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advanced fluid lab assignment 1

A Pelton turbine is a sort of hydroelectric turbine utilized in the power age industry.
Dissimilar to the Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine, Pelton turbines are motivation
type turbines.
Despite the fact that Pelton turbines are extremely productive, they are not quite as
normal as Kaplan and Francis turbines on the grounds that the Pelton turbine
requires an exceptionally enormous head of strain (distinction in height between the
upper and lower repository) to work; this limits its utilization to specific geological
regions as it were.
Motivation Turbines
Motivation turbines convert active energy to mechanical energy. The piece of the
turbine that switches active energy over completely to mechanical energy is known
as the sprinter. The piece of the turbine that changes mechanical energy over
completely to electrical energy is known as the generator.
How Pelton Turbines Work
Water is conveyed through a compressed water guide known as a penstock. The
penstock frames the pull side of the turbine and interfaces the upper repository to
the turbine. Toward the finish of the Penstock is a splash spout.
The shower spout switches the expected energy of the water over completely to
dynamic energy, this motor energy shows itself as a high speed stream of water that
is splashed out of the spout and towards the Pelton sprinter containers. The water
stream influences with within surface of each pail tangentially.Each container
comprises of two parts isolated by a high edge, known as a splitter. The splitter
partitions the water fly with the goal that the stream to the two sides of the
container is even. An indent on each pail permits the water stream to stream into
each container at an ideal point. The spoon state of the pail causes the dynamic
energy of the water fly to be switched over completely to mechanical energy
continuously, as the water finishes a 180-degree turn in the container. The
mechanical energy shows itself as force on the sprinter shaft, which makes the
sprinter pivot. In the wake of leaving the container, the water is released through a
release pit.
Since the Pelton sprinter is associated on a typical shaft to a generator, the generator
starts to produce power when the sprinter pivots. The generator changes over the
mechanical energy provided by the sprinter to electrical energy, which can then be
moved through an electrical framework to end purchasers.
A Kaplan turbine is a sort of propeller hydro turbine (explicitly a response turbine)
utilized in hydroelectric plants. Water streams both all through Kaplan turbines along
its rotational hub (pivotal stream). What makes Kaplan turbines unique is the sharp
edges can change their point on request to keep up with most extreme proficiency
for various stream paces of water.[2] Water coursing through a Kaplan turbine loses
pressure, this implies that a Kaplan turbine is a response turbine (like a Francis
The region that water can enter these turbines is enormous, equivalent to the whole
region that the edges possess. The huge area of Kaplan turbines make them most
valuable where enormous volumes of water stream, and can be involved even in
dams with moderately low head. This is particularly significant as past to the
improvement of the Kaplan turbine, most turbines were just appropriate for
enormous heads of water. Viktor Kaplan planned this turbine off of the plan of boat
propellers, and on account of that they work basically in a contrary manner as prop
How water is traveled through a Kaplan turbine is marginally not the same as
different turbines. To start with, the water is coordinated towards the turbine radially,
drawing closer from the side. This is done in light of the fact that the generator is
typically found some place along the hub of the turbines revolution, so on the off
chance that the generator was situated here it would get wet.Instead, guide vanes
quickly take the water through a ninety degree turn so it raises a ruckus around town
pivotally. As well as diverting the water, these vanes are adjusted to give the water a
proper measure of "twirl"
The water then, at that point, drops down over the edges of the propeller, turning it
with the "whirl" of the water. This sort of turbine is consequently referred to as a
response turbine as the response force from the push of the water on the propeller
powers the propeller to move. The water leaves the turbine axiallyllers
A Francis turbine is a sort of response turbine utilized most often in medium-or
enormous scope hydroelectric plants. These turbines can be utilized for heads as low
as 2 meters and as high as 300 meters. Also, these turbines are useful as they
function admirably when situated on a level plane as they do when they are
arranged upward. Francis turbines are the most often involved turbines for
hydropower plants. The water going through a Francis turbine loses pressure,
however remains at pretty much a similar speed, so it would be viewed as a response
Water enters these turbines radially implying that it enters the turbine opposite to
the rotational hub. When entering the turbine, the water generally streams inwards,
towards the center. Once the water has flown through the turbine, it exits pivotally lined up with the rotational hub. Francis turbines were the principal water powered
turbines that had a spiral inflow, planned by American researcher James Francis
Francis turbines are utilized much of the time in hydroelectric power plants. In these
plants, high strain water enters the turbine through the snail-shell packaging (the
volute). This brings down the strain as the water twists through the cylinder, yet the
speed of the water is kept up with. Subsequent to going through the volute, the
water travels through the aide vanes and is coordinated towards the edges on the
sprinter at ideal points.
