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Industrial Training Report: Nob View Hotel

REG.NO : BCH/009/JAN/2018/EVE
I ANNA JULIET declare that this report is my original work and has never been submitted to
any university or institution of higher learning for academic purposes.
This report has been done under my supervision and is now ready for submission for examination.
MR. ………………………………………………………………..
I dedicate this report to my mum and dad who supported me financially throughout my course of
study and Mr. ……………………………… who accepted me and offered me a place where I
trained from that’s Nob View Hotel-Ntinda.
I thank the almighty God who has given me life and wisdom to study this course and training. i
wish to sincerely acknowledge the Director of Nob View Hotel Mrs. Ovia Byarugaba for granting
me the opportunity to train from their organization which enabled me to acquire practical
knowledge in various fields of leisure and Hospitality Management.
My sincere gratitude to the entire staff of Nob View Hotel-Ntinda for the support and their
cooperation throughout the entire training period.
I can’t forget to thank my fellow students for their willingness to share a lot with me and the entire
fraternity of workers of Nob View Hotel.
Industrial training is carried out by students of Hotel and Institutional catering in order to expose
them to the Industry and its customers. The industrial training undertaken by stake holders or
trainees as part and parcel of the programme in the field of catering industry at Diploma level aims
at equipping students with skills and knowledge, the training is done by coaching and
demonstration. The trainees are treated as part and parcel of employment as of my industrial
It was carried out at Nob View Hotel and trained in the following department.
Housekeeping department
Service department
Kitchen department
DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................................ iii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................................. iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ v
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................. vi
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the organization .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Location of the Hotel .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Objectives of Nob View Hotel ................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Vision ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Mission.................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Core values.............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.6 Integrity ................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.7 Excellence ............................................................................................................................................... 2
1.8 Client Dedication .................................................................................................................................... 2
1.9 Team work .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.10 Transparency ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.11 Motivation ............................................................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER TWO: ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN ...................................................................................... 3
2.0 FOOD AND BEVERAGE DEPARTMENT /RESTAURANT. ............................................................ 3
2.2 Housekeeping Department. ..................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER THREE: LESSONS, EXPERIENCES AND SKILLS ............................................................ 17
3.0: Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Lessons learnt........................................................................................................................................ 17
3.2 Experiences I Got From Different Departments ................................................................................... 17
3.3 SKILLS ................................................................................................................................................. 18
4.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 19
4.1 Challenges, Issue analysis and Limitations........................................................................................... 19
4.2 Limitations I Faced When Training At Nob View Hotel. ..................................................................... 20
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................ 21
5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 21
5.1 Swot Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) ........................................................ 21
Strength. ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 23
1.0 Introduction
This chapter contains the background of the organization, location, mission and vision, statement
and the organizational structure.
1.1 Background of the organization
Nob view Hotel managed by Mr. Oundo Charles was incorporated on the 16th June 1993. The
company started operations in September 2002. It is a growing company dealing in Hotel and
Tourism business. It focuses on both local and foreign tourists, business people, holiday
makers and conference clients. Nob View Hotel had 24 self-contained rooms in 2007 and
managed to put in place more 36 self -contained rooms in year 2009 to add up to a total of
sixty (60) rooms but as we talk now year 2015 it has got 90 spacious. Quiet and quite well
furnished luxurious rooms equipped with long baths, showers, work desks, telephones and
satellite in the rooms 24 hours for the guests entertainment.
The bar opened first known as Sport afta in 2004. Extra facilities were put in place which
included the health club and gym which were stocked with latest equipment like; rowing
machine that you sit on and pull a moving handle towards you as if u were rowing a boat, step
machine which is an exercise equipment on which you stand and push down with your feet so
that you move in a way similar to climbing, exercise bike that stays in one place for physical
exercise, dump bells with a weight at both ends that people lift in order to develop there
muscles, punching bags among others. There are other facilities like the sauna, steam bath,
Traditional massage and swimming pool.
