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On The Greatest Human Potential

TRADES. Government died of the Virus of Voluntaryism.
Jack On The Greatest Human Potential: Responsible Freedom
“A person remains wise as long as he searches for wisdom. As soon as he
thinks he has found it, he becomes a fool.” Talmud
“How much easier is self-sacrifice than self-actualization.” Erich Hoffer
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
“What humans can be, they must be. This need we call self-actualization.”
Abraham Maslow
"What humans must be, they can be. This drive I call self-actualization." Jack
as Every Man
The highest human potential to be actualized in each individual is what I call
“Free Will is the Will to be Free.” Every Man Jack
My definition of the POTENTIAL that most HUMAN BEINGS are born with
and can ACTUALIZE if provided enough time and right conditions
(environment and circumstance) is contained in two words: RESPONSIBLE
By Responsible Freedom I mean:
First, achieving Freedom from the genetic, evolutionary shaped Family
Control Structure as expressed throughout Human History and to date as
Parents, Gods and Governments as the Just and Legitimate Ruling Authority.
Then, second, taking Responsibility for the Freedom of Controlling Oneself as
the ultimate Ruling Authority, and allowing no one else to do so.
Once you have achieved Responsible Freedom as your own life then you will
probably be motivated to create the environmental Eutopia (Good Place) that
provides the conditions that condition those within it to be able to actualize
this Human Potential. This is what I want to do with my Free Friends Mutual
Aid Community of Intentional Care in New Zealand or elsewhere on the
I hope you will join me co-creating this Eutopia on earth where true Human
Beings can exist in Responsible Freedom without Gods or Governments.
-----“The essence of therapy is the client’s movement from feeling unfree and
controlled by others toward the frightening but rewarding sense of freedom to
map out and choose his new personality. The therapeutic development is a
self-initiated process of learning to be free.” Carl Rogers
“Even in an unfree world, you can be free. To be free, you have only to make
the decision to be free. Freedom is waiting for you -- anytime you're ready for
it." Harry Browne
of being your OWN GOD & GOVERNMENT-of allowing no-one to CONTROL YOU BUT ONLY CONTROLLING
Is not this topic of interest to you?
ALL of us are born into SLAVERY,
Out of this Matrix and Pattern of the Human Family, the Individual Minds
within it have the projected the justifications of GOD and GOVERNMENTS to
keep its Power Over its Children in tact and increasing.
RULING SYSTEM and grow up and become your OWN PARENTS, YOUR
----I am a long time AA non-member--not Alcoholics Anonymous but Atheist
Anarchist (etymologies: "no god", "no ruler"). I hold all gods as projections of
insecurity and governments as unnecessary evils. Don't fight them, just delegitimize and abandon them; and then create Responsibly Free alternatives
to them.
Seeking Free Friends who live Autonomously, Authentically, as their own
Authority, to start up an Anarchist Community in New Zealand. Join me in my
Old Zeal for a Land of Liberty?
If you value and practice the following 4 virtuous life principles you are a “Free
Friend” and eligible to join and co-create this Mutual Aid Society of
Responsible Freedom that I hope will include a Co-housing project:
1. No initiated physical force to get what you want and no allowing others to
use such with your sanction.
2. Private property.
3. Free trade.
4. Contractual obligation
That's all folks is necessary for society to be ordered!
--Freedom FROM in order to have Freedom FOR.
“Many adults lack freedom not so much because someone has stolen it from
them as because they have thrown it away.” Thomas Szasz
For me the Potential to be Human is to achieve Responsible Freedom.
The first task is to get Free FROM what is living you, owning you, controlling
you, so you can live, own, control yourself.
What is this "IT" that has all of us under its control from birth and which few of
us every come to understand, what I would call the Matrix after the movie of
that name? What is this IT that enslaves us, lives our lives instead of us living
them for our own self-created ends?
This IT can be expressed in two words, Nature's "Genes" and the equivalents
derived from them, Nurture's "Memes", the cultural programs akin to the
genetic ones transmitted through the structure of the Human Family.
