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By Prof. Francis Dessart
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This study focuses on 20th century research by parapsychologists around the
This period is the most exciting because it corresponds to the golden age of
parapsychology. Indeed, most of the discoveries were made at that time by
these researchers. These truths about the paranormal, formulated for the
first time at this time are just as valid today.
This monograph is offered to you free of charge by the Alpha International
Parapsychology is in the background of all human actions. Belonging
both to the material world and to the plane of Universal Principles, it can bring
as an experimental metaphysics (stripped of fantasies and based on facts) a
vision of the world and reality, totally transforming our reasons for to be and
Parapsychology demonstrates the existence, in the living being, of
faculties that go beyond the limits of the body. "From the study of facts it is
clear that we possess a thinking principle, independent of matter, which is not
subject like it to the transformations of life, and in which the memory resides.
(Gabriel Delanne Spiritism before Science, Paris, Meyer edition 1927 p.35).
The term Parapsychology is poorly suited to describe events that are
part of the natural order, and unfortunately terribly overused. Proposed in 1889
by the German philosopher Max Dessoir, it was used in 1917 by Professor
Emile Boirac, rector of the Academy of Dijon.
Various other names have been proposed, hypotheses formulated on the
origin of the phenomenon or the ideological constraints to which researchers
have been subjected:
- Metapsychic (Charles Richet, France, 1905)
- Bio-information (E. Naumov and Kashinsky, USSR, 1955)
- Psychotronic (Z. Redjak, Czechoslovakia, 1967)
- Paranormology (A. Resch, Italy, 1969)
- Psilogy (1974 by Louis Belanger in Quebec) 3
- Noetics (proposed by cosmonaut Edgar D. Mitchel to replace the
terms parapsychology, transpersonal psychology, physics, microbiology and
medicine as a unifying concept of all fields of research).
Parapsychology should have progressed by leaps and bounds and
presented an exponential curve of growing discoveries that we were entitled to
expect, given the increasingly sophisticated instruments at our disposal.
So, why this delay against New physics and against the disturbing
investigations of genetic engineering?
It comes from an inadequate approach, abusive statistical methods and
the desire to reiterate results in a discipline not suitable to it.
The historical mission of Parapsychology is to bring into the life and
action of humanity, arrived at the time of choice between its end and its future,
some reflections of the primordial Truth. It is therefore not surprising that the
socio-cultural system in which we live and which conditions us, contrasts its
ostracism with the essential data of a parapsychology that threatens its
These essential data are related to the notion of the human compound
as a manifestation of life, in its triunitary global expression, somatopsychospiritual, the existence of a metamorphosis rhythm (known as reincarnation,
improper because too restricting the multiple states of the Being), the
inexistence of chance, the non-separativeness and the fundamental unity of
beings and things, the possibility of supraluminous speeds, the individual and
collective responsibility of our actions, the existence of a posthumous humanity
with varying degrees of evolution ...1
The exploration of psy phenomena and events makes it possible to
emphasize their fundamental unity and to join, through an intuitive synthesis,
the global conceptions to which physicists tend.
The mass of facts or paranormal events is imposing: infused skills and sciences, auras, bilocation, clairvoyance,
clairaudience, double-vision, ectoplasmy, communication with animals and nature, psi healing, hauntings,
hypnosis and sophrology, incombustibility, levitation, poltergeists, precognition, dowsing and radarsthesia,
psychokinesis, psychometry, retrocognition, stigma, telepathy, visions and voices, to which we can add
different mancies (there are more than three hundred), capable of provoking the implementation of certain
paranormal faculties and especially premonitory: clairvoyance with support, cartomancy, palmistry,
graphology, oniromancy, astrology, numerology ... Finally, an event fortunately more rare: parapyrogénies or
spontaneous combustions of human beings ...
Parapsychology works, which claim to be scientific and high-level, do
not study events which, by their form, nature or rarity, do not match the
experimental approach. However, our field of investigation in this area is
precisely in the world of evidence that everyday life conceals from us.
Physical reality exists according to the consciousness of the individual.
Supraconsciousness belongs to a different nature that physics addresses only
by becoming experimental metaphysics.
The physical reality exists according to the consciousness of the individual
While doctoral theses are prepared and work continued in India, in
China, in the USA, in Brazil, in the countries of the former Soviet Union and
in different countries, France, which was formerly at the forefront of research
in this field, has had no professorship for this discipline since the death of LéonJacques Delpech, Honorary Professor at the Sorbonne (Paris VII), except a
laboratory of the mathematical section of the University of Toulouse le Mirail,
thanks to the initiative of its manager Yves Lignon.
The great Genoese metapsychist Ernesto Bozzano had established a
perfectly clear classification of all the events concerning parapsychology,
which all come from a single cause, "the human spirit which, if it acts as a
disincarnate, determines spiritualist phenomena".
