IMPROVING SITE PRODUCTIVITY INTHECONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Compiled by ALAN HEAP 34823 International Labour Office Geneva Copyright © International Labour Organisation 1987 Publications of the International Labour Office enjoy copyright under Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. Nevertheless, short excerpts from them may be reproduced without authorisation, on condition that the source is indicated. For rights of reproduction or translation, application should be made to the Publications Branch (Rights and Permissions), International Labour Office, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland. The International Labour Office welcomes such applications. ISBN 92-2-105694-5 First published 1987 The designations employed in ILO publications, which are in conformity with United Nations practice, and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinión whatsoever on the part of the International Labour Office concerning the legal status of any country, área or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. The responsibility for opinions expressed in signed articles, studies and other contributions rests solely with their authors, and publication does not constitute an endorsement by the International Labour Office of the opinions expressed in them. Reference to ñames of firms and commercial products and processes does not imply their endorsement by the International Labour Office, and any failure to mention a particular firm, commercial product or process is not a sign of disapproval. ILO publications can be obtained through major booksellers or ILO local offices in many countries, or direct from ILO Publications, International Labour Office, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland. A catalogue or list of new publications will be sent free of charge from the above address. Printed ¡n Switzerland POP PREFACE The International Labour Office has a continuing interest in the development of the construction industry throughout the world. Specifically, this interest stems from the dual role of construction not only as a significant source of direct employment but as a sector which contributes through its wide range of operations and projects to the growth and development of virtually all other economic sectors. Since the output of the industry typically represents onehalf of gross capital formation and 3 to 8 per cent of gross domestic product, the national benefits that can accrue from improving the effectiveness of construction operations can be very significant. At the level of the enterprise, the scope for improved performance through higher productivity is also substantial. Furthermore, those local construction businesses which make themselves genuinely competitive are able to secure a steady workload and offer continuous employment to a properly trained labour forcé. Improvements in productivity depend mostly upon initiatives by numerous individual construction managers, struggling to mobilise resources which are frequently inadequate and inappropriate, and facing a formidable array of constraints and difficulties. It is to them that this book is both addressed and dedicated. As is inevitable in a publication addressed to an international audience, some of the techniques and examples may strike the reader as unrealistic. But since most readers will be practical people, we believe that they will discriminate and test what they read against the lessons taught by their own experience. Used in this way, the book should equip the reader to make his or her contribution to improved performance through more effective working practices. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Most of the background research on which this book ¡s based was carried out under projects financed by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), the Norwegian Agency for Development (NORAD) and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). It draws heavily upon, and can be regarded as a specialist companion volume to, the ILO publication Introduction to work study, which has become a basic reference work in this field.1 The original script was prepared by Alan Heap in collaboration with the ILO Construction Management Programme, and edited by the successive directors of the Programme - Angus Austen and Derek Miles. 1 Vil Introduction to work study, third (revised) edition, Geneva, ILO, 1979. CONTENTS P reface v Acknowledgements vü 1. Introduction 1 Productivity and the standard of living 1 Productivity of the construction enterprise 3 Work study and the construction ¡ndustry 7 The techniques of work study 9 2. Method study 13 Basic procedures 13 Select the work to be studied 14 Obtain and record the facts 17 Examine the facts 29 Develop the new idea 31 Install the new method 32 Maintain the new method 33 Sitelayout 33 3. Work measurement 41 Uses and techniques 41 Time study equipment 43 Making the time study 46 Relaxation allowances 51 Derivation of standard times 54 Excavation and loading of soils by hand 61 Activity sampling 61 Feedback of output data 69 Using the output data 73 4. Work study - the general approach to some major construction operations 77 Plant utilisation 77 Machine excavation 80 Concreting operations 81 Formwork manufacture, erection, removal, cleaning and salvaging 82 Steel reinforcement 83 Control of materials 86 IX 5. Motivation and incentives 91 Productivity of labour 91 The human factor 91 The competence of site management 91 Motivation of workers 92 Financial incentive schemes 94 Taskwork 100 Advantages and disadvantages of financial incentive schemes 101 Rules to be observed in operating financial incentive schemes 102 6. Organising for work study 103 Stages of a construction project 104 General management structure of the enterprise 104 Role of the work study engineer 105 Work study technicians 106 7. Practical examples 109 Múltiple activity chart - Pouring concrete upper floor slab 109 Gang balance 114 Sitelayout 117 Rated activity sampling 123 X FIGURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. XI The management task 3 Work content of a construction project 4 Workstudy 9 Outline process chart 22 Flow process chart 23 Flowdiagram 23 Flow process chart for worker 24 String diagram 27 Site layout plan 38 Time study top sheet 45 Time study: Fixing precast wall units 55 Time study abstract sheet 56 Standard time summary sheet 57 Tabular recording of standard times 59 Graphic recording of standard times 60 Activity sampling record sheet 67 Activity sampling extract sheet 68 Daily work record sheet 71 Weekly work summary sheet 72 Weekly performance summary sheet 73 Stages of a construction project 103 General management structure of the enterprise 105 Múltiple activity chart 111 Múltiple activity chart: Altemative (a) 113 Múltiple activity chart: Altemative (b) 113 Layout of site for construction of radio transmitter station 118 Blank layout plan 119 Revised layout of site for construction of radio transmitter station 121 Rated activity sampling record sheet 122 Activity sampling extract sheet 123 Calculating the standard time 124 INTRODUCTION 1 productivity and the standard of living THE STANDARD OF LIVING 1 What is the connection between site productivity in the construction industry and the standard of living? The former may seem to be of merely technical interest to contract managers and site foremen. The latter is of direct interest to all of us, since it measures our capacity to provide ourselves and our families with a wide variety of goods and services that we need ¡n order to sustain and enjoy life. Some of these are classified as prívate consumption, such as food, shelter and clothing, while others are essential services provided by and for the community, such as safe drinking water, sanitation, transport, health and education. Food, clothing and housing are generally things that individuáis and families have to obtain for themselves. Health care, security and education are usually provided by the State or other public authorities, but even these are ultimately paid for by the individual citizen in the form of taxes. Therefore everyone needs to earn enough to pay a fair contribution to these common services, as well as to support himself and his family. There are two main ways of increasing the amount of goods and services produced. One is to increase employment; the other is to increase productivity. Efforts to increase employment are very important, and should go hand in hand with efforts to increase the productivity of those already employed, but it is with the latter task that we are concerned here. The greater the amount of goods and services an individual is able to buy, the higher his or her standard of living will be. One way of achieving a higher standard of living is by increasing productivity. By increasing productivity people will earn more. By increasing national productivity ¡n agriculture, industry, health and security services and education, the goods and services produced will be more abundant at a relatively lower cost. PRODUCTIVITY This ¡s defined as the ratio of output to input, that ¡s the ratio of the amount produced (the output) to the amount of any resources used ¡n the course of production (the input). The resources may be land, materials, machinery, tools or manpower. The input is generally a combination of all of them. Productivity increases if a greater output is achieved for the same input, or if the same output is achieved for a smaller input. An increase in production or output does not necessarily indícate an increase in productivity. If input rises in direct proportion to output, then productivity will stay the same. And if input increases by a greater percentage than output, then a higher output will be achieved at the expense of a reduction in productivity. For example, a team of two workers produces 20 concrete blocks an hour. The productivity is 20H-2=10 blocks per workhour. Owing to demand it is found necessary to increase input. The team is increased to three men who now produce 27 blocks an hour. Thus the output has risen, but productivity has fallen to 27-=-3=9 blocks per work-hour. The operation is studied, and using an improved method, three workers can now produce 39 blocks an hour. Thus, not only has production increased, but productivity is upto 39-^3= 13 blocks per work-hour. PRODUCTIVITY AND THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Building houses is entirely a construction activity, but construction works are also needed in agriculture, industry, education, health and other service industries. In many countries, construction activities in one form or another account for half the annual expenditure on capital goods. Therefore an increase in the productivity of the construction sector should not only raise the earnings and profits of those working in that sector but also contribute to an improvement of the productivity in other sectors, thereby improving general standards of living. 2 WORK STUDY This ¡s a series of techniques which can be used for the systematic examination and investigaron of every aspect of human work and the factors that affect efficiency and economy, in order to bring about improvements. This manual will show how work study can be used to improve productivity levéis in construction work. productivity of the construction enterprise ~ THE MANAGEMENT TASK To carry out any given construction project, an individual mix of resources including land, buildings, materials, mechanical plant, tools, equipment and manpower have to be mobilised. It is the task of management to combine these resources to carry out the project economically and expeditiously. Figure 1. The management task In larger enterprises a management team will share the various specialist activities, such as site management at various levéis, materials control, plant management, financial control and so on, but in a small firm all the management activities might be carried out by one person. WORK CQNTENT OF A CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Experience has shown that there is always room for improvement in construction project execution. The total time taken is often well in excess of what it would have been it the designs, specifications and methods of construction were properly planned and prepared, and it site management had implemented them effectively so that there had been no loss of working time. This is illustrated below. Figure 2. Work content of a construction project - TOTAL ACTUAL T I M E — • T O T A L WORK CONTENT- BASIC WORK CONTENT This is the absolute mínimum time in which the project or operation can theoretically be completed. In practice this is never achieved. Unnecessary work ¡s added by defects in design and specification, and by inefficient methods of construction. For example, in design and specification it is caused by: changing the design after work has started; - over-design, making project or component stronger or more elabórate than need be; lack of liaison between design and construction teams, e.g. specifying precast units that are too heavy to be handled by existing plant; - non-standardisation of components. Inefficient methods such as the following can cause unnecessary work: - use of unsuitable plant, equipment and tools; bad layout and working conditions, involving double handling of materials or unnecessary movements; bad timing and sequence of operations. Whereas the construction agency may not be able to do anything about bad design and specification, inefficient methods can generally be put right by good management. INEFFECTIVETIME This is time when workers and machines are standing idle. Ineffective time may be due to extraneous reasons beyond the control of management, or to the shortcomings of management or labour. (a) In tropical countries these extraneous reasons are generally rainfall and flooding, excessive heat and dust storms. In other countries they could include frost and snow. Other reasons are materials and fuel shortages, and breakdown of law and order. Although these are beyond the control of management, their effects can be lessened by anticipation and work scheduling. (b) Instances of the shortcomings of management are: 5 delays in providing necessary working drawings, or setting out lines and levéis; delays in delivery of materials and plant and equipment; bad planning of work sequences, so that workers and machines are idle, awaiting work; - unbalanced construction teams (e.g. lomes standing ¡dle waiting to be filled); - failure to ensure proper maintenance of plant and equipment, causing unnecessary stoppages; - failure to ensure safe working practices so that time is lost and damage caused by accidents; - failure to motívate the workers. (c) The shortcomings of labour could be - taking time off without good cause, lateness, failing to start work promptly, idleness or delibérate slowdown; - careless workmanship, requiring re-doing or resulting in structural failure; failure to observe safe working methods causing accidents; not maintaining and sharpening tools. - In general, ineffective time is more often due to causes within the control of management rather than to the shortcomings of workers. REDUCING THE TOTAL WORK CONTENT AND INEFFECTIVE TIME The task of management is to organise and control all the available resources in order to achieve máximum productivity that is to reduce the work contení to as near to basic as possible and to elimínate ineffective time. Work study comprises a variety of systematic techniques which can be applied to help reduce this waste of time and effort. WORKERS OR MACHINES? One direct means of raising productivity is to replace manpower by the purchase of modern high-capacity plant or equipment. However, most developing countries are short of money and have problems of high unemployment, so that to buy such equipment may be neither possible ñor desirable. Furthermore, due to lack of adequate maintenance procedures and a shortage of spare parts, the benefits derived may be short-lived. The cheapest and most effective way of raising productivity is by better management. 6 work study and the construction industry ~ DEVELOPMENT OF WORK STUDY Work study is the study of methods of working ¡n order to find a better way of carrying out various activities. Although the term was first used ¡n the last century, the basic principies have been practised since ancient times, in the building of the pyramids, Román roads and aqueducts and castles and cathedrals, where large-scale systems of equipment and manpower were used. There is nothing new about the investigation and improvement of working methods, and managers of outstanding ability have always existed. What is new is the systematic disciplined approach to the investigation of working methods and problems, and to the development of solutions. By using these systematic procedures, quite ordinary people can achieve results as good as the less systematic geniuses of the past. The development of scientific management and work study techniques originated in the factories established during the Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century. Further development and application of these techniques occurred during the early part of this century, fostered by the use of production line and mass production technology. By 1930, "scientific management" was an integral and necessary part of the industrial routine in industrialised counthes. APPLICATION TO THE "CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 7 It was not until the late 1950s that major construction firms began to appreciate the potential savings that could accrue by adopting work study techniques and started to appoint work study engineers to their building and civil engineering departments. There were respectable reasons for this long delay, since working conditions in the construction industry are dramatically different from those in most factories. In a factory the elements of work are highly repetitive. The nature of the work and the layout of the workplace remain unchanged over long periods of time. The climate inside the factory is generally controlled and steady. On a construction site the various construction activities are of relatively short duration, and, after a few days or weeks, a construction operation may be taking place in a different way at a different location under different climatic conditions. Furthermore, although construction work can be repetitive, cycle times are longer, and days may elapse before a repetition occurs. On construction projects employing large Ítems of mechanical equipment, the high cost of work is generally caused not so much by the low performance of the operatives as by low equipment utilisation. On a labour-intensive project, however, high costs are more likely to be due to inefficient working practices. It is frequently the case that the workers are working hard, but not very effectively. In such a case, work study can enable operatives to achieve greater output while reducing the physical effort that they have to expend. It remains true that some work study techniques which are suitable for factory conditions have only limited use on a construction site. Nevertheless experience has demonstrated that significant productivity improvements can be achieved if these techniques are applied sensitively, and their application helps to incúlcate a productivity-oriented attitude of mind among everyone concerned. THE HUMAN FACTOR The application of work study has a tendency to reveal the shortcomings of managers, supervisors and workers alike. The work study specialist will be challenging working methods to which they have long been accustomed. In investigating one set of problems the weaknesses of other related activities will be laid bare. For example, observation may reveal that the time of a group of workers is being wasted through having to wait for certain instructions, decisions or materials. This points to inadequate supervisión or a need to revise inefficient procedures. Most people resent change. Workers resent being timed and fear redundancy, so a tactful approach is necessary. WORKING CONDITIONS Often, quite small improvements in working conditions can produce marked increases in productivity. Untidy sites and 8 stores can cause delays and accidents. Physical conditions such as ventilation, temperature, Tighting, sanitation and so on affect the human capacity for work. Bad working conditions are uneconomic. For example, to avoid the debilitating influence of various mosquito- and fly-borne diseases, construction sites should be kept clean and drained. Properly designated and maintained latrine áreas and adequate supplies of clean drinking water should be available on site. the techniques of work study Work study has two main components - method study and work measurement. The method study is usually carried out first, although some work measurement (time study) techniques such as activity sampling may be used before a method study to identify problems. Time studies are also used to compare the effectiveness of different methods. Figure 3. Work study METHOD STUDY The objectlves of method study are to: improve the use of materials, equipment and manpower; improve processes and procedures; - improve workplace layout; - improve the design of tools and equipment; - reduce unnecessary work; - develop a better working environment. The British Standard Glossary of Terms in Work Study defines method study as "... the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed ways of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods of reducing costs". WORK MEASUREMENT This involves using time studies to find out how long a job ought to take. The objectives are to: - compare the efficiency of alternative methods; - provide information upon which planning, scheduling and control of work can be based; balance the work of components of a team; - provide information for cost estimates; set standards of performance as a basis for incentive schemes. The British Standard Glossary of Terms in Work Study gives the definition of work measurement as "... the application of techniques designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job at a defined level of performance". WASTAGE OF RESOURCES Table 1 gives examples of wastage of resources, and the work study technique appropriate to the analysis of the problem. Table 1. Wastage of resources and work study techniques appropriate to the analysis of the problem Examples of waste Remedial action by work study SPACE Bad road surfaces, bad layout of huís, compounds, loading bays, wrong arrangements of working spaces, cluttered stores depots, poor light or heating in confined places, etc. Improved layout plans, use of string