LebaneseUniversity Faculty of Engineering II Final year project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Diploma of Civil Engineering by Catherine HAGE Ornella NOHRA Structural design for GRAND STAR hotel Project supervisor:Mr.Michel MOUAIKEL GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 We have taken efforts in this project, the success and final outcome of it required a lot of guidance and assistance from many individuals and organizations. We are extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of our project work. Whatever we have done is only due to such guidance and assistance and we will not forget to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.. We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents and families for their kind cooperation and encouragement which help us in completion of this final year project. We would like to express the deepest appreciation to my professor Dr. Michel MOUAIKEL who has the attitude and substance of a genius, he continually and convincingly conveyed a spirit of adventure in regard to research and an excitement in regard to teaching. Without his guidance and persistent help this project would not have been accomplished. We are highly indebted to Mr. Georges MARJ, head of the structural department at “Dar Al Handasah, Shair and partners” for giving us the opportunity to study one of their interesting project, though he had busy schedule managing the company affairs.I also owe my profound gratitude to their engineers for their guidance and constant supervision, and for providing us necessary informations regarding the project. We also wish to extend our thanks for Dr.Assad KALLASSY and Dr. Michel KHOURY for their care and interest all over these three years of studying. A special thanks also to those who made this diploma possible, all our doctors at the faculty of engineering Roumieh for looking forward to make us distinguished engineers. My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities. 2 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 NOTATIONS Chapter3: UBC97: Uniform Building Code 97 C P : Wind ward coefficient or Leeward coefficient according to ASCE7-05 ASCE7-05: American Society of Civil Engineers 5 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures θ: The stability coefficient for PΔ effect assessment check AISC : American institute of steel construction P x : total unfactored gravity load at and above level x for PΔ effect ACI: American Building Code Requirements for structural Concrete Δ: Seismic story drift for PΔ effect assessment check f’c: specified compression strength of concrete VX: seismic shear force between levels x and x-1 for PΔ effect fy: specified yield strength of non-prestressed reinforcement Z: seismic zone factor according to UBC97 Ig: moment of inertia of gross section C v & Ca : seismic coefficient according to UBC97 hsx: story height below level for PΔ effect R: Numerical coefficient representative of inherent over strength and global ductility capacity of lateral resisting system according to UBC97 d:distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of longitudinal tension reinforcement I: Importance Factor A min : minimum area of flexural reinforcement W: Total Seismic Dead Load bw: web width C t : Numerical Coefficient H: height of the building hn: Height of the building βd :displacement obtained from the unscaled dynamic analysis βm : maximum inelastic response displacement under earthquake effect T A : structural period according to Method A in UBC97 T B : structural period according to Method B in UBC97 T: Elastic fundamental period of vibration in seconds of the structure in the direction under consideration Icr : moment of cracked inertia V sd : the static base shear calculated taking into account the requirements of UBC1997 paragraph 1630.10.3 V s :is the design base shear calculated according to UBC1997-1630.2.1 V d :the unscaled dynamic base shear 3 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 V: Total Base shear V max : Maximum Total Design Base shear V min : Minimum Total Design Base shear LL: Live loads DL:dead loads Mx: moment in member in x-direction My: moment in member in x-direction K zt : Typographical factor according to ASCE7-05 K d : Direction factor according to ASCE7-05 N: axial force normal to cross section occurring simultaneously with Vu or Tu; to be T: torsional moment at section Chapter 5 ASCE7-05: American Society of Civil Engineers 5 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures UBC97: Uniform Building Code 97 V:basic wind speed according to ASCE7-05 K d : wind directionality according to ASCE7-05 I: importance factor according to ASCE7-05 K zt : topographical factor Cp : Wind ward coefficient Leeward coefficient Chapter 6 W: weight for non-building structures which includes all dead loads as defined for buildings in section 1630.1.1. SDL: Superimposed dead loads Z : Seismic Zone Factor according to UBC97 Cv: velocity-based ground response coefficient, for a specific seismic zone and a soil profile, from UBC Table 16-R Ca: acceleration-based ground response coefficient, for a specific seismic zone and a soil profile, from UBC Table 16-Q.= 0.2 R: Numerical Coefficient representative of inherent over strength and global ductility capacity of lateral force resisting system. We have a bearing wall system . R requested by the UBC 1997 is 4.5 I: Importance Factor according to UBC97 C t : Numerical Coefficient according to UBC97 T: Elastic fundamental period of vibration in seconds of the structure in the direction under consideration T y : structural period according to Method B in UBC97 in y-direction V y : the Total Static BaseShear in Y direction Vx : the Total Static Base Shear in X direction l n : length of clear span in the long direction measured face to face of supports in slabs without beams and face to face of beams or other supports in other cases DL: dead loads LL: Live loads Mcr : cracking moment Bw: web width π: ratio of non-prestressed tension reinforcement ππππ /ππππ₯ .: minimum/maximum ratio of nonprestressed tension reinforcement As: area of tension reinforcement Φ: strength reduction factor d:distance from extreme compression fiber to 4 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 h n : Height of building T B : structural period according to Method B in UBC97 T x : structural period according to Method B in UBC97 in x-direction F t : whiplash effect force according to UBC97 H: building height Ux, Uy,Uz: modal displacement given by ETABS in direction x,y,z respectively M: building total mass centroid of tension reinforcement Σ―= Ix= moment of inertia is the X direction Iy=moment of inertia is the Y direction Xi= the abscissa of the wall from the origin Yi= the ordinate of the wall from the origin Xr=the abscissa of the centre of torsion from the origin Yr= the ordinate of the center of torsion from the origin Ex= eccentricity in the X direction Ey= eccentricity in the Y direction Nu= factored axial load Mu= factored moment strength at section δr : : seismic drift in story Pr: total dead at the specified floor Chapter 7 ΔS: Design Level Response Displacement, which is the total drift or total story drift that occurs when the structure is subjected to the design seismic forces extracted from Etabs software. ΔM: Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, which is the total drift or total story drift that occurs when the structure is subjected to the Design Basis Ground Motion, including estimated elastic and inelastic contributions to the total deformation according to UBC97. R: Numerical Coefficient representative of inherent over strength and global ductility capacity of lateral force resisting system. The building is a dual system (Shear walls with Intermediate Moment Resisting Frame) R requested by the UBC 1997(Table16-N) is 6.5 (to be on the Safe Side R = 5.5 is adopted). Fr: seismic shear at the specified floor E= the earthquake load on an element of the structure resulting from the combination of the horizontal component, Eh, and the vertical component, Ev. Eh= the earthquake load due to the base shear, V, as set forth in Section 1630.2 or the design lateral force, Fp, as set forth in Section 1632. Ev=the load effect resulting from the vertical component of the earthquake ground motion and is equal to an addition of 0.5CaID to the dead load effect, D, for Strength Design, and may be taken as zero for Allowable Stress Design. Em=the estimated maximum earthquake force that can be developed in the structure as set forth in Section 1630.1.1. Ω0= the seismic force amplification factor that is required to account for structural overstrength, as set forth in Section 1630.3.1 Ux, Uy,Uz: modal displacement given by ETABS in direction x,y,z respectively Sum Ux, Sum Uy, Sum Uz : modal mass participation 5 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 in a direction given by ETABS Chapter 8 ππ’ : unsupported length of a compression member K: effective length factor R: radius of gyration equal to 0.3 times the direction of the rectangular column that stability is considered. Ag: gross area of section Ast: total area of longitudinal reinforcement d b : nominal bar diameter Ls: splicing length of deformed bars L db : devolepment length of deformed bars Pu: factored axial load Nu: factored axial load M 1 : smaller factored end moment on a compression member positive if member is bent in single curvature M 2 : larger factored end moment on a compression member Pn: nominal axial load strength Mn: nominal moment strength at section Vn: nominal shear strength Vc: nominal shear strength provided by concrete Vs: nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement Bw: web width δ u : lateral design displacement H w : wall height c : distance from the extreme compression fiber to H: thickness of wall the neutral axis calculated for the factored axial force As: principal flexural reinforcement and nominal moment strength D: distance from extreme compression fiber to P cr: : critical axial load centroid of tension reinforcement L: total height of the wall Av: area of Horizontal shear reinforcement lw: length of the entire wall or segment of wall s 2 :spacing of horizontal shear reinforcement considered in the direction of the shear force E: modulus of elasticity of concrete Ah: area of vertical shear reinforcement at spacing s1 s1:spacing of horizontal shear reinforcement I m: moment of inertia of section resisting externally Vu: factored shear load applied factored loads Chapter 10 l n :length of clear span in the long direction measured face to face of supports in slabs without beams and face to face of beams or other supports in other cases Ig: moment of inertia of concrete section about centroidal axis neglecting reinforcement fr: modulus of rupture of concrete DL: dead loads Yt: distance of from centroidal axis to extreme fiber in tension LL: Live loads Icr: moment of inertia of cracked section Mcr : cracking moment transformed to concrete E cracked :modulus of elasticity of cracked section Φ: strength reduction factor n:modular ratio of elasticity never less then 6; = λ:multiplier of additional long term deflection Es/Ec π′ : ratio of non-prestressed compression Ma: maximal moment in member at stage reinforcement deflection is computed Vu : factored shear h: overall thickness of member αs: column coefficient 40 interior, 30 edge, Es: modulus of elasticity of steel 20 corner 6 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Ec: modulus of elasticity of concrete As: principal flexural reinforcement f’c: specified compression strength of concrete As’: area of compression reinforcement Ie:effective moment of inertia Δi adm.: maximum instant deflection l: span length of beam or one way slab b0: perimeter of critical section for punching and shear calculations d:distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement d’: distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of compression reinforcement d:distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement Chapter 11 Mb = balanced moment M1 = primary moment, internal tendon force multiplied by its eccentricity from the cross section centroid M2 = secondary moment,the deformation held in place by the internal support will causea support reaction Δi :maximum instantaneous deflection Δ LT :maximum long term deflection X’,y’= minimum edge distance between anchorage ends to the closest external surface in x and y direction Fpu= Fpy= F’ci= F’c Acf= 7 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table of Contents Chapter 1 GRAND STAR............................................................................................................................... 19 1.INTRDUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 19 2.MAJOR CONSTRAINTS .......................................................................................................................... 19 Chapter 2 PROJECT PROCEDURE................................................................................................................. 22 Chapter 3 CONCEPTUAL REPORT ................................................................................................................ 24 1.INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 24 2.BUILDING DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................... 24 3.DESIGN PHILOSOPHY ........................................................................................................................... 25 4.SOIL PROPERTIES .................................................................................................................................. 25 5.DESIGN CRITERIA.................................................................................................................................. 25 5.1 DESIGN CODES FOR PRACTICE AND STANDARDS ......................................................................... 25 5.2 COMPUTER ANALYSIS OF THE BUILDING AND ITS COMPONENTS ............................................... 26 6.MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................................... 28 6.3 Concrete ........................................................................................................................................ 28 6.4 Reinforcing Bars ............................................................................................................................ 28 7. LOADS .................................................................................................................................................. 29 7.1 Super Imposed Dead Loads SDL .................................................................................................... 29 7.2 Live loads ....................................................................................................................................... 30 7.3 Lateral loads ................................................................................................................................ 31 8. CONCRETE PROTECTIVE COVER ........................................................................................................ 35 Chapter 4 STRUCTURAL SYSTEM ................................................................................................................ 37 1.CLASSIFICATION OF STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS ........................................................................................ 37 1.1 BEARING WALLSSYSTEM ............................................................................................................... 37 1.2 BUILDING FRAME SYSTEM ............................................................................................................ 37 1.3 MOMENT RESISTING FRAME ........................................................................................................ 38 1.4 DUAL SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................ 38 2. DETERMINATION OF STRUCTURAL SYSTEM ....................................................................................... 38 Chapter 5 STATIC LOAD ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 40 1.INTR0DUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 40 2. STATIC SEISMIC LATERAL LOAD .......................................................................................................... 40 8 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 2.1 STATIC LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE ............................................................................................ 40 2.2 BASE SHEAR .................................................................................................................................. 41 2.3 TERMS USED TO CALCULATE THE STATIC BASE SHEAR ................................................................ 42 2.4 TERMS USED TO CALCULTE THE LATERAL STORY FORCES ............................................................ 44 2.5 CALCULATION OF THE STATIC SEISMIC BASE SHEAR .................................................................... 44 3. STATIC WIND LATERAL LOAD .............................................................................................................. 46 3.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 46 3.2 DESIGN PROCEDURE AND PARAMETER’S DETERMINATION ........................................................ 47 3.3 BASE SHEAR CALCULATION .......................................................................................................... 53 Chapter 6 PRELIMINARY DESIGN ............................................................................................................... 57 1.INTR0DUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 57 2.TRANSFER BEAMS PRELIMINARY DESIGN ............................................................................................ 57 3.TRANSFERSLAB PRELIMINARY DESIGN ................................................................................................ 63 3.1 EVALUATION OF THE TRANSFER SLAB LOADING USNG TRIBUTAY AREA METHOD ..................... 63 3.2 LOADS ON TRANSFER SLAB ........................................................................................................... 64 3.3CHECK FOR PUCHING SHEAR ........................................................................................................ 65 3.4 CHECK FOR ONE-WAY SHEAR....................................................................................................... 67 4.COLUMNS PRELIMINARY DESIGN ........................................................................................................ 67 4.1 LOADS ON COLUMNS .................................................................................................................... 67 Calculation of DL ..................................................................................................................................... 69 Calculation of LL ...................................................................................................................................... 69 Calculation of DL ..................................................................................................................................... 75 Calculation of LL ...................................................................................................................................... 75 4.2CHECK FOR COLUMNS ................................................................................................................... 76 5.SHEAR WALL PRELIMINARY DESIGN .................................................................................................... 79 5.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 79 5.2 CENTER OF TORSION ..................................................................................................................... 79 5.3 CENTER OF MASS .......................................................................................................................... 82 5.4 SHEAR FORCES .............................................................................................................................. 84 6.SLABS PRELIMINARY DESIGN ............................................................................................................... 95 6.1 Ribbed slab preliminary thickness ................................................................................................ 95 9 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 6.2 Solid slab preliminary thickness .................................................................................................... 96 Chapter 7.DYNAMIC ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................... 98 1.INTRIDUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 98 2.USING ETABS: ....................................................................................................................................... 98 2.1 MODELING PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................... 98 2.2 BUILDING’S GEOMETRY ............................................................................................................... 99 2.3 LOAD COMBINATIONS ................................................................................................................... 100 3.MODAL MASS PARTICIPATION RATIO ................................................................................................ 101 4. SCALING FACTOR............................................................................................................................... 103 5. LATERAL STORY DRIFTS ..................................................................................................................... 107 5.1 CODE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 107 5.2 CALCULATION OF THE SEISMIC LATERAL DRIFT ......................................................................... 109 6. CHECK FOR P-DELTA EFFECT ............................................................................................................. 112 Chapter 8.COLUMNS DESIGN.................................................................................................................... 115 1.INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 115 2.TYPES OF COLUMNS ........................................................................................................................... 116 2.1 SHORT COLUMNS ........................................................................................................................ 116 2.2 SLENDER COLUMNS .................................................................................................................... 116 3. COLUMN DESIGN .............................................................................................................................. 117 3.1 LOADING SELECTION ................................................................................................................... 117 3.2 COLUMN SELECTION ................................................................................................................... 118 3.3REINFORCEMENT ......................................................................................................................... 118 3.4 ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................................... 122 3.5 S-CONCRETE OUTPUT ................................................................................................................. 125 .......................................................................................................................................................... 128 3.6 SUMMARY RESULT ...................................................................................................................... 129 Chapter 9. SHEAR WALL DESIGN ............................................................................................................... 132 1.INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 132 1.1 DESIGN FORCES ........................................................................................................................... 132 1.2 IN PLANE EFFECTS ....................................................................................................................... 132 1.3 OUT-OF-PLANE EFFECTS.............................................................................................................. 135 10 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 2. SHEAR WALL DESIGN ........................................................................................................................ 137 Chapter 10. SOLID SLAB DESIGN ............................................................................................................... 143 1.INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 143 2. PREDIMENSIONING OF THE SOLID SLAB ........................................................................................... 143 3.CHECK FOR DEFLECTION .................................................................................................................... 144 4. CHECK FOR PUNCHING SHEAR .......................................................................................................... 152 5.One-Way Shear Verification .............................................................................................................. 154 6.REINFORCEMENT ............................................................................................................................... 155 Chapter 11. POST-TENSIONED SLAB DESIGN ............................................................................................ 159 1.INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 159 1.1 HISTORY OF POST-TENSIONING : ................................................................................................ 159 1.2 PRESTRESSING IN PRINCIPLE : ..................................................................................................... 159 2. ADVANTAGES OF POST-TENSIONED FLOORS.................................................................................... 162 3.BONDED VS UNBONDED TENDON SYSTEM : ..................................................................................... 162 3.1 BONDED SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................ 163 3.2 UNBONDED SYSTEM ................................................................................................................... 164 3.3 WHY A BONDED SYSTEM WERE CHOSEN ? ................................................................................. 164 4.PRESTRESS LOSSES : ........................................................................................................................... 165 5. STRESSING STAGES : .......................................................................................................................... 166 6.FLAT PLATE CONCEPT :....................................................................................................................... 169 6.1 LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 169 6.2 POST-TENSIONED FLAT SLAB BEHAVIOR .................................................................................... 170 2.LOAD BALANCING .......................................................................................................................... 172 7. DESIGN PROCESS ............................................................................................................................... 175 7.1 POST-TENSIONED SLAB’S MINIMUM THICKNESS ....................................................................... 175 7.2 RAM ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 175 Chapter 12 STEEL DECK DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 191 1.INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 191 2. COMPOSITE ACTION ......................................................................................................................... 192 3. COMPOSITE DECK ADVANTAGES ...................................................................................................... 193 4.INSTALATION OF DECKING ................................................................................................................. 194 11 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 4.1 PLACING OF DECKING ................................................................................................................. 194 4.2 ATTACH MAETAL DECKING TO STRUCTURAL STEEL................................................................... 194 4.3SHEAR CONNECTORS ................................................................................................................... 195 4.4 INSTALATION OF SHEAR CONNECTORS ...................................................................................... 195 4.5 INSTALATION OF CONCRETE ....................................................................................................... 195 4.6 QUALITY CONTROL ...................................................................................................................... 196 5.STEEL DECK CALCULATIONS ............................................................................................................... 196 5.1 STEEL DECK CONCEPT ................................................................................................................. 197 5.2 SECONDARY BEAM CALCULATIONS ........................................................................................... 198 5.3 PRIMARY BEAM CALCULATIONS ................................................................................................ 207 5.4 BOLTED CONNECTIONS .............................................................................................................. 213 Chapter 13.RIBBED SLAB DESIGN.............................................................................................................. 220 1.INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 220 2.RIBBED SLAB CONCEPT ...................................................................................................................... 220 3.LOAD CALCULATION........................................................................................................................... 222 4.DESIGN FOR BEAMS ........................................................................................................................... 223 4.1 ULTIMATE LINEAR LOADS: .......................................................................................................... 223 4.2 BEAMS WIDTH: ........................................................................................................................... 223 4.2 FLEXURAL REINFORCEMENT ....................................................................................................... 226 4.3 SHEAR REINFORCEMENT............................................................................................................. 229 5.DESIGN FOR SB4 SUBJECTED TO TORSION ........................................................................................ 232 5.1 FLEXURAL REINFORCEMENT ....................................................................................................... 233 5.2 SHEAR REINFORCEMENT............................................................................................................. 234 5.3 TORSIONAL REINFORCEMENT..................................................................................................... 235 6. DESIGN FOR RIBS............................................................................................................................... 236 Chapter14. TRANSFER BEAMS DESIGN ..................................................................................................... 244 1.INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 244 2. MOMENTS AND SHEARS ON TRANSFER BEAMS ............................................................................... 245 3.DETAILED REINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS ..................................................................................... 246 3.1 FLEXURAL REINFORCEMENT ....................................................................................................... 246 3.2 SHEAR REINFORCEMENT............................................................................................................. 248 12 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.2 LONG TERM DEFLECTION FOR DB3 ............................................................................................. 251 4. SUMMARY RESULTS .......................................................................................................................... 251 Chapter15. TRANSFER BEAMS DESIGN ..................................................................................................... 255 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 255 2. LOADINGS.......................................................................................................................................... 255 2.1 SOIL LOADINGS ........................................................................................................................... 255 2.1 AXIAL LOADING ........................................................................................................................... 257 3. DESIGN .......................................................................................................................................... 259 Chapter 16 FOUNDATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 263 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 263 2. RAFT FOUNDATION ........................................................................................................................... 265 2.1 DEFINITION.................................................................................................................................. 265 2.2 METHODS USED FOR MAT FOUNDATIONS ................................................................................. 266 3. PRE-DIMENSIONING OF RAFT FOUNDATION: ................................................................................... 273 4 .SAFE MODEL FOR MAT FOUNDATION: ............................................................................................. 274 4.1 PUNCHING SHEAR VERIFICATION ............................................................................................... 274 4.2 ONE-WAY SHEAR VERIFICATION ................................................................................................. 282 4.3 SOIL PRESSURE VERIFICATION .................................................................................................... 