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Ideal Citizen: Qualities, Loyalty, and Community Welfare

It is not an easy thing to be good citizen.
To be a good citizen is as difficult as to be
a good student. As a student will find it very
difficult to overcome his laziness in order
to be one of the best students in his class,
so a citizen will find it extremely hard to be
good unless he conquers his selfishness.
In this way, a good citizen has not only
to seek his own good or work for the good
of his parents or his brother or sister, his
son or daughter, but has also to promote
the welfare of the city in which he lives. So,
a good citizen has to seek his own good in
the good of all. He is to live not only for
himself but also for others. His life is not to
be a life of self-interest, but a life of
sympathy and unselfishness.
A good citizen is always loyal. He is
loyal to the Constitution, because it stands
for all that is best in the law of his country.
A good citizen is also devoted to his
A good citizen always respects the laws
of his country. He obeys all the laws of the
land. He goes even further, he does n't only
keep the law himself, but also is the enemy
of all those who break the law. He has no
sympathy for anti-social elements,
criminals, hoarders, smugglers and
A good citizen always takes an interest
in the welfare of his country. He has a vote,
and he uses it not to further his own
interests or those of the party he belongs
to, but to help his country as a whole. He is
always ready to help forward goos causes.
In this way a goos citizen believes in
co-operation with other citizens for the
common good. He feels that the members
of a community are like the different limbs
of a body. The head thinks for the hand, the
hand works for the belly supplies
nourishment to all. Similarly, all the
members of a community work for the
common good.