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AC200 Training
Unit 1: Basic Settings
Lesson 1: Organizational Units
Client – Independent to each other; technically company code 574 of one client is
different from company code 574 of another client; highest level in the mysap erp
financial structure
o Independent
o Specific
Cross company codes – links two the same company codes of different clients
Company code – enclosed legal entity; representation in the government; smallest
unit in the client; external purpose
Business area – represents separate areas of operations, within a client; span
across company codes, can generate balance sheet and income reports; internal
purpose, optional
o In P&G, uses BA as plant
o Does not need to be assigned; once created can be used
IMG: Enterprise Structure  Definition  FA  Enter, copy, delete, check, company
code  copy, delete, check company code/ Edit company Code Data
IMG: FA  FA Global Settings  company code  Enter global paramaters
Create a company code
we usually copy, a template is always available
SAP Menu  tools  customizing  IMG  Project Management
SPRO  SAP reference  Enterprise structure  definition financial accounting
 edit, copy, etc.
Copies GL accounts when you copied company codes
Create financial statements in BA
enable financial statements
financial accounting  financial accounting global settings  company code  enter
global parameters
business area fin.statements tick box should be checked (OBY6)
Create BA
Enterprise Structure  Define Business Area (OX03)
OX02  maintain address, currency etc.
Install local settings of a country
will localize company code 0001 to facilitate easier maintenance of the newly created
company code
Enterprise structure  localize sample organizational units.
INT  default chart of accounts (international)
Lesson 2: Variant Principle
- main advantage is to easily maintain data properties that are being used by several
business objects
3 step method used in R/3 to assign special properties to one or more R/3 object
a. define variant
b. populate variant with values
c. assign to R/3 objects (OX02  assign the created variant to a company code
ex. FY variant
Financial accounting  Fiscal Year  Create
Lesson 3: Fiscal Year
FY Variant – defines the number of periods and its start and end dates
- contains posting periods and special periods
- four extra special periods
o for adjustment postings (2nd interval)
o used for postings not assigned to time periods but to the process of year-end
o 16 periods can be defined in total (12 + 4 special periods)
- If the last posting date falls under the last normal posting period, it can be posted in
one of the special periods instead
- Standard fiscal year variants are already defined in the system and can be used as
- Opening or closing of FY variant is maintained in another table
year-independent – fixed (same number and dates of period every year)
o calendar year – 12 posting periods only
o non-calendar year – at most 16 posting periods
 assign end dates to each period
 have year shift of -1+
 year shift – current year vs. the desired FY
year-dependent – fiscal period varies
if fiscal year != calendar year but the posting periods correspond to calendar months,
day limit for feb should be 29 for leap years
Year specific FY are used if:
o Start and end date of the posting periods differ from year to year
o One FY has fewer posting periods than others
Shortened fiscal year – FY has less posting period
Maintain/Assign Fiscal Year
IMG: Financial Accounting  FA Global Settings  FY Maintain/Assign
Lesson 4: Currencies
IMG  General settings  Currencies
ISO  used for currencies and unit of measure; mapper for idocs
Exchange Rate Type
- M - user exchange rate type M (average rate for posting & clearing)
- G – buying rate
- B – selling rate
- Bank buying rate
- Average rate
Historical date
Currency key – assigned to every currency used in the system
- defined in SAP System with standard international currency keys
- can have validity date
Translation ratios - used to maintain relationship between currencies per exchange rate
type and currency pair
- for those with large difference values in terms of decimal (example JPY)
Tools for maintaining exchange rates
1. Inversion – oldest and seldom used
2. Base currency
3. Exchange rate spreads – selling ( + spread) , average rate M, buying ( - spread)
- base currency can be used for average rate M to be more efficient
only one tool can be used for each exchange rate type, different tools for different
exchange rate types are is allowed
- RFTBFF00 (transfer external market data in file form, uses input file to update
exchange rate table)
- RFTBDF07 (transfer exchange rates real time from external to SAP system)
Base currency/ Reference currency - PHP  USD  JPY
Exchange Rate Notations
- depends on the market standards or indiv business transaction
Direct quotation/price notation – 1 foreign cur = xxx local cur (“ ”)
Indirect quotation/volume notation – 1 local cur = xxx foreign cur (/)
To define base currency
SAP Netweaver  General Settings  Currencies  check exchange rate types
Unit 2 Master Records
Lesson 4: General Ledger Accounts
3 steps:
1. Define the COA
2. Define the properties of the COA
3. Assign the chart of accounts to company codes
Financial accounting  General Ledger  Master Records 
Chart of accounts – variant which contains the structure and basic info about GL accounts
- Defined by 4 character ID
- Individual components of the COA should be defined
- Must be assigned to every company code for which accounts are to be setup
- COA has several accounts; COA is assigned to at least one comp code
COA individual component Definition
General Info
o Maintenance Language (for account desc)
o Length of the GL Account number (1 to 10 digits)
Controlling Integration (for P&L Statement accounts)
o Manual or automatic cost elements/type creation
o Group COA (group account number)