1.2 Location of the Hotel
Nob View Hotel is situated 5kms from the city shopping center along Bukoto-Ntinda road and
60 minutes’ drive from Entebbe international Airport. Most privately located Hotel in the city
with fresh Lake Breeze.
Contacts; Plot 6 Commercial Road-Ntinda, P.O.BOX, 4339, Kampala (Uganda)
Tel: +256-(0) 313-515302, Mob: +256 (0)774-225584/ +256 (0) 794-225584
Email: info@nobviewhotel.com.www.nobviewhotel.com
1.3 Objectives of Nob View Hotel
To increase the market share through selling more volumes.
To increase the company financial position through provision of services at good margins.
To increase shareholder’s wealthy through operation efficiency.
To implement and sustain effective human resource and systems.
To build and sustain a good network of business partners.
1.3 Vision
To be the masters of hospitality
1.4 Mission
To make Nob View Hotel outstanding in service using its assets and resources to increase and
sustain shareholder values as well as satisfying the needs and interests of all stake holders.
1.5 Core values
1.6 Integrity
We pledge total integrity to our clients and ensure zero tolerance to standards.
1.7 Excellence
The quality of the service and the products we offer is the back=bone of our business.
1.8 Client Dedication
The client is the reason we exist
1.9 Team work
Together every one achieves more
1.10 Transparency
Honesty to clients is paramount in our business
1.11 Motivation
We believe in ensuring that our employee’s livelihood progress and chance for the better
A restaurant is a commercial outlet that serves foods and beverages to customers in exchange
for money either paid before the meal or after the meal. It also offers take away and food
delivery services.
This is a commercial outlet that serves alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, cocktails, and
other beverages like mineral water and soft drinks. It often sells snack food like crisps and
peanuts for consumption. It also provides stools and chairs that are placed at the counter for
Functions of the Food and Beverages Department.
 It receives guests and provide them with where to sit.
 It receives orders and number of customers who are to take breakfast or lunch so that
the chefs can cook the food according to the registered number of customers.
 It makes sure that the guests get satisfied by providing them with what they need.
 It provides enough cutleries on the guests tables during breakfast, lunch and dinner.
 It keeps drinks for the guests both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
 It provides saviets o the guests so that to clean themselves after eating.
Activities Performed in the Food and Beverage Department.
 Setting up tables before and after the guests taking their breakfast, lunch and dinner.
 Wiping cups and plates after washing with a clean cloth which is free from flow feet.
 Serving food and beverages to guests according to their orders.
 Clearing guests tables during and after service.
 Preparing the buffet for the guest.
 Sweeping and mopping the restaurant and bar every morning and evening so that to
maintain sanitation.
 Serving the directors according to their orders every breakfast and lunch.
 Sealing bites like pan cakes and cookies with a cling film when taking them to the
conference halls and to the guests in the rooms.
Equipments/ tools used in Food and Beverage Department.
Fridges which are used to col the drinks and preserve some food like chicken, meat when they put
in the fridge they take long to get bad.
Furniture like chairs and tables for guests to sit on and do other activities.
Machines such as bread toasters and coffee mixers.
The micro waves which helps in warming the guests food.
Warmers which are used to warm the siver salvers with food so that to keep warm.
The methods used in serving foods and beverages in Nob View Hotel.
The buffet service method where food is displayed attractively on one or a series of tables where
customers pick a plate from one end of the table and move along it helping themselves to the food
of their choices.
Waiter service method. This is where waiters transport and service food to the customers whether
at the table, counter or wherever the customer may be rather than the customer collecting his own
Self-service method. A method where the staff don’t come to the tables to serve customers but the
customer moves to the service counter to select their food, cutleries and carries it to the dining
table him or herself and can call the waiter in case of any help.
Methods of billing and taking payments from guests at Nob View Hotel.
Use of the receipt and payment is done after eating.
Order with cash without receipt because some guests don’t need receipts.
Loan payment because some guests take food on loan and pay later.
