Science Policy Reports Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Retrospective and Outlook SUMMARY Mihail C. Roco • Chad A. Mirkin • Mark C. Hersam Summary of international report studY on nanotecHnoloGY ReseaRcH diRections studY cooRdinatoR exteRnal RevieWeRs Mihail C. Roco, PhD, National Science Foundation Eric Isaacs, Argonne National Laboratory Wtec panel and otHeR contRiButoRs Chad A. Mirkin, PhD (Co-chair), Northwestern University Mark Hersam, PhD (Co-chair), Northwestern University Dawn Bonnell, PhD, University of Pennsylvania C. Jeffrey Brinker, PhD, University of New Mexico Mamadou Diallo, PhD, California Institute of Technology Evelyn Hu, PhD, Harvard University Mark Lundstrom, PhD, Purdue University James Murday, PhD, University of Southern California André Nel, MD, PhD, University of California Los Angeles Mark Tuominen, PhD, University of Massachusetts Martin Fritts, Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory Naomi Halas, Rice University Robert Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Emilio Mendez, Brookhaven National Laboratory Gunter Oberdörster, University of Rochester Gernot Pomrenke, AFOSR David Shaw, SUNY Buffalo Richard Siegel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Sandip Tiwari, Cornell University George Whitesides, Harvard University Hamburg Chicago Jeffrey Welser, PhD, Semiconductor Research Corp. and IBM Stuart Wolf, PhD, University of Virginia ★ ★ ★ ★ Arlington Tsukuba Final Workshop ★ Singapore the cover picture depicts the integration of various nanotechnology-based solutions in the design of a blended hybrid-wing-body concept for future subsonic commercial aircraft. Designed by NASA and MIT; the aircraft’s unique construction would enable it to carry 354 passengers while consuming 54% less fuel than a standard Boeing 777. It could be available for commercial use as early as 2030 (Courtesy of NASA and MIT). this booklet is a summary of the report, Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020: Retrospective and Outlook, published in December 2010 by the World Technology Evaluation Center (WTEC) and Springer with sponsorship by the National Science Foundation. Further information about this study, as well as the complete text and image credits of the report can be found at Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 RetRospective and outlook suMMaRY Mihail C. Roco, Chad A. Mirkin, and Mark C. Hersam, Editors NSF/WTEC report The full report is published by Springer 2000 2010 2020 Blood flow & heart beating Implantable devices Breath Wireless sensors nano2 nano1 Wind Wave Nanorobots Harvesting Mechanical Energy Nanosensors MEMS Body movement Nanogenerator converts mechanical waves into electricity Traffic & noises Air flow MP3s Laptops Cell phones pReface N anotechnology is the control and restructuring of matter at the atomic, molecular and supramolecular levels, in order to create materials, devices, and systems with fundamentally new properties and functions due to their small structure. A nanometer (10-9 meters) is the size of a small molecule. Ten years have passed since the first U.S. National Science and Technology Council “Nano1” report1 on the prospects for nanotechnology. During the past decade, research and development in nanotechnology has made astonishing progress and has now provided a clearer indication of its potential. The recently completed “Nano2” report2 examines the last decade’s progress in the field and uncovers the opportunities for nanotechnology development in the United States and around the world in the next decade. This new report, of which this booklet is a summary, briefly describes the results of the investments made since 2000. It also describes the expected targets for nanotechnology R&D in the next decade and beyond, including how to achieve them in the context of societal needs and other emerging technologies. The information in this booklet incorporates the views of leading experts from academia, industry, and government 1 Roco, M.C., R.S. Williams, and P. Alivisatos, P. eds. 1999. Nanotechnology research directions: IWGN [NSTC] workshop report: Vision for nanotechnology R&D in the next decade. Baltimore, Md.: International Technology Research Institute at Loyola College. Available online: 2 Roco, M.C., C.A Mirkin, and M. C. Hersam. Nanotechnology research figure 1. Common computing and communication devices, in production in 2010 incorporating nanoelectronic and nanomagnetic components for processors, memory and display components. shared among U.S. representatives and those from over 35 other economies in four forums held between March and July 2010. These began with a brainstorming meeting in Chicago and included U.S.-multinational workshops in Hamburg, Germany (involving European Union and U.S. representatives); Tokyo, Japan (involving Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and U.S. representatives); and Singapore (involving Singapore, Australia, China, India, Saudi Arabia, and U.S. representatives). Participants came from a wide range of disciplines, including the physical and biological sciences, engineering, medicine, social sciences, economics, and philosophy. The study documents the progress made in nanotechnology from 2000 to 2010 and lays out a vision for progress in nanotechnology from 2010 to 2020, in four broad categories of interest: methods and tools of nanotechnology, safe and sustainable development, applications, and societal dimensions. directions for Societal Needs: Retrospective and Outlook. Springer 2010. Available online: Research_Directions_to_2020/ ii Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 taBle of contents long-view for nanotechnology development: 2000-2020 Progress 2000-2010 (Nano1) ...........................................................................................................................................................................4 Vision for Next 10 Years (Nano2) ................................................................................................................................................................6 theory, Modeling, and simulation..............................................................................................................................................................8 Measuring Methods, instruments, and Metrology .........................................................................................................................10 synthesis, processing, and Manufacturing of components, devices, and systems.....................................................12 nanotechnology environmental, Health, & safety issues ..........................................................................................................14 nanotechnology for sustainability: Environment, Water, Food, Minerals, and Climate ................................................16 Energy Conversion, Storage, and Conservation......................................................18 applications: Nanobiosystems, Medicine, and Health.....................................................................................................................20 Nanoelectronics and Nanomagnetics ........................................................................................................................ 22 Nanophotonics and Plasmonics ....................................................................................................................................24 Catalysis by Nanostructured Materials.......................................................................................................................26 High-Performance Materials and Emerging Areas .................................................................................................28 developing the Human and physical infrastructure for nanoscale science & engineering .................................. 30 innovative and Responsible Governance of nanotechnology for societal development......................................32 Workshops .