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Cell Injury: Pathological Processes & Inflammation

What are the five pathological processes?
Development of cell injury
Key concepts:
1. What is cell injury
2. Reversible vs. irreversible cell injury
3. Characteristics of Apoptosis
4. Characteristics of Necrosis
5. Central role of membrane function/dysfunction
6. Importance of free radicals in damaging membranes
7. Morphology of cell injury - apoptosis and non apoptosis cell injury
8. Morphology of necrosis
9. Fate of necrotic tissue
10. Diagnostic detection of tissue injury
2 most important requirement in cell is
Membrane damage:
How free radicals are damaging the cell membrane
Energy depletion
What is cell injury?
Normal cells adapt to changes could lead to 3 responses
Cellular responses to the injury includes
Causes of cell injury
● Hypoxia
● Physical agents
● Chemical agents
● Genetic factors
● Infectious agent
● Inflammation
Hypoxia may develop with a lesion anywhere from the nostrils down to the mitochondrial
enzyme thus may involve:
Vocab that relate with normal cells adapt to changes
Another response included epidermal adaptations
Includes (2 reason)
Cell injury occurs once the cell’s adaptive capacity is surpassed which lead to
What determines the extent of cell injury
6 answer
2 basic mechanism of action that agents of disease to injury the cells are:
● Membrane damage
● Energy depletion
Membrane damage - direct damage
4. Disease agents that can directly cause damage to the cell membrane: radiation,
complement, vit E or selenium deficiency
Introduction to immunology, inflammation and repair
Inflammation & repair : Structural perspective
Immunology: functional perspective
Try to understand the innate/adaptive graph
! categories of blood stem cell (slide 9)
Time of each phase
1. Peracute (within few hours)
2. Acute (4-6 hours to 3-5 days)
3. Subacute (5-14 days)
4. Chronic (>7-14 days)
Stimulus that tend to encourage certain cell types
- Extracellular bacteria (Neutrophils)
- Intracellular bacteria & virus, neoplasia(tumor) (MONONUCLEAR CELLS lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages)
Parasites (eosinphills)
Fungi and mycobacteria/ TB (macrophages - granulomatous inflammation)
Inflammation and repair
- Vascular changes
- Chemical mediators release from damaged cell (communication between cells)
- Cellular response (inflammatory cells)
- Chemical mediators released from inflammatory cells
It respond to
- Cellular danger signals
- Exposure of connective tissue to plasma
- Not just infectious agents
Wound healing
Goal is the regeneration of the tissue, either by
● Regeneration (repair by same type of cell, ie. liver)
● Connective tissue deposition
Haemorrhage coagulation
Maturation (remodelling)
● Immediate
● Vasospasm
● Platelet aggregation
● Release of vasoconstrictive substances
● Deposition of fibrin, clot formation
● Variable duration
● Neutrophils first
● Macrophages later
● Phagocytosis
● Involves
○ Growth factors, chemotactic factors, degradative enzymes
Chronic inflammation and repair
The macrophage/histiocyte
- Phagocytosis and intracellular killing
- Antigen processing and presentation
- Transition to the proliferative and remodelling phases
Proliferative phase
- Begins after 4 days and last up to 3 to 4 weeks or longer
Angiogenesis and fibroplasia = granulation tissue
Synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins and collagen deposition
Restoration of structure and function
- After about 3-4 weeks
- Contraction (cause of scar)
Remodeling of granulation tissue by immature connective tissue and then mature
connective tissue → scar formation
Improve of wound strength (absence of hair follicles)
Times could be different under clean surgery condition
And takes longer to heal when there is open/contaminated wound/deficit
Steps In angiogenesis
1. Breakdown of ECM and basement membrane around parent vessel
2. Migration of immature endothelial wound
3. Maturation of tubes and formation of lumina
4. Establishment of gap junctions and cellular adhesion molecules between endothelial
5. Pericytes and smooth muscle cells surround the newly formed vessel
Migration and proliferation of fibroblasts involves growth factors and cytokines
Platelets, inflammatory cells, activated epithelium and endothelium can all secrete growth
factors and cytokines