diagrams, process charts and models to pinpoint the faults, use of questioning techniques, use of photography to spotlight the waste áreas. MATERIALS Faulty storage, double/treble handling, faulty welghts and measures, mistakes ¡n tolerance design, materials not ¡ncluded in overall planning, delivery at the wrong place or time, etc. Revised layouts of storage áreas, time and methods studies of materials handling, frequent stocktaking, introduction of more frequent quality and quantity checks. MANPOWER Underutilisation, negligence and idleness, mistakes at work, faulty levéis and setting out of construction work, faulty management systems, ignorance of costing site situation, lack of incentive to work, poor training. Methods and time studies, activity sampling, standard data, múltiple activity charts, introduction of description and Job specifications for all company staff, questioning techniques, suggestion boxes, analysis of training needs. PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Underutilisation, excessive use with lack of maintenance, no inspection of plant by the site supervisors, plant left on sites to rot when a Job is finished, drivers not trained, use by unauthorised people, etc. Production and time studies, unit costing of plant operations, meetings with plant makers, introduction of daily plant usage programmes, introduction of preplanned maintenance as site responsibility, training of supervisors in plant management, analysis of training needs of plant operatives, "in-company" short plant courses, analysis of plant suitability and its unit cost potential, plant selection assisted by prior work. 11 METHOD STUDY basic procedures When a method of working contains an obvious difficulty, the worker will usually take steps to get around ¡t. But this method adjustment deals only with that part of the method that attracts his attention. It does not necessarily improve the whole method. Planned method ¡mprovement ¡s a system of analysis which studies the whole method. The basic procedures, which are considered in detail later, are first given in outline below. D Select - the Job or operation that is in need of ¡mprovement, or that is to be set up. D Record - obtain and record al I the facts; - enlist the co-operation of all concerned; - watch the work being done, and consult information on previous experiences; - chart the present method; - note the snags and difficulties. D Examine 13 Examine critically every aspect of the Job or operation: - What is achieved? Is it necessary? Why? What else could be done? - Where is it done? Why there? What other place would be better? - When is it done? Why then? What other time would be better? - Who does it? Why that person? What other person would be better? - How is it done? Why in that way? What other way would be better? Consider: safety; quality; design; layout; equipment; materials. Note all ideas. D Develop - review ¡deas; - eliminate, simplify, combine, rearrange; - make the new method safe; - chart the new method; - submit the new method for approval, where appropriate. D Install - consider the best time to introduce to the Job; - convince all concerned that method will work; the new - train the users. D Maintain - check frequently; - match results; - correct deviations. Method study is equally applicable to planning new work and analysing an ongoing operation. As work proceeds on a construction site, a range of different operations are required, each with its own resource implications. For example, in the erection of a multi-storey building, certain equipment is needed for excavating and concreting the foundations and basement. As the structure rises, different equipment is needed. Initially, locations need to be worked out for site offices, materials stores and dumps, concreting plant, cranes and hoists, etc., in order that all operations on the site will be carried out efficiently, without interfering with one another and without double handling. In such cases a method study is done before the work commences, based on experience gained on earlier projects. select the work to be studied Whether it is a new construction operation, or an ongoing activity, the question of how to select the work to be studied will depend on the organisational structure of the construction enterprise, and the nature and stage of the work. If work study is being introduced for the first time, and ongoing activities are to be studied, it is better to start with a relatively simple Job that will permit quick and significant improvement. Economic 14 considerations are important. It is obviously a waste of time to spend effort on improving a Job ¡f the cost ¡s low or ¡f ¡t is of short duration. Other factors to be considered in the selection of work to be studied are as follows: (a) Where it is necessary to set up a co-ordinated team of variously skilled workers and machines, in balance with other related operations. (b) When the feedback from the project reveáis high production costs, a work study may be necessary to find out the reason. Ideally all the sepárate construction operations on a project should be individually costed as the work proceeds, with a prompt feedback for comparison with standard costs or estimates for the same type of work. (c) When production operations are being held up, such as by- lorries waiting to be loaded; - delays in obtaining materials; - concreting gang held up by steelfixers. (d) Double handling of materials, such as - materials not delivered near enough to workplace; - materials store wrongly sited; - wrong working methods. (e) Failure to achieve specified quality standards for reasons such a s - wrong tools; - wrong materials; - wrong methods; - bad workmanship; - wrong instructions given. (f) Danger, effort and fatigue: Work study will be more readily accepted by the workers if the first jobs studied and improved are those which are dirty, dangerous, difficult or . strenuous. (g) Major components of the project: The larger the item, the greater the opportunity for saving. A small improvement on an operation which is a major cost item is more profitable than a big improvement on a small cost item. For example: 15 Example: On a project worth $100,000 one operation accounts for 50 per cent of the cost, while another accounts for only 1 per cent: A 5 per cent increase in productivity of the major operation saves 50 100,000 x 5 x — = $2,500. 100 100 A 50 per cent increase in productivity of the small Ítem saves only 1 100,000 x 50 x 100 = $500. 100 (h) Activity sampling: Where none of the above pointers are appropriate, the technique of activity sampling can be used to identify sectors Of low efficiency. Activity sampling is described later in this manual. The technique provides information on: - the proportion of the working day during which workers and machines are producing; - the proportion of the working day used up by delays; - the relative activity of different workers or machines. (i) Wastage in any form: This is an indication of a need for method study. Examples of waste are: SPACE - unplanned or untidy storage of construction materials; - bad layout of site offices and storage huts; - uncontrolled activities of subcontractor on site; - bad layout of tower cranes, derricks and heavy plant. TIME Standing or waiting time caused by: - slow deliveries or flow of construction materials; - shortage of construction plant, equipment or tools; - plant and equipment breaking through lack of maintenance; down - poorly trained drivers of plant or equipment; -management and supervisión not trained, resulting in poor company Communications and lack of instructions for the operatives. 16 EFFORT - lack of handling equipment; - unnecessary double handling; - skilled operatives doing manual work; - poor administration and working conditions resulting ¡n non-productive work. MATERIALS - through wrong requisitions; - wrong methods of material handling; - detective work causing rejects; - deterioration of materials through poor supervisión of storage; - pilferage. POWER - wrong use of plant and heavy machinery; - handling by untrained people; - lack of choice on use of power; - heavy plant working below designated capacity or at low utilisation because of lack of supervisión, lack of trained operatives and also lack of work programming. obtain and record the facts ONGOING ACTIV1TY 17 The person making the study will come into contact withworkers, foremen and other supervisors. Before starting it is essential to explain to all concerned the reason for making the study, pointing out that no criticism of anyone is implied, and that everyone's co-operation is sought in improving the Job. If a unión exists, unión representatives should also be consulted. It is important to explain that no redundancies will occur as a result of the studies. Failure to give adequate explanations gives rise to rumours and unrest. During the course of an investigation, supervisors or workers may come up with some good ideas, which should be noted. If these are ultimately incorporated in the new method, full credit should be given. It should also be remembered that a person tends to make his own ideas work better than those of someoneelse. Before making a record of the Job, the work study person will first discuss it with the supervisor. He will watch what ¡s happening until he thoroughly understands the Job, asking questions of supervisors and workers where necessary. He will then make notes and sketches regarding the methods used and performances seen. He will note any obstructions to the smooth working of operatives or plant engaged on the construction, recording the information needed to answer such questions as: - What is the purpose of the activity? - What is the end-product? - Is the place of work right? Is the layout right? - Is the sequence of work right? - Are there any preparations for work which are part of the job? - Are those preparations necessary? - What work will follow? - Who did the work before? Who does the work now? Who will follow? - What are the main elements of the job? Can they be studied separately? How many studies will be needed? - What ¡s the frequency of repetition of the job? NEW OPERATION ln this case it will be necessary to study previous experience of the kind of job to be set up. The facts should be obtained, i.e. everything that will affect the operation, such as: (a) Nature of the work: - quantity and quality; - time available; - conditions of contract and specifications; - site plan, working drawings; location; weather and ground conditions; - access; budget costs. (b) The resources available: - materials (availability, alternatives, location, access, delivery and costs); 18 - equipment and tools (types and capacity, condition, maintenance and service, output and running costs); - labour (availability, skills and experience, output and costs). EXAMPLES OF CONSTRUCTION ACT1VITIES The facts to be collected ¡n studying some typical construction activities are given below: EXCAVATOR - nature of work (site strip, foundations and bulk excavation); - suitability and capacity of machine; - nature and timing of work elements; - DISPOSAL susceptibility to change of method; disposal of excavated materials; balance with allied equipment (e.g. tippers); expertise of operator. - capacity of vehicles carting soil totip; - loading (method and timing); - access to excavator; - routetotip; - access to tip; - method ofdischarge and timing. 19 CONCRETING - mixer set-up (layout, storage and delivery of materials, water supply and gang balance); - transportaron of concrete (cost effectiveness of pumps, conveyors, lifts, crane skips, dumpers, wheelbarrows and head pans). Balance with mixing cycle; - placing and finishing of concrete in foundations, slabs, walls, columns and beams at various heights. Balance with mixing and transportation methods. FORMWORK - methods of manufacture, erection, removal, cleaning and salvaging. Carpenters' shop layout and movement of raw materials. Handling and assembly of units. Methods of fitting and fixing. Rough handling and damage in removal. STEEL FIXING - prepararon and preservaron of bending schedules. CEMENT - deliveries, storing and stacking of steel. Layout and equipment for cutting, bending and stacking. Fixing in position. RECORD ALL THE FACTS The analysis of the studies is usually done in the office, away from the heat, dust and bustle of the worksite. Therefore, in carrying out the site study it is necessary to make a clear and concise record of the work. The success of the whole procedure depends on the accuracy with which the facts are recorded, and the ease with which they can be studied. Apart from site layout plans, a variety of recording techniques have been developed for this purpose. These include process charts, flow diagrams, string diagrams imposed on layout plans and múltiple activity charts. It is also sometimes useful to take photographs or make models to assist in the analysis. In the case of process charts and flow diagrams, the recording of the movements and activities of workers or machines (or of what happens to materials) is facilitated by the use of five standard symbols: O Operafon-something is produced or accomplished. An operation always takes the material, component or service a stage further toward completion by changing its shape or composition; D = /nspecf/'oo-something is examined for identitication, quantity or quality; = 7"ransportaft'on-indicating the movement of workers, materials or machines from place to place; D V = Delay-a temporary hold up or delay/obstruction in the Job; = Storage-a storage occurs when an object is deliberately kept and protected against unauthorised removal. Charting conventions In using the standard symbols, certain conventions are used: (i) Similar symbols are numbered consecutively. When two different activities occur together the symbols can be 20 combined, for example, an operation ¡nvolving elements of inspection would be shown as • . (i¡) When a material or component ¡s first introduced ¡nto a process ¡t is shown as an arrow entering from the left. (¡ii) Rejects are charted thus: REJECT5 FOR DESTRÜCTION RCJECTS FOR REPROCESS REPEAT 3 MORE TIMES (iv) Repeat activities are charted as above; (v) Notes may be made alongside the activities shown on the chart to pinpoint difficulties such as: - awkward or difficult operations; - distances moved; - heavy or bulky loads; 21 - unpleasant conditions, i.e. dust, mud or noise; - hazards. RECORDING TECHNIQUES Recording techniques most commonly used are: (a) Outline process charts These give an overall picture by recording ¡n sequence only the main operations and inspections. The outline process chart is intended to clarify the understanding and interrelationship of the various operations by giving a bird's-eye view of the work. Each of the activities shown on the chart could warrant a sepárate more detailed study. However, even at this stage, the application of the method study Figure 4. Outline process chart MIX CONCRETE TRANSPORT | CONCRETE ' CÜT + BENP 3TEEÜ CLEAN AND I <?REASE[ FORMS A5SEM0LE ANDTIE STEELf SETI UP FORMSI TRANSPORT/ STEELV rrrsTEEii TOFORMS POUR, CONCRETEN VÍBRATE , &ONCRETE> CUREl STI?IP FORMSI MAMUFACTURE OF REIMFORCED PRECAST CONCRETE UNITS CUREl 5TACK PRECAST ( UNITS 22 questioning technique (described in "Examine the facts") to the outline process chart could lead to the elimination of unnecessary work. Figure 4 gives an example of an outline process chart describing the manufacture of precast concrete units. (b) Flow process chart This gives a fully detailed account of the sequence of every operation, inspection, delay, and transport or storage activity occurring in a process or procedure. It contains all the information considered desirable for analysis, such as time required and distance moved. The chart can be used to show either the activities of worker or machine, or what happens to the material being processed. The chart is sometimes used in conjunction with a flow diagram. See the materials-type example shown in figure 5. A flow process chart for a worker is shown in figure 7. (c) Flow diagram The flow diagram is most appropriate for use on construction sites. The various movements and activities of worker or machine are recorded on the plan of the worksite (text continued on p. 26) Figure 5. Flow process chart DELIVERY, CUTTINq, BENDINQ, FABRICARON, and STORAQE of STEEL. V <H STORA6.E RACKTOR. ÜNCLT STEEL STORASE T T RAGK^>J ~P-^~^ MOVETO CUTTINq BENCH UNLOAD AND STACK BY HAND. CUTTO LEN(,TH L_A> MOVE TO BENDIN5 BENCH STACK WAITING BENDINq W <^—\ V *^p MOVE AND STORE DELIVER n BY LORRY 1 UNLOAD AMD STACKBYHAND S$—t < MOVE AND STORE STRAlQHT BARS Flow diagram STEEL DELIVEBED BY LORRY \-r¿? Tyl,. Figure 6. GD BEND ACCORDIN5 TO SCHEDULE MOVE TO COLUMN * CAI^E FABRICATION BENT BARS m STACK WAITING FABRICATOM Y/ BEr•IDIKq BE. •iCU y ra) \7 \7 STORE COLUMN CA^ES ^ \A\ Cii STORAQE STRAiqHTBARS j ) X» MAKE 0t> COLUMN CA^BS MOVE TO STORE N CUTTINq BENCH \7 ^^''^STORAGE BENT BARS STORAGE CO LUMMW14ES A II \Y( rofS"TEEL BEN DiNQYARD Figure 7. Flow process chart for worker Flow process chart : Tiling to standard bathroom of hotel buildinc as shown on drawing D50fa;. Preliminar/ study of ORIGINAL METHOD Study reference: 137 Dale: 11.11.83 SAieeí No. 1 of 2 Localion: Bathroom to room 105 Details: Lay 7.5 sq m of 15cm x 15 cm tiles to 3 walls of bathroom Workman: Mushkil Khan Study by: A Nobservah Remarks. Time taken at present ¡s considerad to be excessive. Normal working hours: 0630-0930,1000-1200,1230-1530. Distance Time (metres) (mins.) Symbo V 130 4.20 1.50 D O In workers' locker room Check tools and drawings Carry tools to workplace 5.50 m o D o Search for and obtain length of batten used on previous day Clean oíd adhesive off batten Refer to drawing Set out and fix batten to bottom edges of tiled área 4.20 o 2.20 •=c> Set out and mark top and side edges of tiled área Travel to stores to collect materials 9.30 2.20 8.20 1.70 10.50 17.50 1.00 2.00 D O D U <> D O O 4.10 O 3.10 9.30 =!> O 32.50 O 7.50 5.30 D O 41.50 2.50 4.50 3.00 8.40 24.60 4.00 D O 4.20 4.70 7.50 110 110(X3) 90 90 90 90 Operation 110 2.50 5.20 8.60 110 2.30 1 150 256.30 o =o o o o oD D -O Remarks/tools/methods Including uponeflight stairs Chisel and rag Spirit level, pencil, hammer, nails, steel rule Spirit level, pencil, steel rule Including down one flight stairs Await storekeeper Make out requisition Await storekeeper assembling materials Check and sign for stores issued Two trips necessary Carry materials to workplace Visit latrines Assemble grouting materials Including down one Move to water point flight stairs Bucket and short Mix adhesive grout batten Carry grout to work área Trowel, metal Apply grout to wall área 1 spreading comb Lay tiles, including cutting Tile cutter, hammer, pincers, spacer strings Smoke cigarette QUERY this practice Scrape bucket clean and empty out of window Break for morning meal Move to water point As before Mix adhesive grout As before As before Carry grout to work área Apply grout to wall área 2 As before Lay tiles, including cutting As before Scrape bucket clean and empty out of window Travel to stores for more adhesive Await storekeeper Await storekeeper altering previous QUERY this practice requisition, obtaining and issuing adhesive Return to workplace CARRY FORWARD TO SHEET 2 24 Flow process chart: Tiling to standard bathroom Study reference: 137 Sheet No. 2 of 2 Distance (metres) 1150 90 90 Time (mins.) 256.30 2.50 2.20 5.00 3.00 7.90 20.00 8.70 6.50 35.20 35.10 15.20 90 90 180 Symbo O <í> o o o D ^> O D O D 3.20 O 2.00 =¡> 5.30 O 2.40 25.20 3.70 o o o 9.20 D 6.10 O 15.90 25.70 o o 20.00 1 690 D Operation Remarte/tools /methods BROUGHT FORWARD FROM SHEET 1 Assemble grouting equipment As before Move to water point As before Mix adhesive grout As before Return to workplace As before As before Apply grout to wall no. 3 Lay tiles, including cutting As before Break lor cigarette Clean buoket and empty out of window As before Mid-day break Screwdriver, claw Remove space strings and battens, remove surplus adhesive trom joints, hammer, oíd rags clean string and wrap for re-use Foreman arrives for inspection and discussion Assemble grouting materials As before As before Move to water point Mix jointing grout As before Return to work point As before Plástic grouting tool Apply grout to walls 1,2,3 Scrape bucket clean and empty out of window Smoke cigarette Fetch water for cleaning off Bucket Sponge, clean rags Clean off tiles Clean up and assemble tools preparatory to moving on Await end-of-day whistle 515.30 Actual worK time 515.30- 60 - 455.30 minutes SUMMARY Symbol No. Total lime O E3 D 23 3 2 =£> 14 D 12 256.10 13.40 8.90 45.30 45.30 186.10 515.30 NOTE: 25 (i) Distance 1 690 not recorded 1690 + The chart would normally be handwritten, but is here printed for clarity. (ii) The times taken are approximate only, to assist in getting an overall picture of the Job. Accurate timing techniques are discussed in Chapter 3. (iii) The study brings to light certain interesting facts- of the total work time available of 455.30 minutes (approximately 7'A hours), only 3'Á hours are spent in valid tiling operations. It took over 3A hour to get to the stores. A good deal of unnecessary travelling (1,690 metres) is involved. Over 1 % hours (excluding mealbreaks) were spent doing no work, plus several other breaks which were too short to be recorded. - certain malpractices are revealed, viz. throwing waste out of Windows and the alteration of requisitions by the storekeeper. (iv) It should be possible to streamline the Job, cut out wasteful activities and motívate the worker, so that two bathrooms are done ¡n one day. using the standard symbols. The diagram can also be used to examine the handling and processing of materials as shown in figure 6. (d) String diagram This is a scale drawing or model on which a thread is used to trace and measure the path of workers, materials or machines during the course of the particular operation. The result is to give a picture of the paths taken showing those most frequently used, so that rearrangement of work points or storage áreas can be made to reduce excessive movement. The technique has limited application to construction work, but is introduced here for completeness. The technique can sometimes be useful on a construction site wherethe haphazard build-up of materials, dumps, etc., has led to detours, congestión or delay. The work study specialist will mount a site plan on a hard backing and sketch in all the dumps, temporary roads, etc., not shown on the plan. He will then observe and record movements of site traffic, noting each turning or destination point. At the end of the day, or when sufficient data have been collected, he will return to the office and drive pins into the board to mark each destination or turning point. Using a length of fine string or cotton, he will retrace each movement observed and recorded, by winding the thread across the board from pin to appropriate pin. The build up of thread will demónstrate the relative density of movements, so that priority can be given to improving those routes, or relocating those operations or storage áreas where the congestión is greatest. The technique can be used to study the movement of one particular Ítem of equipment, or several. In the latter case different coloured thread can be used. The string diagram can also be used to improve the location of stores, the layout of reinforcement fabricating shops, movement of workers and machines in precast concrete yards and the siting of machines in a workshop, etc. See the example in figure 8. 