As the water crosses the exceptionally bended cutting edges of the sprinter, the
water is redirected sideways somewhat. This makes the water lose a portion of its
"spin" movement. The water is likewise diverted pivotally, so it exits out of a draft
cylinder to the tail race. This cylinder diminishes the leave speed of the water to get
the greatest measure of energy from the info water. The course of water being
redirected through the sprinter sharp edges brings about a power that pushes the
cutting edges the other way as the water is diverted. This response force (like
Newton's third regulation) makes power be moved from the water to the turbine's
shaft, keeping up with turn. Since the turbine moves because of this response force,
Francis turbines are known as response turbines. The most common way of
redirecting the water stream likewise brings about a diminishing in strain inside the
actual turbine
An Impulse turbine is a sort of turbine wherein a high-speed stream of water strikes
the turbine edges and turns the turbine to produce power. Drive turbine deals with
the rule of Newton's subsequent regulation. Frenchmen Real and Pichon was
concocted the compound motivation turbine in 1827.
Drive turbines are the most open type of the turbine. It contains a progression of
edges and a progression of spouts. Spouts and edges are the significant parts of a
motivation turbine.
The drive turbine has numerous static spouts that convert the strain of the water
stream into active energy. Subsequent to going through the spout, the water strikes
the edges of the impeller. The turbine impeller edges get practically all of the active
energy of the water fly and convert it into water speed. These turbines use for low
water stream rates and high head capacities.
Difference between Impulse and Reaction Turbine:
An Impulse turbine is a sort of turbine wherein a high-speed stream of water strikes the
turbine edges and turns the turbine to produce power. Drive turbine deals with the rule
of Newton's subsequent regulation. Frenchmen Real and Pichon was concocted the
compound motivation turbine in 1827.
Drive turbines are the most open type of the turbine. It contains a progression of edges
and a progression of spouts. Spouts and edges are the significant parts of a motivation
The drive turbine has numerous static spouts that convert the strain of the water stream
into active energy. Subsequent to going through the spout, the water strikes the edges
of the impeller. The turbine impeller edges get practically all of the active energy of the
water fly and convert it into water speed. These turbines use for low water stream rates
and high head capacities.turbine is generally how potential form of energy is converted
to rotate the turbine wheel. A working fluid holds potential energy as a pressure head
and kinetic energy as a velocity head. The fluid may be
whether compressible or incompressible. Impulse and reaction turbines employ different
physical principles to use this energy.
In impulse turbine the steam flows through the nozzle and strikes on the moving
blades. In reaction turbine steam first flows through the guide mechanism and
then flows through the moving blades.
In impulses turbine, steam strikes on the moving blades with kinetic energy only.
But in the reaction turbine, the steam which glides over the moving blades
possesses both pressure and kinetic energy.
In impulse turbine the pressure of steam remains constant during its flow
through the moving blades. But in reaction turbine, the pressure of steam
reduces during its flow through the moving blades.
In impulse turbine the steam may or may not be admitted to the whole
circumference. In reaction turbine the steam must be admitted to the whole
The blades of the impulse turbine are symmetrical where as in reaction turbine it
is not symmetrical.
The relative velocity of steam in impulse turbine remains constant but in Reaction
turbine it increases while gliding over the blades.
For the same power developed, the number of stages required in impulse turbine
is less where as in reaction turbine the number of stages required is more.
The steam flow in impulse turbine is radial to the turbine wheel where as in
reaction turbine steam flow is radial and axial to the turbine wheel.
If we talk about the maintenance work, then impulse turbine has less
maintenance work as compared with the reaction turbine.
Impulse turbine is suitable where discharge is low and reaction turbine is suitable
for medium and high discharge.
Pelton wheel is the example of impulse turbine whereas Francis turbine, Kaplan
turbine etc. are the examples of reaction turbine
Figure of reaction and impulse turbine
 Working Principle of Impulse Turbine:
In this turbine, the static pressure inside the runners is constant, and the turbine runner is at
atmospheric pressure. The runner rotates in the air, and the blade is sprayed through the
nozzle to exchange energy with the turbine. Jet nozzles or a series of nozzles direct high-speed
flow to the blades, which are usually in the shape of a bucket or cup. Therefore, only the
pressure changes in the nozzle.
The application of curved blades is to change the velocity of flow. This strike causes a change in
speed, and a force is applied to the turbine blades based on the law of energy interaction.
According to Newton’s second law of motion, forces obtained through a motion of the fluid
depends on two factors: the mass of the fluid entering the turbine and the change in the
velocity of the fluid between the turbine inlet and outlet.
