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1.1 Background to the Study
According to many academics in the discipline, it is reasonable to suppose that
communication is the way through which humans form connections, coordinate actions, and
maintenance organizations. Organizations, in reality, create human networks. These
individuals must communicate with one another to complete the duties required to achieve the
organization's objectives. Given that 'communication' and 'organization' are abstract terms,
both managerial and employee duties in an organization are frequently challenged with
communication complications (Amine Belmejdoub 2017). So, to discover what the
communication's subject is, these two notions must be de-mystified and made tangible. Who
is involved in this? What exactly is the point of communication? Furthermore, empirical study
has revealed that excellent communication is one of the most important characteristics of
leadership. The notion that some people are born leaders and that others will never learn to
lead effectively is no longer valid. The belief that leadership and communication abilities can
be learned has taken their place. Every organization's primary goal is to save money and time.
What is the relationship between these two notions and good communication? Effective
communication has a positive impact on every connection in life; it is essential for personal
success, corporate success, non-profit organization success, and family success. Time can be
saved, though, by using clear and understandable communication. Money can also be saved
through total quality communication, which indoctrinates a very effective yet simple
communication process that allows for a clear message to be sent, overcomes communication
barriers, ensures the right message has been received using the appropriate medium, and
finally allows for appropriate feedback to be built. For the business, family, non-profit, and
government, whole quality communication means reaping significant rewards and attaining
success. Increased profit, not just for the company, but also for personal profit and success,
whether as an employee, a business associate, or a manager, is what is meant by business
Communication is the process of transmitting a message through many mediums; it
can be spoken or nonverbal, formal or informal, as long as it conveys a thought-provoking
idea, gesture, movement, or other forms of expression. Communication is a skill that can be
learned. Although most people are born with the ability to speak, we must learn to speak
clearly and efficiently. We learn speaking, listening, and our ability to interpret verbal and
nonverbal meanings in a variety of ways. Observing other individuals and modeling our
behaviours after what we see is how we learn basic communication skills. However, it is
critical to emphasize that information is useless unless it is delivered to the person who will
receive it or who requires it. Communication, therefore, is the process of transmitting,
disseminating, or passing information from one person to the other or from one place to the
other. In other words, communication is the process of creating, transmitting, and interpreting
ideas, facts, opinions, and feelings. It is a process that is essentially a sharing one, a mutual
interchange between two or more persons. In addition, communication is the exchange of
information between managers. (Aidin & Mirjana 2018)
Lovlyn (2016), claims that organizational development necessitates the use of
communication. It infiltrates every part of a business. It is a vital instrument for social
interactions as well as a platform for the establishment and maintenance of all relationships.
Communication is the process of conveying common information via the use of symbols. The
word "communication" comes from the Latin word "communism," which means "to share."
Sharing denotes "participating" and "collaborating," therefore it is a social activity, but there
is no communication unless a shared understanding is reached through the transmission of
symbols (verbal or nonverbal). Effective managerial communication is critical to achieving
organizational objectives. Managers who want to enhance their communication skills must
first improve their message - the information they want to convey. Second, they must increase
their knowledge of what others are attempting to communicate to them; they must seek to
understand others as well as to be understood. While an organization's physical location,
purpose, and objectives are all important, members of the group also have their own goals. All
of these factors interact in the workplace, resulting in what we call organizational climates.
Ineffective communication in a company, on the other hand, can lead to ambiguity,
apprehension, and unhappiness, all of which lead to lower productivity. As a result, managers
must effectively interact with their workforce. The ability of a manager to communicate
effectively determines how well he achieves company objectives. The fact is that many CEOs
still don't grasp what communication is or how important it is to a company's success. Strikes
and lockouts are less likely when there is effective communication among employees. When
communication is ineffective, organizational aims and goals might be defeated.
Communication deficiencies have resulted in waste and costly blunders. As a result of the
preceding scenario, a critical evaluation of the role of communication in organizational
strategic management is required.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Any organization has its mission in which corporative objective is driven for better attainment
and increase organization profitability. Thus organization requires skilled human resources to
achieve the set corporate objective. These human resources require clear, concise, and
complete information for better implementation and success of the business. Therefore,
effective communication as a strategic tool for organizational success emphasizes learning
teamwork, safety, innovation, and developing the quality of decision making. Also, effective
communication encourages formal channels of communication through the use of official
letters, telephone, regular memos, and training. However, Osun State Polytechnic, iree and
Osun State University Osogbo are like any other public organization in the country have their
objective to be achieved. Thus employees are required to communicate with each other within
and outside the department to share ideas, and experiences and achieve the corporate goals at
the optimal level. But in Ire Polytechnic communication was observed to be a big problem
simply because both employees do not follow the formal channels of communication resulting
in the delivery of unclear, incomplete messages and delay of messages to the destination
point. All of these led to poor relations at the workplace and difficulty in implementing the set
objectives at the optimal level which aimed to enable its dwellers to raise their standards.
Moreover, the existing situation in the institution causes distress for employees, students,
dwellers, and school management who often want more information than is usual. This has
forced the researcher to conduct a study to investigate the factors hindering effective
communication breakdown and its effect on managing and enterprises. (Mwambebeule 2013).
1.3 Research Questions
❖ What impact does communication have on achieving organizational strategic goals?
❖ What factors prevent effective communication in the delivery of services?
❖ What measures can be put in place to eliminate the communication breakdown/problems
To improve quality service delivery?
❖ What is the most suitable pattern of communication adopted?
1.4 Objectives of the Study
➢ To evaluate the impact of communication in achieving the organizational strategic goals
➢ To investigate factors that prevents effective communication in the delivery of service.
➢ To establish measures that can be put in place to significantly reduce Communication
breakdown/problems to improve the quality of service.