The "self-absorbed" Genes and their Memes are our Dictators, and direct our
lives for their benefit and not our individual minds/selves. Gods and
Governments are the Memes that the Genes drive and the result is our
Inhumanity, our stunted potentiality, of poverty and wars, rather than the
fulfilment of our potential to live peacefully and prosperously when we
understand and step free of this invisible cage of Genes and Memes.
You can break free of this Matrix, the unacknowledged prison you are caught
within. Only then can you be free FOR and fulfil your Human Potential.
---The topic to be discussed at today's Auckland Human Potential Movement
Meetup is: Do we need government for social order?
My answer as an Anarchist, is a resounding NO!
What most inhibits Humans from actualizing their potential for Responsible
Freedom is the belief in the God of Government.
Most I discuss this with tend to justify government as necessary for social
order, by which they mean to control criminals, that is, to protect the good
from the bad.
When I ask them if they suddenly discovered their government had
disappeared would they act any differently, that is, without the threat of being
punished by a legal system, would they turn into criminals and rob, steal,
commit acts of violence?
Everyone i ask this of tells me, "No, but others will." When I tell them
everyone, that is, the average person like them, answers as they do, it
generally does not get them to think differently.
What I want them to understand and admit because it is true, is that the vast
majority of people do not initiate physical force to get what they want and do
not for very good self-survival reasons. So their distrust of their fellow humans
is not based on reality but on a set of beliefs they have been taught since birth
and they tend to perpetuate as adults.
The foremost imprisoning belief they have been taught is they unquestioningly
need government. And the basic propaganda the Power Elite dispenses is
that government is needed for protection--people can not be trusted to control
themselves, there must be a central authority otherwise criminals will take
over and the innocent will be enslaved.
And yet as i point out most of us do not initiate force. BUT we do allow it to be
initiated in our name if we believe in government, that is, legitimate, sanction,
support government intentionally or unintentionally.
For government is the legally justified monopoly of the initiation of physical
force--and that is in fact morally unjustified as most of us prove in our
everyday actions. We do not justify us or our neighbors doing this yet we do
justify a small percentage--politicians and their police--to do this.
It is time to take control of our lives and allow no one to act violently in our
name. Join me in creating the conditions for Responsible Freedom.
Abandon the belief in the god of government, join me as a Free Friend,
trading our self-values.
Jack at home in Auckland and the rest of the Universe too.
“What Humans Must Be, They Can Be. This work I call Self-Actualization.”
Every Man Jack
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. To be nobody
but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you
like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being
can fight and never stop fighting.” E.E. Cummings, American poet
The Human Potential Movement (HPM) begun in the U.S. in the 1960s,
informed by psychologists like Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Rollo May,
I consider holds the most Wisdom for how and why persons on the planet
may realistically live their lives most fulfillingly for themselves as well as for
The HPM model of the Self-Actualized, Fully Functioning Human Being as
articulated by Maslow, Rogers and May is for me the true “Spirituality” that will
appeal to those who are able to face Death without resorting to Gods and
disembodied Souls—non-material imaginary projections.
I believe Human Beings have the potential to become their own Gods and
Governments. I think it is only by doing this that we can create the conditions
for peaceful and prosperous Humanity. This revolution in Human Interactions
can be best understood by considering the Human Being at birth as a Seed.
Like a Seed, we are each born as an Original Form that contains within it
complete all the various transitional Forms and the final Fulfilling Form we can
become if Circumstance (environment, conditions, time) permits. In order for
this Original Form to Fulfill itself, it must be Informed of its own Form from
Birth. This can only be done by an Informative Environment providing the
Conditions of Responsible Freedom. Only in such a non-conforming Space
can a Form grow into and Fulfill itself as it was born to do by enacting its
Autonomy and Authenticity to become its own Authority.
