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CPC Project Submission: Civil Procedure Literature Review

CPC Project Submission
Civil procedure
Symbiosis International
2 pag.
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1. “Critical analysis on section 115 of CPC” : Author- Kannan.R & Udayavani.V:
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 120 No. 5 2018,
In this paper, the researcher has critically analysed section 115 of CPC which talks about
the revisional power of the Court with a brief discussion on how those powers granted to
the victims of crime, that of revision and charm, ar very relevant and necessary so truthful
justice is also administrated by the courts. it's been established that each individual,
beneath article 21 of the Constitution of Asian nation encompasses a right to life and
private liberty.
2. “Analysis and remark on revisional jurisdiction of high court over its subordinate
court”: Author- Sinduja S & V. Udayavani: International Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics Volume 120 No. 5 2018, 2511-2527;
This paper deals about the Revisional power (Section 115) of High Court over its
subordinate court. Section 115 of Civil Procedural Code says about the power of the High
Court may call for record of any case which has been decided by subordinate court to
high court and in which no appeal lies.
3. “Appeal
https://tilakmarg.com/answers/what-is-the-difference-between-legal-terms-appealand-revision/ )
In this research paper, the author has discussed how the powers are vested in the courts to
look upon a case which is already decided. The powers are revision, review and appeal.
All the three terms are different and have different purposes. The powers can be exercised
in criminal as well as in civil cases. The author had also made a brief discussion on the
exercise of these powers under CPC.
4. “A study on analyse first appeal under CPC”: Author- Udayavani.V: International
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 120 No. 5 2018, 2635-2644
In this research paper, the author stated that in certain suits, two decrees are passed, one is
preliminary and the other is final, like partition suit, in which, in the preliminary decree
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shares of the parties are determined and in final decree actual partition is done by metes
and bounds. Appeal is provided against both the decrees i.e. preliminary as well as final.
5. “Civil appeal and revision”: Author- Prof.
S P Srivastava: National Judicial
In this paper, the author has discussed the extent of appeal and revision in civil matters
with a brief discussion on the several judicial pronouncements defining the concept of
civil appeal and civil revision and the cases distinguishing revision and appeal in civil
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