Correlation between the age of circulatory disease patients and their death in Bahrain Student ID : Number of pages : 1 Contents Rationale ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Aim and Execution .................................................................................................................................. 4 Population Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 5 Cardiovascular Disease ( CVD) mortality and connected diseases ......................................................... 6 CVD mortality data analysis from 2005 to 2019 ................................................................................... 11 Hypertension mortality data study during 2005 to 2019 ..................................................................... 13 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 15 Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 17 2 Rationale I have been considering heart disease most dangerous as it takes life in no time. In my near relative I have seen the sad incident and that is why I wanted to know the facts behind the heart disease in terms of Mathematical Data analysis, remedies and the facts hidden behind the disease that has not known to the General public. When I started exploration on heart disease then I surprised to know that the main culprit behind the heart disease is hypertension and the related Circulatory system disease. All these diseases are categorising as the Circulatory System diseases in Medical term. Hence, I have selected the topic on Circulatory System in my Present Exploration. I found many of the topics learning of my IB Mathematics book helpful in understanding and presenting the data , analysis and comparison. Introduction 3 Bahrain is known as one of the prosperous country in the world. The population of Bahrain is around 1.2 million and the overall health and life expectancy of average citizen has been becoming better if I compare the last 15 years data. It is due to proper health planning and execution by the concerning authority and the willingness and cooperation of general public also. As per the WHO global report 1Government of Bahrain has made a policy on disease prevention in 2012 and that resulted in better control on non-communicable diseases such as heart or cardiac related as well as control on hypertension. Report says that 80% of the people worldwide having hypertension but they are not aware about the disease and when the undetected diseases start damaging heart or kidney and the situation becomes worse then only people become cautious ; but by that time the health of the people goes out of control. But due to better policy of Government of Bahrain the hypertension detection of the citizen has known at the initial position and hence the prevention and control measure could be possible to implement. During search of the data of heart diseases and hypertension in the Bahrain I found little difficulty in getting the data at a place but I have collected it year wise from the authentic sources23. Aim and Execution Objective of the present exploration is to do an extensive depth work to analyse and correlate the data on circulatory disease such as hypertension and cardiovascular disease ( CVD). It has been planned to use the knowledge acquired during IB Math book here in understanding and 1 2 3 4 analysing the very important topic on hypertension and CVD data and the mortality due to these circulatory disease. If I work on CVD and do not talk about the obesity and diabetics then the exploration would not been really relient, hence an exploration on these two connected disease would also been taken up during exploration. Population Analysis Latest population of Bahrain have been shown as Fig. 1. 160 000 140 000 120 000 100 000 80 000 60 000 40 000 20 000 0 Fig. 1 – The trends of population of Bahrain To correlate the population having disease such as Hypertension and heart disease It is necessary to consider the total population of the Bahrain. In Fig. 1 the rise in population with the time interval is displayed. Population up to 2020 is shown in graph but as per recent mid of 2021 survey 4 the population of Bahrain is 1.7 million. As per a survey the world cardiac patient has become double in numbers in around 20 years i.e. 271 million in 1971 to 523 4 5 million in 2019. The worldwide death due to cardiac diseases is also very high, 12.1 million people died in 1990, 17.9 million in 20195. Cardiovascular Disease ( CVD) mortality and connected diseases Cardiovascular disease is connected to other disease such as hypertension as well as diabetic and overweight (high BMI). As per report Bahrain is one of the highest diabetic citizens. Diabetic is connected to high BMI and in general It causes heart diseases. Hypertension is also a major circulatory diseases connected to CVD mortality. A table showing the connection of these diseases in different age group and the mortality rate is given in Table 1. Individual connection of each above mentioned diseases with various age groups is demonstrated by various graph and these are shown as Fig. 1 to Fig. 4. Obesity in young age of people is found high and it decreases with the increase of age. Diabetic diseases has taken grip of almost to the people of all age group, It is almost around 20.9 % in all the age group. Disease hypertension is found increasing in nature with the increase of age. CVD Mortality percent shows increase with the increase of age and increase of hypertension percent. 