If we are fortunate—and it seems only 1% of us are—then we will have the
enabling “Ground” (circumstance) to grow our Being up and out of and
through our various transitional Forms into that Final, Fulfilling One of the
Integrated Human Person. This is the True Human whose Family is Humanity
and who Faces Life and Death without the Co-dependency of Gods and
Governments but only with the Interdependency of limited Humans who
willingly need and depend on each other through Voluntary Trade of Personal
However, if, as the 99% show, we are sown into a disenabling Ground, then
we will grow up Deformed to Conform to the Status Quo of whatever Power
Elite group we are located within. We will grow up to believe in and thus
perpetuate our slavery to the Gods and Governments we project out of our
rejection of taking complete Responsibility for our Freedom.
The Auckland Human Potential Movement Meetup is intended to provide the
GROUND of BECOMING for those who are want to be RESPONSIBLY FREE
The HPM is for those who are courageous enough to want to see the Cage
they were born within and forced to conform to and deform themselves in
doing so. You can Reform your Deformity by becoming your own God and
Just DO IT with a little help from your Free Friends such as Maslow, Rogers,
May and me.
------To close, here are the 15 Characteristics of a Self-Actualizing Person. Do you
live all of these? If not, do you want to? Take the Red Pill and you Will, Freely
and Responsibly.
Characteristics of Self-Actualizing Persons
Central to the lives of self-actualized people is a set of values that Maslow
called the Being-Values, or B-Values.
1. They are realistically oriented and not threatened by the unknown. They
have a superior ability to reason and to see the truth.
2. They perceive and understand human nature. They accept themselves,
other people, circumstances and the natural world for what they are. They
able to learn from anyone and are friendly with anyone, with no regard to
3. They are emotionally intelligent and feel no need for crippling guilt or
shame. They tend to be serene, characterized by a lack of worry. They are
self starters, are responsible for themselves, and own their behavior. Work
becomes play and desires are in excellent accord with reason.
4. They are unflappable and retain dignity amid confusion and personal
misfortune, all the while remaining objective.
5. They have a great deal of spontaneity and have no unnecessary inhibitions.
6. The self-actualized person can be alone and not be lonely.
7. They are honest and seek justice for all.
8. They are autonomous and independent. Thoughts and impulses are
unhampered by convention. Their ethics are autonomous and they determine
their own inner moral standards.
9. They have a fresh rather than stereotyped appreciation of people and
appreciate the best aspects in all things. However they resist conformity to the
culture. They determine their own behavior and have their own views on
people and events.
10. Moment to moment living for them is exciting and often exhilarating as
they live their life to the full. Vibrant moments are frequent and peak
experiences not unusual. Peak experiences are moments when one sees
clearly what before was hidden or obscured.
11. They seek wholeness; they are able to merge opposing views into a third,
higher synthesis, as though the two have united; therefore, opposite forces
are no longer felt as conflict. Self-actualizing people retain their childlike
qualities and yet have a far-seeing wisdom.
12. Their intimate relationships with specially loved people tend to be
profound, sincere and long-lasting, rather than superficial.
13. Their sense of humor is philosophical rather than hostile. They can laugh
at themselves but never make jokes that hurt others.
14. Self-actualizing people enjoy an inborn uniqueness that carries over into
everything they do. Their creativity is original, inventive, uninhibited and since they see the real and true more easily - valuable.
15. Self-actualizing individuals are motivated to continual growth. They are
also aware of their primary goals in life and are devoted to fulfilling them, both
for their own benefit and as service to others.
-----Choosing to Take the Red Pill (The Matrix movies)--see our new group photo
(below is from a page on my website)
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are
free." Goethe
“The symbol of all relationships among men…who neither make sacrifices nor
accept them…is the trader.” Ayn Rand
From the last scene of the movie The Matrix, Neo speaking to “The Matrix”:
“I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this
phone, and then I'm going to show these people what You don't want them to
see. I'm going to show them a world without You. A world without rules and
controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible.”
To be FREE FOR, you must first be FREED FROM. Most are NOT Free From
their Genetic-Cultural Ties that Bind, Blind and Strangle. Bacon's "Nature to
be commanded must be obeyed" is not acknowledged and understood.
The GENE-MEME MACHINE, the Real MATRIX, controls us without our
knowing it. Once you understand you will NOT Host the Ghosts of Gods,
Zombies of Governments, and Parasites of Banksters.
