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HUMMS 112: Social Science Questions & Answers (Weeks 11-20)

HUMMS 112 WEEK 11-20
New institutionalism and old institutionalism are the same.
Rationality could take various forms, but applied to sociology, it becomes the ___ of society.
- identity
Second-wave feminism concentrated on the ___ sector, pushing not for exact rights, but for
social recognition and a new identity. Second-wave feminism reacts negatively to the age-old
view of women: weak and undetermined.
de Beauvoir studied _____ at the University of Paris and eventually studied mathematics at the
Institut Catholique de Paris and literature at the Institut de Sainte-Marie.
-mathematics and philosophy
As a social science, the origins of human-environment systems did not actually begin with
society itself, but rather with ____ themes.
This is the totality of things that in any way may affect an organism, including both physical and
cultural conditions; a region characterized by a certain set of physical conditions.
- environment
Hermeneutics, on the other hand, comes from the Greek word ‘hermeneutikos’ meaning:
Human-Environment System can also be called:
-human ecology
Rational Choice Theory is primarily a part of theory as well as that of social theory.
There is no clear definition for human environment system, as it crosses ____ at once such as
ecology, sociology and environmental demographics.
-multiple disciplines
Manuel Dy, Jr. mentions in his book Contemporary Social Philosophy that “a Filipino ethics must
value ____.” (Dy, 2013)
Rational Choice Theory is primarily a part of theory as well as that of social theory.
Isabelo de los Reyes is also credited to be the first Filipino:
The “rational” approach started at the dawn of the Cold War.
Schools of sufficient quality and quantity must be established throughout the archipelago
primarily for enlightenment and secondarily, livelihood.
There is no clear definition for human environment system, as it crosses multiple disciplines at
once such as ecology, sociology and environmental demographics.
According to Blume and Easley, rational choice had been around ever since the rise of through
the rise of Adam Smith.
Filipinos place a great amount of importance on close family ties that it is arguably the most
practiced Filipino value at present.
Human-Environment System can also be called:
-human ecology
Human-environment system means that society lives in a blank, dysfunctional world and a world
that affects society great
- True
There is no clear definition for human environment system, as it crosses ____ at once such as
ecology, sociology and environmental demographics.
- multiple disciplines
Rationality could take various forms, but applied to sociology, it becomes the ___ of society.
Ecology is defined as “the branch of biology that deals with the ____ of organisms to one
another and to their physical surroundings.”
- relations
The people must be educated in civic virtues and enlightened in all possible senses to be able
to struggle for their rights.
The last wave of feminism, also known as third-wave feminism, is an acceptance of the secondwave and is a support of sorts of the preceding wave. Third-wave feminism distinguished itself
from the second wave around issues of sexuality, challenging female heterosexuality and
celebrating sexuality as a means of female empowerment. (Holt & Cameron, 2010)
New institutionalism and old institutionalism are the same.
The father of modern phenomenology is the philosopher:
-Edmund Husserl
His (Mercado’s) style of writing and analysis of Philippine society and culture is ____, meaning
that for him, language is an important facet in understanding Filipino society as a whole.
Charles Fourier was known to coin the term:
Although the focus of the field is the relationship between society and environment in general,
environmental sociologists typically place special emphasis on studying the social factors that
cause environmental problems, the societal impacts of those problems, and efforts to solve the
From the beginning of the periods when the Philippines was colonized by Spain, and then the
USA, academic psychology, or the psychology taught in schools, was predominantly ____ in
theory and in methodology
“Sikolohiyang Pilipino is anchored on Filipino thought and experience as understood from a
Filipino perspective (Enriquez, 1975).”
The principle emphasis of Sikolohiyang Pilipino is to destroy national identity and
consciousness, social involvement, and psychology of language and culture.
In simpler terms, Sikolohiyang Pilipino is aimed at understanding the Filipino ____ the Filipino.
-according to
Since the Philippines was a colony of three different countries, they have been exposed to
culture after culture, all of them distinct and special in their own way, that have led to the
Filipinos having a certain kind of:
-identity crisis
The most important aspect of this definition is the Filipino orientation. For centuries, Filipino
behavior has been analyzed and interpreted in the light of ____ theories.
Pua and Marcelino regard him as the founder of Sikolohiyang Pilipino
-Virgilio G. Enriquez
Filipinos have never been a strictly intellectual culture. Their mindset even before the dawn of
the 21st century has always been a collection of both the strictly academic and the open culture
that Filipinos have always espoused.
