AMALEAKS.BLOGSPOT.COM CPAR-122 WEEK 1-10 Contemporary artists are able to sell their works by using technology and posting their works online. A: True The element of music that determines the speed of the beats in the measure, their duration in actual time is... A: Tempo Rhythm is the repetition of design, line or other elements within the frame. A: False Which is the color harmony has colors found side by side within the color wheel? A: analogous Which element of drama is the arrangement of action and movement in the play? A: action/plot Which of these is not a primary color? A: Violet Vertical lines express stability and show dignity, poise, stiffness, formality. A: True The element of music that is generally what we remember, or whistle, or hum. A: melody Which is the written work that tells a story through action and speech and is acted out in a theater or play? A: drama Which color harmony uses only one hue? A: monochromatic Which element of dance is the planned organization or pattern of movement in time and space? A: design The influence of the encounters of the Philippines with other countries in the past cannot be seen at the present anymore. A: False A rough texture is characterized by a surface that reflects light unevenly. A: True Which element of dance is worn, and at any stage of history relate closely to the customs, beliefs, and environment of the people? A: costume Which is not a secondary color? A: blue-violet Filipinos traveling to and from different parts of the globe affect the contemporary art scene. A: True Which element of dance is the setting or background establishing the place of action of the dance? A: scenery The element of music that is an orderly succession of tones or musical sounds. A: melody Which is not a concept for dance to become art? A: impulse to make music Contemporary artists are limited to making the artworks on their own. A: False What is the dark value of a hue? A: shade Harmony is used to keep the rhythm exciting and active in a work of art. A: False The element of music that refers to the highness or lowness of a tonal sound is... A: pitch The element of music which is the key or tonal center is... A: tonality Organic lines suggest action and movement. They convey vitality and animation. A: False Which element of dance is the organization of dance following steps and movement? A: choreography Which art form combines a variety of media and the human body to execute an artistic theatrical expression before a live audience? A: performance art The Philippine contemporary art scene is not complex and can be put in a single category. A: False Which element of drama is delivered by the characters to move the plot and action along? A: language Asymmetry is the same as formal balance. A: False This element of drama provide explanation and define the distinct characters. A: language Which element of drama are the people presented in the play involved in developing the plot? A: characters Visual rhythm indicates movement and suggests unity of form by the repetition of elements. A: True Which style carries modern styles to extreme practices, often expressing an idea through a mix of materials, such as found objects welded together? A: postmodern art This has been identified as the second category of sound a child relates to. A: music Which art form consists of images that are recorded through a video and viewed through television, computer or projection screen? A: video art Which element of dance is skill in executing movement? A: technique The contemporary art scene in the Philippines is an interplaying of crossing of tradition and modernity. A: True Artworks in perfect symmetry express dignity, endurance and stability. A: True Radial Balance is a variation of symmetry in which the elements of a design come out from the central point of the circle. A: True Contemporary art is not confined in museums anymore. A: True Which style of art tackle issues of identity, sexuality, gender roles, equality, and the ways which the female is treated in society, among others? A: feminist art Contemporary artists do not use the image or ideas of other artists. A: False Art galleries are able to help artists market and promote their artoworks. A: True Contemporary artists are consciously using pre-colonial imagery, motifs and nonwestern belief systems. A: True The art of arranging sounds in rhythmic succession and generally in combination is... A: music A smooth texture reflects light evenly. A: True Which element of drama involves all the visual elements of the play? A: spectacle Which element of drama is mostly the abstract issues and feelings that grow out of the dramatic action of the characters? A: thought/ theme/ idea Which element of dance is the content of the dance? A: theme Balance is oneness that is achieved through the effective use of the elements of art and principles of organization. A: False Which element of dance is the action of dancers as they use their bodies to create organized patterns? A: movement The central axis is the dividing line located at the center of a frame. It may not be visible but imaginary. A: True Originality is a big issue for contemporary artists. A: False What is the element of art that results from the light waves reflected from objects to your eyes? A: color The Philippines' history is not connected to the curent state of Philippine contemporary art. A: False This property of tone becomes one of the bases of rhythm. A: duration Which of these is not a neutral color? A: brown Which of these is the brightness or dullness of a hue? A: intensity The element of music that is the simultaneous sounding of two or more tones... A: harmony Which style uses lines or images repeatedly to create an optical illusion? A: op art Shapes are two-dimensional area that show the form of an object and how it is laid out in space. A: True Contemporary art is a statement that an artist makes and shares about life, beliefs and ideas. A: True This element of drama is not a part of every play, but it can be included to mean all sounds in a production. A: music Texture refers to how things feel when touched. A: True Which color harmony has colors opposite each other in the color wheel? A: complimentary Which style in art involves the artistic creation or manipulation of space such as landscape or architectural design that may enclose its audience? A: environmental art Horizontal lines express feelings of rest, peace, quiet and stability, permanence or solidarity. A: True Which art form is done with the aid of computer and computer programs to create an image or design? The image can be printed on paper, tarpaulin or other mediums. A: digital art What is the name of a specific color in the color spectrum? A: hue Contemporary art started after World War I, in the 1950s. A: False Which style in art where the artist applies paint in a manner that expresses emotions and feelings in a spontaneous way? A: abstract expressionism The Philippine contemporary art scene operates within a culture that is dynamic and hybridized. A: True Which is the art or profession of producing plays? A: theater Which element of dance motivates the movement of dancers? A: music Organic shapes have outlines that are unpredictably curved or angular or are a combination of different lines and forms. A: True The process of art-making is essential to contemporary art. A: True Contemporary artists are experimental with their materials but not their process. A: False Which element of dance serves as a tool for the dancers to convey a message for the easy, quick understanding from the viewers? A: choreography Which art form uses the body as the medium or main material? A: body art Which element of drama contains the meaning of the play? A: theme/theme/ idea Contemporary artists have the option to have formal art education or learn art on their own. A: True The contemporary art scene in the Philippines is a reflection of its cultural identity. A: True Which art form is a drawing, inscription or sketch done hastily on a wall or other surface made to be seen by the public? A: graffiti art Contemporary artists can try different art forms, like painters can try expressing themselves through dance. A: True Balance in assymetric artworks rely on the arrangement of objects. A: True Positive spaces are the empty spaces between the shapes or forms. A: False Kinetic art is a kind of sculpture that moves with the wind or powered by a machine or electricity. A: True Which one is the written work that tells a story through action and speech? A: drama Which performing art is the organization of sound through a musical instrument? A: music Theme is the main ingredient of the dance. A: True Which one may be human figures, a combination of texture and color, or a figure made of found objects put together into a coherent whole? A: subject matter Which two colors make an intermediate color? A: red-orange Which one defines harmony? A: simultaneous sounding of two or more tones Graffiti art is a drawing, inscription or sketch done hastily on a wall or other surface made to be seen by the public. A: True Which element of theater involves all the visual elements of the play? A: spectacle Which two primary colors make orange? A: red and yellow Which one does not belong to the visual arts category? A: Metal Which one is related to op art? A: This style uses lines or images repeatedly to create an optical illusion Which one is