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 1 figure 2. Examples of nanotechnology incorporated into commercial (and FDA-approved) healthcare products, in production in 2010: nanosphere verigene® system for onsite medical diagnostics; luna nanoparticle contrast agents for diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging; angstrom Medica nanoss™ for synthetic bone material; dendreon provenge® to fight prostate cancer; and celgene abraxane® to treat metastatic breast cancer. 2 Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Mass Application of Nanotechnology after ~2020 E L E C T R O N I C S M A T E R I A L S N E W A R E A S 2020 H E A L T H C A R E E N V I R O N M E N T T R A N S P O R T E N E R G Y S E C U R I T Y M A N U F A C T U R I N G I N S T R U M E N T S NS&E integration for general purposes technology ~2011 NANO2 ~2020 New disciplines Direct measurements; Science-based design and processes; Collective effects; Create nanosystems by technology integration Foundational interdisciplinary research at nanoscale ~2001 NANO1 ~2010 2000 New industries Societal impact Infrastructure Indirect measurements, Empirical correlations; Single principles, phenomena, tools; Create nanocomponents by empirical design Workforce Partnerships figure 3. Creating a new field and community in two foundational phases between 2000 and 2020 (“NS&E” is nanoscale science and engineering.) Market Incorporating Nanotechnology ($Billions) 10000 Blood flow & heart beating Implantable devices Breath Wireless sensors nano2 Wind 1000 Wave Nanorobots Harvesting Mechanical Energy Nanogenerator converts mechanical waves into electricity Traffic & noises 10 0 nano1 Air flow 100 MP3s Laptops Cell phones 2009 World~$254 B US~$92 B Nanocomponents 2000 R&D definition Long-term vision 2000 Nanosensors MEMS Body movement 2005 2010 YEAR 2015 2020 World~$3 T US~$1.2 T Nanosystems 2020 figure 4. Market of final products incorporating nanotechnology: the long-term vision for 2000-2020 (solid line, see Chapter on Long View) and outcomes in 2009 (survey by Lux Research, Chapter 13). The R&D focus evolves from fundamental discoveries to nanosystem integration in 2000-2010. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 3 long-view for nanotechnology development nano1 Over the last ten years, the viability and societal importance of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology applications have been confirmed, while extreme predictions, both pro and con, have receded. Nanotechnology has been recognized as a revolutionary field of science and technology, comparable to the introduction of electricity, biotechnology, and digital information revolutions. Between 2001 and 2008, the numbers of discoveries, inventions, nanotechnology workers, R&D funding programs, and markets all increased by an average annual rate of 25 percent. The worldwide market for products incorporating nanotechnology reached about $254 billion in 2009. Total worldwide nanotechnology R&D funding has grown from about $1.2 billion (of which $0.37 billion was in the U.S.) in 2000 to over $15 billion (of which $3.7 billion was in the U.S.) in 2008 with an average annual growth of 35 percent (33 percent in the U.S.). pRoGRess 2000-2010 The fraction of the U.S. Federal R&D investment in nanotechnology as compared to all Federal R&D expenditures grew from 0.39% in 2000 to about 1.5% in 2008. U.S. federal expenditures per capita on nanotechnology R&D has grown from about $1 in fiscal year 2000 to about $5.7 in 2008. Japan had about $7 per capita, and Korea about $6 per capita in 2008. While government investment in the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative and similar government initiatives abroad has been considerable, the return on investment has been even greater. The market for products incorporating nanotechnology is about $250 billion worldwide in 2009. Industry has recognized the importance of nanotechnology and the central role of government in the NNI R&D. The estimated market for products incorporating nanotechnology was about $91 billion in the United States alone as of 2009. Some 60 countries have adopted nanotechnology research programs, making nanotechnology one of the largest and most competitive research fields globally. 4 Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Number of Patent Applications 14,000 Year All applications Non-overlapping 12,000 All applications 1991 10,000 Non-overlapping applications 2000 1,197 1,153 2008 12,776 10,067 8,000 224 224 2000–2008 6,000 Worldwide annual growth rate=34.5% 4,000 2,000 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1193 1992 1991 0 YEAR figure 5. Total number of nanotechnology patent applications in 15 leading patent depositories in the world from 1991–2008. Return on Nanotechnology Investment (U.S. 2009) ~$1.9B industry R&D $B industry operating cost ~180,000 Jobs*** ~$91B** Final Products $1.7B* federal R&D: NNI ~$18B Taxes * The corresponding R&D was about 10 times smaller in 1999 ** Estimated taxes=20% ~$1.9B ind. R&D *** Estimated $500,000 yr/job figure 6. Estimation of the outcomes of U.S. Federal investment in nanotechnology R&D in 2009. The figure shows an annual balance between investments and outputs. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 5 long-view for nanotechnology development nano2 Current trends suggest that the number of nanotechnology workers and products worldwide will double every three years, reaching a $3 trillion market with 6 million jobs by 2020 Systematic control of matter at the nanoscale using direct measurements, simulations and improved theories on nanoscale phenomena such as quantum and self-assembling, will lead to the creation of advanced materials, devices and nanosystems by design. Nanotechnology is expected to be in widespread use by 2020. There is the potential to incorporate nanotechnology-enabled products and services into almost all industrial sectors and medical fields. The increasing integration of nanoscale science and engineering promises mass applications of nanotechnology in industry, medicine, and computing, and in conservation of nature. The benefits will include increased productivity, more sustainable development, and new jobs. New applications expected to emerge in the next decade range from long-life photovoltaic devices to high performance batteries enabling competitive electric cars, novel computing systems, cognitive technologies, food and agricultural systems, quantum information systems, nanosystems and synthetic biology, and radical new approaches to diagnosis and treatment of diseases like cancer. 6 vision foR next 10 YeaRs For illustration, nanotechnology applications will make solar energy conversion costs competitive by about 2015 in the United States and water desalinization costs competitive by 2020–2025, depending on the region. Nanotechnology will continue to provide breakthrough solutions for over 50% of new projects on energy and water resources, as well as other sustainable development areas. Continued investment in basic research in nanotechnology is needed, but additional emphasis should also be placed on application-driven research, innovation, commercialization, job creation, and societal “returns on investment,” with measures to ensure safety and public participation. As nanotechnology is expected to satisfy essential societal needs and have mass applications by 2020, there is a need to institutionalize nanotechnology education, research, manufacturing, medical, EHS and ELSI programs. Nanotechnology’s rapid development worldwide is a testimony to the transformative power of identifying a concept or trend and laying out a vision at the synergistic confluence of diverse scientific research areas. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Nanotechnology Commercialization 2000 Ex: coatings, nanoparticles, nanostructured metals, polymers, ceramics 2nd: Active nanostructures ~2005 Ex: 3D transistors, amplifiers, targeted drugs, actuators, adaptive structures, biomedical devices Higher uncertainty & risk 3rd: Integrated Nanosystems ~2010 Ex: guided assembling, 3D networking and new hierarchical architectures, robotics, evolutionary 4th: Molecular nanosystems ~2015–2020 Ex: molecular devised “by design,” atomic design, emerging functions Converging technologies Increased complexity, Dynamics, Transdisciplinarity 1st: Passive nanostructures (1st generation products) Ex: nano-bio-info from nanoscale, cognitive technologies; large complex systems from nanoscale figure 7. Timeline for the beginning of industrial prototyping and nanotechnology commercialization: introduction of new generations of products and productive processes in 2010–2020. Response Rate 100% 100 85% 80 70% 60 38% 40 25% 20 0 Commercialized Products by 2009 <1 year to Market (2010) 1–3 years to Market (2011–2013) 3–5 years to Market (2013–2015) >5 years to Market (2015–) figure 8. The percentage of manufacturing companies interested in introducing nanotechnology products (based on 2010 survey of 270 manufacturing companies by National Center for Manufacturing Systems). suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 7 tHeoRY, ModelinG, and siMulation advances in the last ten years: Discovery of fundamental mechanical, optical, electronic, magnetic, and biological phenomena, properties, and processes at the nanoscale, and developing understanding of bionic-abiotic interfaces. New approaches such as ab-initio (from basic principles) electronic simulation frameworks, molecular dynamics simulations with chemical bonding, simulation of self-assembly of functionalized nanoparticles, and statistical analysis of complex nanostructures have been performed. The number of atoms simulated by classical molecular dynamics for 10 nanosecond time durations has increased from about 10 million in 2000 to nearly 1 billion in 2010. High-performance computing power, which enables more ambitious multiscale simulations, has increased by three orders of magnitude. Quantum effects were identified and measured in a series of nanostructures, such as quantum dots, nanotubes, and nanowires, and the first quantum device was built. 8 vision for the next decade: Nanoscale modeling, numerical methods, and computational capability are expected to increase the speed of simulations by a factor of 10,000, leading to more ambitious projects and wider use of simulation in research and design. Theory, modeling, and simulation increasingly are critical tools that support nanotechnology. New theories on complexity for concurrent phenomena and system integration at the nanoscale will enable discovery and novel applications. General approaches to multiscale/multi-phenomena simulation for computational design materials, devices and systems from basic principles will be developed. Predictive simulation has the potential to greatly accelerate R&D in fields such as catalysis design, drug discovery and dynamics of complex systems. Broader use of multiscale and multi-phenomena simulation could also influence technology development directions. Nanoscience generates possibilities for new technologies, but it generates many more than can be experimentally explored. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Molecular Dynamics Hiearchy of Methods 1014 108 1013 107 1012 HPC #1 HPC #500 Single CPU GPU 1011 1010 109 108 106 105 104 1000 2002 2004 2006 YEAR 2008 10 100 2010 figure 9. Increases of molecular dynamics computational complexity and corresponding number of atoms simulated at rate of 10 nanosecond/day: for the highest and lowest-performing machines on the top-500 list, as well as a single central processing unit (CPU) and a graphical processing unit (GPU); HPC#1 is the fastest available high performance computer. figure 11. New developments in the theory of molecular conduction have resulted in quantitative simulations of molecular junctions. A joint theory and experiment collaboration showed that electrical conductance of a bipyridine-Au molecular junction can be turned “on” or “off” simply by pushing or pulling on the junction. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY -2 10-4 Length (m) 10 9 Simple Atoms Simulated at Rate of 10 ns/day Molecular Dynamics Computational Complexity 10 15 10-6 10-8 10-10 -15 10 10-13 10-11 10-9 10-7 10-5 TIME (s) 10-3 No dynamic information figure 10. Hierarchy of theory, modeling and simulation methods relevant to nanoscale science and technology, along with some corresponding experimental methods, and the time and length scales over which each is applicable (2010). figure 12. Nanostructured materials are created for new applications. Right photovoltaic BH solar cells, left nanostructured morphology. 9 MeasuRinG MetHods, instRuMents, and MetRoloGY advances in the last ten years: Novel concepts and approaches have been created to provide a platform for a new generation of nanoscale localized measurement tools. There has been a dramatic expansion of the variety of properties that can be measured at the nanoscale. A wide range of phenomena can now be accessed with high-spatial-resolution scanning probe microscopy. New, cheap and accessible methods of nano-patterning, such as microcontact printing and imprint lithography, have allowed research and product development laboratories to easily fabricate specialized complex devices with which to explore new phenomena. Electron microscopy with aberration correction has achieved sub-nanometer spatial resolution and threedimensional tomography. X-ray brilliance at measuring beam lines has increased five orders of magnitude between 2000 and 2010, enabling atomistic and dynamic measurements of threedimensional nanostructures. vision for the next decade: Tools will be developed for simultaneous atomic resolution, three-dimensional imaging with chemical specificity and temporal resolution of the nanoscale phenomena. We will see unanticipated new tools and discoveries of nanoscale phenomena along with new applications. Generalized use of reference standard materials and measurement methods in nanoelectronics, biomedical field, and nanomanufacturing and other areas. specific goals include: achieving atomic resolution of the three-dimensional internal structure of a single protein with chemical specificity discovering of stable new compounds by manipulating atoms at room temperature tracking electrons with sufficient speed to observe intermediate steps in chemical reactions concurrent imaging of processes throughout an entire cell new portable and inexpensive nanoscale instruments capable of operating in an industrial environment developing in situ instrumentation for nanomanufacturing process control developing easy to use instrumentation for non-specialists and education 10 Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Height Photogeneration Rate Faster Slower arb units Current Magnitude and Direction figure 13. (left) Lithography tools for nanoscale manufacturing. Imprint lithography produces sub-30nm resolution nanomaterials with less than 10 nm alignment over hundreds of milimeters (Molecular Imprints, Inc., Imprio® 300); (right) Imaging photo of current generation in an organic solar cell and current size of vector across an operating oxide device. 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 X-ray Brillance (photons/s/0.1%bw/mm2/mrad2 Computer Speed MOPS (millions of operations per second) 1950 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 YEAR figure 14. Faster increases in x-ray brilliance over the last 50 years in comparison to increase in computer processor speed. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY Magnetic force Magnetic spin Dielectric function Reson Magnetic Impedance ance M icrosco Capacitance/resistance py Work function Functional Electromechanical coupling Scanning Probe Optical Spectroscopy Electr Optical interaction Scann omagnetic Inelastic electron processes ing Probe Density of states Tun Micronsceling opy 1 10 0 -1 1Hz Elec 6Hz B vibr ond atio n tron Mass tran spor t 100 trans port 1000 nm figure 15. Relation of advances in scanning probes to space, time and complexity. The future is in extending these probes into the regions in the center where spatial resolution, time resolution, and complexity can be simultaneously probed. 