➢ To find out the most suitable pattern of communication adopted.
1.5 Hypotheses of the Study
The following null hypotheses were formulated for testing
Ho(i) There are no communication Channels used in achieving the organizational strategic
Ho(ii) There are communication Channels used in achieving the organizational strategic goals
Ho(iii) There is no suitable pattern of communication adopted.
Ho(iv) There are no measures that can be put in place to reduce the communication
breakdown/problem to improve the quality of service delivery.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The study is expecting to come up with the knowledge of examining Communication
Breakdown and its effects on managing enterprises at Osun State polytechnic, Iree and Osun
state University, this study will help in understanding how effective communication between
employees and top management affects the work performance in the organization. Secondly,
the study will make contributions to expanding literature on issues related to factors hindering
effective communication between top management and employees at work organizations. The
results from the study will be more useful to decision-makers, policymakers, Nongovernmental organizations, civil society organizations as well as National and International
organizations dealing with the management of human resources who are the engineers of the
organization's success. The purpose is to make effective use of potential talented human
1.7 Scope of the Study
The study is based on the study of communication breakdown and its effects on managing
enterprise a case study of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree and Osun State University involving
school management, staff, and institution members among others.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Communication: Communication is defined as the process of exchanging messages between
two parties to have such messages understood and appropriate action can be taken.
Organization: is defined as a group of people with common goals to achieve
Populations: This is defined as a group of people who are similar in or more ways and which
form the subject of study in a particular study.
Sample: A sample is defined as a fractional represent actives of an object from which
inferences are drawn.
Information: information is processed data or results from logical manipulation of data
which allows decision making.
Data: Data are those facts and figures about people, machines, objectives, places e.t.c are
Superior: This is a term used to refer to people on top levels of management.
Subordinate: These are those low-rank workers that carry out the duties passed to them
Receiver: This is referred to as the person that receives the message recording it to
understand it.
Encoding: This is the process of translating the message into symbolic form e.g through
writing, picture, and speech.
Feedback: This is the final step of the process that ensures the receiver has received the
message and interpreted it correctly has received the message and interpreted it correctly as it
was intended by the sender.
This chapter discusses the extensive review of existing works related to the research. This
includes conceptual review, conceptual framework, empirical review, theoretical review, and
theoretical framework on the research topic of examining communication breakdown and its
effects on managing enterprises and other relevant theories associated with the research
topics. Other research concepts and systematic theories will be reviewed and analyzed in
connection with this study
1.1 Conceptual Review
Communication and Organization
Communication is the process of transmitting a message through many mediums; it
can be spoken or nonverbal, formal or informal, as long as it conveys a thought-provoking
idea, gesture, movement, or another form of expression. Communication is a skill that can be
learned. Although most people are born with the ability to speak, we must learn to speak
clearly and efficiently. We learn speaking, listening, and our ability to interpret verbal and
nonverbal meanings in a variety of ways. Observing other individuals and modeling our
behaviours after what we see is how we learn basic communication skills. However, it is
critical to emphasize that information is useless unless it is delivered to the person who will
receive it or who needs it. The process of conveying, disseminating, or passing information
from one person to another or from one location to another is referred to as communication.
Communication, in other terms, is the process of generating, transferring, and interpreting
ideas, facts, views, and feelings. It's a procedure that's essentially a sharing one, with two or
more people exchanging information. Furthermore, communication refers to the sharing of
information between management. Aidin and Mirjana, (2018)
Communication and Strategic Management Defined Communication has been defined and
explained in different ways by intellectuals of diverse interests and disciplines in
management, psychology, and sociology. Communication touches every aspect of life
including domestic, business, and social interactions. Communication is the use of words,
signs, and symbols to interchange ideas, emotions, facts, and information by two or more
persons. (Lovlyn 2016), also defines communication as a process that involves the
transmission of a message or information through a channel from a sender to a receiver. From
a wider perspective, communication is a process by which information is passed between
individuals and organizations employing previously agreed symbols.
Communication as Essential Tool for Achievement of Strategic Goals in Organization
Management is the process through which an organization defines how it will aim to attain
the long-term objectives stated in its mission statement, according to (Lovlyn2016). As a
result, a strategic plan is a blueprint for action that can subsequently be transformed into a
full-fledged company plan. Organizational success necessitates strategic management. It is the
dynamic aspect of management that allows the organization to achieve its long-term goals in a
competitive marketplace. Due to the increasing complexity of modern business organizations,
the strategic dimension of management has grown in importance in recent years, which
comments that "what business strategy is all about, In a nutshell, competitive advantage.
There would be no need for strategy if there were no competitors because the entire aim of
strategic planning is to enable the organization to gain a sustainable edge over its competitors
as efficiently as feasible." As Image correctly points out. "What matters is not how much a
manager talks, but what he says." That is why some researchers define communication as the
process by which members of an organization interact with one another by exchanging ideas,
facts, and sentiments via words, letters, memoranda, symbols, and bulletins. In this context,
communication and corporate success are inextricably linked. To achieve corporate goals, the
manager must be able to transfer information, ideas, attitudes, and sentiments through the
communication process. It is clear from the numerous submissions that communication entails
much more than the transmission of information between people; it should be stressed,
however, that feedback is essential for communication to be meaningful and full. Feedback
informs the sender whether or not the message was received in the manner intended and
appropriately interpreted to achieve the intended goal. Managers are effective to the extent
that they can communicate instructions, ideals, and feelings both within and outside the
organization. Management communicates skills and information to members for them to carry
out strategic tasks.