Most paranormal events in the conditions of life on Earth are of an
animic nature. They could easily be included in a transpersonal integral
On the other hand, phenomena belonging to the Spirit outside its animic
support, could, according to the wish expressed by Giogio di Simone, in the
Italian magazine Metapsychica (1980) be approached with particular methods
adapted to the field of survival ( dosymbiosis of the human compound,
reincarnation, survival, psychic transcommunications, psychophony ...).
Apparitions, telepathic transmissions, certain phenomena of
xenoglossia, the manifestations of the dying are irrefutable realities and fully
attest to the existence and survival of the soul.
Telepathic transmission is an irrefutable reality
Innumerable accounts tell of the return of the dead among just after
their death or long after, some in the desire to comfort a loved one, others to
remain faithful to their promise to manifest, and others to complete an
interrupted act or to transmit important information.
Many other paranormal events could be addressed such as bilocation
and out of body experience, “inedie” or total lack of food, healings and
paranormal surgery, which testify to the omnipotence of the Spirit and the
omnipresence of Energy-Consciousness.
There is an attitude of conviction that promotes its comprehensive
"I am not my physical body, but I am the one who uses it.
"I am not my emotions, but I am the entity that dominates them.
"I am not my mental images, but the one who creates them.
"My imagination, my emotions and my sensations are only transient
expressions of my being, of my permanent self, the divine Presence.
"I am in them and express myself through them, they are phases of my
being, but I remain separated from them, the Master and the seer."
By this way one reaches one's real nature and one realizes that
materialism that corrupts everything and distances man from reality is only a
fatal illusion.
Materialism is an illusion. The vision you have of the world
is a construction of your mind.
This dual aspect disturbs and forces the rationalism of materialistic
tendency to rethink certain preconditions. Rather than open to the problem, it
rejects it or insists on considering it only by actively mobilizing the obstacles
to its production.
From various works, meetings and congresses in which we participated,
we will try to give an overview of the paranormal research, to try to draw a
synthesis or discover the unity, to conceive a psychology capable of allowing
a new approach.
The scientific approach of parapsychology uses three main sources:
1. Quantitative experimental research,
2. Spontaneous phenomena,
3. Qualitative experiences with the help of sensitives or mediums
(laboratory or not).
Thanks to hundreds of thousands of examples around the world with
the Zener abstract maps used by the late Pr Rhine at Duke University in North
Carolina and the more elaborate ones from Dr. Barry's experimental
parapsychology laboratory (Bordeaux), it was possible to discover by varying
the conditions, various factors become classical in telepathy, clairvoyance and
even psychokinesis such as influence of the distance, role of the stimuli,
positive or negative attitude regarding the result...
Telepathy Experiment Conducted by Pr. Rhine
As Professor Rhine rightly pointed out, performing tests for the sole
purpose of demonstrating the reality of a Psi faculty is now a waste of time. It
is up to researchers to establish the laws of a phenomenon whose existence is
well established.
It is on the scientific explanation of phenomena and their practical
implications that research is currently tending.
It has been discovered that there is no physical energy "transmitted"
during telepathy phenomena, because the physical energy is "correlated" with
times, contrary to the Psi phenomena. Supraconsciousness captures the
intention (the signified) and not the information (the signifier) and then
transmits it to consciousness. In telepathy we transmit only the sphere of the
emotional and on this carrier wave as it were, the transmission of thought can
be modulated. During the flight of Apollo 14, in February 1971, classical tests
between astronaut Edgard D. Mitchell and selected subjects remained on Earth,
gave positive results whereas we should have expected to a null result, since
any emission of a physical nature would have been subjected to the law of the
inverse square of the distance. It is not therefore electromagnetic energy.
It is by a similar process that the gift of tongues granted to the Apostles
at Pentecost could be explained, and it is not only the inherent ability of the
brain to translate the underlying intention as a computer, the intention being
expressed in any language.
Telepathy and clairvoyance often work together and the difficulty of
separating their areas of action forced to put them under the cover of general
extrasensory perception (G.E.S.P.) to make prevail a francophone sign.
Telepathy and clairvoyance often work together.
In this regard, we must mention the long series of experiments between
Bordeaux and Paris, since 1968, by Dr. Barry and Doctor of Science René
Dufour, former vice-president of the Institut Métapsychique International, with
Mrs. Mairie living at Laffitte, a remarkable metagnome (medial or sensory)
subject to which was transmitted by thought, the image of different objects that
she reproduced with great accuracy.
Dr. Barry has also shown with Douglas Dean, former President of the
US Parapsychology Society, in Rhine's laboratory, as well as in his own
laboratory in Bordeaux, the existence of a telepathic link between two
individuals, agent and receptor, separated by short and large distances using
the plethysmograph which makes it possible to note the variations of the blood
volume of the receiver when the informational impact strikes it.
It has been demonstrated once again that the distance does not come
into play and that the information is transmitted, even if the agent and the
receiver were locked in Faraday cages.
The power of thought allows telekinesis.
