Uploaded by Jowena Abellar

7th Grade Math Lesson Plan: Central Tendency

Mobo National High School
Grade Level
Jowena R. Abellar
Learning Area
Date & Time
June 23, 2022 (8 am)
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning
A. Preliminary
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts uses and importance
of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the different forms of data
representation, measures of central tendency, measures of variability, and
The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and compute
accurately measures of central tendency and variability and apply these
appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in different fields.
At the end of the teaching and learning process, the students are expected to:
a. Define the mean, median and mode;
b. Find the mean, median and mode;
c. Appreciate the significance of measures of central tendency
Measures of central Tendency of Ungrouped Data
Visual aids, pentel pen, flashcards
Cooperation and initiative
Let’s start our teaching and learning process with a prayer.
Select a student to lead a prayer.
Good morning, Class! How are you today? Very good for today, I’m glad
that our classroom is clean. Thank you everyone for cleaning our classroom
3. Checking of Now, Let’s check your attendance. Class monitor, who’s absent?
Attendance There’s none. Very good everyone for completing your attendance.
Math Class Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the hundredfold
blessings. Help us to multiply love
and respect. Divide our God given
talents, Add happiness and ideas
to others and Subtract
wrongdoings and grudges in our
hearts. In Jesus Name we pray,
Good morning, Ma’am Jowena!
Feels good!
There’s none.
Yes, ma’am.
4. Recalling of
Before we start our class discussion, let’s recall first our classroom rules.
What is the hashtag c-rules in the classroom when having a lesson?
#deadlines (turn in your assignments when they are due)
#follow (all the directions)
#getinvolved (class participation is required)
#goals (make learning a priority)
#noexcuses (take personal responsibility for your actions)
#positiveattitude (don’t show up without one)
#respect (show it for yourself and others)
Very good! Take note that there are no exemptions for these rules.
I need your cooperation and participation today and make learning our first
B. Developmental
1. Reviewing
the Past
Very good.
3. Unlocking
of Difficulties
Yes, Ma’am.
Last meeting, we discussed about the Organizing data. Let’s have a short
review. What is organizing data?
Yes, ______________?
What are the different forms used in organizing data?
Yes, ___________?
2. Drill
#deadlines (turn in your
assignments when they are due)
#follow (all the directions)
#getinvolved (class participation is
#goals (make learning a priority)
#noexcuses (take personal
responsibility for your actions)
#positiveattitude (don’t show up
without one)
#respect (show it for yourself and
To start with the discussion, I have a mystery box here. Please get something
from the box then pass to the next one.
Is everybody done? Very Good. I want you to group yourselves into 3 groups
according to the ‘letter’ that you’ve seen in front of the cards from the
mystery box.
Each card on the mystery box has a number. Based on the cards that you
have, kindly do the following:
 list all of the numbers
 arrange them from ascending or descending order
 get the average of the given number
I’ll give you 5 minutes to do this.
Are you done? Very good.
Place your group work on the board. You may present your work (group 1,
next group 2 and lastly group 3).
Organizing data is the sorting,
presenting, and arranging of
collected information.
1. Textual form
2. Tabular form
3. Graphical form
Yes, Ma’am.
The students will pick on the
mystery box.
Yes, Ma’am.
The students will group
The students will do the given
Group 1
9,8,4,5,7,3 (3,4,5,7,8,9) Average: 6
C. Motivation
D. Presentation of
the Lesson
E. Discussion
Based from the activity, what did you observe?
They are all numbers, Okay. What else?
Okay, good.
What else? Very good. You get the average.
What else? Very good.
Ask the students the following questions:
a. Have you ever experienced to compute the average of your grades
for you wanted to compare it with your other classmates’ grades?
How did you compute it? Yes, ________?
b. Have you ever experienced to determine your grade that you always
encounter in your report card?
Group 2
6,2,7,10,15,1 (1,2,6,7,10,15)
Average: 6.8
Group 3
1,5,8,11,2,4,13 (1,2,4,5,8,11,13)
Average: 6.3
The group representative will
present their group work.
 They are all numbers.
 We arranged them from
ascending or descending
 We get the average
We get the total number
of all the grades and then
divide it to the
Very good.
In today’s class, we are going to tackle about “Measures of Central Tendency
for Ungrouped Data”
Everybody, please read!
Statement of the aim:
At the end of the teaching and learning process, the you are expected to:
a. Define the mean, median and mode;
b. Find the mean, median and mode;
c. Appreciate the significance of measures of central tendency
Are we ready to learn?
Very Good.
Statement of the aim:
At the end of the teaching and
learning process, the we are
expected to:
a. Define the mean, median and
b. Find the mean, median and
c. Appreciate the significance of
measures of central tendency
Yes, Ma’am!
Okay class, there are 3 measures of central tendency. The first one is the
Do you have an idea what MEAN (statistics) is?