11 sYntHesis, pRocessinG, and ManufactuRinG of coMponents, devices, and sYsteMs advances in the last ten years: Nanotechnology has penetrated not only most disciplines in science and engineering, but also R&D for most of the production sectors of the economy. Nanotechnology has been used in commercial products, including coatings, industrial chemicals, cosmetics, textiles and magnetic storage devices, among many others. Creation in the laboratory of a library of nanocomponents such as particles, tubes, two- and threedimensional structures, covering most of the chemical elements in the periodic table. There has been important basic research on toolkits for synthesis, fabrication, and patterning of nanostructures, in addition to bio-inspired synthesis and directed self-assembly. Advances in nanofabrication are illustrated by threedimensional programmable polymeric structures, bi-inspired nanostructures, first molecular machines, graphene devices, metamaterials, (which have reverse diffraction index not encountered in nature), nanoscale printing by contact, and lithography based on scanning probes. Manufacturing has emerged with a myriad of focus areas and new approaches such as modular nanotechnology, scale-up synthesis of plasmonic materials, and nano-bio inspired and desk-top distributed methods. 12 vision for the next decade: Fundamental understanding of the pathways for atomic and molecular self-assembly to develop a library of nanostructures (particle, wire, tubes, sheet, coatings, three-dimensional modular assemblies) of various chemical compositions in industrial-scale quantities. Achieve two- and three-dimensional macroscopic materials control in nanomanufacturing, with the ability to dictate where building blocks are placed down to 1-nm resolution. three illustrations: Power cables manufactured from carbon nanotubes for better efficiency and less weight Recent research involving block copolymers as a platform to create self-assembled templates for nanoscale patterning for more efficient flash electronic memory devices Manufacturing of metamaterials with nanostructures not encountered in nature Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 new synthesis and fabrication Methods figure 16. Examples of new synthesis and fabrication methods: (left) Precursor Janus dendrimers and dendrimersome with its cellmembrane-like bilayers of few nanometer thick first synthesized in 2010; (center) Large surface area nanopatterning using multiple probe technology; and positioning them with nanometer precision over large areas; (right) Random branching alumina nanotubes as an example of fractal nanomanufacturing (multiscale functional material architectures). Roll-to-Roll Production of Graphene Graphene on polymer support Polymer support Released polymer support Target substrate Graphene on Cu foil Cu etchant Graphene on target figure 17. A major advance in the last decade: Roll-to-roll production of graphene for transparent conducting electrodes. This illustrates the broader area of carbon-based nanotechnology already leading to production of carbon cables and sheets. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 13 nanotecHnoloGY enviRonMental, HealtH, & safetY (eHs) issues advances in the last ten years: Although exposure to engineered nanomaterials in the workplace, laboratory, home, and the environment is likely more widespread than previously realized, no specific human disease or verifiable environmental mishap has been ascribed to these materials to date. Public perceptions of engineered nanomaterials hazards have evolved from “small is dangerous” to a more realistic understanding that safety should be considered in terms of the specific-use contexts, applications and exposures. Complex interdisciplinary programs and international community have been established. The NSF established a research program solicitation with a focus on nanoscale processes in the environment in August 2000, and about 7 % of its budget is currently for nano-EHS. The EPA has had a research program solicitation on nanotechnology EHS since 2003, and the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences established one in 2004. The number of peer-reviewed publications on nano-EHS risk assessment has increased rapidly, amounting to over 250 papers in 2009, as compared to about 50 in 2004, increasing faster than other publications in nanoscale science and engineering. The research community has increasingly collaborated with industry, regulators and insurers to proactively address potential concerns of engineered, incidental and natural nanomaterials. 14 vision for the next decade: The discovery and development of predictive methods for engineered nanomaterials for property–toxicology activity relationships, high-volume data sets, and computational methods used to establish knowledge domains, risk modeling, and nano-informatics capabilities to reliably assist decision-making. One goal for 2020 is to develop validated hazard assessment methodologies and strategies that consider the correct balance of in vitro and in vivo testing, of biologically relevant screening platforms, and of highthroughput methods. It includes further understanding of nano-biological interfaces. Another goal is to develop risk reduction methodologies and strategies that can be implemented through commercial nanoproduct data collection, regulatory activity, and EHS research directly linked to decision making. A key issue for academia, industry, and government is to effectively communicate, inform and involve public participation in the dialogue on the beneficial implications of nanotechnology, the potential for risk, and what is being done to ensure safe implementation of the technology. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Nano-information Pyramid Nano label Specific info about nano-EHS properties, including hazard, appropriate use, waste disposal, recycling Consumer products Product insert User-specific info about appropriate use, hazard, disposal, recycling Consumer & industrial products MSDS Producers, processors, recyclers Broad substance documentation Authorities/regulators Research Substances’ nano-specific & compositional properties being addressed by experts Non-CBI Database for registration and documentation purposes Adapted from the Innovation Society Chemicalwatch. February 2010 figure 18. This nano-information pyramid illustrates development of an incremental information-sharing collaboration between government, academia, industry, and public. UC CEIN Predictive Multi-disciplinary Science Model ENM libraries Nanoparticle structural & physicochemical information • Data integration • Pattern recognition (heatmaps, self-organizing, etc.) • Machine learning • Computer decision making Cell, embryo, biomolecules In vivo toxicity Fate & transport Predictive toxicology Multimedia analysis • Hazard ranking • Risk profiling • Exposure modeling • Property-activity relationships figure 19. UC Center for Environmental Implications in Nanotechnology uses a predictive model for hazard ranking and risk profiling. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 15 nanotecHnoloGY foR sustainaBilitY: enviRonMent, WateR, food, MineRals, and cliMate advances in the last ten years: The global sustainability challenges facing the world are complex and involve multiple interdependent areas. Nanotechnology offers fundamentally new approaches for a clean environment, water resources, food supply, mineral resources, green manufacturing, habitat, transportation, and addressing climate change. We now have a better understanding of the planetary sustainability limits and how nanotechnology can help. Nanotechnology has provided solutions for more than half of the new projects on energy conversion, energy storage, and carbon encapsulation in the last decade. Discovery of high-porosity nanostructured materials has lead to metal organic frameworks, covalent organic frameworks, and zeolite imidazolate frameworks, for improved hydrogen storage and CO2 sequestration. A broad range of polymeric and inorganic nanofibers and their composites for environmental separations and catalytic treatment have been synthesized. Nanocomposite membranes and nanosorbents have been developed for water purification, desalinization, oil spill cleanup, and environmental remediation. 