related to feminist art? A: This emerged from female artists expressing their concerns through art. They tackle issues of identity, sexuality, gender roles, equality of women Performance art and theater are the same. A: False Which type of lines is found in nature? A: organic lines Action/plot is the arrangement of action and movement in the play. A: True Which type of shapes have outlines that unpredictably curved or angular or are a combination of different lines and forms? A: a&b The theme containes the meaning of the play. A: True ....are made by mixing two primary colors. A: secondary colors Which is defined as picture in motion? A: cinematography Which element of cinema inspire the audience in making them better person? A: redeeming value Contemporary artists are limited to using traditional materials. A: False Theater is a performing art referring to the movement of the body in a rhythmic way. A: False Which one defines variety properly? A: is when several elements of art are used to get the attention of the audience and guide the audience's focus through and around the artwork. Which kind of performing art is an act presentation in lights that made picture possible to appear on a two-dimensional surface? A: cinema Which style has a stripped-down, pre-fabricated look, free of details and often with flat surface, but expresses a specific content or statement? A: minimalist art The subject matter in contemporary art is confined to human figures, landscapes, or natural objects like in traditional art. A: False Done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with one or more coats of transparent varnish. A: decoupage Actor is considered the key person in the film making. A: False Which statement is related to movement? A: This is done by directing the audience's eyes along lines, edges, shape, and color. Some contemporary artists also employ the help of fabricators, carpenters, electricians or welders to make their works. A: True In the Philippine contemporary art scene, there is a dominance of abstract expressionism, social realism and gothic art. A: False Radial balance is... A: it is a variation of symmetry in which the elements of a design come out from the central point of the circle. Horizontal lines express feelings of ... A: rest and peace Harmony creates unity by showing similarities of separate but related parts. A: True Which of these is a graphic art? A: commercial art Tonality refers to one particular pitch receiving more emphasis. A: True Philippine culture have influences from Malay, Indonesia, India, China and West Asia. A: True Some artists learne welding and simple engineering skills. A: True The contemporary Philippine art scene is complex because we have influences from culturally diverse countries. A: True Which type of shapes possess sides and angles? A: geometric shapes The theme of theater is stated ... A: inserted into dialogue of the character and straight forwardly in the title Fusion of different styles in music is not being practiced by Filipino contemporary musicians. A: False What does dance need to become an art form? A: choreographed set of movements and the powerful impulse Cinema is presented in live medium. A: False Which element of cinema helps the audience easily visualize the actors as sexy, funny, sad, strict or lovely? A: voice Feminist art emerged from female artists expressing their concerns through art. A: True The faster vibrations are the higher the pitch will be. A: True Abstract expressionism is a kind of sculpture that moves with the wind. A: False ... are made by mixing a primary color with its secondary color. A: intermediate colors Which one has to do with the comparative size of the parts of a single work? A: proportion Which one defines tempo? A: the speed of beats in the measure Filipinos traveling to and from other countries does not shape the sociological character of the Philippines. A: False The theme sometimes inserted into the dialogue of a character. A:True Neutral colors are made by mixing a primary color with its secondary color. A: False Which two primary color make green? A: blue and yellow Which element conveys the message of the dance? A: theme Which principle of design where the artist makes a specific area different in size, color, texture, shape, et~? A: emphasis The technique of rubbing with a dry medium on a piece of paper which has been placed over an object that has texture. A: frottage Which element of music results from the simultaneous sounding of two or more tones? A: harmony Contemporary architects make use of glass and steal a lot. A: True Tattooing and piercing are also considered body art. A: True Which one defines duration? A: the length of time the vibration is sustained. Made by adhering flat elements such as newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc. to a flat surface. A: collage Which type of art emerged from female artists expressing their concerns through art. A: feminist art In which case balance relies on the arrangement of objects? A: asymmetry The Philippines does not have foreign cultural influences anymore at the present time. A: False Which of these describes plastic art? A: three-dimensional Which elements of dance refers to the setting or background establishing the place of action of any dance? A: scenery Which one is related with rhythm? A: the repetition of design, line or other elements within the frame Which one is related to performance art? A: This combines a variety of media and the human body to execute an artistic theatrical expression before a live audience. Diagonal lines suggest action and movement. A: True Complimentery colors are found side by side within the color wheel. A: False Installation art is an art form consisting of three-dimensional works that are often sitespecific and designed to transform interior or exterior spaces to achieve an effect. A: True A smooth texture is characterized by... A: a surface that reflects light evenly Which one refers to what you see that is depicted in the art work. A: subject matter The theme is always straightforwardly stated in the title. A: False Which visual art element refers to the emptiness and area between, around, above, below or within objects? A: space The use of pre-colonial imagery, motifs and non-western belief systems is how some Filipinos craft identity in the midst of rapidly changing environments and cultural displacement. A: True Which element of theater contains the meaning of the play? A: theme and idea Which kind of sculpture moves with the wind or is powered by electricity? A: kinetic art Which color does not belong to secondary hues? A: red ... is the brightness or dullness of a hue. A: red Which one is a variation of symmetry in which the elements of a design come out from the central point of the circle? A: radial balance Which element of music is related to one tone which seems more important than any of the others used in making melody? A: tonality Performance art is the same as theater art. A: False Which of the visual art element is used to lead viewer's eyes into, around, and out of the visual images within the artistic fram? A: line Style is significant because it can help the viewers to understand the meaning of the work. A: True Which kind of art is a drawing, inscription or sketch done hastily on a wall or other surface made to be seen by the public? A: graffiti art Pattern in space is created by floor pattern (the path traced by dancers' travelling feet in planes). A: True Which one is the direction that the audience's eye goes through the artwork, often to focal areas? A: movement Contemporary art can now be found only in the museum. A: False Which element of dance refers to the action of dancers as they use their bodies to create organized pattern? A: movement Which one is a balance of unlike objects and there are no elements that appear to be equal halves or sides? A: asymmetry Intensity is the brightness or dullness of a hue. A: True Minimalism does not expresses a specific content or statement. A: False If the artwork is an experiment on technique, then the technique is the subject matter itself. A: True Which one refers to the skill in executing movement? A: technique Which one is related to digital art? A: The image can be printed on paper, tarpaulin or other mediums. Which performing art is the first input we receive at birth? A: music The spectacle in the theater involves all the visual elements of the play-all of the aspects of scenery, costumes, and special effects in a production. A: True Which type of shape have outlines that are unpredictably curved or angular or are a combination of different lines and forms? A: a&b Which element of music is related to the emphasis one particular pitch receives? A: tonality Which element of theater does not contain the meaning of the play? A: spectacle Positive space is... A: the area occupied by shapes or forms Diagonal lines convey a sense of gracefulness, dynamism, and spontaneity. A: False Which element of cinema is not related with aesthetic significance? A: redeeming value The action and movement in the play begin from ... A: initial complication through rising action, climax,and falling action Technique is the skill in executing dance. A: True Which of these describes graphic arts? A: Flat and two-dimensional Contemporary artists do not combine materials. A: False Which type of lines express feeling of rest, peace, quiet, and stability? A: horizontal lines The director portrays a particular role that is presented in film. A: False Vertical lines express feeling of ... A: dignity and poise The ways of expressing their emotions are different in contemporary art and traditional art. A: True Philippine contemporary art operates within a culture that is hybridized. A: True Philippine contemporary art can be put in a single category. A: False Theme tells us what a dance is trying to convey. A: True Tempo is the length of time the vibration is sustained. A: False Which element of music is determined by the length of time the vibration is sustained? A: duration Which one is related to repetition? A: is used to make the artwork seem active. these elements creates unity within the artwork Which one is the art of arranging sounds in rhythmic succession and generally in combination? A: music Which element of music consists of a series of pitches and duration? A: melody Tint is the dark value of a hue. A: False Which principal of design is concerned with equalizing visual elements in an artwork? A: balance Language and dialogue delivered by the characters move the plot and action along. A: True Interactive art-making is being practiced by some Filipino artists. A: True Which set of colors belongs to primary hues? A: yellow, red, blue Which set of colors belongs to split complimentary? A: red-violet with yellow and green Cinematography is defined as picture in motion. A: True Some contemporary artists use found objects and they may be combined to make interesting or unusual forms. A: True Contemporary artists always work on their own. A: False Which vitual art element refers to how things feel when touched? A: texture Digital art can be done without the aid of computer and computer programs. A: False Filipinos living within and outside the Philippines have been consciously exerting effort to rediscover and use pre-colonial motifs and non-western belief systems. A: True Blue-yellow make an intermediate color. A: False Duration is the length of time the vibration is sustained. A: True Which one dictates every artist's art making process? A: styles Which element of music may move at a fast,moderate,or slow speed? A: tempo Contemporary art started in the 1950s, after World War II. A: True Artworks are not needed in malls, business centers and industrial parks. A: False If the vibration are slower, then the pitch will be... A: lower Aside from its aesthetic significance, the purpose of a film is to make man a better person, and refined. A: True Which type of art combines a variety of media and the human body to execute an artistic theatrical expression before a live audience? A: performance art Which one is related to minimalism? A: This style has a stripped-down, pre-fabricated look, free of details and often with flat surface, but expresses a specific content or statement Shade is the light value of hue. A: False Music has been identified as the ... category of sound a child relates to. A: second Subject matter dictates every artist's art-making process. A: False Which of these is a plastic art? A: theater design Which one defines tonality? A: one particular pitch receives more emphasis than the others. Filipinos traveling to and from other countries does not shape the culture of the Philippines. A: False Which principle of design is used to keep the rhythm exciting and active in a work of art? A: variety Analogous uses only one hue. A: False Choreography is the organization of dance following steps and movement. A: True Putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood, metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. A: assemblage Subject matter can be a figure made of found objects put together into a coherent whole. A: True ... are found side by side within the color wheel? A: analogous Which one can refer to the art of a nation or a region within a country? A: styles Resin and fiberglass are safe materials to use and does not need precaution. A: False Which element of art is used to make the artwork seem active? A: repetition Graffiti art is a drawing, inscription or sketch done hastily on a wall or other surface made to be private. A: False Which kind of performing art is governed by drama? A: cinema and theatre The theme song of the film will set the mood and illusion in a film. A: True Which type of art where the image can be printed on paper, tarpaulin or other mediums? A: digital art Which is where equal elements are placed on opposite sides of a central axis? A: formal balance Which type of lines suggest action and movement? A: diagonal lines For performance art, artists are limited to just using their body. A: False Some hire resin makers, house painters and materials fabricators to help them bring to life their ideas. A: True Tonality is not an element of musi~ A: False Which one can refer to the art of a nation or a region within a country? A: styles Video art consists of images that are recorded through a video and viewed through television, computer or projection screen. A: True The process of applying gouache to paper or glass then transferring a reversal of that image onto canvas or other flat materials. A: decalcomania Interactive and collaborative work is gaining popularity with contemporary artists. A: True Contemporary artists are able to paint on other surfaces like walls and even bridges. A: True Traditional art is art consisting of portraits, landscapes, still life and human interest, mostly as naturally as possible. A: True Visual art cannot be combined with performance art. A: False Which one is the term that refers to the highness or lowness of a tonal sound? A: pitch Which one is how the artist catches the attention of the audience by making a specific area in the work stand out by contrasting it with other? A: emphasis Sometimes the subject matter is not easily recognized. A: True The subject matter in contemporary art is confined to natural objects. A: False Which one is part of movement? A: gestures of arms and facial expressions Contemporary artists are always trying to improve their skills. A: True Filipinos living within and outside the Philippines have been consciously exerting effort to rediscover and use pre-colonial imagery. A: True Which of these does not describe graphic arts? A: three-dimensional Which type of lines convey a dynamism,vitality,and animation? A: diagonal lines Which one defines symmetry properly? A: it is a kind of formal balance in which two halves of a balanced composition is identical Which refers to a vital element of dance that would make the performance and execution as cohesive and artistic to further the audience's appreciation and involvement? A: choreography Duration is not a main element of musi~ A: False Yellow-orange with red and green belong to split complimentary. A: False Which one is related to environmental art? A: This involves the artistic creation or manipulation of space such as landscape or architectural design that may enclose its audience Which one related to the art produced in a particular historical period? A: styles Which elements of art is when an object or symbol is repeated all over the artwork? A: pattern Which element of music determines the speed of the beats in the measure? A: tempo If the vibration are faster, then the pitch will be... A: higher In contemporary art, artist can use the image or idea of another artist and add to it, redesign or interpret it using other materials. A: True Which statement is related to balance? A: it is concerned with equalizing visual elements in an artwork. Which one is not part of priciples of design? A: value Which set of colors is complimentary? A: red, green What element of music is generally what we remember, or whistle or hum? A: melody Which one is related to body art? A: This is an art form that uses the body as the medium or main material. The technique of putting materials together in a three-dimensional artwork, as opposed to a flat artwork. A: assemblage Theme is the planned organization or pattern of movement in time and space pattern in time. A: False Which element of music results from an orderly succession of tones or musical sounds? A: melody Characters are not involved in developing the plot. A: False Which element of theater is not always a part of theater? A: music In contemporary art, artists are very experimental when it comes to their materials, venue, process, and concept. A: True Contemporary artists are very experimental. A: True Cultural displacement means physical dislocation from one's native culture or the colonizing imposition of a foreign culture. A: True Scenery is the setting or background establishing the place of action of any dance. A: True Which one is related to video art? A: This consists of images that are recorded through a video and viewed through television, computer or projection screen. Film has expanded to include indie films that explore specific themes. A: True Which one can help the viewers to understand the meaning of the work? A: music In contemporary art, what are important are the message in the artwork, the movement in the dance or the plot that is communicated in a film. A: True Which one can help the viewers to understand the meaning of the work? A: styles Which type of art involves the artistic creation or manipulation of space such as landscape or architectural design that may enclose its audience? A: environmental art Which type of art consists of