This is about declaring yourself a SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL, a FREED and
FREE TRADER by virtue of cutting the Cord to your DNA DICTATOR (AKA,
the Selfish Gene/Meme), the Originating and Real MATRIX that made the
Hollywood movie and the Empire of the U.S.S.A. It means tying your
Freed Loose End to Another's with a Knot of Conscious Care--limbically
tying your Life Line to another cut Free of Gods and Governments.
"Trading Beyond the Matrix" means that You are ready to Freely Invest
and Trade Yourself--your Self-Worth in exchange for Another's Value. For
what we Exchange with each other is Each Other--not money or goods and
services. But only Freed and Free Traders can Trade this way. Are YOU One
of Them? Do YOU want to be?
-----Government as God--The Cage You Have Locked Yourself Within and
Cannot See
There are two Cages HumanUnKind has locked itself within since
Consciousness began arising in Individuals, God (Many or One) and
Government (from Kings to Democracies).
But since the "Death of God" announced by Nietzsche circa 1900,
Government has taken over as the number one Belief most obstructing our
Human Potential.
Have a view of this video that puts images to the Anarchist Larkin Rose's
eloquent and accurate poem on the true nature of Government as God.
I look forward to your responses here.
-----I am a HuManTheist, that is, a person who sees Humans as potential Gods.
WE are the GODS we worship. Look into the mirror to see the miracle of you
as a Separate Self, smile, and then become Responsible for your Freedom,
accept the terms of the Human Condition, its terminals of Birth and Death,
and the ultimate Value it gives that once and only Journey between as the
Great Adventure of Life. Because Death is Necessary, make Life Sufficient.
Live the Truth of being Terminally Well rather than dying the Lie of being
Terminally Ill.
Rather than “transcending” or trying to escape, avoid or deny the Truth of
Being Human, accept it and act it out as the Unique You that your truly are
when you are actualizing your Autonomous, Authentic Self and becoming
your own Authority.
This Self-Actualizing ever ongoing work at Being YOU and expressing your
True Form and informing it with the Wisdom necessary to DO your BE is what
therapy or the process of becoming your own Form is. It is the Informing
necessary to Reform your Deformity that happened because you had to
Conform to your Gene/Meme Dictates (Parents, Culture, Society, Ideology,
This is what the Human Potential Movement (HPM) and our Auckland Human
Potential Movement Meetup (AHPMM) is about—helping your Reform your
Deformity to Conformity to finally express your True Form by Informing it with
the Wisdom of the HPM.
What the HPM does is help you get Free to Do your Be.
As Carl Rogers spoke it, “therapy is the self-initiated process of learning to be
free.” Here are some others on this theme: “None are more hopelessly
enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Goethe “Then what is
freedom? The will to be responsible for ourselves.” Friedrich Nietzsche
“Freedom is the prevention of control by others of yourself.” Lord Acton
I call this “FreeEaching”, which is what I will be doing with the Auckland
Human Potential Movement Meetup (AHPMM). I put it this way:
There is no freedom for until you are free from. I help you locate – and then, if
you choose, help you break – those links of your genetic and cultural
conditioning that control you. Then you can control yourself and choose to
create new linkages with other individuals living the Human Condition freely,
responsibly, empathetically and knowledgably.
----I would like start with the 48 page chapter six, “The Humanistic Approach”
from the textbook, Theories of Personality-8th Edition by Schultz and Schultz,
a very well written psychology textbook, that covers the two main
psychologists from the HPM, Maslow and Carl Rodgers.
You will find this source material here on my Google
Drive: http://bit.ly/2iLWGXl
Please have a read of it and let me know what you think of it as our first
reading to UNDERSTAND and EXPERIENCE. Remember, this is NOT AN
ACADEMIC nor SPIRTUALIST Meetup, but a group dedicated to
UNDERSTANDING & EXPERIENCING what I consider the core of the HPM
scientifically evidenced and supported.
“The term humanistic psychology was first used by Gordon Allport in 1930,
represented in this section by the works of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.
