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ML & IoT Security: Solutions & Challenges

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Machine learning and the Internet of Things security: Solutions and
open challenges
Umer Farooq a , Noshina Tariq b , Muhammad Asim a , Thar Baker c,∗ , Ahmed Al-Shamma’a c
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, A. K. Barohi Road, H-11/4, Islamabad, Pakistan
Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, Street No. 09, Plot No. 67 Sector H-8/4’, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
University of Sharjah, P.O.Box: 27272 Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 2 April 2021
Received in revised form 2 August 2021
Accepted 19 January 2022
Available online 29 January 2022
Internet of Things
Machine learning
a b s t r a c t
Internet of Things (IoT) is a pervasively-used technology for the last few years. IoT technologies are
also responsible for intensifying various everyday smart applications improving the standard of living.
However, the inter-crossing of IoT systems and the multi-directional elements responsible for these
systems’ placement have raised new safety concerns. They generate and share a massive amount of
sensitive data. Unfortunately, both the data and the devices are susceptible to many privacy and security
challenges. Much research has been done to secure these infrastructures; however, Machine Learning
(ML), among others, provides higher accuracy. This survey covers the major security issues and open
challenges encountered by IoT infrastructures. It also encompasses an in-depth study and analysis of MLbased state-of-the-art solutions used in securing such domains. The security challenges and requirements
in IoT-based systems have been highlighted, along with a discussion on how ML supports security
measures in the said domain. Furthermore, the challenges associated with ML-based security solutions
have been identified concerning IoT. An analysis of prevailing ML security techniques’ constraints is also
© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Internet of Things (IoT) is a collection of smart devices, which
disseminate information through the Internet. These smart devices,
deployed in different locations, sense and capture the data. The
potential IoT applications include smart cities, intelligent transportation systems, smart homes, earthquake detection, and smart
grid system, to name a few. Despite being the most emerging technology of the last decade, with application in almost all life fields,
security is still a limiting factor in many such application areas. A
great deal of research has been carried out to secure and safeguard IoT applications in the last decade. Fernandes et al. [37]
differentiated between the current security problems of IoT and
the conventional Information Technology (IT) security issues. This
differentiation is made on the basis of hardware, software, and the
protocols used. They argued that conventional security measures
are not equally beneficial for the IoT domain as for conventional IT.
For instance, encryption-based solutions are utilized in IoT design
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: i181613@nu.edu.pk (U. Farooq), dr.noshina@szabist-isb.edu.pk
(N. Tariq), muhammad.asim@nu.edu.pk (M. Asim), tshamsa@sharjah.ac.ae
(T. Baker), alshammaa@sharjah.ac.ae (A. Al-Shamma’a).
0743-7315/© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
at separate layers and protocols with many encryption phases, decryption, and re-encryption sequences in the entire structure [28].
The design is more likely to be attacked because of these sequences. To avoid invades, back to back encryption must be done,
which is a burdensome process. However, such solutions demand
extensive computation, storage, and energy resources.
Accordingly, the constrained resources are the central issue in
IoT, which does not support complex and advanced security methods in IoT networks [115]. The IoT needs a cross-layer structure
and enhanced procedures to solve security problems. IoT designs
require improved cryptography and procedures to solve security
issues because of complex mathematical hindrances [54]. However, the quantity of designs in IoT results in more problems for
the security systems. Many security issues are complicated, with
no specific remedy. For example, in certain security issues, like
Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) or intrusion, the chance of
false positives makes the solutions fail. Also, it reduces the user
faith, hence, lowering the efficiency of the solutions. Moreover, the
enormous collected information and its diversity is another factor that affects many security solutions’ functionality and accuracy.
Sizeable massive information is considered for behaviors, patterns,
assessment, and predictions [82]. The diversity of the information
produced by IoT caused another suggestion for the methods pro-
U. Farooq, N. Tariq, M. Asim et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
Table 1
Table 2
Subject matter
ML-based security solutions’ analysis
and open challenges with respect to
IoT resource analysis
Focuses on ML-based security and
privacy solutions and challenges
ML-, AI, and blockchain-based
security solutions discussed for
layer-wise issues
ML-, and DL-based security solutions
and challenges
ML-based security solutions for
Network Intrusion Detection systems
ML-based privacy management
Addressing confidentiality and
security issues using ML and
BC-based models in the IoT domain
ML-based security solutions and open
challenges with respect to IoT layers
ML-based security solutions with
respect to three-layer IoT architecture
and requirements
Blockchain-, edge-, fog-, and
ML-based solution analysis with
respect to IoT layers.
cessed by the present information. Hence, improved procedures are
required to check the number of IoT-generated information.
Based on above discussion, Machine Learning (ML) is the
most appropriate mathematical model for ingrained intelligence in
IoTs [54]. It helps IoT devices to collect necessary information from
the system, environment, or information produced by humans. The
smart device can change the position based on information that is
a critical way to solve IoT problems. ML methods are considered
in classification, regression, and density estimation [75]. In many
strategies, for instance, IoT, computer vision, intrusion and malware identification, speech recognition, and authentication, MLbased models are extensively used [6]. The ML is a technique that
performs the computational work autonomously and intelligently.
This method needs designing and testing with the help of different methods. Some cases require early and predictive decisions
before the actual happening of an event, such as the fire should
be predicted before happening. That is possible only by combining IoT with ML incorporated security measures. Moreover, it is
needed to explore the IoT systems’ current security-related dilemmas for making them tamper-proof. The use of ML requires an
efficient process for computation and storage of massive data [65].
For example, Reference [52] reviewed specific security-related issues while integrating ML techniques in the smart grid systems.
Some of the intrusion detection mechanisms and their effects have
also been addressed in [23] and [11].
We compare the latest state-of-the-art surveys with ours. In
this regard, we selected only those surveys that focus particularly
on ML-based security solutions for IoT. Table 1 summarizes stateof-the-art in this regard. No doubt, these surveys provide in-depth
knowledge for the claimed subject matter. However, this paper
aims to find information concerning the security challenges and
threats, which disrupt IoT applications in resource-constrained IoT
infrastructures. It covers IoT apropos of security-limiting factors,
security challenges, and the threats faced in such infrastructures.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the only survey that incorporates an exhaustive study on ML-based security solutions along
with the critical analysis of the limitations they pose on IoT devices, especially on resource-constrained ones. We analyze many
research models concerning the major threats and present the
overheads they may make on IoT devices in terms of memory,
Artificial Neural Network
Application Delivery Controllers
Boltzmann Machine
Convolutional Neural Networks
Decision Tree
Deep Learning
Deep Belief Networks
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Dense Random Neural Networks
Device-to-Device Communication
Extreme Learning Machine
Fuzzy C-Means
Feature Extraction
Feedforward Deep Networks
Generative Adversarial Networks
Internet Protocol
Internet of Things
Intrusion detection system
Information-Centric Networks
Internet of Battlefeild Things
Logistic Regression
Long-short Term Memory
Machine Learning
Multi-Layer Perception
Multivariate Correlation Analysis
Network Intrusion Detection systems
Naïve Bayes
Neural Networks
Open Web-Application Security Project
Random Forest
Reinforcement Learning
Random Neural Networks
Radial Basis Function
Random Neural Networks
Radio Frequency IDentification
Support Vector Machine
Sequence Based Learning
Support Vector Regression
Structured Query Language
Software Defined Networking
SECurity as a Service
Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security
computation, and energy. (Table 2 presents Nomenclature used in
this paper.) Following are the main contributions of this paper:
1. Highlighting security challenges and requirements in IoT-based
2. Discussing ML as a good security measure for the IoT domain
and the challenges it poses on IoT.
3. Analyzing constraints of the prevailing ML security techniques
proposed for IoT domain security.
