Summary of Theories Relating to Learning and Human Development Citation: Huitt, W. (2013, December). Summary of theories relating to learning and development. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved [date], from Return to: | EdPsyc Interactive: Courses | Home Page | We have reviewed a number of theories related to how human beings learn and develop. On this website, learning is defined as "a relatively permanent change in behavior or behavior potential brought about as a result of experience" and development is defined as "as a relatively permanent change in behavior or behavior potential brought about as a result of maturation or biological function." The following table provides an overview of the major schools of thought related to learning and development. DIMENSION Behavioral Observable behavior Primary Focus Information Processing Mental behavior Humanistic Social Learning, Cognitive Social Connectivism Constructivism, Constructivism & Social Cognition Affect/Values Mental behavior Social influences SelfStimulusAcquisition concept/Self- Developmental Modeling & response of knowledge esteem processes vicarious connections learning Needs Intelligence Attitudes Critical Goals thinking Learning is a Learning is a result of result of Assumptions environmental mental operations/ forces processing Learning is a Learning is the result of result of the affect/emotion construction of and goalmeaning by the individual orientation Learning is a result of influences of social environment Knowledge and attitudes developed through interaction with digital networks Learning is a result of receiving information from and learner Contiguity Information Processing Affect Developmental Self-concept Sociohistorical Self-efficacy (Instrumental) Critical Thinking contributing to digital social networks Maturationists Observational None yet (Social) developed Respondent Motivation & Information (Classical) Hierarchical needs processing Subcategories Operant on thinking Self-esteem Goal-setting Selfregulation Thorndike Dewey Siemans Bruner Vygotsky Downes Watson Skinner Neisser Maslow Sears Ausubel N.V. Peale Pajares Gagne Ziglar Schunck Pavlov Major Theorists Piaget Atkinson and Rogers Shriffin Combs Craik and Lockhart Purkey Bandura Bloom Time/place pairings Memory is limited Biological basis of behavior Changes in complexity Individual uniqueness Diagnose learner readiness Social Learning in interaction the digital with adults and age is primarily peers influence by Reciprocal connection determinism to digital networks Selfdetermination Structure learning Changes over Dreams and experiences Principles Consequences time goals are vital using spiral for success organization Individual Modeling responsibility Good Facilitate thinking student requires extrapolation standards and filling in his or her knowledge Learning is a function of connecting to and developing digital networks gaps Personal construction of meaning is critical Experimental Experimental/ Clinical methods correlational method Methods Laboratory studies Natural observation Paper/pencil Paper/pencil Structured observation Systematic observation Experimental/ Mainly correlational qualitative Systematic observation Paper/pencil Applying principles from these theories of learning and development can help you guide your own learning. Theory Principles Behavioral Information Processing Humanistic Have specific goals and objectives that state precisely what you are to learn. Break the goals and objectives into manageable units. Interact with the material while you are listening or reading (e.g., take notes, answer previously developed questions) Reward yourself for learning activities and outcomes (e.g., listen to one song after 20 minutes of studying; go to a movie when you make an "A" on an exam) Make sure you're paying attention during lectures and reading. Overview any reading before you actually get started. Identify major terms and concepts. Ask yourself different levels of questions when you study (e.g., low level -what does this term mean; higher level -- how could I use this concept or principle; how is this concept similar or different from another) Give yourself time to allow time to pass before a review Think about how this learning relates to your life goals or mission. Make sure you feel comfortable as you start your learning; if you feel stressed, take a few minutes to relax (close your eyes, imagine yourself in your favorite spot or activity; breath slowly and deeply) Cognitive Constructivism Social Learning, Social Constructivism, & Social Cognition Connectivism Imagine how you will feel when you successfully take a test on this material. Make a game out of learning the material; make it fun. Before you get started, review activity or concept and reflect on how this might be similar to something you've already done. Try to apply the principle or think about how you might apply it. Work with another student as you identify important terms, concepts, and principles. Work in a study group to learn the material. Take action and then reflect on how successful you have been in the learning process. Set goals for learning the concepts or skills, not just making a passing score on a test. Keep records of your learning activities and reflect on which ones seem to work best; talk about these with other students. Actively connect to various networks of knowers, inquirers, and knowledge bases. Become producers of knowledge that can be accessed throughout your lifetime and connect that knowledge to others' or personally developed knowledge bases. Return to: EdPsyc Interactive: Courses Home Page