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Nursing Exam Review Topics: Leadership, Management, and Care Delivery

Planning Delivery of Nursing Care
Group process
1. Identify qualities of team member and leader.
2. Evaluate the difference between a group and a team.
3. Analyze the nurse leader role in team development.
4. Apply group process principles to patient care scenarios.
Decision making, problem solving and leadership/management principles
Leadership and management theory
Historical perspectives
Current thinking and priorities for the future
1. Differentiate between problem solving, decision making, critical thinking and clinical
2. Identify characteristics of successful decision makers.
3. Discuss the evolution of management theory in relationship to changing society.
4. Correlate management theorists with their appropriate theoretical contributions.
5. Define the components of the management process.
6. Differentiate between leadership roles and management functions.
7. Compare and contrast different styles of leadership.
8. Differentiate between authoritative, democratic and laissez-faire leadership styles.
9. Analyze relationship of leadership and organizational theories to nurse leader
10. Identify contextual factors impacting the relationship between leaders and followers.
11. Analyze implications for nursing practice.
12. Analyze how current and future paradigm shifts in healthcare may affect the leadership
skills needed by nurses in the 21st century.
Directing and Controlling Delivery of Nursing Care
Communication and Conflict Management
1. Identify effective and non-effective communication strategies.
2. Practice effective communication techniques including SBAR.
3. Examine methods of communicating in conflict situations.
4. Evaluate strategies for effective communication and conflict resolution.
5. Analyze risk factors for violence.
6. Evaluate interventions to prevent violence.
Nurse Practice Act – Scope of Practice for RN/LPN and Unlicensed Assistive Personnel
1. Discuss components of the RN Nurse Practice Act and apply to clinical practice.
2. Examine differences between LPN and RN Nurse Practice Acts.
3. Discuss the role of the nurse and unlicensed assistive personnel in nursing care delivery.
4. Analyze role of nurse and nurse leader in implementation and application of standards.
5. Describe process to address issues with Nurse Practice Act.
6. Evaluate strategies to address issues with Nurse Practice Act.
7. Describe NCSBN, NCBON role and NCLEX standards for nursing practice.
8. Analyze nurse and nurse leader role in upholding standards.
9. Evaluate methods to address licensing issues.
Delegation and Supervision
1. Describe the steps of the delegation process.
2. Identify roles of the nurse and nurse leader in delegation.
3. Describe and apply effective delegation principles.
4. Analyze delegation and supervision through use of case studies.
Ethical and Legal Issues
1. Apply legal principles in nurse leader role.
2. Discuss risk management and the nurse’s role in managing risk.
3. Analyze the causes of malpractice for nurses and nurse leaders.
4. Apply the Code of Ethics for Nurses and MORAL model from role of nurse and nurse
leader in ethical decision making.
5. Discuss moral distress and apply to nurse leader role.
6. Discuss role of institutional ethics committees.
7. Analyze ethical decision making through use of case studies.
Planning and Organizing Delivery of Nursing Care
Planned Change/Change Theory
1. Analyze characteristics of change.
2. Evaluate theories for managing change.
3. Evaluate strategies for managing change.
4. Formulate plan for effective change.
Time Management and Priority Setting
1. Apply principles of priority setting to patient care situations.
2. Discuss time management strategies in the delivery of effective nursing care.
3. Apply priority setting framework to answering NCLEX-type questions.
Organizing and Directing Delivery of Nursing Care
Staff Recruitment and Indoctrination/Socialization
1. Describe demand and supply factors leading to nursing shortages.
2. Identify variables that impact and organization’s ability to recruit job candidates.
3. Determine effective interviewing techniques and preparation for first professional nursing
4. Delineate the relationship between recruitment and retention.
5. Describe activities to be included in the induction and orientation of employees.
6. Address the unique challenges of building a cohesive team through education and
socialization within a diverse workforce.
Reality Shock
1. Identify and evaluate the stages of reality shock.
2. Discuss strategies to ease the transition from novice nurse to professional nurse.
3. Differentiate between the novice nurse and the expert professional nurse (Benner’s
Organizational Structure
1. Describe how the structure of an organization affects nurse and patient outcomes.
2. Identify issues that affect professional nursing practice.
3. Evaluate strategies to support improved work environment for nurses
4. Describe common components of shared governance models.
5. Identify components of healthy work environments for nurses.
6. Evaluate strategies to support improved work environment for nurses
1. Explore factors historically led to nursing’s limited power as a profession.
2. Explore the influence of gender in power and politics.
3. Differentiate among the different types of power.
4. Identify strategies to increase the nursing profession’s power base.
5. Describe how empowering subordinates and followers provides opportunities for
improved nurse and patient outcomes.
6. Identify strategies for building a personal power base.
Models of Care Delivery
1. Differentiate among various types of patient care delivery systems, including total patient
care, functional nursing, team nursing, modular nursing, primary nursing, case
management and telehealth.
2. Differentiate between managed care and population based healthcare management.
3. Describe and differentiate the role and functions of the case manager and nurse navigator.
Staffing, Scheduling and Assignment Making
1. Identify and evaluate factors that influence nurse-patient assignments and nurse staffing.
2. Integrate current research into principles to manage nurse staffing.
3. Analyze relationship between nurse staffing and nurse and patient outcomes.
Fiscal Planning and Budgeting
1. Describe nurse leader role in managing costs and budgets.
Controlling Delivery of Nursing Care
1. Describe evolution of Quality Assurance (QA) to Quality Improvement (QI).
2. Describe nurse-sensitive outcome measures including the National Database of Nursing
Quality Indicators (NDNQI) and application to practice.
3. Analyze role of nurse and nurse leader in leading QI.
4. Describe the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle and its application to nursing quality problems.
5. Discuss synthesis and evaluation of QI problems through review of example QI problems.
1. Describe the current health care environment related to patient safety.
2. Discuss the relationship between and patient safety and medical errors.
3. Describe the current approach in health care when responding to patient errors and harm.
4. Discuss the nurse’s role in responding to patient errors.
5. Discuss current thinking related to safety culture and the application of Just Culture to
nursing practice.
6. Determine effective behaviors to improve patient safety for nurses in direct care roles.