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april act philo

Year/Course/Section: AB-ENGISH 3
Date: July 23, 2021
Activity 1-Philosophy
1. Compare and contrast the Hebrew, Greek and Christian philosophy on ‘embodied soul’.
On embodied soul, for the Hebrew, Greek and Christian philosophy they have differences. If for the
Greek the physical world is evil, for the Hebrew the world is a place of God’s activity and it is good. Thus,
human person was created “good” body and soul. If for the Greek to be liberated from the physical
world which is evil, human person should be knowledgeable and should know much about the reality of
life, for the Hebrew just follow our nature which is Good and be like God. For the Christians, to be truly
human is to be like Jesus, the “Word who become flesh”.
2. Can we know perfectly the human person? Why or why not? Express yourself.
For me, we don’t know perfectly the human person. Even the greatest philosophers and scientists
before and now cannot truly explain the complexity of human being. The different parts, organs, organ
system of human, are until now remain mystery and subject for deeper research and studies. Just like our
human brains, the scientist today cannot fully explain all the functions of our brain and the extra ordinary
things it can do.
3. What is the human world from the lens of the Hebrews in connection to the human person?
In the lens of the Hebrews in connection to the human person, they believed it is religious and ethical
and not cosmological compared to Greek. They believed that God created human, thus there is something
divine or spiritual in her or him although rebellious, sinful and fallen.
4. What is the human world according to the Greeks in connection to salvation.
The consummation of salvation is eschatological (from the Greek word “eschaton” or the end time”.
It does not mean the gathering of the souls of the righteous in heaven, but the gathering of a redeemed
people on a redeemed earth in perfected fellowship with God.
Activity2. Alternate-Response. True or False.
____T____1. The Greek philosophers see the human cosmologically, that is, the human person is
dichotomized between two worlds- the spiritual and material.
___F_____2. Mencius considered the nature of the human person as ‘evil’ itself.
___T_____3. Human beings are permanent beings, they exist and cease to exist.
___T____4. The Taoists perfection is to unite with the “Tao”, the absolute principle underlying the
___T____5. The Buddhists and Hindus’ perfection is “spiritual liberation.”
___T____6.Karl Rahner, Catholic Philosopher and Theologian, theorized that the human person is a
composition of body and soul which are united as one yet different in nature.
___T____7. Philosophy of the Human Person deals with the nature of Man and everything related to Man.
___T____8. The body that exist is an extra-mental reality.
___T____9. In monism body and soul are manifested by a single substance.
___F____10.Inta-mental realities are things inside the mind.
Activity 3. Matching Type
___m___1. Leibniz
______2. Wolf
______3. James
______4. Anaximander
__e____5. Darwin
______6. Parmenides
______7. Thales
______8. Heraclitus
______9. Anaximenes
______10. Saint Paul
______11. Carl Jung
______12. Aristotle
___o___13. Rahner
______14. Aquinas
___k___15. Descartes
Activity 4. Interpret and Illustrate the concept presented by the leading Theologian and Philosopher
Karl Rahner on the unity of Body and Soul.
Interpretation of the Unity of Body and Soul
Rahner’s view of the human person as “spirit” in the world does not advocate for an abstract,
disembodied view of the person. Rather, he does acknowledge the human reality as being in the world.
What Rahner tries to avoid is a reductionistic view of human being through particular lenses of biology,
psychology, and so on. In his discussion, the totality of a human being always includes the spirit and
matter, or soul and body. In other words, “Spirit in the word,” as Rahner uses the term, means the
embodied spirit who engages with the world. Still, Rahner addresses the person as a whole, both as a
human in our everyday experience and as a recipient of the religious experience. Rahner sees the
human person as always and everywhere the addressee of God’s communication, a hearer who
actively seeks to self-transcend by engaging with his or her historical realities.
Activity 5. Respect for One’s Body “ Do not do unto others what you do not want others do to you”.
A. Child sexual exploitation is a form of child sexual abuse: Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child
or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether
or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault
by penetration (for example, rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing,
rubbing and touching outside of clothing. They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving
children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging
children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse. Sexual
abuse can take place online, and technology can be used to facilitate offline abuse. Sexual abuse is not
solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children.
Child sexual exploitation takes many different forms. It can include contact and non-contact sexual
activities and can occur online or in person, or a combination of each. It occurs where an individual or
group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate or deceive a child or young person
under the age of 18 into sexual activity (a) in exchange for something the victim needs or wants, and/or
(b) for the financial advantage or increased status of the perpetrator or facilitator. The victim may have
been sexually exploited even if the sexual activity appears consensual. Child sexual exploitation does not
always involve physical contact; it can also occur through the use of technology.
And for me, I choose child exploitation because I am now a father, I do not want my daughter to be harm
by anybody. In as much as I could, I will protect her from any danger especially to those people who we
considered as evil.
B. Other people
C. I believe that everybody should respect one’s body. Our body is holy and no one is entitled to do harm
to other’s body. This golden rule is very important even to this days. Wherein many crimes are committed
because they did not follow this golden rule.
Activity 6. Test Your Recollection
16 UP