Sikolohiyang Pilipino is a by-product of Western psychology.
Enriquez also eliminated the bondage of Western tradition that bothered Filipino intellectuals
before him. This proves that Sikolohiyang Pilipino is something original to the Filipino, and that
Filipino culture is not destined to live under the shadows of another culture or an outside nation.
Stock Market Analyst
Your role is to analyze the allocation of material goods of society and how it affects the daily life
of each individual as well as society in general.
Non-Profit Organization Administrator
Since the Philippines was a colony of three different countries, they have been exposed to
culture after culture, all of them distinct and special in their own way, that have led to the
Filipinos having a certain kind of:
-identity crisis
Through the lens of anthropology (and even psychology) we can see that what drives the social
phenomenon of nationalism is a sense of both racial pride and a degree of __________ (a fear
of foreigners or other cultures).
Enriquez also eliminated the bondage of Western tradition that bothered Filipino intellectuals
before him. This proves that Sikolohiyang Pilipino is something original to the Filipino, and that
Filipino culture is not destined to live under the shadows of another culture or an outside nation.
-Political Science
History Teacher
________ work in many sectors - for the government, for charities and for a variety of
commercial organizations. Researchers can be employed directly, or through an agency, or they
may work as freelancers, (i.e. be self-employed).
-Market Researchers
Sikolohiyang Pilipino is a by-product of Western psychology.
_______ work as coaches to other people in areas including business, sport and education.
They also work in hospitals and health centers, (i.e. in clinical settings) helping to support
people with a range of psychological problems.
University work, administrative work, and mentoring are fueled by social science experts who
share the common vision of an examined and critical society.
Economics Teacher
This is the association between the social sciences and the humanities in analyzing society.
Guidance Counselor
It is a sense or ideology of wanting something to happen to your nation. It is, in a way, willing
that a society take a certain shape according to what you think is best for the progress of a
hand,_____ also serves a purpose in understanding more the social phenomenon of
nationalism. When one has nationalistic ideas, he seeks the progress of his nation. This
includes a desire for a country's economy to grow.
The most concrete of this participation and active involvement of the social sciences can be
seen in the different ______ available to those who pursue this colorful field.
-professionsfh of the following is a work of Michel
Public Administration Teacher
-Political Science
Ancient Civilization Researcher
Rationality could take various forms, but applied to sociology, it becomes the ______ of society.
Through the lens of anthropology (and even psychology) we can see that what drives the social
phenomenon of nationalism is a sense of both racial pride and a degree of __________ (a fear
of foreigners or other cultures).
The value of historical institutionalism is that it shows how an institution can reflect the changes
within society, and how one need not to extensively pursue a conclusion based on multiple
observations on society, but rather can be focused on one body that sufficiently accounts for a
proper description of society's progress
Identify if the mentioned social tradition is uniquely Filipino or not: Simbang Gabi
Utilizing a __________ , the PantayongPananaw is the collective Filipino voice.
-single language
Identify which discipline is better suited for the mentioned topic.
-Political Science
Human-Environment System can also be called:
-human ecology
The reason why nationalism can be so strong is that individuals within the society seeks a
progressive society distant to its own cultures and traditions without the influence of other
societies as much as possible.
Identify which Filipino social thinker applies to the theory: Filipino Communism
-Jose Rizal
Which of the following is a work of Michel Foucault?
-Discipline and Punish
From the beginning of the periods when the Philippines was colonized by Spain, and then the
USA, academic psychology, or the psychology taught in schools, was predominantly ________
in theory and in methodology
Identify which Filipino social thinker applies to the theory: Unity of Language
-Leonardo Mercado
Identify which Filipino social thinker applies to the theory: Workers' Rights
-Isabelo de los Reyes
According to the definition of an institution, identify whether the given is an institution or not:
The proponent of this rather new theory of PantayongPananaw is the historian and
-Zeus Salazar
This traces the progress of both socio-economic behavior in society through the growth and
history of an institution.
-Historical institutionalism
Ecology is defined as "the branch of biology that deals with the________ of organisms to one
another and to their physical surroundings."