Their theories emphasize human strengths and aspirations, conscious free
will, and the fulfillment of our potential. They present a flattering and optimistic
image of human nature and describe people as active, creative beings
concerned with growth and self-actualization.”
“Abraham Maslow is considered the founder and spiritual leader of the
humanistic psychology movement. He was strongly critical of behaviorism and
of psychoanalysis, particularly Sigmund Freud’s approach to personality.
According to Maslow, when psychologists study only abnormal, emotionally
disturbed examples of humanity, they ignore positive human qualities such as
happiness, contentment, and peace of mind. We underestimate human
nature, Maslow charged, when we fail to examine the best examples of
humanity, society’s most creative, healthy, and mature people. Maslow’s
personality theory does not derive from case histories of clinical patients but
from research on creative, independent, self-sufficient, fulfilled adults. Maslow
concluded that each person is born with the same instinctive needs that
enable us to grow, develop, and fulfill our potentials.”
“Rogers proposed a single, innate, overriding motivation: the inborn tendency
to actualize, to develop our abilities and potentials, from the strictly biological
to the most sophisticated psychological aspects of our being. This ultimate
goal is to actualize the self, to become what Rogers called a fully functioning
---Hello to all new members of Auckland Human Potential Movement Meetup!
Hello Fellow Humanists and Free Friends Now and To Come,
Welcome to the Auckland Human Potential Movement Meetup (AHPMM)
This is Jack in Auckland CBD, just a month here in New ZEALand bringing
here my Old ZEAL (noble passion) for the Love of Wisdom and Freedom and
for the Wisdom and Freedom of Love.
I am pleased to have you join this group and hope I can act as a Resource to
your Sources concerning the Human Potential Movement (HPM) begun in the
U.S. in the 1960s and carried forward into 2017 by Self-Actualizers like me.
I will be announcing our first Meetup to take place probably within the next 30
days. Please give me some suggestions where you think might be our best
meeting place conducive to quiet, calm dialogue with much active listening.
Also, if you would like to mention our group to others who might be interested
in joining, the more the merrier!
Here was my Meetup Welcome Message to new members, I am not sure if
you could read it?
Become your own God and Government! The Wisdom of the Human Potential
Movement enables you to take back the Power you have given away. Live
Autonomously, Authentically, by your own Authority. I have the books, videos
and understanding of them to help you do this. Welcome to Responsible
I could not put many words into the Startup format to explain what I would like
our AHPMM to be, so will do so here to some extent and much more on the
meetup web page in the future as well as my own websites and Facebook
groups/pages. Also, I will be putting a very full range of books and articles on
and by authors I associate with the HPM onto my Google Drive that you can
download at anytime for free and freedom’s sake. Also, I will be giving you
links for videos and audios by and on the main mentors of the HPM.
A good place to describe what AHPMM is intended to be about is to quote the
Wikipedia article on the HPM:
“The Human Potential Movement arose out of the milieu of the 1960s and
formed around the concept of cultivating extraordinary potential that its
advocates believed to lie largely untapped in all people. The movement took
as its premise the belief that through the development of ‘human potential’,
humans can experience an exceptional quality of life filled with happiness,
creativity, and fulfillment. As a corollary, those who begin to unleash this
assumed potential often find themselves directing their actions within society
towards assisting others to release their potential. Adherents believe that the
net effect of individuals cultivating their potential will bring about positive
social change at large.”
I agree with every word of the above. And, for the most part, when I hear the
HPM‘s main mentors such as Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Rollo May, Fritz
Perls, Erich Fromm, Thomas Szasz, et al – these are the ideas that have
informed my own form of the HPM I call Responsible Freedom.
I will end this email by copying below what I think is one of the best
descriptions of true Humanist and Self-Actualizing persons. I live this way. If
you do too, that is wonderful and we will be mutually supportive Free Friends.
If you do not yet live this way fully, but want to, then our group is intended to
create the growth conditions for you to fully Self-Actualize your "God Within".
Eric Hoffer has well expressed the challenge: “The short-lived self, teetering
on the edge of irrevocable extinction, is the only thing that can ever really
matter. Thus the renunciation of the self is felt as a liberation and salvation.