Nob View Hotel organization Chart
Managing Director
General Manager
House Keeper
Food & Beverage
House Keeping
Accountant Clerk
Front Office
Food production
service staff bar man
Room attendant
Receptionist & switch
board operator
General cleaners
Bell boy
2.2 Housekeeping Department.
This is one of the largest departments of the hotel which is responsible for enabling cleanliness,
maintenance and safe environment by providing maximum comforts to the guests in order to
maintain the standard of the hotel which contributes the hotel in achieving maximum profit by
selling the rooms.
Functions of the House keeping Department.
The house keeping department consists of house keepers who;
Sweep and mop the guest’s rooms.
Dust the guest’s rooms every day.
Clean windows and remove trash in the rooms.
Refill toilet paper rolls and soap in the wash rooms of the guests.
Change bed sheets and make beds in the guests rooms wash, dry iron and fold bed covers
and bed sheets.
Deliver additional items that guests request for such as pillows and blankets.
They keep an eye out for issues such as burned out light bulbs that need replacing.
Sections of the House keeping Department.
Laundry section.
This is where dirty clothes, bed sheets and blankets which are removed from the rooms and put in
the laundry for washing and ironing.
Housekeeping rooms.
This is where housekeepers change from and keep the ironed bed sheets and blankets there.
Linen room.
This is where linen which is clean is kept such as bed sheets which are used in the rooms for
Store room.
It’s a room where detergents like liquid soap, laundry soap and toilet papers are kept which are
used in cleaning the guests rooms.
Housekeeping office. Its where the head house keeper seats and keeps the house keeping records.
Gardening section. This is where the guest relax from when they are tired of staying in the rooms.
Activities Performed in Housekeeping Department.
Mopping the guest’s rooms and verandas daily in order to keep the rooms clean.
Laying and designing the guests beds in order to make them look clean and attractive to the guests.
Dusting and windowing in order to make the windows clean and to prevent the hotel rooms from
being dirtied by dirt.
Ironing and washing the guest’s bed sheets in order to kill germs through ironing.
Spraying the toilets with disinfectants like hapic, vim and detergents like omo, liquid soap and
stain remover in order to clean the toilets and kill germs.
Removing dirty bed sheets and towels from the guest’s rooms.
Replacing used up soap with new soap used the guest’s toilets and bathrooms.
Checking if the air conditioners are still in good condition.
Equipment used in housekeeping Department.
Scrubbing brush. Which is used on hard flows to clean the dust.
Dusters. These are used for dusting surfaces like window and these dusters should be washed and
dried regularly to avoid spreading dirt against a clean surface.
Buckets. Which are used for mopping and plastic buckets are light in weight and easy to clean.
This is the major department in the hotel which is situated at the front part of the hotel and its duty
is to sell the rooms of the hotel after registration and handover key to the guest and it reflects the
image of the hotel because it is where information and messages are communicated to different
Functions of the Front office department.
It allocates rooms to the guest staying at the hotel.
Acts as a continuous source of information the guest staying at the hotel.
Settlement of the guests account in case he is being demanded some money.
It develops and maintains up to date records on the guest information.
It welcomes, greets the guests and handles the guests complaints.
It helps in language handling to guests who know only one language and don’t know the official
It ensures guests satisfaction and service.
It prepares the guests invoice and history card about where they come from and their nationality.
It acts as a good communication and comfortably interacts with guests of all professional levels.
Sections of the Front office Department.
Reception/ Registration section.
It allocates the room and establishes the rates for different types of guests.
Information section. It is responsible for handling mails, messages and room keys.
Reservation section. This is booking in advance and the front office reserve the rooms as per the
requests of the guest.
Telephone section. It is handled by the telephone operator and it is located at the back of the hotel.
Equipment Used by the Front office Department.
Calculator. It is used for adding the amount of money given by the guest and balancing the books
of accounts.
Stamp. It is used to stamp messages which come to or used by the front office department.
Pens. These are used for writing receipts required by the receptionist or the guest.
Activities Performed in the Front office Department.
C leaning and dusting the front office table routinely before doing anything.
