IMPROVING CLASSROOM EFFECTIVITY USING CANVAS LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG Muhammad Nasar1, Merinda Lestandy1 1 Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl. Raya Tlogolmas No.246 Malang, East Java, INDONESIA Email : Abstract A conventional classrom is the most common way to deliver a teaching-learning process, however it is considered no longer enough to accomodate today's needs. Identifying student problems - those who cannot interact efectively during the physical class due the physical limitations - is a crucial element in enabling students to achieve their full potential. However, with growing academic workloads and class size, it becomes a challenging part to identify students who require urgent and timely assistance. An efficient and easy to use tool is needed to help teachers overcoming this issue. This paper discusses our experience on improving students’ experience using Canvas Learning Management System. In addition to face-to-face meetings, we used student activity data inclluding online submissions, attendance, and online discussions in evaluating overall student performance. We also did a class survey with 5 components of quality standard to verify the data. Individual feedback to these students will be more easily to approach. Keywords: blended learning, canvas, learning innovation, learning management system Submited: September 29th, 2018 INTRODUCTION In the recent years, information and communication technology (ICT) has caused many changes in education. One example is by the trend of innovative technology of Learning Management System (LMS) for teaching learning process [1]. The use of LMS makes it possible to deliver teaching-learning process electronically, then called electronic learning (e-learning). E-learing is a learning media in which students can access learning materials without time or border limitation [2]. The main goal of e-learning is to make the learning process easier by reducing physical barriers such as time and physical meetings so that the teachinglearning process can be done even without non physical meetings. LMS palys a role in improving the quality of learning experience including archiving learning materials and managing knowledge resources [3]. Therefore, LMS is an important platform in achieving that goals. Practically, LMS can be used either in pure online class or the combination of online and physical class (blended learning). In pure online learning, LMS is used as the main medium of interaction between teachers and students. The activities such as assignments, discussions, and video or audio based lectures are held through this medium. Nevertheless, this learning activities are often done at home rather than in formal class either individual or group [4]. As a result, students can have more flexibility in managing their time. In addition, not only between teacher and student, but among students can also electronically interact to each other. In blended mode, LMS is used as a supporting medium to increase class effectivity. LMS can be used for storing videos, audio, animations, e-book, structured assignments, etc. It is also possible to transparent every grading point of the student assignments or their graded activities so that they can do self-evaluation of their achivement. Similarly, LMS is also useful for online discussion brainstorming ideas before coming to a physical classroom, announcements, and as the additional interaction media among them. One of the higher education institutions consistently improve its learning quality using LMS technology is the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) especially the electrical engineering department of the faculty of engginering. This department concerns on electronics, power, and telematics and addopts blended learning model to deliver its classes. As known, learning activities at this department take more time for practicum than in classroom. By using LMS as the medium of learning, it can improve student’s understanding and increase learning activities in general. To identify the importance of LMS, educational institutions need to implement an LMS. For example, by implementing Canvas. This paper is aimed to describe 6 standards of blended learning model using Canvas as an effective medium of learning. First is to identify the effectiveness of learning plan using Canvas. Second is to identify the effectiveness of material designed. Third is to identify the effectiveness of learning delivery. Fourth is to identify the effectiveness of the implementation and student interactivity. The last is to identify barriers and supporting factors of Canvas implementation. METHOD A. Participants Participants are the 6th semester students from the Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering UMM. They come from a wide range of Indonesia including those from urban and rural areas. None of them had been involved in e-learning activities when they were in senior high schools. But this semester at UMM they begin using LMS in accessing learning resources and submitting assignments. B. Collecting Data Data is collected from a group of written questions (questionnaire) used to find information from the participants. This instrument is to quantify data and determine student’s opinion about e-learning Canvas so that it can be evaluated more easily. Therefore, we used scale models of attitudes or often called Likert scale. Likert scale is constructed to measure pros and cons attitude, or agree or disagree of a certain object. The range of attitude scale for positive values has the 5 following categories [5]: Tabel 1. Attitude Level Scale Category Symbol Weight Totally Agree SS 5 Agree S 4 Fairly Aggree CS 3 Disagree TS 2 Strongly Disagree STS 1 C. Data Analysis Method Data analysis was done using descriptive statistic analysis method. In this method, after collecting the data, it will be classified into two groups: quantitative data in the form of numbers, and qualitative data that is expressed in words. The steps of analyzing the data were as follows: 1. Checking the questionares that were completed by the participants including the completeness of the contents answered and arranging them in accordance with the respondent's questionnaire. In this research we randomly gave to 34 respondents of electrical engineering UMM 6th semester. 