26 Figure 8. String diagram These string diagrams represent the layout and movement of workers in a woodworking machine shop, and ¡Ilústrate how alternative layouts can be examined to evalúate the effect on reducing movement and relieving congestión. Apart from relieving congestión, the proposed layout shown above has reduced movement (as represented by the length of string) by 18 per cent. (e) Múltiple activity chart This shows the activities of more than one subject (worker or machine), recorded on a common time-scale to show their inter-relationship. A simple example is given opposite. PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES 27 An alternative to site studies is to record the work on either photographic film or video tape, so that the work once recorded can be studied and re-studied under office, as opposed to site conditions. (a) Memo-motion photography The camera is set up with a view of the whole work to be studied. Special automatic time-lapse cameras with zoom lenses are used that can take one photograph at intervals of between 1 and 4 seconds (or longer intervals) as the situation demands, instead of at the normal 18 trames per second. The processed film is then played back and viewed at normal speed, so that an operation that has taken hours to perform may be viewed in a matter of minutes. The movements viewed will appear jerky, but if the time intervals Example: Three workers, A, B and C are pouring concrete inte- a column form using two buckets, a rope and pulley to lift the concrete from the ground to platform level. A filis the empty bucket with concrete, taking 15 seconds, and hooks it onto the rope taking 4 seconds; B hauls the full bucket up to the platform (12 seconds) and, after C has unhooked the full bucket and hooked on the empty bucket, lowers it to the ground (8 seconds), unhooks it (2 seconds) for A to refill. C unhooks the full bucket (3 seconds) hooks on the empty bucket (2 seconds) walks to the formwork with the full bucket (4 seconds) empties it into the column form (12 seconds) and walks back to the pulley (3 seconds) to await the next bucket. The múltiple activity chart for the existing method is: time ¡n s«cs orttm» actuafty wofking - T I M E CYCLE 46SECONDS • _¡_20 30 40 5CL o One way of improving the operation is to use 3 buckets instead of 2, so that A can be filling the 3rd bucket whilst B is hauling up. Also B does not then have to wait whilst A is filling the bucket. The new chart would be: ¡ - • T I M E CYCLE 3 1 SECONDSi A =hookt Nhook^ — 1 on B C haul up ^ ^ 1 fill on Vold = j lomar un Üook 1=1 hook off o nwalk W 1 fill ha ul up E= empty \#»l k To 13 lower un nook E= - = 3 hook off onwalk empty 61 87 F 77 Improved method using 3 buckets-time eyele 31 seconds Thus, the introduction of an extra bucket has improved productivity by nearly 50 per cent. The workload could be shared more equally by giving over the Job of hooking off the empty bucket from B to A. between trames were not too great, no information ¡s lost, and flow diagrams and activity charts can be drawn up ¡f needed. Also the work can be studied ¡n great detail, trame by trame. (b) Micro-motion photography This ¡s not so applicable to construction work, but more to high-speed factory assembly operations. In memo-motion photography the film technique is used to speed up the action. Micro-motion photography slows it down so that very rapid movements of the hands, for instance, can be studied in detail. MODELS AND CUT-OUTS Models and cut-outs representing the plan views of plant or temporary site buildings, made to the same scale as the plan, are useful for deciding the best way to set up the site before work commences. Site layout ¡s discussed later in the chapter. examine the facís QUESTIONING TECHNIQUE Once the operation has been recorded, each activity is subjected to a systematic and progressive series of questions, which examine: The purpose place sequence person means for which at which in which - the activities are ur by whom by which j eliminating combining With a view to • rearranging simplifying those activites The technique can be presented and applied in tabular form: PRIMARY QUESTIONS SECONDARY QUESTIONS PURPOSE What is done? Is it necessary? PLACE Why there? SEQUENCE Where ¡s it done? When is it done? PERSON Who does it? Why him? MEANS How is it done? Why that way? What else could be done? Where else could it be done? When else could it be done? Who else could doit? How else could it be done? Why then? What should be done? Where should it be done? When should it be done? Who should do it? How should it be done? • ln questioning the existing method, ¡t is important to: examine the activities as they are, and not as they should be or might be; avoid being influenced by previously conceived ideas since this may exelude other solutions; avoid hasty judgement; note all "hunches" as they oceur, but return immediately to the ordered procedure of challenging; eliminate all unsafe and undersirable features of the existing method; start with the DO activities, i.e. the operations and inspections; in questioning the supervisors and workmen involved ¡n the operation it is necessary to be diplomatic. People dislike any suggestion that the way they are doing things is wrong, and resist change. ALTERNATIVE METHODS The secondary questions seek to determine and analyse possible alternatives of place, sequence, person and means of doing the Job. The following are some of the matters to take into consideraron: WORKPLACE LAYOUT - relocate storage points for ease of handling, reduction of movement and elimination of double handling; - gravity feed of aggregatesetc; - avoid mutual interference of trades or equipment; - improve ground conditions. MATERIALS - substitution of less expensive materials; 30 - revisión of the specification to use alternative materials; - modification of size/shape to improve handling; - preforming of the materials at some other place; - alternative feed to work point. EQUIPMENT - use of more appropriate machines; - making idletime more productive; - reorganisation of set-up; - machine runs and interference or hazard; - machine runs and ground conditions. WORKERS - useof more(or less) skilled personnel; - alternative tools; - training needs; - unnecessary or dangerous motions; - alternative, simpler sequences. develop the new idea REVIEW THE IDEAS All the posslble alternatives and ideas noted during the questioning process are now reviewed to arrive at the best method. The concepts of elimínate, simplify, combine and rearrange are applied in order to decide what, where, when, who and how shouldW be done. The solution may be influenced by considerations of time, safety and the relative cost of alternative possibilities. SAFETY Check that the new method includes no unsafe practices. CHART THE NEW METHOD 31 This will be useful when informing supervisors and workers, or submitting the method for approval. In setting up a new worksite, the layout plan showing locations of offices, stores, workshops and equipment is essential. Operational and control procedures will have to be deflned. SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL Once drawn up, the new method may have to be submltted to sénior management for approval, and also to gain the acceptance of supervisors and workers. Their acceptance is made easier if they have been involved and their co-operatlon sought from the start. The considerations that mlght be stressed to gain approval and acceptance include: - safety; - cost saving; - time saving; - higherearnings; easier work; - less wastage of materials. install the new method Once all concerned have been convinced of the effectiveness of the new method, it will be introduced on the worksite. TIMING The correct time to install the new method will depend upon the nature and complexity of the operation. For a new operation to be started on site, the timing will depend upon the overall programme and progress of the construction project as a whole. If supervisors or workers require training, some convenient period will be chosen, causing a mínimum of interference with other related operations. PILOTTRIALS It may be advisable to try the new method out on a small section of the works in order to iron out unforeseen snags; test the effectiveness of operational and control procedures; 32 - train supervisors who will introduce the method elsewhere; - convince the workforce of the merits of the method. THE HUMAN ELEMENT This needs attention when change ¡s ¡ntroduced (a) Since ¡t takes time to get into the swing of a new method, early criticism of the method may be expected. (b) The following check-list is to ensure that people have been properly prepared: - Have all necessary operational and control procedures been drawn up? - Have all personnel remotely concerned, from sénior management down to labourers, been fully briefed as to methods and procedures, duties, controls and incentives, if any? Do they understand what is expected of them? Are they going to co-operate willingly? - What training is necessary? Has adequate training been given? - Are all the necessary equipment and tools available in sufficient quantity and in good condition? Are all the necessary materials available in the right place and in sufficient quantity? - maintain the new method Once the new method is installed, it should be checked frequently and the results evaluated in order to: identify and deal with unforeseen problems; - check any tendency to drift back to the oíd method; - identify further opportunities for improvement. site layout ~ THE PROBLEMS 33 Failure to plan the site layout in advance is a prime cause of operational inefficiency, and can increase the overall cost of a project substantially. In the absence of a precise site layout plan, neither the site manager ñor his subordinates will have a clear ¡ndication of where various hutments, items of plant, etc., should be located, and the following problems may occur: (a) Material stacks wrongly located Materials arriving on site are off-loaded into what someone guesses to be the correct location. This practice may subsequently involve double or treble handling of materials to another place because - they have been stacked over a drainage run, in the way of the scaffolding, or too near the edge of an excavation; - they are too far away from the part of the works where they are to be incorporated; - they are too remote from the hoist, or not within the radius of the crane needed to place them in position; - they impede the smooth flow of work traffic across the site, causing deviations; - they are too near works-traffic routes and may get damagedorsoiled; - their delivery was wrongly phased and they are not needed until much later in the project; - they are fragüe, and in their present location they are likely to get damaged or pilfered. (b) Plant and equipment wrongly located, for example: - the mixer is inaccessible for the delivery of materials; not enough room for the storage of aggregates; cement store too far away; equipment wrongly located for ease of delivery of mixed concrete; - fixed cranes are unable to reach all parts of the works; insufficient capacity in relation to loads to be handled at various radii; - hoists have insufficient capacity or height in relation to the loads to be handled or the nature of the building, or are badly located in relation to the floor layout of the building. (c) Inadequate space allowed Where inadequate space is allowed for the stacking of materials or ancillary activities such as steel storage, cutting and bending and formwork manufacture: - materials may be stacked too high or may intrude into roadways or other áreas, presenting hazards and causing breakages; 34 - working áreas may become too cramped for efficiency, or additional áreas may have to be allocated, with the consequent waste of time caused by having to travel between them. (d) Site huts wrongly located in relation to their effective use and convenience, such as: - site office located too near noisy activities such as a mixer or carpenters' shop; too near site or other roads in dusty conditions; too remote, not giving a sufficient overview of the site; - stores having inadequate access for loading and unloading, or being badly located with regard to security; - latrines located up-wind of office; or in badly drained áreas. Therefore, before moving on to a site it ¡s necessary to prepare a detailed site plan, showing the positions to be taken by every Ítem of equipment, accommodation, ancillary work áreas and materials storage áreas. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 35 The layout of a construction site will depend upon the methods and sequence of operations to be employed in carrying out the work, and on the space available. The methods and sequences will themselves depend upon the space available, the time allowed for construction, the relative costs of different methods and the availability of equipment and materials. All of these aspects will have been considered earlier at the time of tendering for the works, and should be known before the site plan is prepared. For a building on a restricted city site, the área available will díctate the equipment to be used and the methods to be employed. The tighter the space, the more critical the layout. In such circumstances it may be necessary to fabrícate formwork and reinforcíng steel off the site, and to have the concrete delivered reády mixed. Generally, the site will have to accommodate a varíety of temporary buildíngs, materials and supplíes and plant and equipment at different times during construction, and schedules will be needed giving their respective times on and off the site. Such Ítems must be located for ease of access and operation, to ensure smooth work flow and avoid interference with construction activities. The procedure ¡s to list all the ítems and storage áreas that will be needed on the site, and to indícate their positions on a site plan. Table 2. Considerations affecting site layout ítem 1. Buildings Offices for site manager, assistants and support staff Stores (lock up for small Ítems) Mess room, canteen, toilets, latrines Gatekeepers' and watchmen's huts Ancillary shops (carpenters, steel benders, blockmaker) 2. Plant and equipment Cranes Consideraron affecting location Avoidance of noise, dust, good view of site Security Clear of the works Good visibility Adjacent to appropriate store (or mixer)within crane radius Generator Circular saw Power bender Block maker Máximum anticipated lift. Capacity in relation to radius. Anchorages Location in relation to building and anticipated loads Adjacent to aggregates and hoist. Within crane radius Isolated Adjacent timber store Adjacent steel store Adjacent mixer set-up 3. Materials store Cement Aggregates Timber Steel Bricks, blocks Doors, Windows and frames Earthenware and sanitary fittings, glass Fuel Formwork Under cover. Security. Adjacent to mixer Possibility of gravity feed to mixer Within crane radius/adjacent access road Within crane radius/adjacent access road Adjacent to hoist, adjacent access road Safe storage área, easily damaged Safe storage área, easily damaged Isolate — fire hazard Fabrication, cleaning, within crane radius Hoists Mixer 4. Access roads Site entrance Temporary site roads 5. Hoardings and fencing Safety. Traffic control Ground conditions. Deliveries and unloading Parking áreas Safety of site personnel and general public security LIST OF ÍTEMS TO BE ACCOMMODATED ON SITE Table 2 lists some of these ítems, viz., temporary buildings, ancillary shops, plant and equipment, materials stores, etc., to be accommodated on site, together with some considerations affecting their siting. The list will also state the size of the área taken up, or to be allowed, and the dates at which the ¡tem or área will be required on site. ÁREA ALLOWED FOR ANCILLARY ACTIVITIES Often the área to be allocated will be known from previous experience, but in any case the área needed can be determined by carrying out a method study. In the case of steel storage and cutting and bending, ¡t will first be necessary to assemble all the relevant information concerning quantities, sizes and lengths of delivered bars, method of delivery and off-loading, steelbending schedules, required rate of working, place of assembly and storage of cut and bent bars. For instance, such bars may be transferred at once to their point of assembly in the building, or, as in the case of column cages, assembled and stored in the steel working área. When all this information is known, a flow diagram such as that shown in figure 6 on page 23 can be drawn up to ensure that the área allocated is adequate. MATERIALS SUPPLY AND STORAGE 37 The stage of construction that the building has reached will affect not only the need for materials but also the space available for their storage. Once the underground foundations, drainage and services have been constructed and backfilled, further space becomes available. It may also be possible to use the space inside the partially completed building. The time for delivery and storage of materials on site will be affected by the availability and reliability of supplies, and the distance of the work from the supply base. Other considerations affecting the size of the stock held will be: the anticipated weather conditions; the vulnerability of the materials to damage, deterioration and pilferage; and the extra cost of ordering and stacking supplies of materials too far in advance of the time they will be needed. A study of the construction programme and the materials delivery schedules will indícate the quantities, methods and phasing of materials deliveries and their rate of use. This information will indícate the optimum quantities to be held on the site, and consequently the áreas needed for storage. SITE PLAN A detailed site plan is required to a scale of at least 1:100 (or 8 feet to 1 inch). The plan will show the extent of the works, including details of underground drainage and service runs, extent of foundations, etc. The best position of the various Ítems to be accommodated on site can be derived by trial and error, using either pencil and rubber, clear plástic overlay and crayon or cut-out models. The models would be the plan of the Ítem of accommodation, plant or storage área, cut out of cardboard to the same scale as the site plan. Figure 9. Site layout plan The example shown in figure 9 ¡llustrates the site layout for the construction of a three-storey, concrete-framed, brick-clad bank and office block in a city centre. The layout has been superimposed on a foundation plan of the works. The site itself is congested, so that some compromise is necessary in locating Ítems. The following points can be noted: (a) Access - this is restricted to the side street only. The footway crossings at the gate will require reinforcing to avoid damage to the pavement and the services underneath. The área available for site offices, etc., is ultimately to be used as a car park. After constructing the drains this área can be stripped and hardcore laid, before laying out the site facilities. The limits of the scaffolding are defined in order to keep hutments, etc., clear. (b) Services - water is run to the mixer and ablutions block. The electricity supply runs overhead to a distribution panel fixed to the ablutions block. (c) Temporary buildings - these are from the builder's stock of re-usable prefabricated sectional buildings, and are assembled on site. (d) Mixer - adjacent to the street for ease of deliveries. (e) Tower crane - the whole site is within the crane radius. The jib clears adjacent buildings. At máximum radius the load capacity is adequate for lifting the concrete skip containing a full batch of concrete. The crane is dismantled after pouring the roof. (f) Hoist - this is used for cladding and internal finishes. The brick stack and mortar-mixing área are adjacent to the hoist. (g) Steel and formwork - previous experience or a preliminary method study will decide the áreas to be set aside. The nature and extent of cover provided will depend upon anticipated weather conditions. Some of the work can be done inside the building once the ground floor has been cast. (h) Windows, doors and internal fixtures - these will be stored inside the building, as space becomes available. 