 Used for cross company code reporting if company codes use
different COA
 When this is defined, this becomes a required entry in GL account
o Block indicator
 For COA not yet completed and not to be used by other comp code
- RFSKPL00 (directory of GL accounts in COA)
- RFSKVZ00 (view GL account directory with COA and Comp Code data)
- RFSKTH00 Account assignment manual (to display text for COA and comp code
- RFSEPA01 (subsequently activate line item display)
Assignment of COA
- Variant Principle: 1 company code is to many COA
o Account from COA remains constant across company codes
- If company code wants to use cross-company controlling, same COA must be used
GL account = COA segment + Company Code segment
COA Segment
- contains summarized info about the account
o account number
o account name
o control fields
o consolidation fields
- contains several group of fields
o Type/Description
o Keyword/Translation
o Information
Fields in COA Segment
o info entered in COA segment of a GL account applies to all comp code
o texts entered managed by text ID and language
o able to search account numbers by keyword
o able to define and change layout of tabs
Company Code Segment
- needed in order to use an account from the assigned COA in your comp code
- contains data concerning the comp code
- contains several group of fields
o control data
o Bank/Interest
o Information
- Fields in Comp Code segment (relevant to each comp)
o Currency
o Taxes
o Recon account
o Line item display
o Sort key
o Field status group
o House bank
o Interest calculation information
P&L Accounts & Balance Sheet Accounts – expense and revenue accounts
- either one should be defined in the COA segment as it affects the closing procedure
o P&L Account – balance is carried forward to a retained earnings account
and P&G account is set to 0
o Balance Sheet Accounts – balance is carried forward to the same account;
expense and revenue accounts
Account Group
- groups accounts with the same tasks with the GL (because COA has many diff types
of accounts)
- ex. Cash, material, asset, profit and lost accounts etc
- number range is assigned for each account group to ensure that accounts of the
same type are within the same number range
- intervals for GL account master records can overlap
- when entered in the COA segment, controls the appearance of the comp code
segment of a GL account
Account Group Definition
 IMG: Financial Accounting → G/L Accounting → General Ledger Accounts → Master
Data → Preparation → Define Account Group
Master records  preparations  additional activities  define screen layout for
each transaction
Field Status
- enables to control the display and maintenance of an account‟s data
- define if a field for a certain transaction (fs02, fs03 etc) will be Hidden, Display, Required or
- some properties applies to a field group also
- fields: account currency and field status group – required always
- Fields that are hidden may still contain values that are taken into consideration.
Field Status for Master Data
- Fields in master data are controlled by transaction specific control and not only
account group
- In case that there are two properties defined in account group and transaction
specific control, use the following conservative priorities (highest to lowest)
o Hide
o Display
o Required entry
o Optional – use this if you don‟t want to use the field
- For transaction display – always hidden or displayed
Reconciliation Account
– GL accounts assigned to business partner master records to record all transactions in
the sub-ledger
– All postings to the sub-ledger are automatically posted to the assigned recon account
– Cannot post amounts directly to recon account
Sub-ledger – AR, AP, MM, etc
Account types entered in the Recon Account:
Line Item Display
- control field in the comp code segment of an account
- If ticked – line items of a debit/credit will be displayed.
Transaction figure – totals of line items on the debit or credit
- Without line item display: only the TF is updated when a document is posted with
this account; user can only see the balance online
- With line item display: user can view both the balance and indiv line items; uses
special index table
Accounts where line item display should not be activated
Recon account – use sub-ledger
Revenue account – use sales order management application
Material stock – purchasing management application
Tax accounts – checked at the time the document was posted
Open Item Management
- contains items specified as open or cleared
- Line Item Display are needed to be ticked (unless balance is zero)
- used for bank clearing accounts, clearing for GRIR, salary clearing accounts
Account in Local Currency
- Account currencies: Local & Foreign
- Local is the default when you create GL account
- If local is used, Can be posted to in any currency
Only Balances in local Currency
- when checkbox is ticked in the master data record, transaction figures are only
managed for amounts converted to local currency
- being set when you want to clear accounts by assigning items with the same local
currency amount with one another
- must be set for cash discount and GRIR clearing accounts
- must not be set for recon accounts for customer and vendors
Accounts in Foreign Currency
- you can only post amounts in this foreign currency on this account.
Ways to create GL accounts
Manual – 2 segments or both simultaneously (centrally)
Copy – indiv GL account with ref to other GL account, comp code segment, COA
Data Transfer – transfer new COA from an external system
Collective Processing
- changing of master data components at the same time
Group Chart of accounts
- used if company codes don‟t use the same COA altogether
- disadvantage: cross company code controlling not allowed because comp codes don‟t
use the same COA
Country Chart of Accounts
- alternative of group COA
- this is entered in every comp code segment. Every alternative account number can
only be used once.