Writing receipts for the guests who are paying for swimming or guests who are settling their
accounts for the rooms.
Giving cards to the guests who are checking in so that they can give information about where they
are coming from, age and passport numbers if they own one.
Collecting and receiving keys from guests who are moving out to prevent the keys from getting
Writing invoices for guests who are checking out by writing down all their total expenditures.
Noting down the vacant and occupied rooms so that to easily know the rooms available for sale.
Displaying brochures in front of the desk about the hotel so that the guests can easly access it
which helps in publishing the hotel to the outside world.
Attending to calls on the intercoms from the guests and staff in case they need anything of help.
The role of the Food production or kitchen department is to prepare food for the guest. The guests
who are staying in the hotel rooms and also for those who are walk-in guests and comes to the
restaurants to enjoy meals. The hotel Food production and sub-departments of the hotel kitchen is
headed by Executive Chef.
Here are the sub-departments of Food production.
1. Main kitchen: This is the large kitchen area where food is prepared for different restaurants
or F&B service outlets. The food here is prepared for coffee shop, Room service, & Snacks
for Bar. The main kitchen has further sub-sections such as Indian kitchen, continental
kitchen, south Sudan Indian section, Tandoor.
2. Pantry: Most of the orders from pantry section, such as tea/ coffee, sandwiches, salads,
rates, etc. are serviced. The pantry operates 24*7*365 days.
3. Bakery & confectionery: All bakery items like cakes, pastries, chocolates, Muffins are
made in this section.
4. Butchery: It is a section where all the raw meat supplies such as chicken, mutton, fish,
prawns, lobsters, among others are received and cleaned, properly wrapped for further
5. Banquet kitchen: Bulk cooking for function happens at this section.
6. Chefs area: Executive chef sits here and a lot of planning takes place inside this area.
7. Grade manager: It is also known as salad house our Factory outlet for salad preparation in
bulk. Here cold salads are prepared for banquet parties and coffee shop buffet.
8. Commissary: It is a place or section where we store all the green vegetables in bulk.
9. Walkins; Depending upon the size of the hotel there is a minimum of 2/3 walk-in
refrigerators. One is kept especially at -18 to store meat.
Functions of the Kitchen Department.
The main functions of a kitchen are to store, prepare and cook food (and to complete related
tasks such as dish washing). The room or area may also be used for dinning (or small means
such as breakfast), entertaining and laundry. The design and construction of kitchens is a
huge market all over the world.
Equipment/ tools used in the Kitchen department.
They are used for cooking, boiling, and steaming. They often operate on liquid petroleum
Gas (LPG). Now induction burners and hot plates are available, which operate on
electricity. They come with open top, mesh top, or flat top.
Cooking ranges.
Cooking range is the most versatile equipment operating on either LPG or electricity. The
name implies, it can perform a range of functions such as cooking, frying, boiling, grilling,
and baking. It comes in two basic versions
Restaurant range- less expensive, good for less food volume, and is stand alone.
Heavy Duty range- Expensive, suits a large volume of food production, and can be
banked with other ranges using a battery.
Cooking ranges come with multiple burners usually 4 to 8, depending upon the volume of food to
be handled.
They are used for cooking, baking, roasting and browning. They operate either on LPG or
electricity. There are various oven models such as steady racks, Deck and Tunnel depicting their
shape and working style.
Rack oven- it contains a set of stacked racks often placed equidistant, one above the other
in a tall stainless steel frame. This oven is good to produce large volume of food items such
as breads, cookies, and croissants.
Deck oven-it contains racks or rotisseries that can cook various meats such as chicken,
duck, lamb, among others. Simultaneously and evenly. They also come in baking deck and
pizza deck variants. The number of decks are generally up to four.
Tunnel oven- it comes in direct heat and indirect heat variants. It is suitable for high
temperature baking.
There are myriad number of ovens available in the market, which vary according to the energy
they consume, the manner of heating food, sizes and shapes.
They are flat plates made of iron, stainless steel, or aluminum, which transfer heat to the food.