More and more researchers are obtaining results in telekinesis or
movement of objects without physical contact, but subject to the influence of
thought ...2
We can mention, for Great Britain, Ted Bastin (Cambridge), Julian Oissacs (Warwick) and Arthur Ellison
(London), as well as Prof. Hasted, Director of Physics at Birbeck College. In France, the most representative
names are those of Charles Cussard, John Bouvaist, Olivier Costa de Beauregard, active member of the former
International Metapsychic Institute and Professor Wolkowski. In Denmark Richard Mattuck; in Switzerland,
Welti from Berne, for Germany, Betz de Munick and Prof. Hans Bender. In Canada, George Owen of Toronto
and USA Ronald Hawke (Livermore Laboratories), E. Rauschen (Berkeley), Eldon Byrd (US Navy Laboratories),
Wilbur Franckliun (University of Kent). Not to mention the important successful experiences in Japan with a
subject PK very powerful effects (Masuaka).
Different methods, including the sealed tube, the best of all, because it
gives the most indisputable results, allowed Professor John Taylor and
physicist Eduardo Ralanovski to control the paranormal folding of metals.
Professor Hasted presented his work on the psychic torsion of metals at
the centennial of the London Society for Psychiatric Research (SPR), which
took place in August 1982, at Trinity College, Cambridge, with the assistance
of the American Parapsychological Association, which brought together three
hundred participants, including world-renowned researchers.
Using piezoelectricity for the measurement of psychokinesis micro
pressures, Professor Hasted found that 5% of adult subjects possessed the
ability to bend metals.
After Uri Geller performed on British television a few years ago,
hundreds of children said they had the same powers.
Medium Uri Geller
Prof. Hasted worked with a dozen children (aged between eight and
fifteen) whom he could select by visiting the families who contacted him. He
suggested that the children make a test with the strain gauge which, connected
to an amplifier, makes it possible to follow closely the evolution of the metal
during its deformation. Even if the signals are weak, this first attempt is
encouraging and some get teleportation of familiar objects or impressive twists.
Jean-Pierre Girard, commercial director of a pharmacy department, can
transmit his ability to bend metals to other people. He was discovered by the
physicist Wolkowski, co-founder with the late Professor Delpech, of the
Institute of Paraphysics; in order to test his psychokinetic power, he was
subjected to a bar made of an aluminum magnesium-copper alloy used for the
Concorde (which cannot be flexed by the muscular force of the hands). JeanPierre Girard, without even touching the bar and under the control of a
colleague of Professor Hans Bender and the presence of a magician, inflected
the bar with respect to the drawing of a straight line.
Struck by the dramatic insufficiency of the official French science, a
great businessman, a leading economic actor, Ambroise Roux, decided to
create a specialized laboratory inside the Compagnie Générale d'Electricité to
advance the knowledge of Psi phenomena. The existence of telepathy being
demonstrated and used, Ambroise Roux was particularly interested in
psychokinesis. However, new work in this area was made possible by a
revolutionary device, the tychoscope whose basic design is due to the French
engineer Pierre Janin.
It is a device that draws a complex curve of random operation, checked
at every moment by computer while moving on a table. Psi influence can thus
be exerted on this mobile without having to overcome beforehand friction
A subject is asked to look at the tychoscope and try to move it, for
example to attract it.
"We are then, summarizes the Ambroise Roux report, in four different
cases. In the first case nothing happens. The trajectory obviously does not
change and the computer indicates that the curve has remained random.
"The second fairly common case is when it does not seem to be
happening, where you cannot detect anything special with the naked eye, but
where the curve, passed to the computer, shows that the phenomenon is no
longer random.
"The third, less common, case is where the psi force is applied under
conditions where there is a disturbing action that is perfectly visible. For
example, the subject can, over a period of ten to fifteen minutes, gradually lead
the tychoscope towards him, while leaving it traverse naturally a very complex
curve and which could give the impression of being random, had it not been
this privileged direction imposed upon it.
"The fourth case that is most striking (reserved for certain elite
subjects) is the one where the manifestation takes on a spectacular scale. Such
as the case of a young woman who had never participated in parapsychology
experiments, and who was able to make the tychoscope cross a 3.5m table in a
straight line and drop on her lap. When one attends an experience of this kind,
it is difficult not to be convinced of the existence of parapsychology....
The tychoscope
"This lab worked for three years, but once nationalized, the C.G.E.
made the decision to stop the investigation. Fortunately, this judgment
occurred at the end of a first series of important and significant experiments,
which allowed to present the conclusions.
"Two hundred and fifteen subjects were examined in total. Half men,
half women: 60% of managers, 10% of employees, 15% of students, 15% of
housewives. Uri Geller or other giants were systematically avoided, so that 214
out of 215 of these subjects had never participated in parapsychology
experiments. The tychoscope having been built in the laboratories of the
C.G.E., a possibility of special effects cannot be imagined.
