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Emergency Slides vs Rafts: Aviation Safety

Difference between emergency slides and rafts
All of the slides can be detached from aircraft for using as
rafts, some even have first aid kits, drinking water and
flares packed within but not all are marketed as
OH should be done every 3 years up until 15 years of age,
afterwards annually.
There are separate rafts for ETOPS flights. These cannot
be used as slides and are rarer on the market also. They
have always some kind of survival package also attached
with water, radio beacons, knives, sunscreens etc.
OH should be done every 3 years up until 15 years of age,
afterwards annually.
On the rafts the overall age is less
important than on the slides because
they receive less abuse during
overhauls and packing, therefore they
wear less and hold their value for
longer. The downside is that due to
the contents of the survival package
includes expiring flares and water, the
whole raft ASSY is more expensive to
OH schedule may be vary from one
manufacturer to another. Information
above is provided for Zodiac products.