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Si Stress & Lithography Defects: Polarized Stress Imager Study

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TDMR.2020.2965220, IEEE
Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability
Correlation study of bulk Si stress and lithography
defects using Polarized Stress Imager
Máté Janecska
Semilab Co. Ltd.r
Budapest, Hungary
Zsolt Kovács
Semilab Co. Ltd.r
Budapest, Hungary
Anita Pongracz
Semilab Co. Ltd.r
Budapest, Hungary
Miklós Tallián
Semilab Co. Ltd.r
Budapest, Hungary
Polarized Stress Imaging is an excellent method for
monitoring bulk stress distribution in silicon wafers. In
this study, the correlation of bulk Si stress and
lithography defects are shown using Semilab’s Polarized
Stress Imager (PSI) system. 300 mm diameter samples
with 7 nm advanced node FinFET devices were
investigated with PSI optical imaging metrology tool and
AMAT’s UVision wafer inspection tool. Two sets of
samples were analyzed after shallow trench isolation etch
and after gate etch. Results show that stress imaging can
detect process deviations that lead to high defectivity and
may have uses in failure analysis to pinpoint root causes
of failures.
Keywords— polarized stress imager, FinFET, metrology,
lithography defects
The requirements for resolution, precision, cycle time and
throughput improvements of the next generation metrology
tool generation poses a major challenge for the continuousscan based tools regardless of their source type, as the absolute
quantities to be measured and the variations that can be
tolerated are getting close to the inherent wafer noise level of
the measured signal. Therefore, new signal from noise
separation techniques need to be applied both on tool and
inter-tool levels.
On tool level, several detection techniques can be used to
identify the objects of interest, be they a feature, feature
variability or defects. For example, several source shapes as
well as polarization are needed to identify certain types of
protrusion defects on resist during inspection. [1].
Bulk Si stress affects the mechanical properties of the wafers
and may contribute to problems in lithography. Therefore, a
high-throughput, non-destructive method is required to detect
bulk stress in the wafer. The effect of stress on lithography
features can then be checked with overlay measurements or
other applicable methods. [2].
In our paper, Semilab’s non-contact, non-destructive
Polarized Stress Imaging (PSI) technology is validated as a
technique that can detect process deviations in the 7-nm
advanced process node. The PSI system is primarily used by
wafer manufacturers to ensure defect-free quality in their
products. As the manufacturing process of silicon ingots is
not yet guaranteed to be defect-free, a non-destructive
method for evaluating the ingots and the sliced wafers is
Depending on the type of the defects found, the entire silicon
ingot may need to be melted and reformed. Determining these
problems early in the semiconductor supply chain can prevent
loss of production.
The PSI system can also be used to measure Epitaxial (Epi)processed wafers. While Epi is a well-controlled process that
preserves the substrate, defects may form on the epitaxial
layer itself, especially around the edges and the parts where
the wafer is held by the pins. [3].
The system may also be used to detect material defects
induced or enhanced during device production, which may
cause mechanical deformation—therefore, defects in
production. In extreme cases, such material defects may lead
to wafer breakage during the process.
A. Polarized Stress Imaging
Polarized Stress Imaging (PSI) is a non-destructive method
used to find irregularities in the structure of the single crystal
or multi-crystal silicon wafer or slug through measuring
depolarization, and therefore meets these requirements.
The PSI system is equipped with an infra-red (IR) light source
that projects a homogeneous near-infrared beam at a specified
wavelength optimum for transmission measurements in
silicon. This beam passes through the sample, and the light’s
polarization is changed by the deformations in the lattice
structure of the crystal. Stress fields in crystalline material
refer to localized defects, slip lines, twin lines or any type of
damage caused during the manufacturing process. Stress field
means anisotropy in an otherwise isotropic material.
Anisotropy causes birefringence and thus the depolarization
of the originally polarized light. Therefore, the principle of
the operation is to detect depolarization with an imaging
system.This effectively highlights defects in the structure
with a high color contrast.
Surface particles also depolarize light due to enhanced light
scattering (e.g. when the wafer surface is contaminated with
dust particles). Hence, the device allows performing particle
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1530-4388 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TDMR.2020.2965220, IEEE
Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability
detection measurements on both sides simultaneously with
stress measurement.
The system uses a line camera with a resolution of 1×1024
pixels to create 50-μm pixel scale images of the wafer’s
sections in sequence and subsequently paste them together.
The resulting image consists of 36 megapixels (6000×6000
Fig.1: The PSI-2500, Semilab’s newly developed wafer
inspection tool
Semilab’s PSI
Single FOUP
load port
load port
and OTH
Table 1. Descritpion of versions of Semilab’s PSI
To create an image with a suitably high contrast, two
polarizers are used perpendicularly to one another, this is
called crossed polarizer position. The resulting image is
referred to as the stress image. The polarizers extinguish all
external lights affecting the sample, so only the defective
areas are highlighted. Stress image is sufficient for finding
defects on the sample. Additional parallel polarization image
acquisition entails a longer measurement time but can
determine the intensity of the defects, if needed.
Image acquisition in parallel polarizer position: Pp
Image acquisition in crossed polarizer position: Pc
The amount of depolarization is calculated according to the
following equation:
𝑃𝑝 − 𝑃𝑐
𝐷 = 1−
𝑃𝑝 + 𝑃𝑐
Depolarization (D) is a dimensionless quantity, and it is very
close to zero. DU is used as a unit of measurement: 1 DU =
The extent of depolarization is directly proportional to the
mechanical stress in the material. Stress can be calibrated into
units of Pa via optical relationships.