images that are recorded through a video and viewed through television, computer or projection screen? A: video art Canvases are padded, sewn, and often filled with sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, glass, swatches and other things to make an artistic composition. A: trapunto ... uses only one hue. A: monochromatic Which type of art tackle issues of identity, sexuality, equality of women? A: feminist art Which type of lines show dignity, poise, stiffness, and upward mobility? A: vertical lines Philippine contemporary art consists of the crossing between baroque and modernity. A: False Style can mean the art produced in a particular historical period. A: True Which of these is not a plastic art? A: drawing Which element of dance refers to the pattern of the movement in time and space? A: design Organic lines express feeling of... A: gracefulness and dynamism Which type of lines convey gracefulness, dynamism, and spontaneity? A: organic lines Which one is the opposite of formal balance? A: asymmetry Which one can be defined as groups based on common traits or qualities? A: styles A rough texture is characterized by ... A: a surface that reflects light unevenly Which of these is not a graphic art? A: industrial design Music is a ... art. A: Performing and Creative In contemporary art the amount of money the artis earn is not important. A: True Contemporary art is not related with human life. A: False Which element of cinema portrays a particular role that is presented in film? A: actor ... is the light value of hue. A: tint Which element of dance motivates the movement of the dancer? A: music Which one does not indicate the similarity between cinema and theater? A: both presented in live medium Diagonal lines express feeling of ... A: vitality and animation In contemporary art the amount of money the artist earns is important. A: False Harmony is the simultaneous sounding of two or more tones. A: True The technique of leaving the impression of a textured object on the paper. A: frottage Which kind of formal balance in which two halves of a balanced composition is identical? A: symmetry Technology has no role in the materials that contemporary artists use. A: False Music doesn't necessarily motivate the movement of dancers. A: False Which set of colors belongs to secondary hues? A: orange,violet,green Which kind of performing art is a story or event recorded as a set of moving images? A: cinema For artists, the ways of expressing their emotions are the same in contemporary art and traditional art. A: False Texture results from light waves reflected from objects to your eyes. A: False The artist brings all the flat materials together in an artistic composition to get a desired effect or bring a certain message. A: collage In cinema, which is the story itself? A: script What is essential in contemporary art is the process of art-making. A: True Which one is the art of producing plays? A: theater Which one is related to graffiti art? A: This is a drawing, inscription or sketch done hastily on a wall or other surface made to be seen by the publi Which element of cinema can make the spectator cry,laugh with actor? A: music Which painting style involves the artist painting in a manner that expresses emotions and feelings in a spontaneous way? A: abstract expression The artist's style is not significant. A: False Filipinos traveling to and from other countries help shape the demographic of the Philippines. A: True Used for photography or film where a pictorial image or sections of film are selected, edited, and pieced together to form a continuous whole. A: montage Movement is the action of dancers as they use their bodies to create organized patterns. A: True Earthworks, or works using natural objects like stones, leaves, trees, grass are considered environmental art. A: True Contemporary artists do not read books anymore and just rely on information online. A: False Which one can also be a certain technical approach to art-making? A: styles In contemporary art, the art should be original, and artist shouldn't copy an idea or concept. A: False The technique in dance is skill in executing movement. A: True Which kind of performing art reffers to the movement of the body in a rhythmic way? A: dance The slower vibrations are the higher the pitch will be. A: False This kind of line is either rising or falling. A: diagonal lines Which type of art includes Earthworks, or works using natural objects like stones, leaves, trees, grass? A: environmental art Negative space are... A: the empty spaces between the shapes or forms. Tempo is the simultaneous sounding of two or more tones. A: False The choreography is the setting or background establishing the place of action of any dance, and make the dance more realisti~ A: False Which element of visual art results from light waves reflected from objects to your eyes? A: color Which element of theater provide explanation and define the distinct character? A: language Which one is the resposibility of the director? A: decide as to what shift and angle the camera will take and direct the actors how to deliver different level of emotion. Which style uses lines or images repeatedly to create optical illusion? A: op art Contemporary artists were called that because their styles and ways of making art veered away from that of traditional art. A: True Which one is related to abstract expressionism? A: This is a painting style where the artist applies paint in a manner that expresses emotions and feelings in a spontaneous way. Cinema is goverened by drama and is experienced by live audience. A: True Which element of theater refers to the arragement of action and movement in the play? A: plot Which one is related to postmodern art? A: it is expressing an idea through a mix of materials, such as found objects welded together. ... is when several elements of art are used to get the attention of the audience and guide the audience's focus through and around the artwork. A: variety Which element of dance serves as a tool for dancers to convey a message for easy and quick understanding from the viewers? A: choreography Which type of art is expressing an idea through a mix of materials, such as found objects welded together? A: post modern art Which element of performing art form is presented in live medium? A: theater Red and green are complimentar. A: True Theater is preseneted in live medium. A: True Which one is related to kinetic art? A: This is a kind of sculpture that moves with the wind or powered by a machine or electricity Which one can refer to the size of the head compared to the rest of the body? A: proportion Intermediate colors are made by mixing two primary colors. A: False Which element of dance is something harmonious usually used as accompaniment? A: Music Which statement is related with proportion? A: the comparative size of the parts of a single work. It is the relative relationship of shapes to other shapes within the artistic frame in terms of size, degree, number, etc ... is the dark value of a hue. A: shade The choices of artists for materials are expanded by the availability, variety and what possibilities these new materials can offer. A: True Subject matter cannot be human figures. A: False Emotional art is a painting style where the artist applies paint in a manner that expresses emotions and feelings in a spontaneous way. A: False Which two primary colors make violet? A: red and blue Some contemporary artists interact with other artists but they do not learn from them. A: False Which one defines pitch? A: the highness or lowness of a tonal sound. Performance art follows the plot. A: False Filipinos traveling to and from other countries shape the economic characteristic of the Philippines. A: True The visual elements of costumes and properties are not elements of dance. A: False Which set of colors do not belong to split complimentary? A: blue-violet with red and orange Which kind of performing art is governed by drama? A: cinema and theatre Which element of music refers to simultaneous sounding of two or more tunes? A: harmony For public performances, visual and performance artists are not willing to combine talents and skills. A: False Which statement is related to pattern? A: is when an object or symbol is repeated all over the artwork Which one defines melody? A: series of pitches and duration Which type of art does not follow a plot and is mostly spontaneous? A: performance art Style is what you see that is depicted in the artwork. A: False Which statement is related to harmony? A: showing similarities of separate but related parts. it is the repetition of design, line or other elements within the frame A: it is how the artist catches the attention of the audience by making a specific area in the work stand out by contrasting it with other areas. ... is the repetition of design, line or other elements within the frame. A: rhythm Which of the visual art elements show the form of an object and how it is laid out in space? A: shapes and forms Which is the bands of color that are present in a color wheel? A: color spectrum Which principle of design guides the viewer's eye to focus on a visual image? A: harmony Which one is oneness that is achieved through the effective use of the elements of art and principles of organization? A: harmony Which one defines harmony in principle of design? A: creates unity by showing similarities of separate