154. Democracy also improves the quality of ________________.
A. Living
B. Social life
C. Emotional skills
D. Decision Making
155. A democratic government is a better government because it is more
____________________ form of government.
A. Reliable
B. Supportive
C. Accountable
D. Approachable
156. It is the basic function of management. It deals with chalking out a future
course of action & deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions
for achievement of pre-determined goals.
A. Planning
C. Directing
B. Organizing
D. Staffing
157. It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human
resources and developing productive relationships amongst them for the
achievement of organizational goals.
A. Planning
C. Directing
B. Organizing
D. Staffing
158. It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it
manned. Staffing has assumed greater importance in recent years due to
advancement of technology, increase in size of business, complexity of human
behavior etc.
A. Planning
C. Staffing
B. Organizing
D. Directing
159. It is that part of managerial function which actuates the organizational
methods to work efficiently for achievement of organizational purposes
A. Planning
C. Staffing
B. Organizing
D. Directing
160. It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and
correction of deviation if any to ensure achievement of organizational goals.
A. Controlling
C. Staffing
B. Organizing
D. Directing
161. It refers to the actions in which a company or business alters a major
component of its organization, such as its culture, the underlying technologies or
infrastructure it uses to operate, or its internal processes.
a. Organizational Change
c. Adaptive Change
b. Institutional Change
d. Transformational Change
162. These are small, incremental changes organizations adopt to address
needs that evolve over time.
a. Organizational Change
c. Adaptive Change
b. Institutional Change
d. Transformational Change
163. It has a larger scale and scope than adaptive changes. They can often
involve a simultaneous shift in mission and strategy, company or team structure,
people and organizational performance, or business processes.
a. Organizational Change
c. Adaptive Change
b. Institutional Change
d. Transformational Change
164. Which of the following is not a cause of Organizational Change?
a. New leadership at the helm of the company or within its departments
b. Shifts in the organizational team structure
c. The implementation of new technology
d. None of the above
165. Which of the Steps in Institutional Process is incorrect?
a. Step 1: Determine Goals
b. Step 2: Assess Institutional Rules, Roles, and Toys
c. Step 3: Develop an Action Plan
d. Step 4: Implement an Action Plan
e. Step 5: Measure and Evaluate
True or False
1. We need best e-learning practices to have effective learning.
a. True
b. False
2. Frederick Taylor developed the Administrative Management Theory.
a. True
b. False
3. Managers must have the authority to give orders, but they must also keep
in mind that with authority comes responsibility.
a. True
b. False
4. Employee satisfaction depends on unfair remuneration for everyone. This
includes financial and non-financial compensation.
a. True
b. False
5. Organizations should strive to promote team spirit and unity. Employees
should be aware of where they stand in the organization’s hierarchy, or
chain of command.
a. True
b. False
must continually innovate so that the best educational processes will be
a. True
b. False
7. Lead Management is a type of management without coercion.
a. True
b. False
1. Enumerate the 5 Leadership Competencies You Should Know To Survive in a
Constantly Changing Environment.
Clear roles and responsibilities
Daily behaviors are aligned with organizational strategies
Leadership competencies drive talent management
Review development plans regularly
Listen and apply
2. How will you define outsourcing based on your understanding?
2. State one reason why some companies outsource.
3. State one criticism of outsourcing.
4. State one simple example of outsourcing in relation to the field of