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Human Sexuality: Male vs Female Physiology & Reproduction

Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
Website: www.cbsua.edu.ph
ISO 9001:2015
Email Address: cbsua.sipocot@cbsua.edu.ph
Trunkline: (054) 881 -6681
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
Website: www.cbsua.edu.ph
ISO 9001:2015
Email Address: cbsua.sipocot@cbsua.edu.ph
Trunkline: (054) 881 -6681
We observe that men are generally taller, heavier and stronger than women,
with squarer shoulders and more plainly pronounced muscles. The body of a man and
especially the face is more hairy, and the voice has a different and more powerful tone.
He is more courageous and energetic than woman. His brain is absolutely larger but
whether or not proportionately to his larger body, has not been fully ascertained.
In woman the face is rounder, the jaws and the base of the skull smaller, the
outlines of the body rounder, in parts more prominent, and her pelvis is broader than
in man, but his latter character may perhaps considered rather as a primary rather
than a secondary sexual character. She comes to maturity at an earlier age than man.
It has been found that the distinctive characters of the male sex are not fully developed
until he is nearly mature. In regard to the general hairiness of the body, the women in
all races are less hairy than men, and in some mammals the body of the female is less
hairy than men than that of the male.
These differences are not the basic ones in differentiating a man from a woman
through this lesson students will be able to to know the basic difference of a man and
woman in different aspects most especially one’s sexuality.
Human Sexuality
The French called it “the little death” because the pleasure is so intense and
involving thought for a few brief s what is completely cut off from all other sensations
from all perception of the rest of the world. In order to bring power of sex under control
different societies have developed laws in customs which circumscribes the kind and
manner of sexual behavior permitted to their members the consequences of limitation
for our own society is that sex became an object of taboo-forbidden except under
limited circumstances.
Human sexuality is the expression of sexual sensation and related intimacy
between human beings. Psychologically, sexuality is the means to express the
fullness of love between a man and a woman. Biologically, it is the means through
which a child is conceived and the lineage is passed on to the next generation.
Sexuality involves the body, mind, and spirit; therefore, this article regards sexuality
holistically and does not separate out the physiological mechanics of the reproductive
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
Website: www.cbsua.edu.ph
ISO 9001:2015
Email Address: cbsua.sipocot@cbsua.edu.ph
Trunkline: (054) 881 -6681
Physiology of Sex
“Human sexuality is a fundamental motivating force that refers to the biological
and socio-psychological characteristics of maleness and femaleness of human being”
(Elroy, 1968).
Human Male. Physiological, human sexuality comes from the
reproductive organs. Gonads which produce sex cells, for male it is
called testes or testicles. It is where the sperm is manufactured in
long narrow tubes the seminiferous tubules. The sperm cell is moved
through the various vessels and ducts and in the prostate gland are
mixed with semen the milky alkaline fluid which is ejaculated from the
penis during the orgasm.
Penis, is the main organ
copulation, the sensitive part is a glance known as the
corona or crown of the penis. Prepuce or foreskin is
the loose fold skin covered the gland. Today, the foreskin
is surgically removed immediately after the birth of the
male infant. This practice is the medical lingo is known as
The size of the penis differs from person to person.
The length of an average penis is the placid state is from
2 and ½ to 4 inches and its diameter is about 1 inch.
When erect the average penis measures between 5 and
1/2 to 6 and ½ inches, with a diameter of about an inch
and ½.
In other words, to smaller penises in nearly all cases had greater erective
potential than the larger ones (Masters and Johnson, 1966). Release of the semen is
pleasurable act in itself. When we achieve this response through
nocturnal emission or wet dreams, masturbation, pitting to the climax or
some other outlet (as in homosexuality) besides intercourse.
Human Female. The female organs are predominantly internal.
The most important ones are the vagina uterus, ovaries and fallopian
tubes. The external part is the vulva, consisting the labia majora and
minora, the clitoris, the openings of the urethra and the hymen. The
entire system seem to be designed to receive the semen from the male
to produce the ovum and to carry out the task of embryonic and fetal
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
Website: www.cbsua.edu.ph
ISO 9001:2015
Email Address: cbsua.sipocot@cbsua.edu.ph
Trunkline: (054) 881 -6681
development of an infant. The labia majora or large lips consists of folds tissues
somewhat covered by hair extending from the fatty pubic
area to almost the rectal area. The labia minora are
the inner folds less readily visible and more
sensitive. It consists of erectile tissue and with its
intensive covering of nerve endings can be
stimulated to partial erection during the sex act.