16 vision for the next decade: a world in balance: A main goal is developing a coordinated approach to use nanotechnology innovation for breakthrough solutions in sustainable development. Nanotechnology applications are expected to significantly extend the limits of sustainability. For illustration, in water resources, the nanostructured membranes and materials with large surface areas discovered in the last decade will be optimized and scaled-up for a variety of applications, including water filtration and desalination, hydrogen storage, and carbon capture. Methods to better capture carbon and nitrogen using nanoscale processes will be developed for reuse at industrial scale. Nanotechnology has the potential to provide cost-effective sorbents for CO2 separation from the flue gases of fossil-fuel-fired power plants and relevant industrial plants. Small-scale and ubiquitous sensors will be developed and deployed that will allow real time monitoring of environmental systems, including air, water, and soils. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 The Next Generation of Electric Cars Smart Silicon and Thin Film solar panels Batteries and Supercaps Lightweight and flexible lighting systems with PV Batteries, RF link and Photodiode. integrated PV, Fuel based Catalytic Range extenders Thermoelectric materials for heating and cooling Electrical Motors All other sensors and electronics Power electronics Lightweight composites Green low rolling resistance tires figure 20. Nanomaterials as components of the next generation of electric cars. Earth Cooling Effects Sustainability Radius ~10m 50nm Social Bearable Magnetite (Fe3O4) ~500 x 500 nm Equitable Electric field 100–200 V/m Sustainable Environment AI2O3 AI BaTiO3 Viable Economic Magnetic field 10-4 T Lifting force Poleward force figure 21. Sustainability is at the intersection of environment, economic and social factors. Nanotechnology applications will have to balance the beneficial effects and potential negative effects on these interconnected factors. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY figure 22. Geoengineering concept for using magnetic nanodisks for sunlight reflection in upper atmosphere over the South pole. International projects will be developed to consider Earth cooling effects and environmental safety. 17 nanotecHnoloGY foR sustainaBilitY: eneRGY conveRsion, stoRaGe, and conseRvation advances in the last ten years: Rapid improvement has been made in efficiency and scalability of using nanotechnology for solar energy conversion. The power conversion efficiency of nanostructured organic cells has increased by about eight times since 2000. Nanostructuring has also been demonstrated as a viable means to increase the efficiency of current extraction by decreasing the distance charges have to travel, which would allow the use of lower cost, inorganic materials for photovoltaic applications without sacrificing performance. A number of research groups have been able to construct systems that emulate photosynthesis, converting sunlight into fuel in the laboratory. Alternative nanostructured materials incorporating cheap and available materials have increased the storage capability of electrical super capacitors. 18 vision for the next decade: Application of nanotechnology will significantly lower costs and make economic solar energy conversion by about 2015 in the United States. Mass use of nanotechnology for energy conversion is envisioned after 2015-2016, when the cost of terawatt-scale solar energy generation will approach that of fossil energy. Crystalline silicon will be replaced with cheap and abundant alternative materials, such as iron disulfide, for photovoltaics. Use of nanoparticles and quantum dots will be applied in carrier multiplication and hot-carrier collection strategies to overcome the Shockley-Queisser 31% efficiency limit in thin-film photovoltaic devices. Nanostructured catalysts and thermoelectric materials will be designed to economically convert electricity and sunlight into chemical fuels. It is expected that nanotechnology will become a critical enabling technology for energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, mining, electricity generation and transmission, and battery power. The next decade will witness the development of new classes of nanostructured battery systems for electric vehicles with large range of action. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Residential PV 35 Cost of Energy in Cents/kWh (2009$) 30 2009 2015 (est.) 2030 (est.) PV LCOE without ITC* PV LCOE with 30% ITC* 21–34 16–25 10–16 7–12 6–10 N/A Residential Electricity Rates1 8–14 8–15 9–19 25 Investment Tax Credit (ITC) Changes after 2016 20 15 10 5 0 2009 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 YEAR 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 figure 23. Goal for residential use of photovoltaic technologies estimated to become economic by about 2015 (DOE). Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials: Impacting the Energy Landscape • Renewables • Thermoelectrics • Solar fuels • Green buildings • Transmission • Resources Conversion, Generation Efficiency, Recycling Capture, Storage Transport, Logistics • Thermal storage • Charge storage • Carbon capture • Electric vehicle • Air, sea, land • Public transport figure 24. Nanotechnology and nanomaterials can impact all areas of the energy sustainability cycle. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY Heat rejection materials Greenery High Performance Algae Glazing Polymeric Façade Dehumidification Material Phase Cool roofs Natural New Air-Con Change Ventilation concepts Recycled Material Concrete Aggregate Natural Alternatives Lighting LED to Concrete Lighting Engineered Cementitious Building Composite Management Steel Systems Recycled Renewables Lift Aggregate Sensors Systems Energy recovery Waste-toenergy figure 25. Green building components. 19 applications: nanoBiosYsteMs, Medicine, and HealtH advances in the last ten years: Nanobiosystems and nanomedicine are two of the most exciting and fastest-growing areas in nanotechnology research. Nanomedicine has made significant breakthroughs in the laboratory, advanced rapidly in clinical trials, and made inroads in applications of biocompatible materials, diagnostics, and treatments. Advanced therapeutics have led to ten commercialized products based on nanotechnology, such as Abraxane, making a significant impact in treating several forms of cancer. Development of diagnostic methods that are sensitive down to picomole and attomole levels and allow for multiple analytes to be assessed simultaneously by lab-on-a-chip approaches. Five other nanotechnology outcomes: controlled development of molecules to promote tissue repair and regeneration in situ; achievement of partial nanoscale control in synthetic biology; products that are on track to meet the $1,000 genome challenge; the nano-enabled bio-barcode assay, which is a detection technology that provides significant sensitivity advantages over conventional methodologies; and FDA approvals for the first nanotherapeutics. 