As there is no change in the fluid mass, only the change in velocity is taken into account in the
calculation of the force applied to the runner.
Thus, in the power generation process in impulse turbines, the following steps are applied.
The stored water flows upstream from a source through the penstock to reach the nozzle.
The potential energy of water inside the nozzle is converted into kinetic energy and injected
into the blade or bucket; Thus, the runner rotates.
The runner has a mechanism to control the flow of injected water. The spear usually plays an
important role in this process.
The generator connected to the shaft converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Impulse turbine has the ability to take all kinetic energy from water for high efficiency. After
reaching the runner, water is discharged into the atmosphere from the bottom of the turbine
housing; therefore, there is no suction at the bottom of the turbine. Here you can see
schematically how an impulse turbine works in the process of extracting the kinetic energy of
water as well as the power from its components.
 Working Principle of Reaction Turbine:
The working of the reaction turbine can be well understand by taking a rotor having moving
nozzles and water of high pressure is coming out of the nozzle. As the water leaves the nozzle, a
reaction force is experienced by the nozzle. This reaction force rotates the rotor at very high
In the same way in reaction turbine, a reaction force is generated by the fluid moving on the
runner blades. The reaction force produced on the runner blades makes the runner to rotate.
Fluid after moving over the runner blades enters into draft tube and finally to the trail race.
Low head and high velocity water enters the spiral casing. And as it enters the casing it starts
flowing through guide vanes into the runner blades. Guide vanes guides the flow of water to
strike the runner blades at proper angle, to produce maximum power output. The water
flowing through spiral casing is able to keep its pressure energy consistent throughout the
circumference of spiral casing due to its uniformly decreasing cross-section area. These guide
vanes can change their angle to increase or decrease the flow rate of water into turbine. And
the runner blades are also made adjustable, as when the flow of water is fast and energy
demand is less then they would pitch themselves to incline at a smaller angle with the axis of
turbine. And when the load on the turbine is more and flow of water is less, they would adjust
themselves at a greater angle with the axis of turbine. Two factors which determines the
efficiency of a reaction turbine are the angle of attack of water when it strike runner blades,
and the profile of runner blade over which water glides. Due to the adjustability of both the
guide vanes and runner blades, we are now able to use this turbine over a wide range of water
potential and load demands.
Water coming out after striking the runner blades, is at a really low pressure, so it is passed
through a draft tube with uniformly increasing cross-section area to recover its pressure as it
reaches the tail race. But unfortunately the pressure difference is too high to be recovered by a
draft tube, so this results in the problem of cavitation and corrosion.
 Airfoil Effect:
An airfoil is the foundation of wind turbine blade design, and accordingly, optimizing its design
plays a key role in improving aerodynamic performance, noise control, and structural
robustness of a rotor blade. Throughout the 40-year history of wind industry development,
airfoil optimization has had the following three primary objectives: (1) improving blade
aerodynamic performance, (2) reducing blade aerodynamic noise, and (3) increasing blade
structural robustness.
Sl. Criteria
Pelton Turbine
Francis Turbine
Kaplan Turbine
Francis Turbine is an
inward flow reaction
The operating water
head of a Francis
turbine ranges from
40 to 600m
The diameter of the
runner varies between
0.91 to 10.6
Kaplan turbine is a
propeller type
reaction turbine.
It is used for low
heads ranging from
10 to 70 meters
The flow of water is
tangential to the
runner. Hence it is also
called as tangential flow
impulse turbines
Power generated is
about 400MW
The flow of water
through the blades
combines both radial
and axial flow.
The flow of water is
axial through the
The power generated
by a Francis turbine is
about 800MW
The output power
obtained varies from
5 to 200 MW
The required discharge
for the working of a
Pelton turbine is low.
Medium discharge is
required for the
working of the Francis
A Kaplan turbine
requires high
discharge for efficient
Type of
The Pelton turbines
uses kinetic energy and
converts into
mechanical energy
The Francis turbine
converts potential
energy into
mechanical energy
The efficiency of a
Pelton turbine is about
The efficiency of a
Francis turbine is
about 90%.
The Kaplan Turbine
uses both kinetic and
potential energy,
which then is
converted into
mechanical energy.
The Kaplan turbine
gives higher
efficiency about 90%
of Flow of
the Blades
Pelton turbine is an
impulse type of water
It is used for high heads
ranging from 250 to
The diameter of the
runner varies from 0.8
to 0.6m
The diameter of the
runner varies
between 2 to 11
The above table states comparison between the three turbines based on various
The above graph shows efficiency of all these turbines at different speeds
While this graph shows the operating head and discharge for each turbine