Pa calibration is not necessary for basic application. For
finding the defects, crossed polarization imaging is
Fig.2: The schematic illustration of the PSI measurement
B. UVision
UVision® was developed to inspect „killer” defects down to
10 nm by AMAT. The theory of measurement based on
bright-field microscopy. Bright-field technologies in wafer
inspection is primary used for detecting flat pattern defects as
well as three-dimensional defects. This type of defects can be
voids between layers, residue materials, etc. Traditional
bright-field microscopy uses multi-wavelength light sources
with detectors. UVision® operates with a 266-nm-deep
ultraviolet (DUV) laser light source. This light is optically
shaped to line for scanning. The light reflected from the
sample into separate detectors. The different channels had
different purpose. One is for bright field imaging, and other
for 3D inspection. After the measurement, the tool compares
the intensity profile of the sites. The sites with highly
different profile claimed to be sites with defects.
C. Samples
For the metrology qualifications and polarized stress imaging
based characterization of imec’s device manufacturing
processes 300 mm silicon wafers (to be converted into 7nm
FinFET devices) were used. The samples represented two
different stages of the process flow: STI etch wafers and Gate
Etch wafers.
STI Etch Wafer
1530-4388 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TDMR.2020.2965220, IEEE
Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability
Measurement data from STI Etch wafers is shown in figure 3
and 4. The data does not show any sign of localized or global
defects on the stress measurement. Moreover, the wafers show
no stress due to the gripping-releasing, stress-free sample
holder. In comparison with the UVision measurements, defect
inspection results from STI Etch wafers show more than
25,000 defects, with the wafer center being more defective
(Fig 5.). It can be safely concluded that the etch process here
did not cause a mechanical stress field in the wafer which
resulted in higher amount of defects.
Fig. 5: Defect map of STI Etch wafer (courtesy of Applied
Materials Israel).
Gate Etch Wafer
Gate etch wafers were also measured in the PSI system and
results are compared with UVision inspection measurements
(Fig. 6-11).
Fig. 3: Measured image of STI Etch wafer with crossed
Fig. 6: Measured image of Gate Etch wafer with crossed
Fig. 4: Measured image of the STI Etch wafer with parallel
polarizer. Slanted stripes are side-effect of scaling the 36
Megapixel image down to fit the document format.
1530-4388 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TDMR.2020.2965220, IEEE
Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability
Further examination reveals a larger spot which is visible at
around 7 o’clock position, possibly a layer delamination
which causes changes in light polarization. Note that the
defective area is quite large.
Further investigations on the Gate Etch Wafer involved the
usage of the image processing option to enhance the longrange, global stress fields. To make visibility better, contrast
was also enhanced in the image below. It can be shown that
possible circular, concentric intensity changes. It can’t be seen
on the parallel image, therefore it must be a stress-related
effect. Such a pattern was not visible in the STI Etch Wafer.
Fig. 7: Measured image of Gate Etch wafer with parallel
Images of the Gate Etch Wafer reveals several interesting
details. Along the edge, radial defects are clearly visible, with
higher frequency between 4 o’clock and 10 o’clock positions.
These defects are faintly visible to the naked eye as well, but
are really highlighted on the image with crossed polarizers.
These defects must originate from the Gate Etch process, as
they cannot be system artefacts (the measurement is
performed in x-y direction), and they are fully radial, meaning
that they do not align with any Si growth direction, which
would be the case for linear defects originating in the Si bulk.
Fig. 8: Image of radial defects on the edge of Gate Etch
Fig. 10: Stress field image of the Gate Etch Wafer showing a
radial stress field. The red line shows where the line profile
was measured.
Defect inspection results show nearly 150,000 defects on this
wafer, with their distribution closely following the distribution
of the stress field (Figure 11). This may be the indication that
the Gate Etch causes additional stress in the wafer, which in
turn increases defectivity.
Fig. 9: Defective area, possible delamination on the Gate Etch
1530-4388 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TDMR.2020.2965220, IEEE
Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability
very short loop on blanket wafers without expensive
The authors are thankful for the NEMZ_15-1-2016-0020
project for supporting this work. Project no. NEMZ_15-12016-0020 has been implemented with the support provided
from the National Research, Development and Innovation
Fund of Hungary, financed under the NEMZ_15 funding
[1] Yong-Kai Zhu, Gui-Yun Tian, Rong-Sheng Lu, Hong Zhang, A Review
of Optical NDT Technologies, Sensors 2011, 11(8), 7773-7798
Fig. 11: Defect map of Gate Etch wafer (courtesy of Applied
Materials Israel).
[2] [2] Ian Stobert; Subramanian Krishnamurthy; Hongbo Shi; Scott Stiffler
Model-based correction for local stress-induced overlay errors, Proceedings
Volume 10587, Optical Microlithography XXXI; 105870D (2018)
It has been shown that polarized stress imaging can detect
lithography defects in the advanced process flow of 7nm
FinFET devices. Running stress analysis as a screening tool
could improve ramp-up of etch and deposition processes, as
some of the largest defect sources could be eliminated in a
[3] M. Iwabuchi, K. Mizushima, M. Mizuno, and Y. Kitagawara Dependence
of Epitaxial Layer Defect Morphology on Substrate Particle Contamination of
Si Epitaxial Wafer Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 147 (3) 11991203 (2000)
1530-4388 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.