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Academic Integrity Hearing Procedures

Before the Hearing Begins
1. Individual reading of charge letter, supporting evidence, and student’s response letter
Introductions, Review of Procedures, and Formal Opening of Hearing
1. Introduce: AI Council Chair, panel/board members, person bringing the charge,
student(s) charged with a violation (and any representatives)
2. Review procedures
3. State that the hearing is official and confidential and the student is expected to tell the
4. Formal statement of Charge and Plea
Information Gathering Phase of Hearing
2. Explanation of charge by person bringing the charge
3. Response to charge by student(s)
4. Presentation/explanation of evidence by person bringing the charge
5. Clarification of information or issues through questions and comments
6. Final statements by person bringing charge and by student charged
Departure of All but Voting Members of Panel or Board.
Deliberations of Panel or Board
1. Determine the validity of charge (not necessary if student has pled “in violation”)
2. If student is in violation, consultation of panel or board with Council Chair to review any
prior Academic Integrity violations.
3. Determine the penalty or penalties
4. Consultation of panel or board with Council Chair to review results of deliberations
Return of Council Chair, Person Bringing Charge, Student(s), and Representative
Conveying of Results of Deliberations
 Inform student whether they have been found “in violation” or “not in violation” of
academic integrity, and if appropriate, what penalty or penalties have been assigned.
 Clarify results of deliberations in response to student questions.
 Remind student of opportunity and conditions for appealing, and that any appeal must
be submitted within 48 hours after hearing.
 Close hearing by thanking all for participating and remind all of confidentiality.
 Collect all distributed hearing materials.
Revised 07/28/21
Guidelines for Academic Integrity Panels and Boards
All hearing folders contain a copy of the handbook Academic Integrity at Roanoke College, which lays
out the rules and procedures of our system. Please feel free to consult the handbook at any time. Note
these important topics:
Violations are listed on pp. 2-3; other helpful information on violations: On student
responsibilities generally, see pp. 14-15; On collaboration, see p. 16; On electronic devices, see
pp. 16-19; On plagiarism, see pp. 20-21.
Penalties are listed on pp. 4-6
o When assigning AI Probation, Suspension, or Expulsion, the assumed effective date is
the date of the hearing. If a panel wishes to designate a different effective date, please
note this on the Hearing Outcome form.
o When assigning AI Probation or Suspension, please indicate the end date as “through
[semester] [year]” (e.g., through Fall/Spring/May/Summer 2022).
Recommended Deliberation Procedures:
Academic Integrity panels and boards are intentionally composed of representatives of the three types
of council members: faculty, staff, and students. The assumption undergirding this structure is that all
three groups are able to contribute important perspectives through the process of a hearing, from
gathering information about the events and actions relevant to the charge, to deliberating on the merit
of a charge and determining the appropriate penalty. As a result, all panel/board members should treat
one another with respect by allowing each person the opportunity to express questions and opinions as
they see fit and by thoughtfully responding to others’ comments. This kind of respectful interaction
requires panel/board members to take time to consider the opinion of others and to take time to
explain the reasons why one might disagree. Panels/boards need not be unanimous to reach a decision;
a majority vote is sufficient.
Unless a student has pled “in violation of academic integrity,” a panel/board’s first job is to deliberate
on the evidence for a violation. If during deliberations a panel/board would like to re-interview the
student, please ask the hearing chair to bring the student back into the room.
Once a student has been found (or has pled) “in violation of academic integrity,” the panel/board then
deliberates on the appropriate penalty or penalties. It is recommended that the panel/board first
deliberate on the penalties associated with a grade in the course. After this decision has been made, it is
recommended that the panel then consider the non-grade penalties.
The Hearing as a Learning Opportunity:
The primary purpose of an AI Hearing is to evaluate evidence and impose penalties for violations.
However, an academic integrity hearing is also an opportunity to teach students precisely what they did
wrong and to admonish them against further violations. The hearing panel/board can help accomplish
this goal by taking the time to explain to the student, either during the information gather part of the
hearing or during the outcome phase, what he/she did wrong and how to avoid this problem in the
August 2021