Griddles are prone to heat loss when the plate is partially unused. They are mainly used for
preparing breakfast items such as omelets, patties, sandwiches, burgers, and pancakes. Normally,
the residual grease needs to be wiped out occasionally from the surface to prevent tempering. In
case of steel griddles, caramelization occurs if the surface is not kept clean. Teflon surface griddles
are more durable and efficient.
Pans and cooking spoons
There are a wide range of pans, pots, and spoons used for cooking.
Pans- Depending upon the type of cooking, the cook selects a pan. The pans serve the
purpose of shallow frying, boiling and stir frying.
Pots-The pots are used for cooking and preparing stocks. They are generally accompanied
with lids. The steamer is used to prepare steamed food such as rice, momos, and idlis (fluffy
rice dumpings). There are two variants- shallow and deep.
Spoons- the spoons help to check the thickness of liquids, tenderness of solids, stir and
pans. Various spoons used during cooking are skimmer, turner, masher, ladle, fork-spoon,
and utility spoon
The kettles are used for cooking, warming, and storing food. They are two layered pots-one
inside the other with a gap in between for steam. They are usually jacketed, agitator tilting for
better view and food handling. The kettles valve that provides an efficient transfer of kettle
product to a service area without damaging delicate food items.
Deep kettles are best for soups, gravies, spaghetti sauces, pie fillings, and puddings as the
quality of these food items remains the same irrespective of their volume and frequent stirring.
Lentils, beans and pasta can be cooked in deep kettles.
The shallow kettles are best for cooking and warming stews, patties, steamed vegetables, where
this kettle offers better view and less food handling.
Vegetable cutters / choppers
The cutters or choppers are used in cutting, dicing, shredding, and slicing vegetables in various
shapes and sizes. They are also used to cut bread into small pieces for puddings or soups. The
handheld cutters are used for cutting fruits, salads, and so on for presentation.
Cutters are made of either plastic or stainless steel. Some cutters come with single or multiple
wheels with zig-zag or plain edge. Some cutters have round small bowl-like shape to cut round
pieces of fruits.
The overhead motor vertical mixer is most commonly used in commercial food production
units. Mixers are used for mixing and blending. There are broadly two types of mixers-table
mounted and floor mounted.
Mixers have the following standard accessories:
Flat beater- Mashing and beating foods of medium consistency such as boiled potatoes.
Wire whipper- Whipping cream, eggs, frosts and other light foods that contain air. It
works on high speed.
Dough arm-it handles heavy and bulky ingredients such as bread dough at low speed.
Cookers and steamers.
Commercial cookers and steamers largely operate on electricity. The cooks use this for cooking
rice, lentils, and vegetables.
The steamers are used for preparing steamed food such as idi (a type of fluffy rice dumpling).
Momos , and dhoka.
Some food items are prepared by immersing them in heated oil in a fryer. There are two basic
versions of a fryer- Electric fryer and gas fryer. The frying time and oil temperature varies directly
with the food type and the size of the fryer. It consists of a fryer basket and heating element and a
thermostat controls a fryer.
The fryers are used to fry potato chips, pooris (fried Indian bread), doughnuts, begels, onions rings,
shrimp, fish, chicken, okra, and zucchini.
Juicers extracts juices and pulps from fruits and vegetables. It operates on electricity and speeds
up the juice production process. The fruits are added in the juicer from the top. It separates the
juice and leftover peels and unused fibers from the fruits. There are three types of juicers
Centrifugal-it works by crushing fruits.it is quick and yields plain juice
Masticating- it works longer to yield juice of specified texture and consistency.
Twin-gear- it uses various gears and membranes to yield best quality juice of almost any
fruit, carrot, tomato, or leafy vegetables. It also helps to prevent oxidation of the juice.
It is very useful in preparing juices and pulps for breakfast, for meals as appetizers, and for
using them in cocktails, mock tails, and smoothies.
Nob view hotel Menu.
Activities performed in the kitchen department at Nob view hotel, ntinda.
