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Architecture Exam Questions: History, Planning, Practice

History and Theory, Principles of Planning,
Architectural Practice (100 Items)
1. Has credit for making Taj Mahal
a. Shah Jehan
b. Muhammad Ali
2. What building was a tribute for the wife
of Shah?
a. Taj Mahal
3. Architect of Texas Commerce Tower in
Dallas (asked twice)
a. Richard Keating of SOM
b. David Childs of SOM
c. Henry Cobb of Ieoh Ming Pei and
d. William _____
4. Lowest part of a base upon which a
column rests
a. Plinth
b. Base
c. Abacus
d. Echinus
5. Flat plate (?) at the top of the capital of
a column
a. Abacus
b. Echinus
6. From Prehistoric Architecture, what do
you call two stones with a flat slab on
a. Dolmen
b. Cromlech
c. Menhir
d. Stonehenge
7. From Prehistoric Architecture, a series
of stones placed in circular form?
a. Dolmen
b. Cromlech
c. Menhir
d. Stonehenge
8. Pork barrel scam in the Philippines.
What can you do as a citizen?
a. Don’t vote for corrupt politicians
b. The scam is bad publicity for the
country. I must do my part.
c. Be vigilant and aware as a
concerned citizen.
d. Join a rally
Architect of Einstein Tower
a. Erich Mendelsohn
b. Adolf Loos
President of the USA who was also an
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. Charles La Trobe
Incumbent national president of UAP
(as of June 2016)
a. Arch. Beth Regala
IAPOA is also
a. UAP
b. PIA
BP 220 sets standards for PWD. What is
the maximum height of a lavatory?
a. 0.80 m
b. 0.75 m
c. 0.70 m
d. 0.85 m
What is the comfortable height for a
dining chair?
a. 0.40 m
b. 0.45 m (Fajardo)
c. 0.40 – 0.425 m
Where nuns and monks get away from
the world to contemplate and pray
a. Monasteryo
b. Tahanan
How air can circulate at bahay kubo
a. Uses bamboo/sawali (?) material
for walls
b. Raised floor with slats on floor
Dining area of a convent
a. Refectory
Cross-type plan used in Gothic
a. Latin cross
b. Greek cross
c. Cruciform
Yellow is used for gaiety. How will you
use it?
a. Hazard color for school buses
b. Energize a lazy person
c. Caution for danger zone
Protruding tower from fortified wall
a. Almasen (?)
b. Linterna
c. Beranda
d. Garita (a.k.a. Bartizan)
What does an architectural research
writer not need to know?
a. Architectural design trends
b. Architectural writing
c. Philippine architecture and its
d. Building materials
The master plan of Brasilia is designed
a. Lucio Costa (master plan)
b. Oscar Niemeyer (buildings)
Egyptian pyramids are made of granite
stone bricks. How are these stones put
into place?
a. Rolled onto logs
b. Hauled up by cranes
c. Placed them one over the other
d. Pulled by (inner) ramp
Outer cover of the granite stones of
Egyptian pyramids
a. Limestone
b. Adobe
Hagia Sophia is from what period
a. Islamic
b. Byzantine
Style which uses a dome on
a. Byzantine
b. Gothic
c. Romanesque (possible answer)
27. First Filipino architect with registration
number 001
a. Tomas Mapua
28. Structure with Early English Gothic style
a. Westminster Abbey
b. Salisbury Cathedral
29. Revival of Gothic style in the 1800’s
a. Gothic Revival
b. Neo-Gothic
c. Rayonnant
30. Credence table is located in what part
a. Apse
b. Sacristy
c. Prothesis
d. Epistle
31. Altarpiece, or a screen or decoration
behind the altar in a church
a. Retablo
b. Reredos
32. Flying buttress supports what
a. Wall
b. Column
33. Which is Cambodian architecture
a. Angkor Vat
34. Long arcaded entrance porch of
Christian churches
a. Nave
b. Narthex
35. Has a capital, rounded shaft, and base
a. Column
36. Land flanked by roads, sidewalks, alleys
a. Block
b. Parcel
c. Plot
37. Temple with columns at front and rear
(asked twice)
a. Prostylus
b. Amphi-prostyle
c. Distyle
38. Road is 9.00 m in width. What is the
minimum width of the sidewalk?
a. 1.50 m
b. 1.20 m (NBC IRR, Rule VIII)
c. 1.00 m
d. 0.90 m
inspection, feasibility studies, etc. are
part of what services?
a. Pre-design services
b. Regular services
After architect and owner agree (with
plans and other drawings), what’s next
a. Scope of work
b. Discuss contract price / fee
A business architect deals with
a. Architectural design
b. Design-build
c. Professional services
d. Real estate development
Asia’s first all-iron building (the
question did not say ”steel”) (asked
a. San Sebastian Church
b. San Agustin Church
Window which projects from the
building, supported by corbels and not
on ground floor
a. Oriel window
b. Bay window
c. Awning window
d. Bow window?
Factor to be multiplied for class A sand
a. 0.44 _____
b. 0.40 _____
c. 0.42 _____
d. 0.88 _____
Malpractice by architect shall be
punishable by
a. Imprisonment of not less than 6
months, license revoked for 2
b. Imprisonment of not less than 6
months, license revoked for 3
46. How many years shall the architect’s
license be revoked?
a. 2 years
47. What is finished lumber?
a. Lumber that is sanded and
b. S4S...
48. Area of 2 lines stretched into a plane, or
2 plates laid (perpendicular?) on their
a. Spatial (?)
49. Arabesque architecture has all of these
a. Stalactite ornament
b. Mosaic tiles
c. ...
50. An arc rotated on its center creates a
(asked twice)
a. Dome
51. Dwelling for 3 or more families with a
common passageway
a. Apartment
b. Condominium
c. Multi-family dwelling
d. Single-family dwelling
52. Cesar Pelli
53. How to make a neighborhood friendly
a. Put up parks and playgrounds
b. Make available parking spaces,
sports areas...
54. Bramante’s contribution in St. Peter’s
a. First architect of St. Peter’s
55. If the width of a kitchen is 1.50 m, what
is its minimum length?
a. 3.00 m
b. 4.50 m
c. 4.00 m
56. Definition of single-detached housing