Proliferating fibroblasts will often align themselves parallels with lines of tension stress
Collagen synthesis begins in 3-5 days and continues for at least several weeks
- Epithelial cells proliferate almost immediately
- Re-epirh in 3-5 days for 1st intension healing
- New basement membrane need to be deposited first
- Migrating epithelium pushed under the scab
- Myofibroblasts are specialised fibroblast with contractile activity - contain actin fibres
Systemic factors affecting wound healing
- Nutrition
- Metabolic status
- Circulatory status
- Hormones
- Age, anaemia, genetic disorders, malignant disease, obesity, fever, etc
Local factors - infection, mechanical factor, foreign bodies, (size, location and type of wound)
Peracute inflammation and the fluid phase of the innate response
Acute inflammation has a fluid component and a cellular component
- Fluid component
- Dilutes stimulus
- Localises stimulus (stop it from spreading to the body open a route for cells to
come in)
- Cellular component
- Delivers leucocytes to the localised site of injury
1. Arteriolar dilation
2. Additional parts of the capillary bed opened
Resulting in
1. Increase flow volume
2. Congestion of veins
Leads to redness, swelling, heat
Vascular permeability
1. Increase permeability of capillaries and post-capillary venules allows
exudation of fibrin
2. Emigration of leucocytes(WBC)
Fluid phase
- Dilution of the pathogen
- Swelling
- Separation of connective tissue elements allow movement of cells and
- Fibrinogen allowed into tissue
- Polymerises to form fibrin clot to localise the pathogen
Excess interstitial fluid drains to lymophartics which drain to lymph nodes, and then to the
systemic circulation
Adaptive: transport of antigens to the cells of the adaptive response
Innate: triggering of acute phase proteins and other inflammatory mediators that cause
systemic signs and local inflammation
3 main triggers
● Dying or distressed cells >alarmins
○ Heat shock proteins
○ Received by sentinel cells
● Pathogen associated molecular patterns
○ Triggers sentinel cells
○ Conserved across many pathogen
● Exposure of connective tissued to plasma
○ Releases cascade-triggering factors
Sentinel cells
Classic cells of the innate response
○ Macrophages and dendritic cells
○ Mast cells and some granulocytes
○ Epithelial cells )respiratory, intestinal and urinary)
On sentinel cells
○ Alarmins released from damaged cells attach to receptors
○ PAMPS attach to toll like receptors
■ Possible source of ‘memory’ - many different TLRs, variably
○ On mast cells, antigens attactch to IgE on their surface
Mast cells
● Sit on skin and mucosal surface
● Degranulate (release histamine) in response to
○ Physical or chemical insult
○ Activated complement proteins
○ Use of IgE (produced by adaptive response) as a surface receptor by mast
cells illustrates a feedback from the adaptive response to the innate response
Sentinel cells are stimulated and produce
- Pro - inflammatory cytokines
- Chemokines
Interconnected cascades
● Coagulation cascade
● Kinin cascades
● Complement
○ Classical and non-classical
● Cascades fuelled by acute phase proteins
Plasma protein is always present in the blood vessel (synthesized in the liver) and can
increase or decrease by 25% during inflammation
Different active modes:
1. C reactive protein (binds bacteria and fungi and activated complement)
2. Complement factors(precursors for the complement cascade)
3. Fibrinogen (the precursor of fibrin)
4. Haptoglobin (limits free iron)
In combination with inflammatory cytokines
- Affect heart rate, blood pressure and temp regulation
Remember the diagram !!!!
B1 B lymphocytes
● Sentinel cells in tissues - have PAMP receptor
● Activated by PAMPS
○ Non specific
○ Divide and transform to plasma cells
● Produce IgM - very effective for
Opsonization (process where opsonins make an invading pathogen more
susceptible to phagocytosis)
○ Agglutination (a clump of bacteria or red cells when held together by
○ Fixation of complement
Normally too few to be visible
Complement cascade
● C5am C3A stimulate release of histamine
↑ vascular permeability
C3b opsonized antigens
○ Facilitated phagocytosis
● C5a is a chemotaxin
○ Attract a range of inflammatory cells
● C5-9 form the membrane attack complex
○ Opens a hole in the cell/pathogen membrane
○ Kill
Why use cascade?
