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Invitation to Training on e-TOS and e-Item Analysis

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Schools Division of Agusan del Norte
Jabonga District I
December 3, 2021
Master Teacher I
Doňa Rosario National High School
Doňa Rosario, Tubay, Agusan del Norte
Warm Greetings!
Innovation on teaching-learning record is one of the demands of the teachers in the field due to many
records to be done and kept by them. With this increasing demand, the top management of Jabonga
District -I wants to adopt your innovation based from Continuous Improvement (CI) Project because we
found it very useful and helpful to our dear teachers.
In connection to this, it is my pleasure to invite you as our resource speaker and facilitator for the
District training on the Development of e-TOS and e-Item Analysis on December 06, 2021 at 8:00 in the
morning in Jabonga Central Elementary School.
It would be grateful for me if you take part to this endeavor to upskill our teachers based from your
expertise. Your positive response will contribute to better serve our learners.
Thank you and God Bless.
Very truly yours,
District In-charge