The paper’s organization is as follows: Section 2 discusses the
Internet of Things details and its prominent features. Section 3
details security challenges faced in IoT deployments. Section 4
and 5 gives insight on machine learning as a security solution
in IoT frameworks. Section 6 discusses the potential limitations
faced while harnessing ML solutions to the said domain. Analysis
of ML-based security solutions in IoT infrastructures is presented
in Section 7. Section 8 details the implications of the findings for
the future of IoT security, and, lastly, conclusion and recommendation of future research are given in Section 9.
U. Farooq, N. Tariq, M. Asim et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
Internet [31]. It is also estimated that IoT may produce between
4% and 11% of global GDP in 2025. It is also argued that both
users and enterprises would be influenced by emerging IoT technologies. However, IoT systems operate within certain constraints;
they face additional protection challenges for both devices and applications [113].
Furthermore, the IoT provides a spectrum full of software and
services from critical infrastructure to home appliances, personal
healthcare, agriculture, and military [114]. Besides, IoT services
protected domains, such as energy, medical, building management,
manufacturing, retail, and transport, are some to mention. The
enormous size of the IoT networks has bought some new issues,
such as managing these devices, managing large quantities of data
they generate, secure communication, storage, protection, computation, and privacy. Extensive work has been conducted to review
these various IoT features, such as protocols, architecture, communication, software, protection, and privacy [113]. However, the
basis of marketing IoT technology is the assurance of protection,
privacy, and customer satisfaction. IoT networks utilize different
supporting technologies, for instance, Software Defined Networking (SDN), fog, and cloud computing, which further enhance the
attackers’ threat domain.
The IoT devices generate voluminous data streams; therefore,
conventional data collection methods, processing, and storage
might not perform efficiently for these streams. This high volume of the data stream can be analyzed by extracting trends,
behaviors, forecasts, and evaluations. Additionally, the complexity
of IoT produced data provides another front for the existing processes of data processing. Thus, leveraging the valued information
from IoT produced data requires new frameworks and strategies.
From this point of view, the ML is regarded as one of the essential computational models capable of providing the feature of
embedded-intelligence in IoT devices [75]. ML helps infer useful
system information or human-generated data from machines and
smart devices to assist smart devices in changing or systematizing the knowledge-based situation or actions that are considered
an integral part of an IoT solution. It is also used for regression,
classification, and estimation of density. As afore-mentioned, the
ML algorithms and techniques are used in numerous domains
such as fraud detection, computer vision, Speech recognition, bioinformatics, malware detection, and authentication [54]. Similarly,
it may be utilized in IoT to provide intellectual services. This paper’s scope revolves around discussing ML applications for the
provision of security in IoT networks.
Fig. 1. Internet of Things.
2. Internet of things
IoT is known as inter-connected and embedded systems that
communicate using wireless or wired technologies [54]. It is often
considered a network of tangible things enhanced by computation,
storage, communication resources, network connectivity, and embedded by electronics (i.e., sensors and actuators). Some of the
IoT entities are shown in Fig. 1. Most importantly, the software
is also embedded in them that allows such entities to capture,
often analyze, and exchange the data. IoT refers to ‘things’ from
our everyday lives, starting from smart household gadgets, such
as smart bulbs, smart switches, smart meters, smart refrigerators,
smart ovens, air conditioners, temperature sensors, smoke detectors, Internet Protocol (IP) cameras, and some more advanced devices like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), monitors, sensors
used in parking areas, and a variety of other sensory devices [53].
With the advancement of technology in society, new options
have emerged, improving living, delivering more efficient services,
and automating manufacturing processes. The concept of “smart”
is elevated to the epicenter of already-happening technical advancements. Indeed, they are now regarded as the backbone of
the fourth industrial revolution, owing to their enormous potential for innovation and societal benefits. IoT technologies provide
a whole new perspective on the advancement of numerous areas,
including engineering [140], agriculture [36], and medical [100],
as well as in hitherto unexplored domains. Certain application areas for IoT technologies are still unknown or unclear regarding
how to approach them, indicating that more intensive study should
be undertaken in this hard sector to uncover new and significant
potential advantages for society. The exponential growth of IoT devices has surpassed the total number of the human population. IoT
systems with sensing and acting capability make them applicable
for any application in the real world [115]. These devices produce
huge, sensitive, and valuable data volumes. It is, therefore, a big
challenge to compute and process this huge volume of data.
The significance and value of IoT technologies in the future are
abundantly evident. The growth of IoT technologies is accelerating at the moment. By 2026, the volume of interconnected IoT
devices will reach 26.9 billion, representing a 13% rising trend annually [24]. For consumer-oriented applications, the need for smart
monitoring of IoT devices is critical. While AI may interconnect IoT
devices, real-time monitoring, managing, and securing the growing
connectivity is still a major concern. According to an estimate, the
IoT could generate an economic impact of $3,900–$11,100 billion
annually by 2025, owing to lower hardware cost, cloud storage, advanced processing, lower connectivity costs, and increased speed,
all of which contribute to an increased devices’ connectivity to the
2.1. Characteristics of the IoT network
This section addresses a few special features of the IoT network
(as depicted in Fig. 2) that are defined below:
– Heterogeneity: A collection of different devices interacting
with each other in an IoT network has different characteristics, capabilities, and communication protocols. More precisely,
the systems may use different connectivity protocols and networking paradigms, such as cellular or Ethernet, with different
hardware resources [113].
– Plethora of IoT devices: According to an estimate, billions of
IoT devices interact through the Internet, causing exceed in existing Internet capabilities. The massive-scale implementation
of IoT has brought new challenges, such as the need for new
storage and networking architecture, data communication protocols, standardization of the technology, interface design for
the proactive detection, and protection of IoT infrastructure,
just to name a few [1].
– Inter-connectivity: These IoT devices are connected with the
global infrastructure to communicate and access any informa91
U. Farooq, N. Tariq, M. Asim et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
get compromised and may affect the personal data present on
these devices [114].
– Intelligence: It is the most interesting characteristic of the IoT
devices. It is the ability due to which timely decisions and
informed opinions are constructed. Data set up by the IoT devices must be handled in a way to extract sound logic from it
along with executing actions based on results of decisions [52].
3. Security challenges in the deployment of IoT
The IoT ecosystem consists of many things around us that are
interconnected and linked to the Internet to provide a plethora
of services and an improved lifestyle. The performance of everyday activities may be increased in this way. These systems
are acquirable globally; however, they mostly comprise limited
equipment and are manufactured by lossy connections [1]. However, such devices’ growing connection and computing capacity
naturally increase the associated vulnerabilities (i.e., hardware,
firmware, communications), which can raise the likelihood of exploitation [12]. Ideally, its developers and designers must reinforce
safety into software and hardware at the time of inception rather
than later damage [119]. Considering this, it is critical to have a
clear and exact list of attack vectors to quickly formulate a plan
for better responding to the growing risks affecting the IoT ecosystem as a whole. This may ensure that exploitable flaws in a generic
architecture may be discovered and that particular actions were
implemented to avoid or reduce the probability of an attack. However, it is not practical due to rapid advancement in technology
and attacks. Hence, it is difficult to protect the large-scale attack
surface of the IoT system. For such an issue, IoT systems must
be thoroughly scrutinized. However, IoT devices are more likely to
work unguarded. As a result, the attacker can manually threaten
these devices. IoT appliances are appropriately linked over wireless
networks where the attacker can retrieve confidential data from a
connecting line by overhearing.
Attacks must be foreseen in IoT applications such as smart
healthcare since this environment serves the community and relies on various technologies and sensors. It often consists of a
number of insecure devices, frameworks, and services that interact over insecure media via insecure protocols, for example, FTP,
HTTP, and telnet [118]. An attack can take various forms, including network attacks that monitor un-encrypted traffic in search of
sensitive data; passive attacks monitor vulnerable network communications to decrypt poor encrypted traffic and obtain authentication data. They may exploit loopholes to obtain access to systems
and steal sensitive information [78]. Additionally, unauthorized individuals may damage devices and disrupt service effectiveness.
