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Final Exam Example questions

Example questions:
1. UML general
a. What is UML? What is it good for?
b. What are the two main types of UML? What is the difference between them? Give
them a diagram as an example!
2. Use Case Diagram
a. What is the Use Case Diagram?
b. What types of items does it consist? Introduce them!
c. What are the Use Case scenarios? Give an example for them!
3. Class Diagram
a. What is the Class Diagram? Use an example diagram to describe its components!
b. What is the inheritance relationship?
c. What is the association relationship?
d. What is the aggregation relationship?
e. What is the composition relationship?
4. Sequence Diagram
a. What is the Sequence Diagram? Use an example diagram to describe its
b. Describe the different types of messages! (Synchronous, Asynchronous, Reply, Self,
Create, Delete)
c. What are the Combined Fragments? Use an example diagram to show examples for
5. State Chart
a. What is the State Chart Diagram? Use an example diagram to describe its
b. What is the Composite State?
What is version control?
What is the difference between centralised and decentralised version control?
What should we version control and what should not version control?
What is the git workflow? How can we „move” files between the states?
a. What is the Working Directory?
b. What is the Staging Area?
c. What is the .git repository?
d. What does the git commit command do?
e. What does the git add command do?
What is the branch in a commit tree?
What does the git merge command do?
How can we reach the remote repositories?
a. What does the git fetch command do?
b. What does the git pull command do?
c. What does the git push command do?
Write down those git commands in order of execution which created this repository!
At the beginning, the master branch is standing on the initial commit.
Initial commit a00
Design Principles and Desing Patterns:
1. Introduce the SOLID Principles!
a. Introduce the Single Responsibility Principle!
b. Introduce the Open/Closed Principle!
c. Introduce the Liskov Substitution Principle!
d. Introduce the Interface Segregation Principle!
e. Introduce the Dependency Inversion Principle!
2. What does the DRY principle mean? Why should we consider it?
3. List at least three software development method!
4. Introduce the Waterfall software development method!
a. What are the phases of the Waterfall model?
b. Introduce The Requirements phase!
c. Introduce The Design phase!
d. Introduce The Implementation phase!
e. Introduce The Testing/Verification phase!
f. Introduce The Deployment/Maintenance phase!
g. What are the advantages of the Waterfall model?
h. What are the disadvantages of the Waterfall model?
5. Introduce the V-model software development method!
6. Introduce the Spiral software development method!
7. What is the software architecture?
8. What does the SoC mean? Introduce the principle!
9. What is the layering in terms of software architecture?
10. What are the types of multi-layer architectures?
a. Introduce the Dual-tier architecture! When should we use two-tier architecture?
b. Introduce the Three-tier architecture! When should we use three-tier architecture?
11. Introduce the MVC architecture!
a. Introduce the three responsibility group of MVC!
b. What are the advantages of the MVC?
c. What are the disadvantages of the MVC?
12. What are Cohesion and Coupling in terms of software architecture? What levels are the
13. What is Design pattern? Why do we use it?
14. What are the types of Design Pattern? Give example for each!
15. Introduce the Factory Design Pattern! Give an example of that!
16. Introduce the Singleton Design Pattern! Give an example of that!
17. Introduce the Prototype Design Pattern! Give an example of that!
18. Introduce the Proxy Design Pattern! Give an example of that!
19. Introduce the Facade Design Pattern! Give an example of that!
20. Introduce the Composite Design Pattern! Give an example of that!
21. Introduce the Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern! Give an example of that!
22. Introduce the Template Method Design Pattern! Give an example of that!
23. Introduce the Strategy Design Pattern! Give an example of that!