2. Quantifying each statement answered according to the indicator that has been determined in table 1. 3. Tabulating the data. 4. Calculating the percentage of each variable by dividing a score by its total, then multiplying it by 100%, as follows 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 (%) = 𝑛 𝑥100% 𝑁 Where: % = the percentage of sub variabel n = the maximum score of each sub variable N = the maximum score The percentage obtained from each variable then was transformed into sentences, which was the qualitative form of data. To define the high, medium and low categories in the form of distributive statistics tables, it is necessary to determine its maximum, minimum, and interval values. By adopting the formula above, we can determine the minimum and maximum index values. Meanwhile, to determine the interval and distance interval, we adopt the formula proposed by Sugiyono (2011: 172) [6]. From those formulations we can calculate the results as follows: a. Determining the percentage of ideal score (100%). In this research we used 5 scores. b. Determining intervals: 5 (completely ineffective, ineffective, fairly effective, effective, and completely effective). c. Specifying the interval width by = 20 . According to the calculation above, we can get the percentage range and the qualitative criteria provided in the distribution table bellow. Tabel 2. The Percentage Range and Score Criteria Interval Criteria Completely Ineffective 0% score 20% Ineffective 21% score 40% Fairly Effective 41% score 60% Effective 61% score 80% 81% score 100% Completely Effective RESULT AND DISCUSSION The effectiveness of each standard component of Canvas LMS usage in Electrical Engineering UMM is presented in Figure 1. Figure 1. The effectiveness of each standard component of Canvas LMS at EE UMM It can be seen from figure 1 that the percentage of effectiveness of quality standards for each variable based on the survey is mostly effective. The planning aspect, material design, learning delivery, learning interaction, and the evaluation take 90.5%, 93.2%, 84.2%, 83.6%, and 98.4% respectively. The gap of each standard is shown in the following tables. Table 4 shows the indicators used and students’ attitude of the planning component of Canvas usage. No 1 2 3 Tabel 4. The Survey Indicators and Result on General Planning Indicator Weight Sub Variabel Average (%) I understand the goal of this course 140 94.5945946 I believe this course is useful to my future carrier I know the grading criteria to pass this course 131 88.5135135 131 88.5135135 Category Completely Effective Completely Effective Completely Effective Table 5 presents the indicators used and students’ attitude of the planning aspect of Canvas usage. Table 5. The Survey Indicators and Result on Planning and Material Design No Indicator Weight Average 133 Sub Variabel (%) 89.8648649 1 I can follow course instructions easily 2 I can follow course contents easily 136 91.8918919 3 Course contents provide understandable examples and structured assignments 145 97.972973 Category Completely Effective Completely Effective Completely Effective Table 6 shows the indicators used and students’ attitude of the course delivery aspect of Canvas usage. No 1 2 3 Tabel 6. The Survey Indicators and Result of Class Delivery Indicator Weight Sub Variabel Average (%) I have no difficulties in accessing and 104 70.2702703 using CanvasLMS E-learning Canvas is an appropriate 134 90.5405405 media to support teaching-learning process at UMM The class featured with Canvas makes 136 91.8918919 me always up-to-date of the class activities Category Effective Completely Effective Completely Effective Table 7 displays the indicators used and students’ attitude on the interaction aspect of Canvas usage. No 1 2 3 Tabel 7. The Survey Indicators and Result of Interaction Aspect Indicator Weight Sub Variabel Category Average (%) Face-to-face meetings supported by e127 85.8108108 Completely learning Canvas on this class is really Effective useful Individual interaction to the lecturer 121 81.7567568 Completely trough online submission feature on Effective Canvas makes my study much better Interaction among students as well as 123 83.1081081 Completely teacher thourgh the online dicscussion Effective and interactive announcement makes me more motivated to study Table 8 shows the indicators used and students’ attitude on the evaluation aspect of Canvas usage. No 1 2 3 Table 8. The Survey Indicators and Result of Evaluation Aspect Indicator Weight Sub Variabel Category Average (%) Each course activity has an appropriate 146 98.6486486 Completely level of evaluation Effective Individual feedback from the lecturer is 143 96.6216216 Completely really useful in helping me to study Effective better Transparency on grading including the 148 100 Completely feature to see the minimum, average, Effective and maximum grade is really useful in evaluating my study progress CONCLUSION Based on the analysis above we can conclude that the average survey result of Canvas LMS for each component is as follows: a. The general planning aspect is very effective with the trend level of 90.5%. b. The planning and material design is clearly in the effective category with the trend level of 93.2%. c. The course delivery is also fairly effective with the trend level of 84.2%. d. The interaction during teaching-learning process of Canvas is the most effective one with the trend level of 83.6%. e. The evaluation of learning implementation of Canvas is still categorized effective with the trend of 98.4%. f. The overall of learning implementation of Canvas as the learning media at Electrical Engineering UMM is obviously effective with the trend level of 90%. Considering those facts, we are confidence to use Canvas LMS to support teacing-learning process at Electrical Engineering UMM that deliver activities in physical classes less than practicum in laboratory. Canvas LMS can be used for improving material understanding and increase class availability as well as learning resources. It is also a useful way for lecturers to manage overall classes efficiently. Electrical Engineering UMM has operated Canvas LMS and campus network infrastructure to support online learning so that Canvas LMS can be utilized in daily teaching-learning process. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] D.R. 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