- Can use cross company code controlling
- this may be hard for acctg clerks
Group Chart of Accounts (CONS)
- consolidation of country chart of accounts (INT and CAUS)
Create GL Accounts
SAP Easy Access menu: Accounting → Financial Accounting →General Ledger →
Master Records → G/L Accounts → Individual Processing→ Centrally
Display COA
SAP Easy Access menu: Accounting → Financial Accounting →General Ledger →
Information System → General Ledger Reports → Master Data → G/L Account List →
G/L Account List
Lesson 5: Customer and Vendor Accounts
2 segments:
 general data – client level; can be accessed throughout the org
 company code-specific data – comp code level; created customer/vendor account
 Additional segments: sales area segment(for customer – sales and service),
purchasing organization segment(for vendor -MM)
 Account number assigned at the sales/purch client level to ensure that the acct
number is the same across comp codes and sales/purch area
 RFBIDE10/RFBIKR10 – used to transfer customer/vendor master data from source
comp code to another comp code
 RFDKAG00 – customer master data comparison
 RFKKAG00 - Vendor Master Data Comparison
Centralized vs. decentralized (separately- financial accounting) maintenance
- Centralized – financial segment is created at the same time as the sales order
management/purchasing management segments
- Decentralize – financial segement is
AR – Sales and distribution
AP – Materials Management
Compare Master Data
You can prevent the creation of duplicate accounts as follows:
 Use the matchcode before you create a new account
 Activate the automatic duplication check
 Use the reports for comparison
Pages of the Customer/Vendor Account
- Four areas of company code data of a customer/vendor master record
o accounting information
o payment transactions
o correspondence
o insurance (customer)
o withholding tax (vendor)
- Important fields
o Search term
o Used defined group key – customers/vendors who belong to one corporate
o Name of clerk/accounting (correspondence)
- Explanatory texts – can be inputted in every segment
- account segments consists of several pages with different groups of fields
o General Data
o Company Data
IBAN – International Bank Account Number
- unique identification number for a certain bank account
- for international payment transactions
- contains country code, bank key and acct number
- can only be entered when business partner has its IBAN and requests for this
Account Groups for Customers/Vendors
- controls the number ranges of the accounts
- controls the status of the fields in the master record
- controls if the account is a one time customer or vendor
Number Ranges for Customers/Vendors
- account numbers are divided to smaller number ranges
- number ranges cannot overlap
- can be assigned to one or more account groups
o Internal – by system
o External – alphanumeric, by user
SNUM – all number ranges
Table NRIV
Normal Account or One Time Account
- customer/vendor fields are hidden
- specific data of the vendor/customer not maintained because they are rarely used
- specific data of the vendor/customer is inputted during document posting
Status of the Fields in the Master Record
- ex. Address field marked as required
Control of the Field Status
- layout of master data can be affected by several factors:
o account group control
o transaction specific control
o company code specific control
if the 3 are set, fields status with highest priority is used
lowest priority – optional
Dual Control Principle
- one person changes, one person confirms the changes
- Sensitive – the customer/vendor is blocked for payment if the entry is changed; the
block is removed after 2nd person confirms or rejects the change
- Confirmation can be made for a list with the ff restrictions:
o Customer/vendor
o Company code
o Accounts not yet confirmed
o Accounts rejected
o Accounts to be confirmed by me
- RFDABL00 or RFKABL00 (view all customer/vendor master record for all accounts)
Customer/Vendor Clearing
- applies when customer is also a vendor and vice versa
- each company code can decide separately whether it wants to clear open items
between vendor and customer
- “Clearing with vendor” – ticked in customer account in order to use clearing
- Indicator “Account Control and status” in additional selections – to see partner
relationships for the customer/vendor
Alternative Payer
- used if the payer is bankrupt, the alternative payer/payee is the “backup”
- Individual Specification indicator – set this to enter information about the non
existing alternative payer/payee
- For existing alternative payer/payee, use matchcodes to choose the payer/payee
during invoice posting
- when you post, the customer name is alternative payer, accounts payable is also
alternative payer
- RFDKVZ00 or RFKKVZ00 (set the payment data) indicator to see alternative
payer/payee for the customer/vendor.
Head Office/Branch
- Default: all items posted in the branch office automatically transferred to the head
office account.
- If the “Decentralized Processing” field in the correspondence tab is selected in
the head office master record, the branch account will be used.