39 WORKERS' ACCOMMODATION The construction of major projects in remote áreas may necessitate the provisión of accommodation for the workforce. The cost of such accommodation would be a proper charge against the works, whether ¡t is built by direct labour (forcé account) or by contract. In the case of contract works, the client authority should not only specify the mínimum requirements of shelter, amenities and sanitary facilities but should also include an Ítem in the Bill of Quantities against which the contractor can price. Accommodation for the workforce will normally lie adjacent to, but outside the boundaries of the worksite. SUBSITES In cases where the works are spread over a considerable área, such as irrigation projects or new road construction, it may be necessary to set up a series of subdepots for construction bridges, concreting or asphalt plants, equipment harbours and workshops, etc. The location of each subsite will depend on the nature of the work and the proximity of materials sources, gravel pits, quarries or bridge locations. However, the same general considerations will apply for the layout of each site. A practical example of site layout ¡s included in Chapter 7 of this manual. WORK MEASUREMENT 3 uses and techniques INTRODUCTION 41 The construction of any project must be controlled to ensure that the best methods are used, that the work flows easily without delays, that ¡t ¡s completed on time to correct quality standards and within the (correctly) estimated costs. This in turn requires that the right materials, plant, equipment, workers (skilled and unskilled) are employed at the right times and in the right numbers. In order to control the works, planning and programming are essential. To plan, programme and control requires accurate knowledge of the work capacity of both workers and machines and the cost per unit of work. There are two ways of obtaining these output figures: one is by the feedback of output data from previous construction works, and the other is by work measurement, sometimes known as time study. The feedback of output data from construction sites gives a purely hlstorical record of output and costs. The data are derived by dividing the output by the time taken to achieve it. However, these data will include the effects of ineffective time. They do not show what output and costs could be achieved if the job was properly managed and the workers or equipment operators properly motivated to give of their best. Scientific work measurement uses a series of techniques to identify ineffective time and set sound time standards for the work. This chapter covers the establishment of time standards derived both by work measurement techniques and by feedback. DEFINITIONS (a) Work measurement is the application of techniques designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job at a defined level of performance. (b) A qualified worker ¡s physically fit, and has the required level of education, ¡ntelligence, skill and knowledge that the job demands. (c) The defined level of performance ¡s the brlsk rate of worklng of a well-motlvated qualified worker. USES OF WORK MEASUREMENT Work measurement is used to develop time standards for - planning and scheduling of construction operations; - estimates for tenders, quotations and completion dates; setting output standards for workers and machines which can be used both for control, and as a basis for incentive schemes; - balancing the work of workers or machines to form a composite team (gang balance). STAGES IN THE APPLICATION OF WORK MEASUREMENT (a) Select the work to be studied. (b) Record all the relevant data, the methods and elements of the job. (c) Examine the recorded data and detailed breakdown to ensure that the most effective methods are being used and that the productive elements are recorded separately from the unproductive. (d) Measure the quantity of work in each element in terms of time. (e) Compile the standard time for the operation as a whole, which will include time allowances for relaxation, personal needs, contingencies, etc. (f) Define the method and issue the standard time. 42 TECHNIQUES USED The principal techniques of work measurement in construction work are: - time study; activity sampling; - feedback of output data; - synthesis from standard data or estimates. "THE HUMAN FACTOR Workers generally may resent being timed and studied at their work, both because of the implied criticism and on account of suspicion that some may lose their Jobs and the remainder will have to work harder as a result. The reasons for, and the methods used in the time study should be explained to supervisor and workers alike. On no account should the work study specialist resort to secret timing as the practice is invariably found out, and leads to serious and understandable labour unrest. time study equipment Basic time study equipment comprises a watch, a study board, pencils and time study forms. WATCH A regular stop watch is best, although an ordinary wrist watch with a legibile second hand can be acceptable for some operations. On construction sites, most operations are of fairly long duration, so that timing to the nearest five seconds is generally accurate enough. A suitable specialist stop watch is illustrated below. CENTI-MINUTE FLYBACK STOP WATCH The maín scale is graduaUd ¡ n V\oo minutes 43 minute hand To opérate: Button A winds up, starts and stops the watch. With the watch running, pointers a and b go round together. The first touch on button B stops pointer b, allowing the time to be read off and recorded whilst pointer a is still moving. The second touch on button B causes pointer b to rejoin pointer a. Having stopped the watch (button A), one touch on button C causes pointers a and b to fly back to zero. STUDY BOARD This is a fíat plywood board, large enough to hold the study sheets. Provisión is made for clipping on the watch, so that the watch, study sheet and the actual job can be taken in at a single glance. di Wabcli 4-'' PENCILS Two or three sharpened pencils are carried to avoid interruptions to the study if the point breaks. Pencils are preferred to ink - in wet weather or if the hands are sweaty, the ink will run or smear. TIME STUDY FORMS An example of a typical time study form is reproduced in figure 10. 44 Figure 10. Time study top sheet PROJECT STUDY No. SHEET OPERATION TIME STARTED TIMEFINISHED ELAPSEDTIME OPERATIVES TOTAL O.T. TOTAL I.T. MACHINES OBSERVER DATE REMARKS ELEMENT DESCRIPTION R - Rating 45 WR WR = Watch Reading OT BT ELEMENT DESCRIPTION OT = Observed Time BT - Basic Time WR OT IT - IdleTime BT making the time study SELECTING THE JOB TO BE STUDIED Some possible reasons for selecting a particular Job are: - to study a new job, or a Job for which no reliable output figures exist; - tostudy achangeof method; - to investígate workers' complaints that the time allowed for a particular job is too tight; - to investígate delays; - to ascertain correct gang balance; - as a preliminary to introducing an incentive scheme; - when the cost of a particular job seems excessive. TIME STUDY PROCEDURE - observe the job as a whole without any timing; decide on the breakdown of the job into elements of work; - establish the break points; - record the elements and break points on the time study sheets; observe, rate, time and record the observations; add in relaxation and contingency allowances; - develop the standard time for the job. OBSERVE THE JOB The first step is to study the job without timing, watching a few repeats of the work cycle until it is thoroughly understood and obtaining explanations from the supervisor or workers as necessary. The next task is to break the job down into elements of work and record them on the time study sheet. BREAK DOWN INTO ELEMENTS An element is a basic, distinct part of the job selected for convenience of observation, measurement and analysis. For instance, in the case of mixing concrete the work cycle can be 46 broken down into the elements of loading the mixer hopper with aggregate and cement, discharging into the drum, adding water, mixing and discharging the mix. Where a more detailed analysis is needed, these elements can be broken down still further. In the case of loading this could be: - labourers fill the gauge box with sand; labourers grasp the handles of the gauge box; labourers lift the gauge box and move it to the hopper; - labourers empty the gauge box into the hopper; labourers return to the sand-pile and set the gauge box on theground. BREAK POINTS For ease and accuracy of identification each element will have a distinctive start and finish known as break points. These should be easily recognised by eye or ear, such as: - labourers' hands grasp the handles of the gauge box; labourer's hand grasps the first brick; - crane's hook touches precast wall unit; - engine roars as driver prepares to move off; - dragline bucket comes to rest. The break point should be entered on the study sheet to ensure the clear identification of the beginning and end of the element. TIMING THE ELEMENTS (a) Cumulative timing - The watch or stop watch will run continuously over the whole period of the study. The watch is started (or the time is noted) at the beginning of the first element of the first cycle to be timed. It is not stopped until the whole study is completed. Whenever a break point occurs and an element is completed, the watch reading is recorded. The individual element times are obtained by subtraction after the study is completed. The subtracted times are called the observed times. 47 (b) Flyback timing- In this method a stop watch is used and at the end of each element of work observed the hands of the stop watch are returned to zero (flyback). The watch then automatically recommences the timing of the next element. (c) Time reconciliation - As a check, the time of day when the timing began and ended should be recorded. This allows for a comparison between the sum of all "flybacks" and the actual duration of the study. If the timing error is greater than 5 per cent, the results should be scrapped and the study redone. RATING It will be appreciated that timing alone does not produce a fair assessment of the working ability or efficiency of a worker, or whether he is working hard or going slowly. Also, many of the labouring tasks on construction sites are carried out not just by men in their prime, but also by older men, women and young boys, who through undernourishment, etc., may not be 100 per cent fit. It would be incorrect to time the work of the strongest, best and fittest workers, and make that the standard for the whole workforce. A system of rating has been derived so that not only the timing but also the performance of the worker can be measured. Table 3. Rate Various rates of working Description Comparable walking rate m ph kph Noactivity 0 0 50 Very slow, clumsy, fumbling movements. Worker appears half asleep with no interest in the Job 2 3.2 75 Steady, delibérate, unhurried performance, as of worker not on piecework, but under proper supervisión; looks slow, but time is not being intentionally wasted while under observation 3 4.8 100 (standard rating) Brisk, business-like performance as of an average qualified worker on piecework; necessary standard of quality and accuracy achieved with confidence 4 6.4 125 Very fast; operator exhibits a high degree of assurance, 5 dexterity and co-ordination of movement, well above that of an average trained worker 8.0 150 Exceptionally fast; requires intense effort and concen6 tration and is unlikely to be kept up for long periods; a virtuoso performance only achieved by a few outstanding workers 9.6 0 At the same time as the study specialist records the time of each element, he will also assess and record the rate of working (that is, the speed and effectiveness with which the work is being done). In order to assess the performance or rate of working, a rating scale has been drawn up, on which the valué of 100 is given to the desirable rate at which the worker should consistently work. This standard performance of 100 is defined as the rate of output which the qualified worker will naturally achieve over the working day or shift, without overexertion, provided he knows and sticks to the proper method, and provided he is motivated (by bonus payments, piecework) to apply himself to the work. Table 3 gives examples of various ratesof working. (a) Qualified worker: The standard performance relates to a "qualified worker" who has the necessary physical attributes, possesses the required intelligence and education, and has acquired the necessary skill and knowledge to carry out the work to satisfactory standards of safety, quantity and quality. (b) Factors affecting rating are the effectiveness and speed of the operators. (i) Effectiveness - this means the application of acquired skill given to the work by the worker. It implies keenness, alertness and applied intelligence. The signs of good application are: - shortest path of movement - no detour; - keeping consistently to the best method; - sureness of touch and sequence; - avoiding unnecessary actions or flourishes; - effective use of both hands (or feet); - intelligent anticipation of movements and events; - tidiness and systematic arrangement of tools and materials. (ii) Speed (industrious application to the job) - this means diligence, steadiness and continuity. The signs are: - rhythm and consistency of movement; - speed of movement; - steady effort - no frequent small pauses; - making the job look easy. 49 In general, workers under study tend to improve their performance, simply as a result of the unaccustomed attention they are receiving. This temporary rise of performance drops as soon as the study specialist departs. On the other hand, ¡f the workers know the study is to be the basis for an incentive scheme, they may put up a premeditated slow performance, in the hope that this will result in easier bonus targets. Skilful rating will detect both these deviations. Unless the supervisión and motivation of the workers is exceptional, a standard performance will rarely be sustained for long if a bonus is not paid. Without such incentives the normal pace of work will normally lie between 50 and 75 per cent of the standard performance. The rating code of 100 represents standard performance. The work study specialist will evalúate the observed performance in relation to this (e.g. 75, 90, 110, 120) during the course of the element being timed. If the element is of relatively short duration, one evaluation will suffice. For an element of longer duration the performance of the worker may vary, so that more than one assessment of rating may be needed to obtain a fair average. BASIC TIME This is the time for carrying out an element of work at standard rating. The basic times are calculated by the following formula: Basic time = Observed time x Observed rating Standard rating Thus, if a qualified worker, working at a steady rate of 100, performs a certain element of work in 15 minutes without any rest pauses, then the basic time for that element of work is100 15 x = 15 minutes. 100 If his rate of working was 125, then the task would only take 12 minutes, but the basic time is still12 x 125 15 minutes. 100 With a slower rate of working of 75, the element of work would take 20 minutes, but the basic time will still be75 20 x = 15 minutes. 100 An example of a time study form, used for evaluating basic times, is given in figure 10. 50 relaxation allowances The basic time makes allowances for the speed and effectiveness of each operator, but not for time needed for recovery from fatigue. For example: a worker breaks up a concrete slab with a 7-kilogram hammer. After striking say 15 blows in one minute, he will be compelled to rest for a similar length of time before he can resume; a painter may paint for ten minutes without a pause, but he will then need a rest for half a minute or so, to flex his fingers, etc., before proceeding. To allow for these needs, a relaxation allowance is added to the basic time. Relaxation allowances are usually expressed as percentages of basic time, and are applied as appropriate to each sepárate element. In practice, a labour work unit of one hour and one shift is never composed of continuous, uninterrupted work. Relaxation periods of a few seconds or minutes occur throughout the working period, as the worker feels the demands made on his body. The time taken up by these relaxation breaks may be 10 to 30 per cent of the working time, depending on the nature of the work. On particularly arduous Jobs carried out under severe climatic conditions, the relaxation necessary could total more than 40 per cent of the working time. Brief periods of relaxation are needed for the following reasons: (a) standard - e.g. to drink water, urinate, etc.; (b) posture - to give relief from the discomfort arising from working in an unnatural and uncomfortable position; (c) attention - to give relief from the strain of concentrating on dials, precisión work, calculations, etc.; (d) conditions - excessive heat, cold, wetness and poor lighting; (e) effort - to allow periods of rest from heavy physical work; (f) monotony-to give relief from boredom or isolation. 51 The mix and magnitude of these breaks will depend upon the type of work. Office workers in an air-conditioned office might need only 10 per cent of work time made up chiefly of (a), (c)anó (f). A labourer doing heavy manual work during the heat of the day may need 40 per cent made up chiefly of (a), (d) and (e). The worker himself will decide on the rate of working and on the breaks demanded by that rate. One hour of working time Table 4. Relaxation allowances Nature Description Allowance expressed as percentage of basic time Standard Personal needs (toilet, drinking, washing) plus basic fatigue 8 Posture Standing Awkward bending Very awkward (lying, stretching up) 2 2-7 2-7 Attention Fairly fine to very exacting visual work Fairly to very complex mental process or span of attention 0—5 0-8 Conditions Lighting: fair to inadequate Ventilation: fair to dust or fumes to extreme conditions Noise: quiet to intermittent or high pitched Heat: températe to 35 °C at 95 per cent humidity 0-5 0-5-10 0-5 0-70 Effort Light: up to 5 kg lifts Médium: up to 20 kg lifts Heavy: up to 40 kg lifts Very heavy: up to 50 kg lifts 1 1-10 10-30 30-50 Monotony Mental Physical: tedious to very tedious 0-^4 0-5 may include 50 minutes of slow, steady continuous working with only 10 minutes of relaxation, but a faster rate of working would need longer rest breaks. The rate of working will depend on the physical condition of the worker, and the degree to which he is supervised and motivated. Table 4 gives typical examples of relaxation allowances which are allowed as a percentage of basic times. It should be noted that where the nature of the work is varied, this variation itself would provide some measure of relaxation. RELAXATION ALLOWANCES IN HOT ANDHUMIDCLIMATES The relaxation allowance necessary to cover the conditions encountered in hot and humid climates can be very large, and is worthy of special comment. When a human being does physical work, heat is generated which is dissipated mainly by the evaporation of perspiration. The rate at which heat is lost depends on the surrounding air 52 Table 5. Relaxation allowances ¡n hot and humid climates Dry bulb temperature in °C (°F) Additional time allowance for relaxation % 26 (79) 28(82) 30 (86) 32 (90) 34(93) 0 10 20 40 70 temperature, the humidity and wind speed. Human work capacity is generally not affected at temperatures below 24 degrees centigrade (75 degrees Fahrenheit) but this capacity decreases as the temperature rises, depending on the metabolism and degree of acclimatisation of the individual. Assessment of the relaxation time to be allowed is extremely difficult since not only is there a scarcity of data on this topic but there also may be a considerable variation in temperature, humidity and wind speed during the course of the day's work. Studies undertaken in the Philippines by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) give some idea of the relaxation allowances that may be necessary for forest workers, working in the shade, with a relative humidity of 90 per cent or more and a wind speed of 0.5 metres per second. This indicates clearly that not only to maintain high productivity, but also in the interests of the workers' well-being, it is necessary to avoid working in the heat of the day. Ideally, in hot and humid climates, work should start as near first light as possible, and continué until conditions become severe enough to reduce productivity significantly. Work could resume later when the day has cooled off, and continué until dusk. NOTE: - Where an operation requires a relaxation allowance of 40 per cent or more, it should automatically be subject to a method study to make the Job less exacting. It is often possible to introduce some minor device to make the Job easier. - Calculations of relaxation allowances are done in the office, not on site. The allowance is calculated separately for each element of work and for each relaxation factor, as shown on the study sheet. CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE 53 There are many necessary elements of work and occasional delays which occur during a working day but which are random and of short duration. For instance, a joiner has to sharpen his tools; materials may occasionally not be to the exact dimensions and may need correction; work may be held up while ¡nstructions are received or problems discussed. It ¡s usual to make a contingency allowance to cover such eventualities. An allowance of 5 per cent ¡s normally adequate for most construction Jobs. derivation of standard times DEF1N1TION Standard time ¡s the total time in which a Job should be done at standard performance, and is the sum of the basic times to which the appropriate relaxation allowances have been added, plus any other extra allowances for contingencies, interference, etc. Figure 13 illustrates a form used in deriving standard times. - Standard time can be represented as: sum of basic times = puré work - In practice the relaxation breaks will be scattered through the Job, thus: y ^ fe^=l relaxation and other allowances N ^ y - A worker can achieve a standard | | performance in different | rate of puré working plus S 0W ways, e.g.: less relaxation ^ B | fast rate of working with more relaxation CALCULATION OF STANDARD TIMES When the recording of the construction operation is completed, the work study specialist will return to the office to prepare summaries of the site studies. For every hour of site study, two or three hours of calculations are ¡nvolved. First the study reconciles differences between the stop watch time and the elapsed dock time. The discrepancy should not exceed 5 per 54 Figure 11. Time study: Fixing precast wall units PROJECT SMJtfUSS f(Mfá ak fredviUe. STUÜYNo.,¿g3 OPERATION ftX PWOJJT UIHl UHITS. 67» HOOK.. OPÉRATIVES &>rt4 <¿Wt»ék. ¿ X I M / C * » * * , áUf&inSB)'' <u*á toe e»«¿ttk5. MACHINES Uiffiuy hower CKCU*e Aí$. REMARKS W e a t K j e ^ / á i K - . ELEMENT DESCRIPTION WR TIMESTARTED 09 10 TIME FINISHED (Q-S? ELAPSED TIME I • Zg j wc = z* TOTAL O.T. TOTAL I.T. í^-33 f-W OBSERVER M DATE¿/7/g7 30°C.ítigfW'^feí€. OT BT ELEMENT DESCRIPTION OSO0-55 ( P WR «0 roo ÍS (ta*ksn*u\<uijílanry /00 V6r9M(¡fh[bmKf(M:I1S « S &€cíey5*vt*«iteu¿Áe5 SHEET I lio ® 100 2 4 0 S) 100 Jb.p.-uu&awhxsk] uo f)6*tg¿tou«fo(ÍJ>.p.~ fUf&^S»Sigáis cntu.h 100 « B 6-05 100 /•oourifkííttípWés 100 zoo 2 00 100 0 * 0 OW 90 100 no !•*> l-ÍO 210 2 * 1 30 95 110 f-o* 2-tO K>0 íOO R - Rating 55 IÜSL WR - Watch Reading OT = Observed Time 9? «X> 35 100 BT = Basic Time IT - Idle Time ¿4 «4 O X: ¿ ni «9 i VA V» «A O 5 «o O VA « «N VA OA ¡* VA 3: J S ? ** § ti 9 9 (X S s I I 1 V\ S N 3 O «o IA IA VA 1. «•* <¡5 T3 C CO CD -C CO IA va _Üs_ V* 5 •55 VA KA Sí O) J5 fS *> I 3 o •o CU * V» «N N S S 1 S s >. T3 »NÍ «\ i r4 «4 •«—» CO <D E cu .c E o 3 o (O « cu CO <\l E I m 56 CO Figure 13. Standard time summary sheet STUDY No. 2 - 9 3 STANDARD TIME SUMMARY SHEET OPERATION REF. No. fix WHJUUHÍBto(fafústr —Sneigrass fiaJts- DATE 2 / 7 / J 7 DESCRIPTION t/t ók&ar o} use. en. ?kte*ix (aw-touder. f\b fuvsy \jvaHk koU uñfk pfOtas eu^i. bdtfc©#I0K> o u n e hdéiyy. Team of .'