Unfortunately, designing, developing, and implementing IoT applications include several limitations and difficulties, including scarce
resources, device compatibility, diversity, and security. Moreover,
most manufacturers try to speed up their product development
and leave safety aside [33], [61]. It could lead to various vulnerabilities such ecosystems, for example, accidental hardware and
software backdoors. Moreover, IoT devices do not approve complicated guarding systems due to their restricted calculation and
power resources [4]. With security as a primary concern, IoT systems must continually adjust and perform accurately and reliably,
specifically in modes where there is a threat (e.g., in health systems [103]). Also, IoT surroundings develop new attack surfaces.
These particular surfaces are created because of the interrelated
and interlinked conditions of the IoT. The standard method to fix
these systems is unsuitable; therefore, the safety threat is more in
IoT systems as compared to other systems [16].
Likewise, they have unluckily inherited all the vulnerabilities
that are associated with the Internet [98]. Moreover, certain IoT
devices are designated as security-critical, which means that their
Fig. 2. Internet of Things characteristics.
tion at any time and place. This global connectivity relies on
the applications and service(s) types. Local connectivity is required at some places, for example, connected car technology
or the sensor swarm. In some other cases, global connectivity
is required to access smart homes through mobile networks
and in the management of critical infrastructures [114].
Close proximity and D2D communication: Another significant
aspect of IoT is direct contact without involving central administration, for instance, base stations. It uses Device-to-Device
Communication (D2D), which provides point-to-point contact
characteristics. The traditional Internet architecture was more
focused on network-centric communication. However, the service and network decoupling recently also allow device- and
content-centric communication resulting in an enhanced spectrum of IoT [52].
Reliable and Low Latency Communication: It is worth to mention that in real-time operations, such as technical computerization, remote surgical treatment, intelligent traffic transfer
systems, IoT networks are required for reliable and low latency
communication [52].
Low-power and low-cost: For successful working of lowpower and low-cost solutions, the IoT devices’ enormous connectivity is utilized [115,117].
Self-healing and self-organization characteristics: It is the
most important requirement for critical and present IoT communication that leads to delay-sensitive situations. In these
scenarios, dependence on the network, transportation is not
possible; therefore, there is a dire need for self-organized networks [52].
Dynamism: IoT involves a huge number of devices, which
needs to be managed proficiently. These devices need energy
for working and for the wake-up/sleep time of devices dependent on the application. Thus, for performing these tasks
and communicating with other devices, they use the Internet. This uniqueness must also be integrated into an IoT network [115,122].
Safety: Along with the other factors, safety is also the most
important factor and has much significance for the proper
functioning of IoT systems. It is equally important for the
clients and devices due to inter-connection among these devices. They use the Internet for communication, which may
U. Farooq, N. Tariq, M. Asim et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
failure may result in irreparable and cascading damage to society [73]. The primary activities in an IoT application may encompass data collection, storage, processing, and data exchange that
need to be secured at each phase. Traditionally, it comprises a
specific environment where the devices are installed to carry out
certain tasks (i.e., sensors or actuators) that are connected to the
cloud via a protocol, such as Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) [119]. In the cloud, the data is aggregated and processed for
analysis in the corporate network. The introduction of the cloud,
in addition, adds to the attack vector as well. Furthermore, most
IoT devices have a basic design based on the idea that they can
be controlled remotely and connected to a third party, and due
to market launch pressure, protection and reliability may be overlooked. Therefore, in addition to the lowest tiers of hardware and
firmware, higher layers such as frameworks and software must also
be made secure. Many IoT devices do not allow firmware/software
upgrades making them highly susceptible to vulnerabilities and attacks [107]. Likewise, services, objects, and data must be protected
during transmission and storage. On account of this, mandatory alterations should be made in the existing security ideas for wireless
and information networks to sustain efficient IoT security procedures. As these systems are prone to attacks, using the current protective measures, such as encryption, authentication mechanisms,
encryption techniques, access control lists, network protection, and
application safety, is a daunting task for large systems having numerous linked devices. There is an example of ‘Mirai,’ a rare virus
that made serious Distributed-Denial-of-Services (DDoS) attacks by
deploying IoT devices [64].
Present security measures need to be refined to safeguard the
IoT network. Nevertheless, using a security measure opposing the
particular security risk can damage the attackers’ new attacks to
restrict the current solutions. For instance, fake IP addresses are
used by improved DDoS attacks, so the defenders cannot identify areas attacked. As a result, more harmful and intricate attacks
than Mirai are expected, as the IoT systems are more likely to
be affected by attacks. Hence, finding out the best solutions to
secure IoT systems is difficult due to the full range of IoT applications and options. Current security solutions, particularly those
focused on cryptography, generally require many resources (e.g.,
computation, storage, and energy). Such an aspect applies a considerable burden on the computing resources of an IoT device and
contributes to a significant degeneration in secured communications and services [110]. To provide fast and adequate resources
and services, present research and business initiatives encourage
hardware-accelerated cryptography [48], SECurity as a Service (SECaaS) [141], [17], Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs) [41],
and Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) acceleration [84]. Most of these approaches have proven successful in enhanced and secure communications in their designated
areas. Technical innovations, such as SDN, IoT, OpenFlow, and
Information-Centric Networks (ICNs), have increased mobile development and regional communication networks [34]. These advancements have led to robust and budget-friendly production
and manufacturing processes of a broad range of devices. However, these developments have brought difficulties in managing
safe interactions, particularly in resource-constrained IoT infrastructures [46]. For example, a sensor or an RFID tag has low
computational, storage, and energy resources to carry out complex
security-related computations. Hence, resource limitations of such
IoT devices must be considered while designing security measures.
The following features should be taken into account to achieve
successful security ways. The attacks [113] that are more likely
to affect the important security needs (authentication, integrity,
confidentiality, availability, non-repudiation, and authorization) are
shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Internet of Things Security requirements.
– Confidentiality: Confidentiality is one of the most important
security measures of an IoT system. Illegal persons should not
disclose confidential data stored in IoT devices [113].
– Integrity: The information from IoT devices is transmitted via
a wireless connection, and only the legal individual can make
any amendments. This property is fundamental to identifying any change while communicating through an unprotected
wireless network [1].
– Authentication: Before doing any further procedures, the details of that individual must be noted. However, verification
details vary from system to system because of the IoT systems’
attributes [6].
– Authorization: Authorization means that users are permitted
to enter an IoT arrangement, for example, a sensor apparatus. The end-users can be personages, devices, or services. For
instance, the information that a sensor collects must only be
transmitted and accessible to the legal users who are authorized objects and service requester [1].
– Availability: There legal users must be provided with the services transmitted by IoT systems. Availability is the leading
property for a compelling arrangement of IoT systems [6].
– Non-repudiation: This featured property gives access ledgers
that act as proof in matters where objects or users must not
reject a procedure [113].
4. Machine learning: providing IoT security solution
Machine learning is an intellectual method used to optimize
the presentation criteria of the current information or experience
through learning. More precisely, ML algorithms are designed on
mathematical approaches for working on massive data. ML also
implements the capability for smart devices for learning without
the need for a program. These models are considered as a base for
predicting the upcoming trends for an input data stream. Fig. 4 illustrates a generic view of ML utilization for IoT-generated data. It
shows that the data generated may be structured, semi-structured,
or unstructured, which can be passed to an ML model directly
from the devices to get it processed and analyzed. ML, in nature, is
multidisciplinary with its origins among the different areas of engineering and science that comprise optimization theory, artificial
intelligence, cognitive sciences, and information theory are some
to name here [94]. It is used in that situation where human knowhow does not exist.