"It was found in total indisputable abnormalities for 40% of the
experimental subjects from which only high-probability anomalies defined as
greater than 10-5, that is, 1 / 100.00, were retained; 18% of subjects meet this
condition; 6% have carried out experiments whose improbabilities range from
10-5 to 10-6, that is to say that their improbability is between one millionth and
one billionth. And 4% whose improbability trajectories ranges from 10-9 to
10-18, a figure difficult to grasp because it represents the number of seconds
since the beginning of the universe, fifteen billion years ago, if the we admit the
hypothesis of big-bang Fred Hoyle.
"In summary, one in five subjects, creates in the trajectory of the
tychoscope by the force of the will, anomalies whose improbability ranges
between 10-5 and 10-18, proving with great rigor the existence of psychokinesis,
the effects of which have been demonstrated on organized life."
The physicists of the Institute of Physics of Munich, asked to comment
the phenomenon of the folding of metals, have issued the astonishing
hypothesis that the energy for the transformations would not come from the
agent, but from the material, from the object itself. The subject seems to convey
to matter an "intention" that would change the random behavior of the
corpuscular body. It is an eonic psychology that would go hand in hand with
the new discoveries of physics and especially the hypothesis of Jean Charon
which locates the presence of the Spirit in the electrons. In fact this location
should be extended to all subatomic particles at various degrees of
consciousness. In the conception of inseparability and universal
interdependence, the distinction between matter and spirit disappears in the
According to the physicist Jean Charon, a certain level of
consciousness would be present within the electron
The late Dr Wilfried René Chetteoui (France) sent to the Second
Symposium of the Dowsing Society of Warsaw on 24 and 25 September 1985,
a report in which some considerations were developed, regretting in particular
that parapsychologists, for the sake of objectivity, systematically excluded
dowsing as a means of investigation of Psi events and preferred to approach
the study by the most difficult side of extrasensory perception, in direct
clairvoyance. We are entitled to ask ourselves (and some experimental polls
allow us to do so) what could have been acquired by radiesthesia and
radarsthesia or teledraesthesia, in a parallel research devoted to the same goal
and subjected to the same statistical control...
Without special encouragement and credit, dowsing has proved its
effectiveness through valuable discoveries, numerous applications and
sensational experiences.
We must not lose sight of the fact that as an integral part of the
Universe, the human being has in his power, an effective means of control over
places, objects, diseases, all physical and even psychic phenomena.
Dowsing must be established as a positive
science inherent in every individual.
The essential thing is to become your own
detector by developing your intuition, a real trigger
of the reflexes (that translate and amplify rods and
other instruments that finally are useless).
Whatever the specialization of the radiesthesist, concentration favors a
realization on the material plane, as meditation, another form of concentration,
favors Spiritual Knowledge.
Precognition or paranormal perception of an event that has not yet
occurred can be spontaneous or result from rigorous experimentation.
This faculty, at first sight irrational, is held by Olivier Costa de
Beauregard, "as quite plausible in the context of relativistic physics".
Its exploitation would render unspeakable services to mankind if
greater competition in the processes of extrasensory perception drew general
attention to it.
Statistics have shown that a large number of people have been warned
paranormally of the imminence of a disaster, days or even weeks before it
It was so with the Titanic disaster, with the first flight of the airship
"R101" which was caught in a storm near Beauvais, crashed on the ground,
exploded and was totally destroyed by a gigantic fire in which 48 persons were
killed; similarly, in the tragedy of the Aberfan School in Cornwall, whose
buildings were completely buried under a black mass from the slippage of an
open pit. 144 corpses were removed, most of them children.
These events and many others were the subject of many paranormal
phenomena in the form of premonitory warnings that would have spared many
victims had they been taken into consideration.
Scientific services to sort out fantasies and true and life-saving
precognitions have been put in place. The British Premonition Bureau operates
in London. In America, a Central Premonition Registry (New York) and in
Belgium the Bank of Premonitory Dreams, with Professor Dierkens.
The ninth International Congress of Parapsychology (Milan, June
1977) exposed the development of works and research that led to consider man
as an endosymbiosis of different energy systems, subordinated to a higher level
of integration. This conception became a reality for many and was evoked at
the First Congress of Holistic Medicine of Bordeaux, on September 17 and 18,
Among the researchers who have devoted themselves to the study of
the human compound, there are those who, such as Colonel de Rochas, Hector
Durville and Charles Lancellin, wanted to highlight constituents and those who
took care to demonstrate the survival of certain elements emanating from the
physical body at the time of death: Dr. Baraduc, Dr. Marc Dougal, Dr.
Fugairon, Prof. Dr. Gaskell, Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and Dr. Moody, Dr.
Mikael Sabon, Dr. Charlis Osis and Dr. Haraldson, Dr. Kenneth Ring and Dr.
Patrick Van Eersel in his book: "The Black Source".
Kirlian photo of the fingers of the hand
Important data could be deduced from the study of ghost images of
amputated limbs, the observation of Kirlian clichés, the study of
electromagnetic potential differences that are created between the living
subject and the apparatus of the Japanese Hideo Uchida, the biophoselectronics of Prof. R. Lautié, the medicine of the energetic body applied by
Dr. Janine Fontaine, the phenomena of bilocation and out of body experience,
well described and known for a long time and which were rightly considered,
by Ernesto Bozzano , as a crucial demonstration of survival.