According to (Lovlyn 2016), the exact word used in communication carries 7% of the
meaning, tone conveys 38%, and body language conveys 55%. As a result, the most important
part of effective communication is not what you say, but how you say it and how you express
it. Two important managerial tasks supported by communication were outlined in an attempt
to justify the importance of communication in the achievement of the organization's strategic
goals, the supply of a vehicle through which a plan of action may be carried out, as well as the
provision of a means by which organization members can be inspired to carry out corporate
strategies gladly and enthusiastically. As a result, the issuance of instructions and participative
reaction is completely dependent on communication. As a result, he defined four primary
functions of communication in management, which are as follows:
Information function: Communication provides information needed for decisionmaking. Motivational function: communication permits the expression of feelings and
the satisfaction of social needs.
Communication serves as the lifeblood of an organization because through it employees
understand their role in a system.
It is the tool through which effective control of organizational activities may be
instituted. It could be inferred from the above that organizational activities and
operations, which are normally performed by employees are achieved using effective
communication as an indispensable instrument.
Types of Communication There are three basic types of communication namely: verbal/oral,
written, and non-verbal communication.
Verbal Communication: This takes place mostly in a face–to–face situation/relationship. It
can also be extended to the use of instrument/electronic devices such as telephone and public
address systems. The most important factor is that the human voice is heard.
Written Communication: This requires competence in writing and reading skills. In written
communication, oral messages are translated into alphabetic symbols, words, and sentences.
Non-Verbal Communication: This is communication without the use of words and letter
symbols. Information and messages communicated non-verbally are neither written nor
spoken instead; such messages are communicated through our physical environment, body
movement, drawing, and pictures including sign language. The general categories that are
especially important to communication in international management are Kinesics and
Kinesics: This refers to the study of communication through body movement and facial
expression. The primary area of concern is posture and gestures.
Proxemics: This is the study of the way people use physical space to convey messages. For
example in the United States, there are four “distances” people use in communication on a
face-to-face basis. An intimate distance is used for very confidential communications.
Personal distance is used for talking with family and close friends. Social distance is used to
handle most business transactions. Public distance is used when calling the room or giving a
talk to the group.
2.1.1 Conceptual Framework
Source: Nayebale (2017)
In the above conceptual framework, the most commonly used communication channels
include letters, e boards-mail, and telephone; these however are affected by factors such as
corruption, and physical and language barriers. All can be put right through message
feedback, availability, and regular.
Communication channels Used in an Enterprise.
Today, with the help of media richness theory, it has been realized that the appropriate choice
of the communication channel (medium) contributes significantly, to the success of a message
in an Institution. Appropriate choice helps senders communicate clearly, and saves time and
money. Therefore, examining the various communication channels to understand their
appropriate use is important as discussed below.
These are formal written organizational documents used in an Institution. They are relevant
communication channels in service delivery especially if one wants to convey important
information for example invitations for meetings, appointments such as job offers or refusals,
promotions, awards and honors, and other kinds of special announcements. Also, they are an
appropriate channel for certain attempts at persuasion, such as soliciting contributions to a
special cause, asking someone to speak to a group, or proposing the acceptance of an idea.
Message E-mail is another communication channel used by employees in service delivery, it
is instantaneous and is available to anyone with a computer terminal via the website. In an
enterprise, it is useful for example when an employee who has a great idea, but who is afraid a
superior may take credit for it, can send the CEO a message on the corporation’s website.
Some corporations even encourage their computer-literate customers to e-mail comments and
complaints about the quality of services directly to the people at the top.
Today with the coming place of mobile telephones, the telephone has become the richest
communication channel in an enterprise. Most people own mobile phones which helps in
improving service delivery as people can easily call policymakers and service providers and
inquire about the progress of services being provided. For example, a concerned citizen can
make a telephone call to the district chairman concerning the poor state of the road in the
village. It transmits sound rather than printed words and sound can enrich the message’s
words with emphasis and emotion. It also allows for immediate feedback, qualifying it as a
richer channel one would use to get important, immediate responses. The choice of this
channel to transmit a message is highly contextual. Others view the telephone as an important
way of doing things accurately. These receivers often carry cell phones or pagers so they can
get important messages wherever they go.
Meetings are ranked as the top of the richest communication channel used in an enterprise.
Meetings allow complete use of all senses and continuous feedback. Meetings are a good
choice for no routine business, such as planning, analyzing, negotiating issues, and solving or
resolving problems. Additionally, the face-to-face meetings of teams often provide a
synergistic effect that improves the outcome of their actions. The collaboration efforts face-toface meetings evoke are often worth the time and expense of using this channel.
Enterprise also uses Posters as a channel of communication to display topics related to health
and safety in the institutions, tenders awarded and other issues related to public and civic
education. Posters contain pictorial diagrams, charts, and photographs to explain the topic
Notice Boards
Notice boards are usually placed on the front walls of the organization. In an Enterprise,
notice boards are used to display notices, memos, and circulars issued by the management for
administrative purposes, circulars related to hours of work, labor laws, any new rules and
regulations, new employees among others are pinned on notice boards where everyone can be
in a position to read.
Memos are business letters but are used within an organization and for employees and
students. In an Enterprise, Memos are used to give information to employees such as changes
in some procedures or rules, policy changes, or for a specific purpose like the request to
attend a meeting needed to improve service delivery.
Television and radio
Television and radio are channels of the mass media, which are effective means of
broadcasting information to many people at once. These channels are relevant in making
creating public awareness about service delivery. This is done in form of radio talk shows and
advertisements among others. Television and radio are effective means of broadcasting
information to many people at once.