It cannot be used like in the case of navigation of an unfriendly
region, where individuals cannot utilize their skills, for example,
comprehension of speech data and robotics [75]. It is applicable
U. Farooq, N. Tariq, M. Asim et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
in situations where the time intervals modify the explanation for
a particular problem, such as routing cyberspace or detecting the
malignant codes from an application or software. Besides, it is also
deployed in practical smart systems [52], such as Google utilizes
ML for studying the threats from the mobile nodes and in the
Android-based applications. ML is applied for the identification and
elimination of malware from infested receivers. Similarly, the Macie service, provided by Amazon, makes use of machine learning
for sorting and categorizing the data residing in their cloud repository and service.
Like the other technologies, it also has some reliability and
accuracy issues as it may give some false positives and true negatives. Therefore, this technique needs amendment and proper guid-
ance for making precise predictions. On the divergent, DL [135],
being a promising subfield of ML, can resolve the accurateness
of predictions by themselves. Due to the ML models’ self-service
nature, it is considered appropriate for predicting and classifying
IoT applications with relative and modified assistance. Even though
conventional methods are broadly utilized for the different aspects
of IoT, such as protocols, applications, data aggregation, architecture, services, resource allocation, analytics, and security. However,
the large-scale operation of IoT demands robust, intelligent, and
reliable techniques.
From this point of view, ML strategies are promising solutions
for IoT networks. ML algorithms improve the intelligence of IoT
networks through mining immensely generated data streams from
these networks. Additionally, the value of the IoT device gathered
data is better exploited by incorporating ML paradigms, which
help to create knowledgeable and proactive intelligent decisions.
ML-based security solutions are fundamentally utilized for security, malware analysis, privacy, and attack detection [52]. However,
their usage in IoT applications has a lot of complex challenges. For
example, it is challenging to build up a generic illustration that
caters to the diversity of data from IoT applications. Likewise, labeling input stream efficiently is another challenging job. A critical
point in this aspect, is to reduce labeled instances during the learning phase. Execution of these methodologies on resource-restricted
IoT methods gives rise to other challenges, where it is necessary
to reduce the information computation and preserving level [103].
In addition, transportation and real-time applications do not work
the irregularities cultivated as a consequence of executing ML algorithms. Keeping in view this scenario, it is crucial to evaluate the
security solutions of IoT that influence ML methodically.
5. ML-based security
Here we are discussing state-of-the-art algorithms from the machine learning field. Furthermore, we present how these algorithms
are applied in IoT applications (Table 3).
5.1. Primary machine learning techniques
These Machine Learning algorithms may broadly be arranged
into four groups; Supervised, Semi-supervised, Unsupervised, and
Reinforcement learning algorithms:
– Supervised learning: This learning technique is used when
there are pre-defined targets available for the particular sets
of inputs. During this process, the data is initially labeled, and
then the modal is trained on that data. It makes the rules from
the available data set for making various classes, and at last, it
distributes the elements in the designed classes [11].
– Unsupervised Learning: In this process, the environment only
presents the input instances without any restriction of targets.
Fig. 4. A generic illustration of ML-based model in IoT.
Table 3
ML-based security applications in IoT.
Mobile IoT
Smart Grid
Smart Home
IoT-connected home
Fog, IoT
IoT sites
Security monitoring
Security survey
Intrusion detection
Intrusion detection
Network attacks on gateways
Real time network attacks
Darknet traffic analysis, malware
Identification, Authentication
Anomaly detection
Big data processing, ML
Big data, ML
supervised ML
Dense Random Neural Networks(DRNN)
ELM-based Semi-supervised Fuzzy C-Means (ESFCM)
Association rule learning
Neural network-based emitter
Support Vector Machine (SVM), Artificial Neural Network
(ANN), Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), and
Decision Tree (DT)
U. Farooq, N. Tariq, M. Asim et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
This learning method does not require labeled data and can
find similarities in the unlabeled data and categorize it into
different groups [22]. These two learning techniques, supervised and unsupervised, rely on data analysis, whereas reinforcement models are used in decision-making and comparisons. Therefore, it can be said that the ML model selection is
dependent on the type of data and the desired output. For instance, when the data samples and desired outputs are known
in advance, the supervised learning technique is utilized. This
system is trained for guiding the inputs to the desired outputs
only. The regression and classification can be named as examples of supervised learning. The difference among them is that
classification gives discrete outputs, but regression provides
the continuous outputs. Many regression models, for instance
Support Vector Regression (SVR), Polynomial Regression (PR),
and Logistic Regression (LR), are among the famous regression
models. Similarly, k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), LR, and Support
Vector Machine (SVM) are among aggressively used classification methods [47]. Fortunately, models like Neural Networks
(NN) are among those models that are equally good in regression and classification [80].
In some cases, the output is not adequately defined; therefore, the algorithm has to determine structure from raw data.
Hence, these unsupervised learning methods are deployed for
the system’s training. Analogous to K-means clustering, unsupervised learning techniques also make groups of objects
having a similarity criteria. The accuracy of predictive analytics centers on the wellness of the training through ML on the
available data as it enables it to develop models for future use.
SVR, NN [80], and Naive Bayes (NB) algorithms [129] are used
for extrapolative modeling.
– Semi-Supervised Learning: Semi-Supervised learning lies
amidst the above two defined learning paradigms. They require either complete labels for data or not at all. The cost
of labeling the data is very high, as it requires human intervention with skills. Therefore, they offer some advantages for
designing models as the available majority of data are without
the labels [143].
– Reinforcement Learning (RL): This process does not require
specific outcomes; however, it learns from the feedback of the
interaction with the environment. It takes some actions and
makes choices based on the outcomes. This learning technique
has been adopted by humans and animals. This ability makes
it a practical choice in robotics as robots have to make decisions for performing some tasks without pre-defined programming [96]. This technique’s main requirement is a suitable reward function because it decides the maximum workability of
the learning technique [130].
– Deep Learning (DL): This is a sub-field of machine learning
that has its roots in famous brain-inspired Artificial NN (ANN).
This ANN comprises a group of neurons interconnected with
each other, such as output from the former neuron serves
as input to the next neuron. To obtain knowledge, supervised or unsupervised learning methodologies are amalgamated to a simple NN or deep NN. The term “deep” refers
to different numbers of layers that expand the network in
depth [134], [68]. DL is used for scattered processing and the
interpretation of the extensive raw data, such as unlabeled and
un-categorized data. DL method can be applied in ML applications like speech recognition, NLP, and computer vision by
generating improved classification and data samples.
Moreover, this model helps data recovery and compression
from time and spatial domain points of view. It happens due
to its efficiency in extracting patterns and features among the
large volume of time-dependent data. There are different DL
models used in this context, for instance Convolutional Neu-
ral Networks (CNN), Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN),
Deep Belief Networks (DBN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN),
Boltzmann Machine (BM), Feed-forward Deep Networks (FDN),
and Long-short Term Memory (LSTM). The most commonly
used deep learning architecture includes CNN (for spatiallydistributed data) and RNN (for time-series data).
– Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL): As described earlier, DL
is a subset of ML that facilitates solving the classification problems, function approximation, and prediction. In contrast, RL
is also a type of ML technique employed for decision making
with the help of a software agent that learns through interacting with the environment. When the multi-dimensional data
is extensive in a stable environment; then DL and RL come
into play as alone, any of these techniques cannot perform
well. Therefore, by combining these techniques, the agents can
perform well and get the best possible rewards. During its execution, RL gets aid from the DL to identify the possible prime
policy, and DL finds the best approximation of the action values for finding the eminence action for a particular state. The
DL can learn by observing the intricate patterns; however, it
can miss-classify them. Therefore RL comes in for help and
ensures better classification as it does not require the feature
classification [76], [86]. The DRL is the combination of the RL’s
powerful capability and DL’s perceptiveness.
