Click on each image so that you can easily access the video. List 3 animals , 3 plants, 1 landform. Texas Ecoregions Piney woods Gulf Coast Prairies and marshes Post oak woods and prairies Blackland prairies South Texas plains Edwards plateau Llano Uplift Rolling Plains High Plains Mountain and Basin Answer the following questions for each Ecoregion Piney woods Question: What animals are found in Pineywood? Your answer: cottonmouth snakes, squirrels, rabbits and oppusums Question: What kind of plants are found in the Pineywoods ? Your answer: Trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, wildflowers Question: What is one landform that is found in this Ecoregion? Your answer: Forest Gulf Coast Question:What kind of lands are found in the Gulf Coast? Your answer: Marshland, bays, peninsulas Question: What kind of plants are found in the Gulf Coast? Your answer: sugarberry, water oak, willow oak, shumard red oak, American Elk Question: What is one landform that is found in this Ecoregion? Your answer: Marshes Post oak Woods and Prairies Question:What animals are found in Post Oak Woods and Prairies? Your answer: White-tailed deer, wild turkey, bison, black bear, squirrel Question: What kind of plants are found in the Post Oak Woods and Prairies? Your answer: wooly birch, pecan, black hickory Question: What is one landform that is found in this Ecoregion? Savannah Blackland Prairies Question:What animals are found in Blackland Prairies? Your answer: Songbird, white tailed deer etc. Question: What kind of plants are found in the Blackland Prairies? Your answer: pecan, black walnut, sycamore, shrubs Question: What is one landform that is found in this Ecoregion? Rolling hills South Texas Plains Question:What animals are found in South Texas Plains? Your answer: Ocelets, the Texas tortoise, jackrabbits, javelinas, the horned lizard Question: What kind of plants are found in the South Texas Plains? Your answer: mesquite, small live oak, post oak, prickly oak, catclaw Question: What is one landform that is found in this Ecoregion? Plains Edwards Plateau Question:what animals are found in Edwards Plateau ? Your answer: Bears, bobcats, armadillos Question: What kind of plants are found in the Edwards Plateau? Your answer: Live oak, shink oak, Texas oak Question: What is one landform that is found in this Ecoregion? Steep canyons Llano Uplift Question:What animals are found in Llano Uplift? Your answer: bobcats, rabbits, turtles Question: What kind of plants are found in the Llano Uplift? Your answer: mesquite, pear, white brush Question: What is one landform that is found in this Ecoregion? Granite domes Rolling Plains Question:What animals are found in Rolling Plains? Your answer: Scaled quail, mourning doves, small mammals Question: What kind of plants are found in the Rolling Plains? Your answer: Pecan, Sugarberry, Black williow Question: What is one landform that is found in this Ecoregion? Stream valleys High Plains Question:What animals are found in High Plains? Your answer: Deer, Wild Turkeys, Mountain Lion Question: What kind of plants are found in the High Plains? Your answer: Shrubs, vines, conifers Question: What is one landform that is found in this Ecoregion? Flat grassland Mountains and Basin Question:What animals are found in Mountains and Basin? Your answer: Antelope, rabbits, deer, birds Question: What kind of plants are found in the Mountains and Basin? Your answer: grasses, shrubs, mesquite trees Question: What is one landform that is found in this Ecoregion? Plateaus Pick one Ecoregion and list ways that the area can undergo weathering, erosion and deposition. Mountains and Basins undergo weathering but the more water goes on the top the more it gets weathered down and down. Runoff water goes in the soil and causes erosion. That causes land on the mountain to get deposited and form land.