284 4.3 RAFT ‘S REINFORCEMENT ........................................................................................................... 285 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................. 288 TABLE OF FIGURES: Figure 1: Typicale floor plan .....................................................................................................................................24 Figure 2: Tiling detail ...................................................................................................................................................30 Figure 3: Design response sprectra .......................................................................................................................33 Figure 4: Response spectra provided by ETABS ...............................................................................................33 Figure 5:Bearing wall system ...................................................................................................................................37 Figure 6:Building frame system ..............................................................................................................................37 Figure 7.Moment Resisting Frame .........................................................................................................................38 Figure 8: Position of DB3 ............................................................................................................................................58 Figure 9: Loads on DB3 introduced to RDM6 ....................................................................................................59 Figure 10: Bending moment diagram on DB3 ...................................................................................................60 Figure 11: Bending moment considering the drop.......................................................................................... 61 Figure 12: Shear diagram of DB3 ............................................................................................................................62 13 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 13: Transfer beam ...........................................................................................................................................63 Figure 14: Transfer slab with its support ............................................................................................................64 Figure 15: Influence surface of each wall in the typical floor plan ........................................................... 68 Figure 16: Position of all transfer beams on GF plan ...................................................................................... 70 Figure 17: DB3 subjected to dead load .................................................................................................................72 Figure 18: Transfer beam subjected to live load ..............................................................................................72 Figure 19: Tributary area on C1 on the basement slabs ............................................................................... 75 Figure 20: position of CDR and CDG with respect to the origin ................................................................. 83 Figure 21: Flowchrat to determine if boundary zones are required........................................................ 90 Figure 22: Boundary zones ........................................................................................................................................91 Figure 23: S-CONSRETE output for wall ..............................................................................................................93 Figure 24: Interaction diagram given by S-CONCRETE I .............................................................................. 94 Figure 25 - Table 9.5.a from the ACI 318-08 ......................................................................................................95 Figure 26: Table 9.5(c) from the ACI318-08 ......................................................................................................96 Figure 27: Basement plan introduced to ETABS ..............................................................................................99 Figure 28: Typical plan introduced to ETABS ....................................................................................................99 Figure 29: Modal Mass Participation Ratio ...................................................................................................... 101 Figure 30: Modes shapes ......................................................................................................................................... 103 Figure 31: Final scaling factor ............................................................................................................................... 105 Figure 32: Dynamic base shear and static base shear before scaling .................................................. 106 Figure 33: Dynamic and static shear convergence ....................................................................................... 106 Figure 34.Story Drift .................................................................................................................................................. 107 Figure 35: Forces and displacements causing p-delta effect .................................................................... 112 Figure 36. Types of compression members ..................................................................................................... 115 Figure 37. Types of columns .................................................................................................................................. 116 Figure 38. Local axis for column in ETABS model......................................................................................... 117 Figure 39.Typical column at typical floors ....................................................................................................... 118 Figure 40. Load -moment diagram for R8-60.90 columns ........................................................................ 124 Figure 41. Walls deformation due to flexion or shear ................................................................................. 134 Figure 42: deformation of a shear wall wit opening .................................................................................... 135 Figure 43. Out-of-plane effects .............................................................................................................................. 136 Figure 44: Reinforcement $ interaction diagram as given by S-CONCERTE ...................................... 138 Figure 45 - Typical floor slab on SAFE ............................................................................................................... 143 Figure 46: Maps of bending moment due to dead load............................................................................... 144 Figure 47: Maps of bending moment due to live load ................................................................................. 145 Figure 48: Deflection due to dead load .............................................................................................................. 145 Figure 49: Deflection due to live load ................................................................................................................ 146 Figure 50: Ultimate reaction given by SAFE .................................................................................................... 152 Figure 51 - Shear in typical slab ........................................................................................................................... 155 Figure 52: M11 for ultimate combination ........................................................................................................ 156 Figure 53: M22 for ultimate combination ........................................................................................................ 156 Figure 54: Bending moment surface for different arrangements of tendons.................................... 171 Figure 55: Balance loading ..................................................................................................................................... 173 14 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 56: effect of presressing on reactions and moments on a beam............................................... 174 Figure 57: Tendon's cover limitations given by the catalogue ................................................................ 176 Figure 58: the position and the elevation of the tendon along x direction ......................................... 177 Figure 59: the position and the elevation of the tendon along y direction ......................................... 177 Figure 60: strips drwan in x and y direction ................................................................................................... 178 Figure 61: Stress maps at service stage............................................................................................................. 185 Figure 62: Long-term deflection map ................................................................................................................ 186 Figure 63: additional bonded reinforcement in y direction ..................................................................... 188 Figure 64: Additional bonded reinforcement in x direction ..................................................................... 189 Figure 65: Composite slab detail .......................................................................................................................... 191 Figure 66: Metal deck corrugations parallel to the beam .......................................................................... 192 Figure 67: Metal deck corrugations perpendicaular to the beam .......................................................... 193 Figure 68: Position od the steel deck on the ground floor plan .............................................................. 197 Figure 69: Primary beam and secondary beam ............................................................................................. 198 Figure 70: Loading on secondary beams introduced to RDM6 ............................................................... 199 Figure 71: Shear diagram on secondary beam ............................................................................................... 200 Figure 72: Bending moment diagram on secondary beam ....................................................................... 200 Figure 73: Web tear-out block shear .................................................................................................................. 214 Figure 74: Minimum edge distance ..................................................................................................................... 215 Figure 75 - Table 9.5.a from the ACI 318-08 ................................................................................................... 220 Figure 76- Typical plan - Ribbed solution ........................................................................................................ 222 Figure 77:bending moment diagram for the PB ............................................................................................ 225 Figure 78: Linear load on PB2 ............................................................................................................................... 227 Figure 79: Bending moment on PB2 ................................................................................................................... 228 Figure 80- Critical section of calculation of Vu ............................................................................................... 229 Figure 81: Transfer beam on the ground floor ............................................................................................... 244 Figure 82:Envelope ultimate bending moment diagram ........................................................................... 245 Figure 83: Envelope ultimate shear diagram .................................................................................................. 245 Figure 84: Basement wall loading ....................................................................................................................... 255 Figure 85: Ultimate moment diagram on basement wall .......................................................................... 256 Figure 86: Basement wall influence line ........................................................................................................... 258 Figure 87: Ultimate load on the wall .................................................................................................................. 259 Figure 88: Interaction diagram on the basement wall ................................................................................ 260 Figure 89: Different types of foundations ........................................................................................................ 264 Figure 90: Distribution of the bearing pressure on the bottom of the raft......................................... 267 Figure 91: soil bearing pressure for rigid and non-rigid mat foundation ........................................... 267 Figure 92: Bearing pressure as function of soil properties ....................................................................... 268 Figure 93: bed of spring representing soil below the mat......................................................................... 270 Figure 94 - Critical section dimensions b1 and b2 ....................................................................................... 275 Figure 95 - Section properties for shear stress computations ................................................................ 278 Figure 96 - Interior Column ................................................................................................................................... 279 Figure 97 - Edge or corner column...................................................................................................................... 280 Figure 98: punching shear ratio for the raft .................................................................................................... 281 15 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 99:Shear stress in the raft ......................................................................................................................... 283 Figure 100: Map representing the soil bearing pressure........................................................................... 284 Figure 101: Ultimate bending moment M11 ................................................................................................... 285 Figure 102: Ultimate bending moment M22 ................................................................................................... 285 TABLE OF TABLES: Table 1: Modifiers assessments for structural elemets in ultimate and service models ................. 28 Table 2: Bar size used in the design .......................................................................................................................29 Table 3: Bar size used in the design .......................................................................................................................29 Table 4: Minimum design live load in buildings ...............................................................................................30 Table 5: Seismic zone factor ......................................................................................................................................44 Table 6:Seismic coefficient Cv ..................................................................................................................................45 Table 7: Occupancy category ....................................................................................................................................45 Table 8: Structural system .........................................................................................................................................45 Table 9: Seismic base shear calculation ...............................................................................................................46 Table 10: Directionality factor .................................................................................................................................48 Table 11: Occupancy category..................................................................................................................................49 Table 12: Importance factor......................................................................................................................................49 Table 13: Nominal heigth and gust speed ...........................................................................................................51 Table 14: Parameters of wind base shear ...........................................................................................................53 Table 15: Wind base shear calculation .................................................................................................................55 Table 16: Loads on DB3 ..............................................................................................................................................59 Table 17: dreq due to bending .................................................................................................................................60 Table 18: Summary of dreq for all transfer beams .......................................................................................... 63 Table 19: Ultimate load due to implanted columns ........................................................................................ 64 Table 20: shear verification .......................................................................................................................................67 Table 21: Total live and dead load due to each wall on TB .......................................................................... 69 Table 22: Position and moment of inertia for each shear wall ................................................................... 80 Table 23: Detremination of center of mass.........................................................................................................82 Table 24: Translational, rotational and bending moment on the shear wall ....................................... 88 Table 25: Verification of lateral drift due to earthquake ........................................................................... 110 Table 26: Verification of P-DELTA effect along x direction ....................................................................... 113 Table 27: Verification of P-DELTA effect in y drection ............................................................................... 113 Table 28 - Lap splice in compression ................................................................................................................. 121 Table 29 - Lap splice in tension ............................................................................................................................ 121 Table 30: Summary of different types of column reinforcement ........................................................... 129 Table 31: Type of each column ............................................................................................................................ 130 Table 32: reinforcement detail of shear walls ................................................................................................ 139 Table 33: Types of all shear walls ........................................................................................................................ 141 Table 34 - Slabs reinforcement ............................................................................................................................. 157 Table 35: limitations of a flat slab ........................................................................................................................ 169 16 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 36: span-depth ratio ..................................................................................................................................... 175 Table 37: Input to the software ............................................................................................................................ 179 Table 38 : Nominal diameter and nominal reinforcement cross section (FRESSINET) ................ 179 Table 39: Load combinations................................................................................................................................. 180 Table 40: Serviceability design requirements ................................................................................................ 181 Table 41: Inital stress verification ....................................................................................................................... 183 Table 42: Service stress verification ................................................................................................................... 184 Table 43- Summary of the beams dimensions ............................................................................................... 226 Table 44: As required for PB2 ............................................................................................................................... 228 Table 45: As chosen for PB2 ................................................................................................................................... 228 Table 46: shear reinforcement .............................................................................................................................. 232 Table 47: Longitudinal reinforcement for all spans ..................................................................................... 234 Table 48: Summary for ribs reinforcement ..................................................................................................... 237 Table 49: Longitudinal reinfoecement of DB3................................................................................................ 248 Table 50:Shear reinforcement for DB3 ............................................................................................................. 250 Table 51: Bending reinforcement for DB1 ....................................................................................................... 252 Table 52: Shear reinforcement for DB1 ............................................................................................................ 252 Table 53: Bending reinforcement for DB4 ....................................................................................................... 252 Table 54: Shear reinforcement for DB4 ............................................................................................................ 252 Table 55: Bending reinforcement for DBA ....................................................................................................... 253 Table 56: Shear reinforcement for DBA ............................................................................................................ 253 Table 57: Dimension and reinforcement of the wall all over it's height .............................................. 261 MANHATTAN II 17 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 1 GRAND STAR-Hotel 18 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 1 GRAND STAR 1.INTRODUCTION The GRAND STAR-Hotel is a 17-floor superstructure, located in downtown-BEIRUT and equipped with world-class business facilities. It’s a brilliant architectural innovation due to its irregular “L” shaped plan, with a very particular circular feature at its corner, that connects all public spaces. The building is located on a plain terrain surrounded by two main roads with close buildings around, green spaces surround this hotel from the other sides. Grand star hotel has 6 basements for parking and storage, one ground floor for reception, and 16 floors for guests-rooms, suites, restaurants, meeting rooms, health clubs and entertainment facilities. This project focuses basically on the structural design of this building without ignoring at any phase of the project the architectural aspect of this structure that should be conserved leading in consequence to many structural difficulties that we tried to solve in the best way it could be executed. This hotel makes it with no doubt an interesting structural case to study. 2.MAJOR CONSTRAINTS In hotels, for architectural purposes mainly, vertical elements are only considered to be walls, with no need for columns. These could be structurally efficient as much as they could present architectural assets. The hotel’s guest-rooms are identical, they are positioned on either sides of the hallway. Including columns within the floor’s structure will provide visible discontinuities along all partition walls, unlike shear walls. For this manner, the main partition between rooms and hallways will be based on the shear walls themselves, because they offer architectural advantages as much as they offer structural benefits. Concerning those benefits, shear walls are essential to horizontal loadings such as wind and earthquake. They are also supporting elements, they carry the slab’s dead and live load form one story to another. 19 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The slab, having all those supporting elements, will need a smaller thickness that it could need if it were supported by columns. Therefore the total dead load of the foundation will decrease, not forgetting also the reduction of the seismic effect that grows with the building’s weight. Concerning the basement’s vertical supporting elements, for architectural purposes,columns form a more suitable solution for parking than shear walls since they offer a larger open space. Plus, basements are not exposed to the horizontal loadings stated previously, which is why only columns and cores are considered to be supporting elements. Having a discontinuous shear wall system requires the presence of transfer beams on theground floor slab in order to implant those walls. The columns supporting the vertical feature are also stopped at the ground floor slab, which is why a transfer slab is in need in their area in order for them to be implanted. The basement 1 offers a health club that require a large open space, which is why the ground floor slab above this club is designed to be a steel deck in order to get a big span with no intermediate supports . 20 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 2 PROJECT PROCEDURE 21 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 2PROJECT PROCEDURE This report dwells on the recommended structural systems to adopt, the issues to be considered during the conceptual phases of the project, as well as preliminary design criteria that sets out the standards and methods that would be used in the design that has been detailed afterwards. The aim of the present report is to provide a design of the structural elements of the GRAND STAR Hotel project. In this study the basic design criteria (codes, loadings, materials…) and the analysis methods are presented. The basic assumptions of the numerical analysis are also stated. Based on the design criteria and assumptions data, a rigorous structural analysis is performed with three dimensional models of the building using the “ETABS” software. Hereby is an overview on the scope of work followed throughout this project: 1) The architectural plans and sections are overviewed to clarify thehotel’s architectural concept. 2) According to the type of usage of each part of the floor ,loading plans were determined and thus a load rundown has been done. 3) Based on the limitations given by the architectural drawings, a preliminary dimensioning was performed for the each of the vertical elements:columns, walls, and cores. 4) In addition to the preliminary sections of the vertical elements, beams sections and slab limits were shown in the preliminary framing plans. 5) Modeling phase: in this phase the hotel is modeled using ETABS. 6) Design phase: the hotel’s response, obtained from the analysis results, led to the determination of: - themaximum lateral sway - the internal forces in the different structural elements, which allowed the checking of capacity of the proposed columns and walls by the usage of a specialized other computer software “S-concrete” -the transfer of data to other software (Safe, …) which will allow the checking of the proposed foundation and slabs dimensions. 22 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 3 CONCEPTUAL REPORT 23 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 3CONCEPTUAL REPORT 1.INTRODUCTION The structure, as previously noted, is a 18 story building with 6 basements . It has an overall height of 63 m. The location of the building on the island is in Beirut. 2.BUILDING DESCRIPTION The architecture of the stories is divided as following: - The basements are underground parking spots having a height of 2.7 m and an area of 4200 m2, except for the basement 1. - The ground floor contains the entrance and the reception halls. It has a height of 3.5 m and an area of 1800 m2 indoor, and an area of 2400 m2 outdoor. - The second floor is the first typical floor, all stories above this level are typical. They are dedicated to the guest-rooms and suites with a height of 3.5 m each and an area of 1800 m2. 24 Figure 1: Typicale floor plan GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.DESIGN PHILOSOPHY The building is in reinforced concrete. The vertical elements will be in high strength reinforced concrete. The lateral stability is insured by the system of cores and shear walls system. A significant factor in the design of the basements and the foundations is the overall self-weight of the building and its applied finishes. It is important to achieve workable and economic design that the building self weight is kept to a minimum where uplift issues are not critical. Based on the above, light weight partitions have been selected for the Project at Hand. 4.SOIL PROPERTIES Due to geotechnical data, a single strata soil has been detected having the following roperties: - - allowable bearing capacity is 10 Kg/cm2 Unit weight =20 KN/m3 Subgrade modulus=20000 KN/m3 Friction Angle= 25Λ Cohesion =0 MPa 5.DESIGN CRITERIA 5.1 DESIGN CODES FOR PRACTICE AND STANDARDS - - Earthquake Loads According to UBC 1997 – Uniform building code – USA – Chapter 16: Division III to V Wind Loads According to ASCE 7 “American Society of Civil Engineers”. Reinforced Concrete Design The design will be performed in accordance to UBC 1997 (Uniform Building Code), Chapter 19 / Building Code Requirements for structural Concrete (ACI 318-95 & ACI 31802) and commentary (ACI 318-95 & ACI 318R-02) Steel structure According to AISC: American institute of steel construction. 25 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 5.2 COMPUTER ANALYSIS OF THE BUILDING AND ITS COMPONENTS 5.2.1 SOFTWARES USED Advanced computer software, based on finite elements methods (FEM), were used to evaluate the exerted forces on the structure, as well as to calculate the building response. After assessing the straining stresses on the structural system due to the applied gravitational and lateral forces, the slabs, beams, foundations have been resized according to the developed stresses and strains while Columns and walls has been investigated accordingly. The used softwares are as follow: - CSI Series: Etabs and Safe RDM 6 S-Concrete Spread Excel sheets Robot 5.2.2 SOFTWARES USED The analysis project building was performed using the ETABS and SAFE software. The following assumptions were made: • • • • Slabs and walls are represented by shell finite elements (triangles and quadrangles), the raft by thick shell, all beams and columns by bar elements. The raft foundation is considered to be a two way grid. The supporting soil is represented by elastic supports. Both Static Equivalent Force Method and Dynamic Spectral Method were used to estimate the building response. The seismic accelerations in X & Y direction along with accidental eccentricities of 5% led to four seismic case of loadings: - Seismic X+ eccentricity Y - Seismic X- eccentricity Y - Seismic Y+ eccentricity X - Seismic Y- eccentricity X The elements defining each model are defined as follows: Walls As mentioned previously, the walls have the main function in resisting lateral forces induced by the lateral forces and reducing the building sway. They were also used as bearing walls supporting gravitational loads. Walls were designed as 2D shell elements. 26 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Slabs These are to be modelled as 2D shell element using finer meshing elements, and this ensures that the vertical loads are correctly distributed to the vertical elements. Columns The reinforced concrete columns were mainly used to resist gravitational loads. They are to be modelled as 1D stick elements. Beams Transfer beams are modeled as 1D stick elements. Base Constraints The building is supposed fixed at foundation level. 5.2.3 CRACKED PROPERTIES - For the computation of drift: I cr = 1*I g for Vertical Elements (Cores and Columns) I cr = 0.36*I g for Horizontal Elements (Slabs) I cr = 0.5*I g for Horizontal Elements (Beams) - (ACI 318-95 Article 10.11.1) For the design of Structural Members: The design will consider the values obtained using I cr = 0.5*I g for all Structural Members, then the above mentioned structural members will be verified adopting the following inertias I cr = 0.7*I g for Vertical Elements (Cores and Walls) I cr = 0.25*I g for Horizontal Elements (Reinforced Concrete Slabs) I cr = 0.35*I g for Horizontal Elements (Beams) (ACI 318-95 Article 10.11.1) UBC 1910.11.1 In ETABS model, the modifiers were set as shown in the table below : 27 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 1: Modifiers assessments for structural elemets in ultimate and service models 6.MATERIALS Materials used in the construction of the building are mainly concrete and steel. The required strength and characteristics of those materials are given in the following paragraphs. 