The out of body experience can be considered as a proof of survival
"The many branches of the metapsychics, when analyzed without
preconceived ideas and with a rigorously scientific method, all converge," he
writes, "as if at a center, towards the experimental demonstration of the
existence of the survival of the soul". (Ernesto Bozzano: Psychological
Phenomena at the Moment of Death, Paris, Meyer, 1923).
There are phenomena of disappearance / reappearance (D / R) of small
objects. Trinkets, statuettes, pencils, crossed the walls or disappeared from the
room where they were, to reappear in the next room. These teleportations
without the least impulse, without any resistance, can be justified in quantum
physics, whereas the objects of our visible world located at the macroscopic
scale, would not have these possibilities. However, in the case of D / R
phenomena, it would appear that some macroscopic objects would behave like
elementary particles at the quantum scale. They could be part of a process that
physicists know as tunneling.
The tunnel effect would allow teleportation
This obviously assumes that the laws of quantum physics are
sometimes found in macroscopic systems on a large scale. Dr. Karlis Osis of
the Parapsychology Laboratory of Duke University, was able to see it from the
miracle worker Bagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, to whom a Congress was
dedicated on October 30 and 31, 1985 in Rome, in the presence of the delegates
of thirty-four nations.
A great American researcher, Russel Targ, has achieved amazing
results with Uri Geller and the videotapes he has shown to his colleagues are
striking. One sees there, among others, the "bringing" of a watch, in an
indisputably paranormal way.
It was found a PK subject whose name is kept secret, who obtained at
a distance signals identical to the acoustic emissions produced by certain
dislocations of atomic structures. This experience must be compared with the
observation of Russian Naunov on Nina Kulagina, whose hands "generate
acoustic impulses".
During a National Congress in Nîmes (France), Georges Clauzure, of
the Steering Committee of the International Metapsychic Institute
International, spoke of "contingent bio information" (an expression used today
to describe spontaneous paranormal phenomena). Bio-information is Dr.
Redjak's scientific term to replace the term of extrasensory perception used in
the United States by Rhine. It is simply talking about telepathy and
"Bio-information" is another name for telepathy
On the other hand "contingent" (lat. Contingens = which can happen or
not) is an adjective that Clauzure introduced in 1975 during a symposium in
Is contingent what can happen or not happen, but which really exists.
"Contingent Bio-information" is therefore the study of parapsychology in
everyday life that the consciousness of our world of appearances hides from us.
Often, in times of violent death or accident, when we want to observe
them, they are already fainting. Only the trail of their passage remains in
memory. Those who suffer them let them pass without profit because they do
not know how to observe them; On the other hand, those who have the
necessary training sometimes wait for a lifetime for an event that never comes
to them.
Observed at the very moment of his experience, a phenomenon
previously taken for “savage” becomes more "disciplined". The acquired
results allow, not to reduce the events in slavery, but to have them at hand, in
collaboration. Thus data could be collected in the business world, the police,
the army, food, archeology, prehistory. We are witnessing the development of
a new psilogical methodology.
An important symposium on Science and Consciousness, organized in
Cordoba from 1 to 5 October 1979 by Yves Jaigu, Director of France-Culture,
focused on the theoretical consequences resulting from current experiments
and which suggest the existence of interactions faster than light and
parapsychological phenomena irreducible to scientific analysis.
Internationally renowned physicists such as Fritjof Capra (Professor,
Berkeley University), Harold Puthoff (NASA-funded Stanford International
Research Institute), David Bohm (professor at Birbeck College, London), Jean20
Pierre Vigier (Gravitational Laboratory of Pierre and Marie Curie University),
Olivier Costa de Beauregard, Franco Selleri (professor of physics at University
of Bari), participated in the debates.
The investigations conducted in France by Aspect, at Orsay and in the
United States by Clausser and Freedman, have since demonstrated the
existence of supra luminous velocities, confirmed the quantum mechanics and
reversed Einstein’s causality (a cause always precedes its effect).
The existence of supra luminous velocities has been demonstrated
The general concept of non-separateness has also been introduced
(Theorem enunciated by Bell in 1964). Faster action than light would allow
pairs of correlated photons to maintain their correlation at a distance. This
action extends instantly to the entire space of the Universe ... (Cf. d'Espagnat:
Contemporary Physics Conception, Herman, 1965).
Jean Charon organized in Morocco on the theme of the Spirit and
Science, a symposium held in Fez from May 11 to 15, 1983, attended by many
physicists, biologists, psychologists, theologians and philosophers. The
lectures were not always favorable to Jean Charon's theses, nor to his
immortality conceptions. Some have argued that immortality is only a
metaphor and that we only survive by remembering the work we have left
behind. Others insisted that "after death mental activities have no structures to
happen. So that this colloquium, limited to a confrontation between rationalists
and materialists without the concrete participation of parapsychologists from
the most advanced sector (the one who studies the facts "suggesting the
survival") could only lead to fuzzy and hazy conclusions despite the quality of
the reports presented and the value of discussions.