5.2. ML and IoT security
In the next paragraphs, we will elaborate on many ML algorithms related to privacy and protection in IoT networks. Out
of many, we will consider malware analysis, authentication, attack detection and mitigation, anomaly and observing intrusion,
and DDoS attacks. Supervised algorithms are preferred for the use
in IoT due to the capability of working with labeled data. They
perform various tasks like channel estimation, localization problems, flexible filtering, security, and spectrum sensing. This class of
techniques includes both classification and regression techniques.
Supervised machine learning enables prediction, along with the
modeling of available data sets. At the same time, regression predicts numeric variables with continuous values. SVM, DT, NB, and
RF are some of the most frequently used learners. SVMs utilizes
the kernels mechanism to find differences among the two points
of the separate classes. They can model decision precincts that are
non-linear in nature [47].
Nevertheless, this approach is sensitive to memory and may
have difficulty selecting the right kernel for modeling large data
sets. This reason makes RF is preferable over SVM [47]. At the same
time, NB is utilized for solving real-world problems like spam detection and text categorization [104]. RF and its variants are well
suited for real-time problems’ modeling due to the input data’s
naïve and independent nature. Furthermore, they are easier for implementation and adaptive concerning the magnitude of the data
set. The RF algorithm is also the right choice for solving realworld problems due to the input data’s naïve and independent
nature. Furthermore, its implementation and adaptability for any
sized data set are not much complex [47].
These algorithms require lengthy training time compared to supervised algorithms like NB and SVM; however, they give high
accuracy results in lesser time. Another advantage of this technique
is that it produces a continuous graph with branches and leaves,
demonstrating the classes and decisions for classifying an event.
The top-down methodology achieves it by navigating through trees
until a final decision is reached. Some standard regression algorithms are nearest neighbors and logistic regression. These are
the “Instance-Based” algorithm that makes predictions based on
every new observation after searching similar training data. Unfor95
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Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
tunately, they are inappropriate for high dimensional data and are
memory intensive.
The unsupervised learning algorithms are designed for dealing with unlabeled data based on heuristics. These are utilized
to detect anomaly, fault, intrusions, cell clustering, and load balancing. Data clustering is an unsupervised learning strategy, and
clusters are made based on affinities or discrepancies within a
data set. Their unsupervised nature makes it challenging to evaluate their accuracy [22]. Therefore, data visualization techniques
are employed. However, if there possibly a correct or incorrect,
then the data can be pre-labeled as clusters; hence, classification algorithms are preferred in this situation. The most widely
used clustering algorithms are hierarchical and K-means clustering. Amongst all, K-means is very simple yet flexible, and it forms
clusters by calculating the distances between data values. After
these clusters are arranged around the centroids forming equalsized “globular” [40], it requires the initial clustering specification
before starting it, which is not efficient at every time. Therefore it
will reduce the quality of the result.
In reality, most IoT applications have unsupervised nature and
are deficient in having preliminary information about the data
points, just like the natural learning process of human beings.
Like the “Zeroday,” attacks on IoT infrastructure have no preliminary information available. RL technique works in various steps
and prepares the action-reward correlation of agents with their
environment. It is no doubt expedient in resolving many IoT problems [90]. This technique does not rely upon too many training
samples; however, agents should have enough knowledge of transition function. It requires a large amount of time to come in a
steady-state, but it is computationally elementary. Therefore these
limiting factors are the critical challenges in this technique for application in a dynamic IoT environment.
DL requires robust learning, estimation, and function approximation for better performance in IoT domains for solving the existing problems. Due to the limited resources, these IoT devices
cannot run complex computational algorithms for any task like
analysis, prediction, and communication. Therefore, DL-based machine learning algorithms show superior performance with low
complexity and latency as compared to conventional techniques
and theories [128]. Furthermore, these DNN’s are ideal in locating and defining representation from any sort of data, such as
text, audio, and an image having high dimensional visualizations.
DRL, along with its variants, is utilized in authentication and detecting DDoS in the diverse IoT environment. The most common
algorithms of this class are deep deterministic policy gradient, continuous DQN, Dueling network DQN, and asynchronous advantage
the main hurdle in the application of ML-based techniques in
IoT environments. Table 4 reflects some state-of-the-art in this
respect. It shows that most of Ml-based solutions pose memory, computation and energy overheads. The solutions given
in [65], [11], and [23] strain memory. The solutions given in
[120], [129], [142], [19], [95], [49], [57], [40], [101], [144], [47],
and [104] are computationally costly along with the memory
overhead. In contrast [26] poses all the three overheads (i.e.,
memory, computation, and energy)
– Delay-sensitive applications: Delay-sensitive IoT devices need
real-time analysis in delay-sensitive applications, which is
again not supported by ML-based approaches [114]. Therefore, it is advised to merge the ML-based approaches with
the existing streaming solutions. However, it may increase the
complexity of the algorithm. Furthermore, ML-based networks
are designed on the fact that complete data is available during
training and analysis, which does not apply to dynamic and
heterogeneous IoT data. It may become more challenging as
these ML-based algorithms do not consider the unprecedented
volume of data by design. Furthermore, the algorithm’s predictive ability reduces significantly due to increased multifaceted
data and volume [69]. The previous discussion is only focused
on the security-related challenges in functions of IoT for possible attacks and intrusion.
– Data analytics: The wireless data can be obtained from multiple sources and locations, such as network information systems and sensing devices deployed at various locations for
data gathering [115]. The raw data is considered the IoT systems’ flagship, requiring efficacious and robust analysis to get
useful information. However, this data is extensive; thus, data
management is a hectic task from an application point of
view. This data is heterogeneous, having different types, semantics, and formats. That is why they possess syntactic (such
as diversified data, document formats, programming, and data
architectures) and semantic heterogeneity (such as having different sense and data interpretation) [18]. This heterogeneity
and diversity may result in problems related to generalizations, particularly in Big Data having various data sets with
different attributes. They are designed on the basis of the assumption that the statistical data features remain unchanged.
Therefore, it requires data pre-processing for filtering the odd
ones out [69]. However, it is not possible in the real world
as the data is collected from different sources with different formats and representation styles. These differences create
problems in ML-based algorithms, as these algorithms cannot
deal with such diverse data.
7. Analysis of ML-based security solutions in IoT infrastructures
6. Machine learning challenges in IoT infrastructures
This section discusses state-of-the-art ML-based solutions designed for mitigating security threats in IoT. Table 5 presents the
definition of some major threats in this regard.
IoT infrastructures are heterogeneous, uncertain, and produce
data massively. Therefore, traditional ML techniques are inherently
inefficient in dealing with such situations and demand considerable modifications [94]. The inherent uncertainties of IoT data are
challenging in removing the unpredictability of the data samples.
Therefore, it is inevitable to discuss major challenges in ML-based
security solutions for IoT infrastructures. Following are some important factors that need to be carefully handled when dealing
with IoTs:
1. Eavesdropping and Spoofing: The applications of the Internet
of Things are generally classified as personal and enterprise
classes. The former includes smart homes, smart offices, smart
healthcare, sensor networks, and body area networks. In contrast, in the latter one, the applications may comprise smart
cities, critical infrastructure, and smart industries. Such applications generate highly confidential and sensitive data. The
primary yet most crucial requirement in such infrastructures
is to ensure authorized and controlled access of an IoT service or application and the data to mitigate eavesdropping and
spoofing. Usually, IoT services and applications are designed
concerning the amount and type of data to be interchanged
among devices/networks. The data obtained from an IoT de-
– Device resources: Inherently, the ML-based algorithm has
complex challenges, such as computational, memory, and sample complexity. Furthermore, they lack scalability, and their
scope is confined to low-dimensional problems [54]. Moreover,
most of the IoT devices are resource-constrained (i.e., limited energy, storage, and processing power). Such factors are
U. Farooq, N. Tariq, M. Asim et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
Table 4
ML-based solutions in IoT.