Informal communication channels
Informal methods of communication, such as rumors and the company “grapevine” can be out
of the company’s control. A grapevine is a bottom-up form of communication, in which
employees try to understand what is happening around them when there is no official word
from management. When management is silent, employees fill the void with verbal guesses
about what is happening. It may start when the graveyard shifts loading dock workers a better
are laid off because better production scheduling eliminates their jobs. The second shift
loaders may interpret the loss of that shift's jobs as an economic signal that the company is in
trouble. A telephone receptionist who fields calls for senior managers from competitors might
conclude that the company is negotiating to buy out, or be bought out. She passes the word
that something big is up. Junior who notices out-of-town consultants nosing around may smell
“restructuring” in the wind. Nayebale (2017).
Factors that prevent effective communication in service delivery
According to Nayebale (2017), several factors prevent effective communication in the
delivery of services.
Physical barriers are frequently related to the environment's nature, such as the natural
barrier that arises because most staff members are placed in various buildings or on different
sites within the Institution, i.e. different sub-counties, preventing good communication in the
service delivery process. Poor or old equipment, as well as management's failure to introduce
new technology, can also cause issues. Another element that regularly generates
communication problems for an organization and, as a result, affects the quality of service
delivery is staff shortages.
System design faults refer to issues with an organization's existing structures or systems.
This could include an unclear organizational structure that makes it difficult to determine who
to communicate with. Inefficient or inappropriate information systems, a lack of supervision
or training, and a lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities can leave employees unsure of
what is expected of them., Nayebale (2017).
Attitudinal barriers
There has always been an issue with bad attitudes among employees in most businesses.
According to Nayebale (2017), these can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor
management, a lack of consultation with employees, personality conflicts that cause people to
delay or refuse to communicate, individual employee attitudes that can be caused by a lack of
motivation or dissatisfaction at work, insufficient training to enable them to perform specific
tasks, or simply resistance to change due to entrenched attitudes. Most workers in most
businesses are dissatisfied with government salaries, which is why there have been strikes,
particularly among teachers, lecturers, and health care workers.
Psychological factors
We all tend to feel happier and more receptive to information when the sun shines. Equally, if
someone has personal problems like worries about their health or marriage, then this will
probably affect them and consequently affect communication among workers and even
service delivery.
Individual linguistic ability
The use of difficult or inappropriate words in communication can prevent people from
understanding the message. Poorly explained or misunderstood messages can also confuse.
We can all think of situations where we have listened to something explained that we just
could not grasp.
Lack of Sensitivity
Every receiver is unique and receives messages differently. The sender of the message needs
to show sensitivity toward the receiver by adapting the method of sending the messes. If the
receiver is angry, the sender should wait until the receiver has calmed down before saying
what needs to be said. If the receiver is young and lacks knowledge, the sender should explain
things carefully.
Lack of Skills
There is a certain level of skill needed to communicate a message. However, some people do
not possess communication skills thus they are unable to form grammatically correct
sentences, as well as be familiar with the terms they are saying. The receiver needs to be e
familiar with the sender’s language, as well as the terms being used. If a receiver and/or
sender don’t have the basic skills needed, this prevents effectiveness.
Lack of Knowledge
Not only does the receiver need a certain level of knowledge to understand a message, but the
sender must know the subject under discussion. If the sender gives false information on a
particular subject, it leads to a confusing receiver. Any type of confusion means the
communication efforts were unsuccessful and this brings about a mismatch in service
providers hence poor quality services.
A message cannot be received if it contains too much information. Nayebale (2017), says that
if a message is too long and contains too much information, the receiver will become
overloaded. Overload of information causes the receiver of the message to shut down and stop
receiving altogether. In Local Governments for example service providers are few in
comparison to the number of people they are supposed to deliver services to.
Emotional Interference
Anger, excitement, resentment, and grief are just a few emotions that might make it difficult
for someone to receive a message (Nayebale 2017). People in an enterprise have issues with
payroll deletion, corruption scandals, and aging personnel. These emotions agitate people, and
they end up obstructing efficient communication in the service delivery process. This is
because people may be too depressed to understand that life goes on or that things will
improve. Anger is one of the most disruptive emotions.
Organizational Culture
Individuals in organizations have shared values, attitudes, and expectations, which is referred
to as organizational culture. Culture, according to Nayebale (2017), can have a significant
impact on efforts to change specific procedures or processes because of its shared character
and an implicit awareness of corporate norms and values. Organizational culture has an
impact on any attempt to execute change, for better or worse. Organizational culture
characteristics have also been connected to different aspects of organizational success in the
literature, including financial performance, customer and employee satisfaction, and
Overcoming Communication Barriers
Recognizing that environmental and personal barriers exist is the first step to effective
communication. By becoming cognizant of their existence, one can consciously minimize
their impact. However, positive actions are needed to overcome these barriers. (Adu-Oppong,
2014), provides us with several guidelines for overcoming communication barriers:
❖ Receivers and senders can eliminate environmental obstacles by paying attention to their
messages and devoting enough time to listening to what is being communicated.
❖ A management strategy that promotes open communication is beneficial. Reduce the
number of links (levels in the organizational hierarchy or steps between the sender and the
receiver) between the sender and the recipient.
❖ The power/status barrier can be eliminated by carefully tailoring words and symbols so that
communications are understandable; reinforcing words with actions considerably improves
communication among different power/status levels.
❖ The use of several channels to reinforce complicated concepts reduces the possibility of
misinterpretation. Personal obstacles to effective communication are lowered when senders
and receivers make conscious efforts to comprehend one other's values and beliefs. People
are prone to jealousy and fear because they engage in selective perception. Sharing empathy
with those to whom messages are sent is the most effective technique to improve
❖ Use techniques that extend beyond traditional organizational lines to facilitate
communication. For instance, the use of diagonal communication that flows through task
forces or committees enhances communication throughout the organization.