- When you post, the customer name is branch office, but accounts payable is the
head office
- Set Account Control and Status indicator in the report to see possible head offices
for each branch
Lesson 6: Bank Accounts
Bank Master data
- created to be able to use bank in the system
- stored centrally in the bank directory
- each record is identified by bank country and bank key
- includes address data, control data (SWFIT code) , postal giro data, bank group
(payment optimization)
- RFBKABL0 - display changes of bank master data
- RFBKVZ00 – report for banks; identified by bank country and key
House banks – banks that your company uses
- created in customizing
- bank master data
- information for electronic payment transactions
- bank accounts per house bank
- GL account per bank account
Bank Id and Bank Types – used to determine which bank to use
Four ways to create bank master data
1. when bank is not yet created and you entered it in the customer or vendor master
data (FI03 –display bank)
2. Create bank transaction in AP or AR
3. imported from disk or tape using program RFBVALL_0
4. lockbox function to create batch session input
Bank account
- different types of accounts in a certain bank (time deposit, savings etc); referenced
by account ID
- house bank id + account id
- entered in the GL
- bank account at house bank must be defined
- can be identified by account ID (unique per house bank)
- GL account must be created/assigned for every bank account (same currency)
Bank Type – used to distinguish between different banks
Partner bank field – used with matchcode to choose a bank for a vendor/customer
FBZP – house bank transactions
Unit 3 Document Control
Lesson 7: Document Structure
Document Principle – a document is saved for every posting; the document remains as a
complete unit until archived
- Every document is uniquely identified by the ff:
o Document number
o Company code
o Fiscal year
- Also includes the ff
o Document header
o 2-999 line items
- Important control keys
o Posting key for line item
o Document type for header
- Number assignment
o External and internal
- Business transaction can created one or more documents
- Documents can be created without no accounting docs (ex. Purchasing doc in
material management)
- RFBELJ00 (create compact doc journal)
- RFBNUM00 (find gaps in doc number assignment)
Document Type
- Controls document header and differentiate business transaction to be posted
- Defined at client level
- defines
o number ranges (most impt)
o allowed account types (most impt)
o doc header text, reference text fields
o net procedure for postings
- controls document storage
For storing of documents
- always use the same number
- if doc number was assigned externally, put the external number in the reference text
of the doc header
Important standard doc types
AB – General documents (allows posting to all account types)
DR – Customer Invoices
KR – Vendor Invoices
DG – customer credit memos
KG – Vendor credit memos
DZ – Customer payments
KZ – Vendor Payments
SA – GL account postings
KN – Vendor net invoices and credit memo
- RV & RE – needed to transfer billing document
- ZP for automatic postings
Document Number Ranges
- defines the number range for the document numbers that are to be assigned
- must not overlap
o internal – gets value from CURRENT field
o external – may be alphanumeric, no current number
- must be defined for the year in which it is used
o up to a future FY – does not restart the number of the number range when
the new FY begins
o for each fiscal year – system restarts the number range with the first number
1 number range to many doc types
Posting Key – client level defined
- controls
o type of account in line item
o debit/credit posting
o field status of additional details
- specifies the following
o connected to payment transaction?
o Posting sales relevant?
Document Field Status
- controls the screen display during document posting
o GL – account specific field status
o Customer/Vendor processing – posting key specific
- Priorities
o If BA is used, BA field should be required/optional
o Tax fields – required or hidden depends if GL account is relevant to tax
o Hide cannot be combined with required
Field Status Group
- Defines the status of every document entry field for each group of GL accounts
o Ex. Cost center field in document entry is optional, hidden, required, display?
- Assigned in GL master record
- Summarized in one field status variant
- Field status variant – assigned to company code (mandatory)
- For subledger account posting, field status group of recon account is used
Standard Posting Keys
- recommended by SAP to be used
- posting keys for assets and materials –can only used if the corresponding SAP
components are installed
- Field status can be (but PK field status desc and group should be changed)
o Transaction dependent
o Account dependent
- Subledger account do not have field status group. Thus, differentiation in subledger
postings are made via different posting keys
- For GL accounts – it have field status group and uses this for posting differentiation
(2 posting keys only)
Day 3
Lesson 8: Posting Periods
- defined in the FY variant
- special periods is opened for closing postings
- two period intervals should be opened at the same time during closing
- several company code can use the same posting period variant
Posting Period Variant
- 1 posting period variant is to many company codes
- Account range in this variant consists of GL accounts
Period checks per account type
- Document header level – checks posting period at „+‟ account type. This is
because at document header level, there‟s no account type yet.
