In the first episode of Age of Artificial Intelligence, Robert Downey Jr., also known as Iron Man, the host of the YouTube original series, narrated how the series started from where it was all filmed and how the flow of this series will be. He then introduced the ever-interesting Baby X created by the company Soul Machines who dreams of creating an artificial intelligence who can help you in your day-to-day necessities and an A.I. who can think by itself. The Baby X was an A.I. made after the face of the C.E.O., Mark Sagar’s, daughter. They made a whole replica of the real baby’s facial expression, emotions, and other factors. It can also recognize somethings that are shown in its eye (the camera of the computer). When you amuse Baby X, it can also laugh and get scared when you try to show it something that is scary. Due to the companies Baby X project,, a singer-songwriter, rapper, actor and producer that is based on the United States got interested and contacted the company to make him his own avatar that can help him with his day-to-day necessities. In Atlanta, Georgia, there lies a tech center that focuses in Music technology led by Gil Weinberg, professor and the founding director of the Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology. In their lab, they create robots to further enhance or create music that normal humans can’t do due to the limited actions that human can do. They made Shimon, a marimba-playing robot, it listens to what humans play and improvise. It has the ability to find patterns that can create morphing of music that human could never create. One day, a guy approached Gil and ask if he can create a prosthetic that can help him play the drums again, Gil then created an arm that has to drum sticks, one with the power of Shimon, and the second one that is manual and sensors the muscle movements made the by the owner. They made contact with a person just like the person who contacted Gil but, in this case, his whole limb was taken away in the last 20 years ago. Gil created a prosthetic, unlike the traditional prosthetics that can be bought, they used the mechanism of ultrasound machines to detect the movement of the muscles, to move each of the prosthetics individual fingers and it worked. For the second guy who already almost forgot how it feels to have fingers, by muscle memory, he was able to move it. Purpose of this paper To properly acknowledge Artificial Intelligence as something that is not a threat To acknowledge that Artificial Intelligence will not replace humans instead enhance our civilization to prosper and may attain the dreams that are yet to be possible. Episode one consisted 5 parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction- This was delivered by Robert Downey Jr. Meet Baby X- The program made by the Soul Machines I Am My Data- Narrated by Modern Cyborgs- As we are right now, we are basically cyborgs just by using applications that make our lives easier day by day. 5. The Avatar- This is’s avatar creation. In my stand, I do believe that one day, Artificial intelligence will flood our lives and work paths and change how this modern world work. The creation of such program is revolutionary and eye opening to some people. People might be scared at first but eventually find its beauty in the journey of exploring and enhancing the program made by our hands to easy the lives of one another. Soul Machine’s work on making a virtual self is quite intriguing but very interesting, they clearly created a soul inside the machine. They even made a brain purely from programming but instead of neurons they created nodes that can understand, store, and learn from the surroundings. This might be one of the many steps that can push us further in the study of the human core, by having this as a start, we may be able to create or replicate brains in the future. The entirety of their work is mind boggling, anyone who will read their works would wonder, my future is now, we have all this kind of stuff that 40 years ago were just dreams, what about 40 years from now in the preceding years? What would this world look? I just wonder, I hope a world where there is structure and upright leaders run the world.