Very powerful, pro-inflammatory products
- Effective, but potentially damaging
Each substance has a short half life
- Thus many potential places to stop the reaction
Acute to chronic
Innate to adaptive - antibody mediated
No memory
Pre- dates the adaptive response
● Growing appreciation that it plays a critical role in directing adaptive response
Front line therefore major component of the acute response
Continues into chronic active inflammation
Margination, adhesion, migration
● Complement and chemokines from sentinel cells
○ Stimulation of endothelial cells
■ Endothelial cells express adhesion molecules to “grab” passing
○ Vascular permeability and chemotaxins
■ Attract leukocytes through the vessel walls into tissue
Acute(<3-5 d) - locally
● Background
○ Continued role of kinins, prostaglandins (pro- inflammatory mediators,
chemotactic factors, vasodilators/ permeabilizes)
○ Oedema and exudation
Frontline troops
○ Rapid chemotaxis and exudation of neutrophils
○ Some chemotaxis and activity of NK and Tc cells, depending upon stimulus
Garbage collectors and generals
○ Phagocytosis by local macrophages and dendritic cells
○ Links to the adaptive response
Innate: neutrophils (bacteria)
● Bone marrow
● Segmented neutrophils are released into circulation
● Immature forms are released in times of high demand
● 1 day in circulation
● 1-2 days in tissue
● Once in the tissues they do not re-enter the blood
Packed full of lysosomes, containing enzymes, proteases
Phagocytic cells
- Form phagosomes by engulfing foreign material by pseudopodesis, which then
merge with lysosomes intracellularly to form phagolysosomes
Good at finding bacteria and killing them
Most commonly involved in a inflammatory process in large numbers when bacteria are an
important part of the pathogens of the lesion
Suppurative exudates
● Composed predominantly of neutrophils and necrotic cells
● Abscess (swelling of suppuration)
● Often bacterial in aetiology
Slide 16! Important for practical ! check a bit
Innate: macrophage
● Two sources
○ Macrophages in tissues and lymph nodes
○ Circulating monocytes
● Specialist phagocytes
● Long tissue life
● Bridge between innate and adaptive immunity by presenting antigens to lymphocytes
Chronic: adaptive antibody - mediated response
● More focus
● More actions
● Memory
First response - IgM
Very effective for
- Opsonization
- Agglutination
- Fixation of complement
Produced first then replaced after class- switching
Important to understand IgM, IgG, IgA
Outcome of inappropriate IgM or IgG production?
Opsonization and phagocytosis → cell destruction
Activation of complement (inflammation and necrosis)
Blockade of receptors
○ Neuro (paralysis)
○ Hormonal (endocrine dysfunction)
Depends on where IgG and IgM bind
● Type 2 hypersensitivity
○ Cytotoxic type
○ Opsonization and complement fixation by antibody attachment
● Type 3 hypersensitivity
○ Immune complex type
○ Deposition of antigen antibody complexes in bystander tissues (and
subsequent fixation of complement)
Stil type 3
● Antigens and antibodies in circulation
● Form complexes and deposit
● Ag-ab complexes result in complement fixation
→ pro- inflammatory effects
→ endothelial damage
→ coagulation cascade, fibrinoid necrosis, neutrophils, thrombosis, infarcts
Acute to chronic
Innate to adaptive- cell mediated
The adaptive response effector mechanisms - cell mediated immunity (intracellular
pathogens and neoplasia)
Surface defences
● Structural
○ Epithelial cells, cilia, stratum corneum
● Antimicrobial peptides
○ Defensins
● Commensal / normal flora
● Local environment
● Non-compatibility of adhesion molecules
Natural killer cells
● Type of lymphocyte
15% of circulating Lc
Activated by PAMPs
○ non - specific
○ Have no memory
Attracted and activated by cytokines released by sentinel cells
Kill neoplastic and infected cells
Direct further activation of cells
Another important diagram slide 13
Naive cells
