Midterm Paper Architecture

Architectural Profession in the 21st Century 1
Lanchinebre, Emma Grace D.
CEAT-01-701P BS Architecture
Ar. Aristedes N. De Paz
Rizal Technological University
Boni Ave., Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines
December 3, 2021
Architectural Profession in the 21st Century 2
The Advantage of Architectural Profession in the 21st Century
The dimensions of an architect's duty are as diverse and intriguing as their work; these
are specialists that lead the process of building usable environments, from concept and design to
complete reality. Throughout generations, people all over the world have erected magnificent
monuments, cities, buildings, tombs, temples, cathedrals, mosques, and a plethora of other
structures that stand tall to tell the tale of human civilization and its growth. An architect is a
skilled and licensed professional who works on the planning and design of structures.
Before drafting final building designs, architects consult with clients on the objectives,
needs, and budget of a project or numerous projects. In some circumstances, architects may offer
a variety of pre-design services. Feasibility and environmental impact assessments, site selection,
cost evaluations, and architectural design criteria are all examples of this. After discussing and
agreeing on the original concept with the customer, architects will produce the final building
blueprints. The structural system – everything from the air conditioning system to the
communication systems – will be included in the blueprints. It is feasible to add landscape design
plans in these blueprints as well. While developing the final construction plan, architects must
adhere to state and municipal building rules, zoning restrictions, and other legislation.
To summarize, architects are significantly more talented than most people realize; they
can construct beautiful structures while still offering comfort to their customers. It has several
complexities that assure human well-being. Architecture is the representation of culture, society,
lifestyles, and other abstract human concepts in a specific location.
Architectural Profession in the 21st Century 3
Timeliness in the 21st century
Filipino architects in the Philippines strive to be competitive in their trade in the 21st
century. And, unlike in the past, architects now have numerous chances and may advance their
careers in the sector since architecture contains disciplines that require knowledge and abilities
from several professions that blend into what architecture is. Architects, in general, may be
adaptable to several forms of employment. There are also rules that control and prioritize the
architectural profession and local Filipino architects. As a sense, architects may still have an
advantage, particularly in projects that need discussions.
Along from it as well, the Philippine government compiled a comprehensive vision
entitled Ambisyon Natin 2040, which focuses on the country's growth. One of the most
significant goals of this vision is to improve the well-being of Filipinos, which necessitates the
implementation of programs and initiatives. One of those initiatives is concerned with
community amenities and places. So, in terms of creating such projects, architects can make
these objectives a reality since architects in the twenty-first century have long envisioned and
innovated on sustainable architecture and urban planning. They may produce appropriate designs
in accordance with the rules, zoning, and requirements of each local government.
Since the Philippines is still a developing nation, the quality of the projects in the Build
Build Build Build program is required to progressively demonstrate growth and raise the
Philippines' ranking in the World Economic Forum's monthly report3. On the 2019 World
Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report, the infrastructure quality category ranks 95th
out of 141. It is still cheap, and despite the number, quality should take precedence. As a result,
no one can substitute the architect in designing designs since the quality of the facilities and
Architectural Profession in the 21st Century 4
infrastructures is also a factor in the country's progress. Architects may also give both concrete
and intangible answers to problems.
As previously said, the architectural profession is still anchored to all other disciplines in
the construction field in the twenty-first century. It is linked in several ways, and architects can
still be involved in the construction and development of infrastructures. Architecture is an
essential component of the building industry and growth. It is one of the country's backbones of
identity, enriching culture and tradition and producing tangible heritages. Architecture is also a
reflection of many inspirations from various times, and it is at the forefront of developing new
concepts. As a result, no matter how the times change, architecture will always be relevant.
There are Specialized Architectural Services that the scope of work that architects deal, with
its specific expertise for further enhancement of the architectural interior and exterior
components of a project. Listed below:
Architectural Interiors (AI)
Acoustic Design
Architectural Lighting Layout and Design
Site Development Planning (SDP)
Site and Physical Planning Services (including Master Development Planning,
Subdivision Planning and Urban Design)
Comprehensive Development Planning
Historic and Cultural Heritage Conservation and Planning
Security Evaluation and Planning
Architectural Profession in the 21st Century 5
Building Systems Design
Facilities Maintenance Support
Building Testing and Commissioning
Building Environmental Certification
Forensic Architecture
Building Appraisal
Structural Conceptualization
Preliminary Services
Contract Documentation and Review
Post-Design Services (including Construction Management Services)
Dispute Avoidance and Resolution
Architectural Research Methods
Special Building / Facility Planning and Design
Building Components
Management of Architectural Practices
On Architectural design competition there are advantages in selecting an architect
a) Opportunities will be open only to all PRC-registered and licensed Architects (RLAs) or
PRC-registered Architectural Firms (AFs).
b) The Client/ Committee will have a wider range of options.
