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ISBB Lecture Notes: Immunoserology & Blood Banking

Test format
Test kits
Most method used in laboratory
Rapid and inexpensive
AKA “Lateral flow dipstick immunoassay or
strip test”
Immunochromatography (sandwich assay)
Basic components of lateral flow test
Sample pad
Antigen receptor
Detect conjugate
Nitrocellulose membrane (test zone, fix
antibodies) capillary flow padulong sa test line
Test and control reagent lines
Absorbent (sink) pad (antibody)
Plastic adhesive pad
Laminated tape and strip housing/cassette
(optional because lesser ang price)
Multi device (syphilis)
Urine > sampling pad > goes to conjugate pad
> HCG antibody A (labeled with colloidal gold)
> test line (antibody B) > control Line (anti
mouse IgG antibody)
Anti B and Anti A has different binding site
Dengue duo
Ideal diagnostic tool to cover all clinical stage
from acute phase to another phase
Presumptive phase
Secondary infection (brake bone fever)
Antibodies conjugated tag (latex, fluorophore etc.)
Test line (antibodies)
Control line (anti IgG, and a valid test)
Flexible rin (any sample)
Commercially available
Easy to perform
Rapid result (reactive 2mins.) (nonreactive
depends on manual)
Stable (stored correctly)
Antigen P.F/ Pan test is rapid, qualitative and
differential test for the detection of
HRP2(histidine rich protein 2) specific to P.F
and PLDH (lactate dehydrogenase) specific to
malaria plasmodium
Distinguish P.F from other species
Useful in regions where all malaria species are
WHO prequalified
Minute specimen requirement
Test result: 15mins
Shelf life and storage temp.: 24hrs (1-40degree C)
Antibody detection
Confirmatory test (gold standard)
Antigen is coated on the surface of latex
beads to detect antibody
Widal test
Results are only qualitative
Less accurate (like pregnancy test)
Cross reactivity (resembles with another
Blue stained antigen is specific to somatic
antigen (O-Ag > early infection), red stained
antigen are specific to flagellar (H-Ag) o
granular and compact stiff react and H
cottony agglutination
Difficult and tedious perform
Time consuming
False positive
Major- donor cell + patient serum
Minor- donor serum + patient cell
Verified coombs reaction to detect
incomplete antibodies
Donated unit are tested for antibodies
Most blood is transfused as packed cell
Plasma volume is small and Abs
Biopsy (alive)
Autopsy (dead)
Frozen section
Section where the tissue has been rapidly
cooled using cryostat
Diagnosis of lesion and the lesion during the
Immediate result
Auto Technicon
Individual reagent to fixation
Serotypes in NS1 (nonstructural protein) - 4
Beta hcg sa pregnancy
Baket di na ginagawa ang widal- tedious
In widal - K is capsule
the principle of the sandwich type of ELISA
Blood Smear Malaria Parasite
Transferring decreasing the dilution for quantitative