❖ Use management processes that are cross-organizational rather than confined to functional
or department procedures. Implementing management processes in the areas of planning,
controlling, and managing information systems facilitates communication.
❖ To improve cooperation among members of organizations, use human resources policies and
processes (job training and work rotation). To achieve successful communication, use
management techniques to handle issues equitably.
Improving Communication Effectiveness
Once environmental and personal barriers are dealt with, a way is paved for improving
communication in the organization. Effective communication being a two-way process
requires effort and skill by both sender and receiver. Administrators will at times assume each
of these roles in the communication process. Given the increased efficacy of communication,
the following obligations of senders and recipients are discussed:
Sender's Responsibilities
Several communication theorists have proposed ten guidelines of good communication, which
are particularly applicable to the sender. These guidelines, together with a basic understanding
of the communication process itself, should provide a good foundation for developing and
maintaining an effective set of interpersonal communication skills, which administrators can
use when communicating with various stakeholders.
1. Administrators need to clarify their ideas before communicating. The more systematically
administrators analyze the problem or idea to be communicated, the clearer it becomes. This
is the first step toward effective communication. Many communications fail because of
inadequate planning. Good planning must consider the goals, attitudes, and needs of those
who will receive the communication and those who will be affected by it.
2. Administrators need to examine the true purpose of each communication. Before
administrators communicate, they must ask themselves what they want to polish with their
message (obtain information, initiate action, or change another person's attitude?)
Administrators need to identify their most important goal and then adapt their language, tone,
and total approach to serving that specific objective. Administrators should not try to
accomplish too much with each communication because the sharper the focus of their
message, the greater its chances of success.
3. Administrators need to consider the total physical and human setting. Meaning and intent
are conveyed by more than words alone. Many other factors influence the overall impact of
communication, and administrators must be sensitive to the total setting in which they
communicate: the circumstances under which an announcement or decision is made; the
physical setting, whether the communication is made in private or otherwise; the social
climate that pervades work relationships within the department and sets the tone of its
communications; custom and practice, the degree to which the communication conforms to,
or departs from, the expectations of the audience. Administrators should constantly be aware
of the total setting in which they communicate. Like all living things, communication must be
capable of adapting to its environment.
4. Administrators need to consult with others, when appropriate, in planning
communications. Frequently, it is desirable or necessary to seek the participation of others in
planning a communication or in developing the facts on which to base the communication.
Such consultation often lends additional insight and objectivity to the message. Moreover,
those who have helped plan the communication will give it their active support.
5. Administrators need to be mindful, while communicating, of the overtones as well as the
basic content of the message. The administrator’s tone of voice, expression, and apparent
receptiveness to the responses of others all have a tremendous impact on those the
administrator wishes to reach. Frequently overlooked, these subtleties of communication often
affect a listener's reaction to a message even more than its basic content. Similarly, the
administrator’s choice of language particularly his/her awareness of the fine shades of
meaning and emotion in the words used predetermines in large part the reactions of the
6. Administrators need to take the opportunity, when it arises, to convey something of help
or value to the receiver. Consideration of the other person's interests and needs, trying to look
at things from the other person's point of view frequently points up opportunities to convey
something of immediate benefit or long-range value to the other person. Staff members are
most responsive to administrators whose messages take staff interests into account.
7. Administrators need to follow up on their communication. An administrator’s best efforts
at communication may be wasted, and he/she may never know whether he/she has succeeded
in expressing his/her true meaning and intent if he/she does not follow up to see how well
he/she has put his/her message across. An administrator can do this by asking questions,
encouraging the receiver to express his/her reactions, by follow-up contacts, and by
subsequent review of performance. An administrator needs to make certain that every
important communication has feedback so that complete understanding and appropriate action
8. Administrators need to communicate for tomorrow as well as today. Although
communications may be aimed primarily at meeting the demands of an immediate situation,
they must be planned with the past in mind if they are to maintain consistency in the receiver's
view. Most important, however, communications must be consistent with long-range interests
and goals. For example, it is not easy to communicate frankly on such matters as poor
performance or the shortcomings of a loyal staff member, but postponing disagreeable
communications makes these matters more difficult in the long run.
9. Administrators need to be sure that their actions support their communications. In the
final analysis, the most persuasive kind of communication is not what administrators say, but
what they do. When administrators’ actions or attitudes contradict their words, others tend to
discount what they have said. For every administrator, this means that good supervisory
practices such as the clear assignment of responsibility and authority, fair rewards for effort,
and sound policy enforcement serve to communicate more than all the gifts of oratory.
10. Administrators need to seek, not only to be understood but to understand and be a good
listener. When an administrator starts talking, he/she often cease to listen, at least in that
larger sense of being attuned to the other person's unspoken reactions and attitudes. Even
more serious is the occasional inattentiveness an administrator may be guilty of when others
are attempting to communicate with him. Listening is one of the most important, most
difficult, and most neglected skills in communication. It demands that the administrator
concentrates not only on the explicit meanings another person is expressing, but also on the
implicit meanings, unspoken words, and undertones that may be far more significant. Thus,
an administrator must learn to listen with the inner ear if he/she is to know the inner person.
Receiver's Responsibilities
Communication depends on the ability not only to send but also to receive messages. So the
ability to listen effectively greatly enhances the communication process (Adu-Oppong, 2014).
But many of us are not good listeners. Effective listening skills can be developed, however.
(Adu-Oppong, 2014), proposes ten guidelines for good listening:
1. Put a stop to it. When you're talking, you can't listen.
2. Make the speaker feel at ease. Assist a person in feeling comfortable enough to speak.
This is commonly referred to as a permissive environment.