Architectural Profession in the 21st Century 6
Advantages of Working as an Architect
Architects can make decent money; you can work for many different clients. As an
architect, you will also be able to work for many different clients. Quite often, you will plan a
home for a few months, finish the planning phase and then work for a different client.
You can start your own architecture company, if you build extensive knowledge in the
architecture field, you will also be able to start your own business sooner or later. After finishing
college, they just work for a few years as an employed architect, build some knowledge and build
a strong client network. There are many possibilities for advancement in architectural firms.
Architects can become supervisors and project managers. They can go into construction
management and government service. Since design opportunities are almost endless in the
architecture world, you will be able to try many different things and the more open your clients
will be, the more interesting your work will be as well. If you can build a certain reputation, you
will get lots of freedom for the design of the buildings you are responsible for, and it can be exciting
to work on those complex and unique projects. Creativity job. The architect’s work has a high
percentage of creativity. Many architectural works throughout history are considered art, showing
the vision of the architect. Architecture gives you the freedom to use the creative part of your brain,
it’s an art that works with science to design places and buildings where people can live, interact,
work and play. You get a lot of opportunities to showcase your creativity and art while designing
Leave your footprints on earth. Architecture monuments are living proof of human
intelligence and creativity. Hence, an architectural creation allows you to leave your footprints on
earth for centuries to come. Being an architect means practically seeing your imagination taking
shape into reality, the one you can touch and see. The structures that you build will be out there
Architectural Profession in the 21st Century 7
for the world to see and experience as well. Improve the lives of countless people. An architecture
career gives you an opportunity to touch countless lives by building structures that facilitate people
and help them progress themselves.
Research and implementation. Being in this field allows you to conduct enriching research
and its thorough implementation immediately. Control the environmental impact. Unlike many
other occupations, this one has a significant effect on the environment. As a result, it allows you
to act properly and has the potential to have a beneficial consequence on the environment.
The Architect shall not knowingly compete with other Architects based on difference of
professional charges, nor use donation as a device for obtaining competitive advantage except for
worthy civic or religious projects. Neither shall he submit solicited or unsolicited sketches or
drawings in competition with other Architects unless such competitive arrangements are conducted
substantially under the terms of the UAP Architectural Competition Code.
You may be held accountable for errors. Your clients are likely to hold you accountable,
and you may be required to pay them for what occurred. Because we frequently discuss large
quantities of money, it is recommended that you obtain sufficient insurance in this respect so that
you are protected in the event of an emergency. Only a few blunders may damage your reputation.
You should not expect your reputation to remain forever once you've established it. Only a few
missteps may derail it since people chat to one another and word about your terrible work spreads
far faster than news about your good work. Even if you produce excellent job, rivals may attempt
to write negative evaluations about your work on the internet, preventing you from gaining enough
new clients.
Architectural Profession in the 21st Century 8
It is difficult to leave the construction industry. While you will get a great deal of expertise
in the building industry, you will not gain many other skills as an architect. If you wish to change
sectors one day, it may be difficult since you will lack many hard skills necessary to operate in
those other fields, and firms may be unwilling to hire you as a result. You must stay up with the
most recent technical advancements. Because of our quick technological growth, you will
constantly have to react to the latest advances in the construction field, and if you are unwilling to
learn about these things, chances are you will be left behind and become obsolete soon.
The Comprehensive Architectural Services evolved throughout time in response to the
needs of more complicated construction projects. Pre-design Services, Regular Design Services,
Specialized Architectural Services, Construction Services, and Post-Construction Services are all
part of the Comprehensive Architectural Services package. [Standards of Professional Practice
Doc. 206]. In every construction project, the aspects of time, quality, and money must be balanced,
which is often best accomplished by the architect doing Design-Build Services. The construction
industry and architectural profession have developed a variety of project delivery techniques with
the ultimate objective of completing projects in the shortest amount of time, at the lowest feasible
cost, and with acceptable quality and performance. [Standards of Professional Practice Doc.
