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How to Consume Low Fat Milk and Full Cream Milk Properly based on Needs

: Healthy diet
: How to Consume Low Fat Milk and Full Cream Milk Properly based on Needs
Selecting milk as a healthy diet can assist to fulfill daily calcium intake. However, a
number of people state that this activity leads to excessive fat accumulation, and if milk is
consumed considerably, people who are indifferent to this issue can easily suffer from
obesity. Nevertheless, having low-fat milk and full cream milk does not give any drawbacks at
all if they realize what they want and need.
Body paragraph 1
To avoid weight gain, low fat milk is the right option since the process of this variant
lowers a large amount of fat. According to an article in Halodoc, “Low fat milk contains 2
percent fat per 100 ml with 139 calories, 4 grams of saturated fat, and 22 miligrams of
cholesterol in it” (qtd. in Handayani, par 2)(1). The fat reduction in it does not influence calcium
level, which is supremely needed to maintain strong bones and carry out a lot of essential
functions. Consequently, this extended process leads to reduced level of other nutrients.
Despite its drawback, reduced-fat milk can aid those who need to lose their weight, and does
not downright affect the obese.
Body paragraph 2
Most people states that low fat milk is better than full cream milk; in fact, it is not
thoroughly valid as full cream milk undergoes a short process so that the number of nutrients
remain. Despite its benefit, this variant contains more fat, which means it does not go with
ones who suffer from obesity and go on a diet. According to an article in Open Food Facts, full
cream milk contains 3,4 percent fat per 100 ml(2). Instead, it is highly recommended that
toddlers at the age of two years be provided full cream milk. The Australian Dietary Guidelines
recommend full cream, which contains 3-4 % fat content, can grant optimal energy for growth
and development(3). In addition, it is the best option for those who attempt to gain weight.
The bottom line, that the consumption of milk can cause negative effect is just a
superstition unless people can determine their dietary needs on picking the milk type that is
right for them.
1. Handayani, Verury. “5 Manfaat Mengonsumsi Susu Rendah Lemak.” 31 February
2020. Accessed 31 March 2022 https://www.halodoc.com/artikel/5-manfaatmeminum-susu-rendah-lemak
2. Open Food Facts. Full Cream Fresh Milk. 2018. Accessed 31 March 2022
3. Australia Dietary Guidelines. National Health and Medical Research Council. 2013.