6.3 Concrete F’c= 40MPa for horizontal elements (slabs – beams – raft foundation) F’c= 50MPa for vertical elements (column - shear walls – cores) Since vertical elements are subjected to a compression higher than horizontal elements, and since the concrete is strong in compression and weak under tension , the concrete strength f’c of the vertical elements should be larger . 6.4 Reinforcing Bars According to ACI 318-08 chapter 3 titled “Materials” section 3.5.1, reinforcement shall be deformed reinforcement except for spiral where plain reinforcement can be used. The yield strength of reinforcement is taken to be fy = 420 MPa for all members. 28 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The bars used in the design are given in the following table: Table 2: Bar size used in the design Bar Size Diameter (mm) Area (cm2) 10 0.785 12 1.13 14 1.54 16 2.01 20 3.14 25 4.91 32 8.04 Table 3: Bar size used in the design 7. LOADS This part is dedicated to the determination of loads applied on the structure. Loads are divided into two major parts: Dead loads and Live loads. Dead loads are permanent loads which values are precisely known, they include Super Imposed Dead Loads SDL and Self Weight SW. SDL are permanent loads other than the structure itself, whereas Self Weight is the load of the structure itself. Live loads are variable loads which values are not precisely known but are estimated according to the use and final destination of the structure. 7.1 Super Imposed Dead Loads SDL SDL includes the following loads: - Partitions Plaster Tiling 7.1.1 Partitions Partition walls are non-load bearing walls constructed in order to separate rooms in each story. In this building, partition walls between rooms are the shear walls themselves, as for the partition within the room they are made with plaster boards Plaster board is a panel made of gypsum plaster pressed between two thick sheets of paper. It is used to make interior walls. This construction became prevalent as a speedier and lighter alternative to traditional partition walls.Their weights is 23 kg/m2 29 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 7.1.2 Tiling Tiles are mainly made of three layers: - Tile blocks of 2 cm thickness and of1900 Kg/m3 density Mortar layer of 2 cm thickness and of 1800 Kg/m3 density Sandy layer of 5 cm thickness and of 1300 Kg/m3 density Figure 2: Tiling detail Tiling’s weight is given by: W = 1900 × 0.02 + 1800 × 0.02 + 1300 × 0.05 = 127 Kg/m2 Than the total super-imposed dead load is: 150 kg/m2 7.2 Live loads Live loads are variable loads that depend on the usage of each floor plan. Based on ASCE 7-05 for minimum design live load in buildings( table 4.1) : Table 4: Minimum design live load in buildings An average of 300 kg/m2 is taken between LL(private room) and LL(public room) 30 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 7.3 Lateral loads There are a number of international design codes that allow a building to be designed to resist an earthquake, and these are often augmented by local codes where appropriate. It should be noted that all seismic design codes exist primarily to safeguard against major structural failure and loss of life, and not to limit damage or maintain function, and all are based on a statistical approach. The Uniform Building Code (UBC) is considered by some to have a good track record for producing buildings that offer reasonable life safety when compared to other codes, such as the Japanese or Eurocode. Though of American origin, it has been used widely throughout the world including the Middle East. Structures designed to the UBC should be able to: - Resist a minor level of earthquake without damage Resist a moderate level of earthquake without structural damage but with some non-structural damage, e.g. to window frames, doors. Resist a major level earthquake without collapse but with some structural and nonstructural damage. In the UBC 1997 the Earthquake Hazard, or design ground motion spectrum, corresponds to a 10% probability to be exceeded in 50 years. This is equivalent to an earthquake that has a return period of 475 years. We propose to design the building using the UBC 1997. Chapter 16, Division IV Earthquake Design in volume 2 of the UBC provides specifications for earthquake resistant design. The UBC 1997 considers 5 seismic zones (1, 2A, 2B, 3 and 4) and assigns Seismic Zone Factors (Z) that vary between 0.075 and 0.4. Although these factors are akin to the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), the UBC refrains from using the PGA terminology for the Z factors. The UBC 1997 requires the soil profile to be determined based on the average soil properties for the top 30m of the soil profile. The lateral forces due to earthquake will be calculated considering Lebanon in Seismic Zone 2B. 7.3.1 SEISMIC STATIC ANALYSIS -Z: Seismic Zone Factor Z = 0.2 Zone 2B Table 16-I (UBC 97) -Soil Profile Type depends on soil investigation -C v seismic coefficient (S c has been adopted) Table 16-J (UBC 97) C v = 0.32 Table 16-R (UBC 97) -C a : Seismic coefficient C a = 0.24 Table 16-Q (UBC 97) 31 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 -R: Numerical coefficient representative of inherent over strength and global ductility capacity of lateral resisting system R = 4.5 Table 16-N (UBC 97) -I: Importance Factor I= 1 Table 16-K (UBC 97) -W: Total Seismic Dead Load -C t : Numerical Coefficient C t =0.048 Section 1630.2.2 UBC 97 -h n : Height of the building Structural Period (section 1630.2.2 UBC97) Method A: 3οΏ½ 4 ππ΄ = πΆπ‘ × (βπ ) Method B: ππ΅ = 2π × οΏ½ οΏ½∑ π€π ×ππ 2 οΏ½ (max T B that can be used is 1.4 T A ) π×(∑ ππ ×ππ ) Where T: Elastic fundamental period of vibration in seconds of the structure in the direction Under consideration The Total Base Shear:π = πΆπ£πΌ π π ×π The Total Design Base Shear not more than: ππππ₯ = 2.5×πΆπ ×πΌ π ×π The Total Design Base Shear not less than: ππππ = 0.11 × πΆπ × πΌ × π 7.3.2 SEISMIC DYNAMIC ANALYSIS The Total Design Base Shear should not be less than the Total Design Base Shear obtained from the Seismic Static Analysis (UBC 1997 Section 1631.5.4.). If this Total Design Base Shear is below the Total Base Shear obtained from the static analysis, all results are to be multiplied by scaling factor Cx and Cy for directions X and Y respectively. The vertical component of the earthquake has also been taken into consideration. 32 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 3: Design response sprectra Figure 4: Response spectra provided by ETABS 33 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 7.3.3 WIND ANALYSIS The building has been verified according to ASCE7-05, Chapter 6, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. This paragraph summarizes the design parameters and standards according to which the wind pressures on the building have been assessed: -Basic wind Speedadopted 140Km/h Section 6.5.4 (ASCE7) -Exposure type Type C is chosen Section 6.5.6 (ASCE7) -I: Importance Factor I= 1.15 for Categorie2 Section 6.5.5 and Table 1-1 (ASCE7) -K zt :Topographic factor K zt =1 no hills Section 6.5.7, and fig.6-3 (ASCE7) -K d :Direction factor K d =0.85 buildings Section 6.5.4 and table 6-4 (ASCE7) -C P : Wind ward coefficient C P = 0.8 Section 6.5.4 -C P : Leeward coefficient C P = 0.5 for L/B =1 Section 6.5.4 -H: height of the building To be on the safe side, the design will be based on 50 years occurrence in computing along wind accelerations. The maximum drift under 50 year wind load is limited to 1/500 of building height. The inter story drift to be limited to 1/500 of the height of the store but based on the 10 year wind speed. 7.3.4 PΔ EFFECT ASSESSMENT Seismic forces cause a structure to deflect laterally. As a result, moments of second order are induced in the structural members due to the displaced gravity loads. This second order effect is known as the PΔ effect. According to UBC section 1630.1.3, Pπ₯ effects shall be evaluated using the design seismic forces producing the design level response displacements (Δ S ). In general, PΔ effects need not to be considered when the stability coefficient (θ), defined as the ratio of second order moments to primary moments, is less than or equal to 0.1. 34 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The stability coefficient (θ) for a given story can be computed from the following equation: π= Where: - ππ₯ × β ππ₯ × βπ π₯ P x : total unfactored gravity load at and above level x Δ: Seismic story drift V X : seismic shear force between levels x and x-1 h sx : story height below level 8. CONCRETE PROTECTIVECOVER For cast in-situ slabs and flat beams For walls not exposed to earth and weather For foundations, and basement wall (exterior face ) For faces of walls , columns , beams , or slabs exposed to water or weather For drop beams (interior faces ) not exposed to weather For columns (interior faces ) not exposed to weather 30 mm 30 mm 50mm 50mm 40mm 40mm 35 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 4 STRUCTURAL SYSTEM 36 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 4 STRUCTURAL SYSTEM 1.CLASSIFICATION OF STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS UBC section 1926.6 details five major categories of buildings of building types distinguished by the method used to resist the lateral forces. These consist of bearing walls, building frames, moment- resisting frames, dual systems, and cantilevered columns. These categories are further subdivided into the types of construction material used. UBC table 16 – N lists the different framing systems, with the height verification and response modification factors for each, together with the restrictions imposed on the use of different building types in specific seismic zones. 1.1 BEARING WALLSSYSTEM In a bearing wall system, shear walls or braced frames providesupport for all or most of the gravity loads and for resisting all lateral loads. In general, a bearing wall system has comparably lower value for R since the system lacks redundancy and has a poor inelastic response capacity. The lateral support members also carry gravity loads and their failure result in failure of the gravity load carrying capacity. In seismic zones 3 and 4, the concrete and masonry shear walls are required to be specially detailed to satisfy UBC sections 1921 and 2106. Figure 5:Bearing wall system 1.2 BUILDING FRAME SYSTEM A building frame system has separate systems to provide support for lateral forces and gravity loads. A frame provides support for essentially all gravity loads with independent shear walls or braced frames resisting all lateral forces. The gravity load supporting frame does not request special ductile detailing, but it is required to satisfy the deformation compatibility requirements of UBC Section 1633.2.4 and this imposes a practical limitation on the height of a building frame system. Failure of the lateral support members will not result in collapseof the building since the frame continue to support gravity loads. Figure 6:Building frame system 37 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 1.3 MOMENT RESISTING FRAME Moment resisting frames are specially detailed to provide good ductility and support for both lateral and gravity loads by flexural action. Inn seismic zones 3 and 4, the moment frames are required to be specially detailed to satisfy UBC sections 1921 or 2211. A high degree of redundancy can be provided and the system has an excellent ine4lastic response capacity. Large lateral displacements may be developed while the gravity load carrying capacity remains intact. Figure 7.Moment Resisting Frame 1.4 DUAL SYSTEM A dual system has a comparably higher value of R since a secondary lateral support system is available to assist the primary non-bearing lateral support system. Non-bearing walls or bracing supply the primary lateral support for gravity loads and acting as a backup lateral force system. The moment resisting frame must be designed to independently resist at least 25% of the base shear and, in addition the two systems shall be designed to resist the total base shear in proportion to their relative rigidities. 2.DETERMINATION OF STRUCTURAL SYSTEM Since the columns do not have a regular position and assessment in the towers the dual system is not very effective in as a secondary lateral support system, therefore shear wall bearing system will be adopted. 38 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 5 STATIC LOAD ANALYSIS 39 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 5 STATIC LOAD ANALYSIS 1.INTR0DUCTION The main goal of earthquake-resistant design is to maintain a structure with sufficient strength and ductility to assure life safety, i.e., to prevent collapse under the most intense earthquake expected at a site during the life of a structure. In most structures that are subjected to moderate-to-strong earthquakes, economical earthquake-resistant design is achieved by allowing yielding to take place in some structural members. This section is dedicated to the static load analysis according to the static lateral force procedure exposed in the Uniform Building Code UBC 97,Section 1630.2 for the seismic lateral load, and according to the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCEfor the wind static lateral load. Eventually a comparison will be made in order to choose which gives the critical base shear 2. STATIC SEISMIC LATERAL LOAD 2.1 STATIC LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE The concept employed in equivalent static lateral force procedures is to place static loads on a structure with magnitudes and direction that closely approximate the effects of dynamic loading caused by earthquakes. Concentrated lateral forces due to dynamic loading tend to occur at floor and ceiling/roof levels in buildings, where concentration of mass is the highest. Furthermore, concentrated lateral forces tend to be larger at higher elevations in a structure. Thus, the greatest lateral displacements and the largest lateral forces often occur at the top level of a structure (particularly for tall buildings). These effects are modeled in equivalent static lateral force procedures of the UBC by placing a force at each story level in a structure. where: - V = base shear force associated with ground motion at the base of the structure - F x = lateral story force applied at each story level of the structure - F t = additional lateral force applied at the top level of the structure (per the UBC) In general, the distribution of lateral story forces is associated with the first (fundamental) mode of vibration of a cantilevered structure. (In this case, a typical structure is idealized as a vertical cantilever rigidly attached to the ground). 40 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The effects of higher modes of vibration are approximated in the UBC by considering an additional lateral force, F t , applied to the top level of a structure. The summation of the lateral story forces (plus the additional lateral force at the top, F t ) must be equivalent to the base shear (V) force applied to the structure due to seismic ground motion. 2.2BASE SHEAR Base shear is an estimate of the maximum expected lateral force that will occur due to seismic ground motion at the base of a structure. Calculations of base shear (V) depend on: - soil conditions at the site proximity to potential sources of seismic activity (such as geological faults) probability of significant seismic ground motion the level of ductility and overstrength associated with various structural configurations and the total weight of the structure the fundamental (natural) period of vibration of the structure when subjected to dynamic loading The UBC addresses the probability of significant seismic activity in various locations categorizing geographic regions as Seismic Zones 0 through 4 . Seismic Zone 0: no seismic activity is expectedto occur. Seismic Zone 4: high probability of significant seismic activity. The equivalent static force procedure in the Uniform Building Code (UBC 1630.2)specifies the following formula for calculating base shear (V): - V = Cv I W / R T (UBC Equation 30-4) The UBC also specifies the following upper and lower bounds for V: - Upper bound: V < 2.5 C a I W / R (UBC Equation 30-5) Lower bound: V > 0.11 C a I W / R(UBC Equation 30-6) 41 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 An additional lower bound applies in seismic zone 4: - V > 0.8 Z N v I W / R(UBC Equation 30-7) The upper bound value for base shear tends to govern for relatively stiff structures that exhibit a small (short) fundamental period of vibration (T). The lower bound values for base shear tend to govern for relatively flexible structures that exhibit a large (long) fundamental period of vibration (T) 2.3 TERMS USED TO CALCULATE THE STATIC BASE SHEAR The terms used to calculate base shear (V) in UBC Equation 30-4 are defined as follows: ο W = total seismic dead load of the structure (dead loads plus applicable portions of some storage loads and snow loads, as specified in UBC 1630.1.1) ο I = importance factor (UBC Table 16-K) The importance factor is essentially an extra safety adjustment used to increase the calculated load on a structure based on its occupancy and/or function. Essential facilities (such as hospitals, fire and police stations, etc.) and facilities that house toxic or explosive substances have higher seismic importance factors (I = 1.25) than other structures (I = 1.0). Higher importance factors are intended to insure that structural integrity is not compromised and important facilities remain operational during emergencies and natural disasters. Based on typical occupancy classifications for most structures, buildings are frequently designed using an importance factor of unity (I = 1.0). Designers should note that the seismic importance factor (I) is not identical to the importance factor for wind (I w ). Futhermore, the UBC provides two distinct seismic importance factors - one (I) for the design of typical structural systems/assemblies such as shear walls and diaphragms, and another (I p ) for the design of critical elements that are attached to structures and may need to resist large concentrated seismic forces (see UBC Section 1632). 42 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 ο T = C t (h n )3/4(UBC Equation 30-8) T = fundamental (natural) period of vibration for a structure The UBC provides the previous simplified method for estimating T based on the height of the structure (h n ) Where: - C t is according to section 1630.2.2 h n = height of the top level of a structure (m) ο R= ductility and overstrength factor ( UBC Table 16-N) The R factor is intended to account for inelastic structural behavior and the ability of a structure to displace/deform and dissipate energy without failing. Since all R factors specified in UBC Table 16-N are greater than unity (R > 1.0), the R factor effectively reduces the calculated base shear (V) by varying amounts depending on the ductility of a structure. In general, ductile structural systems should have higher R factors than brittle structural systems. Typical values of R for many low-rise wood structures are: - R = 5.5 for light frame wood buildings with shear walls that support gravity loads and simultaneously resist lateral loads in structures less than 4 stories high - R = 4.5 for light frame wood buildings with shear walls that support gravity loads and simultaneously resist lateral loads in structures more than 3 stories high The following additional R factors also apply to wood structures, but are associated with less commonly used structural systems: - R = 6.5 for light frame wood buildings less than 4 stories high in which the frame system supports gravity loads independently of the shear panels that resist lateral loads R = 5.0 for light frame wood buildings more than 3 stories high in which the frame system supports gravity loads independently of the shear panels that resist lateral loads R = 5.6 for heavy timber braced frames in which the frame system supports gravity loads independently of the bracing that resists lateral loads R = 2.8 for heavy timber braced frames in which bracing supports gravity loads and simultaneously resists lateral loads 43 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 C v and C a : seismic coefficients associated with structural sensitivity to the velocity and acceleration (respectively) of seismic ground motion. They are based on the geographic location of the structure (seismic zone) and soil conditions at the site. Their value are specified in UBC Tables 16-R and 16-Q. 2.4 TERMS USED TO CALCULTE THE LATERAL STORY FORCES Lateral forces that counteract the base shear, V, are assumed to act at each story level of the structure. The magnitude of each story force ,F x , is determined from the following formula: Where: - h x is the height from the base of the structure to level x - w x is the portion of the building weight assumed to be “lumped” at level x. w x typically includes the total weight of the floor or ceiling/roof system at level x,plus half the weight of the vertical elements (walls; columns) located immediately below level x and half the weight of the vertical elements located immediately above level x. F t is an additional lateral force assumed to act at the top of a structure. This force is intended to approximate the effects of higher modes of structural vibration. The magnitude of F t is determined based on the natural (fundamental) period of vibration of the structure, T: Ft = 0 F t = 0.07 T V F t = 0.25 V when T < 0.7s when 0.7s < T < 3.57s when T > 3.57s 2.5 CALCULATION OF THE STATIC SEISMIC BASE SHEAR - Theseismic zone factor Z: Table 5: Seismic zone factor 44 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - The seismic coefficient Cv: Table 6:Seismic coefficient Cv - The occupancy category I: Table 7: Occupancy category - The coefficient R: Table 8: Structural system 45 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The following table resume the base shear’s calculations: Table 9: Seismic base shear calculation 3. STATIC WIND LATERAL LOAD 3.1 INTRODUCTION This method assumes the quasi-steady approximation. It approximates the peak pressures on building surfaces by the product of the gust dynamic wind pressure and the mean pressure coefficients. The mean pressure coefficients are measured in the wind-tunnel or by full-scale tests and are given by pbar/qz(bar). The implied assumption is that the pressures on the building surface (external and internal) follow faithfully the variations in upwind velocity. Thus, it is assumed that a peak value of wind speed is accompanied by a peak value of pressure or load on the structure. The quasi-steady model has been found to be fairly reliable for wind loading on small structures. In static analysis, gust wind speed Vz is used to calculate the forces, pressures and moments on the structure. Buildings shall be designed to resist the wind effects in accordance with the requirements of ASCE 7-05 Chapter 6 specified in the standards listed in section 1604 of UBC97. 46 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 ASCE Code specifies three methods for wind analysis procedure: 1.Method 1-Simplified Procedure as specified in Section 6.4 for buildings meeting the requirements specified therein 2.Method 2-Analytical Procedure as specified in Section 6.5 for buildings meeting the requirements specified therein 3. Method 3-Wind Tunnel Procedure as specified in Section 6.6 3.2 DESIGN PROCEDURE AND PARAMETER’S DETERMINATION According to ASCE – section 6.5.3 , the design procedure is given below : - The basic wind speed V and wind directionality factor Kd shall be determined in accordance with Section 6.5.4. An importance factor I shall be determined in accordancewith Section 6.5.5. An exposure category or exposure categories and velocity pressure exposure coefficient K, or Kj, as applicable, shall be determined for each wind direction in accordance withSection 6.5.6. A topographic factor Kzt,shall be determined in accordancewith Section 6.5.7. A gust effect factor G or G j, as applicable, shall be determined in accordance with Section 6.5.8. An enclosure classification shall be determined in accordance with Section 6.5.9. Internal pressure coefficient GCp, shall be determined in accordance with Section External pressure coefficients C, or GCDforce coefficients Cj , as applicable, shall bedetermined in accordance with Section 6.5.1 1.2 or 6.5.1 1.3, respectively. Velocity pressure q, or qj, as applicable, shall be determined in accordance with Section 6.5.10. Design wind load p or F shall be determined in accordance with Sections 6.5.12, 6.5.13, 6.5.14, and 6.5.15, as applicable. 47 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.2.1 WIND DIRECTIONALITY FACTOR Kd The wind directionalityfactor, Kd, shall be determined from Table 6-4: Table 10: Directionality factor 3.2.2 IMPORTANCE FACTOR I An importance factor, Ifor the buildingor other structure shall be determined from Table 6-1 basedon building and structure categories listed in Table 1- 1 48 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 11: Occupancy category Table 12: Importance factor 49 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.2.3 EXPOSURE For each wind direction considered, the upwindexposure category shall be based on ground surface roughnessthat is determined from natural topography, vegetation, and constructed facilities. Since the building is located in a flat and unobstructed area , an exposure C is to be considered 3.2.4 VELOCITY PRESSURE EXPOSURE COEFFICIENT Kz Kz= velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height z Or using the following formulas : 50 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Where: - zg =nominal height of the atmospheric boundary layer used in this standard. Values appear inTable 6-2 α= gust-speed power law exponent from Table 6-2 Table 13: Nominal height and gust speed 3.2.5 TOPOGRAPHIC FACTOR Kzt The wind speed-up effect shall beincluded in the calculation of design wind loads by using the factor Kzt. Since site conditions and locations of structures do not meet all theconditions specified in Section then Kzt= 1.0 51 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.2.6 GUST FACTOR G According to section Rigid Structures:for rigid structures as defined in Section6.2, the gust-effect factor shall be taken as 0.85 3.2.7 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT cp and Gcp Those factor are determined according to the following sections of ASCE_7-05 : Internal Pressure Coefficient. Internal pressure coefficients,GCp;, shall be determined from Fig. 6-5 based on buildingenclosure classifications determined from Section 6.5.9. Reduction Factor for Large Volume Buildings,Ri. For a partially enclosed building containing a single, unpartitionedlarge volume, the internal pressure coefficient, GCp, , shall be multiplied by the following reduction factor, Ri: Where: - AOx = total area of openings in the building envelope (walls androof, in ft2) - Vi= unpartitioned internal volume, in ft3 External Pressure Coefficients. Main Wind-Force Resisting Systems. Externalpressure coefficients for MWFRSs Cp are given in Figs. 6-6,6-7, and 6-8. Combined gust effect factor and external pressurecoefficients, GCpj, are given in Fig. 6-10 for low-rise buildings. The pressure coefficient values and gust effect factor in Fig. 6- 10shall not be separated. 52 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.3 BASE SHEAR CALCULATION The velocity pressure and the main wind force are calculated below : According to ASCE_7-05 , section 6.5.10: Velocity pressure, qz , evaluated atheight z shall be calculated by the following equation: qz= 0.00256 Kz Kzt Kd V2 I (lb/ft2) [In SI: qz= 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2 I (N/m^2) ;V in m/s] Where: - Kd is the wind directionality factor defined in Section6.5.4.4, - Kz is the velocity pressure exposure coefficient definedin Section, - Kzt is the topographic factor defined in Section, - qh, is the velocity pressure calculated using Eq. 6-15 at mean roof height h. Using the following formula : Table 14: Parameters of wind base shear 53 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 According to ASCE_7-05 , section Rigid Buildings of All Heights. Design wind pressures for the MWFRS of buildings of all heights shall be determined by the following equation: Where: - q = qz for windward walls evaluated at height z above themound u - q = qh,for leeward walls, side walls, and roofs, evaluatedat height h - qi= qh, for windward walls, side walls, leeward walls, androofs of enclosed buildings and for negative internalpressure evaluation in partially enclosed buildings - qi= qz for positive internal pressure evaluation in partiallyenclosed buildings where height z is defined as the levelof the highest opening in the building that could affectthe positive internal pressure. For buildings sited inwind-borne debris regions, glazing that is not impactresistant or protected with an impact resistant covering,shall be treated as an opening in accordance withSection For positive internal pressure evaluation,q; may conservatively be evaluated at height h(q; = q11) - G = gust effect factor from Section 6.5.8 Cp = external pressure coefficient from Fig. 6-6 or 6-8 (GCpi) = internal pressure coefficient from Fig. 6-5 q and qi shall be evaluated using exposure defined in Section6.5.6.3. Pressure shall be applied simultaneously on windwardand leeward walls and on roof surfaces as defined in Figs. 6-6 and6-8. The following image is extracted from an excel sheet that is established in order to calculate the base shear due to wind: 54 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 15: Wind base shear calculation Since the base shear due to wind is smaller than the base shear due to the earthquake , than the design due to lateral forces will be evaluated from the earthquake’s base shear . 55 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 6 PRELIMINARY DESIGN 56 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 6 PRELIMINARY DESIGN 1.INTR0DUCTION Using immediately the architectural data for the modeling phase will cause problems since the range of the structural element dimensions is not quite defined yet, that is why a preliminary design of the structure is required before the beginning of the modeling phase. This design will be useful for the modeling inputs and can save time when changes in geometry had to be done at first. So the preliminary design gives a good idea on the design result and is a major step to start with. Preliminary design of the structure includes the following: - Transfer beam design Transfer slab design Columns design Shear walls design Slabs design Raft design 2.TRANSFER BEAMS PRELIMINARY DESIGN The depth of the transfer beams is calculated to resist the bending and shearcriterions. Calculating each depth concerning each criterion, and taking the critical one is what was done. The transfer beams are subjected to the loads below: - The implanted walls - The ground floor solid slab - Its own weight Three steps are recommended to calculate the required depth of a transfer beam: ο Step1: finding the required depth due to bending without considering the drop’s weight ο Step2: - adding the drop’s weight after finding the required depth - checking if the reinforcement ratio is smaller than ρ max If the reinforcement is not within the limits, the depth “d” needs to be changed ο Step3: check the calculated depth calculated for shear 57 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The detailed procedure of the pre dimensioning of DB3 is stated below: ο Step 1: an excel sheet is established in order to accelerate the work , it provides the ultimate loads on the transfer beams due to the implanted walls over 18 stories and the ultimate load due to the ground floor slab. → Loads on transfer beams DB3 The following image shows the tributary area of the transfer beam DB3 on the ground floor slab: → → → → → → → → Figure 8: Position of DB3 58 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The following table shows the ultimate loads on the transfer beam DB3: Table 16: Loads on DB3 The transfer beam DB3 is introduced afterwards to the software “RDM6” in order to find its ultimate maximum bending moment, for which the first required depth is found: Figure 9: Loads on DB3 introduced to RDM6 59 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 10: Bending moment diagram on DB3 The required depth “d requried ”that resists the ultimate bending moment, is calculated with the procedure stated below: f’c= 300 kg/cm2 fy=4200 kg/cm2 - β = 0.85 − 0.05 ∗ (f′c − 280)/70) - ρ min = 14.1/f y - ρ max = 0.85*β *f’ c /f y *(0.003/0.003+0.004) - ρ chosen =ρ max /2 < 0.85*β *f’ c /f y *(0.003/0.003+0.005) - R= ρ chosen *f y *(1-0.5* ρ chosen *m) - bd2=M/(φ*R) - Findingd requried. d required due to bending: β= ρ min= ρ max= ρ chosen= m= R= b(cm)= Mu(T.m)= d required (cm)= Table 17: dreq due to bending 0.8357 0.0034 0.0217 0.0190 16.471 67.393 140 1540 134.66 60 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 ο Step 2: adding the drop’s self-weight to the previous loadings in order to find the ultimate moment DL drop= 2.5*1.2*1.4 = 4.2 T/ml Ultimate DL = 1.2 * DL = 5.04 T/ml The new ultimate moment diagram is the following: Figure 11: Bending moment considering the drop Maximum bending moment =1596 T.m. The reinforcement ratio due to that moment is calculated with the following procedure: - m= - R= - ρ= fy 0.85×f′c Mu Φ×b×d2 1 m (Kg/cm2 ) (1 − οΏ½1 − 2×m×R fy ) 61 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 For M u = 1560 T.mο¨ρ=1.83% <ρ max =2.17% The calculated depth needs not to be changed, but it should be verified for the shear criterion R → Step 3: check d required due to bending for shear The ultimate shear diagram is the following: Figure 12: Shear diagram of DB3 The ultimate shear force on the transfer beams is resisted by both concrete and stirrups. Assuming the number and diameter of stirrups at first leads to find the required depth of the section to resist the remaining shear. V u (T)=ØV c +ØV s Where : AssumingοΏ½ - ØV c = Ø * 0.17 * √πΉ′π * b w * d ØV s = Ø * Av * F y * d / S Av = 14T14 = cm2 and d required =135 cm π = 10 ππ ØV c = Ø * 0.17 * √πΉ′π * b w * d = 132 T ØV s = Ø * Av * F y * d / S = 1196T Ultimate applied shear: Vu = 1114Tο¨ 1114 < 132+1196 = 1328 T 62 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The required depth for DB3 is 135 cm. The same procedure is repeated on all the other transfer beams, results are stated below: Table 18: Summary of dreq for all transfer beams 3.TRANSFERSLAB PRELIMINARY DESIGN For architectural purposes in the basements , the columns supporting the circular slab will be implanted on the ground floor slab . In this section, the pre-dimensioning of this transfer slab will be discussed 3.1 EVALUATION OF THE TRANSFER SLAB LOADING USNG TRIBUTAY AREA METHOD Traditionally we may evaluate the loading on the transfer slab by tributary area approach , ignoring the flexibility of the transfer slabs , and it’s influence in the load distribution . Also the transfer slab may be analyzed independently , separated from the rest of the structure and ignoring the flexibility of the supporting columns and their influence on the bending in the transfer slab and beam. Figure 13: Transfer beam 63 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 This approach will provide no variation in the point loads on the transfer slab .in the figure above , the two points loads at the middle are identical regardless of the supporting conditions below. This approach is commonly used and is considered more conservative. The point load on the transfer slab are internal forces in the columns above and their magnitude is affected by relative stiffness of all structural elements. However treating the transfer slab independently and ignoring the rest of the structure is a more conservative analytical approach . 