„+‟ is required
Line Item level – checks posting period at different account types of posting key
Account intervals always contains GL accounts - All account field in OB52 are
GL accounts (no vendor or customer accounts); recon account is used for
Two Period Intervals
- Two period intervals must be open at the same time (from period to period /
from period to period)
- Authorization group – applies to the first period interval; if no auth group
specified, the first interval is used, and the 2nd interval is left for adjustment
- Auth object: F_BKPF_BUP (auth for posting period)
Determination of posting periods during posting
- Posting period and FY are determined based on posting date entered
Lesson 9: Posting Authorizations
- guideline for posting high amounts
- Tolerance groups – where max amounts are defined for company code
o Where processing of payment differences is controlled
Maximum Amounts
- upper limit for posting transaction
- You can define several upper limits in the tolerance group
o Total amount per doc – total debit
o Amount per customer/vendor line item
o Cash discount
- Currency used is local currency of the company code
Assigning Posting Auth
- Many tolerance group can be created
- Blank “__” tolerance group is used for majority of users who are not assigned
explicitly to a special tolerance group – acts like the normal tolerance group and
those with tolerance group are the special ones
Define tolerance group
Assign to user (log on id assigned to a tolerance group) – if this is not done, tol group blank
is used.
Lesson 10: Simple Documents in mySAP ERP Financials (using enjoy screen)
Posting Transactions
GL Account posting – cash (dr) vs bank (cr)
Vendor Invoices– Expense (Dr) vs. Vendor (Cr) & input tax (dr)
Vendor Credit memo – Expense (Cr) vs. Vendor (Dr) & input tax (cr)
Customer invoice – Customer (Dr) vs. Sales (Cr) & Output tax (cr)
Customer credit memo – Customer (Cr) vs. Sales (Dr) & output tax (dr)
Header and 1st Item
- use of tabs
Additional line items
- complex posting feature
- explanatory text inputted and used internally or externally (for external : use * in
front of the text)
- text templates defined in customizing – copied into line items when chosen
Unit 4: Posting Control
Lesson 11: Default Values
User settings Defaults
- parameter ID – allow users to set default values for fields whose value does not
change very often (company code, currency)
- Use edit option to configure this
o Document entry – hide fields
o Document display – use list viewer – display options
o Open items – line layout display – posting options; enter partial amount or
balance of the open item
- Properties of user log in account
o Logon language
o Date formatting
o Decimal notation
o Default printer
System and Account defaults
- basic default values for document entry
o Sources
 user master records
 parameter memory
 system data
 account master record
 accounting functions
o Values
 posting date
 company code (next doc)
 document principle – balance should be zero in a document
 document types and posting keys
 fiscal year proposal (changing or displaying docs)
- company code level
o maximum difference allowed between exchange rate in the doc header level
and the exchange rate in the exchange rate table
Lesson 12: Change Control
- Functions to change documents that are already posted
- Only certain fields can be changed based on different rules
o Predefined by system
o User-specific
- Document change for document header and line items - *stipulation/conditions for
- Document header allowed changes
o Reference number and text fields
- Line Items NOT allowed changes
o All fields that will affect the reconciliation of posting (PK, account)
- Change logs
o Changed field
o New and old values
o User who made the change
o Time and date of change
Document Change Rules
- based on:
o account type – rules for customer, vendor, GL accounts
o transaction class – special GL: bills of exchange and down payment
o company code – if blank, rule applies to all company code
o Posting period open
o Line items not cleared
o Posting as debit/credit
o No invoice related credit memo
o No credit memo from down payment
Lesson 13: Document Reversal
- Done with document was posted incorrectly and correct data wants to be re-entered
- Reversal can be individual or mass reversal
- Reversal reason
o Explains the reversal
o Controls whether the reversal date can be different from the original posting
- cleared documents cannot be reversed, the clearing document should be reset (FBRA)
- 2 ways:
1. normal reversal posting – usually used
a. system posts the incorrect debit as credit and vice versa
b. causes additional increase in the transaction figures
2. negative posting
a. just like normal posting but do not add the items so values will go back
to its original form
b. certain countries use this only
c. have pre-requisites
i. company code permits negative postings
ii. reversal reason should be defined for negative reversal
d. also used to transfer postings of incorrect line items
i. incorrect value is removed via a negative posting (resetting the
transaction figure) and correct value is posted to the correct
account via a normal posting
ii. document type should allow negative posting
Lesson 14: Payment Terms and Cash Discounts
Terms of Payment
- defines
o baseline date for due date calculation
o cash discount periods
o cash discount percentage rates
- are
o assigned to a customer/vendor master record
o defaulted by the system or entered by user
o used in transaction line items to determine payment conditions
- conditions agreed between business partners for the invoice payment
- used to calculate invoice due date and cash discount
Terms of Payment in Invoices
- can be created in and defaulted from
o company code segment
o sales area (customer)
o purchasing area (vendor)
Terms of Payment in Credit Memo
- invoice related credit memo
o credit memo is linked to the original invoice. Terms of payment is copied
from the invoice
other credit memos
o terms of payment is invalid because these are due on the baseline date.
o For credit memo, enter „V‟ in the invoice reference field for payment term to
take effect. Otherwise, baseline date will be the due date.