● Requires activation of dendritic cells
○ Tissue damage
○ Alarmin
● And Th1 cells
○ Activated dendritic cells
○ Activated NK cells
● Antigen presence isn't enough - in absence of tissue damage antigen exposure leads
to deletion of the Lc
Primary Tc cell activation (Th1 response)
● Interaction of antigen with
○ MHCll (on dendritic cell) + CD4 Th1 cells
○ MHC1 (on dendritic cell) + CD8 Tc cells
● Results in clonal expansion
○ Some become effector and some become memory cells
How MHC1 presents peptides to keep NK cells away and Tc cell only target abnormal cell
Strong inhibition, reduced inhibition, strong activation
Type 4 delayed type hypersensitivity - chlamydia
Antibody reduces cell to cell transmission
Apoptosis of infected cells essential for elimination SO
Th1/Th17 responses essential for elimination BUT
● th1/th17 induced damage (type 4 hypersensitivity)
Th2 ↑
Inhibits Th1 and allows persistence
Promotes fibrosis
Anti-neoplastic responses
● NK cells
○ NK receptors
○ Antibody guided
● CD8+ Tc cells
○ Need Th1
● Tumour necrosis factor
Needs Th1
Th1 produced MHC2 inhibits MP/B lymphocytes that produced IL2 /IFNg which inhibits Tc
which then triggers apoptosis in abnormal cell
Immunology, inflammation and repair
Host defence and response (surface defense mechanisms)
● Physical barriers, antimicrobial proteins, clearance mechanism
● Loss of structure/impaired function
○ Secondary infection
○ Loss of fluid and nutrients
○ Discomfort
Balanced responded needed
● Intracellular vs extracellular pathogens
● Active inflammation vs repair and immunity
● Modulated by mutual inhibition (Th1 vs Th2)
● Determined by
○ The pathogen
■ Interactions with sentinel cells that direct subsequent responses
○ Host
■ Life history - past exposures
■ Current state - stress, hormones
○ Genetics
■ Inbreeding and host - pathogen co-evolution
Tuberculous granuloma: complex composition
● Granulomatous inflammation = sheets of macrophages
● NOT granulation tissue (migration of fibroblasts)
● Classic lesion
● Basis is in Th1
○ Tc cells
● Components of Th2
○ Fibrosis
○ Giant cells (multinucleated macrophages)
● Th2 contains, Th1 eliminates
Roles of macrophages
● Determined by
○ Cell-pathogen interactions
○ Feedback from the adaptive response
● Phagocytosis
● Directing the adaptive and innate responses
● Directed by adaptive responses via feedback
● Th2 promoted by
○ Cortisone (stress response)
○ Progesterone
○ Hypoproteinaemia (poor nutrition)
Th1 promoted by decreasing day length in some spp
○ Protection against respiratory viruses in winter
■ Viral survival
■ Sheltering indoors
Regulatory T cells
● CD4+ so interact with MHC 2
● Created during thymic selection
○ Strong reaction to self - apoptosis
○ weak / no reaction to sef - Th cells
○ Medium reaction to self - Treg cells
● Treg cells, when activated, produce IL10
○ Wide range of immunosuppressive activities
○ Decreased both sizes but tend to skew towards Th2
Treg cell failure
- Can due to :
- Genetic susceptibility
- Environmental allergen load
- Lack concurrent parasitic disease
- Cutaneous allergen exposure
- Which lead to
Hypersensitivities of both Th1 and Th2
Treg stimulation - immunosuppressive viruses
● Feline and bovine leukaemia viruses
● Conserved protein bind to receptor on Treg cell and activated it
This activated T reg cell → increased IL10
Results in immunosuppression
Th17 pathways
● Particularly promote mucosal inflammation
● Th17 lymphocytes
○ CD4+ Th cells
○ Produce IL17
○ Produce IL17
● IL17
○ Stimulated proinflammatory pathways
■ Stimulated Tc cells, inhibits Treg cells
■ Stimulates epithelial cells to secrete chemotaxins
■ Attract and active neutrophils
Sources of antigens for hypersensitivity
● Self antigens (auto-immune)
○ Normal self antigens
○ Modified self antigens
○ Exposed cryptic antigens
Non-self antigens(hypersensitivity)
From pathogens/allergens
From transplants/transfusion
What does it need?