3.2 LOADS ON TRANSFER SLAB The following figure shows the transfer slab with its supports , edge and interior beams : Figure 14: Transfer slab with its support Ultimate loads due to the implanted columns on the transfer slab: Table 19: Ultimate load due to implanted columns 64 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The preliminary transfer slab thickness is defined using the shear criterion since they are the most critical. A verification on the thickness Is made according to the punching shear and oneway shear. Since beams are laying on the supporting elements , the punching shear calculation will only be verified under the implanted columns . 3.3CHECK FOR PUCHING SHEAR For the implanted column IC19 having the largest ultimate axial load , the punching shear is evaluated: 65 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 For h=50cm punching is unverified so increasing the thickness is required After iterations, a thickness of 100 cm for the transfer slab is adopted for punching shear 66 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.4 CHECK FOR ONE-WAY SHEAR V u (T)=ØV c +ØV s Where : - V c = 0.17 * √πΉ′π * b w * d V s = Av * F y * d / S Table 20: shear verification Vu > ØVcο¨ shear reinforcement is needed For spacing of 15 cm , the shear reinforcement needed is Av = 24.5 cm2/ml ο¨2T25 @ 30cm each 15 cm For workability reasons a T16 is used instead of T25 which will increase the transfer slab’s thickness Assume 2T16 @ 30cm each 15 cm will induce a 175cm thick slab 4.COLUMNS PRELIMINARY DESIGN 4.1 LOADS ON COLUMNS The columns preliminary design is performed manually using the influence surface of each column over the six basements, added to the reactions of the transfer beams on the ground floor. Those transfer beams are carrying the loads of the implanted shear walls, which is why a hand calculation of the wall’s loads on those beams is required to find the reactions on columns. In addition to those loads the transfer beams are also carrying the ground floor’s slab loads. The following picture shows the influence surface of each wall in the typical floor plan: 67 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 15: Influence surface of each wall in the typical floor plan Walls having same dimensions, and same tributary areas are identically labeled. Service dead and live loads due to walls over the 18 stories on the transfer beams are computed using an excel sheet. As for the input, the section of the wall, its height, its tributary area with its corresponding super imposed dead load and live load, are required. 68 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 As for the output, the concentrated service live and dead load due to the walls on all stories on the beams are given. Those following formulas are used in the excel sheet on each wall: DL = DLInοΏ½luence surface + Wall weight LL = LLInοΏ½luence surface Calculation of DL DLinοΏ½luence surface = InοΏ½luence surface × (SDL + 2.5 × slab thickness) Wall weight = 2.5 × a × b × height Calculation of LL LLInοΏ½luence surface = InοΏ½luence surface × LL The following table is extracted from the excel sheet, and shows the total live and dead load due to each wall on the transfer beams. Table 21: Total live and dead load due to each wall on TB W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W10 Total DL(T) 975.431 1040.23 970.538 110.14 551.7 470.588 970.538 TOTAL LL (T) 125.005 134.358 150.287 167.937 87.575 87.575 150.287 Those concentrated loads are then divided by their correspondent wall length to get finally the linear load on the transfer beam. The following figures show the transfer beams on the ground floor plan, and the tributary area that the transfer beam DB3 is carrying. 69 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 16: Position of all transfer beams on GF plan The following table shows the total loads on the beam “DB3”, that are introduced to the software “RDM6” in order to find the reactions on each column 70 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 SPAN 1 LOADS DUE TO THE IMPLATED WALLS WALL LENGTH (m) CONCENTRATED DEAD LOADS (SERVICE) (T) CONCENTRATED LIVE LOADS (SERVICE) (T) LINEAR DEAD LOADS (SERVICE) (T/m) LINEAR LIVE LOADS (SERVICE) (T/m) LOADS DUE TO THE GF SLAB SLAB THICKNESS (cm) SDL (T/m2) LL (T/m2) TRIBUTARY LENGTH (m) LOAD SHAPES LINEAR DEAD LOADS (SERVICE) (T/m) LINEAR LIVE LOADS (SERVICE) (T/m) LOAD DUE TO THE DROP DROP BEAM HEIGH (cm) DL OF THE DROP BEAM (SERVICE) (T/m) SPAN 2 W3 W6 W6 W4 4.9 2.9 2.9 4.9 970.54 470.59 470.59 1100.14 150.29 87.58 87.58 167.94 198.07 162.27 162.27 224.52 30.67 30.20 30.20 34.27 30 30 30 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.3 0.3 0.3 8.8 8.8-->0 0-->8.8 LINEAR TRIANGULAR TRIANGULAR 30 0.15 0.3 8.8 LINEAR 7.92 7.92-->0 0-->7.92 7.92 2.64 2.64-->0 0-->2.64 2.64 150 150 150 150 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 Using the software “RDM 6” has helped to compute the reaction on the beam’s supports which are the service live and dead concentrated loads on the columns. The following image shows the transfer beam “DB3”with its subjected dead loads as seen from the table above as it is introduced to the software “RDM6”. 71 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 17: DB3 subjected to dead load The reaction due to dead loads are the following: SERVICE DEAD LOAD REACTION ON C5 SERVICE DEAD LOAD REACTION ON C6 SERVICE DEAD LOAD REACTION ON C7 663.86 T 1525.97 T 758.09 T The following image shows the transfer beam “DB3”with its subjected dead loads as seen from the table above as it is introduced to the software “RDM6”. Figure 18: Transfer beam subjected to live load 72 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The reaction due to live loads are the following: SERVICE LIVE LOAD REACTION ON C5 SERVICE LIVE LOAD REACTION ON C6 SERVICE LIVE LOAD REACTION ON C7 106.21 T 263.5 T 119.62 T The same work was done on all columns, and the following tables give the service reaction due to live and dead load on each of them. 73 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 74 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 In addition to the loads calculated above, columns are supporting the basement slabs. Calculation of DL DLinοΏ½luence surface = InοΏ½luence surface × (SDL + 2.5 × slab thickness) Col weight = 2.5 × a × b × height Calculation of LL LLInοΏ½luence surface = InοΏ½luence surface × LL The ultimate load of the column at a story x is the sum of the ultimate loads at all the stories above that level. The following image shows the tributary areas of the column C1 on the basement slabs: Figure 19: Tributary area on C1 on the basement slabs 75 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 4.2CHECK FOR COLUMNS 4.2.1 LIMITATIONS The columns design will be performed according to the chapter 10 of the ACI-318-08 code. The following formulas are to be used: According to ACI 10.3.6: Design axial strength ΦPn of compression members shall not be taken greater than ΦPn,max computed by the following equation: - - For non prestressed members with spiral reinforcement: πππ,πππ₯ = 0.85 π (0.85 π ′ π (π΄π − π΄π π‘) + ππ¦ π΄π π‘) For non prestressed members with tie reinforcement: πππ,πππ₯ = 0.8 π (0.85 π ′ π (π΄π − π΄π π‘) + ππ¦ π΄π π‘) The strength reduction factor Φ is taken as: - Φ = 0.75 for spiral reinforcement Φ = 0.65 for other reinforcement According to ACI 10.9.1. The area for longitudinal reinforcement shall not be less than 0.01 Ag nor more than 0.08 Ag, which means that the reinforcement ratio ρ should be between 1% and 8% According to ACI 10.9.2. Minimum number of reinforcement longitudinal bars shall be 4 in rectangular or circular ties The axial force carried by each column according to its influence surface is calculated as follows: Pu = 1.2DL + 1.6LL DL = δ(DLInοΏ½luence surface + Column weight) LL = δ(LLInοΏ½luence surface ) δ is a magnification factor taken as: - δ = 1.2 for interior columns δ = 1.3 for edge columns 76 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - δ = 1.2 for corner columns Checking if the column’s dimensions and reinforcements are within the limits is computed using an excel sheet, that required for the input the section of the column, its height, its magnification factor, its tributary area with its corresponding super imposed dead load and live load, the basement slab’s thickness and the reactions coming from the transfer beams calculated previously. As for the output, the reinforcement ratio ππ is given, this ratio needs to be within the limits, or else the column’s dimensions need to be changed. Detailed calculations for C1 are stated below: Vertical reinforcement will be computed using the formula: ∅ × π·π = π. π × ∅ × π¨π × οΏ½π. ππ × π′ π + ππ × οΏ½ππ − π. ππ × π′ π οΏ½οΏ½ 4.2.2 Computing Pu= ∅π·π : - δ = 1.2 for interior columns b=0.825 m, h=0.7mο¨ Ag=0.825x0.7=0.56 m2 Tributary area =13 m2 for the BAS1 and 48 m2 from the BAS2 till the BAS6. Height of the column H=2.7m For basement 1 : - DL(T/m2) =2.5 x Slab’s thickness =2.5 x 0.3 =0.75 T/m2 SDL=0.15(T/m2) ο¨Total dead load (T/m2) =0.75 + 0.15 =0.9 T/m2 - LL=0.5 T/m2. - Total DL (T) =Tributary area x DL + 2.5 x Ag x H = 13 x 0.9 + 2.5 x 0.56 x 2.7 = 15.48 T - Total LL(T)=Tributary area x LL =6.5T - DL due to DB1=534.22T - LL due to DB1=71.14T - Pu (BAS1) = 1.2 x DL + 1.6 x LL = 1.2 (15.48+534.22) +1.6 (6.5+71.14) =783.864T 77 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Frombasement 2 till basement 6 : - DL(T/m2) =2.5 x Slab’s thickness =2.5 x 0.3 =0.75 T/m2 SDL=0.15(T/m2) ο¨Total dead load (T/m2) =0.75 + 0.15 =0.9 T/m2 - LL=0.5 T/m2. - Total DL (T) =Tributary area x DL + 2.5 x Ag x H = 48 x 0.9 + 2.5 x 0.56 x 2.7 = 46.98 T - Total LL(T)=Tributary area x LL =24T - Pu (BAS2 till BAS6) = 1.2 x DL + 1.6 x LL = 1.2 (46.98) +1.6 (24) =94.776T Total Pu on C1 in the BAS6= Pu (BAS1) +5x Pu (BAS2 till BAS6) =783.864+ 5 x 94.776 =1257.74 T δPu=1.2 x 1257.74 =1509.29 T 4.2.3 COMPUTING ππ δPu=∅ × π·π = π. π × ∅ × π¨π × οΏ½π. ππ × π′ π + ππ × οΏ½ππ − π. ππ × π′ π οΏ½οΏ½ ο¨ππ = 1.04 % The reinforcement ratio is within its limits, the dimensions of C1 need not to be changed. The transfer slab is modeled using the software “ROBOT” because it needs the finite element method to be solved. Loads on that slab are due to the implanted columns over the 18 floors. Those loads are performed manually using the influence surface of each column on all the stories. 78 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 5.SHEAR WALL PRELIMINARY DESIGN 5.1 INTRODUCTION Shear walls are designed according to the shear force and moment they could resist. - Shear force criteria: The static base shear is distributed on the lower story on the walls according to their rigidity, then the considered walls are checked for their thicknesses and reinforcements if they are acceptable, if those are not in the limits the shear walls dimensions will have to be changed. - Moment criteria: The static base shear is distributed on all the stories, then each value is divided into a translational force and rotational force on each wall. The total force on a wall is their sum on the considered one. The translational force depends on the rigidity of the shear wall, and the rotational one depends on the distance between the wall and the center of torsion, and the eccentricity between the center of mass and the center of torsion. 5.2 CENTER OF TORSION The center of torsion is to be calculated at first to be able to distribute the shear force since that distribution depends on the distance from the center of mass of the building and its center of torsion. The following table describes the calculation of that eccentricity which is also established using an Excel sheet. The center of torsion’s coordinates are given by those formulas: ∑I x οΏ½ = xi i X ∑ Ixi Where: - οΏ½= Y ∑ Iyi yi ∑ Iyi Ix is the rigidity of wall, or its moment of inertia is the X direction Iy is the rigidity of wall, or its moment of inertia is the Y direction Xi is the abscissa of the wall from the origin 79 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - Yi is the ordinate of the wall from the origin The rigidity of the shear walls is given by those formulas: bh3 Ix = 12 hb3 Iy = 12 Where : - b is the dimension on the wall parallel to the moment of inertia’s direction h is the dimension on the wall perpendicular to the moment of inertia’s direction The following table shows the positions and moments of inertia of each wall using an Excel sheet in order to find at last the center of torsion’s coordinates. Table 22: Position and moment of inertia for each shear wall Elements WALL w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 w9 w10 w11 w12 w13 w14 w15 w16 w17 w18 w19 w20 Position from origin X(m) 0.325 5.1 16.2 20.975 9.65 11.65 0.325 2.775 8.1 13.2 18.525 20.975 9.65 11.65 0.325 2.775 8.1 13.2 18.525 20.975 Y(m) 35.1125 35.325 35.325 35.1125 30.925 30.925 26.525 26.525 26.525 26.525 26.525 26.525 22.125 22.125 17.725 17.725 17.725 17.725 17.725 17.725 Moment of inertia Ix (m4) 0.0154 0.0116 0.0116 0.0154 3.9721 3.9721 0.0721 0.0055 0.0038 0.0038 0.0055 0.0721 3.9721 3.9721 0.0721 0.0055 0.0038 0.0038 0.0055 0.0721 Iy (m4) 0.0167 14.6868 14.6868 0.0167 0.0041 0.0041 0.0252 1.5993 0.5081 0.5081 1.5993 0.0252 0.0041 0.0041 0.0252 1.5993 0.5081 0.5081 1.5993 0.0252 Center of torsion xi*Ixi 0.005005 0.05916 0.18792 0.323015 38.330765 46.274965 0.0234325 0.0152625 0.03078 0.05016 0.1018875 1.5122975 38.330765 46.274965 0.0234325 0.0152625 0.03078 0.05016 0.1018875 1.5122975 yi*Iyi 0.5863788 518.81121 518.81121 0.5863788 0.1267925 0.1267925 0.66843 42.421433 13.477353 13.477353 42.421433 0.66843 0.0907125 0.0907125 0.44667 28.347593 9.0060725 9.0060725 28.347593 0.44667 80 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 w21 w22 w23 w24 w25 w26 w27 w28 w29 w30 w31 w32 w33 w34 w35 w36 w37 w38 w39 w40 w41 w42 w43 w44 w45 w46 w47 w48 w49 w50 w51 w52 w53 w54 w55 w56 w57 w58 w59 w60 w61 9.65 11.65 0.325 2.775 8.1 13.2 18.525 20.975 9.65 11.65 0.325 2.775 8.1 12.3 13.75 18.525 20.975 19.375 19.45 19.6625 23.7625 28.2501 28.2501 28.2501 32.7375 37.05 37.05 37.05 37.025 37.05 37.05 41.45 41.45 45.85 45.85 45.85 45.85 45.85 45.85 50.25 50.25 13.4125 13.4125 8.925 8.925 8.925 8.925 8.925 8.925 4.4375 4.4375 0.3375 0.125 0.05 -0.4847 0.125 0.125 0.3375 -11.225 -16.55 -19 -9.675 -11.225 -16.55 -19 -9.675 -19 -16.55 -11.225 -6.125 -0.8 1.65 -9.675 -7.675 -19 -16.55 -11.225 -6.125 0.8 1.65 -9.675 -7.675 3.9721 3.9721 0.0721 0.0055 0.0038 0.0038 0.0055 0.0721 3.9721 3.9721 0.0167 0.0055 0.0155 0.2908 0.0023 0.0055 0.0167 0.0155 1.5993 0.0154 0.004 0.5081 1.5993 0.0252 0.004 0.0252 1.5993 0.5081 0.6097 1.5993 0.0252 0.0041 0.0041 0.0252 1.5993 0.5081 0.5081 1.5993 0.0252 0.0041 0.0041 0.0041 0.0041 0.0252 1.5993 0.5081 0.5081 1.5993 0.0252 0.0041 0.0041 0.0154 1.5993 0.813 0.163 0.1215 1.5993 0.0154 0.813 0.0055 0.0167 3.6451 0.0038 0.0055 0.0721 3.6453 0.0721 0.0055 0.0038 0.0065 0.0055 0.0721 3.9721 3.9721 0.0721 0.0055 0.0038 0.0038 0.0055 0.0721 3.9721 3.9721 38.330765 46.274965 0.0234325 4.4380575 0.03078 0.05016 29.6270325 1.5122975 38.330765 46.274965 0.0054275 0.0152625 0.12555 3.57684 0.031625 0.1018875 0.3502825 0.3003125 31.106385 0.3028025 0.09505 14.35387581 45.18038493 0.71190252 0.13095 0.93366 59.254065 18.825105 22.5741425 0.203775 2.671305 0.169945 0.169945 1.15542 73.327905 23.296385 23.296385 73.327905 1.15542 0.206025 0.206025 0.0549913 0.0549913 0.22491 14.273753 4.5347925 4.5347925 14.273753 0.22491 0.0181938 0.0181938 0.0051975 0.1999125 0.04065 -0.079006 0.0151875 0.1999125 0.0051975 -9.125925 -0.091025 -0.3173 -35.26634 -0.042655 -0.091025 -1.3699 -35.26828 -1.3699 -0.091025 -0.042655 -0.039813 -0.0044 0.118965 -38.43007 -30.48587 -1.3699 -0.091025 -0.042655 -0.023275 0.0044 0.118965 -38.43007 -30.48587 81 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 w62 w63 w64 w65 w66 w67 w68 w69 w70 w71 w72 w73 w74 w75 w76 w77 w78 w79 w80 54.4375 54.65 54.65 54.4375 19.1001 18.9001 18.6548 22.3876 25.5751 26.9126 28.2501 26.8876 25.5251 29.7626 31.2751 29.7626 31.2751 29.7626 31.2751 -19 -14.225 -3.125 1.65 -4.875 -5.7415 -7.2165 -7.725 -6.225 -5.125 -3.575 0.675 0.425 0.6 0.375 -2.275 -2.275 -7.725 -7.525 0.0154 14.6868 14.6868 0.0154 0.0016 0.0736 0.23 0.0695 0.3906 0.0053 17.0465 0.0055 0.0128 0.0207 0.0182 0.0061 0.0333 0.0284 0.0182 92.4561 0.0167 0.0116 0.0116 0.0167 0.0086 0.0032 0.0625 12.392 0.0056 0.3349 0.0198 0.3565 0.0018 0.7587 0.002 0.5058 0.0025 0.843 0.002 86.3415 0.8383375 -0.3173 802.63362 -0.16501 802.63362 -0.03625 0.8383375 0.027555 0.03056016 -0.041925 1.39104736 -0.018373 4.290604 -0.451031 1.5559382 -95.7282 9.98963406 -0.03486 0.14263678 -1.716363 481.5653297 -0.070785 0.1478818 0.2406375 0.32672128 0.000765 0.61608582 0.45522 0.56920682 0.00075 0.18155186 -1.150695 1.04146083 -0.005688 0.84525784 -6.512175 0.56920682 -0.01505 2885.516409 -244.7741 The center of torsion’s coordinates with respect to the origin shown below are: - Xr = 31.20 m Yr = -2.83 m 5.3 CENTER OF MASS The calculations of the center of mass of the typical story are stated below: Table 23: Detremination of center of mass Areas A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 Xi 11.18 10.68 22.16 25.38 33.96 45.64 Yi 17.74 -8.66 -2.49 -13.65 -8.90 -8.15 Ai 791.75 284.95 32.46 137.34 105.81 408.45 1760.75 xi*Ai 8847.79 3041.83 719.44 3484.89 3593.65 18640.46 38328.08 yi*Ai 14043.65 -2467.97 -80.75 -1874.63 -941.73 -3328.84 5349.73 82 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The center of mass’s coordinates with respect to the origin are : - οΏ½ = ∑ Aixi =21.77m X ∑ οΏ½= Y Ai ∑ Aiyi ∑ Ai = 3.04m This gives an eccentricity between the center of mass and center of torsion of: - Ex = 9.44m Ey =5.87m Which is large, we can conclude that there is a large rotational force. The following plan shows the position of the center of mass and center of rigidity of the typical plan: Figure 20: position of CDR and CDG with respect to the origin 83 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 5.4 SHEAR FORCES The shear forces are divided into translational forces and rotational forces as stated before. The translational force Ftri,that is applied on the shear wall number i is given by: Ftr,i = Ii V ∑I The rotational force Fri, that is applied on the shear wall number i is given by: Fr,i = Where J is: Ii V e (Xr − Xi) J J = οΏ½ Ixi (xr − xi )2 + οΏ½ Iyi (yr − yi )2 The final shear force on a certain shear wall is the sum of both translational and rotational forces Fon shear wall = Ftr + Fr 3.4.1 LIMITATIONS This design of the shear wall will be performed according to the ACI 318-08 chapter 11. Its thickness shall be verified according to the following: According to ACI section 11.9.3: The nominal shear Vn at any horizontal section shall not be taken greater than the following value Vn = 0.83 √f’chd where h is the wall’s thickness and d is the effective depth defined as d = 0.8 lw where lw is the shear wall’s length. If the applied shear force is less than Vn, the thickness is OK, if it’s not the shear wall’s thickness should be increased, and if the reinforcement is too large the properties of the wall should be changed as well. The shear strength “Vn” is divided into concrete strength ”Vc” and reinforcement strength ”Vs”. 84 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 ο Concrete strength Vc : The concrete strength can be calculated using the simplified or the detailed method. → Simplified Method According to ACI section 11.9.5.: for walls subjected to axial compression Vc shall not be taken greater than: ππ = 0.17 π οΏ½π′π β π Where λ is the lightweight concrete factor taken as 1 for normal weight concrete. According to ACI section for members subjected to significant axial Tension, ππ = 0.17 × οΏ½1 + 0.29 × ππ’ οΏ½ × οΏ½π′π × ππ€ × π π΄π but not less than zero, where Nu is negative for tension. Nu /Ag shall be expressed in MPa. → Detailed Method According to ACI section 11.9.6.: Vc shall be permitted to be taken the lesser of the values computed from the following equations: - ππ’ π (11-27) - ππ1 = 0.27 π οΏ½π′π β π + - Mu is the moment Nu is the axial force applied on the shear wall lw is its overall length. Where ππ2 = (0.05 π οΏ½π′π + 4 ππ€ π π’ ππ€( 0.1 π οΏ½π′ π+0.2 β ππ€ ππ’ ππ€ − ππ’ 2 )hd Nu is positive for compression and negative for tension. (11-28) 85 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 If (Mu/Vu – lw/2) is negative Eq. (11-28) shall not apply. ο Reinforcement shear strength Vs : According to ACI section 11.9.9: Where Vu exceeds Vc horizontal shear reinforcement shall be provided The reinforcement shear strength Vs is the applied shear Vu minus the concrete strength Vc: → Horizontal shear reinforcement ΟVs = Vu − ΟVc According to ACI section Vs = Av fy d s (11-29) Where Av is the horizontal shear reinforcement area and s is the spacing. According to ACI section Ratio of horizontal shear reinforcement area to gross concrete area of vertical section, ρt, shall not be less than 0.0025. According to ACI section Spacing of horizontal shear reinforcement shall not exceed the smallest of: - Lw/5 - 3h - 450 mm → Vertical shear reinforcement According to ACI section Ratio of vertical shear reinforcement area to gross concrete area of horizontal section, ρl,shall not be less than the larger of β - ππ = 0.0025 + 0.5(2.5 − π€ )(ππ‘ − 0.0025) (11-30) - 0.0025 . ππ€ The value of ρcalculated by Eq. (11-30) need not be greater than ρt required by Lwis the overall length of the wall, and hwis the overall height of the wall. 86 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 According to ACI 318-08 section Spacing of vertical shear reinforcement shall not exceed the smallest of: - Lw/3 - 3h - 450 mm If the shear reinforcement is not within the limits, the dimensions of the corresponding wall need to be changed. 5.4.2 PRE DIMENSIONING OF WALL 64 The detailed calculation of the wall 64 is stated below, it is the most critical wall for it has a large moment of inertia which gives it a large translational force, and it also has the largest distance between its center and the center of rotation. ο Distribution of base shear on all stories The distribution of the shear force on all stories is stated below: Fx = (V − Ft ) × hx × W x ∑ hx × W x And since all floors have the same weight, as they are all typical, the distribution of the shear force formula will then be: Fx = (V − Ft ) × hx ∑ hx ο Translational and rotational forces on W64 The translational force Ftr w64 that is applied on the shear wall 64: Ftr,w64 = Iw64 V ∑I The rotational force Fr, w64 that is applied on the shear wall 64: Fr,w64 = Iiw64 V e (Xr − Xw64) J 87 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Where J is: J = οΏ½ Ixi (xr − xi )2 + οΏ½ Iyi (yr − yi )2 = 8187327 Having previously calculated : - Ix=14.68 m4 ΣIx=92.45 m4 Ft=140.16 T Static base shear V=1834.8 T as calculated in chapter 5 V-Ft=1 694.7 T The following table shows the distribution of the shear force on wall64, into translational and rotational forces, and the moment due to those shear force on the GF. The pre dimensioning of this wall is to be done according to those values. Table 24: Translational, rotational and bending moment on the shear wall Story hi(m) 18th 63 V /story (T) 318.547 F translation (T) F rotational (T) F(total) T 50.602 -12.646 37.955 Moment ON GF (T.m) 2391.179 17th 59.5 168.477 26.763 -6.689 20.074 1194.418 16th 56 158.567 25.189 -6.295 18.893 1058.031 15th 52.5 148.656 23.614 -5.902 17.713 929.910 14th 49 138.746 22.040 -5.508 16.532 810.055 13th 45.5 128.836 20.466 -5.115 15.351 698.466 12th 42 118.925 18.891 -4.721 14.170 595.142 11th 38.5 109.015 17.317 -4.328 12.989 500.085 10th 35 99.104 15.743 -3.934 11.808 413.293 9th 31.5 89.194 14.169 -3.541 10.628 334.768 8th 28 79.283 12.594 -3.148 9.447 264.508 7th 24.5 69.373 11.020 -2.754 8.266 202.514 6th 21 59.463 9.446 -2.361 7.085 148.786 5th 17.5 49.552 7.871 -1.967 5.904 103.323 4th 14 39.642 6.297 -1.574 4.723 66.127 3th 10.5 29.731 4.723 -1.180 3.543 37.196 2th 7 19.821 3.149 -0.787 2.362 16.532 1th 3.5 9.910 1.574 -0.393 1.181 4.133 TOTAL 598.5 1834.842 218.623 9768.465 88 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Total shear force on wall64 on the ground floor level is=218.623 T Total moment on wall64 on the ground floor level is= 9768.5T.m ο Check the wall’s reinforcement using the software S-Concrete Since the wall is subjected to a shear, a moment and an axial force all together, hand calculation of its reinforcement will not be that accurate since its interaction diagram can’t be taken into consideration , which is why, those reduced values are introduced into the “S concrete” software along with the wall’s dimensions to check if its reinforcement is within the limits. → Boundary elements calculations: Flowchart of the process to determine if boundary elements are required: 89 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 21: Flowchrat to determine if boundary zones are required 90 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 According to UBC-97Section 1921.6.6.4 shear wall boundary zones are not required where: - Pu<= 0.10Agf’c for symmetrical walls Pu<= 0.05Agf’c for unsymmetrical walls - Mu/(VuLw) < = 1.0 Short wall or h w /l w < 1.0 for one story wall - Vu <= 3 Acv (f’c)1/2 [0.25 Acv (f’c)1/2 ] and Mu/(VuLw) < = 3.0 Figure 22: Boundary zones Check if the boundary zones are required for W64: From the tributary area calculations Pu w64 = 1902.2 T Ag x f’c= (9.55 x 0.25) x 50 x 100= 11937.5 Pu/( Ag x f’c) = 0.159 >0.1 Boundary elements are required. 91 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Calculation of the boundary elements dimensions: UBC Section 1921.6.6.3imposes a limit on the design axial force above which the wall is no longer considered effective in resisting lateral loads. This limit is given by: Pu<0.35P0 Where : P0 : nominal axial loads strength at zero eccentricity π0 = οΏ½0.85 × π ′ π × οΏ½π΄π − π΄π π‘ οΏ½ + ππ¦ × π΄π π‘ οΏ½ where : Ag=gross area of section. Ast=area of vertical reinforcement. As calculated before Pu =1902.2 T - Assume 1% steel π0 = οΏ½0.85 × 50 × οΏ½9.55 × 0.25 − =11048 T 9.55 × 0.25 9.55 × 0.25 οΏ½ + 420 × οΏ½ οΏ½οΏ½ × 100 100 100 Pu =1902.2 T <0.35 × π0 = 0.35 × 11048 = 3866.8 π So, the wall W64 is considered effective in resisting lateral loads. Shear walls and portions of shear walls not meeting the conditions of Section 1921.6.6.4 and having Pu< 0.35Po shall have boundary zones at each end a distance varying linearly from: 0.25Lw for Pu = 0.35 Po 0.15Lw for Pu = 0.15 Po The boundary zone shall have minimum length of 0.15 lw and shall be detailed in accordance with Section 1921.6.6.6. The value of lw is found using the interpolation below: 0.25−0.15 = 0.25−π₯ 0.35−0.15 0.35−0.17 92 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 x=0.16 =>Bondary length=0.16xlw=0.16x955cm=145 cm At last the reduced values on the wall 64 are the following and they are introduced into the software S concrete, along with the wall’s dimensions and boundary areas: - Vu = 1.1 x 218.623 = 240.48 T Mu = 1.1 x 9768.5 = 1745.35 T.m Pu = 1920.2 T The following figure shows the S-concrete output of the wall 64: Figure 23: S-CONSRETE output for wall As we can see the wall’s section needs not to be changed, the reinforcements are within the limits, so are the spacings of the vertical and horizontal reinforcements. 93 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The S-concrete software also shows the interaction diagram which is shown below: Figure 24: Interaction diagram given by S-CONCRETE I 94 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 6.SLABS PRELIMINARY DESIGN This sectionshows thepreliminary design of the typical floor slab with two differentconcepts : - Ribbed slab Solid slab 6.1 Ribbed slab preliminary thickness According to ACI -318-05- Minimum thickness stipulated in Table 9.5(a) shall apply for one-way construction not supporting or attached to partitions or other construction likely to be damaged by large deflections, unless computation of deflection indicates a lesser thickness can be used without adverse effects. Figure 25 - Table 9.5.a from the ACI 318-08 Longest span for both end continuous : for beams : 8.8m for ribs : 8.8m The slab thickness is calculated for a both end continuous span and a check for deflection will be needed for the one end continuous span . The adopted slab thickness is: β = π 21 = 880 21 = 41.9 = 42ππ 95 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 6.2 Solid slab preliminary thickness Slab thickness is preliminary determined using the following table taken from ACI 318-08 section 9.5. This section is about control of deflection, the slab thickness is chosen according to the maximum span length in order to minimize deflection. Figure 26: Table 9.5(c) from the ACI318-08 The maximum span length is 8.55 m which means Thickness = ln 8.55 = = 28.5 ππ 30 30 All slabs are designed as 30 cm thick flat slabs and deflection will be checked in zones where span is greater than 855cm . 96 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 7 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS 97 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 7.DYNAMIC ANALYSIS 1.INTRODUCTION After finishing the pre dimensioning of the structure’s vertical and horizontal elements under static loads, the modeling phase, in which the seismic modal analysis is taken into consideration, takes place. The model is established using the software” ETABS” 2.USING ETABS: 2.1 MODELING PROCEDURE In order to model the building on the “ETABS” software, the following steps were followed: - The story data is defined (number of stories and their correspondent height) The different slabs are imported from DXF CAD files to the story data Materials are defined ( Concrete with f’c = 50 MPa and Concrete with f’c = 30 MPa) Sections are defined and sized( Frame elements, shell elements..) Assign frame and shell section modifiers to take into consideration the cracked inertias. Assign pier labels Assign area and bar mesh Assign support conditions Assign loads (Self weight, dead load, super imposed dead load..) Assign wind loads parameters as per ASCE 7 Define earthquake parameters as per UBC 97 for the equivalent static force method. Define Response Spectrum Functions as per UBC 97 Define static and dynamic load combinations Run the model for the first time Scale the response spectrum functions Run the model again in order to take results. 98 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 2.2 BUILDING’S GEOMETRY Figure 28: Typical plan introduced to ETABS Figure 27: Basement plan introduced to ETABS 99 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 2.3 LOAD COMBINATIONS ACCORDING TO UBC 97-SECTION 1612.2.1: Basic load combinations. Where Load and Resistance Factor Design (Strength Design) is used, structures and all portions thereof shall resist the most critical effects from the following combinations of factored loads: ο 1.4D (12-1) ο 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5 (Lror S) (12-2) ο 1.2D + 1.6 (Lror S) + (f1L or 0.8W) (12-3) ο 1.2D + 1.3W + f1L + 0.5 (Lror S) (12-4) ο 1.2D + 1.0E + (f1L + f2S) (12-5) ο 0.9D ± (1.0E or 1.3W) (12-6) WHERE: - f1 = 1.0 for floors in places of public assembly, for live loads in excess of 100 psf (4.9 kN/m2), and for garage live load. = 0.5 for other live loads. - f2 = 0.7 for roof configurations (such as saw tooth) that do not shed snow off the structure. = 0.2 for other roof configurations. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Factored load combinations for concrete perSection 1909.2 where load combinationsdo not include seismic forces. 2. Factored load combinations of this section multiplied by 1.1 for concrete and masonry where load combinations include seismic forces. 3. Where other factored load ACCORDING TO UBC 97-SECTION 1630.1: Earthquake loads. Structures shall be designed for ground motion producing structural response and seismic forces in any horizontal direction. The following earthquake loads shallbe used in the load combinations set forth in Section 1612: E = ρEh + Ev(30-1) Em= ΩoEh(30-2) WHERE: - E = the earthquake load on an element of the structure resulting from the combination of the horizontal component, Eh, and the vertical component, Ev. - Eh = the earthquake load due to the base shear, V, as set forth in Section 1630.2 or the design lateral force, Fp, as setforth in Section 1632. 100 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - Em= the estimated maximum earthquake force that can be developed in the structure as set forth in Section 1630.1.1. Ev= the load effect resulting from the vertical component of the earthquake ground motion and is equal to an additionof 0.5CaID to the dead load effect, D, for Strength Design, and may be taken as zero for Allowable Stress Design. Ωo= the seismic force amplification factor that is required to account for structural overstrength, as set forth in Section1630.3.1. ρ = Reliability/Redundancy Factor When calculating drift, or when the structure is located in Seismic Zone 0, 1 or 2, ρshall be taken equal to 1. 3.MODAL MASS PARTICIPATION RATIO UBC-97 1613.5.2 Numbers of modes The requirement of Section 1613.4.1 that all significant modes be included may be satisfied by demonstrating that for all modes considered, at least 90 percent of the participating mass of the structure is included in the calculation of response for each principle horizontal direction. The addition of modes that are taken into this project can be interrupted if the total modal mass ∑Mi is greater than 90% of the total vibrating mass M of the system, in which case, the effects of unsuccessful modes can be neglected. 