REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON THE UNIVERSITY OF BAMENDA Peace-Work-Fatherland P.O BOX 39 Bambili School/Faculty: NAHPI Course Code: MECE2207 Department/Year:All Departments/ Year 1 Course Title: Engineering Fluid Mechanics Lecturer: Pr. FAUTSO / Dr. DJOMO Course Credits: 4 Exercise1: 10marks As shown, a round viewing window of diameter D 0.8m is situated in a large tank of seawater S 1.08 . The top of the window is 1.2m below the water surface, and the window is angled at 60 with respect to the horizontal. Find the hydrostatic force acting on the window and locate the corresponding Center of Pressure. Exercise 2: 10marks A general equation for a steady, two-dimensional velocity field that is linear in both spatial directions (x and y) is: V u, v U a1 x b1 y i V a2 x b2 y j where U and V the coefficients are constants. Their dimensions are assumed to be appropriately defined. 1- Calculate the x- and y-components of the acceleration field. 2- What relationship must exist between the coefficients to ensure that the flow field is incompressible? 3- Calculate the linear strain rates in the x- and y-directions.