● A mechanisms so lymphocytes can
○ Target affected cells and only affected cells
■ (Tc cells via TCR and MHC1, supported by Th1 cells)
○ Produce antibodies only to things we want directly responded to
■ (B cells via BCR, supported by Th2 cells)
Lots of different specificities to respond to lots of different pathogens
○ Not self(thymic selection)
○ Not benign substances (peripheral selection - need for tissue damage and
activated dendritic cells)
Enough effector cells to do the jo quickly
Lymphocytes are antigen specific
● T cells have t cell receptors
● B cells have B cell receptors
● These are surface bound immunoglobulin
○ Like antibodies, but membrane bound
● Conformation of the antigen binding site determine specificity
The t cell receptor
● On Th cell, Tc cells and Treg cells
○ So important for both Th1 and Th2 pathway
● In the foetus, TCRs are generated at random to produce million of different T cells
○ Some will be to pathogens
○ Some will be to self
○ ~ to environmental molecules
Thymic selection for self-tolerance
● Presentation of antigens to immature lymphocytes in the thymus leads to apoptosis
● APC = antigen presenting cell
● Requires MHC2 so poor MHC diversity / certain types impairs thymic selection
Dendritic cells
● Similar to macrophages
● In places they can contact Ag
○ mucosa/skin
○ Lymph nodes
Phagocytose Ag
Present it to Lc
○ Professional APC
Direct the response
○ Cytokines
The major histocompatibility complex
● MHC1
○ Present on all cells
○ Samples peptides from the cell cytoplasm
○ Presents it to CD8+ cells (Tc cells)
● MHC2
○ Present only on professional antigen presenting cells (dendritic cells,
macrophages, B cells)
○ Some epithelial cells if stimulated by inflammation
○ Picks up phagocytosed antigens from the phagosome
○ Presents them to CD4+ cells (Th cells)
○ Essential for primary activation of the adaptive response
Intracellular vs extracellular
Diagrams of both T cell and B cell tolerance through peripheral selection
Failure/ bypassing of tolerance leading to hypersensitivity
To normal self antigens
● Breakdown / bypassing of thymic selection
○ Normal imperfection
○ Genetic predisposition
○ Cryptic antigens not available to induce deletion
○ Change to self proteins to appear non-self
● Inappropriate activation
○ Persistent inflammation (cytokine environment)
○ Receptor cross linking by superantigens
○ Molecular mimicry
Failure of tolerance
● Most self - reactive cells are deleted in the thymus during development
● Most of those that escaped are deleted peripherally, by exposure to Ag in absence of
co-stimulatory signals
● But there are always some remain(very few) can be genetically predisposed
○ By MHC type/function
To self antigens(auto-immunity)
Exposure to hidden antigens
● Spermatozoa are not present or accessible to the immune system during thymic
● Normally a barrier “immunologically privileged’
Exposed to the immune system following trauma
immune - mediated male infertility
Modification of self antigens into nonself Ag
● Proteins structure modified by a substance
○ toxins/drugs
○ Mutation
● Attachment of foreign substance to a protein makes it appear to be foreign
Molecular mimicry
● Some pathogens have antigens almost identical to our own
● Somatic hypermutation can fine tune B cells to self
● Presence in large quantities,in association with co-stimulatory factors (inflammatory
● Increase chance of activating left over self Lc
Somatic hypermutation!!!
Persistent inflammatory environment
● The activation requires
○ Presentation on MHC2
○ Co-stimulation
● Inflammatory environment
○ Encourages MHC2 expression
○ Encourages presentation of self Ah on many cell types
○ Provides co-stimulatory factors
Activates bystander remnant(剩余)
Receptor cross linking
● Superantigens can cause non-specific activation and clonal expansion
● Crosslinking of B cell receptors
● Non specific
○ Increases chance that a remnant self B lymphocyte will be activated and