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Mesalab 90XL Conductivity Cell Status Report

JUNE 2, 2022
the conductivity cells that are out of service are as follows
 90xL Dialysis Conductivity Temperature Module:
1. DCT13053 Cucuta Conductivity Cell
2. DCT11866 Cúcuta Conductivity Cell
3. DCT04906 Conductivity Cell sent Neiva
4. DCT13047 Bogotá Conductivity Cell
Image 1. Image showing the cells that are out of service
1. Conductivity and temperature module S / N: DCT130053: this cell was operational
until May 2022, which from one moment to another began to have an erratic
behavior in the measurements that were made, they had no repeatability that is to
say a concentrate sometimes marked 80 millisiemens, in another reading shot it
indicated 50 millisiemens and then it was not recognized by the monitor of the
Mesalabs 90XL; the module is shown in image 2 with its respective serial number
and in image 3 it is connected to the Mesalabs monitor but it does not recognize it.
Image 2. Conductivity and temperature module S/N: DCT130053 operational until May 2022
Image 3. Conductivity and temperature module S/N: DCT130053 connected to the Mesalabs
monitor, but does not recognize it
2. Conductivity and temperature module S / N: DCT11866: cell was operational until December
2020, which was sent to perform a verification because a gap in temperature and
conductivity was noticed, the cell works but does not make a precise measurement presents
a negative lag in temperature and also presents lag in conductivity. the module is shown
in image 4 with its respective serial number and in image 5 it is connected to the Mesalabs
Image 4. Conductivity and temperature module S/N: DCT11866 operational until December 2020
Image 5. Conductivity and temperature module S/N: DCT11866 connected to the Mesalabs monitor.
3. Conductivity and temperature module S / N: DCT04906: this module is received on
May 31, 2022 is sent by colleague Leidy Tovar verification of the module, but is not
recognized or identified by monitor of the Mesalabs 90XL, the module is shown
in image 6 with its respective serial number and in image 7, is connected to the
Mesalabs monitor.
Image 6. Conductivity and temperature module S/N: DCT04906, module sent by colleague Leidy
Image 7. Conductivity and temperature module S/N: DCT04906, connected to the
Mesalabs monitor, but does not recognize it
Image 8. Conductivity and temperature module S/N: DCT13047, connected to the Mesalabs
monitor, but does not recognize it