but related parts. Some contemporary artists try out other art forms or styles. A: True which of the visual art elements is used to lead viewer's eyes through the art work? A: line Philippine contemporary art operates within a culture that is boring. A: False Which elements of music relates to the speed of vibrations? A: pitch Which one is not related to formal balance? A: asymmetry Which color does not belong to primary hues? A: green Which one indicates movement and suggests unity of form by the repetition of elements? A: rhythm Informal balance is ... A: MUKHANG GAGO YUNG PAGPIPILIAN. KAYO NA BAHALA MAGHANAP NG SAGOT DIYAN. KUNG TUMAMA KAYO ICOMMENT NIYO NALANG YUNG SAGOT OR IPIEM SA’KIN. SALAMAT! Which vitual art element is the illusion of a three dimensional surface? A: MUKHANG GAGO YUNG PAGPIPILIAN. KAYO NA BAHALA MAGHANAP NG SAGOT DIYAN. KUNG TUMAMA KAYO ICOMMENT NIYO NALANG YUNG SAGOT OR IPIEM SA’KIN. SALAMAT! Contemporary artists do not mix different materials. A: False Which question refers to subject matter? A: What is the main figure used in the artwork? Which question is concerned with the material? A: If the artist chose other materials, do you think the same effect will be achieved? Which question refers to material? A: What is the intended effect of the artist by using these materials? Which question refers to elements and principles? A: How are the elements used in the artwork? Assemblage is done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with one or more coats of transparent varnish. A: False Which question may be answered to analyze the artwork? A: How did the artist make the artwork? "How is the main figure placed/used within the artistic frame?" belong to... A: description Montage is the technique of rubbing with a dry medium on a piece of paper which has been placed over an object that has texture. A: False Some artists salvage materials that they can still use to make creative forms. A: True This is essential in the development of contemporary art. A: Artists expanding the materials they use "What is the main figure used in the artwork?" belong to... A: description Discussion of how the qualities of the artwork contribute to its appearance, image or function is the element of... A: analysis Which question refers to elements and principles? A: What are the dominant elements used in the artwork? Some materials have chemical components that are hazardous to health, like acid, resin and fiberglass, and so artists need to keep on educating themselves for proper usage of the materials and safety precautions. A: True "Are there any variations among the repeated elements?" belong to... A: Art elements and principles Which question is concerned with the subject matter? A: How do the other figures in the artwork relate to the main figure? Montage is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc. A: False In architecture, there is extensive use of glass and steal. A: True Decalcomania is used for photography or film where a pictorial image or sections of film are selected, edited, and pieced together to form a continuous whole. A: False Trapunto is done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with one or more coats of transparent varnish. A: False Montage is used for photography or film where a pictorial image or sections of film are selected, edited, and pieced together to form a continuous whole. A: True In analyzing an artwork, the viewer can be asked if he/she liked the artwork. A: True Do the materials bring out the intended effect of the artist? A: material This is an interpretative statement - "Can I express what I think the artwork is about in one sentence?". A: True Main idea and overall meaning of the artwork is part of art interpretation. A: True What principle of design is used to catch the viewer's attention by making a specific area in the artwork stand out? A: emphasis _________ is the process of applying gouache to paper or glass then transferring a reversal of that image onto canvas or other flat materials. A: decalcomania Decalcomania is done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with one or more coats of transparent varnish. A: False Frottage is done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with one or more coats of transparent varnish. A: False "What is the intended effect of the artist by using these materials?" belong to... A: description The viewer's reaction to the artwork is part of analysis. A: True What type of texture gives the illusion of a three-dimensional surface? A: visual texture Are there any variations among the repeated elements? A: Art elements and principles What color harmony is the combination of one hue and the hues on each side of it's compliment? A: split complimentary _________ is putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood, metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. A: assemblage "If the artist chose other materials, do you think the same effect will be achieved? Why and how?" - this question is related to... A: material Main idea and overall meaning of the artwork is the element of ... A: interpretation "What is the meaning of the artwork?" is related to ... A: interpretation "What is the value of the artwork to you, the youth or society?" is related to ... A: analysis Artists may choose to paint on whatever surface is available to them, some paint on the walls of buildings or even bridges. A: True "How did the artist make the artwork?" is related to ... A: analysis "Can I express what I think the artwork is about in one sentence?" is the element of ... A: interpretation Interactive and collaborative work is gaining popularity among Filipino artists. A: True Brass is the most used material in indoor contemporary art. A: False Frottage is putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood, metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. A: False There is evidence inside or outside the artwork that supports your interpretation. A: True Which technique is related to collage? A: made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc. The new structures being built in the past couple of years demand artworks and contemporary artists produce a huge body of works to match the structures, both for indoors and outdoors. A: True Decalcomania is where canvases are padded, sewn, and often filled with sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, glass, swatches and other things to make an artistic composition. A: False "How do the other figures in the artwork relate to the main figure?" belong to... A: description Which technique is related to montage? A: used for photography or film where a pictorial image or sections of film are selected, edited, and pieced together to form a continuous whole. Composition is the artistic arrangement of the parts of a picture. A: True How is the main figure placed/used within the artistic frame? A: subject matter Which type of shape posses sides and angles? A: geometric shapes _________ is done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with one or more coats of transparent varnish. A: decoupage _________ is the technique of rubbing with a dry medium on a piece of paper which has been placed over an object that has texture. A: frottage Contemporary artists do not use materials from hardware stores. A: False "What is the intended effect of the artist by using these materials?" - this question is related to... A: material Trapunto is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etC. A: False "How does it compare with other artworks in the same contemporary style?" is related to? A: analysis Trapunto painting is where canvases are padded, sewn, and often filled with sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, glass, swatches and other things to make an artistic composition. A: True Assemblage is putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood, metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. A: True "Do these materials bring out the intended effect of the artist?" - this question is related to... A: material "What is it intending to communicate?" is related to ... A: interpretation "How does the art form appeal to the senses?" - this question related to ... A: art element and principles Asking how the artwork compares to other artworks in the same contemporary style is part of analyzing the work. A: True Which question is concerned with the material? A: What are the materials or objects used by the artist "Can I express what I think the artwork is about in one sentence?" is an interpretative statement. A: True Which question may be answered to analyze the artwork? A: How does it compare with other artworks in the same contemporary style? In collage The artist brings all the materials together in an artistic composition to get a desired effect or bring a certain message. A: True What is achieved through the effective use of the elements of art and principles of design? A: unity "What are the unifying features in the artistic composition?" - this question related to ... A: art element and principles Which one is the analysis element? A: effect of the materials/medium used Decalcomania is the process of applying gouache to paper or glass then transferring a reversal of that image onto canvas or other flat materials. A: True Decopage is the technique of rubbing with a dry medium on a piece of paper which has been placed over an object that has texture. A: False Which