A whole new orientation is beginning to prevail today. It is an
essentially multidisciplinary approach, open to the currents of Western and
non-Western thought.
The "transparency of the Real"
It seeks an epistemology, that is to say an appreciation of the value of
science by the human mind, which can integrate, without reducing the
dimensions of the new transpersonal paradigm. This perspective formulated in
the context of the human sciences has emerged in different disciplines: biology,
medicine, arts, organizational development etc.
"Transparency of the Real" was the theme of the 1st European
Transpersonal Congress (from 29 August to 2 September 1984, at the Palais
des Congrès in Brussels).
It brought together 650 participants, including 60 speakers including
Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine (of the Sufi order), philosopher Sir Georges
Trevelyan, astrologer Ruperti, psychiatrist Gref (who led numerous studies on
the states of consciousness and psychedelic drugs), Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
who initiated contemporary research on death and borderline states, Marylin
Ferguson (author of "The Brain Revolution" and "The Children of Aquarius")...
The following year, a Congress was held in Japan on similar topics.
Modern Physics becomes the purest ally of Parapsychology whose
events, ultimately, belong to an order of nature that escapes the limited classical
data to attest to the universal principles of the Global, as a result of the passage
from Newtonian Classical Physics to quantum physics.
Science until December 14, 1900, when a theory of quanta was born in
a meeting room of the German Physics Society, was only an example of a
research that was obscuring the active dimension of man facing the Cosmos.
Modern science becomes the safest ally of parapsychology
Those, tired of learning, who finally want to know, will see that
parapsychology or transpersonal integral psychology, real awareness of our
total being, can change the direction of a world that denatures Reality and
squanders a spiritual and ecological heritage of which he has only the usufruct.
The 5th International Psychotronics Congress was held from 6 to 10
June 1983 in Bratislava. The Congress was chaired by the Czech doctor Zdenek
Redjdak who in 1968 proposed the term psychotronics to define "the
interdisciplinary scientific study of the interactions between living organisms,
their internal and external environment, and the energy processes that underlie
their manifestation. Psychotronics recognizes that matter, energy and
consciousness are linked. The integral study of these interconnections
contributes to a new understanding of the energy capacities of the human being
and other living organisms, life processes and matter in general."
"Psychotronics" is the Russian word for "parapsychology"
One hundred and sixty-six delegates, representing eleven countries
including Russia, participated in this congress devoted to the reports of
parapsychology and physics, during which the Japanese electronics engineer
Shiuji Inomata did during the first assignment "Psychology and Physics", a
commentary on a "general theory of the complex of electromagnetic fields"
leading, with equation in support, to the final solution to the problem of the
quantum of mechanics, by a possible unification of electric and gravitational
Georges Clauzure gave, during the session "Psychological and
Methodology" a lecture on "The Secret of Psi or the Psychophysiological
Mechanism of Psychotronism", which raised great interest.
Disciple of Joseph Maxwell and admirer of Ernesto Bozzano, Georges
Clauzure is an adept of spiritology, but, to avoid clashing with the Soviets, he
remained in the framework of the psycho-physiological materiality of facts.
"Psi phenomena," he said, "are closely related to the entropy phases of
life energy. Psychic phenomena occur in moments of vital decay.
Confirmatory experiences are innumerable.
"If the psycho-physiological mechanism appears to us more clearly,"
concludes the rapporteur, "we still have to develop a scale of magnitude. The
physiological gradient of vital growth will allow us to experiment at will,
thanks to a stake of controlled vital growth. "
As to the field concept in biology, curricula currently ignore it, and the
course given by Inyuskin at Alma Ata University in Russia is an exception, as
is Shiuji Inomata theory developed in the Japanese electrical Laboratory where
he works.
In addition, the doctor of physical sciences Z. William Wolkowski,
assistant professor at Paris VI, emphasized at the First International Congress
of Holistic Medicine of Bordeaux, the concept of field, as an essential aspect
of the synergy and coherence of biological systems. We have begun to describe
the living in terms of field, with a half-century’s delay behind animate material.
"There are numerous applications that lead to informational and global
therapeutics. It is likely to predict a time, concludes Wolkowski, where the
transformation between disease and health will be described in terms of
regulation, vibration fields, coherence and light.
In the context of experimental spiritualisms, the medium must be an
intermediary between the physical world and the spiritual world. He often does
not ask for this role. He is chosen. Let us mention some historical cases of
literary mediumship:
The Mystery of Edwin Drood, the last novel that Dickens left unfinished
at his death (1870) and that a young mechanic, James, finished under his
posthumous dictation, in a manuscript of 1,200 slips representing a volume of
400 pages that was published by W.Bryan in Springfield, Massachusetts.
The extraordinary case of this American housewife from St. Louis,
Illinois, Mrs. John Curran, who transcribed a whole series of historical novels,
a drama, and above all a 60,000-word lyric poem entitled Telka in the AngloSaxon dialect that was dictated by the female personality, Patience Worth, who
claimed to be born in the 17th century in Dorsetshire, England.