5 6 Age Obesity % Diabetic Group of % Hypertension% CVD Mortality% Population ( BMI >30) 30-39 33.9 22.9 20.8 23 40-44 28.6 20.9 20.8 23 45-49 27.2 20.9 20.8 34 50-54 22.6 29.6 29.8 34 55-59 20.8 29.6 29.8 35 60-64 - - 35 65-69 - - - Table 1- Data of age group wise CVD mortality and other related disease ( Bahrain)6 6 Hamadeh, R. R. "Noncommunicable diseases among the Bahraini population: a review." EMHJEastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 6 (5-6), 1091-1097, 2000 (2000). 7 Obesity % of Population ( BMI >30) Obesity in % of population 40 35 30 25 20 Obesity % of Population ( BMI >30) 15 10 5 0 30-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 Age in Year Fig.2- Age group wise trends of Obesity percent of Bahrain population The high obesity in young people of Bahrain is the high time to make awareness about conversion of obesity into heart disease or CVD. The life style, food habit and absence of regular physical exercise are the reason behind the obesity and finally people goes into trap of CVD. The mathematical relation between age group and obesity percent can be given as exponential decrease. It can be expressed as followsYmin. = Xmax. ( 1- Adecay ) t ................................................. ( 1 ) Where , Ymin. – be the minimum value of obesity percent. Xmax. - be the miximum value of obesity percent. t – be the time interval 8 Diabetic % Diabetic % of population 35 30 25 20 15 Diabetic % 10 5 0 30-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 Age in Years Fig.3- Age group wise trends of Diabetic percent of Bahrain population Diabetics is ultimately causes the CVD ; hence discussion on this topic is imperative in context of present exploration. Nature of changes in Diabetic percent with the increase in age is shown in Fig.3. Nature of diabetic from the age 30 year to 49 year shows little decrease but suddenly, diabetics number shows exponential growth up to the age of 54 year, finally almost steady rate of diabetics is observed from the age 55 year to 59 year. The high percent presence of diabetics in young generation i.e. 30 to 39 year age group is a great matter of concern because the future of any country depends on how healthy is the young generation in the country. High diabetic percent of population of Bahrain is also shows resemblance of high obesity. It establishes that the obesity is the one of the important cause behind the diabetics. 9 Hypertension % of population Hypertension% 35 30 25 20 15 Hypertension% 10 5 0 30-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 Age Group Fig.4- Age group wise trends of Hypertension percent of Bahrain population Percent of population having hypertension disease from young age of 30 years to the age of 59 year has been shown in Fig. 4. Almost steady percent of hypertension is observed in the age group 30 year to 49 year, but it is more than 20 % of the population is an indication for an urgent alert. However, step exponential increase of the cases of hypertension in the age group of 50-54 year is alarming. Hypertension is known as one of the major cause for heart stroke. The medium age people ( 50-54 year group) having maximum level of hypertension is also coinciding with the maximum CVD mortality as shown in Fig.5. The age group from 50-54 are usually the most senior level position in corporate or other sectors, hence the high work pressure is well understood on this age group. But on other hand high level of mortality in this top position level must be checked because this group is highly productive and capable in contributing maximum in the country’s economy and prosperity. Hence, immediate measure to save this top level working force group is a vital matter of concerned. 10 CVD Mortality% 40 CD Mortality % 35 30 25 20 15 CVD Mortality% 10 5 0 30-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Age Group Fig.5- Age group wise trends of CD Mortality percent of Bahrain population Fig. 5 is showing the trends of the CVD mortality percent in the Bahrain. CD mortality in young generation of the age group 30 year is a sad and surprising trend. CVD mortality of 23 % of young population is one of the essential concern to be addressed by the concerning administrator. If this high CD mortality in young people could not be checked then in coming year country may face a problem of economic crisis and the growth of population may also be effected. CVD mortality data analysis from 2005 to 2019 To understand the CVD mortality in wider prospective let us do an assessment of CVD mortality data for a long period of 15 years i.e. from 2005 to 2019. The data has been collected from a reliable source.7 The graph based on the data given in Table 3 is drawn and it is shown as Fig.6. The non-steady nature of data of CVD mortality during the 15 years span time indicates the requirement of continues effort by the concerning authority to check the high mortality rate. 7 High CVD