101 Figure 29: Modal Mass Participation Ratio GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The percentage of the participating mass, after 20 modes, is 97.21% in X-direction and 97.52% in Y-direction. The mass participating ratios along all modes can give an close idea of the building’s behavior, if it’s being translated or rotated, when it’s being subjected to the correspondent mode. As the first 2 modes show, the participating ratio along one direction a way larger than the one in the opposite direction, this concludes that the building’s displacements are governed by a translation along the direction that has the bigger ratio. The following figures clearly show the translational and the rotational displacements affecting various modes 102 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 30: Modes shapes 4. SCALING FACTOR Currently a three-dimensional dynamic analysis is required for a large number of different types of structural systems that are constructed in Seismic Zones 2, 3 and 4 [1]. The lateral force requirements suggest several methods that can be used to determine the distribution of seismic forces within a structure. However, these guidelines are not unique and need further interpretations. The current code allows the results obtained from a dynamic analysis to be normalized so that the maximum dynamic base shear is equal to the base shear obtained from a simple twodimensional static load analysis. Most members of the profession realize that there is no theoretical foundation for this approach. However, for the purpose of selecting the magnitude of the dynamic loading that will satisfy the code requirements; this approach can be accepted, in a modified form, until a more rational method is adopted. The calculation of the “design base shears” is simple and the variables are defined in the code. It is of interest to note, however, that the basic magnitude of the seismic loads has not changed significantly from previous codes. The major change is that “dynamic methods of analysis” must be used in the “principal directions” of the structure. The present code does not state how to define the principal directions for a three dimensional structure of arbitrary geometric shape. 103 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Since the design base shear can be different in each direction, this “scaled spectra” approach can produce a different input motion for each direction, for both regular and irregular structures. Therefore, the current code dynamic analysis approach can result in a structural design which is relatively “weak” in one direction. The method of dynamic analysis proposed in this chapter results in a structural design that has equal resistance in all directions. In addition, the maximum possible design base shear, which is defined by the present code, is approximately 35 percent of the weight of the structure. For many structures, it is less than 10 percent. It is generally recognized that this force level is small when compared to measured earthquake forces. Therefore, the use of this design base shear requires that substantial ductility be designed into the structure. The definition of an irregular structure, the scaling of the dynamic base shears to the static base shears for each direction X&Y, the application of accidental torsional loads and the treatment of orthogonal loading effects are areas which are not clearly defined in the current building code. The purpose of this section is to present one method of three dimensional seismic analyses that will satisfy the Lateral Force Requirements of the code. The method is based on the response spectral shapes defined in the code and previously published and accepted computational procedures. According toUBC-97 1631.5.4 Reduction of Elastic Response Parameters for Design Elastic Response Parameters may be reduced for purpose of design in accordance with the following items, with the limitation that in no case shall the base shear be less than the Elastic Response Base Shear divided by the value of R(which is the ductility factor indicated in table 16N UBC) Scaling factor >1/R Scaling factor of “ETABS” software: Essentially ETABS assumes the response spectrum as unitless and that the scale factor 9.81 converts the UBC 97 spectrum into acceleration (m/sec2) Since the dynamic base shear must not be less than the design base shear obtained from the static equivalent analysis, scaling factors Cx and Cy are used in the X and Y directions respectively. Refer to UBC 1997 Section 1631.5.4. πΆπ = πΆπ = ππ π‘ππ‘ππ πππ¦ππ₯ ππ π‘ππ‘ππ πππ¦ππ¦ × 9.81 = 2.265 ≥ 1/R =0.22 × 9.81 = 2.226 ≥ 1/R =0.22 104 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The following table shows the scaling factor for the spectrum in the X direction in order to converge the dynamic base shear to the static base shear. The following figures show the initial and final scaling factor for the spectrum in the X direction: Figure 31: initial scaling factor Figure 31: Final scaling factor 105 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The following table is extracted from the “etabs” software and shows the dynamic and static base shears at the ground floor before the scaling procedure: Figure 32: Dynamic base shear and static base shear before scaling The following table is extracted from the “etabs” software and shows the dynamic and static base shearsconvergence at the ground floor level after scaling: 106 Figure 33: Dynamic and static shear convergence GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 5. LATERAL STORY DRIFTS STORY DRIFT is the lateral displacement of one level relative to the level above or below: Where: Figure 34.Story Drift h=height between stories H = height of building d= displacement at the top of building d’=story drift = differential displacement between stories 5.1 CODE REQUIREMENTS 5.1.1 Drift requirements: According to UBC.1630.9.2: The maximum Inelastic Response Displacement shall be computed as follows: Where: βπ = 0.7 × π × βπ - ΔM: Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, which is the total drift or total story drift that occurs when the structure is subjected to the Design Basis Ground Motion, including estimated elastic and inelastic contributions to the total deformation. - ΔS: Design Level Response Displacement, which is the total drift or total story drift that occurs when the structure is subjected to the design seismic forces extracted from Etabs software. 107 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - R: Numerical Coefficient representative of inherent over strength and global ductility capacity of lateral force resisting system. The building is a bearing wall system, the requested factor “R” by the UBC 1997(Table16-N) is 4.5 According to UBC.1630.10.2the calculated story drift shall not exceed 0.025 times the story height for structures having a fundamental period of less than 0.7 second. For structures having a fundamental period of 0.7 second or greater, the calculated story drift shall not exceed 0.020 times the story height. Since the structure has a fundamental period greater than 0.7 the second criteria isapplicable. 5.1.2 Torsional moment requirements: According to UBC.1630.7: Horizontal Torsional Moments.Provisions shall be made for the increased shears resulting from horizontal torsion where diaphragms are not flexible. The most severe load combination for each element shall be considered for design. The torsional design moment at a given story shall be the moment resulting from eccentricities between applied design lateral forces at levels above that story and the vertical –resisting elements in that story plus an accidental torsion. The accidental torsional moment shall be determined by assuming the mass at each level to be displaced from the calculated center of mass in each direction a distance equal to 5 percent of the building dimension at the level perpendicular to the direction of the force under consideration. Where torsional irregularity exists, as defined in Table 16-M of UBC, effects shall be accounted for by increasing the accidental torsion at each level by an amplification factor, A x , determined from the following formula: πΏπππ₯ 2 π΄π₯ = οΏ½ οΏ½ 1.2 πΏππ£π Where: - δ avg : average of displacement at the extreme points of the structure at level x δ max : maximum displacement at level x The value of Ax needs not to exceed 3.0. 108 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 5.1.3 Determination of ΔS and ΔM According to UBC 1630.9.1Dynamic analysis may be performed using finite element software like Etabs. Where allowable Stress Design is used and where drift is being computed. The resulting deformation, denoted as ΔS, shall be determined at critical locations in the structure. According to UBC-1630.9.2:The Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, ΔM, shall be computed as follows: βM = 0.7 × R × βS Where R=ductility factor=4.5 (table 16-N)ο¨ΔM=3.15 x ΔS. 5.2 CALCULATION OF THE SEISMIC LATERAL DRIFT The allowable drift is the same in both directions; it only depends on the height of each story. The following table summarizes the results obtained, it shows the drifts as they are obtained from ETABS and the allowable drifts and a verification is made. 109 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 25: Verification of lateral drift due to earthquake 110 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 111 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 6. CHECK FOR P-DELTA EFFECT Figure 35: Forces and displacements causing p-delta effect The resulting member forces and moments and the story drifts induced by P-β effects shall be considered in the evaluation of overall structural frame stability and shall evaluated using the forces producing the displacements βS. P-β needs not to be considered when the ratio of secondary moment to primary moment does not exceed 0.10.In seismic zones 3 and 4, P-β need not to be considered when the story drift ratio does not exceed 0.02/R. The seismic zone in this project is 2b, than the first criterion is adopted. It is calculated due the critical case which is the seismic cases Spec X & Spec Y as shown as below: δ r × Pr he × Fr ≤ 0.1 Where: δ r : : seismic drift in story Pr: total dead at the specified floor Fr: seismic shear at the specified floor He: Height of the specified floor The following tables show the calculation verification for P-β effect along the X and Ydirections: 112 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 26: Verification of P-DELTA effect along x direction Table 27: Verification of P-DELTA effect in y drection As those tables show there is no need to introduce the effect of P-Delta to the model. 113 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 8 COLUMNS DESIGN 114 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 8.COLUMNS DESIGN 1.INTRODUCTION Compression members are structural elements subjected mainly to compression force and bending moments. We can define three types of compression members: - Members reinforced with longitudinal bars and lateral ties. - Members reinforced with longitudinal bars and continuous spirals. - Composite compression members reinforced with structural shapes: pipes, tubes,... with or without additional longitudinal steel and various types of lateral reinforcement. Figure 36. Types of compression members Columns are structural compression members which transmit loads from the upper floors to the lower levels and then to the soil through the foundations. Since columns are compression elements, failure of one column in a critical location can cause the progressive collapse of adjoining floors, and in turn, even the collapse of the entire structure. ACI Code 9.3.2 specifies a strength reduction factor in the design of columns. For columns subjected to: - Axial tension, and axial tension with flexure Φ = 0.9 Axial compression and axial compression with flexure. • Members with spiral reinforcement confirming to 10.9.3, Φ =0.75 • Other reinforced members Φ = 0.70 115 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 2.TYPES OF COLUMNS Columns are classified into two categories: - short columns - slender columns. 2.1 SHORT COLUMNS The ultimate applied load at a given eccentricity is only governed by the strength of the materials and the dimensions of the cross section and it is of three kinds: - Spiral Column:more efficient for e/h < 0.1 their deformation is lager and they have a more ductile aspect but forming and spiral is expensive. - Tied Column: bars in four faces are used when e/h < 0.2 and for biaxial bending. - Tied Column:Bars in 2 faces (furthest from axis of bending). It is most efficient when e/h > 0. Note that a rectangular shape increases efficiency. 2.2 SLENDER COLUMNS The ultimate applied load is also influenced by slenderness, which produces additional bending because of transverse deformation. Figure 37. Types of columns 116 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.COLUMN DESIGN 3.1LOADING SELECTION The design loads are to be taken at the lowest part of the column in each story. In ETABS model, loads are defined as followed: - P: V2: V3: T: M2: M3: axial force negative for compression and positive for tension shear force in the 1-2 plane shear force in the 1-3 plane axial torque the bending moment in the 1-3 plane (about the 2-axis) the bending moment in the 1-2 plane (about the 3-axis) The column major direction is the same as the local 2-axis direction (which is also the same as the minor axis). Loads acting in the major direction cause M3 bending and V2 shear. Figure 38. Local axis for column in ETABS model The columns were checked using the “ S-concrete” software . Their loads under all dynamics and static combinations are imported from the “ETABS” model to the “ S-concrete” noting the difference between their local axis’ . E-TABS LABELS P t S-CONCRETE LABELS N T V3 Vz M2 V2 M3 My Vy Mz 117 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.2 COLUMN SELECTION A detailed calculation will be made for one column “C82”, then summary tables are established for all the others . The selection was done according to similar column sections defined in the project. The repeated column section with maximum forces and moment applied were evaluated according to ACI & UBC. The chosen columns are mentioned in figures below: Figure 39.Typical column at typical floors 3.3REINFORCEMENT Columns will be designed as short columns since the slenderness effects are permitted to be neglected. According to ACI 318-08 section 10.10.1 slenderness effects shall be permitted to be neglected in the following cases: ο For compression members not braced against side-sway: K lu ≤ 22 r 118 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 ο For compression members braced against side-sway: K lu M1 ≤ 34 − 12 οΏ½ οΏ½ ≤ 40 r M2 Where: - M 1 /M 2 is positive if the column is bent in single curvature and negative if the member is bent in double curvature - Lu is the column height - r is the radius of gyration given by: Where: - I A r=οΏ½ I is the moment of inertia A is the column section K is the effective length factor taken as 1 which is the worst case while assuming that the column is pinned at its ends According to ACI 318-08 section 10.10.5, it shall be permitted to assume a column in a structure is non-sway if the increase in column end moments due to second-order effects does not exceed 5% of the first-order end moments. It also shall be permitted to assume a story within a structure non-sway if: ∑ Pu βo ≤ 0.05 Q= Vus lc Where: - Σ P u and V us are the total factored vertical load and the horizontal story shear respectively - Δ o is the first-order relative lateral deflection between the top and the bottom of the considered story due to V us which means that it’s the story drift - Lc length of compression member in frame measured from center to center of the joints in the frame 3.3.1Vertical Reinforcement Vertical reinforcement will be computed using the formula: ∅ × π·π = π. π × ∅ × π¨π × οΏ½π. ππ × π′ π + ππ × οΏ½ππ − π. ππ × π′ π οΏ½οΏ½ 119 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 REINFORCEMENT LIMITATION The percentage of longitudinal reinforcement must be: 1% < ρ < 8% ACI Code 10.9.1 For cross-sections larger than required for loading, minimum reinforcement may be computed for the reduced effective area – A g , 0.5A g ; (ACI 10.8.4). Note that the provided strength from reduced area ad resulting A st must be adequate for loading. 3.3.2 Ties ο Ties in column: - are used to hold the vertical bars in position - provide lateral support so that individual bar could have the tendency to buckle only between the tie supports - do not contribute to the strength of columns - are placed at a sufficiently close spacing provide confinement and increase the strain at which concrete crushes to values well above the maximum of 0.003 ο Diameter limitations: ACI code specifies that all non prestressed bars shall be enclosed by lateral ties, at least No. 3 (T10 )for longitudinal bars No.10 (T32) and smaller, and at least No.4 for No.11, No.14, No.18 and bundled longitudinal bars. ο Vertical spacing limitations: ACI Code specifies that vertical spacing of ties shall not exceed 16 longitudinal bar diameters, 48 tie bar, or least dimension of the compression member. The spacing of the lateral ties shall not exceed the minimum between: - 16 Φl (longitudinal reinforcement diameter) - 48 Φt (tie reinforcement diameter) - Minimum dimension of column ACI Code that Ties shall be arranged such that every corner and alternate longitudinal bar shall have lateral support provided by the corner of a tie with an included angle of not more that 135 deg and no bar shall be farther than 150mm clear on each side along the tie from such a laterally supported bar. 120 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.3.3 Splicing of Bars in Compression Splicing of deformed bars in compression is defined in ACI code section 12.16.1, where compressive lap splices length shall be 0.07 f y db for f y of 420 MPA or less, but not less than 300 mm. 0.071 f y db > 300 ππ πππ ππ¦ < 420 πππ The following table shows the lap splices for T12 to T25 obtained from the previous formula. Diameter 12 14 16 20 25 Lap splice in mm 357.84 417.48 477.12 596.4 745.5 Table 28 - Lap splice in compression Lap splice in tension are given by the ACI 318-08 section 12.2.2. and 12.15.1.: ls = 1.3 ld ld = οΏ½ Diameter 12 14 16 20 25 fy 1 2 οΏ½d 1.1οΏ½f ′ c c Lap splice in mm 261 355 464 725 1132 Table 29 - Lap splice in tension Where c is the concrete cover in mm and d is the bar diameter in mm. The ACI Code (12.3.2) specifies that when bars of different size are lap spliced in compression, splice length shall be the larger of: - Splice length of smaller bars - Development length of the larger bar Ldb computed as follow : Ldb = db f y / 4( f 'c )0.5 > max (0.04 f y db ,200 mm) 121 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.4 ANALYSIS Hereby the characteristic of column “C 82” chosen: Assumed Section: 120x60cm Since this column extends over18 floors, we attend to minimize the reinforcement used while going up in the column height. The analysis was proceeded for the first two floors, and another for the upper floors. ππ’ = −687 π π1 = 10.57 π. π π2 = 73.57 π. π πΎ= 1 ππ’ = 3.5 π 3.4.1 Slenderness Verification The columns slenderness effects should be verified according to: M1 K lu ≤ 34 − 12 οΏ½ οΏ½ ≤ 40 r M2 Slenderness effect is checked in all columns of that story. The columns can then be designed as short columns. π1 34 – 12 × = 34 − 12 × (10.57/73.57) = 32.27 < 40 π2 1 × 3.5 πΎ × ππ’ = = 9.71 < 33 π 0.3 × 1.2 πΎ × ππ’ 1 × 3.5 = = 19.44 < 33 π 0.3 × 0.6 Then the column is short. 3.4.2Design for short column π·π = π. ππ × πΚΉπ × οΏ½π¨π − π¨ππ οΏ½ + ππ × π¨ππ ACI 10-3.6 specifies for tied columns a design strength of: ∅ × π·π = π. π × ∅ × (π. ππ × πΚΉ π × οΏ½π¨π − π¨ππ οΏ½ + ππ × π¨ππ ) π€βπππ: ππ = π΄π π΄π ∅ × π·π = π. π × ∅ × π¨π × οΏ½π. ππ × πΚΉ π + ππ × οΏ½ππ − π. ππ × πΚΉ π οΏ½οΏ½ 122 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - A s = total area of longitudinal reinforcement A g = gross area of section 3.4.3 Vertical Reinforcement Vertical reinforcement will be computed using the formula: ∅ × π·π = π. π × ∅ × π¨π × οΏ½π. ππ × π′ π + ππ × οΏ½ππ − π. ππ × π′ π οΏ½οΏ½ - Then, Column’s Section: a =120 cm b =60 cm π′π = 50 πππ ππ¦ = 420 πππ ππ’ = −687 π ππ = ππ’ ππ = π= = ∅ ππ’ ππ ππ ∅ = −687 π΄π = π × π = 1.2 × 0.6 = 0.72 π2 = −1057 π 0.65 73.57 = 0.65 113.2 1057 = 113.2 π. π = 0.107π = 10.7 ππ −1057π × 0.107 π ∅ × ππ × π = = −170.172 ποΏ½π2 = −0.245πΎπ π π΄π × β 0.72 × 0.6 ∅ × ππ −1057.29 = = −1468 ποΏ½π2 = −2.11πΎπ π π΄π 0.72 123 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 By the diagram shown below, we obtain: Figure 40. Load -moment diagram for R8-60.90 columns The section is safeο¨ρ = ρ min =1% As = ρ *b*h = 72 cm2 3.4.4 Ties Design: - Use ties Ø10 Maximum Vertical Spacing: S max = min(16db , 48dtb , least dimension)= min(16x25,48x10,600) S max = 400 mm ο¨ Use φ 10 ties @ 20 cm 124 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.5 S-CONCRETE OUTPUT 125 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 126 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 127 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 128 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.6 SUMMARY RESULT All column have been introduced to the software 6 types of reinforcement were found The following tables shows the different types of column reinforcement Table 30: Summary of different types of column reinforcement 129 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 31: Type of each column 130 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 9 SHEAR WALL DESIGN 131 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 9. SHEAR WALL DESIGN 1.INTRODUCTION Shear walls are vertical elements in the lateral-force-resisting system that transmits lateral forces from the diaphragm above to the diaphragm below, or to the foundation. Shear walls may also be bearing walls in the gravity-load system, or they may be components in a dual system framed so as to resist only lateral loads. 1.1 DESIGN FORCES Walls may be subjected to both vertical (gravity) and horizontal (wind or earthquake) forces. The horizontal forces are both in plane and out-of-plane. When considered under their in-plane loads, walls are called shear walls; when considered under their out-of-plane loads, they are called normal walls. Walls will be designed to withstand all vertical loads and horizontal forces, both parallel to and normal to the flat surface, with due allowance for the effect of any eccentric loading or overturning forces generated. Any wall, whether or not intended as part of the lateral-force-resisting system, is subjected to lateral forces unless it is isolated on three sides (both ends and top), in which case it is classified as non-structural. Any wall that is not isolated will participate in shear resistance to horizontal forces parallel to the wall, since it tends to deform under stress when the surrounding framework deforms. 1.2 IN PLANE EFFECTS Horizontal forces at any floor or roof level are generally transferred to the ground (foundation) by using the strength and rigidity of shear walls (and partitions). A shear wall may be considered analogous to a cantilever plate girder standing on end in a vertical plane, where the wall performs the function of a plate girder web, the pilasters or floor diaphragms function as web stiffeners, and the integral reinforcement of the vertical boundaries functions as flanges. Axial, flexural, and shear forces must be considered in the design of shear walls. The tensile forces on shear wall elements resulting from the combination of seismic uplift forces and seismic overturning moments must be resisted by anchorage into the foundation medium unless the uplift can be counteracted by gravity loads (e.g., 0.90 of dead load) mobilized from neighbouring elements. A shear wall may be constructed of materials such as concrete, wood, unit masonry, or metal in various forms. Design procedures for such materials as cast in- place reinforced concrete and reinforced unit masonry are well known, and present no problem to the designer once the loading and reaction system is determined. Other materials frequently used to support vertical loads from floors and roofs have well- established vertical- load- carrying characteristics, but 132 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 have required tests to demonstrate their ability to resist lateral forces. Various types of wood sheathing and metal siding fall into this category. Where a shear wall is made up of units such as plywood, gypsum, wallboard, tilt-up concrete units, or metal panel units, its characteristics are, to a large degree, dependent upon the attachments of one unit to another, and to the supporting members. 1.2.1 Rigidity Analysis For a building with rigid diaphragms, there is a torsional moment, and a rigidity analysis is required. It is necessary to make a logical and consistent distribution of story shears to each wall. An exact determination of wall rigidities is very difficult, but is not necessary, because only relative rigidities are needed. Approximate methods in which the deflections of portions of walls are combined usually are adequate. 1 .2.2 Wall Deflections The rigidity of a wall is usually defined as the force required causing a unit deflection. Rigidity is expressed in kips per inch. The deflection of a concrete shear wall is the sum of the shear and flexural deflections (see Figure 1). In the case of a solid wall with no openings, the computations of deflection are quite simple; however, where the shear wall has openings, as for doors and windows, the computations for deflection and rigidity are much more complex. An exact analysis, considering angular rotation of elements, rib shortening, etc., is very timeconsuming. For this reason, several short-cut approximate methods have been developed. These do not always give consistent or satisfactory results. A conservative approach and judgment must be used. 133 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 41. Walls deformation due to flexion or shear 1.2.3 Foundation Effects The rotation at the foundation can greatly influence the overall rigidity of a shear wall because of the very rigid nature of the shear wall itself; however, the rotational influence on relative rigidities of walls for purposes of horizontal force distribution may not be as significant. Considering the complexities of soil behavior, a quantitative evaluation of the foundation rotation is generally not practical, but a qualitative evaluation will be provided. 1.2.4 Framework Effects The relative rigidity of concrete or unit masonry walls with nominal openings is usually much greater than that of the building framework; therefore, the walls tend to resist essentially all or a major part of the lateral force. 1.2.5 Effect of Openings The effect of openings on the ability of shear walls to resist lateral forces must be considered. If openings are very small, their effect on the overall state of stress in a shear wall is minor. Large openings have a more pronounced effect, and if large enough, result in a system in which typical frame action predominates (see figure 2). Openings commonly occur in regularly spaced vertical rows throughout the height of the wall, and the connection between the wall sections is provided by either connecting beams (or spandrels) which form a part of the wall, or floor 134 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 slabs, or a combination of both. If the openings do not line up vertically and/or horizontally, the complexity of the analysis is greatly increased. In most cases, a rigorous analysis of a wall with openings is not required. “Strut and Tie” procedures that depict shear walls as consisting of compression struts and tension ties are useful tools for the evaluation of shear walls with openings. In the design of a wall with openings, the deformations must be visualized in order to establish some approximate method for analyzing the stress distribution to the wall. The major points that must be considered are the lengthening and shortening of the extreme sides (boundaries) due to deep beam action, the stress concentration at the corner junctions of the horizontal and vertical components between openings, and the shear and diagonal tension in both the horizontal and vertical components. Figure 42: deformation of a shear wall wit opening 1.3 OUT-OF-PLANE EFFECTS 1.3.1 Lateral Forces Walls and partitions must safely resist horizontal seismic forces normal to their flat surface (Figure 3, part a). At the same time, they must resist moments and shears induced by relative deflections of the diaphragms above and below (Figure 3, part b). The normal force on a wall is a function of its weight. 135 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 43. Out-of-plane effects For cantilevered walls (as parapet), the design force will be applied to the wall in both inward and outward directions. 136 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 1.3.2 Wall Behavior Walls distribute normal forces vertically to the horizontal resisting elements above or below. They may also distribute normal forces to frames, or other walls or frames. A wall may be either continuous or discontinuous across its supports. 2.SHEAR WALL DESIGN The walls are designed using the “ S-concrete” software . Their loads under all dynamics and static combinations are imported from the “ETABS” model to the “ S-concrete” noting the difference between their local axis’ . E-TABS LABELS P t S-CONCRETE LABELS N T V3 Vz M2 V2 M3 My Vy Mz Thefollowing image is extracted from the “S-concrete” software and shows the imported loads of the pier4. It will be designed by this software under the worst combination that it evaluates 137 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The following images shows the reinforcement and the interaction diagram of the pier4 Figure 44: Reinforcement $ interaction diagram as given by S-CONCERTE 138 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 All walls have been introduced to the software,based on the limitations noted in chapter “ PRELIMINARY DESIGN” 6 types of reinforcement were found . The following tables show the different types of wall reinforcements: Table 32: reinforcement detail of shear walls 139 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 140 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 33: Types of all shear walls 141 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 10 SOLID SLAB DESIGN 142 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 10. SOLID SLAB DESIGN 1.INTRODUCTION In this chapter the structural design of the typical flat slab is discussed 2. PREDIMENSIONING OF THE SOLID SLAB Slab preliminary thickness was previously determined according to ACI 318-08 section 9.5. As seen in chapter 6 section 6.2 , a 30cm thick slab were chosen . Since the circular area is supported by columns and has a span larger than the one for which the thickness has been calculated , a verification for deflection and punching shear should be elaborated . Since the other part is supported by walls , no need for punching shear verification . To enter the slab contour , loads and sections properties an import from ETABS to SAFE is done . The following picture represents the typical floor plan as introduced into SAFE: Figure 45 - Typical floor slab on SAFE 143 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.CHECK FOR DEFLECTION Since the circular part has a span larger than the span for which the thickness has been chosen, a check for deflection for this part is required. Since SAFE give the short term deflection , long term deflection will be evaluated by both hand and excel sheet calculation Figure 46: Maps of bending moment due to dead load 144 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 47: Maps of bending moment due to live load Figure 48: Deflection due to dead load 145 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 49: Deflection due to live load Screenshots that represent: - Moment due to dead load - Moment due to live load - Deflection due to dead load - Deflection due to live load were taken from “SAFE” as seen in the figures above. The slab is reinforced with the min reinforcing, a check for deflection with this area of steel is computed. As min = 0.0018*b*h = 0.0018 *100*30 = 5.4 cm2=> 12@200 → Manual check for deflection DATA: - F’c= 30Mpa - Mdl= 5.7 t.m - Mll= 1.94 t.m - Δ D.L =1.34 cm - Δ L.L = 0.46 cm 146 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - Span = 17.5 m - % of sustained load from LL = 50% - Rectangular section = (1m)*(0.3m) - As = A’s = 15.84 cm^2 => 12@150 mesh + 12@150 add CALCULATION : - πΉπ = 0.7οΏ½π ′ π = 0.7 ∗ √30 = 3.83 πππ πΈπ = 4700 ∗ οΏ½π ′ π = 25742.96 πππ πΈπ = 200000πππ π= πΈπ = 7.769 πΈπ πβ3 πΌπ = π¦π‘ = 12 β 2 = 100 ∗ = 15ππ (30)3 12 Eq- 9.9 8.5.1 = 225000 ππ4 Location of neutral axis : π ∗ π₯ 2 + (ππ΄π + (π − 1)π΄′ π )π₯ − (ππ΄π π + (π − 1)π΄′ π π ′ ) = 0 2 50π₯ 2 + 230.5 x − 3851.62 = 0 πΌππ = π₯ = 6.76 ππ 3 ππ₯ + ππ΄π (π − π₯)2 + (π − 1)π΄′ π (π₯ − π ′ )2 = 61042.2 ππ4 3 πΉπ = 5.745 π‘. π π¦π‘ ππ π’π = πππ + 0.5 πππ = 6.67 π‘. π πππ = πΌπ ∗ Effective moment of inertia : - Under dead load only : - - πΌπ(ππ) = οΏ½ πππ 3 πππ πππ 3 οΏ½ ∗ πΌπ + οΏ½1 − οΏ½ πππ οΏ½ οΏ½ ∗ πΌππ = πΌπ = 225000 ππ4 ( cz Mcr>Mdl) Under sustained load : πππ 3 πππ 3 πΌπ(π π’π ) = οΏ½ οΏ½ ∗ πΌπ + οΏ½1 − οΏ½ οΏ½ οΏ½ ∗ πΌππ = 165809 ππ4 ππ π’π ππ π’π Under total load (dl+ll) : πππ 3 πππ 3 πΌπ(π‘ππ‘ππ) = οΏ½ οΏ½ ∗ πΌπ + οΏ½1 − οΏ½ οΏ½ οΏ½ ∗ πΌππ = 130756.5 ππ4 ππ‘ ππ‘ Short term deflection : 147 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - Deflection due to dead load = βππ ∗ πΌπ πΌπππ = 1.34 ππ Deflection due to (live+ dead ) load = βπ‘π ∗ πΌπ = 3.097 ππ πΌππ‘π πΌπ Deflection due to sustained load = βπ π’π π ∗ πΌππ π’π = 2.13 ππ Deflection due to live load = βπ‘ππ‘ππ − βππ = 3.097 − 1.34 = 1.757 ππ Additional long term deflection : π = 2.13 πππ‘ππ 2 π¦ππππ 1 + 50π′ βππππ = π ∗ βπ π’π = 4.93 ππ π= → Check for deflection using excel sheet Since we obtained the same values in the excel sheet , the sheet will be adopted for check of deflection . 