Uploaded by Arnold Mafikeni Sibanda

Business Communication Marking Guide

What are the benefits of effective communication in the workplace and also highlight the
positive effects of advertising.
Introduction (10marks)
Workplace communication is the transmitting of information between one people or group
and another person or group in an organization. I t can include emails, text messages,
voicemails, notes, etc. Advertising campaigns maybe useful for consumers from the point of
view of dissemination of information. Such information is necessary when buyers have to
make a choice from the various products and services or from the different braids of a
Body/Content (60marks)
Team building; Increase customer satisfaction; Increase productivity; Increase commitment;
Create health working relationships; Increase efficiency; Breeds trust; Overcome obstacles;
Higher engagement; Eliminate barriers; etc
Positive social effects of advertising are:
Informed society; Health and hygiene awareness; Rights of consumers; Preventative course
for dreaded diseases; New ideas; Creativity of people; Environmental protection; Social
change; Quality consciousness and Promotion of national interest.
Explain all the above points.
Conclusion (10marks)
No matter where you sit, team leader or team mate, effective communication is everyone’s
responsibility. It is a lot more than just communicating, it involves knowing your audience’
building trust and encouraging involvement. Effective communication takes work but, if you
get it right, your team will be more productive and less stressed. Advertising campaigns
maybe useful for consumers from the point of view of dissemination of information, such
information is necessary when buyers have to make a choice from the various products and
services or from the different brands of a product.
Language usage (05marks)
No spelling and grammatical errors.
References (10marks)
All sources consulted must be listed at the end of the assignment and a minimum of four
sources are allowed.
Presentation (05marks)
Work should be well presented, neat ‘ no typing errors , unnecessary canceling.
Total (100marks)