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Internship Report: Data Science at BrainyBeam Technologies

Academic year
Babaria Institute of Technology
BRANCH - Computer Science and Engineering
Submitted by :Jainish Nikul
BrainyBeam Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Prof. Shweta Rajput
(Internal Guide)
Type the Name of Ext.
(External Guide)
Company Profile
Company Name:
BrainyBeam Technologies Pvt Ltd
118, Sukan Mall , Science city road, Ahmedabad
Contact No:
+91 9033237336
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About Us
At BrainyBeam, we see Innovation as a clear differentiator. Innovation, along with focus on deep,
long-lasting client relationships and strong domain expertise, drives every facet of our day-to-day
BrainyBeam Technologies was founded with a vision to address growing businesses' needs of
reducing the time to market and cost effectiveness required to develop and maintain unique and
customized web and mobile solutions. We are uniquely and strategically positioned to partner
with startups and leading brands to help them expand their business and offer the most effective
and cost-efficient solutions that provide revenues and value to their business needs.
To become the most trusted and preferred offshore IT solutions partner for Startups, SMBs and
Enterprises through innovation and technology leadership. Understanding your ambitious
vision, honing in on its essence, creating a design strategy, and knowing how to technically
execute it is what we do best. Our promise? The integrity of your vision will be maintained and
we'll enhance it to best reach your target customers. With our primary focus on creating
amazing user experiences, we'll help you understand the tradeoffs, prioritize features, and
distill valuable functionality. It's an art form we care about getting right.
Joining Letter
Completion Certificate
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all those who provided me the possibility to
the completion of the internship. A special gratitude of thanks I give to our Assitant
Professor, Prof. Shweta Rajput, whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and
encouragement, helped me to coordinate the internship especially in drafting this report.
Furthermore, I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the
Head of Department, Dr. Avani Vasant, who gave the permission to use all required
equipment and the necessary material to fulfil the task. Last but not the least, many thanks go
to the teachers and my friends and families who have invested their full effort in guiding us in
achieving the goal.
Also I appreciate the guidance given by the developer at BrainyBeam, Mr Raj as well as the
panels especially for the internship that has advised me and gave guidance at every moment
of the internship.
Data Science and analysis is playing the most significant role today covering
every industry in the market. For e.g., finance, e-commerce, business,
education, government.
Now organizations play a 360-degree role to analyse the behaviour and interest
of their customers to take decisions in favour of them. Data is analysed through
programming language such as python which is one of the most versatile
language and helps in doing a lot of things through it.
Netflix is a pure data science project that reached at the top through analysing
every single interest of their customers. Key terminology that are used in Data
Science are: Data Visualization, Anaconda Jupyter Notebook, Exploratory Data
Analysis, Machine Learning, Data wrangling, and Evaluation using scikit
library’s surprise module.
||| DAY - 1
Explain about work flow of whole internship. Also discuss some basic
domain knowledge.
Introduction about Field
i. Discuss some basic point about python, working of python, advantages of
python for working in data science.
ii. Also explained how to install and run python and jupyter notebook and
other useful tools?
Difference between Data Science, Data Analysis & Machine Learning
i. Data Science: Use mathematical skills for get desire outcome from data.
ii. Data Analysis: Analyzing data with different charts and tables.
iii. Machine Learning: Totally based on mathematics used for prediction, for
building models etc.
Basic Linux Commands
cd – Use the cd command to change the directory
mkdir – use the mkdir command to create a folder or directory
touch – Create new file
rmdir- Deletes a directory
ls - Lists all the files and directories in the present working directory.
Pwd - Displays the path of the present working directory.
rm – use the rm command to delete files and directories.
AIM: Task: build a python program which can take input of students with their
subject marks, and gives their total marks obtained.
total = 0
n = int(input("Enter the number of students "))
for i in range(n):
name = input("Enter the Name:")
sub = int(input("No. of subjects "))
for i in range(sub):
marks = int(input("Enter marks"))
total = total+marks
||| DAY - 2
AIM: List out the methods used commonly in list, set, tuple,
dictionary with their rules
Data Types in Python
1. str: A string data type is traditionally a sequence of characters, either as a literal
constant or as some kind of variable. The latter may allow its elements to be mutated
and the length changed, or it may be fixed (after creation).
2. Numbers: Int, float, complex and long integers are numeric data types. We can store
real number values in int, floating point values in float and complex numbers in
complex data types and long for integers of unlimited size.