one is the analysis element? A: determination of subject matter through naming events or issues associated with the artwork "Does the viewer like or dislike the artwork? Why?" is related to ... A: analysis Which question is concerned with the subject matter? A: How is the main figure placed/used within the artistic frame? Frottage is the technique of rubbing with a dry medium on a piece of paper which has been placed over an object that has texture. A: True These refer to the physical qualities of the image. A: art elements and principles "Are there objects within the artistic frame that symbolizes something?" is related to ... A: interpretation Which one is the analysis element? A: the viewer's reaction to the artwork "What is the main figure used in the artwork?" - this question is related to... A: subject matter It may be asked in analyzing an artwork what the main idea of the artwork is. A: False This belongs to material - "What is the main figure used in the artwork?". A: False Collage is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etC. A: True Which elements are necessary to observe when describing a contemporary art? A: subject matter, material, art elements and principles Which question is concerned with the subject matter? A: What is the main figure used in the artwork? Which element in describing a contemporary artwork refers to what the artwork is made of? A: material In the stage of examination and analysis, the viewer focuses on the beauty, design qualities and the value of an artwork. A: True In assemblage the output is a three-dimensional artwork, as opposed to a flat artwork in a collage. A: True Montage is putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood, metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. A: False Which question may be answered to interpret the artwork? A: Are there objects within the artistic frame that symbolizes something? What are these? How do the other figures in the artwork relate to the main figure? A: subject matter What type of line slowly change direction and form wiggly curves, spirals or circles? A: curved lines Frottage is the process of applying gouache to paper or glass then transferring a reversal of that image onto canvas or other flat materials. A: False Collage is done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with one or more coats of transparent varnish. A: False _________ is used for photography or film where a pictorial image or sections of film are selected, edited, and pieced together to form a continuous whole. A: montage Which technique is related to assemblage? A: putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood, metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. In frottage the impression of the texture will be left on the paper. A: True Which technique is related to decalcomania? A: the process of applying gouache to paper or glass then transferring a reversal of that image onto canvas or other flat materials. Which question refers to elements and principles? A: If the artist chose other materials, do you think the same effect will be achieved? Why and how? What is the intended effect of the artist by using these materials? A: material What is seen by the audience depicted in the artwork? A: art elements and principles Frottage painting is where canvases are padded, sewn, and often filled with sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, glass, swatches and other things to make an artistic composition. A: False Assemblage is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cutouts, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etC. A: False Which one is the analysis element? A: discussion of how the qualities of the artwork contribute to its appearance, image or function What is the type of balance where the elements of a design come out from the central point of the circle? A: radial balance "Are there any variations among the repeated elements?" - this question is related to ... A: art element and principles Decopage is putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood, metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. A: False Small glass windows or walls are used to give indoor spaces a view of the outdoors. A: False In analyzing an artwork, it can be asked if there is anything in the artistic frame that symbolizes something. A: False Decopage painting is where canvases are padded, sewn, and often filled with sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, glass, swatches and other things to make an artistic composition. A: False "How does the art form appeal to the senses?" belong to... A: description The community or students may be asked to get involved in outdoor painting to make the environment more pleasant or raise awareness about certain issues to the public. A: True This belongs to material - "What are the unifying features in the artistic composition?" . A: False Which question is concerned with theart elements and principles? A: What are the dominant elements used in the artwork? What are the unifying features in the artistic composition? A: Art elements and principles Trapunto is putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood, metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. A: False Collage is putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood, metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. A: False Effect of the materials/medium used is part of art analysis. A: True "How are the elements of art used in the artwork?" belong to... A: description Which technique is related to frottage? A: the technique of rubbing with a dry medium on a piece of paper which has been placed over an object that has texture. This is a descriptive statement - "What is the artwork about?". A: False For indoor sculptures, wood, glass and resin are used. A: True Determination of subject matter through naming events or issues associated with the artwork is the element of ... A: analysis Which question refers to subject matter? A: How is the main figure placed/used within the artistic frame? Which question may be answered to interpret the artwork? A: What is the meaning of the artwork? Decoupage is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cutouts, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc. A: False The viewer's reaction to the artwork is the element of ... A: analysis Which technique is related to decoupage? A: done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with one or more coats of transparent varnish. Which one is interpretation element? A: the evidence inside or outside the artwork that supports your interpretation Trapunto is used for photography or film where a pictorial image or sections of film are selected, edited, and pieced together to form a continuous whole. A: False _________ painting is where canvases are padded, sewn, and often filled with sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, glass, swatches and other things to make an artistic composition. A: trapunto _________ is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cutouts, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc. A: collage How does the art form appeal to the senses? A: Art elements and principles Analyzing the artwork sees what the value of the artwork is to the viewer, youth or society. A: True Which question may be answered to interpret the artwork? A: What is the artwork about? Which question refers to material? A: If the artist chose other materials, do you think the same effect will be achieved? Why and how? This belongs to subject matter - "What are the materials or objects used by the artist?" . A: False Trapunto is the process of applying gouache to paper or glass then transferring a reversal of that image onto canvas or other flat materials. A: False This belongs to subject matter - "How do the other figures in the artwork relate to the main figure?". A: True This belongs to subject matter - "How is the main figure placed/used within the artistic frame?". A: True What principle of design is the relative relationship of shapes to other shapes within the artistic frame in terms of size, degree, number, etc.? A: proportion Decopage is done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with one or more coats of transparent varnish. A: True "What are the materials or objects used by the artist?" belong to... A: description "What statement is the artist trying to communicate through the artwork?" is related to ... A: interpretation Interpreting an artwork is focused on how the artist made the artwork. A: False What element of art refers to the emptiness and area between, around, above, below or within objects? A: space "What are the dominant elements used in the artwork?" - this question is related to... A: art element and principles Which question is concerned with the material? A: What is the intended effect of the artist by using these materials? Montage is where canvases are padded, sewn, and often filled with sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, glass, swatches and other things to make an artistic composition. A: False Interpreting an artwork is not concerned with what the artist is trying to communicate. A: False The viewer's reaction to the artwork is part of art description. A: False Which question refers to subject matter? A: How do the other figures in the artwork relate to the main figure? For performance art, artists have used a variety