Uploaded by Jathan Ten Cate

Medieval History Assessment Task: Visual Display or Worksheet

Medieval Assessment Task 1
Welcome to the Middle Ages!
This is your change to decide to show what you’ve learned.
This is an assessment project you will be working on as homework and
in class for the next 7 weeks.
You will be given half-way due dates, but the final due date is in week 7.
Please read the tasks below in detail, because you are going to choose
your own task.
Option A: Create a visual
As an introduction to our unit on Medieval History, you are to investigate an aspect of
medieval society that interests you and create a visual display, which you will then
present to the class.
You can be as creative as you like in your presentation – feel free to go 3-dimensional!
Some forms of presentation may include:
a diorama
a poster
a sculpture
a painting
a cartoon strip
anything else you can think of (that doesn’t require I.T.!)
You can research any topic you like, but some topics that you may be interested in
The layout of a town
Torture methods
Society structure
Being a knight
Daily life
Education and religion
The life and times of a knight
Medieval crime and
The black plague
The role of the church and
religion in medieval times
The development of castles
Famous leaders
of the
Medieval women
Health and hygiene
Medieval science
Witchcraft and superstition
The Crusades
The Feudal system and how it
Vicious Vikings
The Battle of Hastings in 1066.
The Normans
You visual display must have evidence of research and you will be required to prepare
a 200 word speech that you will deliver to the class and hand in.
Here are some ideas and examples to get you started:
Diorama of a Manor
In an open, flat box, create a model of a medieval manor. Be sure to include all the
important parts of the manor estate, including the manor house, a village of peasant
cottages, the mill, fields, a chapel or church, a bakery, livestock, woodlands, etc.
Knight Poster
Draw a picture of a medieval knight and some of his weapons. Label the parts of his
armour and his weaponry.
Stained Glass Window
Draw and paint a poster in the style of a medieval stained glass window. Your
window should illustrate a well-known Bible story. Remember that stained glass
windows in medieval churches were meant to help teach Bible stories, because most
people could not read.
Levels of Society
Choose a medieval profession or level of society (a representative of the Church or
the nobility, an artisan, a merchant, a peasant, or a serf.) Either dress up or create a
poster of your person and write a journal of at least 7 entries.
Create a realistic and detailed floor map of a castle (like an architect would do) or
create a 3D model of a castle.
The Crusades
Create a poster (map) that shows the routes of the Crusades and shows some of the
effects of the crusades, especially new ideas and imported goods.
The Church in Europe
Create a visual report that explains the growth and importance of the Catholic Church
in Europe. Include notable people (Charlemagne, St. Dominic, St. Francis of Assisi,
St. Clare, and St. Thomas Aquinas) and the contributions of the Church (universities,
literature, social improvements). Your poster (or posters) should include pictures,
paragraphs explaining the pictures, and a complete works cited page for pictures and
written information.
Battle of Hastings
Create a model of the Battle of Hastings or create a map which displays all the events
of 1066.
Magna Carta
Recreate the Magna Carta and highlight some of its most important elements and the
effects it had on society.
Option B: Create a worksheet
Your Task:
To find out as much as you can about one part of the medieval period. You will be
required to present your findings to the rest of the class. You will be the teacher. You
and your team mate will have 25 minutes to present your information to the rest of the
class and after that the class will complete the worksheet you have created. The
worksheet can contain many different elements or can take different shapes:
Informative text (Written
by you!)
A video with notes.
A role-play.
A web site for the intranet
(on our class wiki)
A quiz
A lecture
A PowerPoint
presentation (max 100
words text)
Anything else you can
think of! (Check with your
teacher first)
All you have to remember is that the rest of the class needs to learn about your topic
through you. How you present your work is up to you. Try to make it as fun and
interesting as possible.
Your presentation should be informative and include some sort of task / handout for
the class to complete as evidence of their learning from your presentation. You should
discuss the structure of your presentation with your teacher.
Your handout should contain several elements, such as:
A crossword
A true or false
Missing words activity
A wordsearch
Open questions which
invite discussion
A multiple choice quiz
Anything else you can
think of! (Check with your
teacher first)
Here is a good site for making puzzles:
Possible topics:
 The Life and Times of a Knight
 Medieval Crime and
 The Black Plague
 The role of the church and
religion in medieval times
 The development of Castles
 Famous Leaders of the middle
 Medieval women
Health and hygiene
Medieval Science
Witchcraft and superstition
The Crusades
The Feudal system and how it
Vicious Vikings
The Battle of Hastings in 1066.
The Normans