Nuclear Physics 4.5.1 – 4.8.4 The Nucleus 4.5.1 – 4.5.3 The Plum-Pudding Model 1. Electrons suspended in a background of otherwise, uniform positive charge. 2. The positive charge is not concentrated enough to facilitate repulsion of alpha particles. 3. Alpha particles pass through unaffected. This resembled a plum-pudding, so it was called the ‘Plum –pudding’ model. This was wrong! Rutherford’s Model 2. The source of alpha particles was contained within an evacuated chamber (i.e. a vacuum). 1. A source of alpha particles was placed incident to a thin gold film placed perpendicular to their motion. 3. The alpha particles were fired at the gold foil 5. The alpha particles were detected by the flashes of light (scintillations) the produced on interaction with the screen. 4. Behind the gold foil, a zinc-sulfide screen was positioned. Rutherford’s Scattering Apparatus You must be able to label this diagram 2. Alpha Particles 3. Gold Foil Rutherford observed that: 1. Most alpha particles were undeflected. 2. Some were scattered by appreciable angles. 3. About 1 in 8000 were backscattered through a very large angle. 5. Microscope 1. Alpha Source 6.Vacuum 4. Zinc-sulfide Screen Rutherford’s Model: conclusions If the ‘Plum Pudding’ model of the atom was correct, the alpha particles should pass straight through and only be slightly deflected. Conclusions 1. The majority of the alpha particles passed straight through the metal foil because they did not come close enough to any repulsive charge at all 2. All the positive charge and most of the mass of an atom formed an exceptionally small, dense core or nucleus. 3. The negative charge consisted of a “cloud of electrons” surrounding the positive nucleus. 4. Only when a positive alpha particle approached sufficiently close to the nucleus, was it repelled strongly enough to be “back scattered” through a large angle. 5. The small size of the nucleus explains why only a small number of alpha particles that were repelled in this way. 6. Most of the atom is empty space. Nuclear Radius Determining the size of the nucleus within an atom was a challenging undertaking. This is due to the fact that the nucleus does not possess a sharp, defined edge but instead can be described as fuzzy. The first meaningful attempts to ascertain the size of the nucleus came through Rutherford’s experiments involving alpha particles. Physicists were able to measure the distance of closet approach which allowed an approximation of the upper limit of the size of the nucleus to be determined. Early measurements of the nucleus size: ~10-15 m Nuclear Radius If we were to assume that the volume of a nucleon (i.e. a proton or a neutron) in any nucleus is about the same, then it is possible to assume that the volume of the nucleus would be directly proportional to the total number of nucleons contained within it. Remember that the total number of nucleons is the mass number (A). The equation for the nuclear radius is given as: Where: r r0 A = radius of a given nucleus (m) = the constant of proportionality (m) = mass number Nuclear Density Nuclear Density By subbing in the equation for the nuclear radius, the mass can be rewritten as: The mass of a nucleus can also be written in terms of the mass number and mass of a nucleon: Nuclear Density This allows the mass equation to be rewritten as: Nuclear Density This can be rearranged to give an equation for the density of nuclear matter: Representation of Nuclear rnucleus rnucleus Graphical Density A You should be familiar with both graphs for Nuclear Density A1/3 Nuclear Decay 4.6.1 – 4.6.8 The Nucleus The diameter of an atom is around 10-10m. Within every atom is a central, positively charged nucleus with a diameter of approximately 10-15m. Therefore, an atom is typically 100,000 times larger than its nucleus. Over 99.9% of the mass of an atom is held within its nucleus. Atomic nuclei are unaffected by chemical reactions. Atomic nuclei contain protons and neutrons which are collectively known as nucleons. Orbiting the nucleus are the electrons. - The Nucleus Nucleons are held together by one of the fundamental forces of nature called the strong interaction. This nuclear force acts over very short distances and is much stronger than the electric force of repulsion that exists between protons within the nucleus. Isotopes Isotopes are nuclei with the same number of protons but differing numbers of neutrons. An isotope is described using two numbers and the chemical symbol of the element. A Z A = the Mass number, the total number of nucleons in the nucleus. X Z = the Atomic number, the total number of protons in the nucleus. X = the chemical symbol of the element. Isotopes Hydrogen Deuterium Tritium Deuterium and Tritium are isotopes of Hydrogen which are used in Nuclear Fusion. They have the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons. Radioactivity Some elements possess unstable isotopes whose nuclei disintegrate randomly and spontaneously. This effect is known as radioactivity. Electromagnetic Wave Particle Atoms which emit electromagnetic radiation or a particle by the disintegration of their nucleus are called radioactive. Radioactivity In 1896, the French scientist Henri Becquerel discovered that certain rocks containing uranium give out