148 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The long term deflection for floor supporting non- structural element likely to me damaged by large deflection is checked with respect to the maximum permissible deflections given by ACI 318-08 table 9.5 b 149 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 To limit the long term deflection , two way can be adopted : - Put required reinforcement Increase slab thickness Required reinforcement for deflection : 16@200mesh+25@200 add So we will increase the thickness to 40cm in order to decrease ρ : As min = 7.2 cm2 =>14@200 150 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Than deflection is checked for : 14@200 mesh + 16@200 add 151 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 4. CHECK FOR PUNCHING SHEAR As we can see in the figure above, the slab is supported by walls where punching shear have no effect. Only for the edge columns punching shear will be checked. Values of reactions on columns (Vu) taken from SAFE are tabulated in the figure below: Figure 50: Ultimate reaction given by SAFE An excel sheet based on ACI-chapter 11 is used to check punching shear on edge column . The following formulas were used in the sheet : 152 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The most critical column reaction is verified in order to see if punching shear reinforcement is required. 153 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Since the ratio Vu/ΦVc obtained in the excel sheet is <1 than no need for shear reinforcement. 5.One-Way Shear Verification The slab should be designed so that no shear reinforcement should be required. According to ACI section 11.9.5, the concrete shear strength is given by: Where: - ΟVc = 0.17 λ Ο οΏ½f′cbw d λ is the lightweight concrete factor taken as 1 b w is the width taken as 1 m for slabs Φ is equal to 0.85 The concrete strength: f’c = 30 MPa The effective depth d = 36 cm ΟVc = 29T The following figure shows the ultimate shear diagram on the slab given by “SAFE”: 154 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 51 - Shear in typical slab If Vu < Φ Vc then the slab doesn’t need shear reinforcement and the concrete section can resist the applied shear. Max Vu =25T < 29 T So a 40cm circular slab to be adopted and a 30 cm slab for the rest of the slab 6.REINFORCEMENT For the reinforcement design, we choose a grid reinforcement and we add additional reinforcement on the areas where more reinforcement is needed. The following figure shows the repartitions of the ultimate bending moment on the slab: 155 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 52: M11 for ultimate combination Figure 53: M22 for ultimate combination 156 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The following table shows the slab’s mesh reinforcement in both direction : Story Typical slab Circular slab Grid X Direction Bottom: T12@15 Top: T12@15 Bottom : T14@15 Top : T14@15 Table 34 - Slabs reinforcement Grid Y Direction Bottom: T12@15 Top: T12@15 Bottom : T14@15 Top : T14@15 T16@200 is to be added for check of deflection in the circular part The grid reinforcement is placed according to those maps and additional reinforcement is sometimes necessary. Drawings for those results are obtained and present on the plans attached to the present document. 157 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 11 POST-TENSIONED SLAB DESIGN 158 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 11. POST-TENSIONED SLAB DESIGN 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1 HISTORY OF POST-TENSIONING : Prestressed concrete was first used by P.H.Jackson of San Francisco in1886. Although the thought process was the first step , the steel available at that time was of limited strength . The modern development of prestressed concrete, however, is usually attributed to Eugene Freyssinet of France . In 1928, Freyssinet began to use high-strength steel wire for prestressing concrete. By 1939, Freysinet has designed conical wedges for anchoring the wires at the ends of prestressed members and special jacks for wire stressing. In 1940, GustaveMagnel of Belgium developed a system of curved, multi-wire tendons in flexible rectangular ducts. Post-tensioned concrete has been used for more than 40 years in the United- state ina wide variety of construction projects. First used primarily in bridge construction, applications for post-tensioning now extend far beyond bridges to include: - Tanks - office buildings - hotels - parking structures - shear walls - etc … 1.2 PRESTRESSING IN PRINCIPLE : According to “Design Guide Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors “ : the principle of prestressing is explained below : 159 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 160 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 161 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 2. ADVANTAGES OF POST-TENSIONED FLOORS The primary advantages of post-tensioned floors over conventional reinforced concrete in-situ floor, may be summarized as follows: - - Longer spans and increased architectural design flexibility Reductions in concrete and reinforcing steel quantities Smaller and lighter structural members resulting : → Lower overall building heights → Smaller columns → Reduced foundation loads → Reduction in lateral force-resisting systems due to reduced building dead load Reduced floor cracking due to pre-compression in the slabs and beams Deflections control due to the balancing of a significant portion of dead load Rapid construction Better water resistance Monolithic connections between slabs , beams and columns with improved structural integrity through continuous tendons These advantages can result in significant savings in overall costs. There are also some situations where the height of the building is limited, in which the reduced story height has allowed additional story to be constructed within the building envelope. A common concern regarding post-tensioned slab systems is the perceived inability or difficulty in modifying the slab for future openings. It is thoughts that the presence of the post-tensioning precludes or at least complicates this procedure. 3.BONDED VS UNBONDED TENDON SYSTEM : 162 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Post-tensioned floors can be constructed using either bonded or unbonded tendons. The following points may be made in favor of each. 3.1 BONDED SYSTEM For a bonded system the post-tensioned strands are installed in galvanized steel or plastic ducts that are cast into the concrete section at the required profile and form a voided path through which the strands can be installed. The ducts can be either circular- or oval-shaped and can vary in size toaccommodate a varying number of steel strands within each duct. At the ends a combined anchorage casting is provided which anchors all of the strands within the duct. The anchorage transfers the force from the stressing jack into the concrete. Once the strands have been stressed , the void around the strands is filled with a cementitious grout, which fully bonds the strands to the concrete. The duct and thestrands contained within are collectively called a tendon. 163 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The main features of a bonded system are summarized below: - There is less reliance on the anchorages once the duct has been grouted - The full strength of the strand can be utilized at the ultimate limit state (due to strain compatibility with the concrete) and hence there is generally a lower requirement for the use of unstressed reinforcement - The prestressing tendons can contribute to the concrete shear capacity - Due to the concentrated arrangement of the strands within the ducts a high force can be applied to a small concrete section - Accidental damage to a tendon results in a local loss of the prestress force only and does not affect the full length of the tendon 3.2 UNBONDED SYSTEM In an unbonded system the individual steel strands are encapsulated in a polyurethane sheath and the voids between the sheath and the strand are filled with a rust-inhibiting grease. The sheath and grease are applied under factory conditions and the completed tendon is lectronically tested to ensure that the process has been carried out successfully. The individual tendons are anchored at each end with anchorage castings. The tendons are cast into the concrete section and are jacked to apply the required prestress force once the concrete has achieved the required strength. The main features of an unbonded system are summarized below : - The tendon can be prefabricated off site - The installation process on site can be quicker due to prefabrication and the reduced site operations - The smaller tendon diameter and reduced cover requirements allow the eccentricity from the neutral axis to be increased thus resulting in a lower force requirement - The tendons are flexible and can be curved easily in the horizontal direction to accommodate curved buildings or divert around openings in the slab - The force loss due to friction is lower than for bonded tendons due to the action of the grease - The force in an unbonded tendon does not increase significantly above that of the prestressing load - The ultimate flexural capacity of sections with unbounded tendons is less than that with bonded tendons but much greater deflections will take place before yielding of the steel - Tendons can be replaced (usually with a smaller diameter) - Abroken tendon causes prestress to be lost for the full length of that tendon - Careful attention is required in design to ensure against progressive collapse 3.3 WHY A BONDED SYSTEM WERE CHOSEN ? A bonded system will be adopted cause of the number of advantages listed below: 164 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - higher flexural capacity good flexural crack distribution good corrosion protection flexibility for later cutting of penetrations easier demolition However there are some disadvantages such as : - additional operation for grouting - more labor intensive installation However, the main reason why bonded tendons are preferred relates to the overall cost of the structure and not just of the post-tensioning. With unbonded tendons it is usual to have a layer of conventional reinforcement for crack control. Using bonded tendons there is no such requirement and therefore the overall price of bonded post-tensioning and associated reinforcement is less than for unbonded tendons. For unbonded tendons the post-tensioning price may be less, but the overall cost of reinforcing materials is greater. 4.PRESTRESS LOSSES : From the time that a post-tensioning tendon is stressed, to itsfinal state many years after stressing, various losses take placewhich reduce the tension in the tendon. These losses are 165 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 grouped into two categories, namely short-term and longtermlosses. The short-term losses include: - Friction losses in the tendon - Wedge set or ‘draw-in’ - Elastic shortening of the structure. These losses take place during stressing and anchoring of thetendon. The long-term losses include: - Shrinkage of the concrete - Creep of the concrete including the effect of the prestress - Relaxation of the steel tendon. Although these losses occur over a period of up to ten ormore years, the bulk occurs in the first two years followingstressing. The loss in prestress force following stressing can be significant (between 10% and 50% of the initial jackingforce at transfer and between 20% and 60% after all losses) . 5.STRESSING STAGES: 166 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 167 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 168 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 6.FLAT PLATE CONCEPT : 6.1 LIMITATIONS According to “ Guide for design of post-tensioned buildings “ , a flat plate will be adopted as a two-way framing system since spans are less than 9m. Table 35: limitations of a flat slab 169 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 For a prestressed floor, without primary reinforcement, to be considered as a flat slab the following criteria have to be applied : - Pre-compression is normally applied in two orthogonal directions: Such a floor with no, or moderate, crack formation performs as a homogeneous elastic plate with its inherent two-way behavior. The actual tendon location at a givenpoint in a floor system is not critical to the floor’s two way behavior since axial compression, which is the main component of prestressing, is commonly applied tothe floor at its perimeter. Flat slab behaviour is, of course, possible with pre-compression applied in one direction only. However in that situation it must be fully reinforced in the direction notprestressed. - Aspect ratio (length to width) of any panel should not be greater than 2.0: This applies to solid flat slabs, supported on orthogonal rows of columns. For aspect ratios greater than 2.0 the middle section will tend to act as a one-way spanning slab. - Stiffness ratios in two directions: The ratio of the stiffness of the slab in two orthogonal directions should not be disproportionate. This is more likely to occur with non-uniform cross-sections such asribs. For square panels this ratio should not exceed 4.0, otherwise the slab is more likely to behave as one-way spanning. - Number of panels: Where the number of panels is less than three in either direction the use of the empirical coefficient method, for obtaining moments and forces, is not applicable. In suchsituations a more rigorous analysis should be carried out . 6.2 POST-TENSIONED FLAT SLAB BEHAVIOR Tests and applications have demonstrated that a posttensioned flat slab behaves as a flat plate almost regardless of tendon arrangement . The effects of the tendons are, of course, critical to the behavior as they exert loads on the slab as well as provide reinforcement. The tendons exert vertical loads on the slab known as equivalent loads, and these loads may be considered like any other dead or live load. The objective is to applyprestress to reduce or reverse the effects of gravity in a uniform manner. Although the shape of the equivalent bending moment diagram from prestress is not the same as that from uniformly distributed loading such as self-weight, it is possible, with careful placing of the prestressing tendons, to achieve a reasonable match . It should be noted that this will cause the peaks of resulting moments to appear in odd places. 170 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 It is helpful to the understanding of post-tensioned flat slabs to forget the arbitrary column strip, middle strip and nominal percentage tables which have long been familiar to the designer of reinforced concrete floors. Instead, the mechanics of the action of the tendons will be examined first.The following figure shows the bending moment surfaces for different arrangements of tendons: Figure 54: Bending moment surface for different arrangements of tendons 171 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 2.LOAD BALANCING The ‘load balancing’ approach is an even more powerful tool for examining the behavior of two-way spanning systems than it is for one-way spanning members. By the balanced load approach, attention is focused on the loads exerted on the floor by the tendons, perpendicular to the plane of the floor. Asfor one-way floors, this typically means a uniform load exerted upward along the major portion of the central length of a tendon span, and statically equivalent downward load exerted over the short length of reverse curvature. In order to apply an essentially uniform upward load over the entire floor panel these tendons should be uniformly distributed, and the downward loads from the tendons should react against another structural element. The additional element could be a beam or wall in the case of one-way floors, or columns in a two-way system. However, a look at a plan view of a flat slab reveals that columns provide an upward reaction for only a very small area. Thus, to maintain static rationality a second set of tendons perpendicular to the above tendons must provide an upward load to resist the downward load from the first set. Remembering that the downward load of the uniformly distributed tendons occurs over a relatively narrow width under the reverse curvatures and that the only available exterior reaction, the column, is also relatively narrow, it indicates that the second set of tendons should be in narrow strips or bands passing over the columns. Methods of accomplishing this two-part tendon system to obtain a nearly uniform upward load may be obtained by a combination of spreading the tendons uniformly across the width of the slab and/or banding them over the column lines. Examples are shown below. 172 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The equivalent post-tensioning loading is normally referred to as the balanced loading. The balanced loading is an externally applied set of loads that generally includes larges forces at the anchorage locations , vertical forces related to the vertical curvature in the tendon profile , and friction forces parallel to the tendon . It assumes that the tendon has been removed from the member and replaced with an equivalent set of loads . The balanced loading is an externally applied set of loads that generally includes large forces at the anchorage location: - vertical forces related to the vertical curvature in the tendon profile friction forces parallel to the tendon . 173 Figure 55: Balance loading GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The balanced actions in a structure represent : - internal member forces internal moment Mb = M1 + M2 where: - Mb = balanced moment M1 = primary moment = internal tendon force multiplied by its eccentricity from the cross section centroid - M2 = secondary moment = the deformation held in place by the internal support will causea Support reaction. The internal moment that result in the structure due to these reaction is called secondary moment . Figure 56: effect of prestressing on reactions and moments on a beam 174 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 7. DESIGN PROCESS 7.1 POST-TENSIONED SLAB’S MINIMUM THICKNESS The slab thickness must meet two primary functional requirements: - structural strength - deflection Vibration shouldalso be considered where there are only a few panels. The selection of thickness or type (e.g. plate without drops, plate with drops, coffered or waffle, ribbed or even beam and slab) is also influenced by concrete strength and loading. There arelikely to be several alternative solutions to the same problem and a preliminary costing exercise may be necessary in order to choose the most economical. Knowing the span and imposed loading requirements, the following table can be used to choose a suitable span-depth ratio for the section type being considered: Table 36: span-depth ratio Span-depth ratio = 40 = 8.8/h => h=22 cm We will start with 20 cm 7.2 RAM ANALYSIS According to “FREYSSINET PRESTRESSING the system of the inventor of prestressed concrete“ , tendon’s cover and spacing requirement will be shown below : 175 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 57: Tendon's cover limitations given by the catalogue Having a=390mm and b= 190 mm X> 390 +30 = 420 mm Y> 190+30 = 220 mm X’>0.5*420+50-10 = 250 mm Y’> 0.5*220+50-10 = 150 mm In order to respect this limitation, we use the following tendon’s elevations : - 100cm at supports 40cm at mid-span The hallway path has a smaller span relatively to the adjacent areas. It acts as a one-way slab along X supported on the adjacent walls. So no need for tendons in the Y direction. Tendons along Y directions are uniformily distributed to take out the effect of the excessive deflection along the smallest span. Tendons along X direction are placed adjacent to the opening. The following figures show the tendon’s position and elevation: 176 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 58: the position and the elevation of the tendon along x direction Figure 59: the position and the elevation of the tendon along y direction 177 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The design of postentioned slabs is different than the solid slabs. For the last ones, a definition of column strips and middle strips is required for the software to design, but for the postentioned slabs only one strip is required, it lenghthes from a midspan to the adjacent one. Different sections along the strip are made by the program, in order to find the average effort on that strip 178 Figure 60: strips drwan in x and y direction GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 37: Input to the software Fpy = 0.9*Fpu Min radius is limited to 3m to limit losses due to excessive curvature of tendons. From “FREYSSINET Prestressing“ catalog ( Annex) , we get the propriety of tendons : Table 38 : Nominal diameter and nominal reinforcement cross section (FRESSINET) Considering that the jacking stress = 0.75*grade = 0.75*1860 = 1395 N/mm2 → Losses - Initial losses =10% - Losses due to creep and shrinkage = 15% - Long term losses = 0.15*0.1 - Long term force in the tendon = 0.75*0.9*0.85*fpu = 1067 N/mm2 → Load combination : And based on the explanations above, the load cases used are : 179 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 39: Load combinations 180 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 1 PT = force in tendon after all losses = 0.75*0.85*0.9*1860T → Total long term deflection : Since the pre-stressed flexural member are classified as class U , the section is considered as un-cracked so the calculation of long term deflection is based on the Ig (gross area ) and multiplied by the shrinkage and creep coefficient which is equal to 2 According to ACI-chapter 18 : Table 40: Serviceability design requirements 181 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 According to “Post-tensioned “ concrete floors Design handbook”: 3 = 1 (initial )+2 (long term) → Stress verification : According to ACI – chapter 18, the prestressed flexural member are classified as class U if : Maximum allowable stresses in concrete immediately after transfer is given by : Maximum allowable stresses in concrete at service loads is given by : 182 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The following tables show the stresses limit according to the ACI code and the stresses obtained in the slab at transfer and service stages. Table 41: Inital stress verification Minimum capacity bottom stress = 0.6 f’ ci = 0.6*25 = 15 Mpa Maximum capacity top stress = 0.25*√π′ππ = 0.25*√25 = 1.246 Mpa 183 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 42: Service stress verification Minimum capacity bottom stress = 0.6 f’ c = 0.6*35 = 21 Mpa Maximum capacity top stress = 0.5*√π′π = 0.5*√35 = 2.947 Mpa 184 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The previous figure show that the stresses are within the limits The following figure show the stresses at the service stage: Figure 61: Stress maps at service stage 185 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 . → Deflection verification : According to ACI- section : The figure below shows the long-term deflection Map: Figure 62: Long-term deflection map A comparision between the long term deflection that appeared in the slab and the code limitation a according to ACI 318-08 table 9.5 b is done. The maximum long-term deflections are within the limits. 186 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 For punching reason , a beam connecting al the edge columns is placedalong the circular part . → Additional bonded reinforcement : Minimum area of bondedreinforcement is obtained According to ACI – chapter 18 : Where the stresses in tensile zones exceed 0.17√π′π additional bonded reinforcement is required ,and in compressive zones a reinforcement of As = 0.00075 Acf is distributed. 187 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 63: additional bonded reinforcement in y direction 188 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 64: Additional bonded reinforcement in x direction : 189 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 12 STEEL DECK DESIGN 190 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 12 STEEL DECK DESIGN 1.INTRODUCTION For some time steel formed plate and concrete have been used compositely in building floor systems. Composite steel deck floors consist of a profiled steel deck with a concrete topping. Included in the concrete is some light welded mesh reinforcement which acts to control cracking, to resist longitudinal shear and, in the case of fire, to act as tensile reinforcement. Indentations in the profiled deck allow the concrete and steel to bond and share load. Composite action between the supporting beams and the concrete is created by welding shear studs through the deck onto the top flange of the beam. Figure 65: Composite slab detail During the placement of concrete, the steel deck resists the vertical loads associated with the weight of the concrete and the construction loads. As the concrete cures a chemical and mechanical bond forms collectively between thesurface of the steel deck and the concrete. The mechanical bond is achieved via embossed features on the surface of the steel deck. Those deformations on the ribs allow for a stronger bond between the concrete and the decking.Wholes on the surface of the steel deck are to allowthe positioning of the shear studs. 191 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 2.COMPOSITE ACTION Composite construction refers to two load-carrying structural members that are integrally connected and deflect as a single unit. Usually the formed metal deck is used as a permanent form to carry the fresh concrete and serve as a working platform. After hardening of the concrete, the metal deck and concrete slab act compositely to carry the applied live loads if the metal deck is provided with embossments to provide the shear connection. A natural consequence was to develop composite action for the steel beams over which the formed metal deck was placed. When the metal deck corrugations are parallel to the beam, they do not interfere with the steel-concrete interaction and the condition is similar to a haunchedslab for which the Specification provisions are applicable. However, when the metal deck is placed perpendicular to the steel beams and shear connectors are placed in the ribs of the corrugations, the behavior of the composite system may differ substantially from the expected behavior. Figure 66: Metal deck corrugations parallel to the beam 192 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 67: Metal deck corrugations perpendicaular to the beam The strength of a composite diaphragm (deck + concrete) depends on the shear bond and the complimentary behavior of steel and concrete in such an assembly. The steel functions as the tension element at the bottom of the beam while the concrete functions as the compression element at the top of the beam. 3.COMPOSITE DECK ADVANTAGES Connecting the concrete to the steel beams can have several advantages: - It is typical to have reduced structural steel frame cost. - Weight of the structural steel frame may be decreased which may reduce foundation costs - Shallower beams may be usedwhich might reduce building height - Increased span lengths are possible 193 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - Reduced live load deflections Stiffer floors 4.INSTALATION OF DECKING 4.1 PLACING OF DECKING Metal decking is placed on the structural steel at predetermined points. 4.2 ATTACH MAETAL DECKING TO STRUCTURAL STEEL - As an alternative to welding,powder actuated tools may be used use to attach metal decking to structural steel. Powder actuated toolsuse the expanding gases from a powder load, or booster, to drive a fastener into the steel beam. A nail-like fastener is driven through the metal deck. Thepowderactuated tool, powder load, and fastener must be matched to the thickness of the structural steel beam flange. 194 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 4.3SHEAR CONNECTORS - Depending on the welding process used, the tip of the shear connector may be placed in a ceramic ferrule (arc shield) during welding to retain the weld. Shear connectors create a strong bond betweenthe steel beam and the concrete floor slab which is poured on top of the metal decking. This bond allows the concrete slab to work with the steel beams to reduce live load Deflection. 4.4 INSTALATION OF SHEAR CONNECTORS - The electrical arc process is commonly used for stud welding An arc is drawn between the stud and te base metal The stud is plunged into the molten steel which is contained by the ceramic ferrule. The metal solidifies and the weld is complete. The ferrules are removed before the concrete is poured. 4.5 INSTALATION OF CONCRETE - - Concrete is installed by a concrete contractor on top of the composite metal decking , shear connectors, and welded wire fabric or rebar grid (crack control reinforcing) Pumping is a typical installation method for concrete being placed on metal decking. 195 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 4.6 QUALITY CONTROL - The shear connectors used in composite construction require specific inspections and quality control. Testing procedures are specified in the contract documents or by a local building authority 5.STEEL DECK CALCULATIONS The following figure shows the position of the steel deck on the ground floor plan. As stated before it has been done in order to give a large space in the basement 1 with no need for intermediate vertical supports, since a steel deck can offer larger spans than a concrete deck. 196 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 68: Position od the steel deck on the ground floor plan 5.1 STEEL DECK CONCEPT The design of the steel structure slab is discussed in this part. The floor plan has been divided into Primary I shaped beams and secondary I shaped beams with a metal decking on top. After placing those structural elements into place and connecting them, a 15cm concrete slab will be casted on top of the metal decking. The primary beams have a span of 17.6 m, and the secondary beams a span of 8.8 m. The total area of the deck is 460 m2 197 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The following section states the calculations of the primary beams, secondary beams, as well as their connections. Figure 69: Primary beam and secondary beam 5.2 SECONDARY BEAM CALCULATIONS → WEIGHT CALCULATION Loads on secondary beams are due to the concrete’s own weight, the super imposed live and dead load of the slab, and the I shaped beam’s own weight. - The concrete slab has an average thickness of 15 cm. - The secondary beams are placed each 150 cm. SDL=0.15 T/ m2 - LL=0.3T/ m2 - Assume the self-weight of the I beam is equal to 5% of the slab’s DL 198 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Loads are the following: - Concrete slab’s own weight: DL=2.5 T/m3 x 0.15 m =0.375 T/m2 Linear DL =0.375 T/ m2 x 1.5m =0.56 T/ m - Super imposed dead load: SDL=0.15 T/m3 x1.5 m =0.225 T/m - Live load: LL=0.3 T/m3 x1.5 m =0.45 T/m - Secondary beam’s self -weight: W=5%x 0.56 =0.0208 T/m TOTAL LOADS: W TOTAL =0.56+0.225+0.45+0.225=1.263 T/m This linear load is carried by the secondary beam that has 3 spans. In order to get the moment and shear diagram, the beam and its loads were introduced to the software RDM 6. The following figures show the loading, the moment and shear diagram obtained: Figure 70: Loading on secondary beams introduced to RDM6 199 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 72: Bending moment diagram on secondary beam Figure 71: Shear diagram on secondary beam Max positive moment= 7.825 T.m Max negative moment= -9.78 T.m Max shear = 6.7 T → ADMISSIBLE STRESS IN FLEXURE: According to the (AISC F. P.5-45): ALLOWABLE STRESS: STRONG AXIS BENDING OF I-SHAPED MEMEBERS AND CHANNELS. MEMBERS WITH COMPACT SECTION: For members with compact sections, symmetrical about and loaded in, the plane of their minor axis the allowable stress is: Fb=0.66 Fy 200 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Fy=50ksiο¨Fb=0.66 x 50 =33 ksi → Calculation of the required section due to bending: - M max = 9.78 T.m =70.72 k.ft - S req = ππππ₯ πΉπ = 70.72 π.ππ‘∗12 33 ππ π =25.71 in3 Choiceof the most convenient section: The table “allowable stress design selection table“gives the convenient W sections according to S req . The section on top of each group is the lightest one therefore it is the most economical.Our choice will be based on this criterion. According to the table, the section W14x22 is chosen, it has the following properties: S x = 29 in3 - Lc = 4.1 ft - Lu=4.7 ft - M R = 70 k.ft The actual unbraced length in plane of bending “L b ” is found from the bending moment diagram. M=0 for x = 7.1m and x= 11.2 m - L b for negative moment = 11.2-7.1 = 4.1m = 13.41 ft - L b positive moment = 7.1 m = 23.29 ft Verification if the assumption of a compact section is valid: If lb≤Lc =>Fbcompression tension = 0.66 Fy Lc<lb≤ Lu =>Fbcompression tension = 0.60 Fy lb> Lu =>Fb tension = 0.6 Fy Fb compression < 0.60 Fy Lb>Lu => no need for moment redistribution =>assumption thatFb =0,66Fyis not verified ο 1st iteration to find the proper section Assume Fb = 0.45 Fy = 0.45 *50 = 22.5 Ksi 201 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 S req = ππππ₯ πΉπ = 70.72 π.ππ‘∗12 22,5 ππ π =37.7 in3 Choiceofthe most convenient section : The table “allowable stress design selection table“ gives the convenient W sections according to S req . The section on top of each group is the lightest one therefore it is the most economical one.Our choice will be based on this criterion. According to the table, the section W12x30 is chosen , it has the following properties : S x = 38.6 in3 - Lc = 5.8 ft - Lu=7.8 ft - M R = 106 k.ft - d/Af = 4.3 - r t = 1.73 in According to table 6 page 5-121 ,cb =1 202 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 According to AISC – chapter F – page 5-46, 47 ππ When οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦≤ ≤οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ ππ‘ 2 When ππ ππ‘ πΉπ = οΏ½ − 3 π 2 πΉπ¦∗ οΏ½ππ‘οΏ½ 1530∗103 ∗ππ ≥οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ For any value of ππ ππ‘ 170∗103 ∗ππ πΉπ = : πΉπ = π ( )^2 ππ‘ 12∗103 ∗ππ ππ 12 = 13.45 ∗ = 93.29 ππ‘ 1.73 π∗π/π΄π οΏ½ ∗ πΉπ ≤ 0.6πΉπ¦ (F1-6) (F1-7) ≤ 0.60 πΉπ¦ (F1-8) ≤ 0.60 πΉπ¦ οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 45.166 οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 100.99 ππ 45.166< < 100.99 ο¨ Compare (F1-6) and (F1-8) ππ‘ 2 (F1-6) :πΉπ = οΏ½ − 3 (F1-8) :πΉπ = π 2 πΉπ¦∗ οΏ½ππ‘οΏ½ 1530∗103 ∗ππ 12∗103 ∗ππ π∗π/π΄π = 2 οΏ½ ∗ πΉπ = οΏ½3 − 12∗103 ∗1 13.45∗4.3∗12 50∗ (93.29)2 1530∗103 ∗1 οΏ½ ∗ 50 = 19.11 πΎπ π < 0.6 πΉπ¦ = 30πΎπ π = 17.3 πΎπ π < 30 πΎπ π Fb max = max ( 19.11 Ksi ; 17.3 Ksi ) = 19.11 Ksi< 0.45 Fy = 22.5 Ksi The assumption that Fb =0,45 Fy is not verified. ο 2nd iteration to find the proper section Assume Fb = 0.3 Fy = 15 Ksi S req = ππππ₯ πΉπ = 70.72 π.