— <7F: ¿aguama*! ¿utd ¿«73 <6iv€K/¿5Ttnj& c^^áJb^/é^pi^v-: supervise* (mi stx etecAcrs . 72»^ u # /Zm^ WvjeMítt/ sien; /¿m. ELEMENTS % RELAXATION % S 0-60 8 5 (3 •6* /•T3 $ 5 n 202- {í)úfMe¿t crtxjftS- k> (Juail UH¿t P A C E M ®Uft u»i¿toétn fiar leoel Zanuní. (JpertltarJ ©Rvtouf- ~p**p ouk Mk te (D \)¡SC6lw¿ct anxneEclMxQ @)$ou\y\$ OUrtU) per mxk u*úb- S-97 I0\ 202. TOTAL BASIC TIME S - Standard E = Eftort TOTAL BASIC TIME % Q UNIT S.T. / •6S S.T. z-oz / S 5 S 1* Z95 / z-93 S 3 5 5 lé 6-91 / / é93> 236 f Z&, n i IZ SI P - Position M - Monotony Con TOTAL STANDARD TIME A = Attention Con - Contingency C - Conditions 0 - Quantity 5A^ IG06 IÍOO\ ST - Standard Time Relaxation and contingency allowances are added on to the average basic times to derive the standard times for each element, and by addition the total standard time for the whole operation. cent. Next all elements of work are extracted and the times extended to find the standard times, e.g. observed time x rating + relaxation and contingency allowances. To obtain a truly representative time, the average of a number of studies is required. Examples of the forms used are given in figures 11 to13. RECORDS A copy of the summary of every standards study will be filed away for future reference, so that a reference library of standard times can be built up for the use of all concerned, i.e. cost estimating, planning, resource scheduling, control, and as a basis for task work or incentive schemes. In setting targets, it is necessary to define clearly the method of working so that the people concerned, workers, supervisors and estimators, understand the exact work content involved. The definition will include details of workers, tools, equipment needed and quality standards required. Standard times can be recorded in tabular or graphical fashion, depending on their nature. Alternative methods of presentation are given in figures 14 and 15. PRACTICAL DERIVATION OF STANDARD TIMES It has been stated above that difficulties may be encountered in deriving standard times because of lack of experience and confidence in rating and assessing relaxation allowances. The explanations given are not so much intended to develop expertise as to créate an awareness of the factors affecting human work capacity, and an understanding of the scientific method of assessing it. Most standard times will be arrived at by studying the performance of daily rated labour. The explanations above will enable these assessments to be made with greater confidence. Even with a limited experience of these methods it is possible to make a reasonably fair assessment. Some organisations, experiencing significant seasonal and other variations in working conditions, prefer to keep a record library of basic, as opposed to standard, times and build in relaxation and contingency allowances appropriate to each individual site. Figure 14. Tabular recording of standard times CODE ¿X Z$ STANDARD OUTPUT DATA OPERATION éX&WXhe DESCRIPTION Kw6 1 Z 5 • # 3 <f UNIT of MEASURE /•/* /•/í) fádjpMtowM "•ÓW /•05 (•27 (•69 2«" /-IFT 0S-lóv^ehes MS (OS izo 110 /•OS I-2J M l-HO l?5 f-fl W i<tc flíAI iba HS 2-JO z-7fl z*J 2-^0 *7¿ 1-20 110 / 2- $piJt# a*iA ¿-<pr 0 - 0 S metes 0$ lio Ofc M* M5 *p 1-0* l«) i£ 1 % /•£ |-20 i-tf i^S 1-70 (-60 /•75 /•70 | - « 2$¡> ¿ « W 27* 2-tf 2-7S 2U 27/) / 3 k \*k> é* MWfr 4*"fa¿ &¿ftú v*r ui&tovfriwia. W*& sb&fy,) fic/OMeZjOrtfrSIpaj&j EQUIPMENT VLT\& <*"d ItmA b$ hOM¿ /•/<r| l<M | S HfT l-0-l-SvKc(r«$ (14 « 0 (•6 /•3S (ÍO 1 lü 2* * s 1 2- 3 íf ¿00 /•*> 1-95 (Jo 1-90 m. * Í 0 ?•« ?•» m wfT í$—20vKcire5 r¿o ISS Ift) 170 í 65 170 \n s-zo 5-10 115 VIS ttW 1-36 /•52 342 «ÍAH (Sí n» ?« «5 A/OTE: 59 As the results of new studies come in, they will be entered in the appropriate column, and the mean figure adjusted as necessary. When sufficient data is obtained, missing figures can be interpolated. The above information can also be ptotted graphically as shown in figure 15. Figure 15. Graphic recording of standard times STANDARD OUTPUT DATA CODE OPERATION UNIT of MEASURE DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT 4T UJ or \~ LÜ O CO 3-- r> o ce UJ a 2-- Oí LOADINQ HEIQHT IN METRES rs o X I z< 1 -- 0 2 3 SOILTYPE NOTE: The data shown in tabular form in figure 14 are here reproduced . graphically. See table 6 for soil classification chart. 60 excavation and loading of soils by hand SOIL CLASSIFICATION Productivity is related to the soil type. The following table gives a rule-of-thumb classification for easy ¡dentification of soil types on site. Table 6. Soil classification chart Cohesive soils Non-cohesive soils Description Site recognition test Description Site recognition test Soft Easily moulded in the fingers Can be moulded in the fingers by strong pressure Cannot be moulded in the fingers Brittle or tough. Crowbar required for hand digging Difficult to dig by hand even with a crowbar Very loóse Easily excavated with Í shovel Can be dug with a shovel only Pick or swung tool needed to loosen Crowbar required for hand digging Difficult to dig by hand even with a crowbar Firm Stiff Very stiff Hard Loóse Compact Dense Very dense activity sampling Activity sampling can be used to assess the degree of activity on the various sections of a construction site, to check the amount of time wasted and the reasons, and to check the balance of a gang. It may also be used for developing standard times, especially of gang work. DEFINITION 61 Activity sampling is a technique in which a large number of instantaneous observations are made over a period of time, on a group of machines, operations or workers. Each observation records what is happening at that instant. The percentage of observations recorded for a particular activity or delay is a measure of the percentage of time during which the activity or delay occurs. If ¡t were possible to look down on the whole construction site continuously throughout the day or week, and record every stoppage of worker or machine, a complete picture of effective and ineffective time could be obtained. However, to do this. would take up too much time and staff. Instead a series of tours of the site are made at irregular intervals. Each time the observer notes what a particular worker or machine is doing at the instant he or it is observed. If a sufficiently large number of observations are made, the percentage of readings that show a worker or machine as working will tend to equal the percentage of time that they actually were working. It is important to make the observations at irregular intervals, to avoid observing the activities at the same point in the work cycle each time. DEGREE OF ACTIVITY ON SITE During the site inspection, each worker or machine is noted simply as working or not working. Since a work period is normally made up of active work interspersed with short relaxation breaks, the average derived from several counts will never show 100 per cent activity. On construction works it will normally be 60-80 per cent depending on the heaviness of the work and climatic conditions, etc. Where lower figures than these are observed there is something wrong on site and further investigation is needed. On a large site employing a large labour forcé, this technique is useful for identifying weak spots where more supervisión, or a more detailed study may be needed. DETAILEDANALYSIS For a more detailed analysis of activities, instead of recording just "working/not working", the observer could use a code letter to describe what the worker or machine is doing at the time of observation, such as: Machine excavating E Worker working W Machine travelling T Worker resting R Machine breakdown Machine maintenance Machine refuelling BD M F Worker absent A 62 These could be recorded on the form ¡llustrated below: ACTIVITY _f SAMPLE u Machine or Worker 1 j Tour of Inspection N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 / 9 8 10 11 12 y CHECKING GANG BALANCE An example of how the technique may be used for checking the balance of a concreting gang is shown later. ACCURACY The larger the sample, Le. the greater the number of ¡nspections or observations, the nearer the data will be to presenting a true picture of the facts. There is a formula which glves an approximate valué of the accuracy of the results of the sample. It can be wrltten ¡n two ways: either N = 4(1 - P) 2 SP orS= V 4(1 ~ p; pN where N = number of observations S = degree of accuracy, expressed as a decimal (e.g. 5%=0.05) P = extent of activity being observed, expressed as a decimal (e.g. 40% of time = 0.40) 63 EXAMPLE OF ACTIVITY SAMPLING TO DETERMINE INACTIVE TIME Four scrapers are working on an earth-moving operation. It ¡s required to assess on average the proportion of the working time that the machines are stopped. Over a period of two days 120 observations are made of each of the four machines, the results being: machine working machine stopped 192occasions 288occasions (a) Ouery These observations indícate that on average the machines are idle288 x 100 = 60 per cent of the time. 120 x 4 How accurate is this figure likely to be? Solution: UsingS= -y / /4(1 - p) where p = 0.6 and N = 480 Then S = .075 or 7.5 per cent Degree of accuracy is 60 ± 7.5 per cent, or the average inactivity of the machines is 52.5 to 67.5 per cent of the time (b) Query If a degree of accuracy of ± 5 per cent is required, how many more observations would be needed? Solution: 4(1 - p) Using N = where S = .05 and p is approximately 0.6 S2P ThenN = 1067 Since there are four machines, the number of observations to be made is 1067 •• 2 8 7 , that is, 4 an additional 167 observations are needed. 64 EXAMPLE OF USE OF ACTIVITY CHART IN CHECKING GANG BALANCE A concrete slab ¡s being poured. The activities and labour forcé are as follows: Activity Labour 1. 2. Load aggregate into mixer Load cement 3. Add water. Discharge mixed concrete on to the ground 1 operator 4. Load the concrete into wheelbarrows 3 labourers 5. Barrow the concrete away, and deposit in slab forms Spread the concrete Tamp the concrete 6 labourers 4 labourers 2 labourers 6. 7. 3 labourers 1 labourer 8. Float the concrete 1 masón During the course of the day, the Job ¡s inspected 80 times, and the activities of every worker are noted. The summary is as follows: 65 Activity Total no. of occasions worker seen working 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 120 56 64 216 336 136 128 64 Load aggregate Load cement Empty mixer Loadbarrows Barrow away Spread concrete Tamp concrete Float concrete The analysis of the results is: 2 4 5 6 7 3 Load Empty Load Wheel Spread Tamp cement mixer barrow barrow 1 Load agg. No. of workers engaged in each activity Total no. of workers observed (80xno. of workers) 1 3 1 8 Float 3 6 4 2 1 240 80 80 240 480 320 160 80 No. of workers observed as working 120 56 64 216 336 136 128 64 Average percentage of lime working 70 80 90 70 80 80 50 42.5 It will be seen that labourers on activities 1 and 6 are underworked, while those on activity 4 appear to have insufficient relaxation from the heavy Job of loading wet concrete into wheelbarrows. A better balance is had by moving one labourer from activity 1 to activity 4, and by taking two labourers off activity 6 and finding them another job elsewhere on site. The new percentages of effective working time would then be: Activity 1. Load agg regate 2. Load wheelbarrows 3. Spread concrete No. of labourers Percentage of time working Previous Revised Previous Anticipated 3 3 4 2 4 2 50 90 42.5 50 x% = 75 90x3/4 = 68 42.5x4/2 = 85 USE OF ACTIVITY SAMPLING FOR DEVELOPING STANDARD TIMES Activity sampling is especially appropriate for developing standard times for gang work where there are too many workers or machines for easy observation by normal stop watch time study. Before starting the activity study, it should be ascertained as far as possible that the method and gang balance are right, though the study itself may reveal problems. In the study each member of the gang is observed at regular one-minute intervals. 66 A code letter ¡s used to indícate what each worker is doing at the time of observation, and his rate of working is also noted (to the nearest five units). The study continúes until sufficient observations have been made, or until a particular work cycle is completed, whichever takes the longest. Then, the number of observations of each activity or element of work is taken to be equal to the number of minutes taken up by that element during the period of observation. It follows that the basic times for each element of work will be the minutes observed times the percentage rating. Figure 16. Activity sampling record sheet PROJECT STUDY NO. OPERATION TIME STARTED TIME FINISHED ELAPSEDTIME TOTAL O.T. SHEET TOTAL ELEMENT CODE O.T. = Observed Time ELEMENT DESCRIPTION B.T. = Basic Time QUANTITY O.T. B.T. Rated Activity Sampling - Record Sheet Since observations are made every minute only, there ¡s a chance that ele.ments of work lasting less than one minute may be missed. The method is obviously not as accurate as a normal time study, but provided that sufficient observations are made, it is sufficiently accurate for most purposes of construction work. The methods of recording and evaluation are shown in figures 16 and 17. Figure 17. Activity sampling extract sheet PROJECT STUDY No. SHEET ACTIVITY SAMPLE EXTRACT ELEMENT CODE LETTER Total BT Total Total BT Total Total BT Total Total BT Total Total BT Total Total BT Total Total Total BT Total No. of Obs. Total BT Observed Rating A ACTIVITY SAMPLING EXTRACT SHEET Regardless of which worker performs the element of work, elements are abstracted from the rated activity sampling record sheet ¡nto the appropriate element column, and opposite the approphate rating. An example is shown ¡n figure 17. Having derived the basic times for each element of work in the whole operation, standard times can be derived by summation after adding in appropriate relaxation and contingency allowances. An example of the use of this technique is given in Chapter 7. feedback of output data One way of obtaining performance data is by feeding back details of the actual output from ongoing construction projects. This data will not be as accurate as that obtained by detailed time studies, but should provide reasonably reliable information upon which estimating, planning or bonusing can be based. Caution is necessary in analysing the data collected since no formal rating of the workers' performances will have been carried out. The feedback of output data can form part of a project cost control system. To be effective such a control system should feed back information from the works to the site management as soon as possible after a particular operation has been started on site. This enables identification of deviations from the estimated costs, outputs or progress to be made ¡n time for matters to be corrected before the situation gets out of hand. Apart from providing material for building up a reference library of output data, the feedback system will also point out those áreas of inefficiency where work study is needed to analyse and remedy a problem. DETAILREQUIRED 69 The benefits derived from the system will be balanced against the cost of running it. It will be necessary to decide upon the nature and frequency of the data required. Generally, feedback is necessary from all major cost Ítems, and Ítems where prompt completion is critical to progress as a whole. Feedback may also be called for from those items on which information is lacking, either to fill a gap in the record library, or for bonus target setting. It is generally adequate to analyse feedback information weekly, but occasions will arise when a daily analysis ¡s required. It will also be necessary to decide upon the amount of detall required. For ¡nstance, ¡n pouring a concrete floor slab, the cost and productlvlty of the concreting gang as a whole can be measured, or else the breakdown details of mlxlng, transportlng, placlng and flnishlng. The more detalled information would be useful for syntheslslng the times of dlfferent but similar operations. It ¡s ¡mportant that feedback information includes comprehenslve details of the condltlons under which the work was carrled out, not only the physical and technical details, but also ground and weather condltions, type of worker and method of payment; ¡n fact, everythlng that could ¡nfluence productlvity. COLLECTION OF DATA The work carried out by men and machines will be shown on a daily work record sheet. The actual work done may be shown on the same sheet or it may be measured and recorded separately. The two are brought together on a summary sheet (generally weekly) where the analysis is made. In some countrles some of the data may be recorded by the foreman or ganger in charge of each particular operation, depending on the complexlty. However, it is usually more satlsfactory to appoint a production control technician both to collect the data and make and present the analysis to the site management. Examples of the forms used for data collectlon are given in figures 18-20. It is usual to give each construction activity a code number, to facilítate filing and retrieval of information. Output rates calculated on the weekly work summary sheet can be presented to site management on the sheet showing the summary of weekly performances for all operations. This may show both output rates and costs. Records kept of feedback data will normally be output figures rather than costs, since cost of labour and plant hire vary with time, and would require frequent updating. Against each operation is shown both the output for the week under revlew, and the cumulative figures to date. Site management can then compare the achievement with the original targets, and also observe the trends. If on any particular operation the weekly achievement deviates significantly from the target figure, the figure can be entered in 70 red ¡nk to draw the site manager's attention to ¡t. The site manager can then study the operation and decide what action to take. This could result in either improving an inefficient method, or correcting an inaccurate target figure. Figure 18. Daily work record sheet DAILY WORK RECORD PROJECT REF: GANG FOREMAN DATE WORKFORCE ÑAME IDLE TIME OPERATION No. TOTAL HOURS No. 3RAFT TOTALS REMARKS LU PLANT CE O ú 3 < O ce O 5 ti LU CO 3 < LU OC O O i W ce 3 < O O LU l 3 < O TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL WORK IDLE HOURS HOURS TIME TOTALS PREPARED BY REMARKS IDLE TIME M = Maintenance B = Breakdown R = Repairs COMPARISON WITH EST1MATES The above paragraph describes a method whereby site management can compare the output achieved with that originally estimated. These target estimates may nave been based on work study data from other sources or on rates that the organisation's cost estimator has built up. In the latter case, to enable effective site comparisons to be made, the breakdown of estimates into the sepárate elements of labour, plant and materials must be available to site management. The greater the detail, the greater the potential for control in identifying the precise cause of deviations from the target. For example, major Figure 19. Weekly work summary sheet WEEKLY WORK SUMMARY REF: PROJECT DATE OPERATION HOURSWORKED No. M DESCRIPTION T W Th F S Sun rOTAL F S Sun TOTAL LABOUR CRAFT PLANT WORK COMPLETED OUTPUT RATES LABOUR PLANT REMARKS OPERATION HOURSWORKED No. M DESCRIPTION T W Th LABOUR CRAFT PLANT WORK COMPLETED OUTPUT RATES LABOUR PLANT REMARKS OPERATION HOURS WORKED concrete formwork operations would be broken down into elements of materials, manufacture, erection, stripping, cleaning and repairing. Figure 20. Weekly performance summary sheet SUMMARY OF WEEKLY PERFORMANCES TARGETS Output Quantity Cost Output OUTPUT RATE Cost COST Quantity DESCRIPTION 3 2 Date Quantity No. 1 W E E K No. Cost TOTAL ESTIMATED QUANTITY Output OPERATION PROJECT WEEKLY CUMULATIVE WEEKLY CUMULATIVE WEEKLY CUMULATIVE WEEKLY CUMULATIVE WEEKLY CUMULATIVE Note. Any deviations from target should be entered in red. using the output data The library of output data can be used for a variety of purposes such as estimating and costing, planning and controlling, incentive schemes and synthesis of data for new operations. PERFORMANCE 73 It should be remembered that standard times derived by work study represent a performance rating of 100, whereas those derived from feedback have no scientific measure of performance assessment rating built in. In applying output data it will be necessary to forecast the expected performance of the workforce. This will depend on the quality of labour in the locality of the works, the quality of the site management and supervisión, and whether any incentive schemes are to be used on the project. A very approximate indication of the performance that might be expected from the labour forcé is: Payment method Management quality Piecework Task work Daily rated Daily rated Good Good Good Poor Performance ' 100+ 75+ 75 40- The decisión as to what performance figures to allow for both labour and plant will be a matter of experience, and can be assisted by comparing feedback with work study data. PLANT AND EQUIPMENT ln the case of plant and equipment, performance is affected more by the ability of site management to reduce standing time than by operator skill and efficiency. Standing time may be due to breakdowns and/or poor planning and organisation. Especially in the case of earth-moving equipment, output will be affected by the nature of the soil and ground conditions. ln the absence of locally obtained output data on plant performances, the productivity data given in the manufacturer's handbook may be used. However, it is necessary to bear in mind that these figures will be difficult to achieve, and performances ranging from 50 to 80 per cent of those stated are more likely, depending on incentives and management on the project site. SYNTHESIS From time to time, especially early on, there will be some work operations for which no output data are available. ln these cases it will be necessary to synthesise the data required. Although the operation is a new one, it will probably contain elements of other jobs carried out previously, details of which have already been fed into the library. The new operation is therefore broken down into its component elements and, where they exist, the appropriate elemental times are selected from the library. Where no corresponding time exists, then the elemental time must be estimated either by modifying the nearest appropriate time, or 74 by skilled judgement. This estimation may be made using the judgement of an experienced foreman or reliable craftsman, by simulating and timing the movements ¡nvolved or by reference to data lists from textbooks or makers' handbooks. The time for the new Job will be obtained by summing up the elemental times. When assessing the times for the new job, the anticipated working conditions will be borne in mind to ensure the validity of any relaxation or contingency allowances incorporated, and to forecast performance. 