3. Show a speaker that you'd want to hear. Act as though you're intrigued. Rather than
opposing, listen to understand. Listening necessitates the use of two ears, one for meaning and
the other for sensation. 4. Remove any potential sources of distraction. Maintain your focus
and pay attention.
5. Empathize with talkers. Try to help yourself see the other person's point of view.
6. Be patient. Allow plenty of time. Do not interrupt a talker. Do not start for the door or
walk away.
7. Hold your temper. An angry person takes the wrong meaning from words.
8. Go easy on argument and criticism. These put people on the defensive, and they may
clam up or become angry. Do not argue: Even if you win, you lose.
9. Ask questions. This encourages a talker and shows that you are listening. It helps to
develop points further.
10. Stop talking. This is first and last because all other guides depend on it. You cannot do an
effective listening job while you are talking. Nature gave people two ears but only one
tongue, which is a gentle hint that they should listen more than they talk. Administrators who
do not listen have less information for making sound decisions.
2.2 Empirical Review
Communication is the process of transmitting information and common understanding from
one person to another. Communication in the workplace is critical to establishing and
maintaining quality working relationships in organizations. This paper discusses the
communication process, and communication barriers, and provides guidelines for
administrators to improve communication effectiveness. (Adu-Oppong, 2014).
Mirjana and Aidin (2018) emphasize that. Communication, as a management function is a
process of creating, communicating, and interpreting ideas, facts, opinions, and feelings about
work performance, organizational effectiveness, and efficiency as well as goal attainment in
the organization. A manager must be an effective communicator and no organization can
succeed or progress, or build up a reputation without effective communication skills. The
poor communication systems may result in mismanagement and bad business results. Our aim
was in this paper to show that the success of any business lies in effective communication and
that effective communication is essential for the survival and progress of a business concern.
We also pointed out that communication skills need to be developed on an ongoing basis and
especially in a turbulent business environment. Communication is a key element of human
behaviour. In other words, it is an act by which one person gives to or receives information
from another person about that person's needs, desires, knowledge, opinions, and perceptions.
Communication in the workplace can occur under many different modes such as writing,
verbal and nonverbal (body gestures and facial expressions). In business and industry,
communication helps to align workers to work with one another and to achieve the objective
of the organization, which means objectives, can be in the target, attained, and improved.
Without workplace communication, nothing can be done.
According to Phillip and Michael (2018), an array of studies identifies that effective
communication is imperative in the workplace to increase employee productivity and
organizational performance. Despite the benefits that emerge in the use of effective
communication strategies within an organization, many organizations face numerous
challenges that emerge in communication breakdowns and disconnects. These challenges
affect performance and compromise success. This paper intends to use a mixed-method
approach that includes a literature review and gathering of primary data from questionnaires
and interviews to determine the communication problems in management. The data analysis
is achieved through qualitative and quantitative strategies. The study identifies that the lack of
effective communication is centered on the perceptions that exist within the workforce.
Managers perceive that their strategies are effective when in some cases they are not. The
study also identifies that tech-assisted communication systems would increase productivity.
From these insights, organizations must implement changes that will foster effective
communication throughout the organization. Accounting to Lovlyn (2016), Communication is
the act of passing information from one person to another so that it can be received in the
manner they were meant. The major objective of this study is to investigate the relationship
between effective communication and the strategic management of organizations. The survey
and descriptive research design were employed. The results showed that although effective
communication guarantees organizational success, it is largely dependent on the pattern or
methods of communication, effectiveness and suitability of the channel selected, and how
receptive or accessible are the superiors to the subordinates, among other factors. Based on
these findings, the work recommends that factors that promote warmth and cordiality should
be imbibed and cultivated. Also, a simple organizational structure should be designed and
implemented for easy flow of communication, and the manager should treat his subordinates
humanely to get the best from them. It concludes that, effective communication is the
“lifeblood” of organizations, and that efficient and effective communication influences the
positivity “bottom line” of our organizations in achieving organizational strategic goals.
2.3 Theoretical Review
This part requires the researcher to state the theories of the related study, describe the
advantages and disadvantages of the theories as well as do a critical review and its
applications. For this study, communication and motivation theories will be applied to support
the study. The motivation theories are as follows: - two-factor theory, Abraham Maslow's
theory of motivation, Mc Cleland's theory, Expectancy theory, Hertzberg's theory, Mayo
theory of motivation, and the managerial grid. There are also communication theories such as
formal (top-down, down-up, and lateral) communication theory and informal theories of
communication, and Laswell theory. All the above-mentioned theories are very important in
the work organization. But for this study, the workable communication theories are as
follows:Formal Communication Theories
This theory concerns an assessment of top-down, down-up, and lateral communication
systems (Mwambebule 2013). Top-down theories are applied to the top management who
provide instructions, and orders and translate policies and strategies to the employees for
implementation. This theory has the advantage that the communication channels follow the
chain of command, thus top management shares information with the employees through
various training, formal conferences, and written documents. Furthermore, Mwambebule,
(2013), stated that down up theories involves the employees initiating and creating ideas,
opinions, agenda, and discussions and giving feedback to the management and other
stakeholders for decision-making processes. Lateral communication theory explains that
various organizational units may be integrated and coordinated to enhance easy
communication among Co-workers. So it emphasizes an open flow of information among the
employees of the same level. This has an advantage for the accomplishment of work and
solving problems, improving teamwork, and boosting efficiency among them.
Informal theory of communication
Mwambebule (2013), explained that the informal theory of communication is a theory in
which the system of communication does not follow the rules of hierarchy concerning
influence. This grapevine theory has the advantage that the messages and information tend to
spread rapidly and it is easy to be heard by every individual in the organization. But the risk
of grapevine theory is that most of the information’s source is inaccuracy although sometimes
may contain true information. Therefore the management needs to adhere to much too formal
theories of communication rather than information from the inaccurate sources.