ππ‘∗12 15 ππ π =56.57 in3 Choice of the most convenient section: 203 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The table “allowable stress design selection table “ gives the convenient W sections according to S req . The section on top of each group is the lightest one therefore it is the most economical one.Our choice will be based on this criterion. According to the table, the section W18x35 is chosen, it has the following properties : S x = 57.6 in3 - Lc = 4.8 ft - Lu=5.6 ft - d/Af = 6.94 - r t = 1.49 in 12 ππ = 13.45 ∗ = 108.32 ππ‘ 1.49 οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 45.166 οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 100.99 ππ ππ‘ > 100.99 ο¨ Compare (F1-7) and (F1-8) (F1-7) :πΉπ = (F1-8) :πΉπ = 170∗103 ∗ππ π ( )^2 ππ‘ 12∗103 ∗ππ π∗π/π΄π = = 170∗103 ∗1 (108.32)^2 12∗103 ∗1 = 14.5 πΎπ π < 30πΎπ π 13.45∗6.94∗12 = 10.7 πΎπ π < 30 πΎπ π Fb max = max ( 14.5 Ksi ; 10.7 Ksi ) = 14.5 Ksi< 0.3 Fy = 15 Ksi The assumption that Fb =0,3 Fy is not verified. ο 3rd iteration to find the proper section : Assume Fb = 0.2 Fy = 10 Ksi S req = ππππ₯ πΉπ = 70.72 π.ππ‘∗12 10 ππ π =84.86 in3 Choiceof the most convenient section : The table “allowable stress design selection table “ gives the convenient W sections according to S req . The section on top of each group is the lightest one therefore it is the most economical one.Our choice will be based on this criterion. 204 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 According to the table, the section W18x50 is chosen, it has the following properties : S x = 89.9 in3 - Lc = 6.7ft - Lu=7.9 ft - d/Af = 4.21 - r t = 1.94 in ππ 12 = 13.45 ∗ = 83.2 ππ‘ 1.94 οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 45.166 οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 100.99 ππ 45.166< < 100.99 ο¨ Compare (F1-6) and (F1-8) ππ‘ 2 (F1-6) :πΉπ = οΏ½ − 3 (F1-8) :πΉπ = π 2 πΉπ¦∗ οΏ½ππ‘οΏ½ 1530∗103 ∗ππ 12∗103 ∗ππ π∗π/π΄π = 2 οΏ½ ∗ πΉπ = οΏ½3 − 12∗103 ∗1 13.45∗4.21∗12 50∗ (83.2)2 οΏ½ ∗ 50 = 22 πΎπ π < 0.6 πΉπ¦ = 30πΎπ π 1530∗103 ∗1 = 17.66 πΎπ π < 30 πΎπ π Fb max = max( 22 Ksi ; 17.66 Ksi ) = 22 Ksi> 0.2 Fy = 10 Ksi The assumption that Fb =0,2 Fy is verified This W shape is chosen to resist the maximum negative moment, a verification for the positive moment should be done as well. Max positive moment= 7.825 T.m = 56.58 k.ft - Lb= 7.1m = 23.29 ft - Cb=1 - ππ ππ‘ = 23.29∗12 1.94 = 144 οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 45.166 οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 100.99 205 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 ππ ππ‘ > 100.99 ο¨ Compare (F1-7) and (F1-8) (F1-7) :πΉπ = (F1-8) :πΉπ = 170∗103 ∗ππ π ( )^2 ππ‘ 12∗103 ∗ππ π∗π/π΄π = = 170∗103 ∗1 (144)^2 12∗103 ∗1 = 8.19πΎπ π < 30πΎπ π 23.29∗4.21∗12 = 10.02πΎπ π < 30 πΎπ π Fb max = max( 10.02Ksi ; 8.19Ksi ) = 10.02Ksi≈ 10 Ksi The assumption on the positive moment is also verified. The final I section chosen is W18x50 , it has the following geometrical properties : - Depth d=17.99 in Web’s thickness t w = 0.355 in Flange’s width b f = 7.5 in Flange’s thickness t f = o,57 in T = 15.5 in The allowable bearing stress of the chosen section for the secondary beams is 0.2Fy <<<0.66FY , to allow this section to approach this upper limit, stiffeners should be placed 6ft (<Lc) away from each other all over the beam’s length . → SHEAR VERIFICATION: According to AISC – page 5-49 : “F4. ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS “ For β π‘π€ ≤ 380/οΏ½πΉπ¦ , the allowable shear stress is : Fv= 0.4 Fy 206 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 For W18x50 β π‘π€ = 15.5 0.355 = 43.66 ≤ 380 √50 = 53.74ο¨Fv = 0.4 Fy = 20 Ksi V allowable = d*t w *0.4Fy = 17.99*0.355*20 = 127 K Max shear = 6.7 T = 14K 127k >14k ο¨ the section’s web can resist the applicable shear. 5.3 PRIMARY BEAM CALCULATIONS → WEIGHT CALCULATION Loads on primary beams are due to the concrete’s own weight, the super imposed live and dead load of the slab, and the I shaped beam’s own weight itself. - The concrete slab has an average thickness of 15 cm - The primary beams are placed each 880 cm SDL=0.15 T/ m2 - LL=0.3T/ m2 - Assume the self weight of the I beam is equal to 5% of the slab’s DL Loads are the following: - Concrete slab’s own weight: DL=2.5 T/m3 x 0.15 m =0.375 T/m2 Linear DL =0.375 T/ m2 x 8.8m =3.3T/ m - Super imposed dead load: SDL=0.15 T/m3 x8.8 m =1.32 T/m - Live load: LL=0.3 T/m3 x8.8 m = 2.64T/m - Secondary beam’s self weight: W=5%x 3.3=0.066 T/m TOTAL LOADS: W TOTAL =3.3+1.32+2.64+0.066 = 7.326 T/m This linear load is carried by the primary beam that has 1 span. 207 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - Maximum moment M max = wl2/8 = 283.66 T.m = 2051 k.ft Maximum shear V max = wl/2 = 64.46 T = 142 K → ADMISSIBLE STRESS IN FLEXURE: According to the (AISC F. P.5-45) ALLOWABLE STRESS: STRONG AXIS BENDING OF I-SHAPED MEMEBERS AND CHANNELS. MEMBERS WITH COMPACT SECTION: For members with compact sections, symmetrical about and loaded in, the plane of their minor axis the allowable stress is: Fb=0.66 Fy Fy=50ksi ο¨Fb=0.66 x 50 =33 ksi → Calculation of the required section due to bending: M max = 283.66 T.m = 2051 k.ft S req = ππππ₯ 2051 π.ππ‘∗12 πΉπ = 33 ππ π =745.8 in3 Choiceof the most convenient section : The table “allowable stress design selection table “ gives the convenient W sections according to S req The section on top of each group is the lightest one therefore it is the most economical one. Our choice will be based on this criteria . According to the table, the section W44x198 is chosen, it has the following properties : S x = 776 in3 - Lc = 10.6 ft - Lu=11.2 ft The actual unbraced length in plane of bending “L b ” is found from the bending moment diagram. L b forpositive moment = 17.6 m = 57.74 ft Verification if the assumption of a compact section is valid : 208 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 If lb≤Lc =>Fbcompression tension = 0.66 Fy Lc<lb≤ Lu =>Fbcompression tension = 0.60 Fy lb> Lu =>Fb tension = 0.6 Fy Fb compression < 0.60 Fy Lb>Lu => no need for moment redistribution =>assumption thatFb =0,66Fyis not verified ο 1st iteration to find the proper section: Assume Fb = 0.45 Fy = 0.45 *50 = 22.5 Ksi S req = ππππ₯ πΉπ = 2051 π.ππ‘∗12 22,5 ππ π =1094 in3 Choiceof the most convenient section : The table “allowable stress design selection table “ gives the convenient W sections according to S req . The section on top of each group is the lightest one therefore it is the most economical one.Our choice will be based on this criteria. According to the table, the section W44x285 is chosen, it has the following properties: S x = 1120 in3 - Lc = 10.6 ft - Lu=15.9 ft - d/Af = 2.1 - r t = 2.95 in According to table 6 page 5-121, cb =1 209 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 According to AISC – chapter F – page 5-46, 47 ππ When οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦≤ ≤οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ ππ‘ 2 When ππ ππ‘ πΉπ = οΏ½ − 3 1530∗103 ∗ππ ≥οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ For any value of ππ ππ‘ : πΉπ = πΉπ = ππ 12 = 57.74 ∗ = 222.7 ππ‘ 2.95 π 2 πΉπ¦∗ οΏ½ππ‘οΏ½ 170∗103 ∗ππ π ( )^2 ππ‘ 12∗103 ∗ππ π∗π/π΄π οΏ½ ∗ πΉπ ≤ 0.6πΉπ¦ ≤ 0.60 πΉπ¦ ≤ 0.60 πΉπ¦ (F1-6) (F1-7) (F1-8) οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 45.166 οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 100.99 ππ ππ‘ > 100.99 ο¨ Compare (F1-7) and (F1-8) 210 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 (F1-7) :πΉπ = (F1-8) :πΉπ = 170∗103 ∗ππ π ( )^2 ππ‘ 12∗103 ∗ππ π∗π/π΄π = = 170∗103 ∗1 (222.7)^2 12∗103 ∗1 57.74∗2.1∗12 = 3.34πΎπ π < 30πΎπ π = 8.25 πΎπ π < 30 πΎπ π Fb max = max ( 8.25 Ksi ; 3.34 Ksi ) = 8.25 Ksi< 0.45 Fy = 22.5 Ksi The assumption that Fb =0,45Fy is not verified ο 2nd iteration to find the proper section: Assume Fb = 0.2 Fy = 10 Ksi S req = ππππ₯ πΉπ = 2051 π.ππ‘∗12 10 ππ π =2461.2 in3 Choiceof the most convenient section : The table “allowable stress design selection table “ gives the convenient W sections according to S req . The section on top of each group is the lightest one therefore it is the most economical one.Our choice will be based on this criteria. According to the table, the section W40x655 is chosen, it has the following properties: S x = 2590 in3 - Lc = 15.1ft - Lu=45.7 ft - d/Af =0.73 - r t = 4.43 in 12 ππ = 57.74 ∗ = 156.4 4.43 ππ‘ οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½102 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 45.166 οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ ππ/πΉπ¦ = οΏ½510 ∗ 103 ∗ 1/50 = 100.99 ππ ππ‘ > 100.99 (F1-7) :πΉπ = ο¨ Compare (F1-7) and (F1-8) 170∗103 ∗ππ π ( )^2 ππ‘ = 170∗103 ∗1 (156.4)^2 = 6.95 πΎπ π < 30πΎπ π 211 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 (F1-8) :πΉπ = 12∗103 ∗ππ π∗π/π΄π = 12∗103 ∗1 57.74∗0.73∗12 = 23.72 πΎπ π < 30 πΎπ π Fb max = max ( 23.72 Ksi ; 6.95 Ksi ) = 23.72 Ksi< 0.2 Fy = 10 Ksi The assumption thatFb =0,2Fy is verified. The final I section chosen is W40x655, it has the following geometrical properties : Depth d=43.62 in Web’s thickness t w = 1.97 in Flange’s width b f = 16.87 in Flange’s thickness t f = 3.54 in T = 33.25 in - The allowable bearing stress of the chosen section for the primary beam is 0.2Fy <<< 0.66FY, to allow this section to approach this upper limit, stiffeners should be placed 15ft (<Lc) away from each other all over the beam’s length . → SHEAR VERIFICATION: According to AISC – page 5-49 : “F4. ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS “ β For π‘π€ ≤ 380/οΏ½πΉπ¦, the allowable shear stress is: Fv= 0.4 Fy For W40x655: β π‘π€ = 33.25 1.97 = 16.87 ≤ 380 √50 = 53.74ο¨Fv = 0.4 Fy = 20 Ksi V allowable = d*t w *0.4Fy = 43.62*1.97*20 = 1718 K Max shear = 142 K 1718 k >142 k ο¨ the section’s web can resist the applicable shear → CHECK FOR DEFLECTION: According to AISC– ( L3.1 , L3.2 ) ( p.5-180): 212 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Although deflection, rather than stress, is sometimes the criterion of satisfactory design , there is no single scale by which the limit of tolerable deflection can be defined. Where limitations on flexibility are desirable, they are often dictated by the nature of collateral building components, such as plastered walls and ceilings , rather than by considerations of human comfort and safety. The admissible amount of movement varies with the type of component . The most satisfactory solution must rest upon the sound judgment of qualified engineers.As a guide the following rules are suggested: 1. The depth of fully stressed beams and girders in floors should if practicable be not less than ( Fy/800) times the span . If members of less depth are used , the unit stress in bending should be decreased in the same ratio as the depth is decreased from that recommended above dreq≥FyKsi/800 *span 2. The depth of fully stressed roof purlins should if practicable be less than (Fy/800) times the span . Except in the case of flat roofs dreq≥FyKsi/1000 *span For the primary beams : Span = 57.74 ft Fy/800 *span = 50/800 *57.74 *12 = 43.30 in d( W40x655) = 43.62 in > 43.3 in ο¨ the deflection is controlled. 5.4 BOLTED CONNECTIONS - Top flange of secondary beams is copped 4 in deep because the flange’s thickness tfis 3.54 in. Reaction is equal to R= 14K Bolts A490 Slip critical type connection Bolt diameter Ø =5/8 in Section of bolt : A b = π*Ø2 /4 = 0.3068 in2 According to AISC table J3.2 (p.5-73) The allowable shear Fv for standard size holes = 21Ksi The bolts connecting the secondary beams with primary beams are in double shear 213 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Number of bolts needed: # = R/ ( Fv*2*Ab) = 14/(21*2*0.3068) = 1.02 ο¨ 2 Bolts should be used. It’s recommended to increase the number of bolts when the flange is copped to resist the “block shear”. Figure 73: Web tear-out block shear → Minimum spacing : According to AISC section J3.8 (p.5-75) The distance between centers of standard oversized or slotted fastener holes shall not be less than 22/3 times the nominal diameter of the fastener nor less than that required by the following paragraph , if applicable . Along a line of transmitted forces , the distance between centers of holes s shall be not less than 3d when Fp is determined by Equations (J3-1) and (J3-2). Otherwise the distance between centers of holes shall not be less than the following : 214 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 S ≥ 2P/(Fu*t) + d/2 (J3-5) Where P =force transmitted by one fastener to the critical connected part in kips Fu = specified minimum tensile strength of the critical connected part in Ksi T = thickness of the critical connected part d = bolt diameter spacing = Max 22/3 d = 2.083 in 3d = 1.875 in 2P/(Fu*t) + d/2 = 0.57 in ο° Spacing = 2 in → Minimum edge distance : According to AISC table J3.5 (p.5-76) : “Centre of standard hole to edge of connected part” Nominal bolt diameter = 5/8 in ο¨ minimum edge distance to gaz cut edges = lv = 7/8 in ο¨minimum edge distance to rolled edges = lh = 7/8 in Figure 74: Minimum edge distance → Web tear out : Allowable block shear R BS = 0.30 Av Fu + 0.50 At Fu Av = {lv + (n-1) s –(n-1) d –d/2} t Where : 215 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - d = hole diameter= Ø + 1/8 = 6/8 in - n = number of bolts Av = {7/8 + (2-1) 2 –(2-1) *6/8 –(6/8)/2} 0.355 = 0.621 in2 At = (lh -d/2) t = 0.177 in2 ο° R BS = 0.30 *0.621*150 + 0.50 *0.177*150 = 41.23 Kips > Reaction = 14 K No tear out effect in the web. → Angle’s dimensions : L1 = length along the secondary beam ≥ ½ + 2*distance to rolled edge ≥ ½ + 2*7/8 = 2.25 in L1 = 2.25 in 216 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 According to AISC table (p.4-137) : “ Assembling clearness “ L2 = length along the primary beam = max t + H2 + C1 + distance to rolled edge = 1.97 +(1+1/4) + 1 + 7/8 = 5.09 in K +C3+distance to rolled edge = 1 + 9/16 + 7/8 = 2.43 in L2 = 5.09 in Since K = 1in was assumed it should be verified L2 should be larger than K + bolt diameter + distance to rolled edge K + bolt diameter + distance to rolled edge = 1 + 5/8 + 7/8 = 2.5 in < L2 = 5.09 in ο¨ L2 is acceptable → Angle’s thickness : Assume t = ½ in According to AISC tables for sections:choose L 5 x 3 x 1/2 In the direction of the force: Edge distance = 2 P / (Fu*t ) = 2*(14/(2*2)) / (150*1/2) = 0.093 in < ½ in the assumed thickness. The final chosen angle is L 5 x 3 x 1/2 → Angle’s height : According to AISC ( F4 p.5-45 ) (J4 p.5-77) : Fv = 0.4 Fy on gross area 0.3 Fu on net area In order to find the required height of the angle, a verification based on the allowable shear was made. Since the connection has two angles, each is subjected to half of the reaction. Reaction = 14K as calculated before Calculation for one angle : R/2 = Vall = 0.4*Fy*h*t = 10h ο¨ h > 0.7 in 0.3*Fu*( h-n*d) t = 10.5*(h-3/2) ο¨ h > 2.16 in 217 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The minimum height to be considered is 2.16 in One last verification should be made to check if this height is enough for positioning the bolts with respect to their spacing. H’ = 2*(Ø + 1/8) + 2*(distance to rolled edge ) + spacing = 5 in Take a L 5 x 3 x ½ x 2 for the connection angles 218 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 13 RIBBED SLAB DESIGN 219 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 13.RIBBED SLAB DESIGN 1.INTRODUCTION This chapter includes the design of the typical floor as a ribbed slab. The typical floor plan has been divided into beams and ribs with hollow core blocks in between 2.RIBBED SLAB CONCEPT The typical floor plan has been divided into ribs positioned perpendicularly to primary beams to ensure a good transfer of loading. Thickness selection : The slab thickness is determined from the ACI 318-05 table 9.5.a. ACI -318-05- —“ Minimum thickness stipulated in Table 9.5(a) shall apply for one-way construction not supporting or attached to partitions or other constructionlikely to be damaged by large deflections, unless computationof deflection indicates a lesser thickness canbe used without adverse effects.” Figure 75 - Table 9.5.a from the ACI 318-08 Longest span for both end continuous : - for beams : 8.8m - for ribs : 8.8m Slab thickness:β = π 21 = 880 21 = 41.9 = 42ππ 220 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Note that for every one end continuous span, deflection verification will be held: The following image shows the dimensions of the hollow core block used: At first, primary beams which are supposed to carry the larger loads,are placed in a way to get the smallest span in order to decrease their deflections. Secondary beams (including ribs) are placed in a perpendicular direction to the primary beams. Note that this distinction between primary and secondary beams does not affect their reinforcement calculation, it is only held for conceptual purposes. A calculation of the load carried by every element and its transfer to the other structural elements is required. Hollow core blocks, are distributed between ribs . The ribs width is taken 20cm, taking into consideration the large slab thickness. Since the circular part of the slab has a span of 17m, and designing it as a ribbed slab would demand a large thickness and a large reinforcement area, plus it would need the inclusion of a column in its middle which is impossible for architectural puposes, designing it as a solid slab was more convenient. The following figure contains a plan that show all the ribs and the beams: 221 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 76- Typical plan - Ribbed solution 3.LOAD CALCULATION As calculated in “Chapter 3-section 7 “ : - LL = 0.3 T/m2 SDL = 0.15 T/m2 → Weight in ribbed zone: In one meter length, 5 hollow core blocks can be placed: 222 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 2 5×0.34×0.2×( V ribbed /m = 0.35+0.31 ) 2 0.2+0.35 = 0.204 m3 /m2 V conc /m2 =0.42 − 0.204 = 0.216 m3 /m2 Weight in ribbed zone(T/m2) = 0.216 × 2500 + 0.204 × 1200 = 0.785 T/m2 W u (T/m2) =1.2(0.785 + 0.15) + 1.6 × 0.3 = 1.6 T/m2 4.DESIGN FOR BEAMS The detailed calculations of the Primary beam PB4 are discussed in thissection, a table will resume the reinforcing results for all other members. 4.1ULTIMATE LINEAR LOADS: All beams have a height of 42 cm, since no drops are allowed for architectural reasons. ο Detailed calculations are done below for the primary beam PB4: PB4 is subjected to its own weight, the ribs weight, the super imposed dead load, and the live load applied on the slab. A preliminary width is assumed at first for the beam to take into consideration its own weight, before calculating its proper width by iterations. Assuming b=120 cm → Linear loads on beam PB4 : - Own weight : 2.5*b*h = 2.5 * 1.2*0.42 = 1.26 T/ml - Ribs weight : tributary length * 0.785 = 0.785*7.6 = 5.97 T/ml - SDL : 0.15 * tributary length = 0.15*8.8 = 1.32 T/ml - LL : 0.3* tributary length = 0.3*8.8 = 2.64 T/ml Ultimate linear load = 1.2*(1.26+5.966+1.32)+1.6*(2.64) = 14.5 T/ml 4.2 BEAMS WIDTH: A computation of the convenient beam’s width should be done at first, to make sure if the assumed one is enough to take all efforts. The following procedure explains the method used to find the preliminary width of a beam. It will be adopted for all other beams. 223 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 ο β 1 is a factor relating depth of equivalent rectangular compressive stress block to neutral axis depth: ο If f’c is bigger than 28 Mpa: f′ c−280 β 1 = 0.85 − 0.05 οΏ½ ο If f’c is less than 28 Mpa: 70 οΏ½ (kg/cm2) β 1 = 0.85 ο m= ο fy 2 0.85×f′c (Kg/cm ) ρ max =0.85 × β1 × 14.1 ο ρ min = fy (kg/cm2) f′c fy ×( 0.003 0.003+0.004 ) At this stage ρ chosen is found. This ratio ranges from ρ min to ρ max . In order to control the deflection, it is taken as: ο ρ chosen = ρmax 2 Once the reinforcement ratio is chosen, the factor R that depends from the reinforcement ratio chosen ρ chosen , and from the yielding stress of the steel fy is to be calculated. ο R = ρchosen × fy × (1 − 0.5 × ρchosen × m) (Kg/cm2) The nominal moment Mn is: ο Mn = R × b × d2 Mn is also obtained by dividing the ultimate moment Mu by Φ ο Mn = Mu ο b= Mu Ο Tthe width b of the beam is: Ο×R×d2 Where d is the distance from extreme compression fiber to the centroid of longitudinal reinforcement. 224 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Afterwards a comparison of the first assumed width and the calculated one “b” is made: - If b< assumed width, the section is okey, it can always be decreased. - If b>assumed width, the beam’s section needs to be changed. Detailed calculations are done below for the primary beam PB4: In order to find “b”,M u should be computed, which is why the beam properties, along with it ultimate loadings are introduced to the software “RDM 6” in order to get the ultimate moment and shear forces diagrams. The following pictures are extracted from the “RDM 6” software, they show the ultimate bending moment and shear forces diagrams for PB2 Figure 77:bending moment diagram for the PB The maximum positive moment acting on this beam is 13.4 T.m The negative moment on support is taken to be 0.2 M max>0 =0.2*13.4 = 2.68 T. The shear at supports is 19.94 225 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 → Calculation of “b” the beam’s width: The first assumed width that was taken in order to take into consideration the beam’s own weight was 120 cm. The maximum positive moment13.4T.m is used for the verification. The results obtained from the procedure stated above are the following: ο m = 16.47 ο R =42.22 Kg/cm2 ο ρ chosen = 0.0111 ο b = 70 cm <120 cm The width of the beam PB2is set to be 120 cm. Same procedure is followed for all the other beams. The following table shows the results obtained for all the beams: Beam ID PB2 PB4 PB11 PB12 PB13 Width(cm) depth(cm) Nb of spans 72.5 42 1 120 42 1 75 42 1 25 42 1 30 42 2 Table 43- Summary of the beams dimensions 4.2 FLEXURAL REINFORCEMENT When this step of preliminary design is accomplished, the calculation of flexure and shear reinforcement takes place, the long term deflection will be also checked. Designing a beam’s longitudinal reinforcement requires finding its bending moments on supports and spans. Introducing each beam’s input into the software ”RDM6” as its section, its spans, supports and ultimate loads helped us find all ultimate bending moments and ultimate shears diagrams. After finding the ultimate moment Mu, the following steps are done for each beam in order to find its reinforcement: - π= ππ¦ 0.85×π′π ρmax = 0.85 × β1 × ρmin = 14.1 fy f′c fy ×( 0.003 0.003+0.004 ) 226 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - Mu R= Φ×b×d2 ρ= m (Kg/cm2 ) The reinforcement ratio is: - 1 (1 − οΏ½1 − if ρ <ρ min , ρ = ρ min 2×m×R fy ) if ρ >ρ max , compression reinforcement is required or increasing the beams dimensions is needed. Finally the area of steel required for the applied moment is: - As = ρ × b × d Detailed calculations are done below for the primary beam PB2: The following figures extracted from the software “RDM 6” show the ultimate loading on PB4 which is equals to 14.5 T/ml, and its ultimate bending moment. Figure 78: Linear load on PB2 227 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 79: Bending moment on PB2 PB2’s longitudinal reinforcement is calculated according to the procedure stated above, results are the following: Table 44: As required for PB2 The following table show the results of reinforcement obtained: Table 45: As chosen for PB2 228 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 4.3 SHEAR REINFORCEMENT The critical section of calculation of the shear is situated at a distance of “d” from the edge of the support. Figure 80- Critical section of calculation Vu of According to ACI318-M08 11.1, the design of cross sections subjected to shear shall be based on: ΦVn ≥ Vu Where: - Vu is the factored shear force at the section considered Vn is the nominal shear strength computed by: Vn = Vc + Vs Where: - Vc is the nominal shear strength provided by concrete Vs is nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement According to ACI-318 08 for members subjected to flexure and shear is equal to: Vc = 0.17λοΏ½f′c bw d 229 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 → Shear reinforcement categories: -Category 1: If V u ≤ Φ.V c /2 ο¨no need for transversal reinforcement -Category 2: If Φ.V c /2 ≤ V u ≤ Φ.V c ο¨minimal transversal reinforcement is used : min Φ.V s = Φ.A v .f y .d/S max = Φ.3.5.b w .d Smax = Avfyt 0.35bw Smax< d/2< 60 cm. Noting that for solid slabs, foundations and ribs no need for transversal reinforcement. -Category 3: If Φ.V c ≤ V u ≤ (Φ.V c + min Φ.V s )ο¨minimal transversal reinforcement is used : Same conditions are the categorie 2, but without exceptions -Category 4: If (Φ.V c + min Φ.V s ) ≤ V u ≤ (Φ.V c + Φx4x0.265.√f' c .b w .d)ο¨ calculating ΦVS. ΦVs = Vu − ΦVc ΦVsmax = Φ x 8 x 0.265 οΏ½f′c bw d If Vs>Vs max the concrete strength f’c should be increased or the section’s dimensions should be increased as well in order to decrease Vs Choosing a quantity of shear reinforcement Av and computing the correspondent spacing using the following formula: S= ΦAv fy d ΦVs Smax< d/2< 60 cm. Noting that the shear reinforcement along the span is constant, as its spacing is variable. 230 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 -Category 5: If (Φ.V c + Φx4x0.265.√f' c .b w .d)≤V u ≤(Φ.V c +Φx8x0.265.√f' c .b w .d) S= ΦAv fy d ΦVs Smax< d/4< 30 cm. Detailed calculations are done below for the primary beam PB2: The following figures extracted from the software “RDM 6” shows the ultimate shear force diagram on PB2 PB2’s shear reinforcement is calculated according to the procedure stated above, results are the following: 231 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 46: shear reinforcement 5.DESIGN FOR SB4 SUBJECTED TO TORSION → Linear loads on beam SB4 : - Own weight : 2.5*b*h = 2.5 * 0.9 *0.42 = 0.945 T/ml - Ribs weight : tributary length * 0.785 = 1.75 * 0.785 = 1.37 T/ml - SDL : 0.15 * tributary length = 0.15*1.75 = 0.26 T/ml - LL : 0.3* tributary length = 0.3*1.75 = 0.525 T/ml Ultimate linear load = 1.2*(0.945+1.37+0.26)+1.6*(0.525)= 3.93 T/ml The beam is introduced to the software “RDM 6” in order to get its ultimate bending moment and shear diagrams. 232 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 5.1 FLEXURAL REINFORCEMENT The following image is extracted from the software “RDM6” and shows the ultimate bending moment of the secondary beam SB4. SB4 has the following properties: - Number of spans: 4 (each of 8.8 m) - b=90 cm - h=42 cm The following figure is extracted from the software “RDM 6” and shows the ultimate moment diagram on SB4: The beam is symmetrical with respect to its middle support. Max moment on the first span = 2.3 T.m Max moment on the second span = 1.08 T.m 233 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Results for longitudinal reinforcement of all spans are the following: Table 47: Longitudinal reinforcement for all spans 5.2 SHEAR REINFORCEMENT The following image is extracted from the software “RDM6” and shows the ultimate shear force of SB3: 234 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The beam is symmetrical with respect to its middle support. Max ultimate shear on the first span V u = 2.1 T Concrete shear strength: Vc = 2 x 0.625 x οΏ½π′π x b w x d = 2 x 0.265 x √300 x 90 x 37.8/1000 = 31.22 T φVc = 0.75 x 31.22 =23.422 T V u <φVc/2ο¨no need for transversal reinforcement, but a minimum distribution of stirrups is recommended. A V = 5Π€8@20cm for all spans. 5.3 TORSIONAL REINFORCEMENT The secondary beam SB3is subjected to a torsional moment because the cantilevered ribs are causing a twisting moment along the length of that supporting beam. The moment of torsion is equal to the weight in the ribbed zone times the distance between the linear load’s center of gravity to the secondary beam axis. Weight in ribbed zone(T/m2) = 0.785 T/m2 as calculated before The rib’s flange = 55 cm Ultimate linear load on ribs: W u =1.2 (Weight in ribbed zone +SDL)x rib’s flange + 1.6 x LL x rib’s flange =1.2(0.785 +0.15)*0.55 +1.6 x 0.3 = 1.1 T/m Tu = Wu x L2 2 = 1.1 x 1.95 ^2 2 = 2.08 π. π According to ACI-section 11.6.1 Threshold torsion:It shall be permitted to neglect torsion effects if the factoredtorsional moment Tu is less than: (a) For no-prestressed members: 235 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 (b) For prestressed members: (c) For non-prestressed members subjected toan axial tensile or compressive force: Where: - Tu = factored torsional moment at section (N.mm) fc′ = specified compressive strength of concrete (MPa) Acp = area enclosed by outside perimeter of concrete cross section (mm2) Pcp= outside perimeter of concrete cross section (mm) → Check if torsion may be neglected: A cp = 90 x42 = 3780 cm2=378000 mm2 P cp = 2 x(90+42) = 264 cm =2600 mm2 π΄ππ ^2 T cr = Ø x 0.083 xοΏ½π′π x ( πππ T u = 2.08 T.m < T cr = 2.2 T.m 378000 ^2 ) = 0.85 x 0.083 x√30 x ( 2600 ) =2.2 T.m The torsion is neglected. 6. DESIGN FOR RIBS The following tables show the summary results for all ribs. Their flexural and shear reinforcement was made with the same procedures stated above. N.B : some ribs, located near the openings are subjected to number of concentrated loads equivalent to reactions of ribs in the perpendicular direction. 236 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 48: Summary for ribs reinforcement N1 Span 1 2 3 4 Length (m) 8.565 8.80 8.80 8.565 1 2 3 4 5 Length (m) 0.725 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.725 Span Vu (T) 1 2 3 4 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 Support Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 4.94 2.5 2.5 4.94 4.79 2.41 2.41 4.79 2T20 2T14 2T14 2T20 1000 900 1000 900 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 0.741 7.03 5 7.03 0.741 2 5.51 3.84 5.51 2.34 2T12 2T20 2T16 2T20 2T12 800 700 700 700 800 Av chosen (cm^2) 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 Av Spacing (cm) 2T8 2T8 2T8 2T8 15 15 15 15 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 5.08 1.293 2.05 4.15 4.93 2.34 2.34 4.02 2T20 2T12 2T12 2T16 1000 1000 1000 900 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 0.762 6.68 4.21 6.15 0.6225 2.34 5.22 3.21 4.78 2.34 2T12 2T20 2T16 2T20 2T12 800 600 700 700 800 Av Spacing (cm) 2T8 2T8 2T8 2T8 15 15 15 15 N2 Span 1 2 3 4 Length (m) 8.565 8.8 8.8 8.565 1 2 3 4 5 Length (m) 0.725 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.725 Span Vu (T) 1 2 3 4 4.5 4.5 3.7 3.7 Support Av chosen (cm^2) 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 237 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 N3 Span 1 2 Length (m) 8 3.325 1 2 3 Length (m) 0.4 1.2 0.25 Span Vu (T) 1 2 4.2 4.2 Support Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 4.63 1 4.5 2.34 2T20 2T12 900 300 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 0.639 5.33 0.2 2.34 4.11 2.34 2T12 2T16 2T12 600 450 300 Av chosen (cm^2) 1.01 1.01 Av Spacing (cm) 2T8 2T8 15 15 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 4.63 1 4.5 2.34 2T12 2T12 350 400 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 0.639 5.33 0.2 2.34 4.11 2.34 2T12 2T14 2T12 300 300 300 N4 Span 1 2 Length (m) 3.325 3.325 1 2 3 Length (m) 0.25 1.2 0.25 Span Vu (T) 1 2 4.2 4.2 Support Av chosen (cm^2) 1.01 1.01 Av Spacing (cm) 2T8 2T8 15 15 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 1.046 2.34 2T12 350 Moment (T.m) 0.16 0.16 As req (cm^2) 2.34 2.34 As chosen 2T12 2T12 L (cm) 350 350 Av Spacing (cm) 2T8 15 N5 1 Length (m) 2.1 Support 1 3 Length (m) 0.25 0.725 Span Vu (T) 1 1.36 Span Av chosen (cm^2) 1.01 238 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 N6 Span 1 Length (m) 4.7 Moment (T.m) 1.26 As req (cm^2) 2.34 As chosen 2T12 L (cm) 500 Support 1 3 Length (m) 0.725 0.24 Moment (T.m) 0.19 0.19 As req (cm^2) 2.34 2.34 As chosen 2T12 2T12 L (cm) 500 500 Span Vu (T) 1 1.23 Av chosen (cm^2) 1.01 Av Spacing (cm) 2T8 15 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 0.02 0.55 2.34 2.34 2T12 2T12 600 600 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 0.01 0.63 0.08 2.34 2.34 2.34 2T12 2T12 2T12 600 600 600 N7 Span 1 2 Length (m) 2.5 3.3 1 2 3 Length (m) 0.2 1.2 0.2 Span Vu (T) 1 2 1.2 1.2 Support Av chosen (cm^2) 1.01 1.01 Av Spacing (cm) 2T8 2T8 15 15 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 0.5 0.5 2.34 2.34 2T12 2T12 350 400 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 0.07 0.83 0.07 2.34 2.34 2.34 2T12 2T12 2T12 300 300 300 Av Spacing (cm) 2T8 15 2T8 15 N8 Span 1 2 Length (m) 3.325 3.325 1 2 3 Length (m) 0.25 1.2 0.25 Span Vu (T) 1 1.24 Av chosen (cm^2) 1.01 1.24 1.01 Support 2 239 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 N9 Span 1 Length (m) 2.5 Moment (T.m) 0.74 As req (cm^2) 2.34 As chosen 2T12 L (cm) 300 Support 1 3 Length (m) 0.25 0.725 Moment (T.m) 0.1 0.1 As req (cm^2) 2.34 2.34 As chosen 2T12 2T12 L (cm) 300 300 Span Vu (T) 1 1.36 Av chosen (cm^2) 1.01 Av Spacing (cm) 2T8 15 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 4.94 2.5 2.5 4.94 4.79 2.41 2.41 4.79 2T20 2T14 2T14 2T20 1000 900 1000 900 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 0.741 7.03 5 7.03 0.741 2 5.51 3.84 5.51 2.34 2T12 2T20 2T16 2T20 2T12 800 700 700 700 800 N11 Span 1 2 3 4 Length (m) 8.565 8.8 8.8 8.565 1 2 3 4 5 Length (m) 0.725 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.725 Span Vu (T) 1 2 3 4 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 Support Av chosen (cm^2) 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 Av Spacing (cm) 2T8 2T8 2T8 2T8 15 15 15 15 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 2.34 2.54 4.93 2.34 2.41 4.79 2T12 2T14 2T20 600 1000 900 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 0.351 4.906 7.054 0.74 2 4.71 6.78 2.34 2T12 2T16 2T25 2T12 550 550 650 800 N13 Span 1 2 3 Support 1 2 3 4 Length (m) 5.75 8.8 8.565 Length (m) 0.3 1.2 1.2 0.725 240 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Span Vu (T) 1 2 3 3.64 4.1 4.1 Av chosen (cm^2) 1.01 1.01 1.01 Av Spacing (cm) 2T8 2T8 2T8 15 15 15 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 10.4 5.71 5.74 10.4 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.56 9T14 9T14 9T14 9T14 900 950 950 950 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 1.56 16 11.4 0.7 1.6 10.56 12.13 10.64 12.13 10.56 9T14 9T14 9T14 9T14 9T14 500 900 950 950 550 SB1-SB8 Span 1 2 3 4 Length (m) 8.565 8.8 8.8 8.565 1 2 3 4 5 Length (m) 0.725 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.725 Span Vu (T) 1 2 3 4 10.5 8.3 8.3 10.5 Support Av chosen (cm^2) 251 251 251 251 Av Spacing (cm) 5T8 5T8 5T8 5T8 15 15 15 15 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 11.97 7 6.77 14.9 10 10 10 11.3 9T12 9T12 9T12 9T12 900 950 950 950 Moment (T.m) As req (cm^2) As chosen L (cm) 1.795 18.7 13.5 20 2.235 16 14.3 10.2 15.3 10 9T12 9T12 +9T10 9T12 9T12+9T10 9T12 500 900 / 650 950 900/650 550 SB2-SB3SB7 Span 1 2 3 4 Support 1 2 3 4 5 Length (m) 8.565 8.8 8.8 8.565 Length (m) 0.725 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.725 241 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Span Vu (T) 1 2 3 4 12.15 12.15 10.78 12.7 Av chosen (cm^2) 251 251 251 251 Av Spacing (cm) 5T8 5T8 5T8 5T8 15 15 15 15 242 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 14 TRANSFER BEAMS DESIGN 243 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter14. TRANSFER BEAMS DESIGN 1.INTRODUCTION The main difficulty in this project is the fact that the shear walls of 17 floors rely on transfer beams that transmit their loads to basement’s columns, receiving as a result a significant vertical load and a big moment at their fixed ends. The main concern that is studied in this chapter in order to make these beams structurallyefficient in this complex structure is their reinforcement, since their pre dimensioning was already done. The ground floor’s transfer beams allow to carry the loads coming from the implanted walls, and the ground floor slab itself. Moments on the transfer beams were extracted from the “E-tabs” model, not forgetting the envelope combination that was created in order to find the maximum ultimate moment on spans and supports. The figure below shows the transfer beams of the ground floor plan: Figure 81: Transfer beam on the ground floor 244 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 2.MOMENTS AND SHEARS ON TRANSFER BEAMS The following figure is extracted from the software “ETABS” and shows the envelope moment diagram for beam DB3. The envelope combination takes into consideration the largest positive and negative moment. Figure 82:Envelope ultimate bending moment diagram The following figure is extracted from the software “ETABS” and shows the envelope shear diagram for beam DB3. Figure 83: Envelope ultimate shear diagram As the diagram shows, the maximum bending moment received by the beam from the envelope combination are: SPAN 1: - Max positive moment in span: M=178.58 T.m Max negative moment at the first support: M=-60.25 T.m Max negative moment in span: M=-63.49 T.m 245 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - Max negative moment at the second support: M=-225.07 T.m Max shear force at the first support: T=-255.76 T Max shear force at the second support: T=467.50 T SPAN 2: - Max positive moment in span: M=156.69 T.m Max negative moment at the second support: M=-312.259 T.m Max negative moment in span: M=-62.68 T.m Max negative moment at the third support: M=-57.91 T.m The bending reinforcement is based on those moments. Max shear force at the second support: T=-486.45 T Max shear force at the third support: T= 231.74 T 3.DETAILEDREINFORCEMENT CALCULATIONS A detailed reinforcement calculation of the transfer beam DB3 is discussed in this section, all other transfer beams are reinforced with the same procedure. A summary table will show the results obtained for all other transfer beams. 