Ensuring the food preparation areas are clean and hygienic
Washing utensils and dishes and making sure they are stored appropriately
Sorting, storing and disturbing ingredients
Washing, peeling, chopping, cutting and cooking foodstuffs and helping to prepare salads
and desserts
Disposing of rubbish
Organising linen laundry
Cleaning the food preparation equipment, floors and kitchen tools or areas
Methods used in cooking.
Here are the most basic cooking techniques to help you survive your culinary year as a university
1. Baking
This involves applying a dry convention heat to your food in an enclosed environment.
The dry heat involved in the baking process makes the outside of the food go brown, and
keeps the moisture locked in.
Baking is regularly used for cooking pastries, bread and desserts.
2. Frying
This means cooking your food in fat-there are several variations of frying:
Deep-frying, where the food is completely immersed in hot oil
Stir frying, where you fry the food very quickly on a high heat in a oiled pan
Pan-frying, where food is cooked in a frying pan with oil, and
Sautéing, where the food is brown on one side and then the other with a small
quantity of fat or oil.
Frying is one of the quickest ways to cook food, with temperatures typically reaching between
175-225 degree delicious
Methods of Cooking
Here are the most basic cooking techniques to help you survive your first culinary year as a
university student.
This involves applying a dry convection heat to your food in an enclosed environment.
The dry heat involved in the baking process makes the outside of the food go brown, and keeps
the moisture locked in.
Baking is regularly used for cooking pastries, bread and desserts.
This means cooking your food in fat – there are several variations of frying:
Deep-frying, where the food is completely immersed in hot oil
Stir-frying, where you fry the food very quickly on a high heat in a oiled pan
Pan-frying, where food is cooked in a frying pan with oil; and
Sauteing, where the food is browned on one side and then the other with a small quantity of fat or
Frying is one of the quickest ways to cook food, with temperatures typically reaching between 175
– 225ºC.
Roasting is basically a high heat form of baking, where your food gets drier and browner on the
outside by initial exposure to a temperature of over 500F.
This prevents most of the moisture being cooked out of the food.
The temperature is then lowered to between 425 and 450F to cook through the meat or vegetables.
This is a fast, dry and very hot way of cooking, where the food is placed under an intense radiant
You can use various sources of heat for grilling: wood burning, coals, gas flame, or electric heating.
Before grilling, food can be marinaded or seasoned.
A similar method to grilling is broiling, where the heat source originates from the top instead of
the bottom.
This means cooking your food in water vapour over boiling water.
For this, it’s handy to have a steamer, which consists of a vessel with a perforated bottom placed
on top of another containing water.
Steam rises as the water boils, cooking the food in the perforated vessel above.
This involves a small amount of hot liquid, ideally at a temperature between 160 and 180F.
The cooking liquid is normally water, but you can also use broth, stock, milk or juice.
Common foods cooked by poaching include fish, eggs and fruit.
This involves cooking liquid on top of a stove in a pot or pan. It should be carried out on a low
heat, and you will see bubbles appearing on the surface of the liquid as your dish cooks.
Similar to grilling, the heat source comes directly from the top.
You should be able to adjust your oven setting to broiling, but be careful, as this cooking methods
works quickly and your meal could easily become burned.
Favourite dishes for broiling include chicken, beef and fish.
Here the food is part-cooked, and then immediately submerged in ice cold water to stop the
cooking process.
All sorts of vegetables can be blanched, including green beans, asparagus and potatoes.#10
First the food is sauted or seared, and then simmered in liquid for a long period of time until tender.
Pot roasts, stews and casseroles can be cooked in this way if they contain larger food items such
as poultry legs.
Again, the food is sauted or seared first, and then cooked in liquid, but normally uses smaller
ingredients such as chopped meats or vegetables.
Need some inspiration for using these techniques? Take a look at our Student Recipes, filled with
tasty dishes for you to try at breakfast, lunch, dinner or any other time of day!
3.0: Introduction
This chapter contains the lessons learnt, skills attained and experiences gained from the field
attachment exercise.