The Expectancy Theory
This is a social learning theory that explains that human behaviour towards performance is
influenced by effective communication which in turn by motivating people and therefore,
contributes to the possibility of desired rewards and employee relations in the work
environment. Motivated employees are more receptive to communicating with top
management, coworkers as well as customers. This increases employee-management
relations, teamwork, and high productivity. For this study, this theory will be applied
purposely because effective communication is required at all levels for various aspects of an
organization such as employee motivation and morale, good human relations, and better
service delivery.
The Managerial Grid
The theory explains the relationship between management and leadership. It required the top
management to understand their styles of leadership to communicate effectively in the
organization. Vroom stated that the success of the organization depends much on the
employees' efforts spent in the production or service delivery. Thus the top management has
the role of building positive interactions with employees, enhancing their self-esteem of
employees, and providing a conducive working environment.
Laswell Theory for Communication
For this study, the researcher chose to tell about the basics of them. Laswell gave his theory
for communication in 1948. It is put into words: Who-Says what-Through which channel -To
whom-With what effect? Laswell’s theory is concentrated on the study of mass media and
effectiveness than the meaning of the message. One has to be able to observe and measure the
change on the receiver’s side, which transforms into a recognizable element in the process of
communication. The recognizable element is called an effect. This theory is concerned with
the effectiveness of communication, which is very important in every aspect of life.
(Mwambebule 2013), Effective communication in organizations is the very base for
functional operations and employee satisfaction.
2.3.1 Theoretical Framework
Communication is an essential part of any company. Moreover, good communication skills
are incredibly important in the business world. In some research, we can find many ways to
manage and deal with difficult communication. She attests that the point of communication is
having a conversation with another person, and this conversation must be two-way for the
communication to successfully occur. This central idea is to remember what is communicated
especially during times of conflict. You Youg effective when your voice rises, your body
tenses, or your temper flares. Some scientists believe that for successful communication to
occur, two things must be kept in mind; the first is that everyone has his/her ideas and
perceptions and these must be respected. The second is the idea of closure; that every
conversation needs closure. However, it is important to communicate until you get closure on
the conversation. Closure means you and the other person have discussed all of the issues and,
while the person may not agree, he or she has listened to you in a non-threatening, nondefensive environment and heard what you had to say about this concept is incredibly
important to remember in the corporate environment. Companies are made up of various
types of employees and managers, each with their viewpoints. Therefore, it is important to
remember to respect everyone‘s opinions no matter how different they may be. Also, the
notion of closure in a conversation is essential because leaving a conversation up in the air or
even with hostility can often result in damaging or breaking business relationships. Good
communication is necessary for the enterprise to run successfully and smoothly. While an
organization is separated from its environment, it has to have some ways of communicating
with the environment. Anything exte system belongs to the environment and not to the system
itself. This is true of all types of organizations. The environment exerts considerable influence
on the behaviour of an organization at the same time, the organization can do little or nothing
to control the behaviour of the environment. The environment affects the performance of a
system. Using a business organization as an example, the following environmental factors
might need to be communicated to it:
➢ The number of competitors in the marketplace and the strategies they adopt;
➢ The product of competitors, their prices and qualities;
➢ The strength of the domestic currency of the organization‘ countries of operation;
➢ The structure of the company and personal taxation;
➢ The policies adopted by the government of the ruling political body/party;
➢ Social attitude-concern for the natural environment; and
➢ The regulatory and legislative framework within which the company operates.
An organization needs to be kept well informed of all these, and this is possible through the
process of communication. Internally, all participants in an organization have to interact,
strategies have to be maintained, policies have to be formulated, strategies have to be
developed, and programs have to be planned, executed, and evaluated. Also, employees have
to be remunerated and motivated, decisions have to be made, etc. In fact, without an effective
and efficient means of communication, there will be no management function. Everything
will just have to be incrementally disjoined in a disorderly and disarray manner. This implies
that information is a very vital part of management. Management decisions and policies need
to be communicated to those that will use them to policy objectives. This is to be done
through effective means of communication within and outside the organization. The decision,
irrespective of its purpose, is useless unless it is communicated. If the Sales Director instance,
of some industries, decides to lower the price of product X and institute an interactive
campaign, nothing will happen unless the advertising department is informed and even the
other department concerned with the preparation of new packaging to lower the price. At the
heart of all communications cycles outside the organization are the messages which should
Developing and positioning experts
Targeting and connecting with traditional media
Distributing messages
Monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of efforts
The importance of communication for a manager
Source: Amine Belmejdoub (2017)
The most effective managers are those who understand communication and its use in
organizational settings. Communication is the vehicle that allows managers to fulfill each
management function. To plan successfully, managers must be able to effectively
communicate their vision to the rest of the organization. To organize successfully, managers
must allow for and encourage free-flowing communication both up and down the hierarchy,
as well as between departments and colleagues. To lead successfully, managers must inspire
employees to trust in their leadership and to perform at the highest levels possible. To control
successfully, managers must effectively communicate with employees to monitor progress
communication is more than simply talking, writing, reading, and listening
Effective communication is the key to successful management. Communication allows
managers to share goals with shareholders both inside and outside the organization. It permits
managers to stimulate behaviour changes in employees and suppliers. It enables managers to
inspire loyalty from employees and customers. It allows managers to convince employees and
unions to abandon counter-productive practices. It enables managers to persuade leaders to
provide financing and it permits managers to calm angry customers and impress nenes.