Extreme Learning Machine
J48 DT
ELM-based Semi-supervised
Fuzzy C-Means (ESFCM)
Association rule learning
NB, J48 DT
NB, BayesNet, DT, RF, RT
K-Means Clustering
Swarm Intelligence(SI)
DT, NB and Laplace
Big data processing
DoS, MITM, Replay,
Reconnaissance, multi-stage
Fog-based attack detection
Scan attacks
Data Type Probing, Spying
and Wrong Setup, DoS,
Malicious Operation,
Malicious Control, Scan
Malicious mobile malware
Anomaly, IDS
Location tracking
Impersonation attack
Data risk management
Intrusion detection system
82.5% and 86%
Backdoor, command
injection, and Structured
Query Language (SQL)
tation, and energy resources, this technique is not suitable in
resource-constrained IoT infrastructures. Another SVM-based
approach is presented in [35] that has computation overhead.
In [87], an RL-based approach has been proposed for authentication and access control; however, it may exhaust memory
and computation resources at the device level. Similarly, [93]
presented a feature extraction model, which has computation
and memory overheads. Another Auto-Regressive (AR) technique is proposed in [74] that may have computation overhead
at node-level.
2. Attack Detection and Mitigation Under this heading, different
attacks are discussed based on the standard layers of an IoT
infrastructure. The IoT devices, due to their limited resources
and heterogeneity, become an easy target for attackers. The attackers always try to attack at the known weak points of the
network and device. The nature of these attacks may range
from low profile hacking to severe ransomware attacks (such
as WanaCry), including esoteric attacks, such as Mirai and Dyn.
However, existing cryptographic models have limited accuracy.
For such reason, ML-based approaches are utilized, such as
KNN, DL, and SVM. ML-based approaches demonstrated high
accuracy; however, they can exhaust resource-constrained IoT
devices, as shown in Table 7.
A fog-based semi-supervised assault identification model is
presented in [95]. It uses Extreme ELM and FCM. Nevertheless, its limiting factor is its low accuracy compared to the
other DL-based models. In contrast, it shows excellent performance than the standard ML algorithms. As afore-mentioned,
the spectrum of IoT expands from personal, such as body area
networks to the most sensitive critical infrastructures, such as
smart healthcare and smart grid infrastructures. Hence, securing such infrastructures from a massive spectrum of attacks is
inevitable [116]. For example, [88] studies the role of semisupervised, feature space fusion, supervised, and online learning models for securing smart grid systems.
Table 5
Major threats in IoT infrastructures.
The attacker eavesdrops on the credentials
input by a victim, such as passwords and
sensitive documents [139].
The adversary get illegal access of the victim
system by targeting the identification, such as
RFID and MAC address [79].
The adversary impedes the target system or
the network by restricting authorized and
legitimate users from accessing it by flooding
a massive number of spam requests [32].
A variant of DoS attacks, which may
compromise a large number of IoT devices to
send a massive number of requests to the
victim to shut it down [32].
The intruders disrupt the system covertly and
silently in an IoT network/system [9].
A spurious software attacking legitimate
software to behave other than the normal [92]
vice is usually pre-processed, shipped to a decision-making
system for analysis depending upon the under-laying IoT infrastructure; however, they might have analogous data flow.
Upon data request from an application/user, the request must
be authenticated by the IoT device and ensured that the requester has all the required access permissions and protocols.
Otherwise, it should deny the request.
Table 6 presents a summary of state-of-the-art research in
this domain. [131] used a Q-learning and Dyna-Q model to
ensure controlled eavesdropping and spoofing using authentication and access control. However, the proposed technique
has computation overhead and is not suitable for resourceconstrained IoT. The same author presented an LR-based solution in [132]. However, it requires more memory. Shi et
al. [105] presented a new user authentication technique using
DNN and SVM. Due to the extensive need for memory, compu97
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Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
Table 6
Eavesdropping and Spoofing in IoT using ML.
Q-learning and Dyna-Q
> 90%
Table 7
Attack detection and mitigation in IoT using ML.
Fuzzy C-Means (ESFCM)
Distributed Deep Learning
Another fog- and DL-based attack detection model is proposed
in [29]. However, this mechanism is not suitable for resourceconstrained IoT deployments. A distributed deep learning security model is proposed in [3]. Although the mechanism shows
outstanding detection accuracy; however, it requires memory,
computation, and energy resources. In [95], an FCM approach
is used for attack mitigation; however, it may pose computation overhead at the node level. Another ML-based attack
detection mechanism is proposed in [88] using SVM, KNN,
and SLR. Nevertheless, this technique is not suitable for IoT
networks with limited memory and computation resources.
Recently, [127], [121], and [127] propose ML-based security
solutions with more than 95% detection accuracy. [127] used
NN, and SVM techniques, [121] uses DL, and kNN, LR, NB, RF,
and SVM are used in [127]. All these three techniques require
high computation, energy, and memory resources.
3. DoS Attacks
DoS attacks are hard to be detected and mitigated in the
IoT environment. Numerous reasons make it difficult to design effective remedies against such attacks. The main reason
is the massive interconnection of IoT devices to the Internet. Besides, heterogeneity and the low-level security mechanisms also strain resource-constrained IoT devices. The crossplatform and massive communications also play a significant
role in making these attacks’ detection cumbersome. All these
factors, collaboratively enhance the susceptibilities of IoT devices against DDoS attacks. For example, Mirai4,1 and other
Mirai-like bots abased the Internet globally including compromised smart home devices, such as baby cams, printers, and
webcams. Therefore, it is dire to protect such infrastructures
against these attacks. Vlajic et al. [125] mentions IoT as the
“Land of opportunities for DDoS attackers”.
It is important to note that IoT devices can be hacked as
the starting point for launching deadliest attacks against big
scale organizations. Therefore this supports the need for serious, intelligent security measures for securing these devices.
At present, some remarkable researches based on different
mechanisms for mitigating DDoS attacks in IoT are present.
However, each IoT infrastructure’s different architectures make
it very difficult to generalize a common unified mechanism
for combating attacks like DDoS made over diversified IoT networks [137]. Conventionally, the detection and mitigation of a
DDoS are handled at the IoT networks’ entry-points, such as
gateways or routers. A lot of research has been done to effectively study and deal with such attacks, for instance, [89], [91],
and [30]. Considering the resource-constrained nature of IoT
devices, several state-of-the-art proposed multi-layer cloud,
fog, or SDN-based DDoS attacks mitigation techniques, such as
but not limited to, [7], [133].
Hence, it can be said that there is no straightforward way to
eliminate the DDoS issue in resource-limited networks. The
literature review also shows the need for more robust and
sophisticated detection mechanisms for countering DDoS. Another critical issue is the false positives results, which can
deny a legitimate or genuine request. Although the new research has solved some of the existing issues, there is still
room for more intelligent systems considering the amount
of traffic with the attacker’s nature. From this point of view,
ML becomes the ray of hope for solving such issues. Table 8
summarizes state-of-the-art in this regard. The table shows
different ML-based proposed mechanisms for the detection
of DDoS attacks. Although ML-based mechanisms show phenomenal accuracy results; however, these mechanisms strain
resource-constrained IoT infrastructures.
In [30], a good comparison of ML-based DDoS attack detection
mechanisms, such as NN, KNN, SVM, DT, and RF, are discussed
for IoT networks. [136] presents an SDN-based DDoS detection mechanism using SVM. In [63] proposes another SDN- and
SVM-based DDoS detection. In [64], NB, Radial Basis Function
(RBF), RF, and Bagging are used to mitigate DoS attacks. Similarly, [112] presents a Multivariate Correlation Analysis (MCA),
based on behavioral analysis of traffic data, to detect DDoS
attacks. [72] proposes a new Signal-to-Interference-plus-NoiseRatio (SINR)-based DoS attack detection mechanism. In [51], a
supervised ANNs model is proposed for thwarting the DDoS in
IoT infrastructure. Likewise, [66] proposes an MLP mechanism
for detecting a DoS attack on the sensor networks.