strange radiation that could penetrate paper and fog photographic film. He called this phenomenon - Radioactivity His students, Pierre and Marie Curie, later identified three separate types of radiation naming them alpha (a), beta (b) and gamma (g) radiation after the first three letters of the Greek alphabet Radioactivity The unit of measurement for activity is the Becquerel (Bq) 1 Bq = one disintegration per second There are three types of radiation. You must understand their properties and the general form of the decay equations for each. 1. Alpha Radiation 2. Beta Radiation 3. Gamma Radiation - Alpha Radiation Alpha radiation is made up of a stream of alpha particles emitted from large nuclei Alpha particles are positively charged and will be deflected in a magnetic field. Alpha particles have poor powers of penetration and can only travel through about 4cm of air. They are easily stopped by a sheet of paper Given that alpha particles move relatively slowly (at about 6% of the speed of light) and have a high momentum, they will interact with matter producing intense ionisation Alpha Radiation Decaying parent nucleus Daughter nucleus remains Alpha particle emitted Note that both the number of nucleons (mass number) and the charge (atomic number) is conserved. Beta Radiation Beta radiation is emitted from nuclei where the number of neutrons is much larger than the number of protons. Beta particles are emitted by nuclei that contain too many neutrons to be stable. One of the neutrons will decay to create one proton and one electron. The proton will remain in the nucleus, whilst the electron is emitted as a beta particle. Beta particles are negatively charged which means they will be deflected in a magnetic field. This deflection will be greater than that of an alpha particle because beta particles have a smaller mass to charge ratio. Beta particles move much faster than alpha particles and therefore will interact less with matter. This means they have a greater penetration power. Beta Radiation Decaying parent nucleus Daughter nucleus remains Alpha particle emitted Note that the total number of nucleons (mass number) does not change, but the atomic number (Z) of the daughter nucleus (Z+1) is greater than that of the parent (Z) by 1. Gamma Radiation Gamma radiation does not consist of particles, but short wavelength, high energy electromagnetic waves known as gamma rays. The wavelength of gamma rays is characteristic of the nucleus that emits it. The wavelengths are typically in the region of 10-10 to 10-12. Like alpha and beta radiation, gamma radiation comes from a disintegrating unstable nucleus. As there are no particles, gamma radiation has no mass. As there are no charged particles, a magnetic field has no effect on gamma radiation. A thick block of lead or concrete is used to greatly reduce the effects of gamma radiation but cannot stop it completely. Gamma radiation has the weakest ionising power. Gamma Radiation Decaying parent nucleus Daughter nucleus remains Alpha particle emitted Note that both the total number of nucleons (mass number) and the atomic numbers do not change. Ionisation Ionisation is the process by which electrically neutral atoms or molecules are converted to electrically charged atoms or molecules, known as ions. This occurs when an alpha particle, beta particle or gamma ray causes an electron to be ejected from the atom or molecule. An ion-pair is the positively charged particle (positive ion) and the negatively charged particle (negative ion) simultaneously produced by an alpha particle, beta particle or gamma ray interacting with the molecule. Alexander Litvinenko Number of unstable nuclei The Law of Radioactivity Radioactive nuclei will disintegrate spontaneously and randomly. This means that we can neither tell which particular nuclei in a given sample are going to decay, nor can be we tell when they are going to decay. 2000 1500 However, if we have sufficiently large numbers of nuclei in our sample, the random decay of individual nuclei averages out in such a way as to be governed by empirical laws. 1000 500 2 4 6 8 Time (s) The Law of Radioactivity Number of unstable nuclei The rate of disintegration cannot be speeded up or slowed down by any known means (through temperature, pressure, particle size or chemical reactions). 2000 Therefore, the number of unstable nuclei (and hence the activity) will decrease exponentially and is governed by the following equation: 1500 1000 500 2 4 6 8 Time (s) Number of unstable nuclei The Law of Radioactivity 2000 1500 1000 500 2 4 6 8 Time (s) Number of unstable nuclei The decay constant 2000 One of the isotopes of Protactinium has a decay constant of 1.01x10-2 s-1. A mass of 1mg of this isotope will contain 2.57x1018 unstable nuclei. Therefore, at this instant the number of nuclei that are decaying per second is given by: 1500 1000 1.01x10-2 x 2.57x1018 = 2.60x1016 nuclei 500 2 4 6 8 Time (s) Number of unstable nuclei The decay constant 2000 As time passes there are few unstable nuclei so the number that decay each second gradually decreases. Therefore, the activity also decreases exponentially with time since it is directly proportional to the number of unstable nuclei present. Therefore, we can express the activity of a sample