Hence, managers must be effective communicators to function. But what makes managers
successful communicators? First, they must understand what communication is. Next, they
must understand how communication works, on both an interpersonal and an organizational
level, and finally, they must understand what barriers can impede communication so that they
can overcome such impediments and improve communication throughout the organization. In
modern-day organizations, communication is popularly considered in terms of; the media of
communication such as internal memoranda, reports of various forms, etc; the skills of
communication such as giving instructions, interviewing, charring meetings, etc and the
organization of communication like a chain of command, briefing groups, work committees,
etc. However, communication at its basic levels involves three basic elements or components,
which are encoder, channel, and decoder. The source of the original information is known as
the encoder. That is, the encoder is the originator of the information to be communicated to
the other party. The channel is the medium chosen or to be used in communicating the
message or information to another party. The decoder is the person to whom the message or
information is being sent. He is the receiver of the message. However, he may, or may not, be
the user of such information.
For instance, if the Managing Director of company 22 telephoned the personnel manager of
company 33, the managing director is the encoder, the telephone line is the channel, and the
personnel manager is the decoder in this example. However, the three of them must always be
present regardless of the size or system of communication. A typical communication model
may be as presented follows.
Source: Mirjana & Aidin (2018)
From Figure 2. It can be seen that communication is the process by which the senders and the
receivers of information interact in a given social context. Information conveyed might be the
message, instruction, idea, view, or knowledge. It may be communicated from a superior
officer to a subordinate officer, and vice versa. It may also be communicated among
colleagues at the same level or having similar status along the organization's hierarchy.
However, the communication process in modern organizations normally follows the pattern
❖ The sender has an idea,
❖ The idea becomes a message. Remember that the process of putting the message into a
form the receiver will understand is called encoding,
❖ The message is transmitted to the receiver,
❖ The receiver gets the message and interprets it, a process known as decoding, and
❖ The receiver feedback the sender about the effectiveness of the information that was
From our discussion so far, we would observe that the process of encoding involves the
determination of the way that the message should be written down or spoken to communicate
with another person. Variation of words and understanding can however alter the meaning of
a message. Facial expression, voice, emphasis, and gestures; all play a part in the encoding
process when the conversation is used. Also, it is clear the process of achieving an
understanding of the message. Different people derive different meanings from the same
message influenced by their experience, attitudes, and value systems.
3.1 Area of the Study
This research will be conducted at Osun State Polytechnic, iree and Osun state University,
both of which are located in Oshogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. Osun State Polytechnic Iree offers
both a National Diploma and a Higher National Diploma through six faculties, while Osun
State University offers Postgraduate Diploma, Masters, and Doctorate programs through four
faculties and seven colleges.
3.2 Research Design
The investigation will employ a quantitative research methodology to establish whether or not
there was a communication gap within the organization. A multiple-choice, single-answer
survey questionnaire will be issued to students and members of both institutions. A survey
can be a valuable tool for improving communication within a company. Surveys are
particularly beneficial for developing upward communication channels between lower-level
employees and management. (Beverly Mallett-Hamer, 2005)
3.3 Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Techniques
The entire cohort of subjects in which a researcher is interested is referred to as the population
(Mwambebule Beauty, 2013). 100 representatives will be chosen for the entire population of
this demographic. The populations of this study will include middle management academic
personnel and students from both institutions. The reason for choosing this population was
that Managers, are responsible for maintaining the usual channel of communication and so are
the ones who enrich the organization's information better, and academic staff and students are
the primary communicators in the organization.
3.4 Sources of Data and Data Collection Method
Data will be analyzed quantitatively. Data from questionnaires will be evaluated to determine
the respondents' true opinions. Following data collection, results will be tallied, frequencies
will be calculated, and graphs and tables will be created. Data will be collected using both
primary and secondary sources. The primary data will be collected through surveys, while
secondary data will be gathered from the Internet, journals, e-books, and other relevant
3.5 Research Instrument
Questionnaires will be used by the researcher to collect data. This application will provide
organized and unstructured questions derived from the study's objectives in order to collect
data from all responders. Questionnaires will be used as a data collection instrument since
they will allow respondents to be more objective and exact in their responses to the research
3.5.1 Reliability of Instrument
The researcher will pre-test the data collection instruments to confirm their dependability.
This will be accomplished by collecting data from respondents representing both institutions
in all categories of respondents; thus, senior management, junior staff, and students will be
made clear after the pretest, and the loaded questions will be neutralized for proper
understanding of the questions.
3.5.2 Validity of Instrument
Following the validity checks, the data will be analyzed using Microsoft Excel tables to
calculate the proportion of responses in order to show the link or difference and respond to the
research questions. Content validity will be used to assess the suitability of the instrument's
language and the study's purpose. The goal of this research is to look into the breakdown of
communication and its consequences at both the Osun State Polytechnic, Iree and Osun State
3.6 Re-statement of Hypotheses
Ho(i) There are no communication Channels used in achieving the organizational strategic
Ho(ii) There are communication Channels used in achieving the organizational strategic goals
Ho(iii) There is no suitable pattern of communication adopted.
Ho(iv) There are no measures that can be put in place to reduce the communication
breakdown/problem to improve the quality of service delivery.
3.7 Method of Data Analysis
The researcher received an introduction letter from the Polytechnic of Student Department,
requesting that both Institutions' Authorities permit the student to do the research; this will be
followed by an acceptance letter authorizing the researcher to conduct the research. The data
will be presented in questionnaire tables, with basic percentages utilized for data collection
and analysis, and the hypothesis will be tested using the chi-square method.
The chi-square formula is as follows:
X 2 = (0-e)2
X2 = Chi-square
O = Observed frequency
E = Expected frequency
E = Row total x column total
Grand total (%)
Critical value is 5% level of significance = 5.99
Decision Rule
If the critical value of 5.99 (<) is less than the calculated value, we accept the Null hypothesis
and reject the alternative hypothesis.