Terms of Payment – Basic Data
- General
o Day limit – calendar days to which TOP is valid
o Description – system explanation/user explanation + sales order
management text
o Account type – defines the subledger in which TOP can be used
 Same TOP for customer and vendor – define using separate TOP
keys and use them for only 1 account type
Terms of Payment – Payment Control
- block keys – for line items and account and TOP also. Blocking for payment or
- payment method – can be entered in line items or accounts or TOP ex. Check,
Baseline Date
- starting date the system uses to calculate the invoice due date
- Rules that apply in calculating baseline data
o Default values – no default, document date, posting date or entry date
o Specs for calculating – fixed day
- payment transaction tab in the company code segment in vendor master data –
settings of baseline date
Cash Discount
- entered by system automatically
o granted if payment was paid within the payment term
- calculated based from the
discount percentage rates
o Discount periods
- Max of 3 cash discount periods allowed
Day Limit
- enable date-specific terms of payment in one terms of payment key
- is the baseline date up to which payment term version applies
- versions of TOP can have different day limit
- ex. Day limit 2 from T0009, Day limit 2 from T0009  2 versions of the TOP
Instalment payment
- enables for total invoice amount to be paid in partial amounts due on different dates
- if ticked, cash discount is not allowed
- define the ff
o instalment number
o percentage (all should total to 100%)
o TOP of instalments
Cash discount Base amount
- base amount for cash discount depends on the nat‟l regulation of the country. It can
either ber:
o net value (total of GL account and fixed assets; taxes not included)
o gross value (including taxes)
- base amount defined in company code level
Posting Cash discount – Gross procedure
- amount is entered manually or automatically
- can be changed even after invoice posting
- when an open item is cleared in customer/vendor account, cash discount is
automatically posted to the account “cash discount expense/revenue” – defined
in the config
Figure 96: Posting Cash Discount . Gross Procedure
Net Procedure – Invoice and Payment
- Cash discounts used:
o Clearing account
o Loss account
- cash discount lost  for doc type KN only (net)
Figure 97: Net Procedure . Invoice (1) and Payment (2)
Lesson 15: Taxes
- SAP supports the ff tax systems for different countries:
o Tax on sales and purchases
o US sales tax
o Additional taxes (investment tax, clearing tax)
o Withholding tax
2 types of taxation
o National level where tax rates are uniformly defined
o State/jurisdictional level where rates are defined by the state/jurisdiction –
3rd party software used for this because of complexity
Tax Support
- system supports the treatment of tax as follows:
o Checks the tax amount entered or automatically calculates the tax
o Posts the tax amount to tax accounts.
o Performs tax adjustments for cash discounts or other forms of deductions
- Revenue/expense amount – base amount
o Cash discount can be included (tax base is gross) or excluded (tax base is
o Tax base amount classification (gross or net) defined at company code level
or the highest jurisdiction level
Tax of Sales and Purchases
- Input tax
o Billed by the vendor (AP); dr input tax  tax receivables
o Tax consumed by the vendor
- Output tax
o Billed to the customer (AR); cr output/sales tax  tax liabilities
o Tax consumed by the consumer
- Tax liability – tax receivable = tax payable
- Goods are only taxed once
US Tax on Sales and Purchases
- Sales Tax – collected by vendor on sale and remitted to the jurisdiction of the
- Use Tax – consumer has to pay this only if consumer was not charged sales tax by
the vendor. This is remitted to the jurisdiction of the vendor
Tax Calculation Procedure
- contains:
o order of the steps – level that have to be performed
o Tax types/condition types – valid for the country
o Account key/transaction key – used for automatic account determination
Jurisdiction Code
- combination of the codes of tax authorities that tax movements of good and use their
own tax rates
- four possible levels below national level:
o state
o country
o city
o district
- 2 steps to use tax jurisdiction code
o Define the length of the indiv elements of the code for the format
o Tax jurisdiction must be defined on every level
Tax Code
- main link to the tax calculation in document posting
- link procedure:
o country key
o combination of country key and tax jurisdiction code
o posting/document date (since tax codes within jurisdiction taxation is date
Tax Rates
- can be found in tax code
- are assigned to tax types in the tax calculation procedure
- 1 tax code may have several tax rates for different tax types (input, output etc)
- There are some GL accounts where tax rates should be 0 – special tax code is
created for these (goods movement, goods issue, tax excempt)
- Tax type determines if base amount is percentage included or separated
- Tax check indicator should not be checked for input tax
Tax Postings
- standard: taxes calculated by system are posted in a separate line item to a special
tax account
- tax with certain transaction/account keys are distributed to the relevant
expense/revenue item
Tax Account Determination
- to activate automatic tax account determination, assign the following
o posting keys (40 and 50)
o rules – determines which fields the account determination is based on (can
be based on tax code or account key)
o tax accounts
- Exchange rate difference – occurs because of tax adjustment in foreign currency –
posted in normal account for exchange rate difference
- You can specify if exchange rate of tax items will be entered manually or determined
by posting date or doc date for every company code – posted in special account
Tax Accounts
- accounts to which tax items are posted
- Tax category
o < - input tax
o > - output tax
o Neither – specify properties of tax code
- Post automatically only – manual tax postings not to be made
Other GL accounts
- Tax category
o Blank – non tax-relevant postings
o - - input tax code
o + - output tax code
o * - required tax code
o xx – predefined tax code xx
- Posting without tax permitted – you can post to this GL account without tax code
- Tax category is required for cash discount for posting of tax adjustments
Acquisition Tax Codes
- creates two posting items: Acquisition Output Tax (Cr), Acquisition Input Tax (Dr)