3.1 Lessons learnt
Lessons learnt in the House keeping Department.
Design and lay beds in an attractive way to the guest.
Use disinfectants like Jik and Vim in order to kill germs and adding a good scent in the
Knock the guests room in case he is inside by knocking while saying” Housekeeping”
Scrub the tiles by using a brush and liquid soap
Iron bed sheets and clothes for the guests.
Welcome the guests with a smile
3.2 Experiences I Got From Different Departments
In being teased by the workers of the hotel through sending you for each and everything
which made me tired.
In welcoming the guests with a smile in order to make them to feel at home.
In being calm when talking to the guests in the rooms which made me uncomfortable when
cleaning the rooms.
In writing receipts for the guests who are checking in and out
In answering intercoms from the guests in the rooms or staff
In writing vacant and occupied rooms so you should know which rooms are vacant and
which ones are occupied
In checking the guests bed sheets in case he or she is checking out.
In folding bed sheets and napkins after ironing them
In designing and styling the guests bed
In changing the soaps in the bathrooms after being used by the guest.
In wiping cups and plates with a cloth which is free from feet
In being audible when talking to the guests
In setting the tables for the guests
In offering rom service to the guests.
In being burnt by silver savers when taking the food to the table.
I got skills in;
Toasting bread with a toaster incase the guest has ordered for toasted bread.
Writing invoices to the guests who are checking out
Standing straight when talking and attending to the guest.
Writing receipts to the guest who pay using cash and Cheques
Using the intercoms when talking to the guest and some staff members
Arranging keys for the guest.
As a trainee I got a skill in;
Fashioning and designing the guests beds in the rooms
Using disinfectants in order to kill germs in the toilets.
Ironing and folding the guests bed sheets and clothes
Scrubing and cleaning the rooms
Knocking the guests rooms in case he is inside.
Setting tables where the guest is going to eat from
Offering room service to the guests
Wiping cups, plates and cutleries with free from floor fleet
Decorating the guests food on the plate that makes it attractive
Taking orders from the guests.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter contains the challenges faced by the intern while carrying out the internship exercise.
4.1 Challenges, Issue analysis and Limitations.
When I was training at the reception some customers ran away without paying money
which causes loss of capital in the hotel.
Challenge of limited training because of few workers at the hotel who had less time to train
Challenge of high bargaining customers yet I had no right for accepting their bargaining
price hence some ending up shouting at me and some leave without buying.
Challenge of scarcity of chairs in the halls whereby we had to carry heavy chairs from one
hall to the other which was tiresome.
Challenge of carrying heavy and hot silver salvers which could bun my hands and the
kitchen was abit far from the hotel.
Some customers are stubborn and so demanding yet some things may not be available
hence leading to low customer satisfaction.
Challenge of giving the trainees fake money by the guests due to absence of the money
Challenge of theft by some guests ad staff members whereby I left my phone in service
and it was stolen.
Challenge of guest requesting for more channels yet the package is limited due to
digitalization and the guests may blame us without knowing that the package has limits.
Challenge of boredom at the hotel and idleness due to seasonal customers hence no money
in some seasons.
Challenge of load shredding by UMEME whereby some guests go due to absence of power.
Challenge of getting used to new employees because of high employee turnover.
Time management by some staff members whereby they come late when some guests
already arrived leaving us the trainees who come performing hard labor.
4.2 Limitations I Faced When Training At Nob View Hotel.
Lack of enough training practices because of few workers to train us is due to labor turn
Inadequate bed sheets or use of old bee sheets and covers whereby some request for extra
bed sheets when they are all dirty and this would lead to daily washing of bed sheets.
Lack of enough chairs in the halls whereby we had to carry chairs from halls to halls and
which where got from upstairs.
Absence of some spices and different types of food in the restaurant like pizzas which
limited me from practicing and learning about other spices used while cooking.
Lack of enough space for renting like weddings, graduations which limits the profits earned
by the hotel.