How much easier is self-sacrifice than self-realization.”
See you soon. Jack of All Trades and as Every Man.
----Here is the quote:
Characteristics of Self-Actualizing Persons
Central to the lives of self-actualized people is a set of values that Maslow
called the Being-Values, or B-Values.
They are realistically oriented and not threatened by the unknown. They have
a superior ability to reason and to see the truth.
They perceive and understand human nature. They accept themselves, other
people, circumstances and the natural world for what they are. They able to
learn from anyone and are friendly with anyone, with no regard to stereotypes.
They are emotionally intelligent and feel no need for crippling guilt or shame.
They tend to be serene, characterized by a lack of worry. They are self
starters, are responsible for themselves, and own their behavior. Work
becomes play and desires are in excellent accord with reason.
They are unflappable and retain dignity amid confusion and personal
misfortune, all the while remaining objective.
They have a great deal of spontaneity and have no unnecessary inhibitions.
The self-actualized person can be alone and not be lonely.
They are honest and seek justice for all.
They are autonomous and independent. Thoughts and impulses are
unhampered by convention. Their ethics are autonomous and they determine
their own inner moral standards.
They have a fresh rather than stereotyped appreciation of people and
appreciate the best aspects in all things. However they resist conformity to the
culture. They determine their own behavior and have their own views on
people and events.
Moment to moment living for them is exciting and often exhilarating as they
live their life to the full. Vibrant moments are frequent and peak experiences
not unusual. Peak experiences are moments when one sees clearly what
before was hidden or obscured.
They seek wholeness; they are able to merge opposing views into a third,
higher synthesis, as though the two have united; therefore, opposite forces
are no longer felt as conflict. Self-actualizing people retain their childlike
qualities and yet have a far-seeing wisdom.
Their intimate relationships with specially loved people tend to be profound,
sincere and long-lasting, rather than superficial.
Their sense of humor is philosophical rather than hostile. They can laugh at
themselves but never make jokes that hurt others.
Self-actualizing people enjoy an inborn uniqueness that carries over into
everything they do. Their creativity is original, inventive, uninhibited and since they see the real and true more easily - valuable.
Self-actualizing individuals are motivated to continual growth. They are also
aware of their primary goals in life and are devoted to fulfilling them, both for
their own benefit and as service to others.
Maslow's writings tell us much about the nature of wisdom. The selfactualizing people that Maslow describes focus on concerns outside of
themselves; they like solitude and privacy more than the average person, and
they tend to be more detached than usual from the dictates and expectations
of their culture. They are inner-directed people. They appreciate the world
around them with a sense of awe and wonder. In love relationships they
respect the other's individuality and feel joy at another's success. They give
more love than most people, and need less. Because they take an
independent view, they can see situations and problems more objectively and
consequently they tend to be creative and make valuable contributions to
One reason that a person does not move through the needs to selfactualization is because of the hindrances placed in their way by society. For
example, education can act to inhibit a person's potential (though also of
course it can promote personal growth). So can other aspects of the family
and culture act to condition and funnel an individual into a role that is not
fulfilling. To escape this conditioning, a person has to awaken to their
situation, to realize that their life could be different, that there are changes that
can be made in the direction of self-actualization.
To promote our personal growth, we can learn to be authentic, to be aware of
our inner selves and to hear our inner feelings and needs. We can begin to
transcend our own cultural conditioning and become world citizens. We can
help our children discover their talents and creative skills, to find the
appropriate career and complementary partner. We can demonstrate that life
is precious, that there is joy to be experienced in life, and that if one is open to
seeing the good - and humorous - in all kinds of situations, this makes life
worth living.
The path of personal transformation is primarily a process of becoming aware
of, facing up to and taking responsibility for one's thoughts, feelings and
actions, and then expanding this self-realization by communicating with
others, retaining integrity whatever the response, and further enhancing the
quality of communication with ever-increasing empathy and understanding.
Through understanding others better, we can recognize their essential
goodwill, however misguided it might have become, and begin to recognize
the spirituality of humankind.