Uploaded by Max Banach

AP Psych

Seligman- Learned Helplessness (dogs tied
down to shock floor)
Biological- chromosomes, hormones, and brain
influence human behavior through inherited
DNA; adaptive evolutionary. Structure of brain > behavior. Psychiatry treatments
Harlow- Contact Comfort (monkeys and fur
mother vs milk)
Bandura- Bobo doll (Social learning/modeling
given proper opportunity, training)
Ainsworth/Bowlby- Secure/insecure attachment
(secure, anxious ambivalent, anxious avoidant)
Loftus- Reconstructive memory (creating
repressed memories that didn’t happen, falsely
remembering events)
Watson- Little Albert (emotional classical
conditioning (stimulus/response pairing))
Garcia- Conditioned taste aversion (associate
taste with toxicity, after ingestion causing
Kagan- Temperament studies (inhibited vs
uninhibited, shy vs bold; differences due to
enviro/genetic influences)
Kohlberg- Pre-conventional, conventional, postconventional (<9 authority outside reasoning
and based on consequences of actions, authority
internalized not questioned, make own moral
Skinner- skinner box (learning through rewards
and punishment, positive adding negative
Pavlov- Bell (classical conditioning, learning
through association)
Milgram- Obedience to authority (many obey
instructions given)
Zimbardo- stanford Prison (roleplay,
deindividuation, perceived power)
Neuroscience- brain impact on behavior and
cognitive; brain nervous system + bio
Behavior Genetics- relative power and limits of
genetic + environmental influences on behavior
Evolutionary- evolved to solve problems over
generations, selective pressures shape behavior
for survival (natural selection, best fit) stress
more likely to live
Behavioral/Learning theory- social learning,
relatively permanent change in behavior due to
experience (conditioning)
Cognitive- Brain processes, mental act by which
knowledge is acquired (mental functions,
senses), encoding storage retrieval
Humanism- whole person, self-actualization
(Rogers Maslow) Hierarchy of needs
Socio-cultural- behavior based on culture,
interact within groups -> behavior circumstances
Psychodynamic-psychoanalytic (Freud, iceberg
very little of mind visible (Id-unconcious desire,
Ego-compromise, Superego-moral) underlying
unconscious determines behavior + childhood
experiences (Kung & Erikson
Behaviorism- viewed through lense of behavior
only; how environmental factors affect
observable behavior (stimuli, response) Classical
& Operant (pavlov & Skinner) Involuntary
learning through association, link two stimuli to
anticipate an event
Biopsychosocial-integrated assess and treat
disorders; modern