HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY EARLY CIVILISATIONS • Had a practical approach to astronomy • Used the stars and planets to predict seasons and for navigation TATAI ARORANGI • Maori ancestors had a wealth of astronomical knowledge that they referred to as Tatai Arorangi • Maori used the stars to calculate seasons • Astronomy was used when planting and harvesting crops • Stars were used to navigate vast distances across land and sea ARISTOTLE AND THE GEOCENTRIC MODEL o Aristotle (an ancient Greek philosopher) believed that the earth was the centre of the universe and that all the sun, moon and stars all revolved around the earth o The right image shows aristotles geocentric model GALILEO GALILEI • Used the telescope to view objects in the sky (1609) • Observations of stars, planets proved that the planets actually revolve around the sun. • So this means the earth is not the centre of the universe and the stars do not orbit the earth BRAHE AND KEPLER • Mathematicians who made observations on the shape of the planet’s orbits over a 20 year period Circle orbit • Brahe’s observations and Kepler’s analysis revealed that the orbits of the planets were not perfect circles, but ellipses (oval shaped). Elliptical orbit (oval shaped) EDWIN HUBBLE • Born November 20 1889 • While working at the mount Wilson observatory discovered other galaxies outside of the milky way • Using red shifting was able to estimate the distance to the andromeda galaxy • As a tribute to his contribution to astronomy NASA named the Hubble space telescope after him OUR PLACE IN THE GALAXY SCIENTISTS NOW KNOW THAT WE ARE IN ONE OF OVER 100 BILLION GALAXIES using a variety of techniques of radio, optical, infrared and even x-ray