ZANZIBAR SCHOOL OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ALLIED SCIENCES INDIVIDUAL TASK MODULE NAME: COMMUNICABLE DISEASES MODULE CODE: CMT 05101 NAME: SAID KHALFAN SAID REGISTRATION NUMBER:S0309/0090/2017 FACILITATOR NAME: DR MAHAFUDHA STARTING DATE: 13TH JUNE 2022 DEADLINE 19TH JUNE 2022 Issue date: 13TH JUNE 2022 Submission date: ………………………………………… TASK COMMUNICABLE CLARK SHEET DEMOGRAPHIC DATA NAME: Moh’d mwinyi kondo AGE: 59yrs SEX male ADDRESS kisauni DATE OF ADMISSION DATE OF CLERKED CHIEF COMPLAINT Difficult in breath 1/52 Fever 1/52 HPI Patient was apparent well until one week started to experience difficulty in breathing which was gradual onset increasing with severity with time more marked when laying flat but occur in all positions and relieved when resting using 2 up to 3 pillows it aggravating when walking associated with cough which produces white colors no blood stained sputum which has bad smell but now no bad smell. And also Patient has on and off Fever that increasing as time goes on released by taking paracetamol with no aggravating factor associated with blurred vision and loss appetites, no history of headache, neither history of colvusion nor loss conscious Has decrease weight due to the clothes Don fit well as normally Has history of sweeting at night and wet the bed Neither history of treated tb previously nor living with tb patient Live in well ventilated room ROS Gus-no history of pain urination no history of blood in urine no history of low urine output MSS_ no history of joint pain,no joint swelling no history of muscle pain and swelling PMHx Second admission where 1st admitted to arahma hospitals with same problem No history of blood transfusion, no history of chronic illness,no history of drug allergy no history of surgical FAMILY AND SOCIAL HISTORY Married live with wife,no children, no history of alcoholism no history of cigarette smoking no history of chronic illness in the family GENERAL EXAMINATION Concious, afebrile, pale no jaundiced no cyanosed, no dehydrated 2 Bilateral lower limb non pitching oedema up to the ankle no lymph node enlarged Vital signs BP:95/56Mmhg RR:22/m PR:100/m Temp 36.6°C SPO:93% on RA SYSTEMATIC EXAMINATION R/S: chest symmetrical move with respiration no therapeutic mark, trachea is central location, normal chest expansion, tactile vocal fremitus, resonance note on percussion but dull on right lower zone vesicular breath sound and course crepitating at right lower zone with fine crepitating at left lung CVS: capillary refills <2sec no finger climbing pulse rate normal synchronicity no pulse collapse (PR 1min) no precordial hyperactivity no thrill no heave apex beat S1 and S2 heard, no added sound P/A normal abdominal contour move with respiration no surgical marks no therapeutic marks no obvious mass Had generalized tenderness on superficial deep palpation no organoomegally, tyrannical note on percussion bowel sound heard CNS Concious GSC 15/15(E4C5M6) No sign of meningial irritation short and long term memory intact cranial nerve are intact normal sensations reflexes normal bulkiness power of both upper and lower limb INVESTIGATION FBP RFT LFT SERUM ELECTROLYTE lipid profile CHEST X-RAY BLOOD CULTURE COVID-19 TEST URINALYSIS 3 RBG SPUTUM FOR GENE EXPERT MRDT ECG and ECHO PITC PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS Chronic Bronchial pneumonia Pulmonary tuberculosis DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia COPD Pulmonary Malaria Rheumatic heart fever MANAGEMENT Supportive treatment IV fluid crystalloid Resting Sanction Analgesics Major treatment Give antibiotics respectively to cause If pneumonia we give benthylpenicillin 500,000 I.U STATE GIVE TAB AMOXILLIN 500MG EVERY 8 hourly IN 7 DAYS 4 If TB START TB MEDICATION. TB treatment is divided into two phases: • Initial /intensive phase, which consists of: • RHZE for 2 months - new and re-treatment cases • Continuation phase, which consists of: • RH for 4 months - new and re-treatment cases • RH for 10 months for severe forms COMPLICATIONS Heart disorder Liver damage Renal failure Malnutrition OUTCOMES DEATHS PROGNOSIS The patient has difficulty in breathing with on and off Fever but if the patient use the medication given by health care provider properly and follow proper care in prevention, he will improve well; otherwise, the condition will continue to be worse. 5 6