3.1 FLEXURAL REINFORCEMENT The detailed calculation of the transfer beam DB3’s longitudinal reinforcement is stated below. The following procedure describes the steps for longitudinal reinforcing, and an excel sheet was established in order to accelerate the work. - π= ππ¦ 0.85×π′π ρmax = 0.85 × β1 × ρmin = 14.1 fy Mu R= Φ×b×d2 ρ= m f′c fy ×( 0.003 0.003+0.004 ) (Kg/cm2 ) The reinforcement ratio is: - 1 (1 − οΏ½1 − if ρ <ρ min , ρ = ρ min 2×m×R fy ) if ρ >ρ max , compression reinforcement is required, or increasing the beam’s dimensions 246 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Finally the area of steel required for the applied moment is: As = ρ × b × d - → Bending reinforcement for DB3: Ultimate moment= 178.58 π= ππ¦ = Dimensions Breadth of section (b) Thickness of section (t) Concrete clear cover (dc) Depth of the section (d) Materials = = = = 140 150 4 135 cm cm cm cm Steel yield strength (fy) = 4200 Kg/cm2 Concrete cylinder strength (f'c) = 300 Kg/cm2 4200 0.85×π′π 0.85∗300 ρmax = 0.85 × β1 × ρmin = R= ρ= 14.1 fy Mu =0.0035 Φ×b×d2 1 m = T.m =16.47 f′c fy ×( 178.58∗10^5 0.9∗140∗135^2 (1 − οΏ½1 − 2×m×R fy 0.003 0.003+0.004 ) = 0.85*0.85* R 300 4200 ∗( 0.003 0.003+0.004 ) =0.02211 R =7.77 kg/cm2 )= 1 16.47 ρ < ρmin therefore ρ = ρmin (1 − οΏ½1 − 2∗16.47∗5.82 4200 ) = 0.0018 As = ρ × b × d = 0.0035 x 140 x 135 = 66.15 cm2 ο¨ As=14 T 25 The following table shows the reinforcement due to all other bending moments on the first and second span, taking into consideration the envelope combination for DB3: 247 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 49: Longitudinal reinfoecement of DB3 3.2 SHEAR REINFORCEMENT The following procedure describes the steps for shear reinforcing, and an excel sheet was established in order to accelerate the work. According to ACI318-M08 11.1, the design of cross sections subjected to shear shall be based on: ΦVn ≥ Vu Where: - Vu is the factored shear force at the section considered Vn is the nominal shear strength computed by: Vn = Vc + Vs Where: - Vc is the nominal shear strength provided by concrete Vs is nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement According to ACI-318 08 for members subjected to flexure and shear is equal to: Vc = 0.17λοΏ½f′c bw d → Shear reinforcement categories: 248 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 -Category 1: If V u ≤ Φ.V c /2 ο¨no need for transversal reinforcement -Category 2: If Φ.V c /2 ≤ V u ≤ Φ.V c ο¨minimal transversal reinforcement is used : min Φ.V s = Φ.A v .f y .d/S max = Φ.3.5.b w .d Smax = Avfyt 0.35bw Smax< d/2< 60 cm. Noting that for solid slabs, foundations and ribs no need for transversal reinforcement. -Category 3: If Φ.V c ≤ V u ≤ (Φ.V c + min Φ.V s )ο¨minimal transversal reinforcement is used : Same conditions are the categorie 2, but without exceptions -Category 4: If (Φ.V c + min Φ.V s ) ≤ V u ≤ (Φ.V c + Φx4x0.265.√f' c .b w .d)ο¨ calculating ΦVS. ΦVs = Vu − ΦVc ΦVsmax = Φ x 8 x 0.265 οΏ½f′c bw d If Vs>Vs max the concrete strength f’c should be increased or the section’s dimensions should be increased as well in order to decrease Vs Choosing a quantity of shear reinforcement Av and computing the correspondent spacing using the following formula: S= ΦAv fy d ΦVs Smax< d/2< 60 cm. Noting that the shear reinforcement along the span is constant, as its spacing is variable. -Category 5: If (Φ.V c + Φx4x0.265.√f' c .b w .d)≤V u ≤(Φ.V c +Φx8x0.265.√f' c .b w .d) 249 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 S= ΦAv fy d ΦVs Smax< d/4< 30 cm. Table 50:Shear reinforcement for DB3 Dimensions & Shear Ultimate shear force(Vu) Breadth of section (b w ) Depth of section (d) Spacing of stirrups (s) Number of legs (n) = = = = = 231.7 140 135 10 14 Materials Stirrups steel yield strength (fy) Concrete cylinder strength (f'c) Strength reduction factor φ = 2400 = 300 = 0.75 T cm cm cm Kg/cm2 Kg/cm2 Concrete shear strength: Vc = 2 x 0.625 x οΏ½π′π x b w x d = 2 x 0.265 x √300 x 140 x 135/1000 = 175 T φVc = 0.75 x 175 =130.12 T Min φVs=φ x 3.5 x bw x d = 49.61 T Categorie 4 π = φ Av Fyd d (ππ’−φVc) π΄π£ = ο¨π΄π£ = π (ππ’−φVc) φ Fyd d 10(231.74 − 131.12) = 4.18 ππ2 0.75 ∗ 2400 ∗ 135 The number of longitudinal bars chosen is 14, therefore 14 stirrups T12 are used: 4.18 Required stirrup area per leg = 14 = 0.3 ππ2ο¨ Av=Ø8@10 The following table shows the reinforcement due to all other shear forces on the first and second span, taking into consideration the envelope combination for DB3: 250 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.2 LONG TERM DEFLECTION FOR DB3 According to the ACI 318-11 table 9.5.a: Minimum thickness of non-prestressedbeams or one-way slabs unless deflections are calculated: The transfer beam DB3 has a span of 10 m, therefore the minimum thickness unless deflections are calculated is for one end continuous: π 18.5 = 1000 18.5 = 54ππ And having its thickness = 150 cm, no need to check its deflection. 4.SUMMARY RESULTS All other transfer beams are reinforced with the same procedure, the following tables show the reinforcing results: 251 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 51: Bending reinforcement for DB1 Table 52: Shear reinforcement for DB1 Table 53: Bending reinforcement for DB4 Table 54: Shear reinforcement for DB4 252 GRAND STAR- Hotel Table 55: Bending reinforcement for DBA BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 56: Shear reinforcement for DBA 253 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 15 BASEMENT WALL DESIGN 254 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter15. BASEMENT WALL DESIGN 1.INTRODUCTION Basement walls are calculated to resist lateral loads due to earth and water pressures.They are subjected to triangular soil and water loadings, and axial forces coming from the slab. Therefore, the design will be performed as a beam with 100 cm width and a length equal to the wall’s height which is from basement 6 to the ground floor. 2.LOADINGS As the section of the basement wall shows, this beam will be subjected to composite flexure (N,M) and the interaction diagram must be drawn. 2.1 SOIL LOADINGS Figure 84: Basement wall loading 255 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The soil has the following properties: Soil Properties Unit weight in KN/m3 20 Φ= 25 Earth pressure coeff Ko 0.577 K0=1-sinΦ= 1-sin(25) =0.577 The soil pressure at the lowest point of the wall is given by the following: P = K o γ h = 0.577 x 20 KN m3 π₯ 18 π = 207.72 KN/m2 = 20.72 T/m2 Taking the wall’s width equals to 1m, the load at the lowest point is given by the following: F=P x 1m =207.72 Finding Mu(T.m) on each span: KN m = 20.77 T/m This figure is extracted from the software “RDM6” and shows the ultimate loading due to soil on the basement wall, noting that the pinned supports are the basement slabs and the fixed support is the raft foundation. Ultimate load on the lowest point of the wall is equal to: W= 1.6 x 207.7 =332.32 KN/m This load varies linearly along the length of the wall, it is equal to zero at the GF slab: Figure 85: Ultimate moment diagram on basement wall 256 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Max Moments on spans: - Mu max on span1 Mu max on span2 Mu max on span3 Mu max on span4 Mu max on span5 Mu max on span6 =7.6 KN.m =0.76T.m =30.8 KN.m =3.08 T.m =51.1 KN.m =5.11 T.m =72.54 KN.m =7.254 T.m =92.25 KN.m =9.225 T.m =117.6 KN.m =11.76 T.m Moments on supports: - Muon support 1 =1.52 KN.m =0.152T.m Muon support 2 =38 KN.m =3.8T.m Muon support 3 =81.9KN.m =8.19T.m Muon support 4 =123.6 KN.m =12.36T.m Muon support 5 =164.8 KN.m =16.48T.m Muon support 6 =209 KN.m =20.9T.m Muon support 7 =239 KN.m =23.9T.m 2.1 AXIAL LOADING The axial loading is equal to the slab weight according to the influence surface of the wall and the wall’s weight. The influence area varies from one wall to another, the design of basement wall will be where it is the most subjected to an axial load. The following picture shows the most critical one and the other sections will be similar to this one. In other words, the design will be performed per linear meter and the resulting reinforcement will be displayed the same for all basement walls. The most critical influence line is shown in the following picture: 257 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 86: Basement wall influence line IL = 5.6 m On the basement 1 wall we have the following loads: - - DL = IL × 1 x (slab weight + SDL on slab) + Wall weight = 5.6 × (2.5 × 0.3 + 0.15) + 2.5 × 0.3 × 1 × 2.7 = π. ππ π/ml LL = IS × (LL on slab) = 5.6 x 1 × 0.35 =π. ππ π/ml The factored load is: Wu = 1.2DL + 1.6 LL N u =11. 6 T/mL The following table shows the axial force on each basement wall: 258 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 BAS 1 BAS 2 BAS 3 BAS 4 BAS 5 BAS 6 DL (T/m) 7.06 14.12 LL(T/m) Wu(T/m) 1.96 11.608 4.76 24.56 21.18 7.56 37.512 25.24 10.36 46.864 35.3 42.36 13.16 15.96 63.416 76.368 Figure 87: Ultimate load on the wall 3. DESIGN This wall is introduced as a beam to the software“ S-CONCRETE”, it is subjected to an axial force and a bending moment, which is why an interaction diagram must be drawn in order to locate our (N,M) point, to check if it is within the limits. 259 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 The Bas 6 results are the following: - Vertical reinforcement: T 20 @ 15 Horizontal reinforcement: T 12 @ 15 Figure 88: Interaction diagram on the basement wall The same procedure is repeated for all the basement walls, the following table shows the dimensions and reinforcement of the wall all over its height. 260 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Table 57: Dimension and reinforcement of the wall all over it's height Support 1 Span BAS 1 Support 2 Span BAS 2 Support 3 Span BAS 3 Support 4 Span BAS 4 Support 5 Span BAS 5 Support 6 Span BAS 6 Support 7 h(cm) Mu(T.m) 30 30 30 30 30 0.152 30 5.11 40 12.36 40 7.25 40 16.48 40 9.22 40 20.9 40 11.76 40 23.9 0.76 Wu(T/m) T14@15 11.608 3.8 3.08 BARS T14@15 T16@15 24.56 8.19 T16@15 T16@15 37.512 T16@15 T20@15 46.864 T20@15 T20@15 63.416 T20@15 T20@15 76.368 T20@15 T20@15 261 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 CHAPTER 16 FOUNDATIONS 262 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Chapter 16 FOUNDATIONS 1. INTRODUCTION The substructure or foundationis the part of a structure that is usually placed belowthe surface of the ground.Footings and other foundation units transfer the loads from the structure to the soil or rock supporting the structure because the soil is generally much weaker than the concrete columns & walls thatmust be supported, the contact area between the soil & the footing is much larger thanthat between the supported member & the footing. Foundation types: - Strip footings or wall footings display essentially one-dimensional action, cantilevering out on each side of the wall. Spread Footings are pads that distribute the column load to an area of soil around the column. These distribute the load in two directions. Sometimes spread footing have pedestals, are stepped, or are tapered to save materials. A pile cap transmits the column load to a series of piles, which in turn, transmit the load to a strong layer at some depth below the surface “hard strata”. Combined footings transmit the loads from two or more columns to the soil. Such a footing is often used when one column is close to a property line. A mat or raft foundation transfers the loads from all the columns in a building to the underlying soil. Mat foundations are used when very weak soils are encountered. 263 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 89: Different types of foundations The choice of foundation’s type is selected in consultation with the geotechnical engineer. Factors to be considered are: - The soil strength - The soil type - The variability of the soil type over the area and with increasing depth - The susceptibility of the soil and the building to deflections The two essential requirements in the design of foundation are : - total settlement of the structure < tolerably small amount - differential settlement of the various parts of the structure be eliminated as nearly as possible. With respect to possible structural damage, the elimination of differential settlement, i.e., different amounts of settlement within the same structure, is even more important than limitations on uniform overall settlement. To limit settlements as indicated, it is necessary to: - Transmit the load of the structure to a soil stratum of sufficient strength 264 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - Spread the load over a sufficiently large area of that stratum to minimize bearing pressure 2. RAFT FOUNDATION 2.1 DEFINITION A shallow single Foundation unit that supports all columns & walls of a structure or parts of a structure may be called a raft foundation or mat foundation. It is usually designed as l flat slab. Raft foundation is required when dealing with: - multi-story buildings overhead water tanks, chimneys, etc in submerged structure multi-story structures with basement and in retaining walls, etc Foundation engineering often consider mats when dealing with any of the following conditions: - The structural loads are so high the soil conditions so poor that spread footings would be exceptionally large area(spread footings)> (building area/3) mat foundation - The soil is very erratic & prone to excessive differential settlements. The structural continuity & flexural strength of a mat will bridge over these irregularities. - The structural loads are erratic, and thus increase the likelihood of excessive differential settlement again, the structural continuity and flexural strength of the mat will absorb these irregularities - Lateral loads are not uniformly distributed through the structure and thus may cause differential horizontal movement in spread footing or pile caps. The continuity of a mat will resist such movements - The uplift loads are larger than spread footings can accommodate.The greater weight and continuity of a mat may provide sufficient resistance - The bottom of the structure is located below the ground table, so waterproofing is an important concern. Because mats are monolithic, they are much easier to waterproof. The weight of the mat also helps resist hydrostatic uplift forces from the groundwater. 265 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 In this project, due to the heavy loadings, the earthquake design and some of the previous provisions the mat foundation might be used. 2.2 METHODS USED FOR MAT FOUNDATIONS Various methods have been used for the mat foundations.They can be divided into two categories: - RIGID METHOD - NON-RIGID METHOD 2.2.1 RIGID METHOD The simplest approach to structural design of mats is the rigid method. It assumes the mat is much more rigid than the underlying soils, which means any distortion in the mat are too small to significantly impact the distribution of bearing pressure depends only on the applied loads and the weight of mat, and either uniform across the bottom of the mat (if the normal acts through the centroid and no moment load is present) or varies linearly a cross the mat (if eccentric or moment loads are present) as shown in figure below: 266 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 90: Distribution of the bearing pressure on the bottom of the raft For analysis purposes, the mat becomes an inverted and simply loaded two-way slab, which means the shears, moments, and deflection may be easily computed using the principles of the structural mechanics. The engineer can then select the appropriate mat thickness and reinforcement. Although this type of analysis is appropriate for spread footings, it doesn't accurately model mat foundations becomes the width-to-thickness ratio is much greater in mats and the assumption of rigidity is no longer valid. Portions of a mat beneath columns and bearing walls settle more than the portions with loss load, which means the bearing pressure will be greater beneath the heavily-loaded zones Figure 91: soil bearing pressure for rigid and non-rigid mat foundation 267 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 This redistribution of bearing pressure is most pronounced when the ground is stiff compared to the mat as shown in the following figure, but is present to some degree in all soils Figure 92: Bearing pressure as function of soil properties Because the rigid method does not consider this redistribution of bearing pressure, it doesn't produce reliable estimates of the shear, moments, and deformations in the mat. In addition, even if the mat was perfectly rigid, the simplified bearing pressure distribution are not correctin reality; the bearing pressure is greater on the edges and smaller in the center. 2.2.2 NON- RIGID METHOD To become the in accuracies of the rigid method by using analyses that consider deformations in the mat and their influence on the bearing pressure distribution. These are called non-rigid methods, and produce more accurate values of mat deformations and stresses, unfortunately non-rigid analyses also are more difficult to implement because they require consideration of soil-structure interaction and because the bearing pressure distribution is not as simple. → Coefficient of subgrade reaction : 268 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Because non-rigid method consider the effects of local mat deformations on the distribution of bearing pressure, it is necessary to define the relation slip between settlement and bearing pressure. This is usually done using the coefficient of subgrade reaction, Ks (also known as the modulus of subgrade reaction, or the subgrade modulus) The coefficient K s has units of force length cubed. The interaction between the mat and the underlying soil may there be represented as a"bed of springs" each with a stiffness Ks per unit area, as shown in fig . Portions of the mat that experience more settlement produce more compression in the "springs," which represents the higher bearing pressure, whereas portions that settle less don't compress the springs as for and thus have less bearing pressure. The sum of these spring forces must equal the applied structural loads plus the weight of the mat. 269 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 93: bed of spring representing soil below the mat This method of describing bearing pressure is called a soil-structure interaction analysis because the bearing pressure depends on the mat deformations, and the mat deformations depends on the bearing pressure. ο Determination of the coefficient of subgrade reaction : Most mat foundation designs are currently developed using either the Winkler method or the pseudo-coupled method, both of which depend on our ability to define the coefficient of subgrade reaction, Ks. Unfortunately, this task is not as simple as it might first appear because Ks is not a fundamental soil property. Its magnitude also depends on many other factors, including the following: - The width of the loaded area: A wide mat will settlement more than a narrow one with the same q because it mobilizes the soil to a greater depth, therefore, each has a different (ks ) - The shape of the loaded area : The stresses below long narrow loaded areas are different from those below square loaded areas therefore, ks will differ - The depth of loaded area below the ground surface : At greater depths, the change in stress in the soil due to q is a smaller percentage of the initial stress, so the settlement is also smaller and ks is greater - The position on the mat : 270 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 To model the soil accurately, ks need to be larger near the edges of the mat and smaller near the center - Time : Much of the settlement of mats on deep compressible soils will be due to consolidation and thus may occur over a period of several years. Therefore, it may be necessary to consider both short-term and long-term cases. Actually, there is no single ks value, even if we could define these factors because the q-δ relationship is nonlinear and because neither method accounts for interaction between the springs. Various techniques of measuring or computing ks were tried : - Some rely on plate load test to measure ks in situ: However, the test results must be adjusted to compensate for the differences in width, shape, and depth of the plate and the mat. Plate load tests include dubious assumption that the soils within the shallowzone of influence below the plate are comparable to those in the much deeper zone below the mat. Therefore, plate load test generally do not provide good estimates of ks for mat foundation design - Others have derived relationships between ks and the soils modulus of elasticity, E(Vesic&Saxena, 1970). Although these relationships provide some insight, they too are limited - Another method consists of computing the average mat settlement using the techniques of settlement and expressing the results in the form of ks using the following equation ο Structural design : The structural design of mat foundations must satisfy: - strength requirements - serviceability requirements This requires two separate analyses, as follows: - Evaluate the strength requirements result from the load combinations.The mat must have : 271 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 a. sufficient thickness, T b. required reinforcement to resist these loads c. As with spread footings, T should be large enough that no shear reinforcement is needed. - Evaluating mat deformations using the unfactored loads. These deformations are the result of : a. concentrated loading at the column locations, possible non-uniformities in the mat b. variations in the soil stiffness In effect, these deformations are the equivalent of differential settlement. If they are excessive, then the mat must be made stiffer by increasing its thickness. Winkler method is used (i.e., when all “springs” have the same Ks) and the geometry of the problem can be represented in two-dimensions. Mat foundation is designed with the aid of a computer using the finite element method (FEM). This method divides the mat into hundreds or perhaps thousands of elements. Each element has certain defined dimensions, a specified stiffness and strength (which may be defined in terms of concrete and steel properties) and is connected to the adjacent elements in a specified way. The mat elements are connected to the ground through a series of “springs,” which are defined using the coefficient of subgrade reaction. Typically, one spring is located at each corner of each element. The loads on the mat include the externally applied column loads, applied line loads, applied area loads, and the weight of the mat itself. These loads press the mat downward, and this downward movement is resisted by the soil “springs.” If the results of the analysis are not acceptable, the design is modified accordingly and re-analysed. This type of finite element analysis does not consider the stiffness of the superstructure. In other words, it assumes the superstructure is perfectly flexible and offers no resistance to deformations in the mat which is conservative. 272 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 3.PRE-DIMENSIONING OF RAFT FOUNDATION: There is two methods used for the pre-dimensioning of a mat foundation : - Simplified method : 10 cm depth is assumed for each building’s floor than H(mat) = 230cm - Detailed method : Calculate the required depth of an isolated footing laying under a column having an average Pu from the existing once and check for shear is required for columns having a higher Pu. Since building above the ground floor lays on a part of the raft , this part will be subjected to a bigger load than the one supporting only the basement which is why a raft subjected to different load will be designed. The calculation of the footing depth is shown in the tables below, and is based on the following formulas : Footing dimension : π πππ£πππ ππππ πππππ€ππππ πππππππ πππππππ‘π¦ π΄=π΅= οΏ½ Part subjected to bigger load : 273 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Part subjected to smaller load: 4.SAFE MODEL FOR MAT FOUNDATION: Loads applied on the raft are imported from the “ETABS” model, and the raft is modeled as a slab lying on an elastic soil, represented by springs,using the software “SAFE”. The elastic modulus of subgrade reaction Ks of the soil based on geotechnical informationis equal to 20000 KN/m^3. The primary thickness introduced is the one found by the pre-dimensioning method, it is to be increased each time one of the following criteria is unchecked : - Two-way shear - One-way shear - Soil pressure 4.1 PUNCHING SHEAR VERIFICATION According to ACI 318-08 chapter 11 and PCA notes: The unbalanced moment at a slab-column connection must be transferred from the slab to the column by eccentricity of shear and by flexure. Studies of moment transfer between slabs and square columns found that 0.6 Mu is transferred by flexure across the perimeter of the critical section b o and 0.4 Mu by eccentricity of shear about the centroid of the critical section. 274 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 For a rectangular column, the portion of moment transferred by flexure γ f Mu increases as the dimension of the column that is parallel to the applied moment increases. The fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by flexure is: πΎπ = 1 2 π 1+ οΏ½ 1 3 π 2 And the fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by eccentricity of shear is: πΎπ£ = 1 − πΎπ Where b1 and b2 are the dimensions of the perimeter of the critical section, with b1 parallel to the direction of analysis. The following picture illustrates the critical section dimensions b1 and b2: Figure 94 - Critical section dimensions b1 and b2 The unbalanced moment transferred by eccentricity of shear is γ v M u where M u is the unbalanced moment at the centroid of the critical section. Assuming that shear stress resulting from moment transfer by eccentricity of shear varies linearly about the centroid of the critical section, the factored shear stresses at the faces of the 275 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 critical section due to the direct shear Vu and the unbalanced moment transferred by eccentricity of shear γ v M u are: Vu1 = Where: - Vu2 = Vu γv Mu c + Ac J Vu γv Mu c′ − Ac J Ac is the area of concrete section resisting shear transfer equal to the perimeter b o multiplied by the effective depth d. J is the property of critical section analogous to polar moment of inertia of segments forming area Ac. c and c’ are distances from centroid axis of critical section to the perimeter of the critical section in the direction of analysis. Expressions for Ac, c, c’, J/c and J/c’ are given in the following figures. 276 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 277 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 95 - Section properties for shear stress computations The maximum shear stress Vu1 shall not exceed ΦVn where ΦVn shall be determined from the following: For slabs without shear reinforcement: ΦVn = ΦVc WhereVc is the smallest between: - 2 Vc = 0.17 οΏ½1 + οΏ½ λ√f′cbo d Vc = 0.083 οΏ½ β αs d bo + 2οΏ½ λ√f′cbo d Vc = 0.33 λ√f′cbo d 278 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Where: - β is the ratio of long side to short side of the column, concentrated load or reaction area. αs = 40 for interior columns, =30 for edge columns, =20 for corner columns. If Vu <ΦVn, thickness is verified. If not, shear reinforcement should be provided with the following section: Av = The spacing limit are shown in the figure below: Vs s fy d Figure 96 - Interior Column The following picture gives the spacing limits for edge and corner columns. 279 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 97 - Edge or corner column To check the punching shear on the raft, an envelope of the ultimate combinations is added, to take into consideration the worst case. The shear force that causes the punching shear is: F=Vu –q u *A Where : - q u = ultimate soil pressure A = area of the critical punching perimeter Vu = ultimate shear force acting on the raft The following figure shows the ration of ΦVc/Vu, if the ratio is less than one then no need for punching shear reinforcement . 280 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Figure 98: punching shear ratio for the raft Since the punching shear ratio is higher than one for both parts, than the raft’s thickness must be increased. The following figure shows ΦVc/Vu for a thickness of 250cm for the high loaded part and 100cm for the low loaded part. 281 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Since the punching shear ratio is less than one for both parts, than the raft’s thickness is verified. 4.2ONE-WAY SHEAR VERIFICATION The raft should be designed so that no shear reinforcement should be required. According to ACI section 11.9.5.the concrete shear strength is given by : 282 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 ΟVc = 0.17 λ Ο οΏ½f′cbw d Where: - λ is the lightweight concrete factor taken as 1 b w is the width taken as 1 m for slabs and rafts Φ is equal to 0.85 The concrete strength: f’c = 30 MPa The following figure shows the shear stress in the raft as given by “SAFE”: Figure 99:Shear stress in the raft ο For the thicker part : The effective depth d = 235 cmο¨ΟVc = 194T The software gives us the applied shear force Vu at a distance equal to d from the column. 283 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Max Vu =150T < 194 T ο For the thinner part : The effective depth d = 85cmο¨ΟVc = 70T Max Vu =10T < 70 T Since the one-way shear is verified for both parts, the raft’s thickness will remain the same. 4.3 SOIL PRESSURE VERIFICATION Based on geotechnical investigations, the soil allowable bearing pressure is : 10 Kg/cm2 = 100 T/m2 The following picture shows the soil pressure for the envelope of service combinations: Figure 100: Map representing the soil bearing pressure 284 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Since the values obtained by the software are smaller than the allowable ones, this criteria is checked. 4.3 RAFT ‘S REINFORCEMENT The following figures show the ultimate bending moment maps for both direction : Figure 101: Ultimate bending moment M11 285 Figure 102: Ultimate bending moment M22 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 Choosing a mesh of the minimum required reinforcement was the first step to reinforce the raft. According to ACI-08: - For the thickness of 250 cm: As min = ρ min x b x h = 45 cm2/ml ο¨ 2 Layers of T25@15cm - For the thickness of 100 cm: As min = ρ min x b x h = 18 cm2/ml ο¨ 1 Layer of T20@15cm Reinforcing with respect to this mesh required additional bottom steel reinforcement in a major part of the raft, which is why an additional layer of mesh is distributed on the bottom of the raft. Reinforcement: - For the thickness of 250 cm: Top reinforcement: 2 Layers of T25@15cm Bottom reinforcement: 3 Layers of T25@15cm 286 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 - For the thickness of 100 cm: Top reinforcement: 1 Layers of T20 @15cm Bottom reinforcement: 2 Layers of T20@15cm 287 GRAND STAR- Hotel BEIRUT-LEBANON JULY, 2013 REFERENCES Our references are divided into three categories A. Codes: ο§ ο§ ο§ ο§ UBC 1997 ASCE STANDARD 7-05 ACI 318-99 & ACI 318-02 AISC 1989 B. Books: ο§ ο§ ο§ GUIDE FOR DESIGN OF POST-TENSIONED BUILDINGS ( PTI DC20.9-11) POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE FLOORS DESIGN HANDBOOK (SECOND EDITION) FREYSSINET PRESTRESSING ( THE SYSTEM OF THE INVENTOR OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ) C. Websites: ο§ www.google.com 288