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Atomic Structure & Hybridization Theory Lesson

Chem 88 | Unit 1
Lesson 1: Atomic Structure
Atomic number is 6 = 6 valence electron
2 unpaired electron but one electron jumps to the last orbital therefore forming 4 unpaired
electrons so C is tetravalent
4 way s= all single, 2 single + one double , one single +one triple bond, two double bonds
Double bond = pi bond and single bond = sigma bond
Atomic number is 1 therefore 1 electron
Monovalent, only one bond
8 electrons since 8 atomic number
2 unpaired electrons, O is divalent
2 ways = both single bonds, double bond
7 electrons
3 unpaired electrons, N is trivalent
3 ways= all single, single +double, double bond, triple bond
17 electrons
One unpaired electron, Cl is monovalent
Lesson 2: Hybridization Theory
(explains why all the sigma bonds of carbon are identical)
Carbon is tetravalent, has 4 unpaired electrons in its excited state
Theory states that the sigma bonds of C are identical
All sigma bonds
3 electron from p orbital, 1 s orbital
The electrons mix to form sp3 orbitals
The number of hybrid orbitals formed = to the pure orbitals that make them therefore 4 sp3
hybrid orbitals
Chem 88 | Unit 1
25% s and 75% p
One pi pond, 3 sigma
Electron used to form pi bond does not participate in mixing
Only 2s1 and 2p2 forming 3 sp2 orbitals
2s1 and 2p1 form sp orbitals