Vagina, as passageway of the menstrual
discharge, as the copulatory area, and as the
major part of the birth canal (Gordon, 1955).
Hymen is a membranous fold perhaps half inch in
diameter which partly closes the opening of the
vagina. It is ruptured during the initial intercourse if
this has not already occurred as a result of masturbation or some other cause. Ovaries
are the female gonads and are located inside the pelvis one to the right and one to the
left of the uterus or womb.
Generally, a girl will experience menarche ,the onset of her first menstrual
period between the ages 11 and 15. This is the sign that ovulation has started. At
regular intervals most commonly 28 days one of the follicles in the ovaries burst and
an ovum is ejected. The fallopian tube will be the passage between the ovary and
the uterus. Concepcion will take place when one of the millions of sperm cells
ejaculated during intercourse will make its way to fallopian tube. If fertilization takes
place the ovum and the sperm cell become a
zygote and continue down the fallopian tube
and to the uterus if the ovum is not fertilized it
simply passes through the uterus and it flush
out through the vagina.
Clitoris “unique organ in the total
human anatomy” (Masters and Johnson,
1966). It is the female's centered sexual
response, it is the female phallus in its the
counterpart of male penis. Its purpose is to
initiate or raise the level of sexual tension that
is it is the organ which has no other function
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
Website: www.cbsua.edu.ph
ISO 9001:2015
Email Address: cbsua.sipocot@cbsua.edu.ph
Trunkline: (054) 881 -6681
except pleasure it has many nerve endings concentrated into a small area. In fact
direct manipulation of the clitoral glands may quickly turn into an irritant rather than a
sexual stimulant.
The Process of Human Reproduction and Sexual Pleasure
Among lower forms of animals, the
sex drive of the female is periodic,
seasonal, and controlled to a great
extent of hormones. The menstrual
cycle in humans is quite different from
the estrus cycle of animals. Although,
it is true that the human female’s
production of estrogen is highest
during ovulation, this increase has no
appreciable effect on her sex drive.
This split between sexual pleasure and reproduction underlies the new
attitudes toward sex , which are often referred to as sexual revolution. In fact the very
people who advocate free sexual expression are often those who are most strenuously
in favor to ZERO population growth.
During sexual act, the male deposits in the vagina his sperms which move
towards the fallopian tube passing through the uterus. The union of the egg cell and
the sperm cell is called fertilization.
After fertilization, the embryo continuous its journey to the uterus. In the womb
the fetus grows and develops until the end of pregnancy which is about 280 days from
the time of conception.
The rolls down the fallopian tube towards the uterus and disintegrates. The
thickened lining of the uterine walls sheds off and flows out of the woman’s body in
the form of bloody discharge. Normal menstrual period could last from 5 to 8 days,
with 4 to 6 as the average. This is from 20 to 36 days with the average being of 28
days. For some reason the cycle may vary in length. When a woman no longer
menstruates, she has arrived at what is known menopause.
Phases of Menstruation
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
Website: www.cbsua.edu.ph
ISO 9001:2015
Email Address: cbsua.sipocot@cbsua.edu.ph
Trunkline: (054) 881 -6681
The menses phase: This phase, which typically lasts from day one to day five,
is the time when the lining of the uterus is actually shed out through the vagina if
pregnancy has not occurred. Most women bleed for three to five days, but a period
lasting only two days to as many as seven days is still considered normal.
follicular phase: This phase
typically takes place from days six to
14. During this time, the level of the
hormone estrogen rises, which
causes the lining of the uterus (called
the endometrium) to grow and
hormone—causes follicles in the
ovaries to grow. During days 10 to 14,
one of the developing follicles will form
a fully mature egg (ovum).
Ovulation: This phase occurs roughly
at about day 14 in a 28-day menstrual
cycle. A sudden increase in another
causes the ovary to release its egg.
This event is called ovulation.
The Means of Sexual Expression
The means of sexual expression
Sex drives can be expressed in three basic ways: masturbation, petting and
sexual intercourse.
Masturbation. Many decades ago, masturbation was highly condemned by the
respected authorities in Filipino society as wicked, unwholesome, a sin, and a
dangerous vice. Medical and religious leaders warned parents to stop their children
from masturbating at all cost. Masturbation is self-stimulation of the genitals or other
erotically sensitive parts of the body for sexual arousal and orgasm (Perry, 1981). As
such it may interpreted as common form of activity among humans.