20 vision for the next decade: Many order-of-magnitude increased sensitivity, selectivity, and multiplexing capabilities at low cost will enable point-of-care diagnosis and treatment. They include nonintrusive diagnostics based on breath and saliva nanoscale detection. Overcome many challenges such as pharmacokinetics, biodistribution, targeting, and tissue penetration by drugs to support widespread adoption by industry of nanotherapeutics. At least 50% of all drugs used in 2020 will be enabled by nanotechnology. Many of these will be for diseases like glioblastoma, pancreatic cancer, and ovarian cancer, where patient prognosis is grim with current therapies. Adoption of nanomaterials by the pharmaceutical community will increase the effectiveness of chemotherapeutics while reducing toxic side effects. The potential is supported by the fact that in 2010 over 50 cancer-targeting drugs based on nanotechnology are in clinical trials in the United States alone. Nanostructured implants with potential advantages over conventional materials can significantly enhance bone, cartilage, vascular, bladder, and nervous tissue regeneration. Widespread use by 2020 of nano-enabled tissue constructs is envisioned for repair of cardiac damage in heart attack victims. Widespread use by 2020 of nanotechnology-enabled stem-cell therapies is envisioned for spinal cord regeneration. Synthetic biology with control at the nanoscale will be used in regenerative medicine, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Nanomedicine drug delivery to tumor site Nanomaterials and Devices Albumin Analytic and Imaging Tools Theranostics Targeted Therapy and Drug Delivery Systems Tissue Engineering Regenerative Medicine Paclitaxel Point of Medical Care: Improved diagnosis, treatment and prevention figure 27. Abraxane is a FDA-approved therapeutic which relies on albumin protein nanoparticles as a paclitaxel carrier for more efficient drug delivery to tumor sites. Safety and compatibility requirements figure 26. The cornerstones of nanomedicine. 37˚C 20˚C Water Repelling Polymer (hydrophobic) Water Attractring Polymer (hydrophilic) Myocyte cell sheet Cell sheet By layering the cell sheet Temperature-responsive culture dish 3-D tissue construct figure 28. Myocardial cells sheet engineering. Cell sheet technology is based on the use of thermo responsive polymers, poly (N-isopropylacrylamide), which are hydrophobic at 37°C, allowing primary tissue culture cells to lay down an ECM, which remains intact when the temperature of the culture dish is brought down to 20° C and the cell sheet released due to the fact that the polymer then becomes hydrophilic. Harvesting of numerous layers of myocyte cell sheets allows layering and the formation of a 3D spontaneously beating myocardial-like tissue construct that can be used for patching real-life myocardial defects as well as offering the possibility to reconstruct an entire myocardial tube. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 21 applications: nanoelectRonics and nanoMaGnetics advances in the last ten years: The semiconductor industry has doubled the number of field-effect transistors on a chip every 18–24 months, i.e. Moore’s Law. As a result, the number of products that use semiconductor chips has greatly expanded, from supercomputers to cell phones to toasters. Continuation of the Moore’s Law has led to scaling from devices at or above 100 nm to 30 nm dimensions. It includes an approximate 1 nm gate insulator, with monolayer accuracy across a 300 nm wafer, and transistors for logic and memory of about 15 nm. The industry has hit a record high of $300B in 2010, with 60 percent at the nanoscale, and the U.S. market share being approximately 50% of total. Discovery of the quantum spin Hall effect and demonstration of spin transfer torque, which enable direct control of electron spin and magnetic domains by electrical current. Research, design, and manufacturing of magnetic random access memory (MRAM) nonvolatile memory device. First fundamental experiments on quantum computing using small numbers of quantum bits. 22 vision for the next decade: Goals for nanoelectronics by 2020 include: achieving three-dimensional near-atomic-level control of reduced dimensional materials; combining lithography and selfassembly to pattern semi-arbitrary structures down to 1 nm precision; discovering devices for logic and memory that operate with greatly reduced energy dissipation; exploiting spin for memory, logic, and new functionality; integrating architecture and nanoscale device research for unique computation functionality; and increasing focus on emerging, non-IT applications. Increased R&D will focus on phenomena at 10 nm and below for all devices. There needs to be a paradigm shift in order to get beyond the traditional CMOS device to use the new physics offered at the nanoscale to increase device functionality. Discover and potentially use an alternative state variable for representing information instead of electron charge. Advances in the understanding of oxygen vacancy transport in metal oxides and other effects that can induce resistance changes in material stacks will find applications in resistive memory devices. One example is the “memristor” device that may be useful in memory, storage, and even circuits that mimic the synaptic functions of the human brain. Realize quantum computers for specific uses. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Nanoelectronics Impact on Society IE+12 Computations per second IE+9 IE+6 IE+3 IE+0 IE-3 IE-5 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 figure 29. Nanoelectronics impact on society: Increase of computations per second for $1,000. Infrastructural core Sensory swarm Mobile access figure 30. Schematic of spin-torque memory circuit, and a cross section of an individual 40 nm wide memory element (IBM). Trillions of Connected Devices figure 31. Emerging multiscale information technology platform using nanotechnology (SRC). suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 23 applications: nanopHotonics and plasMonics advances in the last ten years: The young field of plasmonics has rapidly gained momentum, enabling exciting new fundamental science as well as groundbreaking real-life applications in terms of targeted medical therapy, ultrahigh-resolution imaging and patterning, and control of optical processes with extraordinary spatial and frequency precision. Many new technologies have emerged in which one uses plasmonics, including thermally assisted magnetic recording, thermal cancer treatment, catalysis and nanostructure growth , solar cells with quantum dots, and computer chips. High-dielectric-constant materials also can effectively be used as antennas, waveguides, and resonators, and their use deserves further exploration. First demonstrations of metamaterials (materials with reverse diffraction index) at visible and nearinfrared wavelengths have been performed. Achievement of slowed light in solid state nanophotonic structures, which enables applications and information systems never before available to photonic systems, such as delaying and storing optical signals. 24 vision for the next decade: Several goals for 2020 include: achieving integration with electronic circuits for ultrasmall, ultra-high speed information and communication applications; controlling light trapping and device integration for applications in the living world; using light to control the thermal and mechanical performance of materials; achieving control over the flow of light; and exploiting synergies between plasmonics, photonics, and electronics. Use plasmonic enhanced-emission and detection will allow controlled absorption and emission of light from single molecules. Nanophotonic structures and devices promise dramatic reductions in energies of device operation, densely integrated information systems with lower power dissipation, enhanced spatial resolution for imaging and patterning, and new sensors of increased sensitivity and specificity. Nanophotonics and plasmonics will have dramatic enabling capabilities for new medical therapies; low-power, high-bandwidth, and high-density computation and communications; high-spatial-resolution imaging and sensing with high spectral and spatial precision; efficient optical sources and detectors; and a host of profound scientific discoveries about the nature of light–matter interactions. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 figure 32. Vision of silicon photonics for optical interconnects in future electronics (IBM). figure 33. Slowing the speed of light near metallic surfaces is used in the field of plasmonics defined after 2004. Engineered Quantum-Mechanics for Green Innovation Ultimate Control of Photons I. Ultimate light confinement and dynamic control A. On-demand photon control Advanced Nanoelectronics II. Ultimate 3D photonic crystals QD lasers@all wavelengths Future Technology for Photonics: Next-generation information, communication, quantum processing, 3D photonic circuits, laser processing, V. Nanophotonic III. Ultimate broad display, lightings, materials and area coherent high efficient solar cell, laser technology fabrication bio, sensing, etc. C. Materials, nanotechnology and fundamentals IV. Highly efficient photon-electron conversion B. Toward industrial applications and energy issue contribution figure 34. Control of photons leads to diverse applications. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY Quantum IT devices Photonics on LSI QD lasers for telecom Quantum computers Quantum gate QD amplifiers Sustainable Engineering Quantum XXX Entangled Photon pairs Single photon emitter Solar cells Biochemical sensing 1982 2010 2015 2020 2025 year figure 35. Quantum dots drive development of key technologies. 25 applications: catalYsis BY nanostRuctuRed MateRials advances in the last ten years: Rapid developments in spectroscopic tools and atomic-resolution electron microscopy have revolutionized scientists’ understanding of catalyst structures at the nanoscale. Computational catalysis has reached the stage in which it provides a complement to experimental research. Advances in computer processor speeds, large-scale parallel architectures, and more efficient theoretical and computational methods allow for complex simulations of catalytic reactions on solid surfaces. The global catalyst business is an $18–20 billion per-year enterprise for petroleum refining, chemicals processing, and environmental applications. Nanostructured catalysts introduced after 2000 represent 30–40% worldwide of all catalysts used in the oil and chemical industries. The broader, valueadded impact of catalytic processing on the U.S. economy alone is estimated at several hundred billion dollars per year. vision for the next decade: Although advances in theoretical descriptions of complex reactions and models that span multiple time and length scales have been realized, additional improvements will enable the predictive computational capabilities, especially in liquid phase systems. An overall goal is precise control of composition and structure of catalysts over length scales spanning 1 nm to 1 mm, allowing the efficient control of reaction pathways. Nanostructured catalysts will efficiently and selectively convert lower-grade hydrocarbons into higher-value fuels and chemical products, efficiently harness solar power, efficiently use of biomass and cellulosic materials for energy conversion, and redirecting energy selectively into driving thermodynamically uphill chemical processes. New nanostructured catalysts will cover at least 50 percent of the market worldwide by 2020. Progress has been made in the synthesis of new nanostructured catalysts that can more efficiently and selectively convert low-grade hydrocarbons into highervalue fuels. Advances in instrumentation have made possible monitoring of catalysts in their working state. 26 Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 D.W. Goodman F. Besenbacher TIME Haldor Topsøe Hetrogeneous Catalysis Reactor Modeling Nanoscale Properties Atomic Structure Electronic Structure Ab initio quantum mechanics Ab inition molecular dynamics 100s of atoms Brownian dynamics Finite element methods Molecular dynamics Monte Carlo simulation MC methods Deterministic methods CFD Vr=1/2kij(r–rij)2 104–105 atoms H = E LENGTH figure 36. Hierarchy of time and length scales in heterogeneous catalysis, and associated modeling methods. Pore Size A 20A 60A 40A 100A 100 80 MCM-41 60 40 FCC 20 Aromatics Zeolite Y ZSM-5 10 5 Chemicals Gasoline Gasoil Resids figure 37. Illustration of commercial nanotechnology: ExxonMobil, Chevron, Dow Chemicals, and other companies have used nanostructured catalysts developed since 2000 for more efficient upgrading of crude oil into transportation fuels and petrochemicals. Examples are redesigned aromatics and nanoporous silica materials such as MCM-41. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 27 applications: HiGH-peRfoRMance MateRials and eMeRGinG aReas advances in the last ten years: Realization of bulk nanocomposites and coatings with predictable and unique properties based on monodisperse nanoscale building blocks (e.g., transparent conductors based on carbon nanotubes and graphene, and ductile high-strength metals). Nanotechnology has enabled the development of nanofluidic devices and systems, products using nanofibrous media, nanoscale sensors, lighter nanocomposites for use in aerospace, and numerous other multifunctional nanomaterials and nanoscale devices. The forest products industry has identified nanotechnology as a means to tap the enormous undeveloped potential of trees as photochemical “factories” that produce abundant sources of raw materials from sunlight and water. Cellulose wood fibers have been introduced in nanocomposite materials. 28 vision for the next decade: Develop a complete library of monodisperse nanomaterials at industrial-scale quantities, and realize hierarchical nanostructured materials with independent tunability of previously coupled properties; that is, decoupling optical and electrical properties for photovoltaics used in display technology, and decoupling electrical and thermal properties for thermoelectrics using in energy conversion. Realize nanocomposites for structural components, for example enabling 40% weight reduction in airplane designs with better overall performance. Achieve scalable nanofluidic systems for processing in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and chemical engineering. Generally, the rational assembly of nanomaterials into nanocomposites and of nanocomponents into systems will yield high-performance products driving the development of previously unrealizable applications. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Cluster elements Cluster materials 1 nm Applications 1 nm C60 10 nm Inorganic cluster 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 wavelength (nm) 100 nm 100 nm Inorganic nanocrystal figure 38. Fullerenes, atomic clusters, and larger inorganic crystals can be assembled to create materials and devices with tailored properties. Applications include photovoltaics (top), optical biosensors (middle) and electronics (bottom). Improved transmission— line and motor insulation forming pressing drying Skin care and UV protection process belts Wear reduction in industrial conveyor belts figure 39. Examples of applications of nanostructured hybrid materials. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 29 developinG tHe HuMan and pHYsical infRastRuctuRe foR nanoscale science and enGineeRinG advances in the last ten years: In 2000, the NNI Implementation Plan recognized that nanoscale science and engineering education is vital to economic development, public welfare, and quality of life. Nanotechnology is now seen as a driving force for major industries worldwide and as playing a key role in solving challenges in energy, water, environment, health, information technology, and security. Establishment of over 150 interdisciplinary research centers and user facilities in the United States and many others worldwide, providing broad access to fabrication and characterization facilities. Creation of the Nanoscale Computation Network in 2002, redesign of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network in 2003, and establishment of the Network for Informal Science Education in 2004, providing more democratic and global access to nanoscale science and engineering knowledge and tools. There were over half million nanotechnology researchers and workers in 2010 worldwide with an annual rate of increase of about 25 percent. Nanotechnology has emerged as a topic of interest on websites, in exhibits, and in educational programs at science museums around the world, including at Walt Disney World’s Epcot Center. 