Some workers are unskilled which limits the quality of service offered for training hence
leading to trainee dissatisfaction.
According to my experience in my training at Nob view Hotel I recommend the hotel to;
To build more rooms for the guests because during peak periods some guests lack rooms.
To provide more chairs in the halls because during peak periods some guests lack rooms.
To recruit more workers in service because when guests come many some of them are not given
attention which lowers the number of customers.
To provide medical services to the staff in order to make them healthy which makes the work to
move smoothly.
The hotel should adopt new technology in housekeeping in order to increase efficiency and save
time for instance machines wash many bed sheets in a short period of time than an individual.
The hotel should provide transport to trainees some live far and we play a big role during the course
of training.
To provide cleaning equipments for housekeepers like gloves when they are cleaning the rooms.
To provide enough uniforms to house keepers instead of having one which fades and becomes Old
hence limiting the customer’s satisfaction due to the appearance the employees.
5.1 Swot Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats)
The hotel has good structures that are in good shape and quality, a conducive atmosphere
with a beautiful compound and good view that attracts most customers to come again and
bring their friends and colleagues to the same hotel. Furthermore the hotels location gives
place of peace of mind of the guest to relax, increased degree of customer care of the hotel
to compete favorably with other existing hotels. The variety of dishes prepared are western
and local food supervised by professional cooks and chefs which gives the hotel a strong
basement of capturing a wide and high quality of hospitality that is practiced by the workers
and their employers gives a clear picture of team work and cooperation which forms a
strongest bone of Nob View Hotel.
Lack of improved technology in housekeeping like washing machines, ironing machines
and advanced mopping equipment squeezers. This makes most of the work to be done
manually hence consuming a lot of time.
Workers safety is not standard as there is lack of enough protective equipment for workers
during cleaning the rooms such as gloves when mopping and cleaning the rooms and
toilets. Lack of enough fire extinguishers in the departments which makes difficult to stop
fire in different sections.
Lack of enough space for serving meals during high peak period of guests and other
customers and this is due to rapid increase of customers accessing the hotel.
Low service delivery due to absence of enough employees hence leading to customer
dissatisfaction and limiting the number of customers at the hotel.
The hotel has many opportunities which include:
Increase in shareholders wealthy through operation efficiency.
High market due to more customer’s hence high sales received by the hotel.
External support from volunteers and trainees who help in performing work in afast and
quick way.
Presence of room for recruitment of new skills staff members which increase on the quality
of products produced.
Potential for future expansion since the hotel has enough space to expand.
Since the hotel receives customers all over the world it is vulnerable it hosts a large number of
people which may be terrorist target.
Some guests steal some things in the rooms like sandles without the notice of the receptionist or
house keepers.
Some people go to the swimming pool when they are drunk without the notice of the pool keeper
hence ending up drowning in water.
Some guests bring fake money at the receptionist counter due to lack of fake money detector.
Industrial training was generally successful as I was able to expand and practice the
theoretical knowledge in a variety of preparing food dishes, restaurant health maintenance,
organizational management, housekeeping works and activities. In addition I was exposed
to the working environment conditions that are; code of conduct, dressing code for work
and generally I was equipped with skills like report writing, office organization,
communication skills, customer care, restaurant and reception skills.
Close supervision guidance was favorably provided to me which made me learn more than
what I expected in the field.
However I also faced some challenges though these made me stronger and more focused
for example I felt sick because I spent the whole day at the reception department.
Some work that is not allocated at ones work plan came in and this would make me more
exhausted and tired like helping guests clean, iron their clothes and organizing them.
Some guests would lock themselves inside their rooms making my working hard and hence
finishing late.
Some guests would refuse to get out of their rooms and remain inside which made cleaning
of such rooms tiresome.
Hot silver salver burnt my hand during setting and arranging the buffet.
Exhaustion and fatigue due to work done in the restaurant like lifting heavy silver salvers,
preparation and serving of dishes to guests, some movements and standing all the time ,
this left me so tired at the end of the working in the evening.