as: 1500 1000 500 2 4 6 8 Time (s) Half-life t1/2 The half-life of a radioactive nuclide, t1/2 is the time taken for half of the radioactive nuclei present to disintegrate. We know that: After one half life has passed, only half the unstable nuclei remain. Therefore: Half-life t1/2 Dividing both sides by N0 gives: Taking natural logs of both sides gives: Half-life t1/2 Half-life t1/2 Half life can also be defined in terms of the activity: the half life of a radioactive material is the time taken for the activity of that material to fall to half of its original value. Measuring half-life There are two common methods of measuring the half-life of a radioactive substance: 1. Using an ionisation chamber and a source of radon gas (Rn220) 2. Using a Geiger-Muller tube, a rate meter and a source of protactinium (Pa-234). One emits alpha particles, and one emits beta particles! Measuring half-life: ionisation chamber The ionisation chamber consists of an aluminium can, with a metal rod (negative electrode) mounted centrally within the chamber and insulation surrounding the entire container. A direct current amplifier is connected to the central negative electrode. As the number of radon gas atoms in the chamber gets smaller and smaller, they emit fewer and fewer alpha particles. As a result, the number of ions gets smaller leading to a reduced ionisation current. The ionisation current is directly proportional to the number of radon atoms remaining and hence to the activity of the gas within the chamber. Measuring half-life: ionisation chamber Current I / mA Ln I A measure of the half-life can be extracted through two graphical means. Intercept = lnIo Half life = 0.693/-gradient Half life Time t / s Time t / s Measuring half-life: ionisation chamber The equation which governs the half-life of a sample based on the ionisation current is given as: Where: Io = the current at time t = 0 λ = the decay constant Measuring half-life: ionisation chamber Measuring half-life: Geiger-Muller tube The apparatus used for this experiment is the Geiger-Muller and a counter to measure the activity of a sample of protactinium-234. When alpha, beta or gamma radiation enters the Geiger-Muller tube, it causes some of the argon gas inside to ionise and give an electrical discharge. This discharge is detected and counted by the counter. If the counter is connected to its internal speaker, you can hear the click when radiation enters the tube. However, in the absence of all known sources of radioactivity, the Geiger-Muller tube and counter still detects radiation. This is known as background radiation. This radiation comes from a variety of sources: 1. The Sun 2. Cosmic rays from space 3. Hospital nuclear physics departments 4. Nuclear power stations 5. Granite rocks The detector is a metal tube filled with gas. The tube has a thin wire down the middle and a voltage between the wire and the casing. Good at detecting alpha and beta, not as good at detecting gamma. radiation Argon Argon gas gas The Argon contains a little bromine to act as a quenching agent and prevent continuous discharge. mica window collision & ionisation When the radioactivity enters the tube, it ionises the gas in the tube. This produces a pulse of current which is amplified and passed to a counter. counter 124 125 Measuring half-life: Geiger-Muller tube The equation which governs the half-life of a sample based on the activity is given as: Where: Ao = the activity at time t = 0 λ = the decay constant Measuring half-life: ionisation chamber Ln A Measuring half-life: Geiger-Muller tube Intercept = lnAo Half life = 0.693/-gradient Time t / s Nuclear Energy 4.7.1 – 4.7.4 Mass-energy equivalence In 1905, Einstein’s published paper titled “The Special Theory of Relativity” dealt with the speed of light for observers moving with a constant velocity relative to each other. From this work, Einstein made two postulates, assumptions which hold true today. Einstein’s Postulates 1. The laws of physics take the same form in all inertial frames of reference. 2. Light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body Mass-energy equivalence Mass-energy equivalence The electron volt and unified atomic mass unit The values of 1 joule and 1 kilogram are much too large to be useful when dealing with atomic and nuclear processes. A much more appropriate unit for energy is the electron volt (eV). The electron volt is defined as “the kinetic energy possessed by an electron accelerated from rest through a voltage of one volt.” Remember these following quantities: 1 eV = 1.6 x10-19 J 1 MeV = 1 million eV = 1.6 x10-13 J The electron volt and unified atomic mass unit Nuclear binding energy Nuclear binding energy This reduction in mass arises due to the act of combining of the nucleons to form the nucleus. When the nucleons are combined to form a nucleus a tiny portion of their mass is converted to energy. This energy is called the binding energy of the nucleus. The binding energy is defined as “the amount of energy that has to be supplied to separate the nucleons completely (i.e. to an infinite distance apart). Nuclear binding energy Therefore, the binding energy of a nucleus is given by: Binding energies can be given in joules (J) but are usually quoted in millions of electron volts (MeV). To determine the binding energy for a known element, follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Work out the mass of the constituent nucleons. Work out the mass defect (difference in mass between nucleons and nucleus) Convert the mass defect into kg Use mass energy equivalence equation to determine binding energy (in J) Convert to MeV (if required!) Nuclear binding energy Binding energy per nucleon, MeV Nuclear binding energy Nucleon number, A Nuclear Fission In nuclear fission, a massive nucleus is divided and breaks up into two less massive nuclei. The average binding energy of these fission fragments is higher than that of the original heavy nucleus. Because of this increase in the total binding energy, some of the mass of the heavy nucleus is converted to kinetic energy of the fission fragments. This is illustrated in the graph of the binding energy per nucleon against nucleon number shown previously. Nuclear Fusion Nuclear Fusion is the joining of lighter nuclei to produce a heavier, more stable nucleus. The fusion process results in the release of energy since the average binding energy of these fusion products is higher than that of the lighter nuclei which join together. Because of this increase in the total binding energy, some of the mass of the lighter nuclei is converted to kinetic energy of the fusion product. This means that the mass of the heavier nucleus is less than the total masses of the two light nuclei that fuse together. Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion 4.8.1 – 4.7.4 Nuclear Fission Previously the principles of nuclear fission were discussed, but the precise details on which physicists being about the conditions in which controlled nuclear fission can occur will be explored. Traditionally, the equation for nuclear fission is given as follows: However, this is merely one of several reactions that can take places inside a nuclear reactor. Another commonly used equation is: Remember that for both equations, the nucleon number (mass number) and the atomic number must be conserved on both sides of the equation! Nuclear Fission Nuclear Fission Regardless of which reaction occurs, the fission of uranium will always possess the following features: 1. It always releases huge amounts of energy! Approximately 80% of the energy is carried away as kinetic energy of the two major fission fragments. Burning atom of carbon (as coal) would release about 5eV, whereas the fission of one uranium nucleus releases more than 200MeV. 2. The fission fragments are often radioactive and their subsequent decay accounts for approximately a further 10% of the total energy released. 3. Extremely penetrating and highly dangerous gamma rays are always produced along with the fission fragments. The gamma rays, along with the kinetic energy of the sub-atomic particles produced account for the remaining 10% of energy released. Chain reactions When a uranium atom undergoes fission, further neutrons are produced, on average around 2.5 per fission. There are three possible fates for the fission neutrons produced: 1. They might escape from the uranium fuel where they were formed without causing a further fission. 2. They might be absorbed by a neighbouring nucleus, again without causing a further fission. 3. They may cause further fission in a neighbouring nucleus. Chain Reactions If enough neutrons go on to cause further fission, then the reaction will sustain itself and fission will continue to take places. This is called a chain reaction. There are two kinds of chain reactions; (a) uncontrolled and (b) controlled. An uncontrolled chain reaction is what takes place inside an atomic bomb, where enormous amounts of energy is released in a very short space of time. A controlled chain reaction is what takes place inside a nuclear reactor, where energy is released to generate electricity. Fission Nuclear Reactors There are four types of fission nuclear reactors: 1. The Magnox type 2. The Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor (AGR) 3. The Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) 4. The Fast Reactor Nuclear power accounts for approximately 11% of the world’s electricity, and is seen as meeting the worlds electricity needs, whilst reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, it does have its disadvantages. Design of a nuclear reactor Nuclear Fuel and Moderators Natural uranium is approximately 99.3% uranium283 and 0.7% uranium-235. Uranium-238 is fissile, which means it can undergo nuclear fission, but only with fast neutrons. Uranium-235 is also fissile, but only undergoes nuclear fission with slow moving neutrons. Therefore, neutrons emitted by the fission of uranium-235 are too slow to cause fission of uranium-238 but must also be slowed further to cause further fission of uranium235. To achieve this, a material known as a moderator is used. This comes in the form of graphite, water (H2O) and heavy water (D2O). Another method of improving the fission process is called enrichment. This means the addition of further uranium-235 into natural uranium in order to increase the amount of fissile uranium-235 from 0.7% to 3%. This increases the likelihood of a fission reaction taking place. Critical Size The bigger the size of the uranium fuel