4. Anomaly/Intrusion Detection At present, there are numerous
ML-based techniques for the detection of irregularities and intrusion in IoT infrastructure [102]. The most common method
for intrusion detection is traffic filtering [62]. In this process,
Mirai malware is discussed in detail in [59].
U. Farooq, N. Tariq, M. Asim et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
Table 8
ML-based DoS and DDoS Mitigation in IoT.
95.20 - 99.95%
batch or individual packets are analyzed for filtering the legitimate packets from malicious packets. Nevertheless, this technique still produces a higher number of false positives due to
efficient traffic classification mechanisms and lessens its reliability [15]. Similarly, some behavior-based models are used
for detecting intrusions in the network. It is worth mentioning that the existing traditional behavior-based and signaturebased schemes are ineffective in detecting the zero-day intrusions [81]. ML-based approaches proved to be promising
in IDS in IoT infrastructures. For instance (but not limited
to), [71], [70], [39], [20], [2], and [25]. Table 9 summarizes
state-of-the-art intrusion and anomaly detection schemes using ML for IoT infrastructures along with the memory, computation, and energy overheads.
In [106], a light-weight ML-based IDS is proposed for detecting
wormhole attack in low-power IoT networks based on 6LoWPAN. The proposed technique uses K-means clustering, DT,
and a hybrid technique. Two ML-based mechanisms are proposed in [21] to detect intrusion at IoT gateways. They used
genetic algorithms and ANN to secure IoT against such attacks. In [131], the authors propose an outlier detection technique to handle invalid data in IoT infrastructures. However,
it requires a large amount of data for analyzing data having outliers. A light-weight non-parametric mechanism is proposed in [85] using sequence-based supervised learning. On
the other hand, an energy-efficient and computational friendly
IDS is presented in [124] using DT, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and NB. Likewise, in [102], other energy-efficient IDS
is proposed using the game-theoretic technique.
The use of DL-based methods in anomaly detection systems
has aided in the easy discrimination of most characteristics
that humans may not identify. DL will undoubtedly enhance
the accuracy of detection techniques, making it a better choice
over shallow conventional learning. A large dataset was used
in [58] to mitigate IDS using an optimized LSTM-based deep
learning framework. The proposed model outperformed the
state-of-the-art with 99% accuracy, 98% sensitivity, and 98%
specificity. Idriss et al. [55] proposed a CNN-based IDS for bot
attack mitigation in IoTs. The results showed 99.94% validation
accuracy with validation loss of 0.58%. Similarly, CNN, LSTM,
and CNN-LSTM with 96.60%, 99.82%, and 98.80% respective
accuracy were proposed in [8] for intrusion detection in IoTbased infrastructure. Another customized DL feed-forward NN
model was proposed in [38] for IoT-based networks’ intrusion
detection with embedding layers for multi-class classification.
An RNN-based IDS is introduced in [62] for heterogeneous
IoT deployments. In [99], an efficient two-layered RNN-based
mechanism is proposed for intrusion detection in low-power
IoT infrastructures.
5. Malware Analysis in IoT: The ever-increasing volume, along
with heterogeneity in the IoT devices, gives the impeccable
and profitable grounds for the adversaries. One of the most
common and dreadful attacks is the malicious code injection
attack in the IoT devices by exploiting these devices’ weak-
nesses. Such weaknesses may be classified as weak application safety, authentication, and authorization mechanisms. Besides, these devices are highly prone to physical tampering to
gain access to the software for modification and security parameters’ misconfiguration. Examples of malware attacks may
include bot, virus, spyware, adware, ransomware, trojan are
some to name. Firstly, we will discuss some different types
of malware attacks concerning IoT systems, and later on, we
will discuss state-of-the-art solutions. It is observed that the
smart devices, interconnected to the Internet, do not comply
with any of the existing security mechanisms, which compromises the security of both the device itself and the connected network. For instance, for launching the massive scale
attacks, [83] tested the music devices for their innate vulnerability. They successfully launched the malicious code attack on
the under-laying devices.
Similarly, Insecam5 is the list of potentially compromised webcams for different attacks connected to the Internet. These
cameras observe the residential, offices, public places, and
restaurants to become the secure hotspots for malicious attacks. Some common types of malware,2 which are responsible for upsetting the usual working routine are Red October,
NotPetya, Stuxnet, Night Dragon, and Cryptlockre are some
to mention. These malware attacks have caused many monetary losses to the industry and other losses, such as the organizations’ public image. Nevertheless, it is worth learning
about the attacking strategy of the attacker through the malware [77].
At present, standard security assessment mechanisms, such as
Open Web-Application Security Project (OWASP), may also introduce inherent security vulnerabilities that an attacker can
take advantage of. The attacker may inject malicious code or
redirect the payload and generate attacks, such as phishing,
rootkit, etc. A malware may range from naive lone-task malware to a more sophisticated, smart, and multipurpose malware. Some of the clever malware is adaptive to the IoT environment to execute themselves after network analysis. For
example, some malware can escape from the detection mechanism, and they stay dormant until they find a suitable time
for executing the malicious codes [138], [123].
In [45], an SVM based malware classification in IoT. However,
this classification is time-consuming. Another RNN-based DL
malware-analysis approach is proposed in [42]; however, the
said mechanism posses memory and computational overhead
in resource-constrained IoT deployments. In [13], a novel DLbased approach is proposed to study the Operational codes
(Opcode) sequence on the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT).
This technique may also require more energy and computation power. Another DL-based malware analysis mechanism is
proposed in [60]. In [109], a light-weight deep autoencoders-
A detailed taxonomy with the working principles of malware may be found
in [77].
U. Farooq, N. Tariq, M. Asim et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
Table 9
ML-based Anomaly/Intrusion Detection in IoT.
Game Theory
K-means clustering, DT
Sequence Based Learning (SBL)
70-93, 71-80
99.65%, 98.53%
Table 10
ML-based malware Detection in IoT.
NB,BNet, C4.5 DT, RF, RT
based mechanism is proposed to mitigate Linux.Gafgyt and
Mirai malware attacks. However, a large data set is required
to train the model, which can exhaust resources. Similarly,
[104] presents a malware detection and analysis mechanism
using NB, BNet, C4.5 DT, RF, and RT. Although the model
achieved high accuracy, however, it requires larger memory
and computation power. Likewise, in [67], a DT and NN-based
model is proposed for mitigating malware.
Table 10 illustrates state-of-the-art in this regard.
time. Therefore, analyzing every aspect of the system (e.g., energy,
computing, and other network resources) is essential when designing a security solution for IoT. Although some studies have
good accuracy (i.e., >90% on average) regarding their attack detection results, they have failed to report the performance evaluation
from the just-mentioned perspectives. As summarized in Table 6
till Table 10, approximately 90% (on average) state-of-the-art may
pose computational overhead in resource-constrained IoT devices,
which is thought provoking. Similarly, approximately 82% (on average) state-of-the-art may yield memory overhead when it comes
to resource-constrained IoT devices due to their innate space complexity. Hence, due to computing and memory constraints, these
systems may need new breeds of efficient and light-weight security measures for IoT security as one promising solution may not
work for all heterogeneous infrastructures [113]. For instance, a
solution proposed for resourceful IoT infrastructure may fail for infrastructures based on resource-constrained IoT devices (e.g., sensor nodes) and not vice versa. Therefore, either the lightweight or
edge-based solutions may be focused.
Additionally while designing ML-based security measure, it is
essential to gather suitable data sets to apply these techniques successfully in large-scale, distributed, and heterogeneous IoT systems.