75 WORK STUDY 4 THE GENERAL APPROACH TO SOME MAJOR CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS plant utilisation 77 Where mechanical equipment ¡s used extensively on a project, it will form a major part of costs, and its effective management and operation are critical to profitability. In selection and purchase of plant there are conflicts of interest. Sénior management ¡s preoccupied with capital costs and availability of back-up services and spare parts. Site management is preoccupied with problems of suitability for the job in hand and true operatlng costs. Work study is necessary to evalúate suitability and operating costs, and in the general absence of such studies and feedback data, considerations of capital cost will predomínate, so that the most effective Ítems of plant may not be acquired. Operator efficiency will affect operating costs. Plant operators are either direct employees of the construction organisation, or may be seconded to the site by plant hire firms. Direct employees are generally self taught, having first understudied a regular operator on the site. Though such operators are keen and acquire a high level of dexterity, they may pick up bad habits and their lack of formal training means a lack of knowledge about the mechanics of the machine, metal technology and safety. This may result in negligence, misuse, serious breakdown and accidents, leading to excessive standing time and overhead costs. Operators from plant hire companies are more likely to have had formal operator training, but present different, supervisory problems. Their principáis are preoccupied with the long life of their machines and continuity of hire, so that the operators are required to nurse their machines rather than achieve record-breaking outputs, and productívity will therefore be less than it could be. In both circumstances, time assessment of potential outputs can only come about as a result of studies of operation and performance. The work study approach will therefore consider not just the selection of plant but also every aspect of its operation. Thus in the case of eartfi-moving plant, the following factors are examined in detail to arrive at the true potential output of the machine: - selection of plant (e.g. excavator or scraper); - location and direction of working; - suitability of attachments; requirements, availability, suitability and balance of support labour and equipment; operator handling; - routes travelled to tip, full and empty; tipping and cleaning-out times; refuelling methods and times; - routine maintenance and servicing; fuel and lubricant consumption; - inactive or down time, and reasons for this. INEFFECTIVE WORKING TIME The best output is achieved by a steady, even pace of work throughout the whole day rather than by sporadic outbursts of high activity. In general, the utilisation of construction plant seldom rises above 33 per cent of the available working time. Work study analyses indícate that the most common causes of low plant utilisation are: - insufficient maintenance of plant, leading to breakdowns; plant operatives not properly trained; - too frequent changes of plant operatives; - shortage of spare parts; wrong type of plant in relation to site conditions; - lack of planning leading to hurried plant requisitions which in turn lead to delayed deliveries or having to accept inferior alternatives; 78 - lack of daily supervisory programme planning, resulting ¡n work interruptions caused by plant operators seeking instructions; - wrong balance of plant, due to lack of measurement and assessment of work content; long waiting periods due to lack of Une and levéis; poor layout or lack of approach roads on the site; poor supervisión; - delayedinspections and approvals of completed sections by resident engineers, etc. SCOPE FOR SITE STUD1ES A library of output data should be established based on studies of all of the organisation's own plant plus that of hired plant on site for long periods. (a) Excavations - Data are needed for selecting not only the right type of equipment but also the right balance of supporting transport. Normal procedure is to establish the potential output and unit cost of the excavator itself, and to follow up with an investigation of all ancillary plant such as lorries, bulldozers, graders, etc. In every case the work study will establish the actual and potential output of the ancillary plant, and then calcúlate the numbers of that plant required to keep the excavator fully utilised. In every case all possible alternatives will be evaluated before the final recommendation is made to site management. (b) Lifting equipment- The tower cranes are amongst the most important Ítems of plant on a construction site. Their efficiency should be a main concern of site supervisión and work study staff. Work study data are used to prepare detailed advance lifting programmes for the cranes. The programme should be designed to allow all site trades to share the lifting equipment without any need for costly queueing. A crane must also be assured of continuity of lifting work. Daily or weekly loads or packages needing to be lifted should be prepared in advance. 79 - To programme the utilisation, data are needed on: loading and unloading times for different materials; lifting and slewing times for different loads; - variations due to different weights, heights and reaches. With an adequate library of data, ¡t will be possible to build up the cumulative crane time required to prepare a schedule of lifts. (c) Concreting plant - The concreting operation involves several work Ítems and trades which must all be balanced. The work study procedure will involve the listing of all items of work directly or indirectly involved in the concreting operation, and the detailed study and analysis of each. In general, on construction sites the slowest Ítem of plant controls the rate of progress of the whole Job. In preparing any work programme it is necessary to identify the slowest items, and to investígate alternatives before fínalisíng the programme. machine excavation STUDY OF THE EXCAVATING MACHINE The work study specialist focuses his attentíon not on the machine driver, but on the machine itself so as to find out whether the machine is the right one for the particular type of operation. Very often it is either too small or too large. He must establish the elements contained in the work, and the capacity of the bucket (allowing for bulking). He must also time the working elements and, from their duration, decide which can be reduced by changes of method. He must find out from his studies the potential output per hour of the excavator, and then ascertain the factors affecting the utilisation of this machine. It is unusual for an excavator to work in isolation. Usually the machine loads the spoil into tipper trucks, which take it away to the disposal point or tip. One of the most common causes of high excavation costs is that the excavating machine has either too few trucks or too many. If there are too few, the excavator must wait for them and lose potential ouput, while if there are too many, the trucks must queue for long periods to be loaded. It will be appreciated that whether a machine works or not, it must be paid for. STUDY OF THE VEHICLES REMOVING THE SPOIL TO THE TIP The study of the excavator transport vehicles will commence with a method and time study of a truck being loaded by an 80 excavator. Elements of work under consideration will be the positioning of the truck towards the excavator; measurement of the actual load taken; the effectiveness of the loading method (this will overlap with the studies taken of the excavatlng machine); the method, time and route of the loaded truck from the loading-place to the place of discharge. To make sensible observations and recommendations the work study specialist must travel with the driver of the vehicle under observation. It is usual to make as many as three trips ¡n order to obtaln a true reading of the situatlon. The full cycle of study will also include a study at the tip. Here the approaches to the tipping áreas will be analysed and the tipping times recorded. Finally, the work study specialist will travel back to the excavating point in the empty truck. The above information will be summahsed and analysed for possible improvement of methods. The information obtained will also be used for calculating the number of lorries to be allocated to the excavator. The excavation supervisors appreciate this kind of service, and requests from them for studies of excavations are quite common in construction companies with work study services. See Chapter 7 for an example. concreting operations There are several distinct but inter-related activities to be studied: (a) Mixer set-up - layout of machinery, delivery and storage of cement, delivery and storage of aggregates and supply of water. (b) Transportation - of the concrete from mixer to placingpoint. Comparison of the effectiveness and costs of lifts; crane skips; conveyor belts; concrete pumps; dumpers; wheelbarrows and head-pans. Ready-mixed concrete delivery may also be studied for comparison. (c) Placing concrete - most effective methods of placing concrete to slabs, walls, columns, beams, pile caps, etc. At every floor level the transportation conditions may change, and the method of work may be different to those used on the level below. 81 (d) Curing the concrete granolithic, mosaic, etc. or special finishes such as For an effective study of concreting and related formwork and reinforcement operations, the full support of the supervisor ¡n charge isessential. formwork manufacture, erection, removal, cleaning and salvagiñg" Before commencing any studies, the work study specialist will collect all costing data connected with the manufacture and fixing of site formwork. If the company is using ready-made formwork there is no need to study manufacturing processes. On the other hand, if a company is using timber formwork which is manufactured on the site, there is always scope to improve the manufacturing process. CARPENTERS' SHOP The work study specialist will usually commence by making a sketch of the carpenters' shop layout. This will be shown on the site plan layout. All movements of raw materials and completed formwork will be studied and recorded in the shop and on the site. Possible savings in the movement of men, materials or the finished product will be sought. The potential cost of every alternative will be worked out and the cheapest method will be discussed with the shop supervisor as a possible new method. If a supervisor is against the recommended method and supports his rejection by a constructive criticism, the work study specialist must find and try another alternative. If no alternative is acceptable, the chances are that the existing site method is the best one. FORMWORK ERECTION The method study of these operations should be done jointly with a work measurement study. If method study is separated from work measurement, the element of comparison between methods is not effective. The erection of formwork always offers a good opportunity for method and cost improvement. 82 " REMOVAL OF FORMWORK There is a tendency amongst operatives to take formwork from walls or ceilings in large strips and drop them down to the ground, often from considerable heights. After this treatment more than 60 per cent of the formwork ¡s damaged beyond repair and has to be replaced by completely new units. By doing this, the operatives hope to save a considerable amount of time, and thus achieve a higher weekly bonus payment. From the employer's point of view, the loss is double — the cost of new formwork plus the cost of an incentive which was not really earned. When fixing incentive targets, a work study specialist must be aware of this type of "short cut" and must design an appropriate defence system. CLEANING AND SALVAGING OF FORMWORK Whether the formwork used on the site is made of timber or metal, it always gets contaminated by lumps of concrete and must be cleaned before it can be used again. Where detailed site costing is used, it is not unusual to discover that cleaning costs are inordinately high. This is because the operation is considered too simple to warrant much supervisión and analysis, but in fact there is generally scope for savings. steel reinforcement Variations in design, shape, size and weight of reinforcing bars make the planning and control of steel fixing very complicated. Any work study may spread over the whole duration of the construction work. The high cost of steel fixing may also be due to shortage of supplies - if steelfixers notice that steel is in short supply, they may go slow to make the Job last longer and so avoid lay-off. There are a number of related studies which may be carried out at different times and places for particular steel-fixing operations. These are: 83 the study of all costs connected with the fixing of concrete steel reinforcement; the study of bilis of quantities and detail drawings, with particular reference to the design of steel reinforcement; - the study of the deliveries of steel reinforcement to the site; - studies of the general layout of steel reinforcement on the site; - observation and study of all elements connected with transporting steel reinforcement on the site; - studies of the steel-cutting shop and of steel-cuttlng operations; - studies of steel bending; - studies of actual fixing of steel for concrete structures. Sepárate studies must be done to cover floor slabs, reinforced walls, reinforced columns and reinforced pile caps. On all of them there will be substantial design differences to cope with varying heights from floor to floor and from one structuretoanother. GENERAL LAYOUT AND SITE STORAGE OF REINFORCED STEEL The work study specialist needs to equip himself with a site plan made to a reasonably large scale. A sketch should then be superimposed on this plan, showing the exact position and detailed layout of the steel stacking points, cutting shop and cutting and bending benches. The movements of the steel fixers, benders and/or cutters must be recorded and then a string diagram or a flow process chart drawn to analyse the methods. From this analysis, an improved layout of the steel storage system can be prepared and discussed with everybody concerned. The recommendations will then be prepared and presented to management for consideration and approval. If the trial run of the new method confirms its superiority over the oíd one, management will take the appropriate steps to have it implemented on the site. TRANSPORTING STEEL The elements to be studied are: walking or travelling empty towards a steel stack; - selecting the required length of steel rod; loading the steel rodson toa vehicle ora cranewinch; 84 - swinging the crane jib towards the waiting transport; - depositing a bunch of steel on the transport vehicle; - returning the empty jib to the stack and repeating the operation; - vehicles travelling to the cutting área; unloading the steel at the cutting shop; returning the empty vehicle to the stacking point and repeating the operation as required. Whether the steel is handled by workers or machines, the elements will be similar. No studies of more than two workers should be attempted at the same time. If the work is carried out by a gang consisting of several people, each person should be studied separately. STEEL CUTTING The work study specialist should study only one worker at a time cutting one specific gauge of steel. Sometimes, in the case of heavy and long rods, two workers are used - one for holding the steel and the other for operating the cutting equipment. The usual work study breakdown of elements is as follows: - setting the bench and the nail marker; - selecting steel from the stack and dragging it to the cutting bench; - cutting steel to the required length - the study specialist records length and time taken per cut. As cutting times are short, a stop watch is needed. Alternatively, the time taken to make several cuts can be measured and divided by the number of cuts to obtain the average individual times. STEEL-BENDING STUDIES 85 When bending a specific gauge of steel the work study specialist studies only one worker at a time. If several different gauge sizes are used on site, each gauge should be studied separately. The time taken for a changeover from one gauge to another will also be recorded. On some sites the steel is prefabricated weeks or months before fixing takes place. In these circumstances, the cutting and bending becomes a continuous operation and the change of gauge may occur only periodically. On some other sites cutting and bending may be carried out as dictated by the progress of the Job. The work study specialist will need to adjust his observations and recording methods to suit the site conditions and the requirements of management and supervisión. The usual elements observed in steel bending are: - collection of steel bars from the cutting place and transportation to the bending bench; - adjustment of the bench for the new gauge and design of steel and the nailing of the markers; - bending the length of every bar; the number of bends made will be recorded and a three-dimensional sketch made of the particular design being studied; - placing bent steel on to a stack (in some cases it may be built into a prefabricated reinforcement cage); - delivering bent units to the fixing position (this may take place on a different occasion). STUDY OF STEEL FIXING Before commencing the steel-fixing study, a careful survey will be made of the fixing place. If steel fixers work on a scaffolding, its erection may also be included in the study. As steel fixing consists of placing and tying together different gauges of steel, every time the pattern of fixing is changed a note will be made regarding the diameters and the length of the bars bound together. The typical elements of steel fixing are: walking or climbing to the place of fixing; preparation of a scaffold (if any) and/or location of ladders, walking boards, tools, etc.; - collection and transportation of reinforcement from the bending shop. On some sites this might be only a few metres from the fixing spot, but it could be a sepárate operation if the stacking point is at a different level of the building or at a distant part of the site. control of materials One of the responsibilities of site management is the control and storage of construction materials. There is always some wastage of materials: indeed studies indícate that it is not unusual for wastage to amount to as much as 10 per cent of 86 materials used. On some projects materials can make up twothirds of the total construction cost so that wastage of materials ¡s a significant factor affecting the profitability of a construction project. MATERIALS AT RISK Apart from tools and small ítems of equipment, the main group of construction materials in danger of wastage or loss can be classified as follows: basic materials, e.g. bricks, sand, aggregate, cement, structural and reinforcement steel, piles, drainage ware, construction timber, stone and precast units, roofing materials, etc.; - - built-in components, e.g. Windows, doors, trames, washbasins and sanitary ware, electrical components, heating appliances, timber fitments, etc.; equipment, e.g. refrigerators, air conditioners, ovens, miscellaneous electrical appliances, etc.; finishing materials, e.g. bitumen, felt, glues, paints, varnishes, wallpapers, tiles, mosaics, cladding, etc. CAUSES OF WASTAGE AND LOSS The main causes of wastage and loss are: faulty workmanship or bad quality control, resulting in demolition and rebuilding of substandard work; setting-out errors due to human error or faulty instruments so that works are not to true line and level, resulting in demolition and rebuilding, or making up to true levéis; - 87 - faulty orders as to quality, quantity or sizes; excessive use of concrete (e.g. in bedding and haunching pipes); shallow rubble under slabs resulting in excessive making-upto level; faulty concrete weighbatcher producing mixes that are too rich; substandard materials, e.g. poor quality or faulty tolerances resulting in excessive rejects; breakages, e.g. in loading, transit or off-loading, faulty handling and incorrect methods of assembly; faulty storage resulting in site or weather damage; - short deliveries; - wilful damage due to malice; - pilferage, theft and corruption. IDENTIFICATION OF WASTAGE AND LOSS It is not always obvious that certain materials are being wasted or lost, so a series of checks are necessary to find out the true situation. These can take various forms - visual: a systematic survey of the site and site stores would reveal instances of damage and deterioration of materials; - documentary: reconciliation between orders, receipts, issues and uses and remaining stocks. The materials purchased to date should equal the sum of materials built in plus materials on site; - measurement of work done, calculation of materials used and reconciliation with the materials component of the estimators' breakdown. "RESPONSIBILITY FOR MATERIALS "ECONOMY It will be necessary to appoint someone to be responsible for carrying out the checks, either to report back when discrepancies are found, or to make further investigations to find out the cause of the discrepancies. Such work could fall to the work study specialist, since work study techniques, particularly method study, may be used in researching causes, modifying methods or improving controls to elimínate the losses. In appointing such a person the procedures would be to- define responsibilities, powers and limitations; provide appropriate training (e.g. ordering and accounting procedures, analysis of estimates, etc.); instruct site managers and supervisors to give the support necessary to ensure effectiveness. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES It is not possible effectively to control the use of materials unless the organisation has a proper system for materials accounting, which should include - 88 89 - materials schedules abstracted from the project master plan showing the nature, quantity and timing of materials requirements; - procedures and documentation for orderlng and receiving materials on site; - stores control procedures and documentation for orders, receipts, issues and control of stock balances. MOTIVATION AND INCENTIVES productivíty of labour On any construction site the contractor's financial gain is dependent, amongst other things, on completion of the work ¡n good time and at the least cost, and the productivity of labour has a direct bearing on this being achieved. The factors affecting the performance of labour generally fall into three categories (a) the human capacity for work; (b) the competence of site management; (c) the motivation of the workers. the human factor The human capacity for work has already been discussed in Chapter 3. The factors affecting it are summarised in table 7, together with comments and suggestions for improvements. the competence of site management 91 The various measures that may be taken to improve the physical work capacity or to motívate the workers will not be effective if site management is substandard. It is essential for the workers to have confidence in their supervisors. If the workers observe that site management is poor, unfair or corrupt, their morale, motivation and consequent productivity will be reduced. Examples of management shortcomings which reduce efficiency and productivity in this way include - delayed, unclear or ¡nadequate instructions; delays ¡n delivery of materials, tools or equipment; provisión of poor tools and equipment; unbalanced work gangs; use of wrong methods; bad advance planning or allocation of work tasks; failure to delégate authority from sénior to lower-level supervisors. motivation of workers Workers are motivated in their work by a variety of methods, all of which may be present in varying degrees. They include- fear;' - discipline; - jobsatisfaction; - financial incentives. Table 7. Factors affecting the human capacity for work Factor Explanation Comments and suggestions for improving the capacity Age Peak capacity for physical work is generally reached between the ages of 20 to 35. Capacity is related to calorie and protein contení of food. In older persons, especially in skilled Jobs, experience and efficiency compénsate for lower work capacity. Establish project canteens to provide balanced meáis. Arrange talks on nutrition. Start work at first light and avoid working during the heat of the day. Nutrition Temperatura, humidity Health Acclimatisation, adaptation, learning Affect the rate at which heat can be dissipated from the human body by radiation, convection and evaporation of sweat. Heat and humidity increase dangers of heat stroke and reduce work capacity. Resistance to disease is affected by diet. Good hygiene and sanitation is essential to avoid occurrence of debilitating intestinal parasites. New workers, or workers given new tasks, need time for their bodies and muscles to adapt to the work. Enforce strict site hygiene. Arrange talks on hygiene and sanitation. Unpractised workers would initially have a lower productivity, which would improve as they become acclimatised to the work, and are instructed in the best methods of working. FEAR This ¡ncludes fear of the supervisor and fear of losing a Job and being out of work and destitute, especially ¡n a country where no form of social security exists. This is a negative and unsatisfactory form of incentive. DISCIPLINE This is exemplified by punctuality, lack of absenteeism, good standards of workmanship and the observance of site cleanliness and hygiene. When discipline is lacking, site morale is generally low and productivity is unsatisfactory. Ways of achieving site discipline include: - site rules drawn up and explained to all workers by their supervisors; - supervisors, by personal example, setting a high standard in self-discipline; - workers encouraged to feel that they are working with, rather than under, the supervisor (but at the same time the supervisor should leave no doubt in their minds that he is the leader); - retribution should be a matter of inevitability rather than severity. No breach of discipline should go unchecked; developing self-discipline through pride in achievement. Good work should always be praised; - taking a personal interest in the worker, discussing problems fairly, never showing favouritism; - disciplinary action should be taken as soon after an infringement as possible. JOB SATISFACTION 93 Apart from work providing the means of satisfying the workers' basic needs as to food, clothing and shelter, Job satisfaction is obtained when the higher psychological needs of the worker, e.g. self-respect and personal dignity, are met. Individuáis have a need to belong and for their usefulness to be apparent. Job satisfaction is obtained through a sense of achievement as to quality, output or other contributions, particularly if that achievement is recognised and acknowledged. Pride in craft and skill and a sense of responsibility are to be encouraged, and rewarded with opportunities for advancement and promotion. Negative aspects which detract from job satisfaction and morale, and which consequently affect productivity, are to be avoided. These are generally aspects which imply that the worker is held in low esteem by management and include: - poor working conditions and terms of employment; - poor or subservient relations with supervisors. FINANCIAL INCENTIVES Incentive schemes of this nature are widely used in industrialised countries, but are often a source of contention and dispute between management and workforce. The schemes enable workers to earn bonuses over and above the normal rate of pay for achieving a rate of output at or above a predetermined standard. It is not always easy to work out what this standard performance should be, so that the output targets set by management on which the bonus earnings depend are often inaccurate. Different schemes are discussed below. financial incentive schemes BONUS TARGETS Targets are set before the work starts, usually in the form of: - piecework targets, i.e. payment based on the amount of work done; time targets, i.e. a target time is set for completing a specific task. If the task is completed in less time, the bonus paid is based on the time saved. BASIS FOR SETTING TARGETS (a) Work measurement. This is the best method as targets are more likely to be accurate. Depending on policy, it is usual to offer a bonus over and above the basic wage for a standard performance of 100. (b) The estímate. Where a bilí of quantities has been prepared, and the estimated labour cost component of each operation is known, this can be used as a basis for target setting. 94 (c) Feedback. The records of output figures fed back from previous projects are used as a basis for both estimating and setting bonus targets. PIECEWORK Piecework The price equivalent that would is the payment of a fixed price per unit of work done. is fixed so that a 75 performance would earn the of the basic daily wage, and any output in excess of provide the bonus. 133/3 25 50 75 100 PERFORMANCE AS % STANDARD Example: Casual labour is to be employed to break stones for use as 40 mm aggregate. Stones when broken are stacked for ease of measurement in standard heaps 0.5 metre high on level ground, the mean volume of stone per heap being Va cubic metre. If a standard performance over an 8-hour day is 0.75 cubic metre, and the basic daily wage is $2.00, what is a fair piecework price per heap of stones? Solution A 100 performance of 0.75 m3 per day earns 33V3 per cent bonus, i.e. $2.66 Therefore 1 m3 earns 2.66 x 1 = $3.55 0.75 95 3.55 Therefore Va m3 earns = $0.45 8 Thus, a fair piecework rate is $0.45 per pile. The cost of breaking per m3 is $3.55 The piecework system ¡s particularly applicable to repetitive work, or to the manufacture or preparation of materials. Piecework rates can also be expressed ¡n time units, by giving the worker a target time to complete a certain task. If a target of five hours is given and the Job is completed in four hours, the worker is still paid five times the hourly rate, earning a bonus of 25 per cent. He then moves on to the next Job. This system requires the work to be pre-measured in order to set the target. Example: Several shallow manholes are to be constructed on the drainage system of a construction project. A bricklayer is engaged to raise the brickwork off prepared bases, to form the benching and to set the covers to the required levéis. The amount of work and standard times per manhole are: Work Standard performance Standard time Lay 770 bricks Extra for cutting round pipes Form benching Bed and set cover 70 bricks per hour 11.00 00.10 00.60 00.25 11.95 hours hours hours hours hours Round off at a standard time of 12 hours per manhole If the normal rate of pay for an 8-hour day is $4.00, and a standard performance is to earn a bonus of 3316 per cent, then the time allowed per manhole would b e - 12x 133% = 16 hours 100 so that no matter how long each manhole took, the bricklayer would earn 16 hours' or two days' pay, and $8.00 would be the wages cost of each manhole. If the bricklayer's performance was only 75, then each manhole would take h i m 100 12 x — = 16 hours or 2 days to complete. 75 He would receive $8.00, which is the same as if he had been daily rated ( 2 x 4 = 8.00). Thus, as long as his performance is greater than 75, he will earn a bonus. For a performance lower than 75, his earnings would be less than if he had been daily rated. 96 GUARANTEED DAILY WAGE PLUS BONUS ln most countries a mínimum daily wage is ¡n forcé. Also, on construction projects where motivation is low and particularly where workers are new to the Job, the performance of labour can be lower than 50 per cent of the standard. A scheme paying a bonus only after a 75 performance is reached may offer no incentive to the workforce, who may remain content to receive the mínimum wage for their very low performance. Therefore it may be of benefit to start bonus payments at a lower level of performance that all workers can reach, at the same time guaranteeing the basic daily wage. 25 50 15 \00 PERFORMANCE AS % STANDARP The table below shows a comparison of the earnings for different performances under piecework and a 50 per cent bonus scheme, expressed as a percentage of the daily wage. Performance 97 50 75 100 125 Earnings as % ot basic daily rate Piecework 50% bonus scheme 66% 100 1331/3 166% 100 116% 133% 150 Example of target time for the whole operation: The work content of a particular task is 120 standard hours. It is proposed that a 100 performance shall earn a 33Ms per cent bonus. (1) What target times should be set if the bonus is to be: (a) 100 per cent of time saved? (b) 50 per cent of time saved? (2) What will the bonus payments for various other performances under each scheme be? Solution 1: Target times (a) 100 per cent scheme: target set will be 120 x 133'/3 = 160hrs. 100 Thus a standard performance (120 hours) saves 40 hours. The workers are paid 100 per cent of this saving, so they receive 120 + 40 = 160 hours' pay for 120 hours' work, i.e. a 33% per cent bonus. 166% (b) 50 per cent scheme: target set will be 120 x =200 hrs. 100 Thus a standard performance (120 hours) saves 80 hours. The workers are paid 50 per cent of this saving (= 40) so they receive 120 + 40 = 160 hours' pay for 120 hours' work, i.e. a 33'A per cent bonus. Solution 2: Bonus payments for various performances 100 per cent scheme: target set for 160 hours. Performance 120 100 75 50 Time taken in hours Time saved in hours Bonus paid 100 120 160 240 60 40 0 0 60 40 0 0 Hours Per cent 60 Labour cost of the task in hours 160 160 160 240 33'/ 3 0 0 50 per cent scheme: target set for 200 hours Performance 120 100 75 50 Time taken in hours Time saved in hours Bonus paid 100 120 160 240 100 80 40 0 50 40 20 0 Hours Per cent 50 33 y3 16% 0 Labour cost of the task in hours 150 160 180 240 PRESENTATION OF TARGETS TIME-SAVED METHOD The bonus targets must be presented to the workers ¡n a form that they can understand. A scheme which ¡s readily understood, and which approximates to the payment lines shown ¡n the previous paragraph, is a time-saved scheme ¡n which the workers are set a target time and paid perhaps 100 per cent or 50 per cent of the time saved against the target. The target set will depend upon the size of the bonus to be offered, and the percentage of time saved to be paid. In the case of one easily identifiable and distinctive operation of sufficiently long duration, such as fixing the reinforcement of a large floor slab, a target time can be given for the whole operation. Where this is not possible, unit target rates can be set for each of the different activities. EXAMPLE OF USE OF TARGET RATES A gang comprising one foreman carpenter, three carpenters and two labourers is engaged in erecting formwork. The quantities of work done during the week, the unit target rates, and the hours worked are given below. The basic wage is $1.00 per hour and the bonus paid is 50 per cent of the time saved. The bonus is shared out in a ratio of foreman 1 V¿ parts, carpenters 1 VA parts, labourers 1 part. The bonus earnings for the week are calculated below: Table 8. Total time worked Descriplion ofwork Unit of measure Unit target time (hours) Ouantity ofwork (m2) Total target time (hours) Actual hours worked M Tu Strip formwork towalls m2 0.5 84 42 24 4 Clean and repair wallforms m2 Fix beam formwork m2 Fix wall formwork m2 84 36 24 100 21 90 48 120 8 m2 0.25 2.50 2.00 1.20 8 Fix column formwork Make beam formwork m2 1.50 64 96 16 Total target time: 417 hours W Th Fr S Total 28 16 16 24 16 16 8 16 16 12 8 16 8 8 16 Total hours worked: 256 16 48 32 72 60 Table 9. Worker Foreman Carpenter 1 Carpenter 2 Carpenter 3 Labourer 1 Labourer 2 Total bonus earned Hours worked M T 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 w Th 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 - Bonus shares Bonus earned No. $ Fr s Total 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 44 44 44 36 66 55 55 55 44 36 17.07 14.24 14.24 14.24 11.40 9.31 256 311 80.50 Totals The bonus shares are calculated from tables 8 and 9. Total time saved = 417-256 = 161 hours Total bonus = 50 per cent of 161 @ $1.00 = $80.5 ce Bonus shares - Foreman x 80.50 311 - Carpenter x 80.5 311 44 - Labourer 311 36 x 80.5 and — x 80.5 are as tabulated. 311 task work This ¡s another form of incentive, though not as effective as financial incentives. The incentive is to finish a task early and go home, but be paid for the full day's work. The task set requires pre-measurement, such as excavating a given length of roadside ditch, or completing a specified concrete pour. The task will generally equate to a 75 performance over a full eighthour day. Thus if the worker's rate of working is 100, he will finish h i s t a s k i n 75 -X8 = 6 hours, 100 giving a time saving of two hours. advantages and disadvantages of financial incentive schemes These are summarised as follows: ADVANTAGES - the worker ¡s given an opportunity to earn more than the basic wage as a reward for higher output; - the worker's output will be higher, so that the Job should be completed ¡n less time, with a more predictable performance and at lower cost; - the systems encourage self-discipline, and supervisión can concéntrate on quality rather than output; - the worker himself will try to improve the efficiency of the method. Where a gang is bonused, it will organise itself for máximum efficiency, and the better workers will encourage the inexperienced or less hard-working members; - the operation of the scheme should keep site management on its toes, since the workers will protest against any delays or mismanagement that reduce their opportunity to earn bonuses. DISADVANTAGES - in striving for higher output, quality and safety may be neglected; - if bonus rates are too low, the incentive to work hard may be destroyed; - differences in earnings between good and poor workers, or due to inaccurate bonus rates, may give rise to bad feeling and labour problems on the site; - bonus systems are more complicated to opérate, and require special staffing and organisational procedures. 101 rules to be observed in operating financial incentive schemes (a) When it ¡s proposed to introduce a bonus system on a project site, the project manager should first discuss and agree the principies and operation of the scheme with workers' representatives. (b) The method of payment and the targets for the work set should be understood by the workers before starting any particular item of work. The system should be simple and easy to opérate. (c) Once a particular item of work has started, the bonus rate should not be changed unless it is found to be too low to offer any incentive, and then only after investigation and agreement with the workers. If the rates are found to be too high, they should not be reduced during the duration of the particular task for which they were set. (d) The rates set should be high enough for an average worker who does a good day's work without over-exertion to be able to earn a reasonable bonus above the ordinary daily rate. (e) The workers should not be penalised for matters outside their control (e.g. delays), and where workers are required to work a full normal day they should never receive less than the daily rate for a normal day's work. (f) The bonus rate should be offered to individuáis or small groups of workers rather than to large groups, so that individual earnings do not become dependent on the efforts of other workers. (g) Dangerous work should not be offered on a bonus work basis. (h) Since bonus schemes can lead to substandard work, penalties for such work must be enforced. Very high-quality work should only be offered on a bonus work basis if the supervisión is adequate to ensure no loss of quality. (i) Any dispute about earnings should always be investigated fairly and at once. (i) Care should be exercised when setting bonus work rates for raw, unpractised workers. ORGANISING FOR WORK STUDY 6 This section identifies the contribution of the construction enterprise to the overall construction process, and outlines the management structure of such an organisation and the role of work study within this general framework. Figure 21. Stages of a construction project Stage BRIEFING DESIGNING TENDERING (CONSTRUCTING) (COMMISSIONING> 103 Description Client briets designer. Analysis of user requirements. Outline investigation, planning, design, approvals, costs. Technical investigations. Detailed design, working drawings, planning and approvals. Bills of quantity and estimates. Involvement of construction enterprise Nil { Except in the case of large organisations having both a design and construction capacity } Nil Issue of invitations, preparation and submission of tenders. Award of contract. Obtain information on special techniques or materials. Obtain quotations from subcontractors. Assess alternative construction methods. Devise construction programme. Prepare and submit tender. Construction of the works to design and specif ¡catión. Appoint site staff and workforce. Prepare construction programme. Prepare site layout. Prepare materials, plant and manpower schedules. Appoint subcontractors and procure materials. Prepare cash flow budget and forecast. Direct and co-ordinate construction work, subcontractors and deliveries. Completion and handover formalities. Start up and adjust mechanical and other systems. Train operating/maintenance personnel. Provide as-built records. Correct defects. Formal hand-over. Prepare and agree final accounts. stages of a construction project There are five major stages ¡n a construction project - briefing, designing, tendering, construction and commissioning. These are outlined in figure 21, which also indicates the involvement of the construction enterprise, which does not usually start until the tender stage. Work study has a role to play at the tender stage in providing general output and cost data, and in the analysis and cost comparisons of alternative construction techniques and methods. At the construction stage, work study is involved in site layout, preparing the construction programme, plant and manpower scheduling, and in setting up, monitoring and controlling all the various construction operations on site. general management structure of the enterprise A variety of management functions are involved in a construction enterprise. In a small firm most of these functions will be undertaken by the owner with maybe one or two assistants. In larger enterprises, it is necessary to set up sepárate departments to carry out the specialist functions. These are tabulated in figure 22, but the way in which they are grouped together and organised will vary from one enterprise to another. A prime task of the general management is to ensure that there is adequate co-ordination and co-operation between specialist departments. Within the organisation, the work study section will act in a purely advisory capacity, and will have no command authority. Its recommendations and findings will be made available to contract managers or site managers who will be responsible for their implementation, and also to estimators, designers or planners. The effectiveness and authority of the work study section will derive from its own proven competence and the support accorded by general management. 