Identify which Filipino social thinker applies to the theory: Inculturation
- Leonardo Mercado
Identify whether the given is part of the humanities or the social sciences: 17th Century Art
Truthfully, the only way to build a common perspective within a society is that if each individual
contributes to the common social discussion, and that everyone understands the common
Your role is to analyze the allocation of material goods of society and how it affects the daily life
of each individual as well as society in general.
"Sa madaling sabi, makukulong ang mga intelektuwal na Pilipino sa balangkas ng
kaisipangAmerikano at Kanluranin."
Rational choice theory (RCT) can be seen as originating from the discovery of a rational
approach to objects, rather than relying on things like myth or religion.
The principle emphasis of Sikolohiyang Pilipino is to destroy national identity and
consciousness, social involvement, and psychology of language and culture.
Isabelo de los Reyes is also credited to be the first Filipino:
This is the totality of things that in any way may affect an organism, including both physical and
cultural conditions; a region characterized by a certain set of physical conditions
The last wave of feminism, also known as third-wave feminism, is an acceptance of the secondwave and is a support of sorts of the preceding wave. Third-wave feminism distinguished itself
from the second wave around issues of sexuality, challenging female heterosexuality and
celebrating sexuality as a means of female empowerment. (Holt & Cameron, 2010)
Identify which Filipino social thinker applies to the theory: Metalinguistic Analysis
-Leonardo Mercado
Human culture can integrate with the environment.
The basic premise of rational choice is that social behavior and attitude is the result of
________ .
-individual actions and choices
Identify which wave of feminism applies to the social concern: Women in public positions
-third wave
Identify which wave of feminism applies to the social concern: Destroying the Stereotype:
Women as housewives
-second wave
According to the definition of an institution, identify whether the given is an institution or not:
- Non-institution
Identify which discipline is better suited for the mentioned topic.
History Teacher
- History
As a social science, the origins of human-environment systems did not actually begin with
society itself, but rather with _______ themes.
Identify whether the given is part of the humanities or the social sciences: The Impact of Young
Women in LGU's
Sikolohiyang Pilipino is a by-product of Western psychology.
Pua and Marcelino regard him as the founder of Sikolohiyang Pilipino
-Virgilio G. Enriquez
Quite a number of his works were dedicated to the concept of PantayongPananaw, and
therefore, he is primarily known for his ________ of the theory.
The PantayongPananaw requires a ____________ for common perspective.
-Common world-view
Identify which discipline is better suited for the mentioned topic.
Economics Teacher
According to the definition of an institution, identify whether the given is an institution or not:
Identify which wave of feminism applies to the social concern: Women as having a political
-first wave
Apart from the suggestions given above, a degree in the social sciences will also be the key to
teaching other learners about the different elements of the social sciences.
Hermeneutics, on the other hand, comes from the Greek word 'hermeneutikos' meaning:
Salazar points out that the ___________ in the Philippines, along with the cultural influences of
the West, make the PantayongPananaw affected by Western perspectives.
-education system
There is no clear definition for human environment system, as it crosses _______ at once such
as ecology, sociology and environmental demographics.
- multiple disciplines
___________work as coaches to other people in areas including business, sport and education.
They also work in hospitals and health centers, (i.e. in clinical settings) helping to support
people with a range of psychological problems.
This is the association between the social sciences and the humanities in analyzing society.
The most important aspect of this definition is the Filipino orientation. For centuries, Filipino
behavior has been analyzed and interpreted in the light f ________ theories.
Human-Environment System can also be called:
-human ecology
The "rational" approach started at the dawn of the Cold War.
From the beginning of the periods when the Philippines was colonized by Spain, and then the
USA, academic psychology, or the psychology taught in schools, was predominantly ________
in theory and in methodology
Through the lens of anthropology (and even psychology) we can see that what drives the social
phenomenon of nationalism is a sense of both racial pride and a degree of __________ (a fear
of foreigners or other cultures).
dentify which discipline is better suited for the mentioned topic.
Non-Profit Organization Administrator
Enriquez also eliminated the bondage of Western tradition that bothered Filipino intellectuals
before him. This proves that Sikolohiyang Pilipino is something original to the Filipino, and that
Filipino culture is not destined to live under the shadows of another culture or an outside nation.
Second-wave feminism concentrated on the _____ sector, pushing not for exact rights, but for
social recognition and a new identity. Second-wave feminism reacts negatively to the age-old
view of women: weak and undetermined.
