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Preschool Expansion Case Study: Strategy & Financials

Business hub limited
National case
study challenge
Season 3
Solve a live business problem!
La Petite
Where kids love to Learn!
1. Mention your team-name, team members name, college/ organisation
name, e-mail address in your first slide
2. The file name should be team name_NCSC2022
3. The assumptions if any should be called out clearly.
4. The business case solution should be submitted as a slide deck with a
maximum of 15 slides excluding the cover slides.
5. The file has to be submitted in the submission section of
dare2compete platform on or before 3rd July 2022,
11:59 PM IST by any one of your team members.
6. The solution submitted must represent the team’s own words, ideas
and work. Any references should be stated on a separate slide.
7. Only the submissions made before the deadline will be considered.
8. There is no predefined format in which the case has to be attempted.
The participants may use their discretion in this matter.
9. At each step, the projects will be evaluated out of 100, based on their
creativity, innovation, the feasibility of the solution, scalability, and the
quality of insights.
10. Equal weightage will be given to each criterion mentioned above.
11. Please bear in mind the relevance of the project regarding the
division and market’s needs, the team spirit, and the general appearance
of the presentation.
For any other queries feel free to write in to
Company Overview
La Petite, started in 2020 for early
childhood education in India. La
Petite preschool is a part of 5+
centers spread across 2 cities . It
has nurtured over 1000+ children.
The centre has a proprietary
pedagogy, a Reggio Emilia
approach which is a studentcentered and constructivist selfguided curriculum that uses selfdirected, experiential learning in
relationship-driven environments.
It caters to children between the
age group of 9 months- 6 years.
Their vision is to create mindful,
compassionate, courageous and
emotionally intelligent young
leaders by building creative,
innovative and stimulating
learning spaces that prepares
them for challenges in a
continually changing world..
Company overview
They have well-groomed campus with spacious
air-conditioned classrooms in subtle colours, ageappropriate teaching resources make it an
irresistible and joyful place to be for the learners.
Every nook and corner of the school is designed
to stimulate and instil creativity. Expertly
designed Art Atelier, the Library, Indoor
Gymnasium, Outdoor play areas, Music Studio,
Sports facility, Organic kitchen garden etc. are not
just modern and well equipped but they help
promote learning in an integrated approach
As every child is unique they
provide ample learning
opportunities and cater to
different learning styles so
that learning is happening at
every step.
Children are provided with a
healthy balanced meal to ensure
that they are getting all the
essential vitamins, minerals and
other nutrients that are required
for healthy growth and
development. Our food is
sourced from a highly hygienic
environment which is well
planned to keep the age and
taste of the little ones
are the values they
believe in.
Programmes offered
Parent - Toddler program (9 to 18 months)
The Parent-Toddler program is specially designed to help toddlers prepare for Preschool.
As a part of this programme, toddlers and their parents attend a 1 and a half hour session
where toddlers learn through play and a wide variety of child-centred activities. Parents
and Toddlers participate together in Art, Music & Movement, Gym, Storytime, Sensorial play
etc. This program helps in the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of
the children while feeling the support comfort and confidence in the company of their
Play Group (18 Months- 2.5 Years)
The Playgroup curriculum is abundant in-play opportunities where children learn to freely
explore, investigate and experience a wide range of sensory, creative and physical
experiences while learning the value of focusing on a single task. The learning objectives
ensure that children develop skills through activities that help them build early literacy
skills and independence. To ensure that their learning experiences are relevant and
reminiscent, we conduct special events and outdoor field trips which often act as an
active catalyst for learning.
Nursery (2.5 Years - 3.5 Years)
The Nursery curriculum ensures the most robust foundation for future learning within a safe
environment where every child can feel valued, confident and independent. Our classroom
environment focuses on productivity, such as literacy skills and the co-curricular activities become
integrated into the curriculum. The curriculum focuses on the holistic growth of the developing
child, imparting education through play-based learning. The curriculum encourages children to ask
questions, plan investigations, explore various outcomes and reach credible and logical conclusions,
with teachers acting as facilitators. Reading becomes an essential element in the Nursery program
and children thoroughly enjoy experiential learning through various events and field trips.
Kinder Garden (3.5 Years- 5.5 Years)
The inquiry-based approach that facilitates children’s curiosity and experiential form of learning.
The environment acts as the third teacher, which is filled with purposeful materials, and it
promotes relationships, communication, collaboration, and exploration through play. Materials
are thoughtfully added to the environment to promote creativity, thinking and problem solving
and promote experimentation and open-ended play. The curriculum is organised into
interdisciplinary units of study that integrate multiple subject areas, making the learning
experiences engaging for all our students. Through hands-on activities and learning through
play and project work, children actively investigate their interests, discover new ideas, and
develop their own theories. In keeping with our mission and values, teachers encourage and
support each child’s unique style of learning, interests and talents.
Case statement
As the pre-school was started in 2020, COVID acted as a major setback for the business.
The management struggled to run and expand the business during the initial stages. Later
on they came up with Virtual-learning classes which was a huge hit! Although the progress
was big, expansion of business was not possible back then. Now that things are back to
normal, the pre-school is doing a great job in live classes with their outstanding curriculum
and pedagogy. This year, the school has seen 125% rise in profit over the past 2 years
because of new admission for the live classes, for the current academic year which is going
to start in the month of June. Considering these favourable factors, the management
decided that it is the best time for expansion. Now that the learning centre is present in 2
cities, it is further being expanded to 5 more tier-1 cities (any cities) by the same
The company is unsure of the
strategies it needs to follow for
expansion. So the management
approaches a consultant i.e you to
address the company's problem. Help
the management address the
following issues:
1. How should the pre-school be
expanded to five tier-1 cities(any
cities of your choice)? What should
be the strategy? What will be the
program plan of expansion for the
next 12 months?
2. What will be the marketing and
branding strategies after launch
and expansion
3. What will be the financial
projection for the next one-year
considering expansion.
The ask is broad but the possibilities
are unbounded. Feel free to take
necessary assumptions and call them
out clearly in your submissions. Back
your solutions with conviction
supported by numbers.
Key asks and clarification
Program plan for
expansion - Strategy
and business plan for
the next one year for
expanding it in another
5 cities
Marketing & branding
strategies - for the next 1
year after launch and
Financial projection - for
the next 1 year
considering expansion