3. Lists are the build-in data-types in python that are used to store multiple items in a
single variables. The data is stored in [ ].
4. Sets are also used to store multiple items in a single variables. In set there is no order
and no index. Data stored between { }.
5. Tuples: Similar to list the tuples are ordered and similar to set the tuples are
immutable. Stored in ( ).
6. Dictionary: Storing of values ,Ordered , changeable(mutable) , doesn’t allow change
of values.
Example: a= [‘Jai’,’ni’,’sh’]
Lists are the build-in data-types in python that are used to store multiple items in a single
variables. The plus point of list is that the order of list does not change, and the items in the
list are changeable (mutable) and the last point as the list allows duplicate values too.
LIST Methods:
.append(x) : Add an item to the end of the list
.insert(i, x): Inserting an item at a given position
.remove(x) : removing the first item from the list whose value is equal to x
copy(): Copying of the list
count(): Number of elements with the specified value
reverse() : reverse the list
Sets are also used to store multiple items in a single variables.
In set there is no order and no index.
The down point of set data type is the value cannot be changed once the set is created
Repetition of values are not allowed in set.
Sets Methods:
a. add(): adds element to a set
b. discard(): Removes an Element from The Set
c. isdisjoint(): Checks Disjoint Sets
d. issubset(): Checks if a Set is Subset of Another Set
e. union(): Returns the union of sets
f. update(): Add elements to the set
g. clear(): remove all elements from a set
# set of vowels
vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'u'}
print(vowels) # adding 'o'
print('Vowels are:', vowels)
#discard 'o'
A = {1, 2, 3, 4}
B = {5, 6, 7}
C = {4, 5, 6}
print('Are A and B disjoint?', A.isdisjoint(B))
print('Are A and C disjoint?', A.isdisjoint(C))
A1 = {1, 2, 3}
B1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
A2 = {'a', 'c', 'd'}
B2 = {'c', 'd', 2 }
print('A U B =', A2.union(B2))
A3 = {'a', 'b'}
B3 = {1, 2, 3}
result = A3.update(B3)
print('A =', A3)
#clear vowels.clear()
print('Vowels (after clear):', vowels)
Storing of multiple items in one variable
Similar to list the tuples are ordered and similar to set the tuples are immutable.
Tuples also allow duplicates.
Tuples Methods:
a. .count( ): Returns the number of times a specified value occurs in a tuple.
b. .index( ): Searches the tuple for a specified value and returns the position of where it was
Storing of values
Ordered , changeable(mutable) , doesn’t allow change of values
Dictionary Methods
get() - Returns the value of the specified key
items() - Returns a list containing a tuple for each key value pair
keys() - Returns a list containing the dictionary's keys
pop() - Removes the element with the specified key
popitem() - Removes the last inserted key-value pair
person = {'name': 'Jainish', 'age': 21}
print('Name: ', person.get('name'))
print('Age: ', person.get('age'))
age = person.setdefault('age')
print('person = ',person)
print('Age = ',age)
||| DAY - 3
1) Random module functions with explanation
2) Build password generator program containing numbers, Alphabets
and special characters.
3) Write a note about NLP, NLU, and NLG with examples.
4) Perform text to speech examples using gtts.
1) Random module functions with explanation
Random function in python is use to generate random numbers.
The use of random function is to generate random number, automatic password
generator or OTP generator.
RANDOM Methods:
- Seed() is the method to initialize the random number generator
- Sample() gives a sample of sequence
- Uniform() returns a random float number between the two parameters
- getstate() returns the current internal state of the random number generator
- randrange() returns a random number between the given range
10 | P a g e
import random as rand
x = rand.randrange(5)
print(x) # returns a random number in the given number range
y = rand.randint(1,50)
mylist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
print(rand.sample(mylist, k=2))
b = rand.uniform(1.0,5.0)
print(rand.randrange(3, 9))
2) Build password generator program containing numbers, Alphabets
and special characters.
import random
length = int(input("enter length"))
num = '0123456789qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm!@#$%^&*()'
print(" ".join(random.sample(num,length)))
11 | P a g e
Learning about external and internal libraries
External libraries taught were gtts (google-text-to-speech) is implemented and read the
document of the gtts and there use in the daily life…
from gtts import gTTS
>>> a= gTTS("hello how are you")
>>> a.save('voice.mp3')
>>> exit()
12 | P a g e