assembly within a nuclear reactor, the more likely that a fission neutron will go on to produce another fission event and produce a chain reaction. The critical size is defined as “the fuel assembly which is capable of sustaining a chain reaction within it” The critical size of uranium-235 is about the size of a small football, and typical fuel assembly in a nuclear reactor is about 5% above this critical size. Control Rods, Coolant and Shielding To control the rate of reaction in a nuclear reactor, boron-coated steel rods, called control rods are used to capture excessive neutrons The heat energy produced by a fission reaction is removed by passing a coolant through the reactor. This coolant passes its energy to water by flowing through a heat exchanger, which produces steam that then drives the turbines. This then turns the electricity-producing generators. All reactors are surrounded by a thick concrete shield to prevent potentially dangerous radiation, in particular very penetrating gamma ways and neutrons from reaching workers and the wider community. Nuclear Fusion Almost all the energy we receive on Earth comes from the Sun as a result of nuclear fusion. All the elements that make up the material world, including living organisms on Earth were formed by fusion in stars. Stars like our Sun consist mainly of hydrogen and helium. The fusion of hydrogen to form helium is the basis of nuclear fusion within stars. Remember that hydrogen nuclei can only really fuse together when their temperature is about 15,000,000 degrees Celsius. Temperature for Nuclear Fusion In nuclear fusion, two light particles are brought sufficiently close together so that they fuse to form a more massive particle. However, due to their positive charge, as they get closer together, they should repel each other. The closer the get to each other, the stronger the repulsive force. If the protons are projected towards each other the repulsion between their positive charges causes their kinetic energy to decrease and their potential energy to increase. The energy needed to bring a pair of protons close enough to result in fusion is about 110keV. Temperature for Nuclear Fusion What temperature is needed to give the protons an average kinetic energy of about 110keV? Plasma confinement A plasma is simply a material that has been heated to a temperature such that the electrons have broken free of the atoms. Even if we were able to create a plasma, containing it for long enough for fusion to take place is the biggest challenge. There are three main types of plasma confinements. 1. Gravitational confinement 2. Inertial confinement 3. Magnetic confinement Gravitational confinement Stars are made of plasma, which is confined under gravitational forces. Stars exist under a state of hydrostatic equilibrium, where their spherical shape is obtained from a delicate balance between the internal pressure (created from photon interaction with particles and radiation) and the effects of gravity. The inward pull of the stars huge mass balances the pressure created by the plasma. On Earth this would not be possible as this would require an enormous mass of material to provide gravitational forces strong enough to balance the forces tending to dissipate the plasma. Inertial confinement Inertial confinement is a process that involves directing intense ion or laser beams at a solid fuel pellet The beams provide the energy to heat the material to the required temperature. The idea is to produce fusion for long enough to extract the energy before the plasma escapes. Magnetic confinement This approach takes advantage of the fact that particles within a plasma are charged. If particles move through a magnetic field, they will experience a force. To produce the required magnetic field, an electric current flows through a coil would round a shape known as a toroid. The magnetic field produced is circular within the highly evacuated toroidal chamber. • Charged particles moving parallel (or anti-parallel) to the magnetic field will not experience a force and will move in a straight line at a constant speed. • Particles moving perpendicular to the magnetic field will experience a force that makes them move in a circular path around the field line. Magnetic confinement Magnetic confinement Magnetic confinement The main challenges facing these methods of confinement: 1. How do we keep the plasma well contained and at a sufficiently high temperature for long enough to obtain adequate number of fusion reactions. 2. How do we ensure that the ensure that the energy produced by fusion exceeds that supplied by the operators to maintain the reactor at its enormously high temperature. Deuterium-tritium (D-T) reaction Deuterium-tritium (D-T) reaction Advantages of Nuclear Fusion 1. Supplies of fuel are readily available and virtually inexhaustible. Sea water contains 1 atom of deuterium for every 5000 hydrogen atoms. Tritium is created from Lithium. 2. There is non of the toxic and highly radioactive waste associated with fission. Waster products are irradiated with neutrons and less damaging that fission products. 3. There is a greater yield of energy per kilogram of fuel consumed from a hydrogen fusion reactor that from a fission reactor. 