Clues for Exam #3 content material crossword ACROSS 1 tip of heart pointing down toward 5th intercostal space 3 blowing or swooshing sound heard when artery partially occluded 4 bulbous enlargement of distal phalanges of fingers from chronic heart/lung conditions 6 swelling of extremity due to obstructed lymph channel 8 abnormal accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity 11 a mixture of saliva and mucus coughed up from resp tract 14 swordlike tip of the sternum 20 layer of skin that regenerates every 4 weeks 21 skin assessment that evaluates hydration status 25 area of spine made up of 5 vertebral bodies 26 thin-walled lung chambers that exchange CO2 and oxygen 27 abbreviation to assist in remembering cardiac auscultation points 28 moving a body part away from the median line 29 medical term for belly-button 30 childhood disorder characterized by bronchospasm, wheezing & dyspnea 31 a mole 32 may present with edema, redness, pain, and bounding pulses to unilateral extremity DOWN 1 if suspected, do NOT palpate the area! 2 medical term for kneecap 4 dusky blue color to skin or mucous membranes 5 rapid heart rate >90bpm in the adult 7 indentation left after examiner depresses skin over edematous tissue 9 ideal to palpate ONE at a time to prevent loss of consciousness 10 coarse, grating lung sound when inflammation present 12 loud, gurgling bowel sounds signaling increased motility;hyperperistalsis 13 name of left bicuspid AV valve 15 space in thoracic cage that contains heart & great vessels 16 structural defects in heart valves may cause this sound 17 dry crackling sound sometimes felt over damaged joints 18 device used to detect peripheral pulses 19 the length of time to auscultate apical pulse 21 drumlike sound heard when percussing over the stomach 22 itching of skin 23 coarse crackling palpable on skin when air enter subcutaneous tissue 24 contain intraluminal valves to prevent backflow of blood from the heart