Universality of the profession in the global context
Removing the public's misconception that architects only know how to sketch and that their
main duty is to make a project appear attractive. Architects may undertake a variety of other
occupations. Architects are trained in the art and science of building design, and they oversee
formulating thoughts and translating them into pictures and blueprints. Architectural constructions
that are well-designed become trademarks. Design may appear to be only a collection of buildings
Architectural Profession in the 21st Century 9
in a neighborhood, but it is a separate discipline that requires the application of scientific concepts
as well as creativity to improve. In certain respects, utilizing outdated methods today is
unacceptable and immediately excludes persons from competitiveness. While designing for
function is important, it is also important to draw into that emotional connection since they both
speak to the idea of people who have experienced architecture. This was more than a cognitive
understanding; it is an intimate connection between both the person and the environment.
Everything from the layout of the rooms to the material finishes may influence the user's health,
mood, and productivity.
The architecture and infrastructure of a civilization reflect the success of its expansion. The
purpose of architecture is to physically chronicle human imprints on the land. A place's design
reflects the culture of the surrounding area. It is designed in such a way that it will be able to
convey the tales of the people who live there in the future. Furthermore, architecture is used to
create structures that reflect the needs of their users and make their lives simpler.
To contextualize, architects are significantly more proficient than what most companies
understood; they can construct visual elements while still offering comfort to their clients. It has a
range of complexity that assure individual well-being. Architecture is the representation of culture,
society, lifestyles, and other fundamental social concepts in a specific location. It also forms a
community; it is designed to meet all a community's basic demands for its users.
Nonetheless, an architect's work is more than what people think it is; their duty is to offer
people with safety and comfort through the services they provide. Architecture guarantees human
quality of life; it is more than just walls, roofs, doors, and windows; it incorporates a variety of
intricacies that ensure human quality of life.
Architectural Profession in the 21st Century 10
Reference List
1) About Ambisyon Natin 2040. AmBisyon Natin 2040. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2021, from
2) 2016. Advantages vs. Disadvantages of Being an Architect. Go Architecture Schools.
3) Architects: Jobs, Career, Salary and Education Information. College Grad.
4) 2021. Architect Job Description, Career as an Architect, Salary, Employment - Definition and
Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job. StateUniversity.com
5) 2021. ARCHITECTURE CAREER PATHS TO EXPLORE: Planning Your Architecture Career
Path. New School of Architecture & Design. https://newschoolarch.edu/blog/architecture-careerpaths-to-explore/
6) ‘Build, Build, Build’ delivers, sets up infra for future. (2021, June 19). Philippine News Agency.
Retrieved December 2, 2021, from https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1144279.
7) Editor’s Choice, 2020. 5 Reasons to become an Architect in 2020. The HR & Employee
Engagement Community. Happy. https://gethppy.com/employeerecognition/5-reasons-tobecome-an-architect-in-2020
8) Egeline, Jason. 2020. The Value of Architecture: 10 Benefits of Hiring an Architect. CWG
Architecture. https://cwg-architects.com/2020/03/22/the-value-of-architecture-10-benefits-ofhiring-an-architect/
9) Foster, Norman. 2020. Pros and Cons of Working as an Architect. Job Overview. Global
Awareness UG. https://job-evaluator.com/being-an-architect-pros-cons/
10) Panganiban, Benjamin. 2021. Safeguarding the architectural profession. The Manila Times.
Architectural Profession in the 21st Century 11
11) Philippines ranks 56th in World Economic Forum's global competitiveness report: National
Competitiveness Council. Philippines Ranks 56th in World Economic Forum's Global
Competitiveness Report | National Competitiveness Council. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2021,
from http://www.competitive.org.ph/node/1377.
ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES (Part of the IRR of R.A. No. 9266) SPP Document 203
(replacing the 1979 UAP Doc. 203). The Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture
(PRBoA). https://www.architectureboard.ph/
SPP Document 201 (replacing the 1979 UAP Doc. 201) The Professional Regulatory Board of
Architecture (PRBoA). https://www.architectureboard.ph/
14) 2020. Wonderful Benefits of a Career in Architecture. School of Architecture, Bachelor of
Architecture, MIT School of Architecture. MIT ADT University | MIT Art, Design and
Technology University. https://www.mituniversity.edu.in/wonderful-benefits-of-a-career-inarchitecture/