of props like rope, plastic, textile, found objects or food. A: True "what are the materials or objects used by the artist?" - this question is related to... A: material Which question may be answered to analyze the artwork? A: What is the value of the artwork to you, the youth or society? Which technique is related to trapunto? A: canvases are padded, sewn, and often filled with sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, glass, swatches and other things to make an artistic composition. Which one is refers to what the artwork is made of? A: material Which question may be answered to interpret the artwork? A: What statement is the artist trying to communicate through the artwork? Which question may be answered to analyze the artwork? A: Does the viewer like or dislike the artwork? Why? Contemporary artists are limited in using traditional materials. A: False Which question is concerned with the art elements and principles? A: What are the unifying features in the artistic composition? The evidence inside or outside the artwork that supports your interpretation is the element of ... A: interpretation Contemporary artists always work alone. A: False "How is the main figure placed/used within the artistic frame?" - this question is related to ... A: subject matter "Do these materials bring out the intended effect of the artist?" belong to... A: description Contemporary artists are experimental in the materials they use. A: True "What is the artwork about?" is relate to .... A: interpretation Which element in describing a contemporary artwork refers to the its physical qualities? A: Art elements and principles Which question may be answered to interpret the artwork? A: What is it intending to communicate? It may be asked in interpreting the artwork what it is all about. A: True _________ is putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood, metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. A: assemblage "If the artist chose other materials, do you think the same effect will be achieved? Why and how?" belong to... A: description Which element in describing a contemporary artwork refers to what is seen by the audience depicted in the artwork? A: subject matter What principle of design makes use of an object or symbol that is repeated all over the artwork? A: pattern Discussion of how the qualities of the artwork contribute to its appearance, image or function is part of art interpretation. A: False "What are the dominant elements used in the artwork?" belong to... A: description Visual and performance artists combine talents and skills for public performances. A: True Which question refers to elements and principles? A: What are the unifying features in the artistic composition? Frottage is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc. A: False Which question refers to material? A: Do these materials bring out the intended effect of the artist? Which one is interpretation element? A: main idea and overall meaning of the artwork "How do the other figures in the artwork relate to the main figure?" - this question is related to... A: subject matter Determination of subject matter through naming events or issues associated with the artwork is part of art description. A: False "What are the unifying features in the artistic composition?" belong to... A: description Effect of the materials/medium used is the element of ... A: analysis Which question refers to material? A: What are the materials or objects used by the artist? "How are the elements used in the artwork?" - this question is related to... A: art element and principles Which one is interpretation element? A: "Can I express what I think the artwork is about in one sentence?" Salcedo Auctions is the only auction house in the Philippines to specialize in the sale of fine art, jewelry, decorative arts and collectible accessories. A: True Museo de Oro is a folkloric museum which feature Tribal and Muslim traditions and customs. A: True NCCA is the overall policy making body, coordinating, and grants giving agency for the preservation, development and promotion of Philippine arts and culture. A: True An auction is a public sale at which things are sold to the people who offer to pay the most. A: True NCCA stands for National Committee for Culture and the Arts. A: False The National Museum is an educational, scientific and cultural institution that is only for NCR. A: False The Philippine art market has always been strong. A: False The General Paulino Santos Museum is the first formal museum in the General Santos City. A: True The mission of DepEd is to protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education. A: True NEFCA stands for National Education Fund for Culture and the Arts. A: False The ruling systems are unable to preserve traditional art in the midst of modernization. A: False A museum is an institution devoted to the procurement, care, study, and display of objects of lasting interest or value. A: True The BenCab Museum only exhibits the work of National Artist Benedicto Cabrera. A: False Art Fair Philippines only sells modern Philippine visual art. A: False There was a time when visual artists struggled to earn money from their art because there were not a lot who patronized or financially supported visual artists, and did not see it as a good investment. A: True Art in the Park only sells paintings. A: False CCP believes that art matters in the life of every Filipino. A: True Only established artists are able to sell their artworks in art fairs. A: False The Bencab Museum is committed to the promotion of the arts, and the preservation, conservation and protection of the environment, as well as the culture and traditions of the Cordilleras. A: True Museums are only exhibit visual arts. A: False The ManilArt does not only exhibit artworks but also hold lectures, workshops, and demonstrations. A: True DepEd stands for Department of Education. A: True The Negros Museum is the first in the Philippines curatorially conceived without focus on precious artifacts, but instead on the complex stories and people whose lives make up the stories. A: True The Art Fair Philippines only exibit artworks of artists from Mindanao. A: False NEFCA is the fund exclusively for the implementation of culture and arts programs and projects. A: True CCP means Cultural Concerference of the Philippines. A: False The Museo Dabawenyo showcases Cebu's rich history and diverse culture. A: False Museums are where objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and are not shown to the public. A: False Ruling systems are established to oversee the protection, promotion and fostering of culture and art in the Philippines. A: True Items sold in auctions are common and can be found in other areas. A: False ManilArt showcases the best in contemporary film making. A: False The Ateneo Art Awards is in association with The Philippine Star. A: True _________ is the light value of hue. A: Tint The Negros Museum is located in Bacolod. A: True Student photographers and designers may join the Vision Petron National Student Art Competition. A: True __________ are made by mixing a primary color with its secondary color. A: intermediate colors The Art Fair Philippines aims to mirror the vibrant local art scene and continue to generate support for Filipino art practitioners. A: True Museo Dabawenyo is a city-funded museum that showcases Palawan's rich history and diverse culture. A: False The title of National Artist recognizes excellence in the field of theater and literature. A: True Trapunto is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc.. A: False Salcedo Auctions include jewelry in their auctions. A: True The spectacle in the theater involves all the visual elements of the play - all of the aspects of scenery, costumes, and special effects in a production. A: True Salcedo Auctions is located in Cebu. A: False University of Nueva Caceres Museum contains archaeological, ethnographical, historical, and ecclesiastical collections relating to the Bicol Region. A: True The title of National Artist recognizes excellence in the field of visual arts only. A: False Jose Joya, Ang Kiukok and Benedicto Cabrera are among the past winners of the Shell National Students Art Competition. A: True Which type of art includes Earthworks, or works using natural objects like stones, leaves, trees, grass ? A: environmental art These kinds of institutions were established to oversee the fostering of culture and art in the Philippines. A: ruling systems __________ is the process of applying gouache to paper or glass then transferring a reversal of that image onto canvas or other flat materials. A: decalcomania Red and green are complimentary. A: True The BenCab museum also exhibits artworks collected by BenCab through the years. A: True Finale Art File only exhibits works by up and coming artists. A: False This museum shows the fascinating and colorful history of the province of Bicol. A: University of Nueva Caceres Museum Artists of any age can be awarded with the Ateneo Art Awards. A: False Which ruling system provides for the establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic education relevant to the goals of national development? A: DepEd NEFCA stands for National Endowment Fund for Culture and the Antiques. A: False _________ is the dark value of a hue. A: shade Organic lines express feeling of __________. A: gracefulness and dynamism