104 Figure 22. General management structure of the enterprise GENERAL MANAGER ACCOUNTS and ADMINISTRATION CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Wages and salaries. Bookkeeping. Statulory accounts. Cash flow. Legal matters. Personnel management. Training. Health and safety. Public relations. Plant and equipment. Construction work on various sites. SERVICES Purchasing. Estimating and tendering. Cost control. Design of temporary works. Planning. Work study. SECONDED STAFF SITE STAFF SECONDED STAFF Office managers. Wages/stores clerks. Typists. Security. etc. Site managers. Site engineers. Supervisors. Operators. Craftsmen. Labourers. Assistant quantity surveyors. Work study/production control /planning assistants. Draughtsmen. SITE LEVEL PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL The work study section ¡s concerned with methods and times, workloads and work cycles, all of which are vital inputs to the overall planning and.control of construction work. There is a very cióse relationship between work study and planning. In some organisations the two functions are combined into one production control section. The work study engineer should have a good knowledge of production planning and control techniques. role of the work study engineer 105 This will vary with the size and nature of the enterprise, and will develop as the individual begins to demónstrate a beneficial effect on operational performance. Where a work study discipline is being introduced into a construction organisation for the first time, the initial step will be to appoint a suitably qualified person as a staff specialist. A suitable background would be that of a construction engineer with additional work study qualifications. In addition to formal qualifications, essential qualities are a keen and inquiring mind and a pleasing and diplomatic personality. The latter is important, since in seeking for better ways of doing a Job existing conventions and longestablished practices may be challenged, giving rise to resentment and hostility. The role will cover the following aspects: (a) Trouble-shooting Sorting out problems on the worksite as they arise. (b) Advisory service To provide an advisory service on request to all levéis of management, and on the various worksites. (c) Training To provide introductory and/or training courses to selected personnel at all appropriate levéis with the objectives of - developing attitudes and the climate for improvement throughout the organisation; - building up the work study section in order to respond to needs and demands. (d) Methods improvement To keep constantly under review, study and analyse construction activities within the enterprise, and make recommendations for improvement where appropriate. (e) Library of output data To establish procedures for measurement, feedback, storage and retrieval of output and performance data relevant to the activities of the enterprise. (f) Incentive schemes To draw up proposals and design procedures for introducing incentive schemes, and assist in their implementation. (g) New techniques To keep abreast of new developments in the construction sector, and the effect of new materials, equipment and methods on the enterprise's activities, and to make recommendations where appropriate. work study technicians One objective of the training outlined above would be to develop a cadre of work study technicians to attach to the various worksites. Such a technician would answer executively to the 106 site manager, and functionally to the work study engineer at central office. Duties would ¡nclude: familiarisation with the construction project and the site manager's plans and policies; - following the progress of all activities on site regarding resource utilisation, methods and costs; - analysis of unit cost returns and, in consultation with the site manager, investigation of unsatisfactory operations with a view to improving them; - in consultation with the approphate supervisor, the carrying out of triáis of improved methods, and assistance in installation and follow-up of viable improvements; - studies to provide feedback data for inclusión in the enterprise's library oí production data; spot-costing of site operations as requested by the site manager; - assistance to the site manager in providing the data necessary for forward planning; studies necessary for fixing bonus targets; identifying opportunities for effecting improvements, and discussing them with the site manager. PRACTICAL EXAMPLES 7 múltiple activity chart: pouring concrete upper floor slab The flow diagram (materials type) outlines the methods used. 1 Sand and gravel are loaded into the mixer hopper by two labourers using shovels and a 1 cubic foot gauge box. Four boxes of gravel and two of sand are needed per batch of concrete. One bag of cement ¡s loaded Into the hopper per batch of concrete by the mixer operator. The operator uses a graduated bucket to add water to the mix. O 5 6 Concrete ¡s mixed ¡n a 10/7 mixer, 4:2:1 volume per batch of 5 cubic feet. The mixed concrete is discharged into a wheelbarrow by the operator, one barrowman wheels the loaded barrow onto the hoist, and raises the hoist to the upper floor level. When the full barrow has been removed and replaced with an empty one, he lowers the hoist and returns to the mixer with the empty barrow for more concrete. A second barrowman at the upper floor level removes the loaded barrow, replaces ¡t with an empty one, wheels the barrow to the working point, empties the concrete, and returns the empty barrow to the hoist to await the next full barrow. © At the working point, one masón spreads, tamps and floats the concrete smooth. Details of equipment: 10/7 mixer; wheelbarrow, capacity 2 cubic feet; gauge box, capacity 1 cubic toot; hoist, máximum safety load 1 ton. Working time: An eight-hour day is worked. Effective time is 80 per cent. The output using this method is too low, and a study is carried out in order to effect improvements. As a first step the various activities are timed and the following standard times derived. Element Labour Load gauge box Empty box ¡nto hopper Empty cement bag into hopper Discharge hopper to drum Mixing time Lower hopper Add water to mix Discharge to empty mixer completely (5 cubic feet) Discharge concrete to wheelbarrow (2 cubic feet max.) Wheel full barrow to hoist Manoeuvre full barrow on to hoist Opérate hoist up Manoeuvre full barrow off hoist Wheel empty barrow on to hoist Opérate hoist down Wheel empty barrow off hoist Wheel empty barrow to mixer Wheel full barrow from hoist to workpoint Empty full wheelbarrow Return empty wheelbarrow to hoist Spread, tamp and float one batch of concrete (5 cubic feet) 2 labourers 2 labourers Operator Operator Mixer Operator Operator Standard minutes .2Ülrepeated .20/ 6 times .40 .20 2.00 .20 .40 Operator .50 Operator Barrowman 1 Barrowman 1 Barrowman 1 Barrowman 2 Barrowman 2 Barrowman 1 Barrowman 1 Barrowman 1 .30 .30 .10 .20 .10 .10 .10 .10 .20 Barrowman 2 Barrowman 2 Barrowman 2 .40 .10 .20 Masón 3.00 Daily operating costs: Mixer $20.00; hoist $25.00; labourer and barrowman $4.00; masón $6.00; mixer operator $5.00. NOTE: For the purposes of simplifying this example, the times have been rounded off to the nearest tenth of a minute. 110 The múltiple activity chart is plotted in figure 23. The chart highlights the main cause of the low productivity. It takes three trips with the wheelbarrow to empty the mixer, taking 3.50 minutes as opposed to the best possible emptying time of 0.50 minutes. Figures 24 and 25 show how productivity can be improved. Figure 23. Múltiple activity chart LABOURER 1and2 MIXER OPERATOR 42 llfH 37 ú W 54 BARROW MAM HOIST B ARROW MAN 2 load, up msnouvrtffüU füllo» wh«tf¡ wtr«vl bHIti mixtp 68 dewry un load 42 impty « Egiwfct1 47 tamp, ftoat 53 Operation: Mixing and delivering and spreading concrete to upper floor slab. Original method: 10/7 mixer; 1 ton hoist; two 2 cubic foot barrows; 1 masón; 1 mixer operator; 4 labourers. Cycle time: 5.70 minutes. 60 x 8 80 Daily output: x 5 x — = 331 cubic feet = 12.3 cubic yards. 5.7 100 Operating costs per day = 20 + 25 + (4 x 4) + 6 + 5 = $72. Cost per cubic yard: $5.85. IMPROVED METHODS lf the operation is subjected to the work study questioning technique, several alternatives present themselves. These alternatives can be analysed, costed and compared to select the most appropriate. Examples are: m (a) Use larger wheelbarrows. (b) Discharge the full mix on to the ground, and engage additional labour to shovel the concrete into the wheelbarrows. (c) Discharge the full mix into a small hopper, from which it will discharge into the wheelbarrows. This assumes that sufficient height is available at the mixer. (d) Move the mixer nearer to the hoist. (e) Move the mixer nearer to the hoist and use a concrete hoist with a 5 cubic foot skip. Alternatives (a) and (b) are examined in greater detail below. ALTERNATIVE (a) Use larger wheelbarrows. Using barrows of larger capacity (2.5 cubic feet or more), the mixer can be emptied in two barrow loads instead of three. The revised múltiple activity chart (figure 24) shows the daily output raised from 12.3 to 17.3 cubic yards, and a reduction in operating costs from $5.85 to $4.16 per cubic yard. ALTERNATIVE (b) Discharge the full mix and hand load concrete into wheelbarrows. For this method, one additional labourer and a spare wheelbarrow are needed. The concrete is discharged from the mixer on to a raised platform from which one labourer can shovel 5 cubic feet of concrete into wheelbarrows in 3.00 minutes. A time of 0.1 minute is allowed for changing barrows. Thus, the various time cycles become: Element Fill mixer hopper Fill mixer, mix, discharge Fill wheelbarrows Barrow to hoist and return with empty Barrow, hoist to workpoint and return Spread, tamp and float Hoisting time, loading and unloading Labour 2 labourers Operator+mixer 1 labourer Standard Minutes 2.4 2.7 3.3 1 barrowman 3.9 1 barrowman 1 masón 2.7 3.0 2.4 This arrangement, which is shown on the múltiple activity chart (figure 25) would give a revised time cycle of 3.90 minutes, a daily output of 18.2 cubic yards at a unit operating cost of $4.17 per cubic yard. The time cycle is restricted to 3.9 minutes by the barrowman at ground level, and could be reduced further still by employing an additional barrowman. Note that barrowman 2 has spare time, which will allow for a change of workplace at the upper level. 112 Figure 24. Múltiple activity chart: Alternative (a) 1.AB0URER •Und2 MLL HOPPIK WKER OPERATOR íht 59 FILL HOPPCR a|° j- Ui BARROW MANÍ 44 68 63 \¡ta& hímlar 39 load, i BARROW MAN 2 44 73 «pTNd, Ump, flo»t Operation: Mixing and delivering and spreading concrete to upper floor slab. Improved method: Using larger (2Ví> cu ft+) wheelbarrows Cycle time: 4.10 minutes 60 x 8 80 Daily output x 5x = 467 cubic feet = 17.3 cubic yards 4.1 100 Operating costs per day: $72. Cost per cubic yard: $4.16. Figure 25. Múltiple activity chart: Alternative (b) TIME IN MINUTES 1 2 3 4 5 LAB0URER 1ind2 MIXER OPERATOR 62 JflI empty ?? 43 empty 69 LA80URCT 77 3 BARROW MANH : loparanc wSMIto mutr load, up 100 62 down ofF BARROW MAN 2 rAASON 69 Spñ3¿, tsmp «nd 77 Operation: Mixing and delivering and spreading concrete to upper floor slab. improved method: Discharging mixer to platform and hand loading concrete into wheelbarrows. Cycle time: 3.90 minutes. 60 x 8 5 80 x — x — = 18.2 cubic yards. Daily output: — 3.9 27 100 Operating costs per day: $76. Cost per cubic yard: $ 4.17. gang balance Where a construction operatíon ¡s carried out by a team of workers and/or machines whose work ¡s interdependent then the output of the gang will be restricted by the performance of the slowest or least productive member. It ¡s ¡mportant that the gang should be properly balanced so that each member of the team can achieve full potential output. EXAMPLE 1. EXCÁVATE AND CART TO TIP An excavator equipped with a 1 m 3 skid shovel has to excávate 9,175 m 3 of soft soil to formation level. The soil is oaded into tipper lorries of capacity 2.5 m 3 (allowing for bulking) and is hauled to a tip 4.5 km distant. Two lorries are provided. A 44-hou week is worked. Output and cost data are: Standard excavator output per working hour 23 m 3 Anticipated ineffective time: Preparation, heat up, refuel Late arrivals from meáis, early closing Local average lost time due bad weather Total Lorry haul time, including loading and unloading Hire rate per hour: Excavator + operator Lorry + driver 11% 6% 13% 30% 29.5 minutes US$16.00 US$10.00 Analysis Effective utilisation of excavator and lorries is 70 44 X — = 30.8 hours/week 100 Effective output of excavator ¡s 30.8 x 23 = 708 m3/week 60 Average number of lorry trips = — = 2.03 trips/hour 29.5 Average number of trips per week = 30.8 x 2.03 = 62.6 trips/week Average output of lorry is 62.6 x 2.5 = 156.5 m3/week Average output of 2 lorries is 156.5 x 2 = 313 m3/week Since the excavator cannot dig more than the lorries can cart away, the excavator is restricted to the capacity of lorries, viz. 313 m3 per week. 114 313 The excavator is therefore only — x 100 = 44 per cent effective 708 Weekly costs are: Excavator 16 x 44 Lorries 2 x 10 x 44 Total Duration of Job ¡s 9,175 = 704 = 880 $í ,584 = 29.3, say 30 weeks 313 Total cost is 30 X 1,584 = $47,520 47,520 Unit cost ¡s = $5.18 per m 3 9,175 Balancing the Gang To balance the gang it will be necessary to ¡ncrease the number of lorries to match the potential output of the excavator. Excavator weekly potential is 708 m3 per week Potential output of 1 lorry is 156.5 m 3 per week Therefore number of lorries needed is 708 . = 4.5 156.5 So that either four or five lorries are needed. The two alternatives are compared below: Potential output Using 4 lorries Using 5 lorries 156.5 x 4 = 626 mVweek 1 5 6 . 5 x 5 = 782.5m 3 /week (But restricted to 708 by output of excavator) 9,175 9,175 Duration of Job = 14.65, say 15 weeks 626 Total weekly cost 4 X 10 X 4 4 = 1,760 16 X 44 = 704 $2,464 Total cost 2,464 X 15 = $36,975 Unit cost 12.95, say 13 weeks 708 36,975/gl75 = 5 X 10 x 44 = 2,200 16 X 44 = 704 $2,904 2,904 X 13 = $37,752 $4.03/m 3 3 7 , 7 5 2 / Q 1 7 5 = $4.1 f/m3 Within the margins of error, there is little to choose between the costs of the two methods. If it is decided to save two weeks by using five lorries, the comparison with the original method shows: Original method (2 lorries) New method (5 lorries) Savings Time Total cost Unit cost 30 weeks 13 weeks 17 weeks $47,520 $37,752 $9,786 $5.18 $4.11 $1.07 EXAMPLE 2. REGRAVELLING OF FEEDER ROAD On a labour-intensive feeder road construction project ¡t ¡s required to excávate, load and haul gravel to the road site where ¡t is tipped and then spread by hand. The haulage is by tractor and hydraulic tipping trailers. Standard output data (100 per cent performance) is: Tractor speed (loaded and unloaded) Trailer capacity (compacted measure) Manoeuvre and unhitch empty trailer Manceuvre and hitch on loaded trailer Manoeuvre and tip loaded trailer Daily lost tractor time Excávate loóse gravel (soil type 2) and load (loading height 1.25 metres) Spread loóse gravel in layers of 100 millimetres (compacted) 15 km/hour 2.5 m3 2.0 minutes 3.5 minutes 3.0 minutes 10 per cent 1.7 work-hours/m3 0.5 work-hour/m3 The haulage distance is 2 km, the Job is carried out on a daywork basis and the anticipated performance is 75 per cent of standard. The normal working day is eight hours. Using one tractor only, how many trailers and labourers are required, and what will be the daily output? Solution: 1. Cycle time for tractor/trailer2x2 Haulage time — — x 60 = 15 Hitch on/off + tipping = 8.5 minutes at 75 performance = Total 16.00 minutes 11.33 minutes 27.33 minutes 2. Daily outputActual working time 90 per cent of 8 hours = 7.2 hours 7.2 x 60 No. of trips per day = = 15.81, say 16 27.33 Daily output = 16 x 2.5 = 40 m3 3. Labour force(a) Excávate and load: work-hours needed at 75 performance are 40 x 1.7 x 100 = 90.6 75 90.6 No. of labourers required is = 11.33, say 12 8 (b) Spreading gravel: work-hours needed at 75 performance are 100 40 x 0.5 x = 26.7 75 No. of labourers spreading is 26.7 = 3.3, say 4 Summary: The gang would be working a tractor and two trailers (one being hauled whilst the other is loaded); 12 labourers excavating and loading; four labourers spreading. The daily output should be 40 m3. site layout The plan ¡n figure 26 illustrates the site layout for the construction of a radio transmitter station on a remote site in open country. Question 1: What are your criticisms of the present site layout (see figure 26)? Tabúlate these criticisms and then compare them with the list given below and on page 120. Question 2: Assuming you were the engineer in charge of the construction works, where would you have located various Ítems of equipment, storage, work áreas, etc., at the very start of the job? A blank layout plan is provided in figure 27. There are several acceptable alternative site layouts, one of which is illustrated in figure 28. CRITICISM OF EXISTING SITE LAYOUT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF RADIO TRANSMITTER STATION (a) In general, the working área is too spread out, making control more difficult and increasing non-productive travelling time about the site. (b) Site latrines and canteen are too far away, causing loss of time due to unnecessary travelling. There is no apparent supply of drinking water on site. 117 (c) No security fencing is shown. Is it unnecessary? (d) Temporary access road should follow the line of the proposed station access road to avoid duplication of work. (e) Water supply is a problem. More storage space should be provided. Can the construction of a borehold be advanced? Figure 26. Layout of site for construction of radio transmitter station TO QUARRY 9ITE E l HOIST 2 STOREY O F F I C E ANDTRANSMITTER GjBWERATOR HO0S6 BUlLDINQ: R. C. F R A M E a n d FLOORS an¿ ROOF, S L O C K W O R K I N T E R N A L WALLS, DRESSED STONE O U T E R SEALEDCOMTAINERS HOLPINq SEMERAToRS^SWITCH^EAR AMD TRANSMnTER COMPONENTE. ^ I^TACKof D a a a ¡ PYLON B^O .QIRDERSB D j • IAVWUTÍUCV I ^ERECTIOM S T E E L L A I 0 AT R A N D O M ONGROUÑD'.^ AWDCJTIN ^ \ ^ 171 .SITU FA3RICATI0N AND STACKIMq BENDIN^ BENCH T I M B E S STORAQE I NEW, U S E P A N D ISCRAPTIM8ER Nj 14 SANITARY FITTINqS+PIPES -J METAL D 0 O R + WINDOW FRAUES , UNE 3EWER R.C. PYLON BASES a CENTrtLlNE O F PROPOSED STATION ACCESS ROAD WATCHMANfe HUT WCJRKERS'QUARTE RS C A N T E E » a n d LATRINES I ú _ • SEPTIC TAKIK 200 meh-es DISTANT LEQEND I i . ALLSITE TRANSPORTATION M A N U A L O R BY WHEELBARROW. 2. ALLTECWNICAIEOUIPMEHTWASDEUVEREOBEFORE BUILDIUq FOUNDATIOMS WERE COMPLETE. A L L O T H E R F n T l N q ALSO DEUVERED(DOoRS, SANITAH^etc). 3 . QEWERATORHOUSE COMPLETED AND WATERTl^nT. COMCRETINq OF Ai* ' FLOOR O r T R A N S M I T r E R BUIL.DIN1, IN PRoqRESS. HOIST W A S NOT AVAILABLE AT CCMMENCEHENT ANO HAS OHL-C JUST BEEN DELIVERED. 4 . NEAREST PURÉ WATER IS IN T H E TOWN í O K m A W A Y . WATER DELIVERED BYTANKER A N D S T O R 6 D I N 6 20CH-ITRE DRUMS. 5 . PYLON BASES A N D S E W 6 R / S E F T I C T A N K NOT YET STARTEO. 6 . AGENTS OFFICE IS S I T E D T O C A T C H T H E P R E V A l L I N q B R E E Z E A N D ENJOY T H E BEST V I E W I T IS S I T E P M E A R SMALL STORES A M D C B M E N T S T O R E FOR SETCURlTY. 7 . S O R E H 0 l £ FOR WATER SUPPWBY SEPÁRATE A<5ENCY NOT Y E T S T A R T 6 D . TO MAJOR '~l*\ H I Q H W A Y , . ^ ^ SCALE NEAREST T O W N 2 0 Km DI9TANT 10 %0 METRES 30 AO Figure 27. Blank layout plan TRANSMITrER D D O D BUlLDINCj qEHERXTOR HOUSE R.C.PVLON BASES UNE of SEWER o a o a a D a a CEMTRE LlrJE OF PROPOJED STATION ACCESS ROAD 1SEPTIC J TANK SCALE 40 20 METRES 30 (f) Surplus excavation should nave been led directly to the erosión nullah to avoid double handling. (g) Pylon girders have been stacked over foundation bases, necessitating double handling. (h) Stonemason's yard interíeres with the movement and handling of technical equipment from the sealed containers. (i) Site office is badly sited. As the building rises the view of the site is completely blocked. Q) Cement store is too far from the mixer. (k) Concrete aggregates are tipped haphazardly, causing waste and impurities. Access by lorry is also difficult. (I) Hoist is on the wrong side of the building, too far from the (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) work áreas. Mortar-mixing and block-making áreas are too far from the building. Temporary buildings and storage áreas are sited over the line of the sewer. The sewer should be constructed early, to freetheground. Steel is laid haphazardly on the ground and not stacked in an orderly manner. Bending and fabrication benches are wrongly placed. Timber storage área appears disorganised. Sanitary fittings, pipes and trames are stacked too near to the access road for their safety. Figure 28. Revised layout of site for construction of radio transmitter station . To QUARRY MASONS TRANSWUTTER MOIST • QENERATOR HOUSE BUILDINIq I I RAMP SEALED CONTAINERS .MIXERS-. ,<<.*• BIOCKS D D D D n °nf TIMBER STORE AMD CARPENTERS' SHOP a a R.C.PVLON 8ASE9 D D SURPLUS EXCAVATION CONSTRUCT SEWER EARLV BEFORE ERECTIOM OFCARPENTERS'WORK ÁREA CARTED DIRECTlY ^ TONULLAH M>YLOig SIRDERS E SITE I 'Frica! | STORES | LIME of •SEWER : i i a o D D a a a a CENTRE UNE OF PROPOSEP STATION ACCESS FtOAD D LATRINES I SEPTIC TANK 1 I SITE ACCESS RD ,' SCALE JO 2o METRES 30 40 Figure 29. Rated activity sampling record sheet PROJECT &HA<< JUWK srwf tfutfréKS OPERATION U i J 4M.I Mgü** I5Ú ÍHIVN ELEMENT CODE | n STUDYNO.P62 SHEET | ^ TIME STARTED OW> TIME FINISHED USO ELAPSEDTIME V " > s >M *»*•'• ta TOTAL O.T. * • * f 5 * 1*3 »* TOTAL ELEMENT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY O.T. bOm 27 60>\ 241 B.T. 2T <&M$ u/*H\tepsse*to(eueC af u4í»^<le ofpiptí. 5 <p 5^€^<)u^lCo€ÍI?0m^a^í<5W>€^te(tfcífp6it£v4. ÍOn*60m II2J2¿) éOm 60n<\ (7S Z2-Í "73 7S |»UPrp>etAa/ivvSíyu¿tvJKt<iA^. No.ol observation mase* 1 UMUrC*' 2 3*? DETAILS OF WORKER ' • f c a t u c r lAhauurr 3 24-7 Í00é> 191-7 /6Í-7 5 4 6 7 8 Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 <? <? Q <? <* L L L LíU P iL. U U <? t> 0 <? P <? L. IfO t_ <? « Q <? <? $ <? (00 u 100 0 u 30 too u 90 u 50 u 90 100 U 9o u fo u «0 90 u ¡00 u to p 100 100 U (06 L 100 L30 L 90 90 /W L- 90 100 L (00 100 L. (OS 110 1(0 L IM (10 U D f) u too u 100 u 50 u u p 4 110 110 1(0 <? 90 90 9í> u 10 u 90 u so u u tfO i» 90 p u to IA 90 p í)0 U U U P <? 90 u 90 u 90 70 D D <? U (10 L. r 90 0 * 0 L 1(0 U T 30 T D 1> r 90 T r> 0 D r 90 r r> l> T 90 T ?o í> * D <* <* S so S 90 T 100 r 90 O.T. = Observed Time NOTE: 0 L- <? 4 « B.T. = Basic Time <? < ? p T VO T r> 3o T r 90 T 90 T to Rated Activity Sampling Record Sheet The following record sheets are not shown. rated activity sampling Figures 28-30, which are self-explanatory, give an example of the way rated activity sampling (see figure 16) can be used to derive the standard times for the various work elements involved in laying drainage pipes. Having obtained basic times, relaxation and contingency allowances are added in the usual way. Standard times are then divided by quantities to obtain the unit of standard time. Figure 30. PROJECTgHAft Activity sampling extract sheet 3UMIQR STrtfF <W@e5 S T U D Y N o . p 6 2 - SHEET ( . ACTIVITY SAMPLE EXTRACT ELEMENT CODE LETTER u II Q No. of obs. SO 55 60 WfWt 6«S 70 7«5 lili un n urUH «0 SS I» II I00 « * «II 9» 9? W HO *TI1HI (MMf ii ntim Itfl'll UHIHW 9-Oí* ni 75 «Mtt M UHM uno* nri la"" JM1IMI 1-2 5ÜÍP I? H II _ i^nrwt 12-7$ UHUf ,H«IM '0 7-0 £ mi*» <f t í . U M Í * 2SS* UHM IHIWI « mu» irv tNáv «atl 2 3 12 7* 10 55 21 IZ s-edl 120 s rK wKO 25 JM M»i« 20 S i 7 (0 n H-1 % imvnm • 4 » un JO lUMnfti 10 95 (0 9-S ¡Üfwr 17 ñÑW IS iüfwr 11 ufl. 15 inri" í i l< « i? II5 /20 1*5 130 ¡V> m UM o.« www 2KIIW Hl fíítwiwi "5 lili «o II uMini M UMIM «riw 2V 15Q Tefal ns-45 | n TohUBT 2.7-y 123 21 24-7 itt 100 t SO Mt-7 73 171 197-5 75 Figure 31. Calculating the standard time ELEMENT 5étta>etpeg$ Unt«U TrwvtolfiAJel BASIC TIME (mins.) ll*t w KXM (&£M!tetá$&K,W-7 % RELAXATION c E M s Z / - - % 2- - - 1 % 2 / - 2 % 2 / - Id S p TOTAL % A ^•7 % £ 2 - Z ^Kvwk¿we^ *7"S % Z / - 10 ¿Ajjpwtó % CONT s /£> 5 lí. STANDARD TIME (mins.) '? fí? s 2¿ **> /$ <T 26 UNIT STANDARD TIME V- 60** *9 60» S 5 OUANTITY 2 ?0« O 9u*rtk***//«>* o-flfwnKtairi/KXW Ó07WW*JÍ(M*S/IH ío^ 200 ío^ tu • * O-OhJO&UúnfiHi» 66*w Otfuioto&a}»** 1% Comparing 856 standard time with actual time taken of 948 minutes gives the average performance of the gang as 90 per cent.