A good data set is required for detection to provide an accurate,
unbiased result during the training and testing process. As a result,
selecting the appropriate data set for the system is critical. There
are still some significant issues from a security perspective because
of the diverse data collected from these IoT devices. Unfortunately,
they are often challenging to acquire based on the capacity of the
systems to identify risks and take appropriate measures [56]. Besides that, there are further concerns about the proliferation of IoT
devices’ protection protocols. There are no standalone solutions,
which is one of the intricate defensive barriers. There is a potential
that, for example, the false-positive findings would render solutions ineffectual against security breach attempts, mostly in case
of security breaches, such as intrusion and DDoS attacks [44]. Additionally, the market trust would be undermined, reducing the
efficacy of such security solutions. Thus, a holistic strategy to IoT
security and privacy may use existing safety technologies and enable the development of new autonomous, reliable, adaptive, lightweight, and scalable IoT security solutions to meet their growing
needs [108].
Even while AI has already demonstrated encouraging outcomes
in security systems in several domains, it still has much momen-
8. Discussion and future research areas
Currently, the IoT and its significance have touched every domain. Additionally, its security had already attracted the attention
of a large number of devices and network experts. However, its
deployment, usage, and impact on infrastructure reveal many challenges and shortcomings, paving the way for new future research
areas. The roots of privacy and security concerns must be explored further to deploy IoT infrastructures effectively. The idea
of IoT, particularly, has been thrown about by technological advances, and so are its safety concerns. Therefore, it is needed to
re-enhance the legacies of old technology [108], [27]. The main
issue is the constrained resources of these devices, making it difficult to adapt advanced countermeasures currently deployed in IoT
deployments. Furthermore, due to the networks’ heterogeneity, IoT
networks are dissimilar to the other networks [37]. They consist
of various devices made by distinct manufacturers having multiple
diverse applications and system software platforms. Therefore, security mechanisms ought to be compatible with such ecosystems
at this level of sophistication. Additionally, privacy and security solutions for the IoT demand a cross-cutting layer design and simplified security methodologies. In this regard, ML techniques provide
a potential option for establishing reliable IoT frameworks. It is a
cutting-edge AI domain without a need for explicit programming
and can outperform complicated networks [111], [5]. Though MLbased solutions provide autonomous and more accurate countermeasures, their time-complexity and resource-requisition are still
questionable in delay-sensitive and resource-limited applications
where real-time response is obligatory.
Furthermore, when designing any security solution for IoT, it
is important to consider certain network quality parameters. For
example, network overhead can cause the system to drain the
energy resources of the IoT devices minimizing the network life100
U. Farooq, N. Tariq, M. Asim et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
tum among researchers over many other areas. While there are
many applications for data extraction and data forecasting in IoT
and big data analytics, there is limited use of AI and ML in the
context of IoT security. Since, as a result, there is a critical need
to concentrate attack detection. In addition, it is also needed that
the proposed solutions must be able to modify their approach in
response to new, constantly emerging threats. In addition, scalability is also critical when evaluating the performance of a new
system in massive dynamic infrastructures with nodes joining in or
leaving out the network [117]. Another popular research topic that
may be able to help IoT networks overcome scalability limitations
is fog computing. An IoT network that integrates with ML and IoT
solutions may change how we see the IoT network since resourcehungry ML solutions are unsuitable for resource-constrained IoT
devices. This explains why shifting computational activities to the
edge layer (i.e., fog) solve many of the security problems we have
today because of the existing security models that require a large
number of resources and computing power.
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9. Conclusion
The Internet of Things (IoT) combines lots of smart devices, so
that, they connect with very little human interference. It makes
a record in computing as the quickest growing sector in computing history, with 50 billion devices approximated in 2020. Unfortunately, these infrastructures are prone to several cyber-attacks
and threats. It is essential to ensure that the IoT ecosystem is
successfully secured. In the past few years, ML-based security approaches have developed remarkably. However, despite being efficient and appropriate for classification and predictions in several tasks, ML-based techniques are not the only solution to all
the problems faced by IoT networks. Moreover, ML being the latest technological and computational trends does not change the
fact that they have their flaws and need to be looked after before incorporated into IoT networks. Thus, we should improve the
current security procedures to ensure the IoT ecosystem is successfully secured. Even though ML-based solutions provide high
accuracy, they require more storage, computation, and energy resources. Hence, they may strain a resource-constrained IoT infrastructure. Therefore, this calls for light-weight ML-based security
solutions that may not exhaust such frameworks. Besides, a layered approach may also be helpful in this regard, such as the
extensive computation-, memory-based, and energy-consumed operations, and analysis may be moved to the upper layers instead of
the device layer, such as cloud, fog, or the SDN layer. In the future,
we are looking forward to addressing intrusion and anomaly-based
threats using deep learning at the fog layer.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Umer Farooq: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing. Noshina Tariq: Visualization, Roles/Writing - original
draft, Formal analysis. Muhammad Asim: Supervision, Project administration, Formal analysis, Writing - review & editing. Thar
Baker: Formal analysis, Writing - review & editing. Ahmed AlShamma’a: Formal analysis, Writing - review & editing.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.
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U. Farooq, N. Tariq, M. Asim et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022) 89–104
Thar Baker is Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Sharjah (UoS) in UAE. Before joining UoS, Thar was Reader
in Cloud Engineering and Head of Applied Computing
Research Group (ACRG) in the Faculty of Engineering
and Technology at Liverpool John Moores University
(LJMU, UK). He received his PhD in Autonomic Cloud
Applications from LJMU in 2010 and became a Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) in
2018. Dr Baker has published numerous refereed research papers in multidisciplinary research areas including parallel and distributed computing,
federated learning, IoT, and energy routing protocols.
[144] M. Zolanvari, M.A. Teixeira, L. Gupta, K.M. Khan, R. Jain, Machine learningbased network vulnerability analysis of industrial Internet of things, IEEE Int.
Things J. 6 (4) (2019) 6822–6834.
Umer Farooq is a PhD student in the Department
of Computer Science, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan. He
received his MS degree in Computer Science from
the same University. His research interests include
Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Cyber
Security, Blockchain, Network Security, and Machine
Ahmed Al-Shamma’a Professor Ahmed Al-Shamma’a
(BEng, MSc, PhD), The Dean - College of Engineering,
University of Sharjah, UAE. Obtained his MSc and PhD
degree from the University of Liverpool, UK in 1990
and 1993 respectively and he is a member of many
Professional bodies, active member of the UK and the
European Research Councils and one of the founders
of UK Sensor City. He was the Pro Vice ChancellorExecutive Dean (Teaching, Research and Enterprise) of
College of Engineering at Liverpool John Moores University, UK for 5 years
before joining the University of Sharjah in Nov 2019. Prof Ahmed main
areas of expertise are, Non-invasive sensing for industrial applications,
Microwave devices and systems, Industry 4.0 complete system integration
and Telecommunications. His academic contributions Impact through professional practice is illustrated by the long list of publications over; 300
refereed journal and conference papers; 18 patents, 70 technical papers
and reports; 1 book joint; 18 book Chapters; over 60 Keynote speeches
in national-international conferences and workshops; Prof Ahmed was a
main supervisor to 33 PhD students who successfully completed their
studies and directly supervised over 50 post docs.
Noshina Tariq is a PhD in Computer Science from
FAST - National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad - Pakistan. Her core area of
research is Cyber Security. She is currently associated with Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, Islamabad, as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science. Her
research interests include Cyber Security, Network Security, Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Fog Computing, Blockchain, and Machine Learning.
Muhammad Asim is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science, National University of
Computer and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan. Having attained a Ph.D. in 2010 from Liverpool John Moores
University, he researches in the fields of Internet
of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Security and Trust applied to IoT and Cloud Computing.
Muhammad serves as an editorial board member and
potential reviewer for several scientific journals and