Identify which wave of feminism applies to the social concern: Destroying the Stereotype:
Women as too emotional
-second wave
________work in many sectors - for the government, for charities and for a variety of
commercial organizations. Researchers can be employed directly, or through an agency, or they
may work as freelancers, (i.e. be self-employed).
-Market Researchers
Although the focus of the field is the relationship between society and environment in general,
environmental sociologists typically place special emphasis on studying the social factors that
cause environmental problems, the societal impacts of those problems, and efforts to solve the
Identify which discipline is better suited for the mentioned topic.
Trade Union Management
- Economics
Rational choice theory (RCT) can be seen as originating from the discovery of a rational
approach to objects, rather than relying on things like myth or religion.
- False
Identify which Filipino social thinker applies to the theory: Workers' Rights
-Isabelo de los Reyes
Identify if the mentioned social tradition is uniquely Filipino or not: Pagmamano
- Filipino
Identify which discipline is better suited for the mentioned topic.
Market Researcher
Sikolohiyang Pilipino is a by-product of Western psychology.
Identify if the mentioned social tradition is uniquely Filipino or not: Chinese New Year
Identify if the mentioned social tradition is uniquely Filipino or not: Feast of the Black Nazarene
Identify which Filipino social thinker applies to the theory: Non-Violence
-Jose Rizal
Rational Choice Theory is primarily a part of _________ theory as well as that of social theory.
Isabelo de los Reyes is also credited to be the first Filipino:
- socialist
Another point is that the social sciences are composed of different disciplines that provide
multiple perspectives on how society should be studied and examined.
Therefore, PantayongPananaw involves the participation of all members of society together with
their individual minds, and uniting them as a _______ the PantayongPananaw.
Identify which wave of feminism applies to the social concern: Women as having a political
-first wave
University work, administrative work, and mentoring are fueled by social science experts who
share the common vision of an examined and critical society.
Filipinos place a great amount of importance on close family ties that it is arguably the most
practiced Filipino value at present.
"Sikolohiyang Pilipino is anchored on Filipino thought and experience as understood from a
Filipino perspective (Enriquez, 1975)."
Identify which discipline is better suited for the mentioned topic.
-Political Science
Human culture can integrate with the environment.
Identify which discipline is better suited for the mentioned topic.
Stock Market Analyst
Schools of sufficient quality and quantity must be established throughout the archipelago
primarily for enlightenment and secondarily, livelihood
Identify whether the given is part of the humanities or the social sciences: Plato's Allegory of the
-Social Sciences
Quite a number of his works were dedicated to the concept of PantayongPananaw, and
therefore, he is primarily known for his ________ of the theory.
Manuel Dy, Jr. mentions in his book Contemporary Social Philosophy that "a Filipino ethics must
value ." (Dy, 2013)
Apart from the suggestions given above, a degree in the social sciences will also be the key to
teaching other learners about the different elements of the social sciences.
The reason why nationalism can be so strong is that individuals within the society seeks a
progressive society distant to its own cultures and traditions without the influence of other
societies as much as possible.
The most important concept put forth by Mercado is _______.
___________work as coaches to other people in areas including business, sport and education.
They also work in hospitals and health centers, (i.e. in clinical settings) helping to support
people with a range of psychological problems.
Identify which Filipino social thinker applies to the theory: Knowledge of Civic Virtues
-Jose Rizal
According to the definition of an institution, identify whether the given is an institution or not:
- Institution
According to the definition of an institution, identify whether the given is an institution or not:
Facebook Group Conversation
If one thinks about it, rational choice seems to have been around for quite some time, since the
primary inclination of a human being is to choose what is most rational. However, rational
choice as a theory applied in both sociology and economics has been applied only recently.
- True
Identify if the mentioned social tradition is uniquely Filipino or not: Panliligaw
Utilizing a __________ , the PantayongPananaw is the collective Filipino voice.
- single language
This is the totality of things that in any way may affect an organism, including both physical and
cultural conditions; a region characterized by a certain set of physical conditions
- environment
According to the definition of an institution, identify whether the given is an institution or not:
- Non-institution
Ecology is defined as "the branch of biology that deals with the________ of organisms to one
another and to their physical surroundings."
- relations
Identify whether the given is part of the humanities or the social sciences: The Relationship of
Supply and Demand
- Social Sciences
Identify which discipline is better suited for the mentioned topic.
Ancient Civilization Researcher
- Anthropology