mortality peak during 2008 indicates some natural or 11 manmade calamity facing by the country. High pick of CVD mortality during present ongoing pandemic is obvious. The period of 2010 to 2014 is considered as the one of the least CVD mortality period. This period might have been under special drive of the Government to curb the heart diseases. Year Death /2000 2005 32.4 2006 34.1 2007 39.2 2008 40.7 2009 24 2010 28.6 2011 25.4 2012 25.6 2013 27 2014 26.3 2015 34.5 2016 28 2017 33.4 2018 40 2019 42 2020 41 Table 3 – The CVD mortality data of Bahrain from 2005 to 20198 8 12 Fig.6 – Showing the trends of CVD mortality during 2005 to 2019 Hypertension mortality data study during 2005 to 2019 As discussed above the hypertension is one of the main reasons behind the CVD mortality. It is highly linked to the CVD disease. In table 4 the mortality figure due to hypertension is displayed. Long-term i.e. 15 years data of hypertension death has been collected 9 to understand the intensity of the effect of hypertension on general people of Bahrain. Fig. 7 shows the graphical representation of the nature of mortality due to hypertension during the period of 2005 to 2019. It has been observed from the graph shown in Fig. 7 that the mortality rate instead of being steady , it is increasing in nature with the increase of interval of time. This result on continuous increase in Mortality due to hypertension is shocking. Reason behind this unpredictable nature of mortality graph may be attributed to the unawareness about the probable death due to hypertension in general masses. In above column during the discussion of figure 4 i.e. Hypertension % in the Bahrain , It has been seen that the youth of younger age of 30 years have high hypertension disease , hence It can be predicted that we might be losing our youngsters due to the disease of hypertension. In general people 9 13 do not care much to the disease of hypertension, if the rate of mortality is this much high as shown in Fig. 7 then it is very essential to take immediate measure to check the hypertension disease and let us make the people aware about the good lifestyle and food habit. Death Year /2000 2005 37 2006 39 2007 40.5 2008 42 2009 45 2010 47.5 2011 50.5 2012 53 2013 55 2014 59.5 2015 62.5 2016 66.4 2017 68.5 2018 70 2019 73 2020 78 Table 4 – The data of mortality due to Hypertension in Bahrain10 10 14 Fig.7 – The trends of Hypertension mortality during 2005 to 2019. Conclusion An extensive exploration has been done on the topic of Circulatory diseases such as hypertension and cardiovascular disease. The related disease such as obesity and diabetics has also been taken up in this exploration to understand the causes and prevention properly. Many surprising, unpredictable results has been found during exploration. I have been felt that urgent health emergency kind of situation is there in Bahrain especially on the rising mortality due to CVD and Hypertension. People do not consider hypertension as life threatening but present extensive data analysis and comparison indicates that in Bahrain the hypertension has become a main reason for losing our youngsters , hence immediate proper action to cube these circulatory diseases is required. Following are some of important findings. Diabetic diseases has taken grip of almost to the people of all age group, It is almost around 20.9 % in all the age group. Disease hypertension is found increasing in nature with the 15 increase of age. CVD Mortality percent shows increase with the increase of age and increase of hypertension percent. Hypertension is known as one of the major cause for heart stroke. The medium age people ( 50-54 year group) having maximum level of hypertension is also coinciding with the maximum CVD mortality as shown in Fig.5. The age group from 50-54 are usually the most senior level position in corporate or other sectors, hence the high work pressure is well understood on this age group. . The non-steady nature of data of CVD mortality during the 15 years span time indicates the requirement of continues effort by the concerning authority to check the high mortality rate. High CVD mortality peak during 2008 indicates some natural or manmade calamity facing by the country. High pick of CVD mortality during present ongoing pandemic is obvious. The period of 2010 to 2014 is considered as the one of the least CVD mortality period. This period might have been under special drive of the Government to curb the heart diseases. 16 Bibliography "Bahrain Population (2021)." Worldometer - Real Time World Statistics, "Bahrain." Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 15 Sept. 2017, "Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs)." WHO | World Health Organization, 11 June 2021, Hamadeh, R. R. "Noncommunicable diseases among the Bahraini population: a review." Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, vol. 6, no. 5-6, 2000, pp. 10911097. Health Information Directorate - Web Services Group. "Disease Details." Coronavirus COVID-19 - Ministry of Health, 2 Feb. 2022, "Policy - Bahrain's Health Agenda. Health Improvement Strategy | Global Database on the Implementation of Nutrition Action (GINA)." WHO/OMS: Extranet Systems, 17