We must mention the prodigious Brazilian medium Francisco Candido
Xavier, familiarly Chico Xavier, who has today published nearly a hundred
books of disembodied authors among which three hundred and fifty poets...
The body of the medium can exteriorize a substance capable of
constituting various representations which are generally more or less complex
organs. These light representations by themselves are photogenic and can give
rise to molding.
It is thanks to this phenomenon of ectoplasm that the famous English
medium Leslie Flint, materialized a vocal device that allowed disembodied to
speak and describe their existence in this other stay, in its daily details and its
most exhilarating perspectives. For example, Neville Randall was able to listen
to more than 500 recorded voice recordings during sessions at Flint (Neville
Randall, Death opens on Life, J’ai lu, A 359).
A cast of ectoplasm
Marcello Creti, born Roman and living in France, is a case probably
unique in the world of paranormal. In a state of light trance, he is given
drawings and dictated formulas that allowed him to build machines and devices
bearing his name and to take more than fifty patents, the royalties of which he
receives, although not being the true author: fluorescent varnishes, prototype
of the "Instamatic", electric fishing system bought by the Russians, various
signaling and transmission devices adopted by the Defense and so on.
The problem of transmigration and multiple states of being is not new.
The novelty comes precisely from the negation of this reality and the distortion
Westerners have been subjected to recently, under the improper term of
reincarnation, because this term is limiting the multiple states of being.
The spontaneous stories and behaviors of young children plead for
Among the most important presumptions to assert the high probability
of reincarnation are the stories and spontaneous behavior of young children
who talk about their former family, give names of people and places; describe
them accurately, or reveal facts that a thorough investigation corroborates on
all points. Some children are sometimes reborn in the same family.
The most decisive evidence is the number of children who have died of
violent death and who are reborn with scars of wounds whose precise locations
are consistent with the coordinates provided later by the child.
The memory regression in time, under hypnosis, made it possible to
reconstruct entire existences whose information could be cross-checked in
detail. The fact was first reported at the Spiritist Congress of Paris in 1900 by
Spanish experimenters.
The reports on reincarnation among Druze living in Israel,
communicated to the Second International Congress of Psychotronic Research
in Monaco in 1975 by Margot Klausner, President of the Israeli Society of
Parapsychology of Tel Aviv, as well as the investigation of Dr. Bayer,
President of the Turkish Parapsychological Research Society are particularly
convincing in this regard.
Professor Stevenson
Professor Stevenson exposed at the International Paranormal Days in
Brussels (1978) carefully collected facts that would be difficult to explain by
any other hypothesis than reincarnation. In an interview with Enquirer of
Montreal in February 1968, Professor Stevenson made a clear statement about
the reincarnation story:
"They do not just suggest that reincarnation is a possibility, but," he
said, "a lot of evidence bring evidence that reincarnation exists."
Professor Stevenson currently has close to two thousand files whose
data he submits to a computer analysis and shows that the best hypothesis that
emerges from this study, remains unquestionably that of reincarnation.
The dominant ideology conditioned by a false grotesque Cartesianism
by force of abuse, has once again proved incapable of capturing the message.
All is to be rethought now in a new vision that no longer clings to a
reductionist and nihilistic conception of man, a being by chance, whose life
would be a succession of more or less absurd events, and death synonymous
with nothingness.
Research on the problem of survival after death was the subject of a
session at the Cambridge Congress during the SPR (Society of Psychic
Researchs) Jubilee, chaired by Gertrude Schmeidler, in which G. Roll, E.
Greville, Arthur Berger, Georg Zorab and Karlis Osis took part.
Research on survival after death has made
good progress
In recent years there has been renewed interest in this issue, which the
SPR had practically abandoned at the beginning of the Second World War.
The majority of parapsychologists reject the doctrine that sees the
physical universe as the total Reality. John Beloff, psychologist at the
University of Edinburgh, thinks that Psi phenomena cannot be explained in
physical terms. It is logical to assume that the human being is not synonymous
with physical organs, but includes a non-physical part capable of surviving
after death.
A non-physical part of us could survive death
Dr. Stanley Krippner, Dream Investigator at the Maimonides Dream
Laboratory in New York, points out that this is not a survival of the person but
that of the "Psi structure" which is a matrix comprising both the deceased
individuality and all the people, the places with which he or she had been
associated during the physical life.
The rapporteurs who addressed the problem of reincarnation did so
through a study of cases that could not be fully resolved because of the lack of
verifiable details. They nevertheless have a methodological interest and make
it possible to better understand the controlled cases for which a deceased
personality could be identified.
At the 1st World Congress of Science and Religion in Rome, in July
1979, the American hypnologist clinician Frank G. Baranowski, told the story
of life in the eighteenth century in London, collected by memory regression
under hypnosis, one of his patients whose existence was mingled with that of
Admiral Nelson. Archival research, admiralty reports, dock inventories,
tombstone inscriptions and old maps have required Baranowski over a
thousand hours of work. Unusual details of similar relationships enrich the
story and sometimes constitute veritable discoveries.
