Uploaded by Jeremy M

Git Tutorial: Basic Commands, GitHub, and Cheat Sheet

GIT Tutorial
Quick launch:
git init
git remote add origin remote_repository_url
git add .
git commit -m 'commit_msg'
git push -u origin master
1. Basic command lines
2. Git&GitHub
3. Git Cheat Sheet
4. Python .gitignore Setup
Basic command lines
pwd: check current working directory
cd 'path': change current working directory to path
mkdir name: create a new folder named name
mkdir name1 name2 name3: create multiple folder at once
ls: list all file in current dir
touch name.ext: create a new file
nano name.ext: open file and wirte inside
cat name.ext: read file
cp name1.ext name2.ext: copy name1.ext and create and paste into name2.ext
cp name.ext folder_name: copy file to folder_name
mv name1.exe name2.exe: rename name1 into name2. Also work for folder name
mv name.ext folder_name: move file name.ext to folder_name
rm name.ext: remove file (delete)
rmdir name: delete folder
Git & Github
1. Install git and open git bash
2. Check status with git status
3. Config your name and email.
git config --global user.name 'yourname'
git config --global user.email 'youremail'
4. Create local repository
mkdir project_name
cd project_name
5. Initialise Git
git init
6. Add file to staging area
git add filename: add a single file
git add filename1 filename2: add multiple file
git add .: add all file at once
git commit -am 'commit message': add and commit at the same stage
7. Unstage a file
git reset HEAD filename
8. Commit the changes
Commit means taking a snapshot or a copy of your file at that point in time. You may associate it with saving a file
with a new name (save as).
git commit -m 'your message'
9. Git log
git log: show the commit history of a project. List down all commit.
10. Git log --onefile
git log --onefile: list minifield log
11. Git log git log --5: List last 5 commit history
12. Git checkout
We can identify the commit id of each commit using the git log command. Then we can mmake use of this id to
retire any previous commit.
git checkout commit-id
13. Creating a branch
Create a copy of the master (main). It is completely separated.
git branch branch-name: only to create a branch
git checkout -b branch name: create and checkout at the same time.
git branch: list down all branches
Switch between branches:
git checkout main
git checkout branch-main
14. Create an account on GitHub
15. Create repository on GitHub
16. Connect git with remote repository
git remote add origin remote_repository_url
origin could be any word
17. Push
Commit any changes before push.
git push -u origin master
18. Merge
merge feature branch toward develop:
git checkout develop
git merge feature
Now feature and evelop branch have the same code.
19. Pull
git checkout yourbranch
git pull origin develop
git checkout yourbranch
git merge yourbranch
git push -u origin develop
20. Git Clone
GitHub allow to download a project using a URL.
git clone url
21. Rename branch
git branch -m <newname>: rename current branch git branch -m <oldname> <newname>: rename
any branch
22. Deleting a branch
Delete a local branch:
git branch -d branch-name
git branch -D branch-name
Delete remote branch: git push <remote_name> :<branch-name>
git push <remote_name> --delete <branch_name>
23. .gitignore file
24. Forking
Processo of owning other repository. We can clone a rep and then work on it. We can send pull request and
contribute to the project.
Git Cheat Sheet
git --version
# Check the version
git help
# Get help from git
git help commit
# Get help for the commit command
git config
# Get information about configuration
git config --list # Check all what is configured
git config --global user.name "username" # Configuring git user name
git config --global user.email "email"
# Configuring git user email
git init
# Initialize git repository local machine
git status
# Check changes or status of file(s) in repository
git add filename1.txt # Adding only one file
git add filename1.txt filename2.txt # Add multiple files
git add . # Add all the files and folders to the staging area
git commit -a # Stage and write a commit message in Nano
git commit -m "commit message" # Write a commit message after staging
git commit -am "commit message" # Grab everything & skip the stage process
git log
# See the history on the repository
git log --oneline
git log -<limit>
git log --author ="name" # To check change by specific user
git log --graph # Visualize the history
git diff # Compare working copy in the repository
git diff --staged # Compare files in the staging area
git checkout -- filename # To get working copy back
git reset HEAD filename # Removes from the staging area / (unstage)
git checkout <branch-name> <path to file> # Checkout file from different branch
git checkout <commit-id> -- <path to file> # Checkout file from specific commit
git remote -v
# View remote repository-Urls
git remote add <remote name> repository-Url # Add a new remote
git push -u remote master # Push the file into github
git checkout <commit-id> -- filename #
git rm filename1 # Delete one tracked file
git mv filename1 filename2 # Delete tracked file(s)
git mv filename1 foldername/filename1 # Move file to a folder
git branch # to list branches
git branch branch-name # to create a branch
git checkout branch-name # to checkout to a certain branch
git checkout -b branch-name # to create a branch and checkout at the same time
git merge branch-name # to merge a branch to the current branch
git branch -d localBranchName # delete branch locally
git push origin --delete remoteBranchName #delete branch remotely
.gitignore Python Standard Setup
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# C extensions
# Distribution / packaging
# PyInstaller
Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
# Installer logs
# Unit test / coverage reports
# Translations
# Django stuff:
# Sphinx documentation
# PyBuilder