Yes, _____? Okay, Very good.
Please read, ________.
Mean- is the average or the most common value in a collection of numbers.
How can we find the mean?
In finding the mean, find the sum of all the values by adding them up and
divide the sum by the number of values in the data set.
Let’s have an example:
Mean is the average.
The following are the ages of the 9 children in a squatter’s area. Find
the mean.
Ages: 9,8,1,3,4,5,6,7,2
Anyone? Yes, _____? Very good.
In finding the mean, we have a formula:
(Insert formula)
What do we call this sign 𝑥̅ class?
Ma’am! The mean is 5.
Good! Let us have some example.
Ex. 1 The weighted arithmetic mean of the numbers 12, 15, 16, 12, 15, 18,
18, 20, 12, and 18.
x-bar Ma’am
How many times that the numbers occurs?
12 occurs 3 times, 15 occurs twice,
18 occurs 3 times, 16 once and 20
The number of scores is 5
Very good! What is the number of scores?
Thank you! Who wants to solve the weighted mean on the board?
Very good.
(The students will go to the board
and solve the given problem)
Let’s have another example:
Student Layla Nana Miya Saber Chou Franco Odette Eudora
Ma’am! 56.25.
What is the mean of their weekly savings? Yes, ______?
Very good. The mean for this data is 56.25
Let’s proceed now to the next important measures of central tendency
which is median.
What is median? Can you give some ideas about it?
Okay, Very good.
Median- is the value found at the middle when the data are arranged in an
array form from ascending or descending order.
I have here a set of scores
4, 8, 10, 9, 6, 5, 10, 15, 19, 24, 23, 14
Ma’am! I think median is in the
What did you observe on the given number?
We will arrange the number from
ascending to
descending order
Thank you. So, what we will going to do with this numbers?
The numbers are not arrange from
highest to lowest
F. Fixing Skills
Solve for the value of median
x ̃= (N+1)/2
Very good! And what is the next thing that we will do after arranging the
numbers from ascending to descending order?
What is the formula for finding the median? Yes, _____?
x ̃= (N+1)/2
Will someone go to the board and look for the median of set of scores?
Is the answer right class?
Very good! Let’s proceed now to the last important measures of central
tendency which is the Mode
What is mode class? Who can read?
Mode- is the value which occurs most often or with greatest frequency.
Thank you! Is there a formula in finding the mode of ungrouped data class?
(The students will go to the board
and solve the median value of the
set of scores)
Yes Ma’am
Ma’am there is no formula in
finding the mode of ungrouped
Number 5 Ma’am because it
appears twice
Good! Observed this set of scores class
2,5,5,6,8, 9
What are the most frequent scores that occurs in this sets of numbers?
Thank you! And the number 5 is our mode since it appears twice.
There are 5 types of mode;
1. No mode
2. Unimodal
3. Bimodal
4. Trimodal
5. Multimodal
and 5 is called as what kind of mode class?
How about on the second sets of numbers?
12, 29, 35, 36, 45, 45, 50, 53, 55, 55, 62, 73, 80
What did you notice?
Thank you! So our mode is 45 and 50 since they appear twice, and this mode
is called what?
Very good!
It is called unimodal because there
is only one mode
I observed Ma’am that the 45 and
50 appears twice
It is called bimodal since the mode
on the set of numbers are two
G. Generalization
H. Application
IV. Assessment
V. Assignment
What are the most important measures of central tendency?
Good! What is the definition of Mean?
Mean, Median and Mode
Mean is the average or the most
common value in a collection of
Median is the value found at the
middle when the data are arranged
in an array form from ascending or
descending order.
That’s Right! How about the Median?
Mode is the value which occurs
most often or with greatest
Very good. What is the Mode?
Alright, very good.
Now class, I will group you into 3 groups I will give each group a small folder
that contain different problem, you will answer the following question that
being asked, after that the one representative of the group will go in front
and discuss on how they solved the said problems. Understand class?
For your assessment
Define the ff:
1. Mean
2. Median
3. Mode
Find the mean, median and mode in the ff.
1. 5,23,17,13,5,16,13
2. 85,78,91,91,84,84,90,85,92
Yes Ma’am
Mean is the average or the most
common value in a collection of
Median is the value found at the
middle when the data are arranged
in an array form from ascending or
descending order.
Mode is the value which occurs
most often or with greatest
1. 5,5,13,13,16,17,23
Mean- 13.14
Mode- 5 and 13 (Bimodal)
2. 78,84,84,85,85,90,91,91,92
Mode- 84, 85 and 91 (trimodal)
Compute for the mean, median, and mode of your grades in your
Answers may vary
1st Grading Period.
For your assignment, Read and Study for the mean, median and mode for
grouped data.
Okay, I hope that the learnings you have gained from this lesson will still be
remembered and be used as your future reference. See you next meeting.
Yes, ma’am. Thank you!