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
Website: www.cbsua.edu.ph
ISO 9001:2015
Email Address: cbsua.sipocot@cbsua.edu.ph
Trunkline: (054) 881 -6681
Petting. The word “petting” is used to describe any sex play with a partner which does
not include intercourse. The sexual activities of virgins who have not experienced
sexual intercourse as involving various levels of “kissing and touching anther's body
and exposing one’s own body to another for sexual pleasure without having pleasure”
(Sorensen, 1973). However, if petting has a prelude to sexual intercourse, it usually
know as “Foreplay”.
Sexual Intercourse is a generative act, the transference of semen from the male into
the reproductive tract of the female, thus allowing conception to take place. Coitus is
the most accepted form of complete sexual expression, oral-genital stimulation (genital
kissing) is practice today. This practice may either be fellatio or cunnilingus. Fellatio
means sucking or kissing of a man’s penis while cunnilingus means kissing of a
woman’s genital area.
Some Sexual Problems
The physiological sexual response cycle is a natural involuntary occurrence (Perry,
Impotence is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to
perform coitus (Perry, 1981). The fault lies with a syndrome of fear and anxiety,
therefore the majority of impotent cases are physiological in nature.
Sexual myths and fallacies (adopted from J. L. McCary human sexuality, 2 nd ed.
New York: D. Van Ostrand Company, 1973)
During the menstruation, women should not engage in sports; nor should
they take a bath shower, or shampoo their hair.
Excellence of athletic performance is reduced by sexual intercourse the
night before or the day of any athletic competition.
The size of man’s penis can be judged by the size of his hand and feet.
The penis of the black male is larger than that of the white male.
Sex desire and ability decrease markedly after the age of 40 – 50.
There is an absolutely “safe” period for sexual intercourse in which coitus
can’t cause impregnation.
Because of their sexual tendencies, homosexuals are more likely than
heterosexuals to be disloyal to their country.
The typical career woman is suppressed lesbian.
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
Website: www.cbsua.edu.ph
ISO 9001:2015
Email Address: cbsua.sipocot@cbsua.edu.ph
Trunkline: (054) 881 -6681
Masturbation is a practice restricted exclusively to men,
Vagina-penis intercourse is the only method of sex relations.
Pornography has a corruptive effect on people’s minds and behavior,
specially children’s.
Pornography stimulates people to commit criminal sex acts.
Premature ejaculation men in our society have had their first heterosexual
experience with prostitutes who are interested in finishing the act as quickly as
possible so as tpo get the next customer. It can be a major problem to sexual
Orgasm dysfunction men who are impotent find release of sexual tension by
masturbating or petting to orgasm (Perry, 1981). There are times when orgasmic
dysfunction can be accompanied by a condition known as vaginismus, an involuntary
contraction of the vagina in a response to attempted penetration.
The organs of human reproduction are the testes on the part of the male which
produce sperm cells and ovaries on the part of the female which produce eggs. The
male sex cells after being mixed with the semen in the prostate, is ejaculated through
the erect penis during coitus. The female sex cells are produced in the ovaries. Once
a month an ovum is released into the fallopian tube. It fertilized by a sperm, it goes
into the uterus where it grows into an embryo. If not, it passes out of the body with the
flow of menstrual blood.
Among humans, sez is source of great pleasure as well as a method of
reproduction. Unlike other animals, humans can have sex any time.
The means of sexual expression are masturbation, petting and sexual
Both men and women experience sexual problems. These can cause a
disruption in the normal functioning of their relationship. These include impotence, or
the inability of the male to achieve an erection;premature ejaculation or the inability of
the male to prolong coitus for a sufficient time to satisfy his partner; and orgasmic
dysfunction or the inability to achieve orgasm which may be accompanied by the
vaginismus or involuntary tightening of thevaginal canal that would not allow
intromission of the penis.
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
Website: www.cbsua.edu.ph
ISO 9001:2015
Email Address: cbsua.sipocot@cbsua.edu.ph
Trunkline: (054) 881 -6681
Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408
Website: www.cbsua.edu.ph
ISO 9001:2015
Email Address: cbsua.sipocot@cbsua.edu.ph
Trunkline: (054) 881 -6681