Lesson 16: Cross Company Code Transactions
involves 2 or more company codes in one business transaction
o central procurement
o central payment
o one company code sells goods to other company codes
involves more than 1 document
automatic line items are posted to clearing account in order to balance debit and
credit within these documents
cross company code transaction number – links the documents between cross
company codes
For affiliates transaction (company code 1 sells company code 2); no AP and AR – Cr
Revenue/clearing; Dr clearing/expense
Clearing accounts
- must be defined in every company code to do cross company code transactions
- may be GL accounts, customer or vendor
- posting keys must be assigned to the clearing accounts to identify account types
Cross company code document number
- doc number (1st comp code) + 1st comp code + FY  stored in the document
header of all documents created for audit
- can be reversed
Unit 5: Clearing
Lesson 17: Clearing Open Items
Open Items – incomplete transactions; ex. unpaid invoices
- posting with clearing
o enter clearing account
o select open items
o can be done manually or automatically
- account clearing
o choose open items that has balance 0
o system created clearing doc – clearing doc number and date
o can be done manually or automatically
Clearing document – end result of clearing transaction
Automatic Clearing Program
- groups items from an account with the same fields:
o recon account number
o currency
o special GL indicator
o any 5 fields in doc header or line item
- does not clear the ff
o noted items
o stats postings and certain special GL transactions
o items with withholding tax
Assignment field as sort field
- set the sort indicator in master record
Posted In – doer of the action (1000 pays in behalf of 2000)
Lesson 18: Incoming and Outgoing Payment
Manual payment – transaction that clears open item by manual clearing
Incoming Payment – AR (post incoming payments: Header Data)
Account = GL Account of house bank
Amount = amount expected from customer (less the bank charge)
Bank charges = bank charge amount itself
Amount + bank charges = amount to be placed in clearing
Outgoing Payment – AP
Document Header – payment header
- 3 sections
o Payment header
o Bank data
o Open item selection
Processing Open Items
- activate required line items before you can assign payment
- amount entered is assigned to appropriate line items and their cash discount
- options for activating or deactivating line items
o Selection of editing options for open items: Select .Selected Item Initially
o Double click on the amount
Selection from action menus and function keys: There are different menus
and keys available.
if amount entered = amount assigned – you can post the document
cash discount – determined by terms of payment of the line item
Posting the Payment
- display overview
- simulate document
- correct any mistakes
- post
Automatic postings for clearing open items
- cash discounts expense or revenue
- cash discount clearing (net procedure)
- tax adjustments
- exchange rate differences
- bank charges
- clearing for cross company code payments – incoming or outgoing payments
- over/under payments within tolerances – payment differences
Resetting Clearing
- clearing data is removed from the items
- changes are logged
Net procedure – 10% discount
Dr 1000
Cr 1000
Cash discount clearing acct
Dr 100
Cr 100
Dr 900
Payment clearing account
Cr. 900
Cash discount only
Dr 1000
Cr 1000
Dr 1000
Cash discount taken
Cr 100
Cr 900
Lesson 19: Payment Differences
Tolerances – rules that define acceptable differences during posting
- Tolerance Groups – entries are always in local currency
1. Employee tolerance group
a. Upper limits for transactions
b. Permitted payment differences
2. GL Account
a. Permitted payment differences
3. Vendor/Customer
a. Default values for clearing transactions
b. Permitted payment differences
c. Specs for posting residual items from payment differences
d. Tolerances for payment advice notes
Define permitted payment differences using tolerances
1. assign the tolerance groups to
a. user master data
b. gl accounts master data
c. customer/vendor master data
2. 2 steps to use tolerance groups
a. Group definition
i. Tolerance group defined by: group key, company code a currency
ii. 4 character alphanumeric key
iii. BLANK – standard tolerance group
b. Group assignment
i. Assign the tolerance groups to their master records
Permitted payment differences
- can be found in employee and vendor/customer tolerance groups
- controls the automatic posting of cash discount adjustments and unauthorized
customer deductions
Payment Differences
- normally occurs during clearing of an item
- difference is compared with the tolerance group and can be handled as the ff
o within tolerance
o outside tolerance
o automatically posted as cash discount adjustment or unauthorized deduction
o process manually
Processing payment differences
- if payment differences is too high – must be processed manually, may be posted as
o partial payment
o residual item
o account assigned to a reason code or written off by manually inputting a new
posting item
o payment on account
Partial and Residual Payments
Several ways to manually post differences outside tolerances:
- Partial payment – all the documents remain in the account as open items
- Residual payment – only the residual item remains open in the account then the
original document and payment are cleared; a new document is created with
reference to the original document
Post the payment difference to another account as a difference posting using reason
codes and account determination
Write off difference (manual account assignment)
Customer/Vendor tolerance groups contain entries that control the residual items: these
specifies whether
- terms of payment – fixed or the same with the cleared item
- cash discount is granted only partially and not to the whole amount
- dunning key – has max dunning level or is printed separately
Reason Code – used to describe the reason for the payment difference
- “Distribute difference” – to enable multiple reason codes
- Can be assigned to:
o Difference postings
o Partial payments
o Residual items
- Optional functions (used to analyze and post process payment differences)
o Control of the type of payment notice which is sent to the customer
o Control the account where a residual item is posted
o Automatic posting of a residual item to a specified G/L account.