Duration is not a main element of music. A: False MADE stands for Metrobank Art and Design Excellence. A: True NEFCA fund is for the implementation of ... and ... programs and projects. A: culture and arts The Ateneo Art Awards has two categories which are the Fernando Zobel Prizes for Visual Art and the Purita Kalaw-Ledesma Prize for Art Criticism. A: True Art in the Park is an annual event organized by Philippine Art Events, Inc. . A: True A rough texture is characterized by _________ . A: a surface that reflects light unevenly Kublai Art Gallery and Davao Contemporary Art Gallery showcases various works by Mindanao's famed artist Kublai Ponce-Millan, as well as different artists from the city. A: True Leon Gallery includes antique furniture in their auctions. A: True Which principle of design where the artist makes a specific area different in size, color, texture, shape, etc.? A: emphasis Assemblage is used for photography or film where a pictorial image or sections of film are selected, edited, and pieced together to form a continuous whole. A: False Art in the Park offers visitors a range of paintings, prints, photographs, sculpture, and new media at prices PhP 100,000.00 and below. A: False This is an institution devoted to the care and display of objects of lasting interest or value. A: museums Finale Art File is a museum. A: False Decoupage is where canvases are padded, sewn, and often filled with sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, glass, swatches and other things to make an artistic composition. A: False BenCab Museum only exhibits the artworks of Benedicto Cabrera. A: False The rank and title of National Artist is conferred by means of a Presidential Proclamation. A: True The art market in the Philippines has grown active in recent years. A: True Museo de Oro includes old photos of Cagayan de Oro and the Philippine-American war. A: True Salcedo Auctions is located in Salcedo Village in Dumaguete. A: False Montage is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc.. A: False ManilART only exhibits works of artists from Manila. A: False Which museum was among the first to develop and extend its audience reach by embracing the philosophy of ART FOR ALL? A: Metropolitan Museum of Manila Art in the Park is held every year in Bacolod. A: False Leon Gallery does not auction off antiques. A: False The title of National Artist recognizes excellence in the field of music and dance. A: True 856 G Gallery only exhibits works from Filipino artists. A: False The title of National Artist recognizes excellence in the field of film and broadcast arts. A: True Which type of art is expressing an idea through a mix of materials, such as found objects welded together? A: post modern art The Art in the Park is organized for the benefit of the Museum Foundation of the Philippines. A: True With Leon Gallery, authenticity for each artwork is guaranteed. A: True The National Museum is an educational, scientific and cultural auction house. A: False Assemblage is the technique of rubbing with a dry medium on a piece of paper which has been placed over an object that has texture. The impression of the texture will be left on the paper. A: False CCP has the belief that art matters in the life of every Filipino. A: True General Paulino Santos Museum is in Region 3. A: False The gallery Artinformal is located in Iloilo. A: False Which museum is first in the Philippines curatorially conceived without focus on precious artifacts? A: Negros Museum Award-giving bodies were established to encourage excellence. A: True BenCab Museum houses the permanent collection of Philippine National Artist Benedicto Cabrera. A: True In auctions, things are sold to the person who offers to pay the lowest. A: False CCP's first curator was Roberto Chabet. A: True Trapunto is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc. . A: False __________ is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cutouts, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc.. A: collage Decalcomania is putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood, metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. A: False Together with the National Museum, ManilART aims to preserve and integrate Filipino national culture. A: False Galleries have been managing artists to help them get artist residencies locally and abroad. A: True This museum is located within the Xavier University Campus. A: Museo de Oro The choreography is the setting or background establishing the place of action of any dance,and make the dance more realistic. A: False Auction houses do not sell rare pieces. A: False Decalcomania is the technique of rubbing with a dry medium on a piece of paper which has been placed over an object that has texture. The impression of the texture will be left on the paper. A: False These kinds of institutions were established to oversee the protection of culture and art in the Philippines. A: ruling systems The Thirteen Artists Awards is given every year. A: False University of Nueva Caceres Museum shows the fascinating and colorful history of the province of Bicol. A: True Art in the Park offers artworks to be sold at Php 50,000 and below only. A: True This is where objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited. A: museums These kinds of institutions were established to oversee the promotion of culture and art in the Philippines. A: ruling systems In the Negros Museum, local artists and artisans sell copies of their commissioned works at the Museum Shop. A: True NEFCA is administered by the NCCA. A: True Museo Dabawenyo has galleries that showcase the local tribes' cultures and way of living. A: True Purita Kalaw Ledesma was an art patron and founder of the Art Association of the Philippines. A: True Leon Gallery only auctions off paintings. A: False Which museum is the first formal museum in General Santos City? A: General Paulino Santos Museum Museo de Oro is located within Siliman University Campus. A: False Galleries have been managing artists to help them sell their works. A: True Collage is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc.. A: True The Art Fair Philippines exhibits and sells the best in modern and contemporary Philippine theater arts. A: False __________ is when several elements of art are used to get the attention of the audience and guide the audience's focus through and around the artwork. A: variety This is an institution devoted to the procurement of objects of lasting interest or value. A: museum Leon Gallery auctions works which span from the pre-American to the American era. A: False This museum was formerly the Court of First Instance before its conversion in 2008. A: Museo Dabawenyo Assemblage is the technique of rubbing with a dry medium on a piece of paper which has been placed over an object that has texture. The impression of the texture will be left on the paper. A: False Art Fair Philippines is set in an alternative urban venue. A: True The Vision Petron National Student Art Competition is only for painters. A: False There was a time when visual artists struggled to earn money from their art because there were not a lot who patronized or financially supported visual artists. A: True Collage is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc. . A: True Gallery Orange is the first professionally run gallery exclusively dedicated to the creative requirements primarily of the visual arts, and by association the other forms of art in Davao. A: False ManilART aims to preserve and integrate Filipino national culture and its various creative expressions as a compelling part of the national cultural mainstream. A: True Museums are where objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited. A: True This museum implements and serves as a regulatory and enforcement agency of the Government with respect to a series of cultural laws. A: National Museum Auction houses do private sales. A: False Metropolitan Museum of Manila adopted a bilingual approach to exhibition texts. A: True The General Paulino Santos Museum envisions to encourage and support efforts by other groups working in the same direction in the task of nation building. A: True Art Fair Philippines is the premier platform for exhibiting and selling the best in renaissance and contemporary Philippine visual art. A: False Positive space is_________ . A: the area occupied by shapes or forms This museum is committed to the conservation and protection the culture and traditions of the Cordilleras. A: BenCab Museum Auction houses do not sell contemporary artworks. A: False Which ruling system's mission is to protect and promote the right of every Filipino to complete basic education? A: DepEd Museum Dabawenyo is a "people's museum". A: True In the last few years the Metropolitan Museum of Manila in partnership with the EastWest Bank. A: False Which question is concerned with the art elements and principles? A: How does the art form appeal to the senses? "Are there any variations among the repeated elements?" belong to... A: Description In cinema, which is the story itself? A: MUKHANG GAGO YUNG PAGPIPILIAN. KAYO NA BAHALA MAGHANAP NG SAGOT DIYAN. KUNG TUMAMA KAYO ICOMMENT NIYO NALANG YUNG SAGOT OR IPIEM SA’KIN. SALAMAT! Which of these is not a plastic art? A: MUKHANG GAGO YUNG PAGPIPILIAN. KAYO NA BAHALA MAGHANAP NG SAGOT DIYAN. KUNG TUMAMA KAYO ICOMMENT NIYO NALANG YUNG SAGOT OR IPIEM SA’KIN. SALAMAT!