The same Baranowski reports a case of xenoglossia, a term used by
Charles Richet in 1905 to designate the case where the subject speaks or writes
a language generally ignored by all participants, a case which in this case
represents the reminiscence of an earlier life.
A 33-year-old housewife, without much education, found herself not
only speaking but writing, under hypnosis, in a language that could be
identified by professors from Ucla University in California, to the Phoenician
going back 2700 years. They were surprised that a woman who had never
studied a foreign language could have spoken and written it as well. The
question was obvious: how? Under hypnosis it comes naturally to her because
her real Being preserves the experience in a Phoenician body.
The regression in time under hypnosis, allows to release definitively the
phobias, the unusual behaviors of certain patients or to cure them from
seemingly incurable “algias” because their origin is in a previous life.
This is one of the most convincing proofs of the value of this technique
and calls into question many psychiatric practices by the lack of knowledge of
evidences which, by their simplicity or their purely physical origin, elude most
Several Congresses, notably in Italy in Arezzo, which have succeeded
each other since October 1982, took stock of transcommunications and
The entities of the invisible world would have the faculty to use all the
sounds that they find and in particular the vibrations of bottom of a tape
recorder to remodel them and to pass their message. They would need a support
of noises, a sound continuity.
Paranormal voice sequence in a recording
The first experiments date back to 1959, when the Balte Friedrich
Jürgenson was able to record "voices from nowhere".
Konstantin Raudive, initiated to these experiments by Jürgenson, was
able to capture more than 70,000 voices.
During the International Congress of Caldarola organized in 1974 by
the engineer Lorenzo Mancini Spinucci, where for three days we took stock of
the issue, we realized that during the last ten years, researchers operating
around the world, had captured hundreds of thousands of voices from space.
Father Leo Schmidt, pastor of Oesogen (Aargau), professor of biology
at the University of Friborg, was able to record, thanks to the psychophone, a
device built by the Viennese engineer Franz Seidm who died in 1982,
communications from his deceased parishioners.
In France, Roseline Ruther was able to capture the voice of her mother
and those of other deceased parents, all of whom speak their mother tongue,
German. In Italy, Gabriella Alvisi Gerosa was able to establish
communications with her daughter Roberta, who died in November 1970 and
indicates her methods of registration.
The hypothesis of an unconscious is non receivable, as well as that of
interference due to radio broadcasts, because the voices respond precisely to
questions and the devices are isolated in Faraday cages. The hypothesis of the
intervention of sound images of the floating past in space, cannot also be
admitted, because the voices are aware not only of the events present but
predict with success the future events.
The problem is studied at the Pontifical Lateran University, where
every year a semester of studies is devoted to parapsychological phenomena
and, according to RP Biondi's expression, "the radiotelephone", “the afterlife
responder-recorder” is being developed.
Physics professor Ernest Senkowski, who regularly participates in the
Arezzo congresses, published in Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft (Borderline
Areas of Science, 1982), a magazine by Professor Andreas Resch of the Lateran
University, in Innsbruck (Austria) , an important study devoted to
transcommunication, especially with the dead, using ether-electro-magnetic
acoustic systems.
The author after having made the history of the question, reviews the
most recent information material and in particular systems Spiricom for the
transmission of sound and Vidicom for the image, constructed using the
technical indications of "The afterlife".
Experiment on transcommunication
During a conference held in Washington on April 6, 1982, the engineer
C.W. Neek made a communication that can be summed up in three points:
1. This is the first time in human history that the result of a scientifictechnical collaboration between living incarnated and spiritual entities has been
2. Reports could be prepared for four months, thanks to the Spiricom
system in 1982, with an American scientist who died in 1952 from a heart
3. We have proof that the mind, memory, personality, and soul survive
the physical body.
After eight years of research, the German Hans Otto König has
developed an ultrasound generator capable not only of neutralizing the noise
hindering hearing, but of allowing a direct dialogue with the entities of the
afterlife. He exhibited in June 1986, during the second Congress organized by
the Milan Center of Metaphony, the discovery of his compatriot Schreiber who
manages to videotape the images of the deceased from light spots appearing on
a screen and which are transformed in faces that could be recognized before
Picture of the defunct obtained by transcommunication
Science has thus been able to establish positive elements of control and
proof of identity attesting the certainty of the facts observed either from the
identification of fingerprints obtained during materializations, or from
phonograms which give superimposable diagrams that can be applied in all
This report is published by The Alpha International Association
The Alpha International Association is one of the most important
metaphysical organizations in the World. We correspondents in all French
and English speaking countries.
The Alpha International Association is exclusively interested in metaphysics and has no
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teaching that can shock a believer or an atheist. Its teachings are philosophical or
scientific and not religious.
Its motto is “Search of truth in absolute freedom of conscience”
© Alpha International