o Exclusion of residual items from credit limit checks because they are disputed
Lesson 20: Exchange Rate Differences
- may occur due to fluctuations in exchange rate when clearing items in foreign
- system posts this as realized gains or loss in the expense/revenue accounts
- realized differences are stored in the cleared line items
- are also posted when open line items are valuated for the financial statements. This
type of difference are posted to another exchange rate difference account and to a
financial statement adjustment account
- when clearing an open item that has been valuated, system reverse the balance
sheet correction account and post the remaining difference to the account for
realized exchange rate differences
Account Determination
- all recon accounts and GL accounts with open items in FOREIGN currency must be
assigned to revenue/expense accounts for realized losses and gains
- One loss/gain account can be assigned to:
o Per currency
o Per currency type
o Per currency and currency type
o ALL currency and currency type
Unit 6: Cash Journal
Lesson 21: Cash Journal Configuration
- to create, follow the 6 executable steps
- 1 company code is to many cash journal
Cash journal assignment
Cash journal – tool for managing cash in ENJOY
- supports posting cash receipts and payments
With this tool you can:
- Create a separate cash journal for each currency
- Post to customer, vendor, and general ledger accounts
- Run several cash journals in each company code
- Choose a random number for cash journal identification (a four-digit alphanumeric
Setting up the cash journal
- enter the necessary fields and doc types
Business Transaction Types
- have to be setup to process different business transactions
- ex, expense, revenue, cash transfer etc
Creating business transactions
- two places to add new business transactions
o cash journal itself
Cash Journal Transaction
Posting business transactions in cash journal
Cash journal document with document split
- separate cash journal has to be created for cash journal transactions whose items
have different tax codes or controlling account assignments – these are used to
create several financial documents
- NOW – you can use Document Split to create cash journal transactions with different
tax codes etc, producing only ONE financial document
Cash journal document with One-Time Account
- enables one time customer/vendor to post in cash journal
--------------------- END YEY! --------------------------------------------------Lesson: Logistics
Plant – most important org unit in logistics
- 1 Plant is to 1 company code
- 1 company code is to 1 or many plant/s
Valuation level – level of company code or plant to which value is being assigned
Ex. If valuation level is at company code – value is uniform across all plants
- defines the valuation area (company code or plant)
Valuation Area
controls material valuation postings
Company Code level
o Plant stocks of a material are managed in joint stock account
o Unit price same across all plants
o Materials stocks managed in different accounts
o Price can be different across plants
- an org unit used to assign sales or profits from salable materials or services to areas
of responsibility
- used for automatic business area assignment
- ex. Food or non-food
Lesson: Procurement Process
Purchasing Organization – carries out procurement for a plant
Plant specific purchasing
o 1 or more Purch Org assigned to only one plant
o Purchasing transaction posted in the comp code assigned to the plant
Company Code Specific
o purch org assigned to several plants that are assigned to 1 company code
Group wide purchasing
o 1 purch org is assigned to several plants assigned to different comp code
3 Step Process
1. Purchase Order
2. GR
3. IR
GRIR account – managed on an open item basis
Purchase Order
- Replenish
o Debit inventory
o GRIR clearing
- immediate consumption
o debit expense
o credit inventory?
PO Structure
- doc header
- line item/s
Account Assignment – OMWB
Sales & Distribution
- delivery receipt different from Goods issue (upon goods issue, FI doc will be posted)
- goods issue – pre req of billing