Uploaded by Dilnoza Jamoliddinova

reflecion, Aziza Jalilova

on the project that impressed me a lot
GROUP: 11- 4CHI 20
STUDENT : Jalilova Aziza
I would like to write that the most interesting subject that I have
known is IS In my second course. I REALLY adore this class. During this
lesson we learnt many different things with all my coursemates,
improved our creativity skills, working in various groups. At this lesson
we know each other's ability completely. We prepared many tasks such
as conference, talk show, presentations on unusual topics, getting
interviews and others. Among them i really appriciate with shooting a
film " by including current specific family problems. For preparing this
task we were given 4 lessons. Our best teacher Zilola Tolibovna divided
us into 3 groups. I was from second group.My group included
Bekmurodov Feruza, Toʻraqulova Muhayyo, Vohidov Vazira,
Najmiddinov Xurshid, Bahodirova Saida, Sattorova Gulxayo and me.I
was very happy that i was in this groups because all my groupmates
were very talanted. For example, Feruza and Muhayyo were good at
role acting, Vaziraa was talanted at creating a film, also camera of her
telephone was best one, so we called her as a cameragirl.Others helped
to giving ideas and making scenario.
On first lesson we thought showing what kind of problem. All members
of my group, as well as me, were interested in indian films, we dicided
to shoot a film like indians. We chose a topic ( addiction to drugs. Due
to awareness of children mother suffer from her childs even she bring
up her children lonely I mean without their father because of his
die).After that we divided roles, Feruza was mother and her profession
was a business ladyr. It is really ridiculuos to act thi's role for her. . Then
Toʻraqulova Muhayyo was elder sister in the family and her profession
was sewer. She acts her role very well. Vohidova Vazira and Bahodirova
Saida were nurses from ambulance. They serve really effectively that
fascinates me most. As they look after the patients like real doctors.
Sattorova Gulxayo was little girl in the family who was real innocent.
Because when she asked help from her sister she was always rejected .,
if i write about me i was the main role in the film. My role was the
middle girl who is addicted to drug and money. As my groupmates
emphasizes. I acted this role as real actress.For the film . Initially, We
thought that where we shoot a film and chose the apartment of
Vohidova Vazira and , also Bukhara Shoppinv Mall and one auditory and
street for other sceens.At the beginning we were too lazy.But then we
shoot a film only in two days. Firtly we took a beginning part sceen in
the home of Vazira. The beginning of our film was very amazing
because in order to find exact apartment we got lost in fifth high street.
At that time, Elmurodova Moxinur was late. .r.There we took first
scenery that my little sister asked help for her homework but at that
time I ignore her. From my perspective she was guilty for our family
problems. First I should pay for my contract but my mother couldn't
afford this money. When I shouted my sister, I was extremely nervous
about this phenomenon. For the second part of our film., we chose
Bukhara Shopping Mall. My close friend Moxinur advises me to cheat
the rich boy Najmiddinov Xurshid.and took money from him for my
contract. In the mall he showed me his two big shops of him. Eventually
I managed to get on well with him as close friends. But as it is written in
the scenary,he adviced me drugs and suggested alcohol. I accepted
them without any rejection. At the end of our film the mother died
after seeing her daughter's situation of being get drunk. Even doctors
tried to help my mother, she died. At the end of the film all of us
spoke that we gave some information about family problems and how
to deal with them. Moreover, We prepared there a meeting between
Xurshid and me. Although Saida was not good at role acting (because
she is shy), Feruza helped her and learnt some actions also how she
roled.For this sceen We used a car in the street.We took this sceen
three times because of noises and distractions in the street.
Fortunately, At that time security did not check our permission paper.In
the dormitory we took many sceens. At the back of sceens there were
funny actions.We never forget them. It is really amazing.After we went
to auditory in order to take court sceen. Also there we underwent
ridiculous situations. After coming there we dicided to get some
unique sceens for introducing actor and actresses at the beginning of
our film. Due to our this idea we were late our communicative
vocabulary lesson .Our teacher punished us and gave us some
questions according to a lesson .Clearly she said that "If you don't find
an answer of my questions, You will not participate in may lesson
anymore". . .
After 3 lessons we performed our films at indian center. Our teacher
was satisfied with our works. Moreover, all class were excited.
We did not expect our films to be so much exciting and even decided
to shoot more and more films in the near future, I hope girls will stay
loyal to those decisions.
It is not secret that the harmony amongst coursemates multiplied in
great amount since then, we have discovered a lot more things in
ourselves, we want to co-work and improve and be the best of the
best. Since we have the best teachers…