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Vygotsky vs. Piaget: Cognitive Development Theories Compared

Difference Between Vygotsky and Piaget (With Table)
Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget both state that social interaction is an important part when it
narrows down to the cognitive development of a person. During the time these theories developed
and gained the attention amount psychologists, Vygotsky and Piaget affirmed their theories to be
exclusive. Though recent researches have found that these theories are very much
complementary, they differ in some basic aspects.
Vygotsky v/s Piaget
The main difference between Vygotsky and Piaget is that Vygotsky determines that a
person learns through social interactions and cultural aspects whereas, Piaget believes in
the productive approach of a child. The theory of Vygotsky revolves around the objective
that communicating socially is the principle of learning whereas Piaget’s theory suggests
that a child goes through mental development which is in four different stages.
Lev Vygotsky, born in the year 1896, was a teacher in Russia who was also a great explorer in
learning. He was a psychologist who determined that our cognitive growth is influenced by our
social interactions and was convinced that people learn through communicating with other people
in the community such as peers, teachers, adults, and other idols.
Jean Piaget was a constructivist of psychology who determined that learning is a reciprocation of
accommodation (adjusting old concepts in a new environment) and assimilation(adjusting to the
new environment in old concepts). These two process’s to-and-fro leads to short term learning as
well as change in long term development and Piaget theory focuses mainly on the long term
Comparison Table Between Vygotsky and Piaget
Parameters of
determines that
learning is done
Piaget’s theory
determines that
learning is taught
through personal
Knowledge is
acquired when
children learn to
work together in
a group.
Knowledge is
acquired by a
child’s own
Thoughts are
driven by
Language is
driven by
varies depending
on the social and
cultural context.
stays the same
regardless of the
Vygotsky is a
constructivist in
Piaget is a
What is Vygotsky?
Lev Vygotsky was a Russian teacher and a psychologist who was a great explorer of
social contexts and the first person to examine how social interactions affect the cognitive
growth of a person. He was convinced with the idea that learning is taught through social
interaction with all ages in society. He was keen to understand social-environmental
learnings and thus created a unique theory about it known as Vygotsky’s sociocultural
theory of cognitive development.
Vygotsky had a revolutionary idea about language being the fundamental point of learning
and this points debates that language encourages other activities like reading and writing.
Additionally, he also claimed that logical reasoning and reflective thinking are both the
result of language which led to the instructional strategies development that supported the
classroom set up in literacy and re-evaluation. The first role of the teachers in this setup is
to act as a promotor of learning. Comprehensive discussions or interactions, creating an
engaging community are the prizes strategies that are needed for cognitive development
and outlined three major concepts associated with it:
Culture is important in learning.
Language is the source of learning.
A person develops and learns inside his role in the community.
A person’s moral values and beliefs define the culture of his community and it takes years
to shape culture.
What is Piaget?
Jean Piaget was a Swiss development psychologist born in 1896, who created Piaget’s
theory of cognitive development. It is a broad theory about the behavior and evolution of
human intelligence. The theory deals with epistemology and how human attains, creates,
and use it.
This theory is also known as the development stage theory. In this theory, Piaget proposed
that an individual goes through four stages of development. The first stage i.e. The
sensorimotor stage starts from birth to the obtaining of language. Infants in this stage
gradually build intelligence and understanding of the world by synchronizing their vision
and hearing by physically interacting with things such as stepping, grabbing.
The second stage is the preoperational stage which starts when the toddler starts to speak
and this stage lasts till the age of seven. During this stage, Piaget noted that kids do not
fully understand the logic and are unable to manipulate information mentally. The third
stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is the concrete operational stage that
falls between the ages of 7 to 11 years. During this stage, a child begins to think more
maturely, almost like an adult and starts to solve problems in logical ways, but hypothetical
thinking is not evolved in them. And the last stage is the formal operational stage which is
from adolescence into adulthood. In this stage, the person can think hypothetically and
reduce reasoning.
Main Differences Between Vygotsky and Piaget
1. Vygotsky states that the key to cognitive development is language whereas Piaget
stated that language is just the result of cognitive development.
2. Vygotsky’s theory creates opportunities for kids to learn with the help of their
teachers and mentors whereas Piaget’s theory supports kids to experience
everything on their own.
3. Vygotsky’s theory states that development differs from culture to culture whereas
Piaget states that development is universal.
4. Vygotsky believes that people learn by interacting with others whereas Piaget
believes that people learn from their own experiences.
5. Lev Vygotsky is a social constructivist whereas Jean Piaget is a cognitive
In conclusion, when we try to compare the theories of Vygotsky and Piaget, it is easy to
identify why these both are so important in the modern world to understand cognitive
development. Both these theories are used to instruct the academic methods that were
daily used in childhood learning.
The key difference that separates both the theories is that Vygotsky felt that a child should
learn and be guided by someone mature and knowledgeable like a teacher or mentor
while Piaget believes that learning from self experiences is crucial for the development of
human intelligence. By combining both theories, there is a huge scope to teach a child to
develop critical thinking as we as cognitive awareness for an overall learning experience.