4. Fission reactors are considered fail safe because fuel is continually fed into them. If the feed stops, the reaction stops. In a fission reactor, all the fuel is in place before starting. Disadvantages of Nuclear Fusion 1. Requires a large initial energy input before a useful output is obtained. 2. The process is still unproven as a means of providing electricity on a commercial scale. 3. Commercial power plants would be extremely expensive to build. The highest cost is likely to be the need for large superconducting magnets to provide the magnetic confinement of the plasma. International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) 1. At the centre of the complex is a tokamak vacuum vessel, which contains the plasma where fusion takes place. 2. The walls of the vacuum vessel are lined with beryllium blankets approximately 0.5m thick with a mass of almost 5000kg. These blankets provide shielding from the high energy neutrons produced by the fusion reactions. 3. As the neutrons are slowed, their kinetic energy is transformed into heat energy and collected by the water coolant. This is used to produce electrical power. 4. Cooling water is circulated through the vessels steel walls to removed heat generated. 5. The heat removed is used to produce steam to drive the turbines to produce electricity. International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) The reactor uses the deuterium-tritium (D-T) reaction to create the high temperature fusion plasma. The international thermonuclear experiment reactor uses three methods to heat the plasma to the very high temperatures needed for fusion: 1. The plasma is a good conductor of electricity. The changing magnetic fields that are used to contain the plasma also produce a very large current by electromagnetic induction. The current passes through the plasma causing the electrons to gain ions to gain kinetic energy and collide. These collision result in resistance which results in a heating effect (similar to resistance in a metal). 2. A beam of deuterium ions is accelerated by an electric field to a high velocity. However, before the ions enter the plasma they pass through another electric field and as a result gain an electron to make them electrically neutral. These high velocity particles will collide with the ions and electrons, exchanging energy and causing further heating. International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) The reactor uses the deuterium-tritium (D-T) reaction to create the high temperature fusion plasma. The international thermonuclear experiment reactor uses three methods to heat the plasma to the very high temperatures needed for fusion: 3. The final step is to direct high energy microwaves into the plasma. These waves transfer their energy to the particles in the plasma. The ensure the energy is transferred as efficiently as possible, three specific frequencies of microwave are used, each one being match to a specific type of ion or electron within the plasma. The expectation is that this fusion reactor will produce approximately 500MW of power, about the same amount obtained from a coal-fired power plant. However, this reactor is first and foremost, a large-scale physics project designed to develop a reliable fusion reactor rather than to produce electricity on a commercial basis. Nuclear energy, environment society and the Opponents of nuclear energy argue that the environment, health and security risks make it unsuitable as a replacement for fossil fuels. Some of the issues with nuclear power are: 1. Nuclear energy (from fission) produces large quantities of toxic, radioactive waster and that must be stored safely and securely between 10,000 years and 240,000 years. Finding safe storage facilities for this waste poses problems for many countries. 2. Nuclear power creates employment opportunities, but living close to nuclear power plants and radioactive waster storage sites have many concerns. The Chernobyl disaster in 1986 was the result of a flawed reactor design being operated by inadequately trained personnel. The subsequent disaster caused huge economic, health and environmental damage to the area surrounding the power plant. Nuclear energy, environment society and the Opponents of nuclear energy argue that the environment, health and security risks make it unsuitable as a replacement for fossil fuels. Some of the issues with nuclear power are: 3. Nuclear power is a secure source of energy provided the countries that provide the uranium ore have stable governments and societies. However, some sources of uranium ore are in countries that might be considered to be less stable*. Theses sources of uranium will become more important in the future as supplies from stable sources become depleted. 4. Some of the technology used for nuclear power can also be used to produce nuclear weapons. A “fast breeder” reactor uses a moderator that does not slow down fission neutrons. Instead these neutrons are absorbed by uranium-238 to create plutonium239, which can be process to create fuel for nuclear weapons. The Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty (1970) was devised as a means of controlling the spread of such weapons. *stable is a subjective term. What constitutes stable, and who determines what countries are stable?