30 vision for the next decade: Expand the breadth of interdisciplinary research and education center capabilities and extend the geographical distribution for more widespread access, and create open access centers and networks for discovery and development of innovative nano-enabled device and systems. Partnerships between countries, industries, and universities; and continued Federal support will be essential. Embed nanoscale science and engineering education in internationally benchmarked standards and curricula at all levels of education, but especially in the K–12 grades. To compete effectively in world markets, there must be continued attention to basic research, motivated and skilled entrepreneurs who can transition discovery into innovative technologies, state-of-the-art equipment for fabrication and characterization, well-trained workers, and well-informed, nanotechnology-literate citizens to sustain the workforce pipeline and public support. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 center for nanoscience Materials Argonne National Laboratory Molecular foundry Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory H H H H H center for integrated nanotechnologies Los Alamos National Laboratory & Sandia National Laboratory center for functional nanomaterials Brookhaven National Laboratory center for nanophase Materials sciences Oak Ridge National Laboratory figure 40. The five DOE Nanoscale Science Research Centers. Key Education Networks U. Wisconsin Science Museum Madison of Minnesota Dakota County Technical College Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Exploratorium (college centers) (core partners) (regional hubs/museums) Pennsylvania State Univ. U.C. Santa Barbara U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign Arizona State University U. Texas El Paso The Franklin Institute Purdue Univ. Fisk Univ. Alabama A&M Univ. Children’s Museum of Houston Sciencenter Museum of Science New York Hall of Science Northwestern U. U. Illinois Chicago Argonne National Lab Lawrence Hall of Science The Maricopa Community Colleges U. Michigan Hampton Univ. Museum of Life and Science Morehouse College U. Puerto Rico (host node) figure 41. U.S. nanotechnology infrastructure in 2010: Key education networks. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 31 innovative and ResponsiBle GoveRnance of nanotecHnoloGY foR societal developMent advances in the last ten years: An international community has been established of nanotechnology professionals, with a sophisticated R&D infrastructure, and diverse manufacturing capabilities spanning the chemical, electronics, advanced materials, and pharmaceutical industries, as well as increasing attention to nanotechnology environmental, health and social implications. Developments in nomenclature, patents, standards, and standard materials have been initiated in national and international organizations. Establishment of specific methods for governance of nanotechnology: a bottom-up multi-agency governance approach, multi stakeholder assessment, and scenario development. An illustration is establishment of a “Nanotechnology in Society” network in the United States. The vision of international collaboration and competition, including in multinational organizations, has been realized since the first International Dialogue on Responsible Development of Nanotechnology conference, held in the US in 2004. 32 vision for the next decade: Knowledge, people, and regulatory capacity need to be prepared to address mass application of nanotechnology by 2020. Science-driven governance will be guided by societal needs to responsibly address broad societal challenges such as sustainability and health, and handling of the new generations of nanotechnology products. Emphasis is expected to increase on innovation and commercialization. Nanotechnology will become an enabling technology for many applications. Governance of nanotechnology will become institutionalized, and global coordination will be needed for international terminology, standards, reference materials, materials certification as well as environmental and health safety aspects. Public-private partnerships will integrate discovery and innovation programs, so that academics, industry managers, economists, and regulators are involved throughout the innovation process for societal benefit. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Key Functions in Nanotechnology Governance 1999: Outline 2000–2020 Nano1: Vision 2000–2010 Nano2: Vision 2010–2020 Visionary Nanotechnology Governance • Investment policy • Science policy • Risk management • Others… Invest in tools, infrastructure Education, innovation Short and long term results Transformative Risk Governance Four key functions: Responsible Disciplines, Economy sectors, Agencies, International Inclusive figure 42. Key functions in nanotechnology governance: visionary, transformative, responsible and inclusive functions. Need Chart Head $29 11% $1 1% $34 13% $4 2% $16 6% $91 36% $68 27% $224 88% Nano-enabled products Nanointermediates Nanomaterials $139 55% $76 30% $79 31% Manufacturing and materials Electronics and IT Healthcare and life sciences Energy and environment United States Europe Asia ROW figure 43. Products touched by nanotechnology generated $254 billion worldwide in 2009. suMMaRY of inteRnational studY 33 WoRksHops u.s. and inteRnational WoRksHops The study “Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020” received input from five brainstorming meetings titled “Long-term Impacts and Future Opportunities for Nanoscale Science and Engineering.” Public comments on the draft report were also considered. Details are at cHicaGo national WoRksHop Chicago (Evanston), U.S. March 9-10, 2010 Hosted by WTEC Sponsored by: NSF 96 participants Agenda at Agenda.html euRopean union WoRksHop austRalia, cHina, india, saudi aRaBia, and sinGapoRe WoRksHop Singapore. July 29-30, 2010 Hosted by Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Sponsored by: Australia, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and NSF 61 participants Agenda at aRlinGton final WoRksHop Arlington, Virginia, U.S. September 30, 2010 Hosted by the National Science Foundation, Sponsored by: NSF and USDA. 90 participants Agenda at Webcast at NSFnano2/100930/ Hamburg, Germany. June 23-24, 2010 Hosted by Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Sponsored by: European Commission (EC), DESY, and NSF 60 participants Public comments: received between September 30, and October 30, 2010 Agenda at Agenda.html Japan, koRea, and taiWan WoRksHop Tokyo (Tsukuba ), Japan. July 26-27, 2010 Hosted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Sponsored by: JST, MEST, NSC, and NSF 96 participants Agenda at Agenda.html 34 Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 “Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 is a wonderful piece of work. This book reflects the bible for nanotechnology for the next decades and for the whole world. Well done.” —Professor Marcel van de Voorde, Delft University of Technology, Delft, November 2010 “The National Nanotechnology Initiative story could provide a useful case study for newer research efforts into fields such as synthetic biology, renewable energy or adaptation to climate change.” —David Rejeski, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, September 2010 “This book provides a comprehensive vision and an overarching roadmap for the nanotechnology community. It comes at a great time as we move into the next decade of nano-enabled commercialization.” —Vincent Caprio, Executive Director, NanoBusiness Commercialization Association, November 2010 “Some of these [nanotechnology] research goals will take 20 or more years to achieve. But that is why there is such a critical role for the federal government.” —President Bill Clinton, Speech announcing NNI at Caltech, January 2000